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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1956, p. 1

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ern4bin t4t~man VOLUME 102Q Eastern Star Hon ors Grand Chapter 0f ficers j ýWith Gala Reception A reception held by Durham Moffatt, Miss Velma Gay, Mrs. Chapter 181, Order o! the East- Duaine Palmer. ern Star, to bonor Mrs. Edna Music Provided Anderson, recently elected Wor- Bfr s.Adso wa thy Grand Miazron of the Grand Bfr r.Adro a Chatero! ntajoandmr escorted to take brer place on Reat deyo Gantaro a nirst tbe platform, Ms.Eleanor RetaDudeyGrat OganstChambers san~g, "Love Sends a .a gaia event in the High Little Gift o! Roses". She was « O~$ol auditorium on Monday accompanied at the piano by -k~ing, Oct. 29.- Mrs. .Ross Hallowell who pro- Over 450 Attend vided the musical accompani- Over 450 guests were pres- ment througbout the evening. ent from Cbapters ail over On- Present Roses tario. Seated on the platforin Following the presentation of with Mrs. Vivian Fqckard, Wor- Mrs. Reta Dudley, Grand Or - thy Matron of Durhamn Chapter, ganist, Miss Mary Alldread were Past Grand Matrons and sang, "The Sunshine of Your Patrons and elected and ap- Smille". The roses carried by pqinted officers of the Grand the guard o! honor were pries- Chapter of Ontario, including1 entcd to the two guests of hon- the Worthy Grant Patron, Bro. or by Mrs. Emma Ruthven and Donald Galbraith of Orillia. Mrs. Elsie Aildread. Mrs. Eva Welcomes Guests Warren, Associate Conductress, These and other distinguish- aiso assisted witb presentation ed guests including Past Dis- o! guests. trict Deputy Matrons, presiding Life Mmesi Matrons and Patrons, Past Ma' Among the honors received trons and Patrons of visitin-t by Mrs. Anderson was a life chapters and Durham Chapter, membersbip of Durham Chap- and other friends present were ter, presented by a senior Ma- graciously welcomed by W. M. tran, Mrs. Ada Found. She also Vivian Pickard. received many gifts, including Form Guard of Honor the gift of Durham Chapter presented by Worthy Matron Wortby Grand Matron Mrs. Elect Mrs. Anne Stephenson. Anderson was presented bv Mrs. Anderson in accepting1 Conductress Mrs. Edna Shaw. said, "If it were flot for Dur- A guard of honor, each bear- ham Chapter starting me off as ing a long-stemmed red ros-e Associate Conductress, I would heid aloft, was formed by Past flot be where I amn tanight. Matrons of Durham Chapter There are no friends nicer than who were: Mrs. Millie Edger, you. t Mrs. Mae Garton, Mrs. Ruby Cox, Mrs. Ada Found, Mrs. El- Proud To Be Member isie Alldread, Mrs. B. Wight, W. M. Vivian Pickard pre- Mrs. Florence Northcutt, Mrs. sented Durham Cbapter's gif tt Eleanor Chambers, Mrs. Hazel ta Mrs. Reta Dudley. "I recal qGibbs, Miss Mary Jewell, Mrs. when I became a member of tbe 'Victoria Frank, Mrs. Jessie Chapter," Mrs. Dudley said. "It Marr, Mrs. Emma Ruthven, is an experience that makes a Mrs. Greta Brown, Mrs. Olive (Contînued on page seventeen) Trinity United Holds h hl 1 ecial music by the three mediate Choir in the morning ai ilrs and messages o! inspira- sang an arrangement o! "Bless tion brought by the visiting This House". zpeakers marked Trinity United I h vnn h uia Chiarch annîversary services i h vnn h uia r ~4niorning and ev.niag îast piumbers by the ,Senior Choir- 'iSunday. were "Let Mount Zion Rejoice" The minister, Rev. T. A. Mor- in which Mrs. R. Merkley wasc gan coduced heserice, wthsoloist, and "The Story o! Old", Rev. H. A. Turner o! St, Paul's wih re os. M erkley Rnders . L United Church assisting in the Ayeslit.Rv oe th eveing Th spcia chir um-Green, M.A., B.D.. of Enniskil- bvers whichade so muacho them len in his sermon which he titled, hi: beauty of the day's devotions WOfrn]u Bs aGd -eeude the dretin o! Mr. brought a sincere and tbought- 9 Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R. umesgtohecnrain.b S.M., organist and choir master. Trinity congregation bas play- ]at The Principal of the United ed a lepding part in the churcb C. Church Ontario Ladies' College life of the Bay of Quinte Con- St. at Whitby, Rev. S. L. Osborne, ference during its long history. WE B.A., B.D., Th.D., Mus.Doc., The first Metbodist Church in was guest preacher in the morn- Bowmanville was erected on w: ing, taking as his