?MMUSDAY, NOV. Ist, 19D., &cf a & (Prsan0 Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Skuci Lifford, Ont., visited Mrs. W. 1 Densem last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. McComI Toronto, Visited with Mr. an, Mrs. Frank Denby, Elgin St. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Casbouri * and family, Toronto, spent th, weekend with his father, Mi H. H. Casbourn. *Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denb: attended the Gerrard - Griffii weddimg at Blackstock Unitei Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoa and family, Toronto, spent thi * weekend with his parents, Mi and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker ang children, Mrs. J. Irwin an4 sister Mrs. Goodfellow, Torontc were Sunday guests of Mrs. F Cator. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jack. son and Linda, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Dawson, Tillsonburg were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Melvin Bell. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Austir left Wednesday to fly to hi; home in Fernie, B.C. This iý Dr. Austin's first visit in Ul years ta his home town. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton S. RowE and son Scott, Chateauguay Que., were recent guests of theii * aunts, Mrs. H. Humphries and Mrs W. H. Densem, King St. Miss Muriel Stevens, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gauth« 1er, Roberval, Que., were guesti of the former's parents, Mr. anc Mrs. Ross Stevens, Scugog St. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Col- mier, Bracebridge, were in towr for the weekend and visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Colmer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colmer. Mrs. Harry Smith, Queen St., wias in Acton Saturday, visiting relatives and atending the wed- ding of her niece Miss Joanne Stuckey to Mr. Barry Insco of Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and Cindy Lou were in Ottawa last week, the guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Ralph McKenzie, and at- tended the Ottawa Winter Fair when Lloyd was judge of sheep classes. Mr- and Mrs. E. M. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston attended the 40th Wedding An- * niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Mount Dennis, at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Zirs. Arthur Moquin on Oct. 27. Miss Lynne Bagneli of Ship- stads and Johnsons Ice Follies flew from Chicago on Sunday after the show to spend a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. (Bill) Bagnell. Lynne left Wednesday morning to rejoin the show at Detroit. On Wednesday, Oct. 24, the 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack held its going-up ceremony. The boys were welcomed by Mr. Biggs of Second Troop. They were: Gord Rundie, An- thany Molloy, Don Masterson, Stephen Barciay, Arthur Foran, Woodrow Ferry. A picture post card received by the editor from Alfie Shrubb from Los Angeles, Calif., show- ing a beautiful boulevard lined with huge palm trecs, states: H-aving a grand time and feeling just great. This is a wonderful city. Best wishes toalal my friends back home. Have you sent in your Civic Affairs Survey to the Chamber of Commerce yet? If you have mnisplaced the form you may get one at the Chamber Office in the Town Hall. Be sure to send it in by Nov. loth so that reports m-ay be totalled and forwarded [ST. JOHN'si CHURCH (Anglican) Twenty-third Aller Trinify 8 and il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL I .M. - IEVENING PRAYER ,e, to the Town Council. IX Mr. Herb Babcock, 59 Ontari( St., as soon as he had read th( b, Dim and Distant column undei d the 66 years ago heading las Thursday phoned to say tha .n the old Porter Foundry va; .e situated on the south-west corn. r. er of King and Liberty Street. where the Goodyear houses ar( )ynow located. in Miss Jane Carruthers anc !d Miss Patsy Slemon, Ontari( Ladies' College, Whitby, spen .r Sunday with their grandparents Le Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruther! r. and Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemor dsary service when Dr. Stanle: LdOsborne, Principal o! O.L.C, td was the speaker. SMr. Glen Hughes, presideni o! Bowmanville Skating Club accompanied ty Mr. E. K. S McLaughlin, Oshawa, vice-pre- Ssident