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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1956, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO T1~URSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1950 CCF Leader Addresses Farmer-Labour Meeting Urges Need for Action A mass meeting of farmers and organized labour was heid in Enn lskillen Monday evening, April 2nd. This was the oc- casion of the Enniskillen Farm- ers' Union assembly of Local No. 78 of the Ontario Farmers' Union. Four dynamiic speakers Iighl-i ]ighted the addrcsses. Presz. A. V. Cormack of the Ontaiji Farmers' Union; Mr. Donald C. Macdonald, M.P.P.. Ontario C. C.F. leader, and Mr. Harrv Beneon, International Repre- sentative of the United Auto- mobile Worke'-s of America. Mr. Tonmmy Thom as, M.P.P. for Oshawa, in his very able and jovial manner introducod Mr. Donald Macdonald. AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ealph S. Joncs Barristcr and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 1 The speakers were unan- imous ini pointingi out: 1h21i farmnens have been hurt by falling pnîces; that, tonether workers in organized labou and farmers produce aimostl everything we have; that. theo fanm problem is a nationall crnergency calling for drastîlu action so bhc fanm econony' may bc brought back mia u ne.1 YELVERTON Easîer weekend saw many femily neunions. At the Jas. Sheckîeton's wcre: Don and Bill Whithaker, Toron- ho; also the Howard Malcolms, Terry and Candy, for Sunday dinner. ,At the Norman Wilson's: Mns. T. F. Jackson of Bethany for tbe weekend, Mrs. Norman Neais of Markdalc and Miss Manie Cern, Toronto, Easter Sunday breakfast guests. The Floyd Stinson's at thcý Geo. Page's. At Miss Em Henders were the Sid Cooks, Toronto, and Miss MarLiaret Reynolds. Emn attend- cd the funerel af the laIe Giadys McKee of Nestîcton. Mns. Gordon Robinson spent the weekend with ber daughher Edna. Capt. Edwards of the Gat- ineau was a guest Ibis week Seed Potatoes FOUNDATION A and B SIZE Rural Russels, Sebagoes, Canso, Keswick, Etc. Potato Growers ivho are planning to grow potatoes for the chip industry wilI require good healthy seed. Ail varieties are now available. Prices and quantity Phone RO 7-5427. CLAES PRODUCE LUNITED 2739 Dundas St. West Toronto 9, Ont. Take a Spring Tonic ~ apoes extract 1.35 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 PhosphoI)lecethin 1.50 One-A-Day Multiple Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Vîtamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 SWaterbury's Comp. -. 1.50 ViCal Fer 12 ---- 1.95 SCelery Nervine 1.35 Nyal Multiple Vitamins 3.00 e Neet Geritol Chases Dodd'x a Lotion Tabs Nerve Food PUIlS e 98C 3.29- 5.491 89C - 2.23 590 Lunch Kits 1.29Ne Vacum ottes 9e Clean and Clear -___ 1.50 Thermos, pints 1.79, 1.98 Od-O-Rono quat .95 395 Stick Deodorant - 1.00 Thermos,qur 219,35 Pink Ice Otter---- 2.50 Slilidren*s Kits 3.79 Ileadspin Permanent -1.501. ('olgate's Lustre 40e Size Absorbine è 4 Sperial Ureme Noxzema Junior 2 tubes 49e Special 79c 290 1.19 - 2.39 Nyal Creophos Stops Bronchial Coughs Large bottie, $1.50 CAO'W LIN G'S 1111ONEOE WE FIT /~NIA 3 56.95. DRUG ST R TRUSSES Iwith the Ernie Lanes. jThe E. A. McFarlands xvere down te tbeir summer cottage h ene for their firsî weekend in the country. On Saturday the Norm Wil- sons accompanied by Mrs. Ross Hall, Whitby. motored ta Toron- ta. Weekend guest witb the Han- vey Malcolms was Miss Chris- tine Boon. Cooksville. Welcome callers were Riov and T. Werny of Ottawa, Frîday evening. M, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ml coim and girls with the Sam t Adams of Bowmanville on Sun- day.f 1 Miss Cat.herine McCrae and Jim Spencele.v. Lindsay, with the G. E. Spenceley's. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Heaslip, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. 