subject, "The West Hill and a few years later w. Quest for Certainty". . a larger building was erected on pl( The Junior, Intermediate.. and the present site. This building ust Senior Choirs iombined in -'a was enlarged several times due- beautiful number, "Crimond", to the uniting o! ahl Methodist the descants being sung by Mrs. congregations and bhe BibleR R. Merkley and Miss Beverly Christian, and ta growtb over j Cowling. Miss Margaret Allin the years. The latest alteration was the soprano soloist in the was in the remodelling of the F Senior Choir number "O Wor- Sunday Scbool portion o! the F hip the King," and te Inter- building.V Tired Rotarians R et utn Following Con ference in Nring u-Ed wIrd BHa tel "Durham Countys ,Great Family Journal" R(-IW À MITT.Tt TDuCvWL)T A MVlTTTiT t UT~~mAHTTI-fTHM . A N-.MPPlQ 0r J., ~ ~1.euFR lCOPk>Y NUMBER 44 Scene , of CNR Train Wreck Here Early Wednesday Mornîng Plan Two Draws For Merchants' Big Jackpots Next week Bowmanville merchants wilI have twe draws for their Apprecia- tion Day fund. The first draw"will be on Tuesday at 3 p.m. for the $575 jack- pot. The second draw wiil take place on Saturday, November lOth at the same time for what is i the pot at that time. Starting next week, the draws will be held every Saturday during the win- ter nionths. This change was made at a meeting of the Retail Merchants on Monday evening. This n'~eek's Jackpot win- ner was Mrs. Hilda Col- wcll, Carlisle- Ave., Bow- manville. She won $27.50 on a 5% coupon. Be sure to get your coupons from the Appreciation Day mer- chants. Box Holders For Durham Increase by 324 During the past ycar the num- ber of bouseholders in Durham County wbo receive their mail tbrough a post office box bas increased to 6112 wbich is an addition of 324. 0f these ngw box bolders, Bowmanville bas the largest share with 168. Close study o! the current Rural Directory just released by the Post Office Department indi- cates that the increase o! box- holders bas been divided evenly n the county with most local- ties havîng a slight increase or remaining on par with Iast j year's totals.1 Rural mail deliveries enjoyed aless spectalcular inicrease of 87 vitb R'.R. No. 3 Bowmanville having the largest with 32 new householders. The Rural Directorye.for Dur- harn is published annually by te Post Office Department and =ntains the names of all bouse- olders along with first names )r initiais, occupations, and box iumbers if any. It is available bt a price o! two dollars. t c MVareho.use ta )pen Nov. 9th Only one man, the engineer of a stone train, Wilbert Hammett of Topsview shows the extent of damage ta scveral cars and the engine on Belleville was injured in the above crash early Wednesday marning te south side of the track. Other cars were in the narth ditch. Bottom the CNR tracks east of Bowmanville. The rest of the crew of bis train photo was taken from the platform of ane of the huge cranes to the east and the one it struck eaped ta safety seconds bef are the terrif ying impact. of the wreck. David Willia ms Wins Frank Donald, Manager of bcnoois he Oshawa Brewers' Ware- iusing Ca. announced. yester ày that the Bowmanville storeP b î p a c n i cl ili open on Frîday, November h. The building which bas In public speaking finals for ander Grahamn Bell; Joe Scbaal- )en under construction since Bowmanviile Public sehools sma - The Lusitania; Marie ite summer on. the former H. held at Central School on Mon- Trimble - Alexander Grabani Downham property at King day evening, Oct. 29, DavidlBell; David O'Rourke-Charles tE., will be ready early next Williams o! Central, placed Dickens; Julia Allin-The Suez rek. first, Merridy Mutton also of Canal; Roderick Taylor-Veim- Donald Fleming. Oshawa, Central was second, and 'Janet triloquism; Sharon Leach - ili be manager o! the store Scott of Ontario Street, third. Mother Goose; Eileen Rabm- itb one other full time em- Judges were Messrs. L. Swat- Florence Nightingale; Glen loyee. Additional belp will be ridge, Charles Carter Jr., and Bell-The Orange: Janet Scott ed on the weekends. Rev. H. A. Turner. The first -Bowmanville Nurseries; Ann -two, winners wilI compete 3t Leddy-Animaîs, Jean Cully- Solina Thursday (tonîght) in Bats; Marie Foran - Tokyo; the finals for West Durham, Lillian Miller-Ottawa; Linda 1ay Preston which ar eifnl o the