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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1956, p. 4

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- - - - *.. - - - - t' t t tt,. tW t,.tt,.tt, (t t ~t,-~~-r- - - PAGE FOUR £~ ~JA~~~ZL X, £~A.J V * OUI, AV~ A - .~ "M CeANADTA7I SA'TEMAq UflWMA ?.VWI. OAIO ? PLEASURE FOR THOr3E have been shelved, for how long WHO NEED IT we do net kilow. In this issue N-oi will fund ai But the niost modern build- de',patch tram Hampton which: ing in the world cannat provide tells hew a bus laad et peaple'ail that is necessary. People are froni Fairvîew Lodge. the home living jauiger because of ad- for eider citizens atWhty vances in medicine. But what woiýre given an outing 4y,- Whithy!tise ta live langer if ail there V'ni;ed Church Woman's Asso- is ta do la sit and stare at noth- ù ' on. The Wamnen:ý lnstitLu:s ing ail day? It is aider people*s a1, Hampton v;as asked îf iL fright ta be happy, ta be busv ivould co-eperate. and when the, about something, ta be enter- buis arrived., having taurect tained. It seems te us that most tý.,:)Lgh aur beautiful country- ef aur orgarizatians have for- aide when the leaves were at getten this. Whîle iooking about their most colourful, the Hamp- for some good cauise, sanie way ltn ladies hadl refreshments ta raise rnoney (otten for sanie- resdyv for themn. thing or 'somnebody who doesn't This seemced ta us ancet the need it) a very wonderful form n ie..t thinga we had heard of et practical Christianity is be- i-i a long tinie. Weoniy hope it ing everiaoked. v give a lot of aUner organ- Can you imagine what an out- iia1,.rn a spur te go ands do ing means ta people in any kind i!i '~ iO We ail k ~'011)of etinstitution? What an escape articles which appeared last traminenotony! Somet'hing ta year ini varions; newspapers. see. ta think about, ta talk hiow overcrowded, barren and about. And why net take en- hopeiess aur Northumberland tertainient ta the building it- andi Durham home for the aged self? Each year Bowmanvilie at Cobourg la. For same reason organizations put on ail kinds or other. plans made ta erect a et shows. muisical and dramatic. niew building which at le8-;t I there is any kind et recrea- would have given the residents tien roomn at. the -home at Co- noomn ta teel likce human beings, courg, wby couldn't such aj _______________________show or partions et it, be per- formed for the benetit ot these senior citizens? This sort oft thing is dane in Tarante ail the1 1 ttme. We have not inquired yet as- ta whether Cobourg or Partj Hope erganizatians do soe-f Ohwathirg ang this line. ertr the Port Hope paper last yeaî' Memoi.a Serice about the home that little, if Natural stone monuments anything is done te briglhten markers and corner stones these lives. Anyway, it is just No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F as much Bowmanville's respon- CITY IMITSsibility, since il serves this area. Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 Furîher. people in homes are, an, time and reverse charges net the oniy ones who are loue-t J. Vaunger people are se buQy Frank Thorogood builds for the future li 43 yeairs foreman carpenter Frank Thorogood bas seen many im- provenients in building methods. "Power tois, pre-fabricated sections and the use of new structurai materiais make ail the differ-ence," says Mr. Thorogood. "Deveiop- mcnts like thcsc have simpiified aur work - and make for stronger, more ire-resistant buildings." In building fer the future, Mr. Thorogood bas cnjoyed still another aQvantage - threugh the wider range of financiai. protection he can give his family because of modern deveiopmcnts in if e insurance. 