~tTM~A'T, wov. uni, I*5b T!! CAKADIAN ~TATESMAN. EOwilA~X.I~ O~TAR1O Editors Wife Describes Recent European Trip <By Mns. Geo. W. James) ,w-th the way ta the diferènl After much planning and an- loomns and stairways ieading t. ticipation on Sept. 3rd (Lanor! A, B and C decks, and dinîng Day) I left by train for Mon-! room on D deck. Later we used treal where I stayed overnight! the eievator at every opportun- and sailed next marning an the' ity. There was also an E deck. Empress af Britain on a cond ue-1 On board ship we met others ted tour with 68 weeklv edi- of our party, members of the tors and their wives, ta Eng- Canadian Week]v Newspapers land, Scotland, Belgium, Ge.- Association, the sponsors of the many, Switzerland. France. tour, members of their familles, Italy and the Principaiity of as well as a few others, most af Monaco. whamn we had met previausi: On the day af saiiing M--.s during the past years at weekly Mildred Snowden, Maple Grave, newspapers conventions. 'Who was on vacation, came to There was great activity bere Montreal ta view the ship andj with relatives and friends àee me off. raaming about, awaiting for the Aiter passing immigration signal ta go ashore, which and customs routine, wre board- sounded at 11.30. At this paint ed the 26,000-ton luxury liner members af the press party the Empress of BÉitain. This were presented with silver "Ma- nTew Canadian Pacific Railway pie Leaf" pins, by Vice-presi. ihip had made its maiden voy- dent W. Frank Prendergast an age last Apri]. andl bas accom,- behaif af Imperial Oul Limited modation for 12,5 first ciass and 1 -a most generous gesture. La- over 900 tourist passengers. ter these pins proved the "key' .Aiter admiring my cabin we ta hospitaiity bath in the Brit- explored many feattîres of this ish Isies and on the Continent, ',tnodern ship. First 1 thaught 1 We also were given a letter iran should have a key f0 m "v rabi, Editor Hugh McCormich, Pub. but the stewardess as-sured me lisher af the Montreai Monitor that there were no ke *'..ltoi, any and Tour Committee Chairman, of the cabins as lhev ' cewishîng us the best an aur tria. neyer iocked. That night I did At 12 noon sharp the Empres: Iock my cabin from inside and whistle sounded and the tu-, in the marning the stewardess pulled her fram her berth inmu informed me that I was neyer the main river channel and the Io do that again. Sht, said if lang-anticipated voyvag e h a the ship listed 1 would neyer begun to Liverpool, 2,750 mile: get the door u1Io-!,cl I z distant. Fhe reaiized that t1his %vas my It \vas a delightful day. witil first ocean trip. sunnY sky. and the cruise down. Going back ta the first day the St. Laivrence river was oi my .iourney. Miss Snûwdeii pleaiant vith picturesque shore and I arrived on the ship around Unes, dotted with cities, tawns 10 a.m. and as thie boat did nat and villages. Arrived at Quebec sali until 12 o'clock. noon we city about 8.30 p.m., where sev- had plenty of 'Lime ta look eral pas5engers came aboard around. After two hours there via a tender, as the ship did not were yet sections ta he viýitpd dock. --and %ve were stiîl untamilîar We %vee ~ that the 2 OUA RANTE ID TRUST CERITiFICATES " Short term-5 years-_ " pay 41/27 interest, payable haîf yearly " Unconditionally guaranteed os to principal and interest,. " outhorized investmnent for trust funds IN 3 YEARS $500 ACCUMULATES TO $624.60 T HE STERLING TRUSTS CORPO RATIO N Head Office: 372 bey Si., Toronto Brench' Office 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie it ao ig s le ýs ie f ls ýe t yl n1 Weekly Editors TaIk Shop - at Sea When a group of 68 of Canada's weekl'v newspaper editors sailed on the Empress of Britain from Montreal