" THE CAYiADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO" TNt~SDAY. MARCW 29, 1958 Three Service Clubs Hear 'Rotary Scholar Speak on Education The first 1956 tawn Inter- ta the meeting that a volunteer Club meeting of the three Bow- committee has been set up by roanville Service clubs, Rotar- 1 a number af the local farmers jans, Kinsmea, and Lions was, ta raise funds for Sam Turner held Monday eveaing in tiî'ý whose barn, livestock and feed Lions' Community Centre with was destrayed in a disastrous nearly 90 percent of each clubs f ire last Thursday marning. membership preserit ta jaîn in 'Lion Lloyd Ayre and Lion Or- the frateraization. ville Osborne are assisting in As hast the Lions did a sup- this fuad raîsing drive. erb job in keeping the meeting Seed Judging Record rolling along on a high note. Rotarian, Forbes Heyland The' Rotarians were in charge called ta the attention af those of the program and entertain- preseat the record set by Lion ment and in this capacity theY Ed Summers who has just had obtaiaed a fine after dia- coached the Durham Seed ner spea4l-r, Rev. W. W. Reis- ,îudging team ta their 26th con- herr ' a o Toronto, and a pleas- secuztive anntial victory. Lion ing vocal trio. The Kinsmen Ed bas coached the boys in each w-ere free af worries for thîk ao these 26 years. meeting and simply relaxed and For entertaiament the Rotarv enjoyed themnselves. club presented three cbarming After a pleasant meal the ladies, ail wives af Lion mem: meeting got off ta a rous'Ilag bers, who sang a aumber ai start with a sing sang led by sangs in close harmoay. The Lion Walter Rîîndie anc i pan- tria consisted af Dorothy Van ist Ross Metcalf. Rotarian Ai Driel, Lynn Oke, and Gwen Strike and Kin Ken Hockin ai-o Black. Dorothy James was the lent their assistance with the accampaaist. song-lead ing. Child's Farly Education New ' Members Rev. W. W. Reîsberry af the A number of new members St. George, the Martyr Church, have joined the three luibs Toronto, after giving a humor- sînce the ast Inter-Club meet- ous account of his experiences ing. The followiag are the new ia England while studyiag on members: Lions - Claude Kil- a Rotary Foundation Scholar- mer, Carl Leslie; Kinsmen - ship told the service club mem- Don Stutt, Gurd Wilson, Keith bers af the importance in en- Connell; RotarY Bill Brown, couragiag children fromn the Bibi Stevens, Ken Werry, Ken, poorer type af homes ta cai- Morris. tinue on with their eucation Lion Russ *sborne reparted and nat beave school as soon as they are sixteeen. It was pointed out by Rev. Reisberry that there is usual!y a omplete lack af interest in SPECIA&L tercidseuain h 1 a age lacome. The speaker stat- English Bone China ed that it is irustrating ta e these children showing s0 much Cups and Saucers promise but receiviag no en- couragement from the parents.ý The speaker felt that these Al New Patterns uneacauraged children would gradual]y sink inta a groave orý at the rut as they reach their adoles- cence and be content ta remna2n SPECIAL PRICE OF in that groove for the-remain- der af their lbue. Too Much Publie Schooling $ i ooRev. Reisberry believed that the present public school eight year curriculum is too long as this allows children anby ane year of high sehool before they are sixteen and then the par- ents start pulling their children out. Hawever if they receive- three or mare years, they w1 see the end in sight and thus be encouraged 'ta complete high schaob. BIG 20" cher Xways ai helping these BIG 20C -as much as possible from the influence af their parents. Onse Received Many Guests at Anual Hospital Birthday Party Around 200 irom Bowmanville and surrounding larger attendance in the roomier quarters of the Centre district attended the annual birthday of the hospital seems ta have justified the break. Shown in the photo- sponsored each year by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary graph, front, are: Miss Irene Shaw, Reg. N., Superinten- since the first Bowmanville Hospital was opened in 1913. dent; Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, President of the Women's Hos- Beautiful bouquets of flowers decorated the auditorium pital Auxiliary. Back, Mrs. Bruce Mutton, lst Vice-Pres- at the Lions Community Centre where for the second time ident of the Auxiliary. These ladies received the guests, the party was held. Last year was the first time the event and with them is the Chairman of the Hospital Board, was moved f rom the Nurses' Residence of the hospital, but Mr. Harry Cryderman. . -Photo by Rehder way of doiag this is through cribed the difierence in the out- Head Table dent Wally Braden, Rotarian summer school which teaches look ai Jesus ai Nazareth and Those at the