Cameron-The Farmer; Tommy couny. iVewinnrs t Slin Calan-ubsandScouts will compete against fiVe for Those competing from Cen- 1rst Gam e MEast Durham at Orono for the frai School and their subjects ,hamionsip.were: Marjorie Stewart - Na- In the preliminaries beld in ture Lover; Don Brown-The Vith Hamiton Bowmanville schools prior bu Ostrich: .Judy Jeffery -- Long - -Mo nday nigbt. winners for On- Island, Gerry Wilson-Electri- tarto Street School were Marie city;' Sharon Lucas-Christmas Trimble, Julia Allun, Janet Customs; Jim Wilson-The Mus- Scott, Marie Foran and Tommy kellunge; Tina Kooey-Niagara Callan. The five winners for Falls; Connie Niddery - Wild Central were Judy Jef fery, AnimaIs; Merridy Mutton - Connie Niddery, Merridy Mut- Nervousncss: Bill Bickle-Ad- fon. Anne Wilson and David vriig Evelyn Hughes- Williams. Horses; Anne Wilson-Sfty: Those competing from On- Mary M,,nrhv - Waesn faria Street and their subjects Tired, but eroud of their 1WMalter Reynolds; Publicity, Bud .wr agrtCwnlx efforts, Bowmnanville Rotarians 1 1\McAlister from the Onfariô Sa-.wr:Mrae oa-lx and their wives returned home Icieby for Crippled Children; Re- from Toronto ovet' the weekend ceptian. Rick Rickaby; Registra- following their district convon- tion, Mel Dale; Resolutions, Alan' Si nof D tion at the King Edward Hotel. Strike; Sergeant-at-Arms, GeorgelS g s oD i If was a major project by thec Vice and Song Leader Keith t local club. led by District Gov-, Slemon. The Ladies' Planningt erorWate DGerbeaue Omiteewa hadd y r'E vident at J entire two day affair includinJ The program included the general planning, administration' customar.y business sessionsi0V ge a and programn details. Some idea wýhen various topics o! Rotary O e e a o! the size o! the task may bc nterest were discussed by paniels gatbercd when it is consideredi and speakers. There were f wo inofdsnttadde that registrations vwere almost! main) lunicieons with outstand-, adfoafir temni 10 with representation !rorn1 ing speakers, including one frolm from food processors give a ~~clubs throughout District 246. 1 New York o! a Rotary nature;,. forecasb o! another gencral <"From start ta finish, every- and Hon. Lester B. Pearson strike among vegetable grow- thing went on schedule and Secretary of State for External sc. . . ers unless a better deal is ar- without- any major hitch, ai-, Affairs who discussed current IRay Preston - thegrowCer s bougbatsofa tbuh emdteseeteei nternational problems. th-rwr sbogtota theg, e an te scenes theor-' The evening events inchuded a defence star with hast season*s bt anhlmeigo!teDr ganizers were !rantic about buffet Friday, !allowed by a Bowmanviile Legionnaires,,made ham eeable Growers in the same particuhar detail sucb a-, Country Dance complete witb bis officiai Junior "A" debut Newcastle Hall Monday even- decorations, over-crowding dur- flannel shirts, square dancing Sunday afternoon af Maple Leaf I ng were the present low prîces, in rgitrtin ndth lIeand a generally informai atmos- Gardens witb bbe Hamilton bth naelcable California cal -t an gsrt o! n the la ahin phere and the, Governor's Bail Cubs wbo battled fa a 1-1 draw our chart and inexperienced Br vlo temaies a jio on Saturday with music supplied with bbc highly-rafed St. graders. by Abbie Darcb o! Bowmanville Michael's Majors. \Atog h tednea For Býmnil members. 1 and bis archesra. Toronto Rotary On hand for Hamilton's first the meeting was smaller than the canference sfarted some was responsible for the Friday game and fa watch Ray per!ormi usualte aort0o h months ago wben the organiza- luncheon. Eginton put on a were bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. grawers stated that if present tion and promotion work began. magnificent Early Birds' Break- Robert Preston, Maple Grove, problems continue ta exist itf The Executive Committee, con- fast on Safurday morning and along with several other friends. will be immaterial if thevi sisting o! Chairman Morley Van- Oshawa were hasts at the Sat- Ray is quite pleased witb the grow next year. Others felt stone, Vice-Chairman Keith urday luncheon. contract Hamilton bave o!fered that a general strike wouldv Jackson, Secretary Rex Walters, District Governor Walter De- him and bopes ta gain valuable only be successfuh if ail gro'v-a Treasurer Mark Roenigk and Geer was