Tfl'TTRDAY,_MARC!! 29, 19g 3 T!!~ ~ ~TAT~MAN. ~O~!AN~T~W ON~rAW!n PAGE SE7~U Mr. and Mrs. George Lake, Thornhili, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mayor and Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mason, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Car- ruthers, John and William, Lindsay, visited with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Car- ruthers, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and Jill spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilkin- son, Scarborough, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dutnall, Islington. .Mr. Gary Summers and Miss Jeanette Maggiacomo, Toronra, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lake, Elgn St. You can help our reporters Sby sending in your iist of Easter visitors for next week*s Statesman. Phone MA 3-3303. Thank you. Col. L. T. McLaughlin, C.l G., D.S.O., V.D., Bowmanvilb', bas been re-elected a director of the Royal Canadian Militaryl Institute at Toronto. Mr. F. E. (Ted) Pethick, Grosse Pointe, Mich., and Mr. C. H. (Bud) Pethick, Toronto.î spent the weekend uihte parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C Pethick. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Holy Week Services WEDNESDAVY, 7:30 p.m. The Litany THURSDAY, 7:30 p.m. HoIy Communion GOOD FRIDAY 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. "The Three Hours'" Easter Day and Il ami. - HOLY COMMUNION 3 p.m. - CHILDREN'S SERVICE 7 p.m. - EVE NSONG 0 t!,ersona1 %A 3-3303 Mrs. E. Gilligan, Deseronto; Miss Alice Stevenson, Willovj- dale, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lee and family and attended the Good- year girls' reunion party. Milibrook Agricultural Soc- iety will hoid its annual Spring Fair this year on Saturday, June 9th. This is a change from the usual Wednesday, Sa mark your calendar accord- ingly. April Directors' meeting of the Durham County Federation of Agriculture, wiil be held 3t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cha-. Osborne, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, on Thursday, April 5th, a, 8p.m. Mr. Terry Joyce, who is a student at the Athlone School at Vancouver, B.C., is spend xng his Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wool-1 ley at the Balmoral Hotel. He will be travelling both ways by 'plane. There were no permits is- sued for new dweilings during the month of March. Three~ permits were issued for the demolition of three units, in- cluding a cottage at the lake front; one permit for an ad- dition to be built ta a home on Mill Lane. -.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corbett, Wh i b, formerly of Bowman- ville, have moved ta Owen Sound where Mr. Corbett ;s empioyed as teiegraph edit.or of the Sun-Times. Mr. Corbctt is son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. 1Corbett, Church St., Bowman- ville. Mr. Alan H. Strike of the Bowmanville iaw f irmn of Strike and Strike attended two series o! weekend rectures in March held at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. These special lectures under the sponsorship o! the Law Society of Upper Canada, are designted to keep members of the pro- fession abreast of recent de- velopments in the law. Durham County far m e r s growing tomatoes and sweet corn were encouraged ta leain this week that a $1.00 per ton increase in the price of No. 2 1 JnmA;t.Cpq nhJiVp thp195 OU .1; n±ir of $24.00 and a price of $25.00 GOSPEL MEETINGS Il are belng held ln LOCAL 189 UNION HALL Ring St. E. COMMENCING MARCH 251h Sunday Nlghts at 7:30 p.m. Week nlghts as announced each Sunday Undenominational and Free ALL WELCOME YOUTH FOR CHRIST FEATURÉS DR. ANDREW GIH Ones of China's greatest evangelists (Mis war day memories would fill a good size book cantaining many unusual escapes from danger and death) Also TEEN-AGE INSTRUMENTAL TRIO from Toronto Sat., March 31st at 8 p.m. . Bownianville Town Hall EVERYONE WELCOME WIT-rinity United Church,. Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A31. - "The Pioneer of Life" The Senior and Intermediate Choirs in special Easter miusic Soloist Mrs. Roseinary Merkley *-M 7 P.M. -î "Go Down Death" The Senior Choir ini Special Easter Music Soloists rMrs. Arlene Ayre, Mr. Mel Dale, Miss Vivian Sadier$ Organist-Mr. Arthur Collisan, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.Mv. SAP'S RUNNING-The best maple syrup cornes with clean, up-ta-date equipment, frequent collection of the sap ta prevent îermentation, and rapid boiling-down. Here is the first operation-boring the hale in the tree t'runk toaa depth of about 11/2 inches. The sap-spout or spile is driven inta the hale and the bueket is hung on the spaut. The bueket lid is an aid ta cleanliness. Sap run depends on the weather; frosty nights and sunny days are excellent. Weather naturally influences the total value of the crop which in a gaod year will be as high as $12 million.. The average is $8 million. per ton for sweet corn (the same as 1955) are the key tea- tures of awiacds by Boards of Arbitration for two of On- tacio's major vegetable canining croDos Ga rbage (Centinued tram page one) involved in service and such ather matters as the said Mun- icipal Council may consider ap- plicable as set out in Schedulie 'A" hereto, which is declared to he a part o! this Bylaw, and such special tees or rates shall be rated and assessed against the householders or occupants xi ithin the limoits of thc Town of Bowmanville, and collected and recovered every two months in like manner as mun- icipal taxes and water accounts by such otticer as the said Mun- icipal Council may by resoliu- tien or byiaw appoint for that purpose, (or at the expense of the Municipality.) 3. The sdid Municipal Cor- poration may, either itselt, suppiy men and equipment, ori enter into a cantract with some persan, firm or corporation for the turnishing a! men and equipment for the collection, removal, and disposai o! ashes, garbage and other refuse, and subject ta the provisions cf this Bylaw, and subject toaail rules and regulations which may he iuiposed by the said Municipal Council, such con- tract may be mad&- and execu- ted by the Mayor and Clerk under the Corpomete Seal of the Municipal Corporation by resolution a! the said Munici- pal Council; ail of which shahl be charged agrainst the said £\'sflm and paid for as provid- ed in paragraph 3 o! this By- law; 4. The council may tram time ta time appoint a Garbage Col- lector who shahl coliect the gar- bage from ail residences anJ places o! business within the Municipality and shall be paid such saiary as may tram time to time be tixed by the Coun- cil. The said coilector shahl fur- nish his awn vchicles and equip- ment and maintain and opera4e same at bis own expense and supply whatever assistants lie may require. The said garbage coliector shahl be under the contrai o! the Propcrty Coin- mittee and shall be responsible ta that Committee and shaii carry out ail the provisions a! this Byiaw and any amend- ments thereta or by Municipal Emplayees. 5. Ail garbage collected by the Garbage Collector ar otheri persan engaged as aforesaid ta collect garbage shall be depos- ited on the Town Dump " rounds, which grounds shall he in a location from time ta timne ta be fixed by the Cauni- cil subject ta the approvai of the local Board of Heaith. 6. The Town dumping grounds shail be kept in a tidy andi sanitary condition and ail de posits macle upon the grounds shall be tinder the direction and contrai of the Property Com- miîîtee and the Medical Heal:h Officer, or Sanitary Inspector. 7. Ail owners, householders or occupants o! premîses wit«-- in the Town o! Bowmanville upon which ashes, garbage or other refuse shall hereatter exisr. or be !ound shall suppiy or provide covered metal cans of sufficient and convenient di- mnensions for one man ta han- dle whecein such ashes, garbag2 and other refuse shall be placed and kept under caver un*il collected as herein provided and not ta exceed 50 lbs. Suco ashes, garbage and other re- luse ta be as free trom liquids as possible before being piaced in such cans. Ail household re- fuse and garbage excepting ashes and tin canis, shahl Le securely wrapped and shall be placed in suitabie covered re- ceptacles separate train ashes. 8. It shah bc the duty of the garbage collet-toc appaîîîted u:i- dec paraigraph five (5> herein in" conjtnlct ion with the Prcr- pert:, Coriiiii.t-ce of the zSdd Towýn of Bowmnanviie ta ar-- range routes ta te taken by the Collector and the time for collection under this By-law. 9. AIl ashes, garbage andý other refuse being removed as! hereiribetore providecl shahl bel conveyed in a vehicle of the closed van type for carrying same, and shall be kept as dlean as possible, and garbage and other refuse shahl be de- posited in the town dump de- signated for that purpose, and ashes as may be directed by the Property Comrhittee o! the said Town o! Bowmanville. 10. Ail occupants o! premises within the said Town o! Bow- manville shahl comply with thei provisions o! this By-law as far as it relates ta such occupants. 