1 ife insurance gives today's fgmilies many new henefits. It net only atiords them financial protection that is more flexible, but can aise provide money fer the children's education, for safeguarding the home mortgage, fer arranging retirement incarne and for other purpases. Ini these and otiier ways, the ie insurance companies hav'ê progressed wîth the finies . . . meeting the needs of people in ahi wahks of i/ e. -------------------------------------- 1Life insurance componies are a major source of mortgage ifunds for Conadian famnilies - aost yoar thsy invested four i 1 hundred and sixty-five million dollars in titis way. -------------------------------------- THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L 7S60 VIGOR SERVICE OIL with the multitude of organiza- tiens we have today that they are apt net ta realize how ut- terly emnpty the days and nights can be. especially for those wno live alone. We' were asked recently by a member of a young women's club in tawn if we thought a senior citizen's club would fi any need or meet with any re- sponse in Bowmanviile. Yes, we said. We think it would be a wanderful idea. Someone to taik ta, a gamnesof cards, en- couragement ta learn a handi- craft or take up a hobby, a place ta go. What do yau think? And what about seriously Iooking into the possibilities ef giving pleasure If Ibis isn't service, if this isn't Christianity' vapplied. we donti knew the rneaning ef the words. THINGS CURRENT The Royal Winter Faim opens tamorraw, Nov'. 9. How m4r- vellous il will be ta see the Mounties' Musical Ride again! You would neyer know ilt ram Canadian publicity, but the Mounties have just been per- ferming at the New York herse show ln Madilsan Square Gar- dens. We had te read about il in the New York Times. Later a Tarante coiumnist nientioued il. Arthur Godfrey was there tee. He happens to naise herser, ut seems in the heur or two he isn't on radio or television. Also in Tarante this week is Smith's first luncheon et the seasen with Nicholas Mdnsarrat season with Nicholas Monsar- rat as speaker. Mr. Mon- sarrat is ' est known for bis book, "The Cruel Sea". His. la- test, "The Trihe That Lest Its Head" has just been pubirhed. A heati table gîiest will be Wal- ter Picigeon who is lu Toronto playing lu "The Happiest Mil- lionaire'. More of bath the luncheen and the Fair'next week. HURRY FOR TIIIS ONE AndYther interesting event in Tarante thîs weekc is the Wime- dausis Club Antique and Trea- sure Mart at Casa Lama. It bas been on ail week and rtîns uxi- tii 10 p.m. tauight. Iu this inter- esting setting, many beautitul abjects will be displayed and three artists, Nicholas de Grand Maison, Manly MacDonald and Emle Gruppe wviil give demon- strations. Aise craftsmen tram the guilds in pottery, leather, spinuing, etc., will demonstrate their crat. Lunch and dinner are served with a fashion show by Cmeed's aI each meal. It sou nds like a meat interesting spot te visit. Proceeds are in aid et the Eariscourt Childran'6 Home supported by this club. Adi-hission is moderate. Ladies Raise Over $1,300 For Church Over $1300 was netted! by the Ladies' Aid et the RehobothI Christian Reform Church at a successful >azaar held in the Liens Centre Saturday atter- 'noan and evening. The nsoney raised tram Ibis event will be used fer furnishing the base- ment and kitchen et the Chris- tian Reformn Church on Scugog Raad. The bazaar officiaIs were very pleased with the interest shown by the many people who attend- ed. Durng the evening an auc- tien sale was held with G. Van- dermeent acting as auctieneer. Games and lunch brought aj close ta the day's pragra m. Mrs. L. C. Mason was the winner of the cocheted beci- spnead. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Virtue, Burlingten: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Jirn and Deug, Tarante; Mr. and Mrs. C. Clemence, Osh- awa; Mn. W. Staples, Dr. andi Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowman- ville, xvere Suuday visitons ati the home et Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Bilicît. Miss Florence \Verry spent a fesv days lu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mel MeCune, Co. STATION Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PHONE 3881# NEWCASTLE *VIGOR STANDARD 1 GASOLIN E VIGOR HIGH TEST GASOLINE 10 Cal. Tai in&. Gai. Tai lue. STOVE OIL - For your convenience,5 in small quantihos avgilable ai t he stationI OP'EN FAENINGS A\NL) SLtr..NYS Darlington Coun cil Adjourns Meeting to Thursday Nov. l5th Cu:rent and Con fidential By Elsie Carruthers u aiey SCheryl and Kathy, Varcoe's Road, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon an Mon- d ay. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray and daughters, and Mr. and Mr$, S. Keane, Oshawa, were Saturday evening visitons at T. Wrays. Mrs. Mabel Tennant and son Ralph, Oshawa, were Sunday cajl1ere on Miss Wilma Ile4ch. At A. W. PresÈcott's'wére Mr. and Mns. J. S. Eddyvean, Or- ana: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Mr. Ross Smith and Murray, Oshawa. A numiber et ladies were in Toronto on Tbursday attending the Central Ontario Area Wom- en's Institute Convention at the Royal York Hetel. Sunday services were very well attended. In the morning the Wamen's Missionary Socie- ty beld their special Thank-af- fering service, which was con- ducted by Rev. F. J. Reeci. Mrs. Grahami, on furlaugh tram, Ja- pan, was guest speaker and gave an interesting and inspir- ing address on haw sbe tand ber husband were called ta the Mission-field and et their work there during the past f ive y ears. Members et the variaus groups including C.G.I.T., Tyro, Explorers, and the Mission Band, with their leaders, weme present, and nmmbers et the W.M.S. who sat in a body. Mu- 5ic was pravided by a Junior choir who contributed two se- lections. At the attennoon Sunday School session the missienary pragram was conducted by Mn. R. Farrow and inciuded a missionary hymn, meditation and a fitting neading by Mrs.1 Farrow. Mrs. Keith Smith pre- seuted information on how a part et aur missienary givings are spent, and told an interest- iug stany an Korea concluding witb a short poem. Church service next Sunday at the usual heur. Remnembrance Day will bhoebserved. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- jov attended Anniversary ser- vices at Pontypool on Sunday. Sympathy la extended ta Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgs-ou in the passing et bis aunt, Mrs. Eliza Storey, Onono. Mn. and Mns. Thomas Pate, Blyth, Ont., returned home on Sunday atter spending a week with Mn. and Mns. James S maies. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Grif- fith and daughzer Blyth, were also viàitons with the Smales on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. M. Moiintjoy were dinner guests et Mn. and Mrs. Dancy at the Balmoral Ho- tel. Mn. and Mns. Allen Parker, Toronto, visited Mn. M. Good- man and Louise an Sunday. Mrs. Grahami, Toronto, was a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Reed. Baptismis At the church service on Sunday, Oct. 28, the foliowmhg chiidren reeîved the rite e! haptism: James Gardon Mack- lin, son of Mn. and Mrs. Allan Macklin; Milton Garth Rollin- son, son of Mn. and Mns. Clif- fard Robinson; William Richard Widdecoînbe; Caîharine Ann Williams, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams, Lais Rie- becca Killens, daughter ot Mn. and Mrs. B. Killens: David Bruce Dewell, son o! Mn. and Mns. Peney Deweli; Geri Lynu Gedge and Vincent James Gedge, children o! Mn. anci Mrs. S. Gedge; andi Wayne Scott Barny. The service was in charge of Rev. F. Reed whose message was in keepirîg wiîui the occasion. The choit seiec'- tian -Showý% Me M.v Tu- day", was aizo fitting. Chiropractor' Office- 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horney St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmnent Dena IDR. W. M. RUDELIL, D.D.S. Office.- Jury Jubilee Bldgt. 40 Ring St. W. Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Off ice in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR.C.F.CATTRAN, 1)DDS. DR. . F.Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. 