-. ----~ - -.--.----.--.--~- ~.-~---..--.--~ - - -~ -..-...- 4 - . ,. . p t . b. '. ?XVRSDAY, NOV. 8t~, 1956 T~ CAKADIAN SIATESMAK. EOWMMqTLLK. Ol~TAEIO r........ -- Dedicate Ni Ontario Lac An, Impressil Just over a year after thei first aod was turned i its con- struction, the Grace Chapel ai the Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, was dedicated Sunday evening, October 28th. Many O.L.C. graduates ini Durhain County, dating back to the early 9O's, will look with pride MqORE Y AVAILABLE FOR NGORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Darrister and Solicitor 65 Simme St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525] "Cee, Mum- is it supper tirne alreadly?" Every<prent knows how eesfly a two.. gun cowboy can lose track of time - especially around mealtime. But she aIse knows it's a simple matter ta round him Up by telephone. And any vague feeling of aniety about where he is or wýhat he is doing is quickly dispelled by that eager vaioe at the other end of the Unme. Telephone Round-up ' Yes, the telephone ia a convenienoe and a comfort, ail day long. It means fewer meals grown cold because young- sters or husband are late getting home. It means more security when you're alone at night. It means more things done with iess time and effort ... Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for iust e few cents a day. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA 1957~~ Tin~p ow.ER bolic of a heiaea ew hap l iy.Rememer when ou war- ship here tbe wgeon yhua-Regi stration i UVthe heritage oais hpl h Jies Colege heritage that t'as carried on bv John Knox, John Calvin 4andi n Recreation Martin Luther. You are one ve Cerem ony mwith them when you pray Registration ln manY o h ! o tisne aditontothir Dr. S. L. Osborne, Principal tics sponsoreq by the Bowman- 1 e onthi newaddtio to hei ofthe College then toid the ville Recreation Department is1 Sun - lm mte.congregation of the steps by down tram last year with the ersý t The new chapel, which blends which the chapel came ta its exception of dancing, aduit meý beautifully with the dignified completion. Dr. Osborne con- swirnring and minor hockey, beii architecture af the rest of the ciuded by sayinq "Tomorrow it was riointed out at the month- I i college, was filied ta capacîty, morning, -and every marning ly meeting of the Recreation vill as Rev. A. B. B. Moore, B.A., ta came, we wiil meet here. We Council, Thursday evening. 10 eB.D., D.D., L.L.D., President oif have now a place of worship as 0f the recreation activities att. Victoria University, gave thé worthy as any building made minor hockey bas the largest TJ sermion with hurnan hands can be. This registration with 264 players ed Rev. Moore based his sermon is the most haly and most beau- organized into 18 tearns and bar on the importance of the new titul spot in the college. In this handled by 22 coaches and bel( chapel, in this day and age. chapel, we offer ta Qod flot managers The Bantam- and Pee Ca] "This building," he said, "is ac- what casts the least, but wbat Wee graups play every Satur-' lovw knowledgment that God is the costs the most." day morning while the Atoms exc' centre of this cornmunity, and Followîng the dedication, play tram 5 ta 6:30 every dVon- ta of His autbority over aur lives. which was performed by Rev. day evening. th t"W~e are a rudderless gener- H. A. Mellow, B.A.