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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1956, p. 8

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PAGE ETGWr T~1UI~~IJAY, APKIL 5~q IUSS_ THE CA~ADIAI~ ~.TAT~MA77 ~WMA7~.?~TTT.T.rn e~wrA Uf~ Cordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Social and Personal Mission Bond -Receives W eekend visitors with Mr- the Easter holîcaay %veekend H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. iinting with his aurnt and un- Recognition Certif icate Albert Pearce and famiiy we~re cie, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Bat-, Mr. and MNra<. Kennielh Pearce chelor in Toron*to. The regular meeting of the Following the reading of the and 1amily of Brighton, Miss Weekend visitors with Mr. Golden Rule Mission Band of minutes and the rail cail, the Peggy Pearce of Toronto, Capt. an1r. adnAgee Nwcastle United Church wis collection wvas taken by Jimmiv W. J. Hockin of Gagetown, IN Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilhank-I held in the Sunday School hall Gray and Wayne Hancock wt B. and Mrs. Hockin and family and Nancy of Bawmanv ille, M:..1n Wednesdav afternoon with Susan Gray leading in prav--r. of Camp Borden. Capt. Hock:n and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of Petcir!2 nmesi atnac. Tesrptr esn ate andfamlvals viitd wthhisborug, M. ad rs.I.Hocik-1 The meeting was opened by 28:1-6, was read by Sharon Han- mother, Mrs. W. J. Hockin Sr. endora and Marilyn of Burfordi the President, Susan Gray anàL cock who also favoureçi the Mr. G. H. Hadgson, aecorn- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hey- ail repeated the Members' Pur- graup with a piano solo. panying Mr. and Mrs. R. Plagie, wood of Toronto. p.o',e. The graup then joined in Follawing a discussion of th,, Douglas and David o f Cour- Miss Donna Mý,cDou gal f inan the hyvnmn "Praise Hini, SuyBo e yMs cj tice, >visitedi with Mrs. Hodg- Newmarket is spending the x'Paise Himn" and the President andy okdb Mrs. Brwte meect son at the Gravenhurst Hosp:- Easter halidays with Mr. andi called uo Mr. .C.FseadMsBro n the meoewtng tai on Sunday. Mrs. Hodgsan is Mrs, Carl Goù .uld andi lamily. to address the gcaup. Mrs. Fish- xtheas brght ntah coe wiim *pragreszing favoucably and Mr,. and Mrs. P. F. Hare er preéented ta the Mission temmesrpaigtoMs * hopes ta returra homne soon. Band a Certificate of Recognii-! sion Band Prayer. Mc ad rs Gore alonited wIth friends ln Foxboro ufl tion front the Oshawa Presby-J Five members of the Frienrf- reurnd hmrs e onrgehursay Friday. 1 terv and tauglit the group an ship Club treated the childr-n roilorng a hmee on Thusdhou Her many friendýs wiii iSe Eêster sang. with somte very deliciaus appieP;. day spnat la Tampa, Flia.pieased ta leara that Mrs. D. M. day pen inTamp, Foria *Bernard is back home and in'- Mr. Walton's health is greatly praving satisfactorily followin~ impraved.her aperatian in Memorial Hos *Sundlay visitars with Mr. and pital îast week. ~-5 IVI:-s. D. IM. Bernard were Mrs WeedgussihMran i Kennedy, Mrs. Overy, and McMrs. W. R. Cae th and.fandlv rF and Mrs. George Loonis and Mrs. Tho. R.eavt n aid v Bill of Bovîîîanvîile and M". were r. hs Ri anîd Mrs. 1. C. Matthcws an and famiiy of Detroit, Mr. ali I1Taf e . faiivil, of Trenton. Mrs. Jas. Asties of Peterbo-- andli Mr. and Mrs. Cari Poila ,k: .- rdnL sy S MrŽ.Emblv, Mss Odfi d Mg.,and Mrs. GrahianiM,- ana >ýir. h-. T. ivIanes,. were Sun- Swain and famiy of Osha, -day guests with . ad c'.an r. and Mrs. McaAlnd H. A. Gray iin Oshawa. worthi and family af Toronto. The Right Tools dca and stili have plenty of Sunday guests with Dr. J. Aý. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mýartinl It is amazing how much ea,- time for fishing, golfing, or loaf- Butler and famiiy were Mr. and and famiiy af Toronto wcrc i c and faster gardening wvnu îng. Mrs. Roniald Ness af Toronto, holiday weekend guesis wi",- go \vith the rîght tools. This With power equipment a3 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson Mc. and Mcs. H. B. Kelsey.-1 does nat rnean that a lot of ex- well as hand variety, it is ini- and son Richard of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Partcidge pensive cquipment and gadgets partant to get samiething suit- Mrs. Stella Anderson and Miss and Carol spent the weekenct are necessary but sirnply mak- able. Too many people seem ta H. A. Mason. The occasion be- visiting with Mr. and Mrs .insuetawhtehvesthn te bggr he b- ing ta celebrate Richard An- Claytan Slaneburg in Welling-I suitahie and in gaod shape. ter. They forgl thal largzý derson's tenth birthday anas- ton. Carol remained ta spend A duli, rusty hae, a rake with tractars and wide power maw- versary. the Easter holidays with hýr' a baose or brokea handle, or a ers may be mare difficoît '., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson grandparents. ýswî ae~ata djusI_ handle especiaiiy ini turning. In- of Whitbv, Mr. and Mrs. R. jA. lac it is more of a hindranue stead af getting a traIctas' big Wilcs-Chitxy af Toronto and Mr. litha a hcip anîd so is a spade in cnoogh ta pioxv, it is sli and Mrs. Jbta George Farncornb aoNf ~ÂA a -ïtsa cIls foc a citivato.r hetter ta gel somcthing snial.-. Whtb ýp1i Suidy tthir ewcastle VW A \Lt'ie ers'a. er andi easier tn anlad hice sanieone with a standard summer homes at Newcastle-* Compaccd witil most other i tactor ta do the onice-al-ycar on-thc-Lalýe. oCeaie atering F r hobbies or recceatians, equip- plowing jb spent the holiday weekenld .wih* rivial. We can, if necessacy, Look After Tlîem I kl,..,i. et alang with littie more than With ail gardening equip- McI. H. T. Manes and family. dies i Mr. ndwrs.1. AaSiaerake, a cultivator and a spade. ment, il will pay handsomely Mr. nd rs. . A SlaerBut a few other special tools ta keep it in good shape. It Barry and Sally of Kingston, Twenîy-five members of the won'l casl much and lhey wsil takes a minute or twa ta scca'ie spent a couple af days last wees': Evening Branch af St. Georges make things casier and mor2 the dirt off a cultivator or spad1e visiting with his sister and bro- Woman's Auxiliary attended interesting. before putting away and not j ther-in-biw, Mr. and1Mrs. (nr. . don Agnew. in tise Church on Marebh 281h, Special Tools Mr. George Wright of Tren- adjaucning la the Panisu Hall For stirriisg up the sailiansd ton (farmerly af Newcastle) follawing the service for lheïc thinning and killing weeds, for spesst Sunday visiling wilh Mr. regular business mseeting, 3t instance, there are several and Mrs. C. R. Cacveth. xvbich, anceîsew member, Mrs. tyýpes and sizes af band cultiva- Muriel Bcgg w;as welcanied. torsý. These range fram litîbe Mvr. ansd Mrs. Carl Gould and ,onc's ai' txo pranged things 10 faraily spent the weekend visil- Reports were iseard frirnstise or 12 inches long ta wiseel bacs ing" witb Mr. and Mrs. Don. Treasurer, the Dorcas anti whîicb wve pLosh' tisraugh the Mitchell us Newnsarkel. Flowers Secretacies andcitise larger gardens. It is wel ta Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Pick.-- Litle Helpers' canîmittec an- bave two or three cultivators ecing, and Brian, are holiday- nounced thal their isext meet- ai vaciaus sizes foc working, ing ia Mantreal. ing with tise blîdren xvill take acaund plansts and rows ai dii-_ Maser oby Bow spntplace on the thîrd Tuesday '11 fecent sizes. Tisea there are Maser obb Br,,ýn sentApril. Members decîded tbiati Sntcb tb'ings as dutch bacs for moncy raised aI the recent card wvlslesale weeding and for cul- party should be used ta assis't ixvation under buszhes and I ~ ~ itb tise re-decoratson aitise' spi-eadiag plants, aisd sinsgie H. J. TOM S Parish Hall. bladed aifairs for making Il xvas decided that a Fasision trenches for seeds and bulbs. Show would be presented oy Ex.ccpt for tise very smaîll says the Brancb in lIse Faîl. A mo- tbols, il is well ta gel ail these Refresh yaur wardrobe with lion was passed commilting the lisings, as xvcll as cakes, isoes Bcanch ta assist witb reiress-, and so on.,xitb lonsg handle3. 