on September 4th for a tour of the United King- dom and Europe, they f ound that, even at sea, they were flot far f rom a printing shop. Sorne of the editors are shown above examining the ship's press. which prints a daily nexvspaper, the Empress of News, and turns out thec many other printing jobs. sucli as menus. required by a ship at sea. Left to riglit above are: H. McCormick, N.D.G. Monitor, Montreal; F. W. Beattie, Spectator, Annapolis Royal. N.S.; F. P. Galbraith, Advocate, Red Deer. Alta.; R. G. Shearer, Newvs Tribune, Blenheim, Ont., and C. H. Nolan, Tribune, Stouffville, Ont. time would be advanceff an air-canditioned. spaciaus and ehour at miidnight- this was most comfortable. The distinc- -done for the five da 'ys in cr'oss- tion beiween first and tourist ing--so before retiring timed rlazs is practically nil -perhaps aur watches to the "lost" haur. as a result of air travel campe- Last Glirnpse of Land tilion. Its speed averaged 22 The next niornýng we wer knotý, and averaged 490 miles stili on the St. Lawrence, and if per 23 hotîrs (speed is deter- was not until aiter about 900( mined from noon ta noon 12 miles that the river and Gulf o'clock, but there was also a and Anticosti Island were pass- ioss af one hour daily). Iftlook ed, and the Strait af Belle Isle a littie aver thee-and-one-half Iwas reached. This was ThursÊ- days ta (cross the Atlantic pro- day Morning (Sept. 6).ý We per-the other time was in the skirted the narthern tip af New- St. Lawrence river and Golf faundland, and about ] a.m. and Strait of Belle Isle. had the last glimpse of land, Entertainment the caast of Labrador. Shortly There is entertalniment af al befare we had seen a schaol of kinds, including dancing at whales - approximately 10 - night, a theatre, bingo, and a "spauting' about. It was aur horse racing game-at hc first glimpse oi this sea mam- we won and lost, but broke mal, and the sleek bodies could even. be seen as they "rolled" in the Thpulcomsithfit blue sea, with their tails show-cThsead ublcriostecinshe re 1 ing prominentiy as they sub- lsantortseinswe merged.drl very similar, and were an the Boatdrl was held, with ail promenade deck. The library passnger apearig a thede-was available toalal passengers. signated stations an the prom-Theunge n hllrom, a sathe enade decks, wearing life pre- enetanment centre for he --ervers. One life-boat had etranetcnr o l been lowered to the deck passengers. Here the Protestant for demonstration puposes. andJ church service was held at il 1 instructions given in the proper a.m. on Sunday' with several hundred Protestants in attend- way ta wear the life-saving ac.ARmnCtoi evc equiprnent. ac.ARmnCtoi evc We had reached the apen sea was held earlier. now which was caim. Some aofa Deck games were available 'he party ciaimed ta have seen t l-bttetocasswr i on lage nd to sailice- separafed. The swimming pool, Soe rgofe an to smal of25 x 20 feet. was popular. parti- Labrador - but flot os. May clrywt h oigrps have been imagination. Out on sengers. There was no reasan the promenade deck twe walk- as hyanyone shoîild be bored ed the deck reguiarly every day as there was activity for yaung ta exercise) the air was now and aid everv hotu' during the ('0l, with a "1'ankn" lreeze day. We were a bit lazy and butrerehig.Aboutnoononthe only extra exercises we in- 1Friday we passed within 300 dulged in, other than daily mile ofGreelan, whch er-stroll af the decks was a bit mils acureenlanor thicholper- of dancing a couple ai nights. mhapa . acc untedforTh coolat- The engine room intrigued mospt here Drig&hosdyis witb ifs maoy dials, calat'- nîght tere wa a bit ai a raugh e ihs wths n te sea, and sorte passengers Miss- e ihs wths n te ed breakfast. Fortunately tue ier ruments, and the quiet pow- twriter was not sea.sick gige turbines wvhich, generate 27,- acrossthe Atantng 000 h.p.