head table were jLau Dippell, and Rev. Reisber- the children ta look ahead ia his disciple Judas Iscariot. Kin Irvine Brown, Kin Presi- ry. b bufe. The. speaker was iatroduced dent Li Parker, Ratarian 'Do& j Visitors at the meeting were Ta illustrate the difierent by Rotarian' Lau Dippeli aad Rundie, Rotary President Keith Lee Carreau, Toronto, and Dan- patterns ai bile a child may thaaked by Rotarian Art Mor- Jackson, Lion Norm "Rouirk'-, ny Ross and Bob Evans, bath ai fall int Rev. Reisberry des- gan. Lion Lloyd Ayre, Lion Presi- Oshawa. &T/ie Jop S/ei/ (By Benjamin Beveridge) My frierid gave me a book of fear of failure than desire for Poems to read and said: "Be recognition. who wouid not even kind, but true. They are my risk a pseudonym of Currer, mother's.". Ellis and Acton Bell. Perhaps VerL Smith has no need for, "Dark Harvest" is only a begin- kindness. Her poems <"Dark ning, and perhaps the next book Harvest," pg~bished in England 1Of poems by Vera Smith wiil be by Arthur Stockweil) are Rood. from a Caicadian publigher. Her son thinks poetry is samne- Whether she is xrer'ared ta think lîke Elizabeth Barrett accept this challenge, or wheth- Browning, but this would flot er she is resigned to a certain flatter me if I were a poet. 1 obscurity. I cannot tell. But she should want to be like myself. saYs: One paet, really, is like another q1 wjll take the ashes of old only as one persan thinks as faiths and kopes, anather. Vera Smith thinks like And build a fortress that no many poets. She has that essen- storm can shake tial disallusianment, and dreams, s* 4* and vision of hope. With such The last time 1 was in r. qualities her paetry must be the I ericton, Fred Cogswell called fe music of thought.I at the Lord Beaverbrook Hatel "Dreams graw aid, to. they wait 1ta say he would be late for our sa long 1 appaintment. He had to Rive a Hidden in the attie of the! lecture. on Mark Twain ta a heart . . ' 1 class 6f Young ladies at the Sametimes aid Love gaes there, versity of New Brunswick, With tender f ingers gently sûtrs I thought at the time that t h the dust, were at least some compensa- Smniles, sighs and gzoes away tians far the unerpaid class of again." the inteiligensia. She oes ot wnt ag ut Prof. Cagswell did show hedfo e o: wn getup, finally; and we talked until deal ram ife:late about boolA and bookmen. "When drifts are heaped andi Ryersan Press has just pub- trees bend low lished a new book by the young Beneath the weight of gleaming paet. It is called "The Haloed Wasnaw. Tree", which daesn't mean verv Wowould flot thank, an such a much in itself, but, then, paqt s night, are prone ta eaul their collections Goad Providence for shelter by abstract names or after the bright first. poemn in the book. This And walls sa kind and warm?" one is number 164 of the Chap Book series which selîs for si. And I know what she means One dollar is a cheap introduc- when site writes: tion ta a paet who strives sa strenuausly ta uphold the tra- "I eut the grass by the garden dition established by Bliss Car- Like , man, Charles G. D. Roberts and Liea wave I saw it bend and other New Brunswick muses. fal Prof. Cagswell has just begun But ail night long (why should ta develop as a writer; but he is it be?) a man with talent, a phîlosophy The broken daisies bothered and a goal. He is editor of "The me." Fiddlehead". probablv the best paetry periodical in the eastern Most of us have pet delights provinces and certainly the oune in life, like climbing a hill and 1 with the most picturesque name. looking back or watching thelFiddleheads are an edible fern, sua corne tfp: but this poetess 1 shaped like the head of a vialin, has an ambition. It is a simple! and found in the marshes af the one. St. John and Kennebecasis Riv- ers. "Before I am de'ad 1 shail look Cogswell went ta coliege when My f jîl he got out af the army, and aiter At a brown brook running dawn graduating from U.N.B. he went a hill. ta Edinburgh for his doetor's I shall stand an a bridge at the degree. Smnce then he bas been middle af da - teaching English ýn Fredericton And loiter the warm, sweet and writing poems and critical hours away." articles whenever he gets awav from Mark Twain, Judge T. C. The paèms af Vera Smith Haliburtan and the campus interest me, partly because oif co-eds. the mood patterns she creates* S and partly because she is a Dr. Frank Stiling, president af Canadian living la the United the Canadian Authars Associa- States, who only recently has tion (which has as its patron the had the courage ta publish (in Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey) has England) what she bas written. annaunced that Book Week in I often wonder how many Bronte Canada will be marked this