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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1956, p. 10

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PAGE~~~~~~TL TECANADIN ATESMM<* 5OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TU~DY PI t.1! lAIel5lier1drA à a WiIlIlite I4ppears On Canadian Stamps By J. S. Dorland advertising our fishing indusr Ini Sylva Magazine try. In 1952, another seven-cent In 151,Canda ssud ~ airmail issue appeared depict- In 151,Canda ssud t1 j.s ng a Canada gooýe in flight. first postage stamps and astl~ These occasional wildlife beaver wasflot only emblema- tmsduighevaap tic, but used then as a mediuin sapdrn reyas p of exchange, it was appropri- pear to. have had the desired effec t on the public, for in 195«1 cte that it be portrayed on the in recognition of the Nationali firct three-penny stamp. Wildlife Week. a special series After this early beginning. :'tcf iwildlife stamps was, issued, was flot until 1946, ninety,-fiv"2 The polar bear, the moose and years later, that one gazed upon the bighorn sheep were much anrther wildlife picture on our appreciated, even if the bear postage stamps. History, agri- %vas slightly off colour. The culture, famous men and build- first series was so popular thst ings. yes, but nothing of our the Post Office Department an- wildlife for nearly a centurY. nounced shortly affer the issue Seeing wildlife portrayed ofl was put on the market that if stamps of other countries dur- i woul d issue stamps eachi year ing those years, one %vonders,1 n recognition of Wildlife Week. jvhat people ini far-off landis retthiwodanhr thought we had in this Canadia True f0 heir wor d, anote of ours 19.54, dcpicting a xalrus and a Then, in 1946), a seven-cent beaer' ue. Dui this same air-mail stamp was issued il- av r ablîjee>cn tappc lustrating a Canada goose in tyer. ga fiften-en sitamppic flight. A beautiful stamp.ituing gaetin flight was bringfing to mind at once that pissed. Thedeg nde gve this bird was native to Canada, pheasing to thereyindravo and right offer splendid r-_- the wordfurtheriforato creation for the sportsman. onCada widfe From 1946 to 1949 we again Up to the fime of writing in suffered a series of famous mon, 1955, there have been two more ships, forts, etc., but, in 1950 a issues depicting a musk-ox and brown coloured ten-cent stamp whooping crane. The whooping appeared portraying an indiai' crane stamp portrays a pair of uomnan hanging up beaver pls themn in graceful flight, and re- to dry . The stretched pelts ap- mndsusJs'hwae hee peared extra large in thePi- beautiful brshv eoe ture. However, the stanip was It is hopcd ithat the future welcomed, as it aftempted te will see many more stamns tell the world of our fur in- 1 which ,vill portray some formi diustry' . Agairi, in 1951, therel of eur wildlife, and in lus own can the one dollar "F'sher-1wav help te make us a little rnn ; pituinnafiem n moe imindful of the conserva- ]figa net fuîll of fish, and tien of eur naiural resources. CANADIAN ARMY Information Centre The Armoury Peterborough, Ontario Telephone Rlverside 5-8365 or write Challenging employment combines with valuable experience and train- ing in Canada's Regular Army. The pay is good. You learn new skills, perhaps a trade, or train ta be a leader. You get a taste of real adven- ture, have a chance te mnake lite-long friends with fine men . . . young enthusiastic, a cut above average. Atter three years you make your choice-to leave, or stay and niake a career with advanccmen, training and variety. Find out about one cf Canada's better carcers-no obligation. IArrny Information Contre, IThe Armoury. IPet&rborough, Ontario IPlooso lot me have full information on on IArmy Coreer. Nomne...............;............ Shtre............................. City............................... 1~ arn...Years old. Tel. No ......... Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING - HEATING - Oit11BURNERS 47 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE . MA 3-56511 I n lated Airpiane in Operation A lightweight rnanoplane of rubberized Airmat fabric made rigid by air pressure is taken aloft by Pilot Dick Ulm diuring tests at Wingfaot Lake Airship Base. Goodyear Aircraft Corporation developed the craft to test the possibilities of Airmat as structural material for aireraf t. Wing, tail assemblies and pilot's seat are made af the material, A Goodveai- Tire & Rubber Comnpany praduet consisting of joined layers of inflatable rubber-coated nylon fabric shaped by thousands of dropped pile-threads. Conical- shaped fuselage is made of airship fabric. Craf t is powered by a two-cycle, 40-horse- power enginc. Experimental 'plane is first of its kind in the United States. Quantity produiction is flot planned. The Airpiane Deflated With wing and tail assemblies folded neatly o-ver the inflated seat section, remainder of Goodyear Aircraf t Corporation's inflatable airpiane, the engine and its tubular support, is shauldered