*, President T7he Departrnent have bought bit atian, who have lost aur sense ai the Bay ai Quinte Confer- two new sets ai sweaters for of ai direction ta gusts ai selfish ence. the congregatian were the Bantam league and the ' desire and popular demand. led on a tour ai the new build- Bowmanville Teen Town have hav Our search for self-expression ing 1by s tudents ai the coilege. graciausly oftered ta buy the the has reached up until we have Organ 1m usic was piayed dur- six sets ai sweaters necessary tee]. no self ta express. ing the service by Mi.zs Marv for the Atom tearns. a bi "Here, in this chapel tonight,i Harper, A.R.C.T. and the cal- Refereeing the S'a t ur day Thi we have a rendczvous with tra-1 lege choir was directed by Miss morning garnes are Maxie gani dition. This building is sym-. IMary Vance, A.R.C.T. Yourth. Bruce Calwell and Jim adul -Richards. The Atorn gamnes will ber ,be offic'ated bv Fred Vanstone ing. and John Dippel cdu( _____Due ta lack afi mterest the De- plan partnient decîded to discontinue Ai the dressmaking classp-F. M i-tb rc lrnery classes have been re- Trir Over 300,00 'Visited Powei Speaker- TeIL1 ;jThe amazing pragress .beingj the 35 miles ai St. Lawrence ne Bige vlc made an the St. Lawrence Ri- River wbicb bave been con- cd Police." T1 vrr power project was outiined srce yhdeegnes compete in ta the Rotary Club bere, Fidav srce brhdoenier.serni-finaîs tc by Kcnneth Brown, Tour Ofi They are campiete in every de- on Nov. 1. cer of the Onai ydoCm tai], built ta scale, including tercn mision. Tuitdeptbs and obstrucLions in the Yelverton, "h GreatTit Attraction river sa that advance planning an "Electrica can actualiy be donc away tram taria"; Dian. Even before the develapment the site using anly the replicas cadden's Schg bas been compieted it is bccam- for guidance. He estimatcd that tbe Farma"; ing a terrifie taurist attraction, their construction had alrcady Ylvemton, "M' be said. Up ta April ai this year saved hydro over $5 millions liament Buili over 300,000 visitors had tour- and, even in future, wîli prove dan, North ed the site, ith a maximum invaluable in salving whatevem Pals"'; Dianne an Sur.davs ai 1,600. may arise. "Trip la Niai Project on Schedule His Become Parks Mm Watt, The power part ai the sea- One ai the mast interesting ana bigh scbc way, the several dams, the re- future scenes on the St. Law- catar. Mr. H( location ai highways, raiiwavs rence will be the use of what Yelverton wa and tawn sites is proceeding at are now bilîs. When the area zs evening. TI a rapid pace, same nearing flooded, these high points wili musical selct campîction and others well aver become islands and plans are pils ai Falli 50% campleted. Practicaliy now gaing iorward ta bave themn schools. every aspect ai the development jained tagether by causeways is an schedule, according ta Mr and bridges ta tamm a netwarkr af beautitul scenic parks for OBI. iNoveà Without Danmage use by visitars. The 'speaker descibed ver- Last Waterway Project RICHARD HI bally "and with calored slides Concluding bis most intemest- Richard the magnitude ai the operation ing addmess, Mm. Brown suggest- asd wy involving flot only the trernen- cd that the St. Lawrence pow- passed away douz dam sites and powerm'hou- cm development was the lastrnt Gnc ses but the transpomting ai two great waterway projeet which Tuesday, Octo stamy brick and trame hou-ses ta could become efective ini On- was bamn ib new locations. In some cases, a tario. In future, bydmo wiil have on April 5, 1M tamily has breakfast in their ta look ta sources other than He was the aown bomne en oh'e spot and' by watem for its electrical generat- the late Mm. noon ai tbe sarne day, the bouse ing patential. Such sources wiîî, Frank Osbor] bas been elocated and lunch ai course, include atomie power employed by is served in the same home a plants whicb are already under of Oshawa for mile or so away tram the orig- construction and there wili be years. inal sctting. Most ai the bouses small water dcvelopments, but He is aurvi have been moved without dam- the St. Lawrence project is the the former R age of any kind. last of a seies ai huge water- Newcastle, a' 1Mew Modern Towns operations which hydre bas Ethel (Mrs. L To ensure tbat.homes in -new completed since the war. awa, Edna, (1 Newcastle, aný communities xiii not be ai law Mm. Brown was introduced