of the Canadian Diabeti< ~Asoci ation, flew ta Vancouver last Wednesday to attend the annual council of the Canadiar n' Diabetic Association. They re- ýs turned home on Wednesday. S Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell, Bal. 9sam Lake, visited her aunt, Mrs. Seward Dawson. Wher 'e they returned home on Friday, i, Mrs. Dowson accompanied therr r ta Victoria Road and spent the d weekend with her sister, Miss Mabel Lytie. Mr. and Mrs. ,Alvin Dowson and son Arnold -drove out ta get his mother :s Sunday. d It is nice to know that the Rest Roomn provided by the -Women's Institute in the Town i Hall is appreciated by some, 1 probably by many actually, but 1few think ta express that an- preciation. Last week a note was lef t by a Toronto lady along wîth a contribution ta- ward the upkeep, saying how 2much she appreciated the dlean frest raom. 'Father's Night Out" is Wed- 1nesday, Nov. 7, when the Bow- tmanville Men's Canadian Club 1 will hold their first 1956-57 banquet at Enniskillen United Church at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Robt. Simms o! The Imperial 011 Ca., Toronto, will speak on the growing importance o! the de- velopment o! ail fields in Western Canada. New mcm- bers will be welcomed at this meeting. The 1957 voters' list for Bow- manville has been posted in the Post Office lobby. Better take a look and see if your name is written there ta entitle you ta vote at the December Civic clections. Assessment notices have also been mailed out ta property awners showing the basis on which 1957 taxes will be levied. If you're still interested civic nominations will take place Nov. 23, and if elections are re- quired they will be held Dec. 3rd. Gerry Clarke, Grade 8 pupili o! St. Gregory's Separate School, Oshawa, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Clarke, formerly o! Bow- manville, was winner o! the senior group in elementary schools Community Chest public speaking contests. Gerry gave his speech at a meeting o! Kiwanians and Rotarians gather- ed ta herald the opening o! the drive in Oshawa and received an ovation. His speech was brie! but power packed. Gerry was the winner in the 16-school com- petition. Mrs. Gea. W. James return- ed home on Saturday morningi froni a most enjoyable and thrilling seven weeks' conducted tour o! England, Scotland, France, Belgium, Western Ger- many, Switzerland and Italv. The tour was sponsored by the' Canadian Weekly Newspaers Association in which there were 68 editors and their wives fromi ail sections of Canada in thel party. We are hopîng Mrs., James will write a series o! articles for The Statesman giv-i ing aur readers some o! the high- lights of her trip. Citizens who live in the vicinity of the C.P.R. tracks in town and have been complain- ing o! the whistle blowing of the trains, as they whiz througzh TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collisan, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Il ar.- "Church TriUrnohant" 7 7p.. - "The Defense of Ihe Faiih"J ~c:u::.c::m::usss:ss:ppp~i TWI~ CA?%7A1~TAT~ ~"AI'~MA?.~ UflWMA~7¶7???P ,~,.N'AO?#~ ~.* - - .. *-'.' *'4'~.41 V ~4V ~ - Honor Worthy Grand Matron Durham Chapter 181, Order of the Eastern Star, held a reception in Bowmanville High Sehool on Monda, evening, Oct. 29, ta honor one of its members, Mrs. Edna Anderson, who was recently elected Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Ontario. Telegrams of congratula- tion were received, and many speeches by distinguished guests present from ail over Ontaria paid tribute ta Mrs. Anderson's capabilities and qualifications for ber position, the highest in the province. -Photo by Rehder Grand Organisi Eastern Star Billfoids Leather with flat ail around zipper, dame fastencd and gussctted change purse and other features. Black or Brown D8c English Marocco Leather, fiat al around zipper, 4 ceiluloid swings, card holders, snap button pouch style change purse. Black or Brown, $2.50 value - 1.79 Genuine Solid English Morocco Leather - fiat fold type with slash pocket and removable pass case in gift box - 4.00 value 2.50 Men's Brush and Comb Kit Set cantains 8-row nylon bristle Militar brush, matching nail brush and matching comb; in carrying case -1.98 Shavlng Brush by "Rubberset" 4.00 Value 2.98 Lady'. Beauty Kit Contains a 7-row professional hair brush, a matching comb, nail brush and 'manicure kit, ail in a poly- thelene case. Only - 1.98 PRESCRI PTIONS AIex.