'DIAM ND DU T' rents for rnenbers ai visitiag These saxve stooping. ... the flattering ail-occasion Celebrations. The President ce- Power In The Garden patterns in the new portcd that the Pledgcs and In receal years, as suburban Continental Mediumn Tones. Expe nse Fond foc next \'euc gardeîîs bave bcconse largQr See them today. would amount ta $55.00. and sissaîl matarized cquipment FREE Fial lanswer dicussd b rrore efficient aîsd fool-proof, FREE Fnal plîss wce disussed htsere lias been an enarmaus is- GIFT the members for the Lions Club crease ini tiseLuse ai power gar- wahevr Ladies night banquset for which cii equipmnent. Pa)wer mowers. rîeet Street the Branch is cateriîsg an April small garden tractors are not S u".t ordered 5th.etalepniendIych- ti-week talepnieadte lm 1Foliowiîsg the serving ai tea, mate a lot ai tediatîs hand xvock. il \vasanoscdtent - As xxell, tbiey are interesting ta golar meeting ai tise Brauschistnker \vitis and opecala. Equips- will .be.lield la Ibe Parish Hall ped xilstisese, one carilook -i hall an acre ai vegetable gai The Bible Today A twenlv-yeac dransa ai trans iatiiscthtie wisole Bible luti ukr-aiian endcd ceceîtlv in in i isipeg. Cansada bas tise Bibi( ai ailable ii i- 1,er100larîguage and i iialects a:sd todav it is rar( ta in lîîlf irther translation w-ar. iin p gcslivre. j Stelud i i intrigue ti draisia's last art began iin 193, aînd the curtaîn feul only las, ycr. Ils cariy scenes were sel la Europe. Its liera, Dr. Ilariai Olsieiîko, professor af Kiev Un. s-ersit 'v in the Ukraine, begaî inakiiig notes and cahiecting source îîsateî-iab 30 vears caciei ix-iile wackîing ini Warsa\v Un. iversit v. TIise slorv reads like air Ol\ - '-. it"- 'cars aiofio-ot- cd effort lus taýýk w-as istcrrupD ted witli Itie otilhceik aithe St--oaci Woci 'ai-. Theis sonie af liims pieciotis isoles ansd mîanu- -' 11p1; m. \'e r e urned. Thci-. liiîda flîislttissautgli Poaaii tii( 'e-he'a-aiaansd ais ta lilSit ~tin iii istria. Thisstutý reýiiide1 ar tise c-areliilv pro- siri-eti xxos-k xas smuggied ifroni plac e ta place uistih il finabbv îeac:ilSxvilzeniaîsd. There it %xa s rescueclbYbvsorte British soidiers -wýlso sent ilta oDr. Olsienko. By that time be bad reacbed Canada. Siîsce 19.30 unil the transla- liais ias completed, aided hy toAnsecican Ukranjan sehol- ais, D.Olsienko hslbhured zoa put ti s new version af the *Bible sîsto tise bseds ai bis *People. Tl'ie BiritiFi ansd Foreign Bible Socîc-tv bas isow beguîî its mi)- ciu-tuon anid distribution. This Society w0iichs bas 16 Auxiliaries acrass Canada bas been respans- ible for 75 per cent af the work ai translating and publishing the Bible arouad the worhd. Suggested Bible readinRs for the \t-t-: S1u0v-al.i:1-22, Mobnda% - M '11 t10:23-42, 'Vues- many mare minutes ta add al drap of oil and prevent rust. Also an occasional sorape with an aid file wiil make a hoe or cuitivalor kili about ten timosi as many weeds. With poweri tools, il is essentî::1 that lhey be ouled and greased regular1iy and moving parts should hi' wiped off with an oily rag, es- pecially afler mawing when the grass is damp or cullivatingl- when the garden is dust ' . Il 5s also an excellent rule aftec u-. ing any power rmachinery Io check avec main boîts and nfos and scec Ihal they arc tight. Pro- periy handled anct reasanabl.v caced foc, a pawcr mowcr 01, garden tractor will last foc y cars. ~TE3S HINC THAT CAN "AppEN TO A