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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1956, p. 12

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TZ1UR~1JAY, NOV. 22nd. 1g59 PAGE TWELVE TEZ CAWAD!AII UATESItAN. UOWMMIvff.T~ flrrAw?~ Mrs. L. Steinmetz (Rhoda); Mrs. W. Hobden (Edith) and Austin Beacock. Burial service was conducted by Rev. Wylie on Saturday, Nov. l7th at the McDerniott Funeral Home, Port Perry. Palibearers were two cousins John and Lloyd Beacock, Lor- enzo Mountjoy, George Crozier, YLdUI11, JOlQ Thomson, neighbors. Social and Pers onal Surprise Expected plot, Fine Groe fm Xp ectedIlone oeetwsn temiy, Sunday dinner guests with the 1W alton. Aine.Abet,1nt Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Fisher and1 A new boys' group the Sigma:/ J IJlfIll IIl family were the Rev. L.H* Hus- C for boys from 12 to 14 years -A t N o m inations FriE MLI sey, minister of Centenniial Unit- 1 has been organized by the Rev. IT cn A ed Church in Toronto, Mrs. Hus-! M. C. Fisher assisted by Mervin' With civice nominations comn- for the Reeveship for another T r nTV. IA. ey and Mrs. Bishop of Toronto,! Allison. The group meets each ing up tomorrow (Friday) even- term. Four rinmes have êieen and the Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Pike; Tuesday evening in the Lions, ing, no definite commitments1 mentioned as possible nomin- Nv of Newtonville. Room of the Community Hall, have been made by prospective ees to scats on the councîl in- N v e tn r. and Mrs. Bert arsofc- e rn dswilbepleased to ote addtsb, codig1cluding Mrs. P. F. Hare, Miss.I4 ein Eri an Ms. ndew f ickýlarntht Ms.George Staple-!,t h grapevine some surprises1 C. B. Butler, Messrs George At the Nov. 14 meeting of ering w.ere wveekend ,-i.3;torsiton has recovered sufficientlv can be expected to corne out at Meadows and George Allun. Tyrone United Church W.A. with their sister, Mrs. L:dia fromi her recent ankie injurv te the meeting. and it is expected There have, been no rumeur- it was annaunced by the con- Graham. allow her to resumne ber teach- at least two ladies will be nom- ed changes in the School Board venfor of the supper committee, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harle \xis- ig dut ies at the local public! inated for seats on the 1957 with E. W. Fisher, Gordon Ied in Toronto and OakVill oni school after a week's absence. counceil. Gray and Mrs. Pauline Storks Mrs. H. Skinner, that the W. Sunday. Linda Randal is reported pro-~ Considerab]e dissatisfaction expected to accept re-namina- A. collected $626.75 on its sut>- Mr ad rs Rg:ali e-gressing favourably following an has beeen expressed a-L the man- tion. Mr. Fisher and Mrs. per fund canvass. The W.A. r.e and Mrs ei. &. Le-.oeainfraueapniii ner in which the Police Qiies- Storks complete tlaeir twoi wishe.s tn thank the canvassers Grsly spn Tusdv in on Mondiav evening. tien was handled by secret year terma in December, while and contributors for making1 Gresly spnt T , 1 i rsd avcountcil sessions in August when Gordon Gray was appointed to the canvass a success. 'Toronto ait the Roy-al Wîýnter Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce; therewa a clamour for a pub- complete the term of Donald Th poga wsincre Isfai. d wilbepeae tinrian Me with MScr. a ros. lic meeting which the Reeçet Jo se whih also expires in De- of Mrs. L. Annis, Preident of! 1I~sfrindsFrak MMulln, caroro spnt efused te caîl. Though partial- cember. ]earni that Donald Gilkes has rc- a few davs in Detroit. lasIwe. stsid~ihteo~oe ereA atnwoeîr vnn ru.Ms .Hm ]y atifhedpitalthand MasteroresARickyonandseWayrn «ilton, Mrs. G. Alldread led in turiied home fonhsia n'MsesRcyad W n these people have not