- We Deliver only be used as a guide to rem- edy the ilîs of the grower. The past year bas perhaps been a good year since it has set men thinking about their shortcomings, Mr. Short said. He also believed that a better system of grading could soon be put into effect. Normn Simpson, fieîdman for the vegetable growers in th4s area, was of the opinion that there were too many supervis- ors overseeing the graders. The wrong men he felt were also being hired as graders. A number of resoiutions whîch were drawn up at a meeting in Brighton were pre- sented to the Durham Growers for their approval. These resol- utions included the adopting a feasible colour standard, high- er prices for tomatoes, and a lawering of the spread in prices of the varîous grades of toma- toes. In 1954, Canada's electrical manufacturing industry used some $397,090,000 worth o! Can- adian-produced. raw materials. Post Off ice WiII Move First of Year Work is progressing at a steady rate on the new Bow- manville Post Office building at the corner of Temperance and Church Streets but the local postal staff along with the Customs and Health o! Animals us this, buy us tnac. I offieials Winl not move Into tba new quartera until after Chria* mas. Finishing date of the building is set for December 15 at which time the contractors will turu over the building ta the Depart- ment of Public Works who wU minutely inspect the premises. Following the inspection, the changeover ta the new Post Office will take place some time after the Christmas rush. Many gals are biased--buy FALL DRUG SALE at ail eIDA., DRUG STORES I.D.A. Cold Cream Soap Pleasantly scented - Contains Lanolin Bix bath size cakes- 2For 23c Retz. 2 for 25e 12 For 1.29 I.D.A. Tooih Paste Gives you sparkling clean teeth and mint fresh breath Reg. 57e size tube --- _____2 For 79c Idamali Extract of Malt and Cod Liver i A nutritious Vitamin preparation, palatable and easy ta take 1-lb. rex. 75e 59C 2-1b. reir. 1.29 98C Save 50e on I.DA. l'Utility"l HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed 2 years Re&, 1.79 1.29 Mrs. Reta Dudley, recently installed as the Grand Organist of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, Oùder of the Eastern Star, was honored at a reception held by Durham Chapter 181 for herseif and Mrs. Edna Anderson, Worthy Grand Matron. Over 450 guests were present at the, reception held in Bowmanville High School on Monday evening, Oct. 29. Mrs. Dudley is welI known in, music circles and has been organist and choir leader at St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, for many years. first engagement of bis Fal1 and Winter tour with Columbia Artists Management wvas in London, Ont., last night. He will be playing in several On- tario cities including Tim.mins, St. Catharines and Woadstock before going ta the Maritimes and middle Western States ini the U.S. A number in Bow- manville enjoyed hearing Ray play on radio station CBL on Tuesday this week. Hewa heard in a haîf hour recita of Haydn and Chopin which he had recorded earlier. rai Wreck J Continued from p3age one) igand shared the strained hu- mor peculiar ta such moments o! stress. The escape o! crewmen from the tail-end caboose, whicn bore the coilosal impact, ap- peared, ini the early grey ligot .o! momning. as a certain miracle. Their last second jump into the çieep, south side ditch was, for them, a life time o! sus- pense. The engine, its vitzrAs strewn across twisted rails, bal- anced precariously on the barik edge held, only, by the cross- slewed tender that was jammed mn the center of a heaped mess o! twisted steel and churnedi ,!rails. Undoubtedly the crewv, owe their lives ta the fart that the engine and tender stili re- mained coupled. Special work crews from To- oronto and Kingston werc rush- ed ta the soot ta clear the line. Work cantinued ail through the day, in an effort ta clear the north track o! wreckage sa that line iaying crewvs couid replace the up-rooted rails. Railway officiais have issued no statement cancemning the cause o! the accident, although at thei (.etue reports indicate that the tremendous weight of the gravel cars, considerable speed plus a down grade al contributed. One crew memiber thought that the train had passed through a yelloxv rau.