by Ruîssell, New( standard, only the better homes Rural Hydmo Manager Rex Wal- Orville, Bownr have been moved. Those living ters who also aperated the pro- The service in sub-standard dwellings are jector. Jim Stutt expressed the funemal chapel eiven the oppartunjty ai selI- clubs appreciation ai the in- Smith on Octi ing their homes ta hydro and formative address. conducted by ren+ing or purcbasing new anes. Confcrence Aitcrmath em ai Newcast] 111 this way, the new towns wiii During the meeting, it was Floral tribu be of a generally improved ap- ta be expected that, sane cam- fram relatives, pearance compared with the' aid ment wouid be made on tbh'eIlow xorkems communities and there xiii be autstandîng success of the Ro- Motcorý'. no shacks ta mar either the tary District Canference in To - The palîbear scenc.ry or educe land and pro- ronto recentiy, when the Bow- NTewton Seiby, perty v-alueF. manvilie Club, headed by Dis- Ross Lane, CI ilodels Prove Value trict Governor Walter DeGeer-, Colvili and Lo Mr. Brown described thr'land President Bill Rudeli, was, T".tL-,'nt IN compamatively small models of responsible for arrangemen!t ville Cemetcry. n "z -4',--- PALMER MOTrOR SALES Bowmanville Phone M A 3l-5487 ftBU AE aSeveral leu iS D oIw I fram other George Vic Groups the wonde membersa îeduled for Thursday aîter-asistei )n frorn 2 ta 4 p.m. makcethe The Track and Field club sces ider the direction of AI With- President spoon informed the Depart- congratulati ent that weekly workouts are Strike on1 ig held Wednesday evening Vice Chairi m 7 to 9 p.m. at the Bowman- Hydro Co Le High School. Anyone aver birthday ci years of age is invited to garth and Cý tend. A most ir The Department have decid- read fram t Sta contribute ta the Col- Zealand clul rne Recreation display ta be expressing1 d Saturday, November 17 in tape recor lborne. The display wîll ai- slides sent vvarjous town and cities t,) manville R( change recreatian ideas and being, sent create turther interest in land to othE Is ield. Bowmanville's exhf- ing and sh will partray the importance that cauntry Public speaking. manville an 'he Recreation Departrnent Visitorsa ve offered their services ta cluded Lan Snewly formed Arnica Club Brown af ing that such a club serves The sing so Dasic need in the commijnity. af CaPt. Bil is interdenominational or- v'ation Arm, ization is open to any young son. lt who has finished his or schooiing and is now work- ýA program of social and \J icational activities is beinj ,W. J nned for the corning season. mrica meets on the firstand \ /n dc Mo)nday of the monh a nity United Church.F r )0 Tourisîs- eehay r roject Jaemrn f was piaced Rotar was "Yaur1 ; ~ RoayIn second tended the gathering. r Il M'O VIE RE VIE W THE PROUD AND PROFANE Plays at the Royal Nov. 12 - 14 A superior production in -u ever3y detail of casting,direction andi camnerawork, for a love A DURO PUMP story ev;olved in the lusty back- ground of war. A Red Cross Means Better LivingH! workci-, , initially somewhat a sharned of the purely physicalo UR DURO Water Sv.8- atIracton for her of the Mar- tn gie usf sh ure ine officer, who has risen ramn water wlien and whcere we he ranks, and who, in turn, or- need it ... adds ta ur con- Jginaiy is attracted by her beau- venience and conifort of daily 1. as an object for mere con- life. ýiuest, are the cen'ral charac- DTJRO Pumps are avail- ,ers p a y-e d so effectiveiy by ab e i al sz s ta ee in Debor:ýih Kerr and W;iliam Hol- dividual needs. See your 'den. BaSicpdiv neither charac- Plumber or DURO dealer er :s sý rnpali;etic, as bath are for full information or write s ervJng ýeJriîn alins-she seek- for FREE folder, "Running ng inform;ation about er hus- ý,and who died as a paratroop- Wa rt e F r Ne es y" er at Guadalcanal (suspectîrg .vhat she Iearns ta ho true that ..e chose this dan.