'I'HU~.SDAY, APRIL Sth. 1950 THE CAKADIAN STATESMA!i. HOWMANTILLE. ONTAIUO PAGE ELEVUN Increase of Ten Milis ln Darlington Tax Rate Expansion Continues The Darlington Township tax rate will be advaneed toava- proximately 57.38 milîs or an inerease of 10.18 over last year's rate and 15 milîs over the 1954 rate. This decision xvas reached at a special meeting in Hampton on Monday afternoon. The rea- son for the appraximate figurel is because Darlington has several different rates for the variaus school sections of the township. Ail of the rates for the variaus township expenditures have been raised with the eounty rate, township rate, high school rate and road rate being the iargest. Çhe total assessinent of the tnship cames ta an ail-turne high of $4,764,493.06 as campar- ed with last vipars $4,515,000. The following is a breakdown Sthe rates with iast year's in brackets: county rate 9K) 10 milîs: township (2) 6 milîs: general sebool rate (4.26) 4.6? milis; high schooi rate (6.36) 9.21 n-ills; roads (10) 12 milis, fire protection (1) 1.5 milîs. Some of the rates xvhicb will apIy ta saine parts of the Town- ship are as follows: Hampton street ligbting. 3.05 mills: Fed- eration of Agriculture. 5 milis: public school debenture for South Darlington area. 6 milîs. Developinent Road At Iast Mondav's special meet- ing of the Darlington Council a letter was received frorn Hon. John W. Foote. M.P.P., who in- formed the council that their request for a provincial develop- FABrM MORTOAGE LOANS -To buy a farrn -For major iniprovements -To buy equipinent or stock Victoria and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 George St. Peterborough ment road bas been turned over ta Hon. James Allan, Minister of Hi2hwavs. A letter frorn the Oshawa City Cauneil inforrned the Darlington Council that the Oshawa Fire Departinent was not in a pos- ition ta offer fire protection ta the western section of the town- ship. If the city does build al new f ire bail in Harrnony the; Darlington request xiil be e- considered. A delegation froin the Sauinai Road approached Council asking that the Sauina Road be e- graded and reditched. Council repiied that they wouid give their attention ta this matter. Durham Fedemation of Agri- culture asked the Damington Council ta adopt saine preven- tive measumes in connection with the current rabies outbreak. Council feit that sornething should be done but weme in doubt as ta what steps sbouid be taken. The idea was sug- gested that the Council work out saine agreement with thel Town of Bowrnanville in the zettine up of a dog Pound and a full turne pound-keepec. Darlington Council has given Permission ta the Ontario Hydro ta spray a bush-kiihing potion uinder the Hydro uines. The Hv-,dro \,,iii be beld responsible for any ci-op damages incurred froin the spray. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miackie and farnily, Blackstock, werc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Nicholas, Jili and Jerry, Boxvmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon White. Bill Stewart, St. Làrnbert, is spending Easter nolidays with his aunt and uncie. Mr. and Mrs. George Alidread. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trivett. Wes- ton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Carneron. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. R. J. Cassidy, Toronto. Ethel Hall and Keith Robin- son, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. fi Hall. Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, To- ronto, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. R. Burgess. Other visitors were Mrs. Patil Vaneyk and Paul Jan, Long Sault; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stev- ens, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ailyn Taylor, Bowrnanville; Mr. Bey. Stephens, Toronto. Miss Marion Wright is Easter holidaying at Ottawa and Syra- cuse. ~IS Y6UR BE+7 T E Water damages walls and floors in many homes each Spring. If this is ygur problern, here is the answer. USE STA-DRI Seven Decorative Colours OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED SCOURTICE PHONE MA 3-2130 BUICK 166 King - PONTIAC st. E. runs like ne We wish ittie Susan Broon a speedy reeovery froin ber on eration on Tuesdav. Mrs. Leon Moore, Paul arý Grace. accornpanied Mc. ari Mcs. Ailan Moffatt of Bowman ville ta xisit their sister, Mr: Leslie Webb and Mr. Webt Ottawa, their mother, Mrs.V Milison, returning home wi*. thein. Mc. and Mrs. Allyn Tayiat Bowrnanviile, with bis pareni.