YOUG MAN 15 TO 8E TOSSED OVER130ARD AND SC COMPELi-ED TO NEWCASTLE GARA GE, FRANK IIOAR, Proprietar Phone 2671 Euried Alive! HIE REALIZED, after the fire, that his insurance cov- cred only his home . . . and he'd lost thousands in household contents toc! Don't be buried in bis for clothing, rugs, furniture... after a disaster. (.et a(le. <on 'our home and its contents today. STUART B. JAMES Lnsurance Office MA 3-5681 Real Estate Residence NIA 3-5493 Bo m a nviii e 1~~ KENDAL Last Tuesday evening some af the men of the village gth- ered aI the home of Milt Rab- inson ta celebrale his 7th birthday. Anl extend congrat- ulations and the hope you may enjoy many mare, Milt. The twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, Dor- athy and Shirley, have been recupératinc, after getting their tonsils remaved at Memocial Hospital, Bawr-nanville, 1 a st Tuesday moraing. Mrs. Larcy Waters is visiting hec daughitec, Mrs. John Thompson, for a wbile. Mcs. Nellie McKenzie, Tor- onto, spent Eastcr Sunday with Mc. and Mrs. Roy Mercer and IVIrs. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria were Sunday guesrs %vsth Mr. and Mrs. John Thionpson and Mrs. Luxan. 1\1r. and Mrs.. George Clark , vere at their summer home for the long weekend. Mc. and Mcs. Truman Gar- hast anl Jim S\varbcick, Tor- alita, \ere down for Easler. Easter visitors for the long wveekend with Mr. and M2s. Eddie Cauroux were bis par- cals, '.\I. and Mcc.- A. Cour~- aux. Mr. ind Mrs. Leo Demon- tigny and famrily, Mc. and Mrs. D. Eutelser and Gary ai Cache Day, and M\r. and Mrs. Rayl Moore and farniiy of Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Thompson ai North Bay were with jMr. aîîdi Mis. Carl Langstaff. 1 IMrs. Tom Falls is aI present i le ue asing hanse in Orono. We biaie as the Xeathec im- proves that she wil be feeling be tIer. Mr. George Langstaff wh'o bas flot beeîî sa welh was taken ta the Memorial Hospital aI Bawnianvillc Saturday nighl and was ta have bis other foot remaved on Tuesday morning. Our Ihoughts and good wishes are with hlm. Tîsere was a large crowd nt thie Oi-angemeii's dance ln the lia il Seturdeay night.* The roaci mon have been in tiha villag-e several limes i~ 1)it \veck, ta tlsaw out the han gy cuiverl in front af Turan- .sky*s store and ta open a ditb on tise opposite side af the street ta iet the water get away. LasI spring we had an al- mosî iîspassable piece ai raac from Kendal corner la BiIJ Jackson's. Il was graded lasi fall but we uadecstand lic gravel xvas put ais. il bas beeu bath foc some weeks now and it is nat pleasing ta tbink wisat it wiil bc, wien tise patches ai icc are goîse and the frosl out, T bi i s Kendal - Newtanville cuaity road scems ta have becîî tise 'forgatten" one hast year - no added bard top or imapravemeals. Haw about il Kendal folk? Can't we secure better service luis year? Mc. Gardon Marlineli took Kenssy down ta Raseneath Fri- dav ta, speîsd lus Easter holi- days wilis bis uîscles, Cecil and Archie Blodgett. Miss Lor- relise Therteli is spending a fexv da'v., with lier aunt, Mrs. Ma rtimieil. Miss Diane Icwia and Miss Gxven Stark are spending thz bîolideys with Mc. ansd Mrs. Roy Vernion et Casîleton. Miss Ruths Jackson, nurse- in-tcaining aI Civie Haspital, retcirned la ,Ottawa Suaday and xvas accaaîpaîîied by Mis Katsbeis Jackson, Bilby and Paul Jacksons aîd Harold Wood. Kathleniesomsaiîscd focra ahli- dayv and visil with ber sister, Ma. garct. Mc. and Mrs. Bihl Turansky anîd daugîsters wvere Easter Sunday visilars \witlshuis moth- Cr. t t Vitby. Mr. and Mî-s. Bibi Jackson ansd BoSs visited Sunday willi McI. ansd Mcs. Honey and Mrs. A. Jackson at Milliken. Mcrs. Ray Moore and family are sseîsding tise holiday week xith Mc. aîsd Mrs. Eddie Cour- aux. 1Mr. aîîd Mcs. Wilfred Rougli- 1ev caisse ownî for Mrs. Thorne sud c-.Swarbrick Fcidaiy and taok liscin for a party diîsner I et Ms-r. ansd Mcs. Fecgusan'. 