-erous servicey as escape from bis unhappy ýý-rarriage,), and the Marine Coi- J .nel is ser ety carrying a chip cnr his shoulder aga 1inst the wdll- OR ,.orn iand wpiilthv because af, .umTh1ations lie sufferyd as an r)o,, rizhed son of a ba!h- breed Indijan sq~uaw. Sa it re- n a L n s f ( r 1 t p e a t o - r t e ,han the play's success in driv- ,ng the pojint homne-that war -the great devastater of dis- ýpline of *he animal instîinct%. ,ut there is a fund af tender- z z ' in the lRed Cross worker ,& c o w hy "ie!rlm t-& SO TN R i),), . oicu mnlwilo L IMITED1) PFU r-ones tlrot!gh the base. And LONDON - CANADA no tiutu ne lad, 4bly j 1Pte wcns.l lars e a JVACK B R O U H cu;ed ini battle. Thecamnerawork in: Va X'.Àon and blar k and PLUMBING anid IIEATING jwhite is exce'lent ir* renderirig MA 3-5615 BOIVMANVILLE realiF:tc atmosphere af these Division StreetSouth inpressively caflvincing location and interior sçenes, 20 King Street E. > pArr. biTwit fl PUr; PZ1lTU tters of comnmendation rclubs were read by 'Du rham County Club ie and menîbers ex îrsona1 ppreci i erful way the club Mgnutes ot Long Ago and their wives hadi every departrent ta I1 afai tenE Reca.. Pleasant Memories t Rudeli tendered An interesting Meature ai thet years and honiours leaves no ions ta W. Ross Durharn County Club af To- cause for regret, as he had been his promotion te, lst ronta meetings' is the reading a great sufierer for many rman oi the Ontario ai minutes ai sorn&of the high- years." ommission -. and ta , ights ai meetings ai years ago. Oct. 15, 1923-"'The secretary ceo.w.nt Jms. - These notes are prepared by cailed attention ta the celebra- .Miss Aleeri Aked and at theéc tian ot.the Golden Jubilce by interesting letter was 1 taher mneetingc were read by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James ai be byCrie CrtNew Mrs. Orville Hendersan, due ta Bawmanviile and moved the gatb Cntes te , Miss Ac'fbeceo con ollowing resolution: That the grea ineret int aiofber mother*s illness. We feel members ai the Durham Club ding *and colored ýsure Statesman readers wvil] extend sincere congratulations Sta themn by Bow- have many mingled memories ta Mr. and Mrs. James and totarians. They are irecalled as tbey peruse these wisli tbemn many mare 3-cars af ail over New Zea-etrc ier Rotary clubs tell- s tram rr the minutes of usepl lie and service. The îowngmebes njongago: i h narnes> ai Mr. and Mrs. James y, the story ai Bow- Tnight i irst meeting 'occupy a place amng ur hon- nd Canada, ai another seasan. Through the ured ist ai members and trust at the m eeting In- 3ears ave be-en m any irst b~th eirs or a r tapicame." ce B eith and B ob m eetings ai the season, per bapr O c' t . 20, 1927 - r easurer' s" the O shaw a Club. wve could look at sare ai tbese co t shoo19 a7balae ai ng was in charage recorded in the minutes of the $178 t wsthed argbslannuaof il B row n ai th e S al- ast an d see w at w as app en - m e. 8.tn g ever he ]d na piva teu y an Dav Mari- ng.home." (Dr. and Mrs. James L. Oct. 25, 1934 - "The first Hughes'). meeting af this season was held Oct. ý26. 1928-"The 3ist an. an Thursday - evening in the nual meeting. T\\ro severe loss- Art Gal.lery, Dr. L. B.Wihliarns es were rnentioncd namelv, akernan lshawed maving Pictures. Those Prof. John Squair and Mr. Wil- tak'n ati h paigwr liam Craig. bath w'ere v'ery M.Gorge Jàmes ai the Bow- faithful members." Contest manville Statesman, Mr. Dan- Oct 28. 1938-At the Sher. aid H. Wilson ai the Port Hope baumne 1House - aur own Mr. rat ryGuide, Mr. Fred Bowen, M.P., Pickup was the guest. speaker )ratoryMr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mr. W. ai the evening. His address was R. Strike. Mayar ai Bawman- on the courts af Ontario. It A~t the public school ville. Fred W. Lovekin, Reeve praved ta he a thougbtful and ntest for the scboois ai Clarke, and Mr. George F. higb class talk and 'vas much itownship hld in Annis, Reeve ai Darington." apnreciated." ýriday nigbt, Wilma Oct. 17, 1905 - "Tbat Mr. Oct. 27, 1932 - "Atter 34 Failis School (S.S. Henry Elliatt of Hampton be ycars ai iaitbiul service ta the ýfMrs. Earl Argue, invited ta prepare a paper on Club Dr. J. L. Hughes asked to, first. Wilma's tapie the early history ai the Town- be relieved ai the responsibil- Five Brothers." ,sbip of Darlington and subrnit ity ai being president." iplace was Carolyn it at some of the rnanthiy meet- P. S.