- Mc. and Mcs. W. H. Taylor. Ralph Shaw, Oshawa,i hoiidaying with John Victue. Mr. and Mrs. C. Quinnev Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Cyr Quinney, Jr., Cou rtiee; Miss M~ Brennan, Mallocy. Town, wer ISundav visitors of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Partner. Mrs. W. Vîvian attendedi inen shower for ber niece Anna Marie Haskin, Oshawa at the borne of Mrs. Daugi:ý Love, Kedron, FcIday evening Sheiagh Murphy is holiday ing witb Brenda Murphy, Bow manville. Larcy Rosevear, Kernptvilli spent the xeekend xith hi parents, Mc. and Mrs. J. A Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bignel and Linda, Toronto, visited M. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar. den and Wade, Long Sauît, Sat urday evcning cahiers aofMr and Mrs. Walter Vane.yk. ci Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paut Vaneyk and son. 'Mrs. G. K' vac and Gabriel. Long Saulî and Mc. Fredi Hoorweg, Osh awa. visited their home. Donald Murphy, Boxyman ville, is hoidaying with Ken ncth Murphy. Mc. and Mrs. W. Murphy anc chiidren visited Mr. and Mrs Hugh Murphy, Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahi and girls, with Mr. and Mrs Walter Rahin. Mr. and Mrs. G. Larmer an- farniiy, Cavanvilie. with Mr and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. The combined W.A. wîll mee at 8 p.rn., April 11, at Mcs. R Giaspeil, East Group in charg High Cost of Milk Herb Rogers, 24 Jane St brought the foliowing poemni ta the Editon and suggestc( that it he pubished iniTh( Statesman when space permitý You can raise the price of 1; quor, And the oniy squeai you hear Is fcom a thirsty public, That demanda more gin anc beer. The saine way with tobacco, They will pay without a peep, And smoke at ieast as heavy, As they did when is was chear) They xii pay the tax on mo vies; They xiii ante up and go; They xiii pay a raise witl pleasure On the things tbey wear Ic show, But raise the price of' milk.- Oh, Boy! They'll fight with ail thel breath, Tbey rnay have a grawin- youngstec Who is bound ta starve ta deati, They say the farnily alhowancE Can neyer stand so much, It is nice ta save that windfal For nylon hase and such; They don't ask for bigger wagec Just ta spend it ahi on rniik! They will show the wicked farmers And their "scheming, thievinc ik" They will march with haisted banners, They wiil cable, write and wire, They wili drag the local meni- ber BY the xvhiskecs through the mire, They don't mind paying rais,ý For' their liquor, sinokes and silk, But not the slightest fractio. WiiI they taierate on rnilk -Exchange Robson Motors Limitedi Durham County's Leading GarageI For the BEST DEALS ANYWHERE ROBSON'S wonly $795 - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER Bow manville MA 3-3321 .id rii by r, MRS. CHARLES McLEAN PREIDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION' At this moment, in the more was able ta tell "my patient" Yv, than 200 hospitais and sanitamia about it, and be, too, xvas made Sthcoughout Ontario, avec 30,000 happy by aur fiend's remein- Spatients are receiving treatinent brtince. ~and care. This cace does not Saine people send fruit or i 5.mecely entail visits froin the at- other itemns of food. But here it tending physician and the nurses sbouid be rernembered that the awha serve the patient, but neces- patient may be on a restricted e, sacv visits frorn other hospital diet and therefome not able ta 'a personnel as xveil. Internes, day enijoy the gift. Indeed, it is Is and night bhead nurses and su- usuailv xise not ta take any g. pervisors, technicians from the type ai' food ta the patient in Y- laboratory, the dietitian or liecliaspital. v- assistant, particularly if s peciai I know of a diabetic patient, diet probleins ace involved - a" hospitalized for treatinent, wha e, have their duties ta perf ormin l was nat esponding