TNTJR8DAY, NOV. 22nd, 1956 TN~ ~ANAflTAM ~TAW~M A?.? U~ft71IA M¶??? 1V ~%M~~A ~?P'e - ** ***~**~ V &IJA*~~é~ ~J~~ LfLK~.L~J PAGE THIRTERL~ Hi gh School Prize Winners 1956 1956 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Friday, November 16, 1956i Durham County District Higli School Board IMr. G. N. Strcng, Chairman Mr. C Allun.Mr. 1. C. Burger, Mr. G. L. Brackenbury. Mr. 1. ColwiUs Mr. 1. R. Fallis, Mr. 1 F Heyland, Mr D. A. McGragor. Mr. C. . Nichols, Mr. L. A. Parker, Mr. H. R. S. Ryce. Mr. 'Alan Strike. Mr. C. Tamblyn, Mr. H. B. Tink. Mr. R. B. Waddell, Mr. H. Winsiow. Dr. 1. W. Wright, Mr. H. W. Mitchell. Secretary-Treasurer Teaching Staff 14r L. W. Dippell, B.A. --- Principal and Toucher ef Science Mis. M. S. Arnott, B.Sc.. Ho. Ec. . Toucher of Home Economics Mina M. G. Bennett, BA., B.P.H.E.------Toucher of Physical and Health Education and Lower School Mathematics Mrs. P. C. Bennett - . Toucher of Commercial Subjects Mr. D. 3. Bradey, S.A. -- Toucher cf Lower School Eiilish. Science and History Ivir. G. R. Elliott, B.A., B. Paed___ Teacher of Guidance and Hi3tory Mis. D. E. Hochmann. .P.H.E. . Toucher of English Mr. L. G. Johnston ......___.. Toucher ef Industrji Arts Mine E. M. Laycack. S.A. - - Toacher cf French and Germa Mis. A. V. Lewis B.A. -______Toucher of Science and Guidance Mr. L. Lucas, B.A. .- . -Toacher of Mathomatici Misa . A. Mcne, B.A. - Toucher of Commercial Subjecis Miss E. M. McKaqus, B.A. -_____Toucher of French cnd Hlstory Mrs. Hf. E. McMaster. M.A. - Toucher cf Art ccd Enqlish Mr. V. M. Matthewson. B.A. Toucher of Mathematics acd Business Practice Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M-------.. Toucher of Music Mr. A. Puhringsi B.A -Toucher of' Lower Schocl Englesh and Histaîy Mr. . Rass. B.A ---- --Toacher cf Physical cnd Health Educatioii Mis. E. 1. Sheridan, B.A. T.achqr cf Ecqlish and Libiarian Mr. R. W. Sheridan,.B.A. ..-Teucher of Latin ccd Greek Mi. W. M. Stccey, B.A. - - Toucher cf Agriculture and Science Mr. L. A. Swatridge. S.A.. Toucher cf History ccd Geogrcphy Mr. E. G. Witherspocn, B.A. -____Toucher cf Gecgiaphy, Physics and Commercial Arithmetic BANK 0P MONTREAL CUP Fror speed and accuracy in Typing Winner - Robert Dow THE BANK OP COMMERCE PRIZE To the student obtaining the highest standing in Bookkeeping. $10,00 in cash. Winner - Donna Therteli COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS Shirley Abernethy, Robert Dow, Lillian Marlow, Doreen Ogden, Marlene Peel, Dorothy Quinsey, Robert Stacey, Donna Thertell. COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATES June Cornish, George Gibbs, Jean Joh~nson, June Mutton ATHLETIC PRIZES Boys' Senior Champlonship - ~ John Mason Boys' Senior Runner-up _ __ Kenneth WilliamsonX tied SRichard Biggs J Boys' Intermediate Championship - --. ----- Charles Trim Boys' Intermediate Runnen-up Wilbert Lemon Boys' Junior dhampionship Gary MeCullough Boys' Junior Runner-up Wayne Thertel Girls' Senior Championship Patricia Conway Girls' Senior Runner-up---- ----- ---- - Joan Smith Girls' Intermediate Championship --- Barbera Bathgate Girls' Intermediate Runner-up- Karen Bragg Girls' Junior Championship Virginia Brown Girls' Junior Runner-up - Iris donway TRI-SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD MEET (Bowmanville - Cobourg- Port Hope) Boys' Junior dhampionship . Gary Mcdullough Girls' Senior Championship ip Patricia donwey Girls' Intermediate Championship- - Barbera Bathgate Girls' Intermediate Runner-up Sharon Kilpatrick DAVIS CUP Donated by