40 Ring St. W. e Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones- Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 ?MSS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville Morigages LEROX HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage funds Residences - Farms Business Properties Opiomeiry KEITH A. BILLETT Optornetrist 141 King St. E. Bowinanville Office Hours: By appointment Telepitone MArket 3-3252 Monday ,to, Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta, 12 Thursday evenings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil Bowmanvile Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning_ Protessional Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON Phone 34 Prince St. Bowmnville mer Agnes B. Coates; thret sons, George of Bowmanville; Robert of Peterborough; Fred- erick of Buriceton; a daughter, Isabel (Mrn. Kenneth Cargili) o! Toronto. Deceased children are Fr/O Roy Edward Carter and Ethel (Mr&a. Richard Row- an). Funeral services were held at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanvilie on Octo- ber 30. Rev. G. NichoIsQn and Rev. R. B. Green officiated. In- terment was in St. Johns An- glican Cemetery, Blackstocç, *at which church he was a lfaith- fui member for thirty-six years. Palibearers were his sons, George, Robert and Fred; bis sons-in-law Richard Rowan and Kenneth Cargill; bis brother- in-law Edward Coates. Province Assumes Cost Brucellosis Vaccination Under' New Legisiation The Dariington Council neet. on Thuradmy o! last .Week came ta an early stop (an adjournment was *called, "tr Thunsday, November 15 at '1:30 at which time a rot will be given of the Councul's financ -ial standing iand oýýther general business fer thO .'year will be concluded. Nomination day hàs been, net for Friday, Navembe-r 2~ and Chie! Returning Officer Lilter Rutudie wili caîl for nomina- tions ta f111 the 1957 Council seatu of reeve. deputy reeve.and three councillors, and Rstili board members. After nomination meeting Council will concern theinseives with only olii business anid. ne- thing new will be started. ýThiî P eriod of inactivity led Coun. ass Stevens te point out the need for a two vear councîl terni which wouîd allow -the counil' ta work 12 months et the year. Tile Drainage Act Notices will sean be posted to publicize a special meeting ta be held January 10 te consi- der the Tule Drainage ACf. Farmers who wish to place tule drainage on their ]and may borrow part o! the manaey for such a project tram the Town- sbip on a low interest rate. To raise the money the Township will seîl debentures ta the prov- incial government. A maximum of $300,000 may be raised un- der the provision et the Act. Road Expenditures Road Superintendent Tom Stewart informed the councul that the ýtûwnship gravelling would be completed in about ten days. More snow tence to replace the aid fencing wiil probably be needed this winter he added. Complaints have been receiv- ed by the ceuncil over the dan- geraus water hale on the E. Pollard subivision an the Cour- tee Raad North. The hale was originally dug as a cellar but since that time it bas been lett and bas fîlled with water. Cou n. Blanchard thaught that the owner et the 'subdivision should ibe responsible for sucb a menace te lite and 11mb. iProvidlng the township had Govern or in Council. The township of Darlington has been designated as a su- pervised area, as well as Cart- wright, Cavan, Clarkce, Hope and Manvers. The appointment of veterin. arfans wiil be under the junis. diction o! the Minister'a office. as well as the api5ointment of inspectoru, Chule supplies the United States currently with twice as mnuch iron ore as Canada does. authority Reeve Nichais atated, 'We could f111 it in an hour." However Coun. Stevens ques- tioned the township's authority to carry out such action. The Council finally decided to instruet the clerk to write Pollard asking for immediate action. Township hall caretaker W. J. Chapman