forgotten expires in December as ment- teWrspSric. Ast isprsing fa ouabv olo - eacesent the week nd - ih' the manner in which they were ber af the Hydro Commission showing -how te all and how 1n i eetilc~ their autnt, Miss Peggy Pearce, treated and according to re- 'is expected ta seek re-election ntt al napopcieý Miss Melveen Fisher of Toron- Toronto. ports we have heard, are bound to the commission, and no other not t cai" on po spective wa ta spent the weekend visiting Mirs. Elizabeth Patterson, 1 ta sec that some changes are1 candidates' have been announc- presented by Mrs. A. Hoar, with her ptarents, Rer. M. C.. Boilmranville, visited last week~ made. ed as yet. Mrs. A. Richards, Mrs. D. and Mrs. Fisher and farnil ' . 1 with Mrs. H. R. Pearce and~ Though he has stated te us It laoks like wé should have Stainton and Mrs. P. Werrv. Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Collîis of grandchildren while Mr. andý that lie will nat seek the office, an interesting meeting in the Huntsville, Iormc1-ly 0 f '- Mrs. Albert Pearce were on numerous citizens have express- community hall Friday evening Mrs. A. Hoar and daughter castie, arrived last.%-el to' holidays.I ed the desire ta ee xReea vr c zno h ' Je ,Anne, played a piano duet. &pend the winter months at the' and Centennial Committee lage should be on hand ta do1 The special speaker of the even- home of Mr. and Mrs. George Chairman J. H. Jose nominatedi his or her duty. igwhosMisEd ooelietK-x W .M .S. Ladies en on a ta t the Gaspe and1 Are Gust ~ Luonettes Orgaànize Fund Ihialf hour _____ent >-~Misio BndFor Victims of Fire in The November meeting of the Carke Township Sunday aut a SGolden Rule Mission Band was a y f g fr~ ~held in the Sunday School Raom1 At a special meeting of the job before the building was en- of the United Church on Wed- executîve of the NY'ewcastle gulfed in flaines. Snesda 'v, Nov. f 4th wben the Lionettes Club on Tueday af ter- The Fire Fund organized by mothers of the children and the faon, the members decided te the Lionettes wîll bc open te members of the Woman's Mis- organize a fund ta assist Mr. ail who wish ta contribute, andi sionary Society were guests. land Mrs. Manson Patton Of members of the club wilI be NF R ~The President, Susan Gra,, Clarke Township whase home prescrnt at the Lions Roomn in _ýý'EARopened the meeting with the was completely destroyed by the community hall tomorraw tSREALLY THE "Call ta Worship" and spoke ai'f ire on Sunday afternoon l-1~ (Friday) evening from 7 te 9 oNyTHN ~FA few wvords of welcome 10 the cluding most of the contents o'clock ta receive gifts of bouse- -'4 ING70 EA guests, and the Mecmbes Ur- of the second storey of the hd effects or cash donations pose was repeated by the child- hos1t ass'rÈadMs.Pto - ren. The hymn "Birds Are Being residents of Clarke te te-estahlish a home. Dona- Singing" was sung with Fredi Township, the Pattons were lions will also be received by N E WCA ST LE Graham presiding at the piano., unable te secure fire fight ing' members of the club at their Th mnuesofth lstmeeting equipment from BowmanvilIý, Card Party andi Draw te bec m~ were read by the Secretary, Orono or Newcastle andi the helti in the Lions Room on D M IN I G A RA GE Nancy Stephenson and the Rolai l bucket brigade which Wedriesday evefing. I it is net D OI1 bers. In the absence of Wayne the flames. Neighbours assisted these limes gifts May bc le! t Vouli search your imagination for somne tu FRAN'K HOAR, Proprietor Megit, the treasurer's report was in remaving most of the furn;- 1 with any members o! the New- think of a more worthwhite Christmas Gie Phone 2671 read by Sharon Hancock, re- ture from the first floor but castle Lionettes Club and