0 ' ' . xxlo bcougbt themn iiack Sat'îrday ansd stayed f:)r th liecekeiid. Gat 's Satucay eveising wliI Mcr. andi Mrs. AI. Stevenss were Mrs. Tisorc, !Srs. Swarbrick auj 11s-. anis IMrs. Ferguson. Aîiother 'Otb birtbday celc- bratica.i -sisebd tiuis week, Ibis, o iie0 a 'thse homse ai Mr. and MNrs. C'a:enee 'i'bertll Sunday in lioiaisuoai tisir aunt, Miss SEcl:sia Tiiesteli. Mc. and Mrs. ilv~ Tisertcli. Toronto, and asefrrim ail tIse Therteli fam- .l. s Bîxîsiss-ibewere pre- c, n \V' al l ors in wishing Seissi. Haisisv hicay and iM ix ifl roîc aitiica.' Tii-: -.ns auc-b larger, nlii'- ýan is uaI aI Ken - du t , i ciCh iïti l'or BaSîci' i x e ;iiidn '.1 marning witii Rev. S. J. Pike iis a fine 15i'necýsae. The chsair as- - isted hx ssngiîsg "Low la thel Grdve Ho Lay" and a duet by Ms-,s. A Foster and Mcs. Cour- aux, 'Alone." A beautiful Eastcc liii' xas placed in mem- orv- of MrI. and Mrs. Walter TiioelIl bx' Miss Selina Ther- lvii an:dMc. and Mrs. Clarence '11 WA. sietisgwas held \Vehise-la' ciiiinitise Suis- ,lai S-irafil %,-;,h Mrs. J. Slap- Ictan pre , -diitt. Thie rail eail - av vred1w reading a vese isciture connected xx sîl Easter. Mrs. Thorne,"v "s0 is 92 ycars aId, brought ouI Ihe happy lbaugbts of Easter in reading, "The Smibe of Easter."1 Miss Selina Therteli read, 'Because He Arase," an Easter messagce hy Peter Marshall. Mi.Win. Jackson attended 'I. -un- of. i thaCîb Math- !uil î:î Osa uîa 'ordvex-exen iiig xx éi , p i xcece made foc the Cub ibanqut LAprg 151h. _ Receives Prize for Grain' Judging Earl Brown, O.A.C. '58 (right) of Newcastle, Ontario, is presented with the Bruce M. Cohoe prize for outstanding work in grain judging by Dr. D. N. Hurtley, Head of the Field Husbandry Dept., O.A.C., at a recent prize giving banquet held at the Ontario Agricultural College. Solina C.G.I.T. Ai Enniskillen The regular C.G.I.T. meeting was held March 31s1 in the church basemenl with Sauina C.G.I.T. as aur guesîs. Caîl ta warsbip was givea and the C.G.I.T. Purpose was repeated together. Prayer was given by Gloria Wright. ScriptUre was read hy Elenor Heard and thc stacy by Nancy Wood. Re-pnn- sive reading by Ruths Lambi. Beniediction was given by ircîse Fergcuson. Two delightful niusir-al sel- ections wvere giveis by the Sauina C.G.I.T. A coalest was given by Nancy Wood and Bible Sludy period under thc direction'i ai Lama Weara. We ail warked on crafîs and thea a delilius lunch was secved by Vieki Pickering, Donna Gail Irwin, Linda Yeo and Irene Fergusan. Meeting closed witis Taps. NexI meeting wibl beclseld April 2Oth la the cburch base- mentl at two o'clock with Elea- or Heard and Lais Ashton ini charge af lunch, and Lamaa Wearn and Linda Stainton la charge aofxvorsbip. NESTLETON We af this community are happy that Malcolm Emerson was discharged frorn Bowmnan- ville Hospital an Wednesday hast. We hope he stays fce from aay mare painful attacks. The euchre party af Wedacs- sday evening was not a big suc- cess either front standpoint af iwinning prizes or gencral re- ceipts. Yaurs tculy, Winnîa Malcolm, succeeded in tieing for low lady with Muriel Hoskin of Blackstock. Result was, Win didat win. Congratulations Muriel, and ta high scoring gent, Frank Hoskin; high lady Mrs. Hodgson of Part" Perry; low gent, Mr. Hodgson; door prize, Bruce Ashton. Mrs. Eva Campbell speal a day recently with Helen, Grantl and childrea. Mrs. S. Brooks, Bowmanville, stayed a fexv days with the Lawrence Malcolm's recentiv, and L awrence and Gwen and David taok advantage of a good baby visil Mc. aad Mi,-. Howard Malcolm and family of Yelvertan on Wednesday eve.i- ing. Mr. andi Mrs. Dani Black of Courtice, were week day visit- ors of the Emerson famihy. Vic and Win Malcolm added their mugs ta the many xvho accepted Mc. and Mrs. Russell