-Etiel ail is used. Tlhle meeingai he res patyentire power system is autama- wshlonbad ihSaftically rantrolled and any trou- 'Captain Wolgate, and Mr. Wise- be stig eafure woasteAsitbir- man, C.P.R. Boat Passenger sigfauew tetbli Aetpresent. Arrangements zers whirh were nat in uise at were made for members ta visif h ie hs tblzr r the ngie rom, ourtleabout the shape af seaplane bridge and wheelhouse and vis-ponmtns and are2 feet i iîr it the ship's printing plant. This daee n 2fe og hr was enjoyed Frida *y aiternoon. is one for each side ai the Staff Captain Wolgate (who is ship, and are larated about mid- from Port Arthur) explained ship. Their purpase is Ioa the ship's inter-communication check the roll ai the ship ini system, radar equipment and rough sea and they were iiseci thf'teeingof te sip.for a day and a half during1 theo steerîgo the fshp. ecassing--when in use protrue Atso aw, f te or the fist fimA 12 feet from each side af ship. theo i watch in th rws es". They were effective. but pro- enciosuire an the mast twentv- sasl h asneswowr four hoors daily. From tIle saick thouglit otherwîse. bridge yoti cou id see the hori- The Food zon 12 miles away, while from To teed aven 1,000 passen-j fhe "crowsnest", it is increased gens, and about 300 crexv mem- to 20 miles. The prin'ting plant, bers would seem a problem- jwith a staff af three, naturally but not an the Empress ai Bni- was small, with anly one hand- tain. Possibly the highlight ai I fed press. aind hand-set type. any trip ta a woman is sitting1« Menus, and special annaunce- down ta meals she hasn't had nients and part ai the ship's ta prepare. ieaving the dishe,4 daily papen is printed hene. Most for semeone else ta wash and ai the paper is printed in Eng- gix'ing no thought ta tomor- land. row's menui. The mneals aboard On Saturday, we weî'e given the Enmpress af Britain are par our landing tickets. At 6 p.m. excellence. There is an infinite passed a ireighter, first ship variety af food tasteiully pr0ý- seen since leaving St. Lawrence pared ta îempt the most jaded river. Saturday night the "Gala appeite and a.s we had a calm Dinner" was served, wi'rh spe- crassing and weren"t sea sick cia] menui. The passengens were we enjoyed fhem ta the fu.l gîvén "rarnival" hats and bal- Travelling 15 broadening, if yaui boons ta create the desi 'ýd at- know what 1 mean! maosphere. Noî'mally thîs spe- One forenoon we wamen of cial dinner is' held an the last the C.W.N.A. tour were pnivi- night before ianding, but as the leged ta be taken behind the lasf night aboard wvas Sunday. , cenes ino the kitchens where had in be advanced. the mpali are prepaned. Spot- Onders rame -no have all bags lebss. and eqoîpped with the packed and ready ta be picked mast modern stainless s teel i up ai 4 p.m., vhirh mneant a silaves. refrigerators, elevtrký rutsh at packing. We were due r mixers, etc., il is the spot ý to dock at Liverpool a, 6.45 a.m. wheýfre nine bakers work- all Manday, Sept. 10, with break- niah*'tot prepare 2,000 rails and fazt on-baard-ship at 7.30. 