11. The Treasurer e! the s a i d Municipal Corporation shaîl keep a separate account e! the said tees or rates as- sesed and collected under thîls By-law, and any surplus that may tram time ta time shahl remain ta the credit o! the said system, and may be used by the Municipal Council towards any impravement in the systemi or for general purposes a! the said Town. 12. The said Municipal Coun- cil may when il shahl deem it necessary amend schedule "A" hereta by decreasing or in- creasing the tees or rates asl set eut therein. 13. The Property Committee may tram time ta time draw up rates and regulations re- garding the care, maintenance and depositing o! garbage and other refuse in the Town Dump. and as ta the location tram time ta time o! the Town. Du mp. 14. Collection will be made at the rear et the premises and empty containers retu r n e d thereto. 15. Any persan convicted of the breach et any o! the pro- visions o! this Bylaw shahl for- feit and pay at the discretion o! the Convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum ot Twenty-tive Dollars ($25.00) exclusive o! costs for each of- fence. 16. In a building e! multiple occupancy, each occupant shahl he assessed according ta the tees set out in scheduie "A. " 17. (aW "Ashes' shaîl mean the residue of any household' fuel after such fuel bas been consumed by tire, but shahl not include the residue tramn steam power plants. (b) "Garbage" shail mean ail rejected, abandoned, or dis- carded bousehold xvaste, either animal or vegetabie. vearing an)parel, sweepings, botties, tin cans and ail other domestic re- fuse, but shah nat include th,? waste tramn any manutacturixig establishment, automobile or truck bodies. 18. Any hotel, store, restaur- ant, apartment bouse or ather establishment, whîch requice more than anc collection per week, wiîl be charged accord- ing ta schedule "A." The Statesman Sold Ar Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwrigbt, Newcastle S. Brown, Ne*tonville C. Pethick, Enniskilen T. M. Siemon. Ennis killen F. L. Bvam. Tyrone G. A. Barron. Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon B. T. Saywell. Biackstoclc Keith Bradley. Pontypool C. B. Tvrrell, Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendai Gilbert Food Market. Millbrook Henderson's Book Store. Oshawa 0 * 9 - Bowmanvile - R. P. Rickaby - "~Big 20» W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shoea Gorieen's Fandv Store Jury & Lavehi The Statesxnan Office Miss Rena. Dilling Chosen Queen of Bail At Teen Town Prom Highlighting the biggest soc- the Queen. From Teen Town ial event of the year toalal Miss Dilling received an en- Bowmanville teenagers was the graved compact and a cash- crawning o! Miss Rena Diliing mere sweater. Several local as "Queen of the Bail" at the merchants donated other at- annual Teen Town Easter Promn tractive gitts. iast Friday evening in the The four princesses were; Lions Community Centre. June Wood, R.R. 4, Bowman- Sixty-two handsomely be- ville; Dianne Austin, Division decked young couples enjoyed St.; Karen Mutton, Concession the evening o! dancing ta the St., and Margaret Goheen, Paul Minicola Band amidst the Liberty St. These girls alsa re- gala Easter colours and decora- ceived an engraved compact tions of the hall. Each young case. lady was presented with a Fred Fisk who was Miss Dill- corsage o! roses and carnations ing's escort was elevated ta the which .was included in the position o! "King o! the Balil" price o! the ticket from Jack- and was presented with sev- man and Son Florist. eral fine gitts. The preliminary judging for Besides aIl the excitemnent of the Prom Queen started at choosing the Queen there w;ls 11:30 as.everyone joined ini the also a great deal of dancing to rGrand March past the judges. the delightful music o! Paul The ten distinguished judges: Minicola Orchestra and a plea- Mayor and Mrs. Nelson OS- sant lunch served by the ladies borne, Mr. and Mrs. Keith of Club 15. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Braden, Mr. and Mrs. Lianel Parker, Miss Paddy WallaceW and Mr. Doug Rigg picked thc What Is a The ten tinalists are as fol-U lows: Donna Akey, Dianne 1-o pt l Dilling, Margaret'Goheen, Judy (Reprinted tram: "TODAY'S Goodman, Pat Marr, Jane M,: HOSPITAL" American Hospi- Clure, Karen Mutton and June tai Association.) Wood. IT IS A HEALTH TEAM: After a period of thoughtftll Doctors, nurses, technîcians, so- consideration the judges an- cial workers, secretaries, en- nounced their decision with gineers, dietitians, volunteers, Mr. Keith Jackson caliing the carpenters, and housekeepers. tîve winners ta the front. It is a restaurant providing tood Miss Shirley Milîs, last year's for special needs, a laundry. a queen crowned the new quenp, power plant, a pharmacy, and Miss Rena Dilling. Miss Diii- a labaratory for x-ray, patha)- ing is the 17-year-old daughter logical and other diagnostic o! Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dilling, services. It is aiso an educa- 10 Alexander Ave., Bowman- tional institution training doc- ville, and is a tourth torm tors, nurses and other persan- student at the Bowmanville nel.'It is a workshop for physi- District High School. clans. It may be a center for a The new Queen was present- medical research. It is a center 1 d with a dozen red roses on for community health. It is behaif of the Teen Town Exe- helping ta close the gap be- cutive by Mrs. Nelson Osborne. tween preventive and curative John Regan, the donor of an medicine. annual trophy was on hand ta It is these things ...and personaliy give the trophy to many others, too . . . 24 hiours CONFECTIONS -Give the Sweetest Gift- of alI Cadbury's r4ilk Tray Chocolates 1/2lb. 80e 1 pound- . 1.50 Other delicious f r e s h assortmentp by famed candy makers also avail- I.DA. "Economy" ENVELOPES Packet o! 20 reg. 10c 8c 2 for 15c a day, 365 days a year, year li States and Canada have a great and year out. Its doors are story to téll. Their dedication neyer closed. While hospital ta the improvement of the business is "big business," it is health of our people is un,- big business "plus," and this swerving. Their story is one of «'Plus" is what distinguishes itsevc n.rgs. from commerce,.evc n rges <A) With a few exceptions it is non-profit. (B) Its "product is human lite. (C) Its princ-L alC f pals are professional peo l (D) Its services are not infre-y quently rendered at a fee be M o rnz low the total cost. The end pr-T Mo e iz duct is community health, not financial profit. Hospital careN x o t is anessetialcommnityser vice hcvaisfo institu- The Coranation Cafe. King tion ta institution, depending Street, Bowmanville, announ-- on the amount of medical e htcmlt eoaino knowledge applied and on thele htcmlt eoaino assignment of each hospital in t heir premises will begin to. meeting the community's health wards the end of next nionth. needs. The "house of mercy" Plans cail for an air-condition- may be 1,000 beds in a metro- ing system, installation of a politan hospital or 25 beds in soda bar, complete interior and an isolated mountain commun- exterior decorating, and a re- ity. designed seating and table ar- The hospitals of the Uriitg:d rangement. Happy Solutions IoAl Your Printing Problems If it's a matter of printlng, put It up to us . . . no matter what! We're set up to handle anything from a business card to a buge catalogue with neatness and dis- patch. Every job gets prompt, careful attention. The Canadian Statesma n printlng au you like it COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Vbrugnts~SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEKC FOR EASTER F£EC22rNG NIE Spray îf on froma heod ta foe ciouds of fragrance whre'er yo'.,90o mIWEiJ$25 REGULAR SUPER VERT CENTLE w ave car% b. $200 Alex. r FOR EASTER Page fi Shaw CHOCOLATrES. MINIATURES $2.00, $4.0 OTHER ASSORTMENTS $1.60 - $2.00- $3.20 to $6.25 A.ICLEÂms PEROXID TOOTH PASTE =1=' OOHDEA CAMERAS Brownie Holiday Flash Outtit _______11.45 Brownie Hawkeye Flash Camera - 8.75 With Fiasholder 13.50 Tops in quality - Low in price 1-1b, boxes XMNSZ Special! MoIh Bails or Flakes i3c 2/45c M UNSE il Save on These I.D.A. Products I7%l \CDýMELO8ONDED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-ORBW E!, BIG BOX -3-PLY... Drug*s Phone MA 3-57921 .D.A. WRITING PADS Ladies' or letter size in l inen or veilum, reg. 15c 13C 2 for 23c EASTER GIFTS To aid you in chooslng a sultable gifi this Easter, yo-ur I.D.A. Druggist has in stock a wide selection of gift items, only a few of whlch are listed here. Shulton Charmer Set 1.50 DeVilbiss Atomizers-___ 1.00 up Pond's Angel Face (Mirror and Case) -- 1.50 Gemey Eau de Cologne--- 1.75 Evelyn Howard Hand and Body Lotion - 98c Guerlain Shalimar Set ____- - 5.00 Hazel Bishop "2 in 1" .Vanity 1.50 Jewelite Hair Brush .400 Shutos ld FOR HlM j f Shlton OldSpice Gift Pack -.__- _ - ----- 2.85 After Shave Lotion - 1.35, 2.00 Electric Shave ___ 1.25 Mennen Af ta -_____ ___--1.25 Billfolds -------- 1.79, 2.50 FOR SNOKERS__ 1Pipes-Mackenzie _1.50 Koolsmoke - - --------------- 2.95 ~ Lighters-Ronson Windlite 4.50 - Others 4.95 upU Auer -- 1.00 Fisher -- 1.98 Brnd Wax Paper 25c, 2 For 49c Heavy duty 12-Inch, 100 ft. rolis In box with metal eutting edge. Regular 29e 16-oz. 29c 32-oz-A49c Milk Of ivagneSia reg. 35e iIC reg. 60c We Deliver PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store DRUG STOR.,Esý ý--r, TffE CANADIAN STAMMAN, BOWMANVMLLP. ONTARTO -PAGE-SEM=