they DOMINION Gît t Certificates. vealing that $53.79 had been were unable ta camplete Ithe will be turned over ta the funti. They'xe as convenient to qive as a Christi sent ta the Presbytery at the endi ch. so much better. Here is a gît t that you -of the third quarter. The col- rl prcae.Agtth wlb uto lection, amaunting ta $5.00, was Just about 75 yards east of the day by a student-minister froîn tuyapeitd îtta iIb u taken by Litgda Whitney and Wickie residence andi the pair 1 Emmanuel College, Robert Gay, and soon! Gloria Flintoff, followed by were apprehended by Policei who will be conducting the You get DOMINION Gît t Certificales ini prayer. Sharon Hancock fav- Chie! A. R. Randall at the Allen service from this lime on as $1.00, $5.00 aid SIODO trromt your tavourite1 oured with a piano solo. Service Station n'car the new Rev. S. J. Pike is retirin g. Cashier. Plan to pick up one or two every ti - The President calleti on Mrs. cloverleaf where Highway No. 21 Mrs. Wilfred Roughley and losoppntrom"n o unt Christmas. Th<. OUR I.FffTING ~RIF ,5 M. C. Fisher who introduceti crosses Highway 115. David visited Mrs. Swarbrick oaiprbesonyuChstsli. AP~E~EPTONLy Ri0 the guest speaker, Mrs. F. J. Minor Aweldent anti Mrs. Thorne on Montiay. r tou6.w rN E eeoL Es IIwiA rAfg Reeti of Hampton who had been Two cars wereda ge on Mrs, Thorne returned with Mrs. 'Vr-eeR';sonryinth Fr as fr Kn St~reetrEaon Sunday af - Swarbrick from Oshawa lasI h itm s B kn the subjeet, 'Chiltiren of Many Restaurant in a sideswipe acci- Mr. andi Mrs. Tom Stevens1 Lands" anti displayeti dolîs and dent. John P. Cooke of Buffalo and John spent Saturday evenl- Ail Purpose clathing o! people in the court- was proceetiing west when a car 1 ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd tries wbere site had liveti,. A driven by J. Edwin Thom o!ý Glass, enjoying TV. FI ~ D 1 ~ ' vote of thanks ta the speakeri Toronto, proceeding east, came Ms onJcsni et V E ~ ~ A an behaîf of those prescrnt was in contact wîth his vehicle. MsJonaconiablet F V ]O ES F gvnb r.BtyBrown, for TeTo a wsual areturn ta the rest home after g tiny restgty .ýTeTo arwsual eundergoing a seriaus operation Australian - Seedless Fred Graham favoureti withistopintmaaca redn inPtHoe ostl.S s a piano solo, the Mission Band bîm came ta a stop, and x'eered improving nicely and her g N rayer was repeateti in unisan jta the lef t, hitting the west- Kendal frîends extend their best U TA A by the members and Mrs î Fisher bounti Cooke vehicle. wishes for ber return ta healtb. Australian - Recleaned closed the meeting witb a bene- The whole left sîde of the[ This is the mare remarkable as j>. 'RuN i diction. Cooke car was scraped anti Mrs. Jackson is in ber 941h year n Iuu dented andi the lefi front fenderi Our warm weather se late in 1 u of the Thom car was clamaged asi Noveniber is wonderful for 1 JoIIy Good ~ Ca * 'bey came in contact. Chie! A.! everyone in part, makîng Up 1 r in eves R. Randaîl investigated. for aur cold, wet spring andP I T E D D A H grazing which helps the f eed 1 Saxo)nia RdGlc F4dCRCtc#rAFRAre Remanded, KENDAL roem 332- EW RS l'ETiti Fridav Mr. andi Mrs. G. Lofthouse, CHERM ES IIL32 N WÇSL Jean, Mary and Davidi were OBITUA1R aona u Tw TrotonenfondNe-Sunday guests with Miss Cath- aoi u T oot e on e-erine Stewart. HAROLD BEACOC w I C. G. G u U Lii 1 castle tabe a poor place to steal Mr. ar Smt wh acar, wben they attempteti such , . Eal mih ,oha On Wetinesday. Nov. 14, 195,XI E P E - a feat on Thursday night. The, rappeareti in Police Court il n g and Bowmanville on Tuestiay morr i ng anti were convicteti an rouging charge o! car theft and remanc ed in custody until Friday fa horized sentence. The pair, Donald