vear sistsers there are who have more from April 14 ta 21. h ReceiEve Cash ATTEND A Cash Award Every Saturday Absolutely no obligation. Gel your FREE Coupon front the merchants lisied below.b %0 Bowmanvulle and every .on Saturday, April Saturday for 52 wèeks* Opening Fund $84 - It builds up every week Draw at 3 p.m. in front of Bowman ville Post Office The progressive local merchants whose names appear belaw have set aside a weekI 'v APPRECIATION DAY as a means of showing their genin aprciaio fr our patronage. This is their waY of savin g "Thank You" for trading and buying in our town. In addition to the special APPRECIATION DAY values thev xvii] be announcing fromn tirne ta time, these merchants through this sponsorilng n)rganization. Retail Met-chants, Bowmanvjlie Chamber of Commeî-c'-, have ereated for their customers a COIMMUNITY TREASURE CHEST as a further token of theit- gratitude for your continued patronage. The amount in this Treasure Chest will grow from week to week, and from it a Weekly Cash Award wiil be made. You mav secure coupons tipon request at anv tîme fromi anv of the APPRECIATION DAY mnerchants or at the office of the sponsor-. Coupons wvill be offered toalal present at the weekiy APPRECIATION D)AY program. They arc free. Lander Hardware and Appliances Rickaby's "Big 20" Gift and Variety Ifooper's Jewellery and Gif t Shop Kcn's M1en's Wear Higgon Electric Ltd. - Appliances and Record Bar John Stutt's Shoes Marr's Jewellery and Gift Shop Walker Stores Limited Brucç Minns Men's Wear Ellis Shoe Store Abernethy Paint and Wallpaper W. H. Brown - Case Iînplements Jack's Smoke Sbop, Confectionery and Novelties McGregor Hardware and Builders' Supplies Cawker's .G.A. Food Market Mason & Dale Hardware Bowmanville Surplus Sales Fairway Food Market Huyck's Hair Styling Studio MLutton's Iniperial Service Station Don Boe's WVhite Rose Service Station A. H. Sturrock & Sons Ltd., Imperial Esso Distrib. Jury & Loveil Pharmacy Rite Snioke Shop Ted Woodyard - Frigidaire Appliances Breslin's Ladies' and Children's Wear The Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. Bowmanville Cleaners and Dyers Ltd. ALL YOU DO is write your name and address on the back of each coupon and drop it in the box of some participating f irra. Ail coupons are collected each APPRECIATION DAY and deposited in the community container. At the w\eckly APPRECIATION DAY program, a coupon bearing a persons name xvili be selected from the container by the same method used in selecting the members of a jury. ALWAYS AN AWARD: If the person whose name is on the coupon is flot present, another andi another wibl be selected until somebody receives the award. It may be 5, 10. 20, 30, 40 or 50 per cent of the chest, but someone always recci'ves the award cach week. A Cash Award Dividend wiil then be nffered in addition if the person names the "Merchant of the Week" who can be identified by a "Merchant of the Week" card in his window. THE REIMAINING FUND wiIl then be carried ta the followinig APPRECIATION DAY and to it will be added the next week's Treasure Chest subscription. Tell your neighbors about APPRECIATION DAY coupons and wherc they are obtainabie. Sponsored by Retail Merchants' Committee of Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Television Service Protection Co. Cowling's Drug Store The Carter Family F. F. Morris Co. Wanda's Beauty Shoppe S. Blain Elliott - Plumbing and Heating Yeo's Meats and Groceries Vanstone Flour and Feed Mill Alex McGregor Drugs Severn's Bakery Glory Anne Shoppes Ltd. Allin's Meat Market Sid Chartran's Men's Wear Awa rds in NOTE THESE FEATURES . 0 1Coupons are lef t to accuniulate week after week. The Treasure Chest increases in amount each week, hence your coupons increase in value each week. Only stipulation, you must be present at drawing to win. Coupons free on request at office of sponsor. DIVIDEND AWARD 7th You must be present to win An additional coupon wiIl be offered to you every time you make a purchase f rom one of the participating firms. In these instances, the percenta.ge punched on the coupon xviii bear a direct relation ta the amount of total purchase, in order that com- munity surveys may be conducted from time ta time ta dettrmine the size of the average unit purchases, the expansion of the trade territory, etc. With- purchase of $ Ô.25 te $ 0.99 yo.u get 5% Coupon With purehase of 1.00 te 4.99 you get 10% Coupon With purchase ai 5.00 te 9.99 you get 20% Coupon With purchase of 10.00 te 14.99 you get 30% Coupon WVith purchase of 15.00 te 24.99 you get 40%/ Coupon IVith purchase of 25.00 te 49.99* you get 5 0%cl Coupon (Limit: Two coupons on any one purchase) - THE CA*ADUN STATLPSMW 19OWMANVn.L& ONTAMO "' PACM TWENIT r -I