the overail canvenor hockey experience in that city. crs participated and this Club President Bill Rudell was and taok part in many o! the During thec daytimc Ray is em- cansidered impossible. chosen as well as the beads Of discussions as well as being ployed in a Hamilton Service Executive Re-elected the various committees. chairnian o! the Satuirday even-. Station. Due f0 fhe fine work done by 9 In charge of Attendance and ing dinner. Great tribufe was As is common wibh ail other the executive o! the Durhamd promnotiQn was Keith Billett; paid bim and the Bowmanvilhe Junior "A" teams, the Hamilton Vegetable growers if was agreed h Decorations, Louis Dippeli; En- Club by speakers !rom Rotary club takes good care o! their that they shouhd be re-elected h tertainment. Ross Strike: Fel- Internatonal, past district gav- players and in turn expect the by acclamation with the addi-a (owship, John James, Hutels and ernor§ and international direct- phayers f0 adhere strictily ta tion of bwa new directors, AI! Ii Regervattons, Dave Higgon;i ors for a well run. most enjay- rules o! gentleman conduct on Allun and Bob Stephenson. f Ladies. Mty bMartin; Printing., able and worthwhile con%-ention. land off the ie. à The other officers for the Laust Minute Leap Saves Train Engineer and Fireman I.ýn Early Morning Crash A _ _e__ car CN 1-- -e-reIh 1- h - bf' c'f; 4 t cars were aerailead y shed into the caboose a broken collar bone, a frac - the impact. The seven gravel ionary work train, 30f) tured shoulder and crackeci cars, each weighing aver a hun- ;t o! the level crossing ribs. He was treated by Dr. dred tons, were twisted and 'f Road, Bowmanvillc, Harold Ferguson and then r0- sîu'ewru like discarded wash ter 1 a.m. Wednesday, moved f0 Memorial Hospita!. clotbs. 31, after skidding a Fireman George Cooper, and A î-frigerator car, lying on ble distance on locked Brakeman W. H. Peebles, both its sidie, quiebly disgorged its n~ a vain attempt tao! Belleville, also jumped but load of sparklîng ice cubes while Strain ta a haît. were unburt. c]azed crew members, not yet he engineer, Wilbert The steam locomotive was u fully comprehensive of their ,42, o! Belleville, was, cbarred mass o! ruptured steel, u1uu'aculous escape from death. ,hen lie jumped free smeared with toothpick frag- j athered tossed items o! cloth- gine cab a split-second ments o! the caboose. ' (Continued on page seven) train sma of a statiý yards easi on Wharl shortly ai October « considerai wbeels ib hring the Only ti Hammett, injured v, Local Meri Help Remove'Engineer ta Hospital SoutherlnIuintarla; DyavidrWio- liams-OlYmpîc Gamnes iscontent Meeting )le Growers coming year are as follows: president, Austin Turner; vice- president, Aif Dodson: secre- tary-treasurer, Bill Barchard; directors, Francis Werry; How- ard Moore, Hans Geisberger, Alvis Metcalf, Harry Davey and Ed Ruthveq. Although the scbeduled guest speakers of the evening were unable ta attend, directors and board representatives spoke on the produce of the past season and the progress made by veg- etable growers. Austin Turner stated in bis opening remarks that this year xvas one of the most difficuli for growers with the weather,I labour and rising prices ail Liampering the growers. The wet season, lack of sunshine and early frost led to a pocr crop. Farm Marketing Act Ed. Ruthven enlightened the growers on the work being done to revise the Farmn Mar- keting Act. The Supreme Court he pointed out bas already held a bearing and were to give bheir reserved decision in the 'ail but bave since declined to (Continued on page seven) Marris Co's Ambulance could hot reach, the spot wherc train engineer Wilbert Hammett lay on the graund suffering from injuries rcceived w-hen he jumped from his engine just bef are crashing into another freîght train. Stretcher bearers helped carry Hammett back ta the waiting ambulance. They included Don Marris and Bob Williaýms of Morris Co., Town Constables Alan Densem and Lon Hartley, Lawrence Adams, Ray Lathangue, Lamne Stevens and others. Herc, they arc helping the injured man onta the stretcher, following a ýuick examination by Dr. Harold Fer- guson. The two trainmen in the picture are fir#eman George Cooper and brakeman W. H. Peebles. k g 1 A- TITI TI dli r% 1-vr r 1-- L

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