Davis ani D ealer Raymond Hunt of Toronto, de ONE of Gardon Wickie o! Newcastle' front the Newcastle Garagi slle 3686 wbere it hati been left for r pairs. The v'ebicle was latei ____________dttched on King Street West a SHORT 0F WATER? We Deliver Biard or Soit Waler PROMPT SERVICE Phone MNA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805 after 8 a.m. ROBERT M~. CALE FIRE- RELIEF FUND For Mr. and Mrs. Manson Patton Spoaîsoîv<I bY Newcastle Lionettes Gifts of Ilotîsehold Effects or Cash ivili bce rceived at the LIONS R0031. ('OMMUl%'NlTY HALL Friday, Nov. 23 froiii 7 tb 9 pin. Wecdîiesdav, Nov. 28 at Lionettes CARD PARTY yChas. T 'imps n tutieivr.Harolti Beacock, residet îot 1Saxonia Cut - Mrs. Garland Cathcart and other Oshawa Hospital. arelatives here le! t by 'plane on XEFI J j- Wednestiay for ber home mn Mr. Beacock was in bis 641h )North Hollywood. year anti was tbe eltiest o! Saxonia Red and Gree Miss Foreschew, teacber o o! and aBeacofwAbwrmlong rd the. Sixth Line School anti lier second amily ckwo! Abr ngtiPINEAPPLE senior pupils attendeti the Wint- resident o! Cartwright Town- er Fair, Friday. ship.ot amt nteT Shirriff's - Puîre e, Mr. anti Mrs. Martin Locke ship for nearly forty years. HisVA I ,e anti Jo ' ce from Ottawa wereý wife the former Olive White L weekend guests witb Mr. anti wbom hie marriet ini 1917 and ýr Mrs. Allen Foster. ane son Allan, survive. Magie t, Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Maore.,i Mr. Beacock was a quiet un-B -Toronto: Mr. anti Mrs. Leo De-!r assuming man wbo possessted B N N montigny, Cache Ba, anti Mr. genuine qualities anti true nei- anti Mrs. Percy Thomipson, gbbourly -spirit. Gilchrist North Bay anti their famîlies' Left t10 maurn bis lass be- were recent guests with Mr. andj sities his wife anti son are his A M ND Mrs. Eddie Couroux anti Mr. sisters anti one brother wbo LI> U lu anti Mrs. Carl Langsta!f., survive: Mrs. F. A. Hylanti (El- Howe's - Assorted or Mrs. May Mercer anti Mr. anti la)'- Mrs. Vicars Beatty (Hazel), Mrs. Stanley Mercer visiteti Mrs. Mr;. Andrew Moffatt (Vera) P Il Mary ux______________.CA K E GU Miss Ann Achison o! PerthA E Mrs. Garland Cathcart, is visit-t ,u .. ing with ber. A ilRTr v W ..- - u Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Glass anti! IVI.. ,.ION ,,/I VWLNUT Pl Rannie spent Suntiay with fer! hle brothr, M. an Mrs.Chelieed Byers. Port Hope.AN brTher, Mr. ant Si Mr. harlieAN F I L BE R T S t eeniaonti sbioh ong its group anti bas startet i olti- 'i DEWV IIFI Shelled ing meetings every two veeks ;jj snce Oct. .1. These meetings are General Insurance P [4ft1 HAL usually belti in tbe home o! one Aet le oftememtbers. gns hle The~i siate o! o!ficers is as follo%s: President-GNen SAtark;u Second Vice-President - Jerry Car Byers; Record ing Secretary-.-Pat. ' xonia - Crystallized Foster; Corresponding Secretarv * Fire jJoan Reidi; Treasurer-Fran< GI GE Wsheu ser. *Multi-el N E IA gooti atendance bas been' pri Dorinion - Sweetenet hbown at ail o! the meetings Fnd *Scns n 21i i% boped thiit even mare !IIE IE vloung people \vill takze an :nter-' Accident S R D E est tn the functioning o! h Young People*s Union.1 Granulated These vourîg people are 58 Simpson Avenue piannitig a Vartety Concert in BowmanvillIe W H IT E SU Kendal Orange Hall on Friay 1 Dec. 7. Dont forget the date Phone MA 3-3950 Truly Canadian - More1 as we ail are looking for\%rrd 'ecsl hn 31D MNO to sekeîng you there. ecsl hn 31 ID MNO A fine service was led on Sun- -- - - - - 1 &/ Vmecu L&le %4t - 1 Gordon Àgnew, Edffor Phono 3621 LIÂLIILII lis no iiIeLr. Mrs. Truman Henderson is a patient in Memorial Hospital,! Bowmanville. Our senior teacher, Mrs. Mi]- liken is staying with Mrs. J. T. Pearce