-Sa even on the first ntypool witb ber ta- ings." meeting ai the season cnded an of Bethany speaking Oct. 13, l9O6-"On the mo- cra. bhese two girls wiil tion ai the sccretary, ten dol- iDurham county was voted ta The Old Folks' Lo be held at Sauina Home in Bawmanville ta, pravide for them a sumrptuous, Tbanks- testants were Dian- giving dinner."I Mfy Trip ta the Par- Oct. 28, 1926.-"The meeting ~ ~ 4 k _ il Progress in On- lsdaoteee 'lc n ine Challice, Cars-cled bout es leaclockand ool, "E lectric ty on ev r b d w a pl s d an . / Elizaeth owanrealized they bad been at a real El TiabetheRowan, Durham Club gathering." dings"; Carol Jr- Oct. 25, 1910-"Mr. Craig re- Janetville, "Pen ferred ta a deigtful visit he * & Henry, Janetville, had made la the White House, igara Falls." Washington, in cnnection witb principal ai Or- a Missionary cnerence, w'ncerc 001, was the adjudi- he met the president and ther lowamd Malcolm ai 1 notable men and womnen. Iis as chairman for the address was greatly appreciat- 'ere were several d." tions tram the pu- Oct. 13, 1921-"That the Dur- is and Yelverton ham Club desimous ai placing sane record in their minutes af tbe late Dr. John Hoskin, K. C., beg ta say that Dr. Haskn 'TUARY bas been one of the Club's hon orary presidents ever since tUp [UBERT SBORNE as arganized and one afilsiD UBER OSERNEmost bonaurcd and respected Hubert Osborne memnbers. His passing at the ,suddenly at To- advanced age oi 86 full ýra1 Hospital n Aluminuni hcped today's high- ober 23rd, 1956 . lHe K Nsped, high-conipress ion car en- Clarke Township H A J U gine get that way. Aluminuni 106. pistons brought not ony taigh. ýeYoungest san ai (Tntended for last week) ns but ihnstohsupad an rs ams Re.down job. Lss wight reif an Ms. Ja es Be.and Mrs. Seymour were less inertia and sa mnade pssiblIe me and had been tep guests ai Mr. Lloyd Ashton. highee engine revotutions>, it rGeneral Motors Mrs. Harold Ferguson, Bow- braught beat conductivity, tao rthe.past eightecn manvilie, and Mrs. Lloyd Ash- -sa your engine docsn't oý'er- ved y bs wîetan, attended a reception given heat when you drive fast andfar. asie Coiwn aiby the Victoria Woman's Asso- lt startd in the twenticsand lsoln t w sitof ciation in Wymiiwood, Torontq, today every car prduced i als tw sste sand enjoyed the tour ai the N rhA eiai q i pd mt tL'Isli Calu y), O h-college buildings. aluminum pistnsAnd much f d thmee brothers, Mrq. Ivan Sharp enjoyed the thecalumninumncamcs froni Cana- icastie, Earl and aitemnoon at the Star office vis- dian smclters. Ta mnatch the manville. iting ad friends there wbere ncds ao' the automnotiýe, air- ?wps beld at the she was a former ernpoyee. crat', construction and nany È o Nothett&- rs.A.MeKinnan, Miss othcr industries, for large quan- tbr 25th and was Louie McKinnan, Mr. and Mrs. tteso lriun'Acni Rev. M. C. Fish- Gardon Werry and June, Mr. agnroscpping psacay. ]e. and IMrs. Bavd Werry, Mrs. enrasmligcpaiy utes were many Waller - Murrayr and Ray Asb- AL-UMTNUM COMPANYWOF iricnds, and tel. ton, Tor-onto, were Sunday tea -'Z4NADA, LTD. (ALCAN) ai the Generai guests at Mr. Lloyd Ashtan's. a Congratulations ta Mr. and________________ trers were Messrs. Mrs. Mel Bertrim who celebra- jRonald Hockin. ted their 25th wedding anniver- lar AlnIrwinsary on Oct. 13. They were >rne Kerr. given a surprise party at theîr1_ w'as in Bownman- daughteî"s home, Mr. and Mrs. I t i