20Ô loaveý ai hread a day, ta At 8.:30. a-n. ive -ere allow- say nathing ai the twa pasf r:, ed ta disembank, and il was, no, bakens who. in addition Ioa nu- until 10 a.m. that we had dlean- merous pies, puddings, and 1 ed custams and in bus ai Motor- ather liscioius desser'ts, work wavs (Ox-erseas> Limited, tho fî'om 6 ta (9.30 a.m. baking de- vehicle ihat was ta transport I lectable littlt cakes and cream us throughout aur entire land polis ta add calories ta the aif- tour-. The slogan ai Motarwaysi ternoon tea we enjoyed each is "See Europe tram an aim dav. chair". Fatunately it was Most Durir.g r-voae 1600 comfortable. gallons af ail voyagle 16.00 ed by the 1,500 passengers and crew. To serve this food in the tour- ist dining-room whirhi seats 450, thete are 62 waiters. The pas- sengers are served al, two sit- tings for each meal. There were eleric brebd slirers and brut- t er ns n hat kitchen and a nman for every job. One bay spends' IaI]] day decora'ting the raId meat. AND there are four electrir dishwashers. Some day 1 may tll you about the latindry. Next week 1Ivill te'il Voi about landing in Liverpool andi tooring through England fa Scotland. MANVERS STATION 'ré be happy is nat the pur- pose ai aur being, but ta de- serve happiness. Mrs. Clarke, Otonobe spent last we k with Mr. and MS. George Goodson and famnily. Mr. and Mrs. Knox MacCleod and David, Grimsby, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J oh nston. We are sorry ta report the sudden death an Tuesday ai Mrs. Arthur Jackson, a deacon- ess at Bloor St. United Church, Tarante, and wife of aur stu- dent minister an the Manvers circuit. We would like ta ex-! tend the sinrere sympathy aif the cammunity to Mr. Jaekson and family. Mi'. and Mr.,. W. Hensby and family, Coibarne, are visiting' with Mr. and Mrs. Frank De- ruisha.1 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai- lice made a business trip to Pe- terboro on Safurday. The Navember meeting ai the Wamnan's Association was, held e't the home ofivMrs. Haroldi Thampson on Thursday aller-l naon, 12 mem bers and 1 visitor1 present. Tihe president, Mis. E.ý Cavano presided. Mrs. F. Yaungnîan read a psalm. The I secrofary, Mrs. Thompson read i the minutes ai the previauis meeting and t aok the topic. The treasures', Mrs. N. Porter, gave a repart an the lasIt t*o social evenings. alsa gave a readîng "Because". Very interesting slides. an "A Happy Home", were shown by Mvrs. Bonsfeel. When the business was com- pletLed, Mns, Thompson and her assistaits, served lunch. The next meeting at Mrs. Alvin Olans Dec. 13. Miss Madeline Baggs spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice, Mr. and Mrs. Milton C.hallice' and Warr'en, Milibrook, attend- ed Ithe Blinca Mission in the new Civile Centre, Peterbaro, Sunday aiternoon. Il was 'th- last meeting and the building was packed. It was a splendid sermvire. This mon con give you l" i dependoble delivery of THE f CHRISTIAN / SCIE'NCE MONITOR HoIusewives, businessnm,' teochers, end students ail over the world recd anid enjoy this international flCwspoper, pub-. lished daily mn Boston. Worid- famous for constructive news storias and penetratinig editorials. Special feotures for the whole fomnily. The Christian Science monetor- O)n. Norswoy St., Boston 15, Ma%%. Send yaur newspaper for the toîme checked, Encloh.d find my check or Mrley. orde<. r moriths $4 LIBBY'S 15-oz. tin Deep Brown Beans 6 for $1.00 KING'S CHOICE 28-0z. tin TiOMA TOES ' 4 for $1.00 CIJLVERHOUSIE CHOICE 20-oz. tin CREAM CORN 6 for $1.00 NIBLETS FANCY CORN Clarke's Irish, Stew 15-oz. tin 29o Golden Flour Popplng Corn 1 lb. pkg. 17o Kraft Miniature Marshmallows 7 oz. pkg.. 29e St. Lawrence Corn Oil 16 o«. tin 37o Maple Leaf Liquid Detergent 12 oz. sise 41c 1Swif t's Jewel Shortenlng 1 lb. pkg. 2se FRESH PRODUCE Bunches of Juicy Flavor California EMPEROR CHAPES 2 Lbi.25c Smacking with goodnéss Fancy Grade 5-1b. poly bag NcINTOSH REDS 55C Tangy, Juicy, California, Sunkist LENONS 6 For 29c MIId, Flavourful. No. 1 - Waxed T ~ ~ o u y our c Freiece Mild -Swcet MVar5b grown 3-1b. poly bag CARROTS 19C 8-oz. V.P. tin 8 for $1.00 Iibbv's Spaghetti with Meat 15 oz. tin, 2 for 3qr Libby"m Mxed Vegetables 15 oz. tin, 2 for 