this week. Mr. and Mrs. Coniey Battants anti family, Elgin, Ont., have imoved imb the cast baîf af Mrs. Bessie Walkey's bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Casivell attendeti Golden Wetiding An- niversary of ber aunt and un-j dle, Mr. and Mrs. Monk, T o- ronto, Saturday evening. Several from Newtonville are assisting witb the pragram at Zion Bazaar, Frîiday evening -Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. Don Vinkle, Mrs. FrankGier Messrs. Murray Porter, iHi Wraie, Laurie Stapleton' and Phil Gilmer. Our hunters have ail return- ed buit Mr. Don Vinkie was I lV SERVICE MYLES TV Radio ServiceI I n Silver St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3482q Recause we handie only high quality TV repair parts, YOU get top value resuits when you call us for service! IVORK and PARTS GUARANTEED uive ... Sa goodi to get..'., ON mire betoreyou eetrng than f i ,' mas card, but uknow wîil be *' .. M to good use ndcenominations of eDOMINION tme you eyl salve- Supplies LOUR rES Braeside No. 1i CREAMERY BUTTER SPECIAL 5-lb. bag 1-. pkg. 32-oz. pkg. 23C 43C 1.5-or pKg. 24C -16-oz. pkg. f .59c Lb. TOMA TO SOUP I 4-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. 20C 37c 4-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. 4-oz. pkg. 8-or. pkg. IITS 2/27c 23c SPECIAL lO-oz. tins Produce Specials GRAPEFRUIT 10 FOR 49c No. 1 Table Potatoes 50-lb. bag sl,029 Meat Specials Predressed Roasting Chickens 24 to 3 lbs. Lb. 3 7c Devon Rindless Lb. Pkg. 69C ive in-Bowmanville until Saturday, Nov. 24 MINIQON 1'2-oz. bottle XTRACT ICING rCherry N qs IECES 4-oz. Dkg. 8-oz. pkg. 21C 8-or. pkg. 16-or. pkg. WDER 24c 39C 5-oz. pkg. 3z.pkg. 8-oz. pkg. 3o19C 41C 3-orz. pkg. 3-or. pkg. M ES 35c 3-or. pkg. 35c 3-or. pkg. 19C L- d -or. pkg. COCOANUT 24C 5-lb. bag Values effecti yG ARla42C Friendly - Everything Guaranteed ý STORES LIMITED m .m ---m Szau a E-un u M-m l Heafi Eavesf] Auth, Chalco PHI Newcas mmý PAGE TWELVE ON Y O Lthe lueky man having bagged ing a few days with Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Pike left Mr. andi Mrs. Gea. Kimball Municipal nomination.s tace 0on Tuestiay ta visit his brother and Joan, Newcastle, Mr. anti place on Friday in Bethany. and wife Mr. anti Mrs. A. S. Mrs. Raymond Gilmer' andi Christmas tree cutting anti Pike o! Providence R.I. Stewart, Toronto, anti Mr. andt transporting is in full swin g.i Congratulations to Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Gilmer anti Karen, Cars are being loadeti at the Mr,. George Elliott on- tbe birth Port Hope, wvith Mr. and Mrs. aPr ydsak n d ut oans portsyf a daughter at Part Hope bas- Frank Gilmer on Sunday. are akin ou loa s d a ly . p itli on S atu rtia , N ov. l7th . Mr. evere Chpmanb~s There was quite a nice turn- moved intobis new home i out S untiay morning when Mr.j Pontypool. He a purchaseti Robert Gay o! Oshawa, a un:- 0IEY the fine Rittenberg home north versity stucient preparing f or VUAL FO o! the school.1 the ministry took charge o! the AAIBEFO It was with deep regret that service in the absence of Rev.T G Ibis community learneti o! the 1 S. J. Pike. N OBTGA ES su ten deat b o ! M rs. Jackson,, Air. and M rs. Clelan ti Lane R AIRS wife o! aur student minis ,er.1 spent the weekenti witb Mr. anti four chiltiren. We extend dalk. Ar J3 1 ph . Jones aur sincere sympatby.Mis are ronMrRa monti Trimm anti is motber, 61 rs i se an Soi tr N WT NVL E ,Mrs. Bert Trimm left Saturday' 65 Smo St. S. Oshawa A bot from the blue -Our Mrs. Mary Uglow is spent- DON'T PUT OFF TV REPAIRS - CALL US! 39c Campbell's 25C Size 96's ,en DUOS Ontario Grown 30c TWE CMADL4W STATEM«W. BOWMANVUM ONTAM 23C

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