has asked Councul for a salary increase and this matter was left ta the property committee. OBITUARY JOHN CARTER After a lengthy illness in Sunnybroojk and London Hou- pvials, John Carter died at Westminster Hospital, London, on October 26. He was born ini Bradfora, Yarkshire, England, and came ta Canada as a young man, He was a Canadian Army veteran of Werld War I (83rd Batta- lion), wounded on the Somme in 1916. Interested in farming and forestry, he moved from his Toronto home ta Cartwright in 1920 where he farmed for over twenty years. During the last fifteen years his home was in Burketon village. He leaves his wife, the for- ]Business Directory_ Àc c0U n t a'ncY- RAY 3. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONTEITII - MONTEITU RIEUL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., ?r.C.A. A.. B. Montefth, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A.. R. P. Lightf oot. C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants andi Auctîtors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa 13. L. Yale. C.A. P. Friediander, B. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir o p r a c f i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Quality Meats FRESH SHANKLESS- Pork shoulder style PICNÎCS m BONELESS POT ROAST Speelal selected quality heef lb. 3 3c Supreme Brand Nuis Walnui Pieces 7-oz. cele pkg. 39c Shelled Pecans 3-oz. celle pkg. 39c Shelled Almonds 3-oz. celle pkg. 35c Brazils 3-oz. celle pkg. 27c - - - - lb. 39,c_ SIWFT'S Premium PICNICS Cooked, ready toe at lb. '49c SWIFT'S Premium FRANKS Sklnleaa - 1-lb. ceilo lb. 35 California's Finest Red1 Emperor Grapes 2 Ibs. 23c Crisp, Sweet, Juicy, Fancy Grade - 5-1b. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 49c Famous for Quality Eastern Potatoes 10-lb. hag 33C Palm Garden Brand Select Quality - 20-oz. cello pkg. Tomatoes 23C iIid, Sweet, Marsh-grown - 2O-oz. cello pkg. 1Carro ts Good Luck Margarine, 1-lb. pkg, --35C Beehive Golden Corn Syrup -- - 2 lb. tin 31c Benson's Corn Starch -_______ 2 pkgs. 35e Five Roses Flour---------.5 lb. bag 41c Gold Medal Australian Currants, 12-oz. celle pkg. 23c Granulated Sugar -- ----- -S lb. bag 42e Libby's Fancy Mincenxeat 25 oz. tin 43c Dalton's Featherstrip Coconut, 7 oz. celle pkg. 23e Save-AIi Wax Paper 100 fIL rail 29e Savoy Cake Decorettes _____ -15C Shredded Wheat -__-------_ pkgs. 35e Aunt Mary's Sliced Bread ______ 24 oz. baf 16e Easifirst Shortening 1 lb. pkg. 27c_ 2 forl19C BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS Birds Eye French Fries 2 pkgs. 37c Bird. lys Green Beans 2 pkgu. 45e Bird. Eye Cod Fillets lb. 29e Bird. Eye Sols Fillets lM. 49C CLARKE'S - 20-oz. tin Beans wilh Pork 2 for 3.5c QUAKER - 44-oz. pkg. INSTANT GATS 3 6C BETTY CROCKER - 30-oz. pkg.. CAKE MIXES 3 for 1.00 Your choice of 35c uines SOLO BRAND - 1-1b. pkg. MARGARINE 29C RED & WHITEI JELLY PGWDERS 4m2.9cI Fresh Produce THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU . BOWMANVILLE - Y eo'ifs Marketeria MAPLE GROV6, - Maple'Grove Groceteria ORONO - Cornish Marketeria JL 4%.L rlo£VIÀ-"N. M%-ýf yy LVLrk£,l V ri. M£% JL Wagstaffe's Cut Mixed Peel 8-oz. pkg. j8c Wagstaffe's Cut Mixed Fruits 8-0z. Pkg. - ------- ------- ------- 2le Wagstaffe's Glace Pineapple Slices, Wagstaffe's Cut Citron Peel 8-oz. pkg.-------- 21c PURITAN - 15-oz. tin Meat Bails wilh Gravy 3 7C LIBBY'S 20-oz. tUn SLICED PINEAPPLE 31 c KLEENEX. Reg. or Chubby 200's TISSUES 2for33c CHWISTMAS oRNýAM:ENTS 1 M The Brucellosis Contrai Act, 1953 ha. been repealed by the Legisîstive Aiaembiy of the Province o! Ontario and, in its place, have eîxivted The Bru- cellosis Act, 1956. Every by- law passd by the couutcll o! a township under The Brucello- ais ControI Act, 1953 la rescind- ed. Under the mct municipalities and un-organized townships art clesignated as a "supervised area" by petition, or, by de- signation by t.he Lieutenant.

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