E. Davis, iii memory of the laIe Mr. James W. Davis, 10 the student who bas contibuted most ta Rugby. Winner - Dan Cattran THE BAGNELL AIVARD Donated by Mrs. M. L. Bagnell, 10 the student who hes contributed most 10 Besketball and bas been a member of a team for three yeans. Winner - Brian Jackson DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD PRIZES Awarded 10 students obtaining the highest standing in Grades IX, X, XI, XII and Commercial. $2.5.00 in cash. &ý;ade IX - Howard Rundle Grade XZI - James Ferguson Grade X Peter Reynolds Jr. dom. - Grace Blackburn Grade XI Hartlcy Lewis Sr. dom;. - Doneen Ogden MENS (ANADIAN CLUB HISTORY PRIZE Awarded ta the students in Grade X, obtaining the highest standing in Canadien History. $5.00 each in books. Winners: Girls - Edith Brooks Boys - Peter Reynoldsi CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Awarded 10 bbe student obtaining the highest standing in Grade X Latin. $10,00 in cash. Donon: The Ladies' League o! St. Joseplb's Church XVinner - Peter Reynolds THE GILFILLAN'PRIZE The Gilfillan Pnize, in memorv o! the late Principal James Gilfillan, for Public Speaking in Grades IX and X. $15,00 in books. Winners: lst. Verna Foran, 2nd, Betty Locke; 3rd, Helen Knox THE TAMBLYN PRIZE The Tamblyn Prize for Public Speaking in Grades XI, XII, XIII and Commercial. $15.00 in books. Donor: The late W. W. Tamblyn, Esq., MA. Winners - lst, darol Chant; -2nd, George Marlow CANADIAN LEGION PRIZES I'he Canadian Legion Prizes are awarded to the neetest appearing boy' and girl cadets on parade at Cadet Inspection. Donor: The local Bnanch o! the danadian Legion. $10,00 in cas h. Winners: Girls, Darla Marie Palmer; Boys, Wayne Thertel CADET'TROPHY Awarded to the student who has contributed most to the Cadet Corps. Winner - Douglas Cattran STRATUCONA TRUST BEST SHOT AWARD Awarded to the best shot in the Bowmanville Cadet Corps. Wsnn.r - Roma Kossata THE BONNYCASTLE PRIZE1 To the student who bas shown most promise in Dramatics. $5.00 in books. Donor. Mrs. Maitland Gould, daughter of the late Dr. G, C. Bonnycastle. Winner - Robert Dow DRAMA AWARD .àwarded by the Literary Society. Winner - Keith Hensley THE DEVITT AND FERGUSON PRIZE Awarded to the boy and girl, elected by tellow students, who, showed diligence in studies and other school activities, cheerful ý submission to autbority, self-respect and independence of char-i acter, readiness to forgive offence, desire to conciliate differences of others and moral courage and unflinching truthfulness. $10.00 in books. Donors: The late Dr. J. C. Devitt and the late Mr. E. S. Ferguson Winners: Girls, Evelyn Pascoe; Boys, William Panas THE MeGREGOR PRIZE Awarded to the best student in Latin and Greek in the Upper Sehool. $10,00 cash. Donors: Miss Helen McGregor and Mr. Alex McGregor. Winner - Irene Yurko THE SQUAIR PRIZE Awarded ta the best student in Upper School French. $5,00 in books. Donôr: The late John Squair, Esq., M.A., Professor of French, University of Toronto. Winner - Marie Ferguson UPPER SCHOOL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS PRIZE For the highest standing in Upper Sehool Chemistry and Physies. $10.00 in cash. Donor: Mr. L. W. Dippel Winner - Allen Porter THE JOLLIFFE PRIZE The Jolliffe Prize, in memony of the late Lieutenant Reginald Jolliffe, awarded ta the best student in Upper School Histôry. $10,00 in books Winner - Marie Ferguson ROTARY CLUB PRIZE To the student with highest standing in Upper School subjects, who in addition, bas won the schoolcrest and