'Menvyn Love and Allan were Sunday dinner guests xvith the Ray Robinsons. A goodlv crowd of aven 80 was present on a loveiy Sun- day Easber a.m. at the White Church 10 hear Mr. Love deliver bis Easter sermon, ho admire their fellow-xvoman's headgcar (or the reverse) or merely fighti a losing battie with precociousý offspring. The Lawrence Malcolms and family, Nestleton, wene Thurs- day evening cahIers at the How- ard M\,alcolmis - comparing their new additions perbaps. Congratulations te the Neil Malcolmns of Blackstock on their chosen daugchter, another ad- dition te the ever-growing clan. The Balfour Moones at the Rac Maicolms on Saturdayl even ing. On Wednesdax' evening the Family Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spenceley witb around 40 members and adberents present. Floyd Stin- son presided. over the business session. A committee of David Wilson and Murray Malcolm was selected to arrange re paint- ing intenior woodwork of cburch hall. (A ten dollar donation was voted b Ibhis cause by Bad- minton Club on Thunsday even- ing). The Art Rowans accepted the sponsorship of possibly the last cuchre party of season to be held on Frida « , April 5. The purchase of a number of chairs, for the ever-groxving kinder-1 garten class at Sunday School xvas discussed. Devotional in charge of Harvey Malcolmi's was heralded with a double bonspiel in Lindsay's Peel Ice Factory with 24 rinks participating. Fol- iowing the Ist garne the rink was throxvn open for a bang-up skat- ing Party. Local rinks success- fui in accumulating enough points were: that of Dave Wil- son, skipped by Bnian Hamiilton with Bert Gibson and Geo. Black in a three-way tie for first, netaining second, aur own rînk skipped bY Milt Endicott of Lindsay (10 whom we owe our gratitude for proficiency) with Wes Jordan, Ralph Malcolm and Harvey Malcolm in a two-xvay tie for fourth. Our first win in two long years!- In the, evening several local curlens attended Cartwright Curlers turkey banquet at Black- stock where Doc Diamond of Port Perry xvas guest speaker and entertainment was supplied by Junior Farmers of Uxbridge. Sunday supper guests at the Maurice Nesbitts on the occasion of Maurice's birthday were Mr. Reg Ruskin, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Heaslip. Toronto-, Mr. and MVIs. Ross Hamilton and family in the evening; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm and family and Mr. Reg. Nesbitt. We are glad to reportha Mrs. Huey MeGill is beginningl ta showv some improvement fol-1 lowing an operation last Wed-1 nesday in Port Ferry Hospital. Mrs. McGill's condition was serious enougb ta necessitate speciai nurses around the dlock for several days. Huey is stay- ing with the Wm. Carnegies. Ahl Yelverton joins in wisbîng Mrs. McGill a speedy convalescence.ý On Mondav night a number fromi Yelventon attended the Farmnens' Raly in Orono. The only thing that marred the rally, in our opinion, was the question period directed to the pnl John M. James, M.P.; Clarencel Allin and Clarence Milligan,j when certain individuals feli called upon to exercise their i democratic prîvilege open to the human race-that of holding forth aI the expense of tbe aud- ience's good nature nather than, Iimiting their remi-arkçs 10 ques- tions; te the pane]. Better thcv should have asked that old negro prayer before gctting to theirý feet: "Lord, fi my mouth wibh wothwhile stuff, and nudgc me when I've said enough!' 1Mr. and Mns. Harold Stinson feted their family on Sundayl evening - the Morris Wahkersl of Janietville. thc Walter Wrights of Blacl:stock and the Floyd StiîîsonS., 1Mr- and Airs. Balfour Moore wcre Sundlay guests at the Earn Cannings of Cameron. ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION- TORONTO 7, ONTARIO tFarmers Urged to Plant Clean Seed This Spring Are you a fifth fermer? With the advenî of the spning seasori, tbis question might well ne- ceive the attention il deserves, says the Field Crops Braneh of the Ontario Deparîment of Agriculture. Actually, il refer:z ta the fact thal according ta seed drill sunveys in recent yeans, one fermer in every f iv- in Ontario uses sub-standard or rcjected seed. Even tbougb the quali-ty af seed used in Ontario is probably the bighesî af any province in Canada, these f ig- unes indicete that there is plen- ty af rooni for improvemenb. Althougb germination, size, varicty and disease resistane.' ane aIl important factons in seed selection, most samples ane sub- standard because af wced seeds. Weeds crowd out useful plants. use up moisture and plant food in addition ta bemng unsigblly in appearance, and ceusing los in crop ylelds and bandling. For these reasons, many farm- ers mighî improve their effici- ency of production by kecpin-g weed seeds fromn going back into thein land cach year thnoughi seed drills. Ontario is fortunate in beyv- Jr. Farmers Selected for ing a large number of co-open- ative and privetely owned sed cleaning plants scattered across the province, where grain can be cleaned ho the standard seed grades of commerce. Many of Ibese plants are ncw operating around the dlock in order lu providc service ta farmers. In addition, there are neanly two Ihousand registcned seed grow- ers in Ontario who are prepar- cd te provide good sccd of la- lest vaniehies. In no brancb of farming îs the "~penny wise, pound fool- ish" pahicy seo oten and sa strikingly illustrated as in buy- ing and using chcap, poor setid. The cost af seed is ondinanily a Inifling matter in comparison ta the expense of the season's labor and value af the crap. The difference in the first cash between cheap and "costly" seed is usually so shigbb that no farmen wbo lias bis besb inter- ests in i mmd should besitate ta pay it. If you have not already made sure of your seed sup- plies. now is the lime te do it. "*Seed the Best and Feed thc Rest" is a good slogan to follow. Annual Meet Ontario Forums O0verseas Tour lNext Week Hon. F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agriculture, bas announccd the names of the four young people, members of the Junior Farmers' Association, who will sail this spring to tour thte farms of England and Scotland. The successful candidates were selected from a group of eighteen Juniors representing th e Counties and Districts of Ontario. The young people who will make the trip under the auspices of the Ontario Depait- ment of Agriculture are ail ac- tive members of Junior Farm- er Clubs and have shoxvn lead- ership ability in club, farmn, school and church work. They will represent the Junior Farm- ers' Association of Ontario ai-d during their visit xiii be the guests of young farmers' asso- ciations in England and ScoL- land. They will live on the farms of both countries and have the opportunity of study- ing agricultural conditions and methods. The four who have been sel- ected are. Miss Eleanor Lillico, Hurdman's Bridge: Miss Myrtie Stewart, Mono Centre; David W. Barrie, Gaît; Malcolm R. McLaren, Douglas. Mr. R. H. Graham, Associate Director of the Live Stock Branch wilI act as leader of the group. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. H. Jaynes, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Holdaway and Allan, Wesleyville; Mrs. C. Walkey, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pollard, Sheibourne, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hearn, Canton, 1were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Neil and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Brown and family, Orono, wvere Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Glad to bear that Mrs. Gor- don Martin is home after spending a few days in Mern- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery and Ronnie, Burketon, were Sunday visitors with Mr. an-1 Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther. ford, Orono, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty and family, Torornto, spent Fni- day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mrs. W. Clemence, Nevi- castie, and Miss Isobel Cleni- ence, Gaît, spent Sundav wiLh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mrs. Don Coulter and fani- ily. Downsviexv, spent a few. days with Mr. and Mrs. Sain Powxvell. SEMIDWARF APPLE TREES On E. M. VII, Il and :V In following varieties: Melntosh, Delicious, North- ern Spy. Close, Lodi, Early McIntoeh, Gr av e nst ei1n, Joyce, Baxter. Greening, Cortland, Sandow, Stark, Red Rome. DWARFS On E. M. lx Melba, Deliclous, Spy. Cortland, Melntosh, Sandow PRICES Each Eacb Each 25 250) 5&up &up &up W'hips, 3½ to 5 ft. 1.20 1.10 1.00 No. 1, 31,-,to 5 ft. 1.70 1.60 1.50 DWARF PEARS On Q. A. Bartlctt, Clapp Favorite No. 1, 3!ý to 5 ft. 1.70 1.60 1.50 SIVEET CHERRIES Windsor, Seneca, Early Rivers, Blaek Tartarian, Schmidt 11/16-mn. cal.. 4 ta 6 ft. 1.30 1.20 1.10 PLUNMS Lombard, Burbank, Early Golden, Italian. Stanley - 1.10 1.10 1.00 Prices are F.O.B. Bowman- ville. Packing at cast, guar- anteed true-to-name. Inspected by thm- Department of Agriculture NARTI'IS NURSERY BO1VM.NVILLE, ONT., CANADA Phone: MA 3-5012 The Annual Meeting of On- tario Farm Radio Forum wili be lield in the Royal York H- tel on Wednesday, April 1lth, beginning at 10.00 arn. The( morning session will consist largely of reports on the year's activities and possibly resolu- lions. Speaker for the luncheon will be Dr. E. A. Corbett whe> xiii have some remarks to miake on aduit education gen- erally, with some spécial ecm- phasis on Farm Forum. In the afternooni, there xviii be a session at which questiotis. subrnitted by the Forum peopl2 will be deait with by officiais of Farm Forum and related or- ganizations. PONTYPOOL Another business change has taken place in our fair village. Mr. Clifford Curtis has purchas- ed the hardware business from Mr. Bill Rennie. Mr. Rennie has been connected in the bus. iness part of this village for about 40 years. Prior to being at his present stand, hie had con-. ducted a barber shop, pool roomn and shoe repair business. He also had built and operated the Latonia Hotel for several years. We trust that Mn. and Mrs. Ren- nie wiil see fit ta stay in aur midst and we also wish Mn. Curtis the very best in bis nexv undertaking., A large congregation was present Sunday morning te bear the veny fine Easter message byl Rev. Bonsteel and special music by the local choir. It was very gratifying ho the minister and officials te se se many children present ta stant the Sunday Sehool which had been closed for the winter montbs. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ohan includcd Mn. and Mrs. Austin Worr, Cavan;, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worn, Non- v. ood, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Worr of Hope Township, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman. Miss Evelyn Worr is spendingi Easter holidays xithi Mrs. Fredi Youngman. Fred (Shorty) Younigman bias secured employ- ment as bricklayer's helper at the new jail et Millbrook. Recent pnice boosts ini pahatoes were welcomed by those with saleable stock left. Low pnice left growers with a very small margin of profit this vear. Local tobacco growers are working around their hot bouses preparing for anothier yean. Carscadden's Sehool was filled ho capacity on Monday for the progressive euchre sponsorcd by the Farmers' Union. Top pnizes xvenht t Mrs. L. Ohan, Millbrook, and Mn. J. Payne, wvbile cansa- lation awards wcnt ta Elle Good- son and Mn. Mcl Bawins. If roads permit, anothen eucbre will be lbeld Apnil 9. Mn. H. M. Richardson bas pur- chesed about 80 acres of land from Mn. Delbert Bowins. Tynone L.O.L. dcgnec heamn will confer the Royal Anch De- gree on sevenal candidates in the