33e qtokeiy's, Fancy Appiesauce 15 oz. tin, 2 for 29r Aylmer Fancy Pumpkln 29 oz. tin, 2 for 37o Herefordsg Corned Beef 12 os. tin, 390 QUALITY MEATS Old Fashioned - Extra Special BLADE ROAST Lh. 39C SHORT RIB ROAST Boneless STE WING DEEF Lh49c lb49c Swift's Preniium - Sealed - 12-l1b. pkg. SNOKED DACK BACON 59c .Swift's Pure Pork - Skinless - 1-1b. pkg. Frozen Foods Birds Eye Birds Eye Green Peas, 12-oz. pkg. 2/45c Ocean Perch Fillets, 1 lb. pkg. --- 35c Birds Eye Green Beans, lO-oz. pkg. 2/49e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU 80 WMAN VILI MAPLE GROVE ORONO LE - Yeo'is Marketeria - Maple Grove Groceteria - Cornish Marketeria -a littie thinking now and then -saves you money as 12 beats Y10 SCi STILLTHE KINO 0F ALL KING SIZES T U GE12 Oz BUY A CARTON 36 c PLUS DEPOSIT ALWAYS ASK FOR "WILSON'S"!i se 22 CHRISTMÀS MENTS 1 PAGE ÉLEVEN TIM CANADUN STATESMÀLT. BoVreL&IÇVffý= ONTARIO ~AI Ielaiming that, in addition to sav- tusin ss B reau arns ings wbich might resuit fromn any method of housekeeping us- l*ïestigoa'e Before You would be made possible through tefreezer food plan's offer of appreciabie discounts on rzt Buy rozn Fod Pans food purchases. 1Mr. Haskeil said: "To best de- Canadian housewives who 1 (b) The second group who 1 termine the validity of such dis- have been invited ta join -a ,dcaims to be interested principal-1 counit prices. wve suggest that frozen food club" have been1 iy in the selling of frozen foods. i the consumer: advised by the Toronto Better1 but the purchase of a freezer1 (1) Obtain a price and brand Business Burea 'BEFORE YOU, unit is part of the plan. i name list froni the 'plan* and INVEST - INVESTIGATE". 1 Mr. Haskell said that several compare prevaiing prices witli Frozen Food Plans and Freez- points should be considered by retail and chain stores in the er Locker Clubs have grown ta the prospective purchaser: community. immense proportions in the Unit-~ (1) First of ail, you must buv (2) Determine wvhethe1- it Nvill ed States and are now startingi a freezer un~it. This in itseîî be necessar *v to purchase food ini uip in Canada, A. R. Haskeli-, represents a cansiderable ex- specified or large ciuantities in' the General Manager of the pense. order to be granted a discount. Better Business Bureau, said (23Yu)stcnie tecs Determine whether prices today.(2 omutcnieth sg quoted for meat are based on Membership in these Plans or of upkeep and allow something retail size or wholesaie cuts. [Clubs invoives the purce o. for depreciation. (4) Leas'n %hether there is a home freezer and the purchasé (3) Purchasedi on a time pay- any charge for home delivery. if of frozen food supplies from a ment plIan - you have carrying this service is offered by the club or plan, charges ta keep in mind. 'plan'.", Freezer organizations may be Mr. Haskeli stated further You can obtain a copy of a divided into two classifilcations: that frozen food plans have per-. release entitled "Frozen Food (a) The one group whose suaded consumers to buy freez- Plans" by sending 5c in stamps primar *y abject is the selling of ýrs through the 'plan". as appas- to the Toronto Better Business freezer units. ed to other retail outlets by Bureau, 372 Bay Street. Toronto. Green Giant JYork Brand I NIBLETS CORN DESSERT PEARS U '),O-oz. tin 14nz tn2 Foir 33C 12 F- 31c 6 For 89C Libby's Habitant CATCHUP PEA SOUP 11-os. bottie 2 for 41c 28-oz. tin 3 For 49c Dr. Bailard's Champion Rose Brand $weet Libby« Dog Food Mixed Pickles Fancy Peas 15-oz. Un 16-oz. Jar 15-os. tin 3 For 33c 31c 2 For 33c Instant- Powdered Milk Wa.gstaffe's Wagstaffe's Numilk Red Plum Jam Oane and Grapefruit I i1 lb. pkg. 24-oz. JarMa aad 31c 29c1 24 os.Jar 27c CHECK THESE DOLLAR VALUES!,