honours in at least five subjects. $?5.00 in cash. In the event of the crest not having been won by the student with highest standing, $15,00 is awarded to the student and the remaining $10.00 to the Athletic Societies. Winner - Allen Porter THE HOSKIN PRIZE The Hoskin Pnize for the hîghest standing in the Upper School Examinetions. $5.00 in books. Donor. The late John Hoskin, Esq,, L.L.D Winner - Allen Porter THE LIONS CLUB PRIZE For the highest standing in the Upper School Mathemnatics. $10,00 in cash. Donor: The Lions Club, Bowmanville. Winner - Allan Porter THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBRER COMPANY SCROLARSHIP Awarded to pupils o! Grade XIII, standing first and second respectîvely in generel pro!iciency in the following subjeets: English, three Mathematics, a Foreign Language, and two Sciences. First pnize, $75.00; second prize, $25,00. Donor: The Go6dyear Tire & Rubben Company o! Canada Winners: lst - Allen Porter; 2nd - Ray Ashton THE HAROLD F. LONGWORTH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Awarded t0 pupils o! Grade XIII for genenal proficiency. Candidates must write on at least eight papers, French and German being e requisite. If in eny year, no student qualifies in German, Latin may be substituted for that yeer. First, $75.00; second. $25.00 Donors: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Longworth, in memory o! their son, Harold F. Longworth, who served as Modemns Teacher and Rugby Coach in Bowmanville High School. Winners: lst- Marie Ferguson; 2nd - Irene Yurkc' SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Ray Ashton, William BrunI, Frederick Carter, Carol Chant, Donald dramp, Marie Ferguson, Joan Gibson, Donald Leask, Mary Lewis, Nancy Mitchell, James Perkhill, Allen Porter, Michael Varcoe, Inene Yurko. SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Dianne Austin, Arleen Begley, Robent Brown, Joan Cann, bnbriA. Y 1i Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Neal and daughter Shirley of Toron-i to spent the weekend with Mr.! and Mrs. Clarence Neal. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Preston and sons Adair and Bruce o! Balmoral, Man., are visiting at the - home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mc- Gil. have purchased the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wright and wiIl be moving to the village soon. Mrs. Manson Cathcard and son Paul of Springville, spet several days lest week with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Brown. Mr. A. H. Monk bas returned to his home in Bethany after spending several weeks with his son and deughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kari Monk of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick and family have moved to the Dranoel railway station. Mr. and Mrs. Paul' Mimigon' and family have moved to their new home at Bowmanville. Mr. a.nd Mrs. James McKin- non spent the past week with members of their family in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc- Gill and Miss Joan McGili of Toronto, returned with them on Saturday and remeined over- night. M\1iss Marie Carr, who bas been in Hamilton General Hos- pital since October 21st, as a result of injuries received in a motor accident, was transfer- red to Cîvie Hospital, Peterbor- ough, on Saturday. Women's Instiu;e eeting Mrs. Banl Weatherilt enter- tained the members of the Women's Institute for their November meeting, with 28 members present and Mrs. Thomas Jennings presiding. The roll cail was answered by "~A