- tion light wvithout attempting to reduce speed and after pass- ing through the red signai, it was toa late and the train car- ried on ia the rear of the work train Among those first at the scene were Constables Alan Densem and Len I-artiey of the Bowmanvidle Police who assist- ed in the removal af the injur- ed engineer fram the wreck. He %v'as taken ta hospital by an F. F. Morris Cao. azbulance. Early estimates of damage run at several hundred thou- sands of dollars. Same tele- phane lines were torn down and service tempararily dis- rupted. Vegetable G mowers (Continued from page one' do so. Instead anather hearing, similar Io the one in the spr ing, is ta be held. Although Mr. Ruthven de- plored the manner in which the Farm Marketing Act is be- ing butted around he feels that a favorable decision wil b21 granted by the Supreme Court. Mr. Ruthven aiso was appas- ed ta the California Colour Chart used ta grade tomatoes in the province af Ontaria. "N other state uses the Californ.ia standards but us. We must have aur own chart," he said. Look To Future Roy Short, a representative !rom Prince Edward County, urged the growers flot ta linger on the failures of the pa st but ta look ahead ta the future. The 4-1b. ri 1.D.A. Brand TOILET TISSUE 750 Sheet Rails Reg. 2 relis 25C 2 R1B23c SHOF AT VOUR DRUG STORE the dependable place to reg. 2.29 buy ail your medicines and health and beauty 1.69 needs. Sa've 30e on I.D.A IDASAL Trablets for pain relief 300 Tabiet. Reg. soc - _ 59c A WASH CLOTHS E Real quality wash cloths. A goo,. 12 inch size in a varîety of colours * and very attractive patterns. Vale --. 2 For 25c I.D.A. Mi*lk of Magnesia 16 oz. reg. 35e 32 oz. reg. 60e 29c 49c 6 CoinbS For 19C Assorted - 2 curi, 2 bobby, 1 pocket and 1 eight inch dressinig comb I.D.A. Minerai 011 The finest Heavy Grade quality t-. 16 oz. reir. 55e 43C I.D.A. Cocoanui 011 Shampoo Regular 49e 39C I.DA. "Eeonomy" Envelopes 20 Reg. 10e 8_______~ c, 2 For15 I.DA. "'Economy" Writing Pads Note %ize a a Reg. 10 8c, L2For23 LADIES' or LETTER SIZE Reg. 15e - --- 12c, Save 10e on I.D.A SHAVING CREAM Softens tough beards Makes shaving easier 49e --- ______ COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Special! Reg. 59e tube 2 For 89C 'Safeheat" HEATING PAD 3-speed switçh Blanket-type caver Guaranteed for 1 year Reg. 4.95- 3 .98 39e I.D.A. Brand SACCHARIN TABLETS % Grain 10018 50's reg. 2oo reg. 55e 14c 43c 14Grain 10'. 500'3 reg. 23e reg. 65e 17c 49c I.D.A. Paper Napkins Seventy white, strong emboss- ed napkins in a dispenser box M Regular 17e 1 5C 2 for 33e 2 For 29c I.D.A. "Easi-Gloss" Floor Wax 1 lb. Paste Wax Reg. 53e fRegal" Baihroom Scales Weighs up to 250 lbs., bas raised dial, magnîfying lens, and chrome trim; guaranteed for 12 months from date of purchase. Black or white enamel finish. 6.95 Value 5.98 Plasic-oafd Plyin Cads NOXZEMA A sturdy metal case with prefocussed spotlight and Pls1-oae lyigCrsSKTN CREAM 3 position switch. Flashlight1 Double deck, assorted designs, ideal Christmas gift Boudoir Special less batteries ---- ---- .--- 49c Reg. 6 oz. 2.50 -- - ------------ ----------1098 jar 98C I.D.A. Wax Paper Heavy grade, 12"xlOO !t. ral dispenser box with metal cutting edge Regular 31e a rol 28c, 2 Rlils 55c I.D.A. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules An excellent source of Vita- mins A and D - sealed indi- *~vidually in pak-a-strip cel- ophane strips - handy for ,.~ ~.* ~ pocket or purse. *100'8 250's 500's reg. 1.15 reg. 2.29 reg. 4.29 89c 1.69 3.29 e ý) ci u Ladies' Dresser Sels 3-piece Set (brush, comb, mirror), pear shape, ail metal gold color lacquered frames, plastic peari t o n e backs, metal backed camb in satin-lincd box. Blue, Rose, Chrisimas Cards Dresser Set 3-piece Set (brush, comb, mîrror) pear shape, ail metal gold color iacquered frames, bevclled mirror, plas- tic backs, Medallion design, metal back comb - in rayon-lined box. Blue, Rase, An L-xce.ent family assortmcnt 50 Fine Carda .OTRER ASSORTMENTS 18 For 49C 20 For 1.00 50 For 1.98 12 For 98C A SPECIALTY McG regor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 40 oz. reg. 1.10 87c 1 2 For 23c1 1000,8 reg. 79o 59c reg. 98e 79c 39ci Pr e Christmas Specials h 1 1 THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. llqOWMANVMLLP- M",&IR'fn 1 3 --.k 98C 1 «èâLý ý 1 "'Brite-Light" Flashlight