by Engineer Rager L. Wolcott. The 'plane, which is constructed primarily of rubberized fabric, is made rigid by less air pressure than is required ta pump up a tire on the f amily car. Goodyear Has Aircraft Thot Can Be Deflated An inflatable airpiane that can be deflated and packed in the trunk of the family car has been flown for the first time at Goodyear Aircraft Corporation. Designed and developed Liy the company te test the possi- bilities of rubberized Airmdt fabric as structural material for aircraft the lightweight plane is made rigid by air pressure. Wing, tail assemblies and pilot's seat are made of Airmat material, a Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company product cori- sisting cf jeined layers of in- flatable rubber-coafed nylon fabric shaped by thousands of dropped pile threads. The craft's conical shaped fuselage is made cf airship fabric. Inflated, the plane resembles a glider with a pilot seated at the front cf the ship. Deflated, it can be packed in a trunk. Les air pressure than that required te inflate passenger car tires is needed te, pump up the plane. The single-place, high-wing monoplane bas a two-cvcle, 40- horsepower motor mounted on a tubular support above the fuselage directly behind the wing. Only other metal support connects the wheels and pilot's seat with the fuselage. High- sfrength, fan-shaped patches of rubberized material are used te attach the various members, struts and other support's. Goodyear Aircraft designed and built the inflafable' plan'c in a little more than 12 weeks. It is the first cf its kind in the United States. Until further development is complete, dis- closure of additional informa- tion is net contemplafed by the manufacturer. Quantify pro- duction is nof planned. Durham Club Returns Officers for Third Term By Aleen Aked Toronto's Durham Club held the season's last meeting Thurs- day. March 22. President A. A. Martin in welcoming the guests said, A as nice te have someçne for the first time; they usual ly cmme back again te eue meetings." The annual election cf officers was conducted by Mr. O. J. Henderson and t he President with the executive were rcfurned for a third year. In a fast change cf pregram at the eleventh heour .two la- -Idies graciously s ub stitut ed in VIGOR SERVICE o"-m Co. STATION Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PHONE 3881, NEWCASTLE FREE GLASS WARE given away witb the purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR HIGH TES~I GASOLINE 380 Cal Tax Ine.. GaL Tax Ine. ISTOVE DIL For your comence, ini sual quaatilies available ai the st ation OPEN EVENINC0S AN!) SUJNDNYS the musical number; Miss Myr- f le Webber, professional pian- ist, played "The Spinner," and Chopin's Polonaise; Mrs. Vau- ghn (Bernice Cain frorn Ponty- pool) sweetly sang -Killarn-ýy and You" and "Ilil Walk Besidh- You.", We should ask ourselves are the States responsible, will they do their best, do thoy want peace? The U.S.A. disarmed in 1948, their budget for arrns is only 15 per, cent of the 1945 arm's expendifure; Canada reducucd hier budget to 7 per cent: Bri- tain 15 per cent; by contrast the Soviet was 65 per cent for armament. "Rusýsia blinded uts by releasing deves but the S!j viet didn't disarm. The U.S.A. proved by post war disarma- ment they wantedt peace-the Soviet adopted armed might as the way of obtaining wants. The U.S.A. is a peace loving nation who respect other pe.a- ple and is most powerfully or- ganized whose strength in me- chanical slaves reduced to terms of manpower is 23 billion peo- ple for 126 million residents of the States. There is less eleç- tricity develope.d in the BrifishI Jsles for 50 million people than in one of the atomir energy pro- jeets iii the U.S.A.; 'NO live alongside greatest mechanical power in the world. Politicaiîy the U.S.A. is not imperial mind- ed and neyer asked for leader- sh ip." The Americans kept ta the terms of the Treaty they made in 1941 when isolation became a myth. Canadians and Ameni- cans understand each othê'r. "The very essence of survival depends on the spirit of inter- national co-operation," con- cluded Mr. Mowat. "Canada and the U.S.A. must lead the way."p Miss Aleen Aked read ex- tracts fromn the early records of the Durham Club which ap- pear in anothc.r column. Mrs. Reg. Lovekin expressed thanks fa the speaker and ar- tists and was appointed to ar- range a return trip in May to Durham County for the Club. Mrs. C. R. Burley with her Group 5 'vere in charge of thle social - hour assisted by Mrz. Fred W. Bowen and Mrs. Hovw- ard Boxven who poured coffee. These ladies were thanked by Mr. Harfley Reid and wîîri tho singing of lAuld Lang Syne' another sucèessful season clos- cd until Oct. 2,5. Movie Review ]Rand-Pick Ail-Star Cast For Roles in 'Battle Cry' Neyer before has Holl,-ywýoodj been so aware that good'books make superioe motion pictu ces. The most recent literary entry1 in screenland's sweepstakes is Leon Uris' sensational best-sell- er, "Bat tle