as her is the ail-aver care of the patient. physician had expected. After A. In addition, consulting phys- two or thcee days of puzziing icians and surgeons may be re- ehart statîstics, a nurse discov- Ifl quested ta sec the patient, and, ered a hidden pouid ai' choc- .if it were nat possible ta record olates. bcougbt ta the patient by complete information for the a wel-ineaning friend, wbicb r- business office %%,len the patient was being consumed seccetiy by t- was admitted, a visit from. that the patient, and undoing ail the r. departinent is requiced. And ai' good that ber treatinents were n course memnbers aof the bouse- expecteci ta produce. i keeping staff and those who One cao always, ai' course. 0-. serve the patients' meais and in- visit their friendq in bospitai bv 1 betweený refreshinents make mail. A cheerY card, or a h- many visits ta each patient's friendl.v messag e, cao be an room every day. All these. as hand when the patient is able ,~well as rnany others froin van- ta enjoy it. ,ious depaxrtments in the bospitai Wbcn it cornes ta the tele- who are involved in the treat- phone, it is best ta wait until the d ment and care ai' the patient, are patient can inake the eall. rath- 7s equined ta visit tbe patient ec than ta run the risk ai' inter- many turnes during the stay in rupting a rest penioci, or aof avec- M~ Indei, htcnius n tiring the patient by too long 'S. ndce th tecnimedicine a conversation. therLpies ai' modernm edc In no instance shouid a "No dand sucgery add up ta a very Visitors" sigo on the patient's r. biîsy time foc the patient, espec- door be discegamded. This re- iaiiy during the f icst, or acute, striction can sornetimes be as et peciad' of hospitalization. beneficial ta the patient as R. In addition ta the above, of medicine. It is, in fact, usuaiiy Scourse, there are visits frain placed on the attending phys- faiiy and friends. It is rather icia n's order, a nd even members staggering ta contempiate that of the faniiy xiii be wise ta in ane day, counting oniy an seek permission ta visit the average ai' twa visitons per pati ent's room wben this card is patient, the bospitals in On taria on he door. tare apt ta eceive aven 60,000 M'len the attending phvýsician visitons, andi this fart often pas-ý d es a probleinont onlv for theB e patients, but for the hospitai as Business Dlreciory As a bomemiaker, I think ai' onc important factor ai' this daily Accoun ancy influx ai' visitox-s ta aur bas- A c u i n y pitais, and that is the effect it RY~ ILN d bas on the probiemi of good Pu .DILN housekecping. A bospital must Crtified Pblic Accountant be kept clean, and, in many ai' 93 Chureh Street its departinents, not onî 'y ean, MArket 3-3861 'but sterile. Thus dirt and dust WM. i H. COGGINS andi wet and slush become the Cbartered Accountant pacticuiar bug-a-boo of the 6 igS.E omniî bousekeeping staff. If the weath- (A4baveg StnE. Bus Sanin) en is inclemenit, or snaw or suh64 Kn SretE caver the graunci. freshi y wash- - Sree E ed and waxed corridors in the YALE, FRIEDLANDER, amomning can look like a mucky HNE O country lane after visiting houms, AcutnsadAdtr wit ltti b-pthsai sol nd64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 -dirt eading off ino each sbw *paticnt's room. B. sh awea. ir Infections, too, ran aecompanyBF . Fre ae,B.AC. a visitor. andi sonetimnes linger . Hudinter, B.CommA. tg bellind ta bedevil the patient J._______________________ whose weakened condition piays a pefc ota its exnaÎiou C h ir o p r a c ic a tendency for *'tenacious stay", G+. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Iand tbe xveary patient often Chiropractor pays a price for this weil-inten- office:. Stianed, but unwise visiting habit. Specialty Paper Produets Bidg. dngIn this regard, it is intecest- 63 Temperance Street ýdigta note that in 1950, when Phone MA 3-5509 people wece prohîbited froin Office Hours: By Appointment g. visiting the bospitais because of a dangerous flu epidernic, D d patients' ehacts showed a dci'- D fe t aci. mnite beneficial result. There e, was a macked reduction in in- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. icreased temperatures xvbich Office: Jury Jubihee Bidg. patients often experience follaw- 4n King St. W. Bowrnanvilie Le ing visitiog boucs, and patients Office Hours: ested better and progressed 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiîy ýs more rapidly during this period 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday d aof "no xisitocs". Chosed Sunday Alai' this is not ta sa', ai' Office Phone MA 3-5790 in course, that a "no visiting" reg- Flouse Phone - Newvcastle 3551 ulation should be ernpioyed by :e hospitals. It does, bawever, DRC. E. WV. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. indicate that families and friends Office in bis home should use caution ia the matter 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowrnanville ai' bow rnany, or bow often, Office Hours: visitors shouid attend. Perhaps, 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily therefore, a few "do's" and 9 a.m. ta 12 noon WednesdaNý "don'ts" for bospital vstigCîosed Sunday migbt be cansidered. Phone MA 3-5604 FlPrif it sbouud e borne in- patients are taa sick in the first Barister, Solicitor few days aof illness ta know that Notary Public tihe flowecs are there. Saine- Tempemance St. - Boxvmanvilh]e times it might be a more________________ thoughtfui act ta send fiowers ta the family at home, with a M rga s imessage ai' hope and cheer. ________________ 1 weii remembex- one sucb LFROY HAMILTON - ORONO bouquet which came ta mie dur- Poe1r1 ing tise criticalilihness ofai'a oved Pht one r 16 .n.Tecard carried a sFistmmtplefud nios.aThe but brought caamf}rl Resicices- Farina andi a senise ai' sharing xvhen I' )usiness Properties reaci "Thinking ai' you - xith a praver in mv heart". Later. Il O to etr KEITH A. BILIETT Optornetrist ft UR I 1 DSt 141 King St. E. Bowmanvilie' Ofc Hours: Bv appoinIment Rob your Rest. 1 Monda','ta Saturday 9 arn. ta 5 pi. Many people neyai sCCW 10 gel a go WMednesdays: 9 ta 12 aight's rest. Tley tumn and tosa-blame it Thunsday evenimmg-s on 'nervwe'-when il oeay b. tduitkidneys, - -. Bealthy kidneya filter poisons and excea, JOHN A. OVENS acids frooe the biood. If they faiu and Optornetrist impunitieis tay n the systemi-diaturbed Jury & Loveli EownanvWfe rest often foliows. If you do't rest weII Phone Mn 3-5778 pthe kney otaoyou ca ut Piano Tuninq better--ond feel better. 136 Dodd Kid e~Pils Poiessianal Piano Tuning 'L L Phone MArket 3-3900 By Douglas Rigg Little N.H.L. Tournanient Due ta the winners of the Western Ontario District drap- ping out at this late date a complete revision of the agreel schcdule xvas necessary. Bath the Bovwrnanviile teains wiil bc playing' their gaines early due ta this sehedule chance. The American League cntry xvili play their first gaine at 4:2 0 p.m. on Friday, April 6th, against Thorold. The N.H.L. entry will play their gaine against Welland at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, April 6th.' Ail players are rcquested ta be at Garton's Bus Terminal at 7 arn. on Fridiay, April 6th. Ail boys, coaches, managers, executive and commissioners wili be served a hot luncheon 11:30 ta 2:30 on Saturday. Al other meals will be supplied for the boys while they are away. 1 would like ta take this op- portunity ta thank the Legion, Lions, Rotary, Kinsmen and Arena Management Comrnittee. It was throUghi the effors i these orgainzationw that hi trip i ParrY SoLind v as made possible. Bolh teais wil ne outfitted ini new sweaters and socks. The colours for the swea- ters are green and white.xviui a big white B on the front. For those who cao flot follow the tearns ta Parry Sound saie of the camnes xiii be broadcastl avec Station C.F.O.R., OrillFa. The station has a range of an- proximately 125 miles. I b;e- lieve the Orilia radio station indicates that visitors are per- mitted, those wvho corne ta cali will wish ta observe the restric- tion of no more than two vis- itors at ane turne in the patient's room. They will also wish ta bear in mind that a short visit wiii do the patient twice as rnuch good as a lon.g visit; that personal or farnilv probleis should be Ieft at bomne; that "ii-y operation" is ai' no v'alue ta the patient - and probablv of no interest at the moment; that anxietv and fear should