lodge room here on Monday, Apnil 9. Holiday visihors around town included Mn. James Willis, S-., Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. Oswald Whihmee and family and Mrs. Bill Myles, Oshawa, Mn. Norman Eddy, Newcastle, Mr. and Mns. Johnnie Lindquish, Mn. John Jamieson, Toronto, and many ohhens. .STARK VILLE Mvr. and Mns. Morley Robin-' son and family visitcd Mns. W. Prouse, Osaca, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simp- son, Osbawaý, visibed Mn. and Mrs. Bert Trim, reccnbly. Miss B. Williams, Toronto, spent Easten with bier sisterl, Mrs. F. Todd. Mn. and Mrs. W. A. McKen- zie, Kingsway, Toronto; Mr. and Ms.K;Ï Fanmcry and daughîer, Miss Janine, Hamil- ton, were recent guests with Mrs. Westheusen. Mr. and Mns. Alec Manlîni, Newcastle. Mn. and Mns. Jimi Caswell, Newtonviiie: Miss CARVETH IGwen Stark and Mr. Maurice 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little Halloweil, spent Friday even- and fainiiy, Healcv lFails. spent ing with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casweil. ji Wedncsda 'v itb !,,I. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Russel Lowerv, lLlcvr lIallow cli: Mrs. Little ,Toronto, spent Good Friday aý, visiting berniother. Mns. Thoq. Mr. A. Dobson's. Falls, Orono, during the after- Mn. and Mrs. Carl Todd have nonX. television in their home. A bea'itiful Easter Commun- Miss Betty Saveny visited MNr. ion service was enjoyed at Shi- and Mns. Chanlie Yule, Oshawa, lob, Suncliav aftern'oon ander recentiv. cdircction ci ,s Westheuser. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spilchcn and Tbe children's choir gave sçpe. daughter, Toronto, visited lier ciainiusic sinzing "-Glorv ta parents, Mn. and Mrs. Victor God" wxith desca'nt arrange- Farrow. ment. Rex'. Pikc diroc!ed his Miss Sylvia Westbeuser, Hugh mcssage in stop--. from the côtst Weslheuscr and also Mn. E. I of liviýng. ,to the co's of useful- Weslheuser spent Easter lt! ncus te the c'est cf the Crucifix- home. ion. to gîvin1g and forgiving- Mrs. Russell Saveny spen, our Drivilege in lime gnanted Easter wilh lier mother, Mrs. 'ta us'. Muldrew, Elizabetbville. Misses Norma and Beulah jHallowell, Mn. and Mns.Bra dStc Csel and Leslie, w: ead tok emaved guests at Mn. Llexv Hallowell's I Ilighest Prices Paid on Sunday. 24-ilour Service Misses Helen and Amy Car- TELEPHONE COLLEUT 4 son, Donna Stark and Mary C O B o Il R G FR 2-3721 Lou Dobson, Oshawa, spent the NICK PECONI holiday ai their respective PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 homes._____________ ~ Breed Befler Calile for Bigger Profits" : t. Inxiproved Type and Production means more profit for you. 't. SBreed Your Herd Artificially to Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association THE Sires TEMODERN METHOD 0F HERD IMPROVEMENT *Other advantages of artificial brceding are: Safety, econoniy, convenience, clioice of breed, ! disease control. :Whether you have one cow or a bundred, purcbrcd ? o r grade, it wlI pay vou to brced artificially. * * For compicte information or service cali our closest representative betwecn 7 and 9 a.în. ::MR. DICK WOOD, BOWMANVILLE, MArket 3-à405 : " MR. JAAN TAAVET, WELCOME 2231 't. MR. KEITH WOOD, ORONO 17110 :Witb nearly 3,500 cattie owners in the Quinte District using our sires the value of this prograni has been proven. ~. The Quinte District Caille Breedinq Association, Belleville, Ont. l A Farmer owned Co-operative MOTORS 3251 Ford sets thepace! ~#L~sfet~t .em.uo.M~ SIdar' ~ i~, pi.uj ~ d . aor HURES THEi CHALLING-DRIVI A FORD AT YOUR FORD-MONARCH DUALER'S. AND YOUUL KNOW IT'S FOR YOUS Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle CON N HS SIN FO HEBS VLE I * ASAN TRCS PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANMLE. ONTARIO TnURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1950

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