Cry,'" a novel about the personal sfory of a greup of Marines and their girls. "Battle Crv,'" filmed by War ner Bros. and openingy Monday at the Royal Theatre, was one cf the top novels of recent years,. receiving high critical acclaim and pepular approval by ifs millions of readers as if topped the best-seller lisfs for more than twe years. "Baffle Cry" stars Van Hef- lin, Aide Ray, Mona Freemian, Nancy OIson, James -Whitmore, : Raymond Massey, Tab Hunter, Dorothy Malone and Anne Francis. If is the story cf a Oshawa Memorial Service Natural stone monuments miarkers and corner stones No. 2 HIGIIWAY E. 0F CITY LIMITS Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 an. time ami reverse charges 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 't group cf Marines, their roman- resuit the romantie sequences ces, the training, and the bat- are said to rank among the moit tles they 'Nent through during torrid love scenes in cinema his- World War IL tarv. Within censorship regulatiaris The film version cf the sensu- Walsh depicted the emotions tional novel wa prepared for and passions cf 'Nar-timE lv motion picture presentation by as describ ed in the novel. As--a the author himself, Leen Unis LOANS for things you rieed and want Get$5Oto $lOOOat Household Finance for any worthwhile purpose. It's the way thousands cf people every year get the extra cash they need on terra they can afford. If you have a stcady income, and you can meet the regiilar monthly pay- ments, you can borrow without endorsers at HFC. HOUSEHOLD FINANCË 1112 SlmcOO St. South, second floor, phone RA 5-li1139 OSHAWA, ONT.4 PORT HOPE BRANCHt 71 Wofhon St., 2nd floor, phone TU 3.505o CET NEW WAtt B,8#4(/TY» FROM ABERNETHY'S A BERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER Anyway, your take -off seems that quick! This frisky new Chevrolet offers even higher V8 horsepower to make passing safer-and ail driving more fun. The speaker was Me. H. A. Mowat, who recently spoke to the Bowmanville Canadian Club, and is a member of the National Executive cf the Un- ited Nations and of the Thon- son Bureau et U.N. Spekers Pan- el, being chairman cf the Te- rente Branch, alsu a member cf the Canadian Institute cf In- fernal Affairs. Mr. Mowat said thaf Canacia xvas offen regarded as a thin ribbon of population strefchingc alcng the 49th parallel from sea te sea, but the vastness cf Can- ada wvas hardly realized even by Canadians. An acroplane could fly West from Gander fer 4.000J miles and stili nct be ouf cf Canada, this was imposý- sible to do in eu(, country in Europ or Africa. Polîtical'sta- bilit an d peach had heen reac'hed within the British Commonwealth of Nations, ie whichi Canada belongs. The pee)- pies cf the wenld wanf peace through erganizatin-te obtaýn this xvorld organization miust be cempletely glcbal. External affairs cest 9 times more in Canada ncw than in 1939 and Canada pays more per capita t5 support the U.N. than any et hec nation. "NATO can't get nations te be lawful evernight," said Mr. Mowat. "In Great Britain 300 years ago were areas wher- ]aw was nct enforced-it teckt centuries! How cati yen get ne- tiens aIl over the world te t;'ý lawvful in a dQcade?" The valoe cf the U.N. was moral rather than physical as their rezolu- tiens are nef enforced by arm- cd migaht. Fiffeen nations bandl- ed f ogether under NATO Ie help eaeh other if attacked wqts security cf a physical kinO; these forces qualif.ed only fer defence not attack. Security was an international matter. Referring to Canada and the U.S.A. Mr. Mawat pointed out that Canada's reaction to the States wasthat of the Scot s ta England, an association of less- er nations te greater. The U. S.A. wvas aý;ked te make polie *v driin~s tar' greatmr tharn Greait Briuai.n hadl made historicaily. The new Chevrolet has its own special brand of acceleration - a lightning-like power punch that can save you preciaus seconds for safer passing. And the brand name is "Turbo-Fire V8"!1 You plant down your foot - and out pours the po.wer. Power in the, form of dynamite-charged action! A gunflash surge of motion that seems to happen the very instant you wiIl it! And when you combine perfor- mance like this with Chevrolet's nailed-down stability and sure- footed cornering abillty, you've got a car that puts more safety and fun into anybody's driving! Chevrolet brings you inherent qualities of agility and sureness of contrai that help you avoid trouble before it happens! You'll see what we mean when you wheel one of these beauties out on the road. You've 20 new models ta choase from, with horsepower that ranges ta a new top of 205 in the "Super Turbo-Fire V8" (an extra-cost option). So, came on in and let us lend you the key. Roy W. Ni*chols Chevrolet COURTICE m Oldsmobile Cars m Chevrolet Trucks DO WMAN VILLE -1 -. ru,,, euuI~Io kit kiot bg ai! e A40gr -W-mr IMV. oqAp3A"vA%,r 9 Phone MA 3-5431 - n 1 PAGE TEX 1 85 King St. W. BOWNANVILLE

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