neyer be shown, and that any news aof the patient's con- dition should be given by the physician. Usuaily the best medicine is just ta let patients know that you love thern - and then leave befare they get too tired ta care. None of the foregoing is of- fered in the spirit of criticism,! but rather as suggestions ta pro- tect the patient's welfare. Good patient care is the bas- pitai's continuous aim, but in this, as in ail things that affectý our hospitals, the attending staff need the understanding co-op- eration ai' those whose loved ones we serve. The compassion xvbich prompts people ta visit the sick is a gen- erous and lovesamne part of the character aof man. At turnes, it is the onl v wa v we know ta ex- press aur anxiety, or love, or de- votion. It is, therefore, same-ý thing ta preserve and ta cherish! - but wisely, and thoughtfull.y,l and always for the patient's uit- imate good. î . xvili be found between 1400 and 1600 on your radio dial. Ar- rangements have been made to contact King's Taxi in Bowman- ville in regard ta the hockey scores on Friday. Sa anyone in- terested in finding out the scores of the gaines can find out by phoning King's Taxi at Market 3-5561 atter 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 6th. Minor Hockey Trophy Night AÉrangements are well under way for the Minor Hockey Tro- phy Night ta be heid at the iLions Centre on Wednesday, April 25th beginning at 7 pai. Ail trophies and crest won last Wednesday night will be pre- sentcd at this turne. Special mavies are being ar- ranged and it is hoped that some players from the Toronto Maple Leafs will be in attend- ance. Playground Supervisors The Recreation Office is in receipt of several applications for playgraund supervisors for 1the summer months. but the ap- iplication dlate is stil lapen for those xvho wish ta appiy. The xvage scale xviii run froin 1$15.00 ta $25.00 per week ar- cordingto the qualifications and experience. and the hours w~iii 40W DID THE PLAY £MD? iF Vt>UR SE«T WON'T TELL YOU. LET US FIX fT! MV LES RADIO TV SERVICE Expert Repairs to Ail Makea 3 Silver St. MA 3-3482 BOWMdANVILLE Rub le on the gumi wvith your fimne.,ý RELI!VE5 8ABY 'S PAIN làMMIDIATELI *- JM opply . wob o o~~ f Goç .d '- AU .aýyour doIugipor.O BLADE ROASI ORANGES APPLES CANTALOUPES Arizona No. 1 Spr 'ng Crop leebe.,g LETTUCE1 BLADE BONE REMOVED SHOULDER ROASI FULL CUT Flor.da No. 1, Valencia, Size 175 C. Fancy Winesap, Fmnest for Eatirg Salmon Flesh No. 1, Jumbo Size4 Guys and Dou4s, lni CINEMASCOP and Color ADULT M A R"m JEAN SUM FRANK SM~ YIVIAN Bt81 M1ONS IAIRA AINE SAVE MORE at YOUR A&P STORE Kellogg's C ornf lakes I nstan t Mil-ko Detergent Tide For Cooking or Salad. Mazola Oul Jans Park.yt SAVE 10o 1ozpkg 23c Apple Pie *ach 49C Jane Parker SAVE 10e 1l4bpkg35c Angel Food Ring tac 49C A&P Fancy Dozen $2.93 Ciant suze pkg 73c Tomato Juice 2 48-oz lins 49C Ann Page (3 Varieties). Dozen $1.73 2-lb lin 69c Pork & Beans 2 2o-oz tins 29c doz 39C 34 ceo bag 39C 45 cac25c 2(or29c Pr*ces Effective Untit Saturday, April 7th, 1956. 'TR Y" NEW PONTIAC BUICK orVAUXHALL CARS or G.M.C. TRUCKS and Goodwill Guaran feed USED CARS SAMPLE .. 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4-DOOR in gleaming Iigbt blue finish,. Low Priced! Taste Perfect! SUPER mRIIGHT MEATS BIG DISCOUNTS ON RADIOS and ACCESSORIES FOR LATE MIODEL CARS Corne ini and see how niuch you save! Robson Motors L.m.ted Extra Lean All Good, Rindiets Smnoked MUNCED BEEF 21bs 49c SIDE BACON i.b pkg 49c Pure, Essex Brz.nd, Country Style Pork Shankless PORK SAUSAGE lb33c SHOULDER Roast 1627c, SwftsPremiLr Pork, Lean, Meaty WIENERS 1-Ib celo pkg 'p1 L BUTT ROAST b 35 c Extra Freshness! Extra Economy! FINE FrRUITS & VEGETABILES ne m 9MLMSDAY. APRTL Sth. 1959 Tfft CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMMANVELLE. ONTARIO be froin 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 ar. and 1:15 p.ni. to 5:00 p.m. each day exeept Saturday and Sun- dey for a six week period start- ing July 9th. Application forms are avail- able at the Recreation Office in the Lions Centre. PLA ZA THEATRE OSHAWA 1Monday, April 9 ONE FULL WEEIK Daily front 1 pi. Feature 1:10. 3:50, 6.30, 9:15 PAGE ELMM