Kerr's Good Friday cehebra- lion. Eastcr \veckenrd vi-itors wcre: Mr. and Mcs. Merviii Bird, Mr,1 and Mrs. Edgar Emei-sa-n, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson and' fansilies at their parents, the Malcolm Emccsons.1 Mr. and Mcs. Ralph Sadlerl and girls aI Mrs. Sadler's. Bcw-1 manville. Girls Xvili remiain fac a few days. Ross Beaitty with bis oncle and auntl,, Mc. and Mrs. Earte Argue, Pontyp-iool. and then ta his parents at Suiphide, Ont. McI. and IMrs. A. Agncw 1in Toronto for tise vekend. Barbara, Ban and flickie1 Piros--cf îvth the Gea. Prossers.î The Sear amiiy ai Toroii-i ta, wvth th le Grant Campbells.1 and the V. Maicaîrus and Ralph1 Malcoliîns with Rae IMalcoînîs at Il Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. John Veale stayed weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. Miss Barbara Leyland was weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leyland. Miss Linda Brush spent week- end with Miss Glenda Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brush visited the Wilsons on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mappin aI Mrs. Mappin's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sleep of Toron- ta, were weekend guests af Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowles. Mrs. Pauline Marshall and boys are staying for several days with relatives in Water- f ord. Sorry 10 hear John Nesbitt suffered complete loss of his nsaple syrup equipment throughi fire last week. Mc. Leonard Joblin has re- turned ta Nestieton community. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson sup- per guests at Lockyer's ini Brooklin Sunday. Just a reminder 10 Nestietôn cammuaity that a euchre party wiil be held April 6th in C.O.F. Hall. Nestleton is happy ta have Archer and Mrs. Bond returned from Buffalo where they spent the winter. Archers voice a!- ways boosls the anthemns on a Sunday. Easter Sunday at the United Church was a lovely affair with lhree beautiful Easter les and other floral arrays-some on ladies' bonnets, almost makeslI one forget the Christian signifi- cance untîl the sermon cornes along. Caesarea church is having a special unveiling service next Sunday ta celebrate the rede- caration of its interior. How about sonse af us lurning out?1 We are indeed sorcy ta hear that Oscar Edwards suffered a heart attack and passed away. Funeral Thursday from MeDer- mott funeral parlors and inter- ment in Nestîcton Cemelery. REDUGE FEED COSTS and increase market valuet by feeding Jegume or cori ensilage dab We offer yon a c 0n cr etea stave Silo un- equaUled fo r strength andi durabilty. de- signed for the etorage of le- gume or corn ensige. Our silos are cou- s tru cte 8 o; vibrated, wet cast. tongue and groov e c o n c r etc staves. and hooped w 1t h heavy rods to give yoii a p ro0du et as stfaflg as con- crete and steel eau make it. CAMPBELLFORdJ SILOS LIMITED Contact WALTER FRANK PHONE Bowmianville MA 3-2403 PRODUCER A man who likes to meet and talk to farmers is needed by our rapidly expanding organizalion. TRepeat business guaranteed and definitely not seas- onable. Highest commissions, Company paid pension plan and other benef its. Reply in own handwriting giving full particulars and telephone numnber to ALLIED FARM SERVICES 24â'/' Dundas St. London, Ontario For your JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND SERVICE - SEE RAY No. 2 Highway GIBBS MAPLE GROVE SERVICE Maple Grove1 I j will be in,*- Bowmanvilile - atth(le Bown-anville Town Hall ' 7 April 56 Ç 12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m. Or write RCA.k' Rec£uiting Unit, 27 St. Clair Ave. E., TCorfuto A. SPECIAL RCAF OFFICER PAGE MORT THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOMdANVMLE. ONTARIC OFMWWVIMMI% &*v à ý-WW »- àk.m 1 "1

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