law I would like to see pass- ed" and a nurnber of suggest- ions were made. One called for "A governor on cars to control the speed in case the NU.T et the wbeel did not". A law re- quiring better seam allowances on ready-made clothing was a nother suggestion, The motto, '4W bat kind o!feai nation would be ours, if evelry citizen were just like me" was diseussed and explained. Mrs. Ralph Preston gave a brie! re- port from the Canadien Asso-. ci ation of Consumers dealing Iwlth ',How to buy nylons" and * Toy-testing". Mrs. Preston, as the branch delegate, gave a complete report o! the Womnen's Institute convention held i the Royal York Hotel ini Toronto fromn October 3lst to November 2nd inclusive. A debate was capably given on Rural Sehools vs. Urban Schools. Upbolding the rural schools were Mrs. Adidison Scott and Mrs. William Phil- lips. and the Urban schools were upheld by Mrs. Emory Smith and Mrs. Ralph Preston; the Urban group won by one point. It xvas said by those stressing the advantages o! rural sehools that traffie presented fewer problems, that elothes did nQt cause any inferiority complex- es, that teachers in rural schools were kinder, and that children in the country had more Oppor- tunity 10 take part in outdoor sports. Among the points brought out by the urben school cham- pions, were that city teachers had more time 10 Prepare les- sons, more time for individual help, more money for special subjeets and special teechers, and that there were many more children in each age group to facilitate greater interest in stu- dies and sports; and that there were eilîdren from various so- cial andi culturel backgrounds in city schools wbich gave un- ban blîdren a broader o«utlook on life, Judges were Mns, Wm. Mark, Mrs. R .R. Bonsteel and Mrs. dLdI, LUt~~uwei nrr uwlng Uv1l served and a social hour en- Cowling, Norma Dale, Rena Dilling, Elizabeth Eldridge, James joyed. Ferguson, Velda Fisher, Keith Hensley, Marilyn Herne, William Hooper, Garry Humphreys, Arthur Jammer, Edward Jarvis, Womnan's Misslonary Society Robert Kerr, William Kirkton, Christina Lamb, Leslie Luffman, The Woman's Missionary So- George Marlow, Heinz Netten, Eleanor Osborne, Thomas Park, ciety of the United Church met Evelvn Pasene, Terrance Price. David Riekard, Jacqueline at the home of Mrs. Henry Jake- Rosevear, Brian Van Nest, Milly Vondracek, Frank Westheuser. man. Owing to the illness of the president, Mrs. Waddell, STUDENT COUNCIL the meeting was in charge of Mrs. 0. Spencer, the vice-presi.. Teacher Adviser, Mr. E. G. Witherspoon; President, Garry dent. The Watchword and hymn Humphreys; Vice-President, Jerri Ross; Secretary, Noel Dudley; si. Tresurr, arbra athate Pbli ReatinsMar Michel' ging opened the meeting. Treaure, Brbaa Bthgte;Puble Rlatons May Mtchll;Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel led the wor- Couneillors, Brian Jackson, Camille -Smith, Suzanne Thompson, ship erie rsnigtesc Hartley Lewis, Margaret Harvey; Form Representatives: 9A, oPder'acerofeeinthefse- Marilyn Baskerville; 9B, Murray Walker; 9C, William McKnight; lowe yadsusoxeid 9D, Gary Bagneil; 9E, John Rundle; 9F, Margaret Vanstone; A e bya dscussi o per. 10A, Garth Taylor; l0B, Robert Hannah; 1OC, Marilyn Pascoe; Waddell thanking the mem- 10D, Dan Cattran; l1A. James Mitchell; 11B, William Hooper; bers for letters, cards and 11C, Gloria Brent; 12A, Fred Vanstone; 12B, John Mason; lwr-etwiesewsi 12C, Joan Buttery; 13, Douglas Cattran. i howspî se.t hlse was deiedt npe sent Mrs. Waddell with a life LITERARY SOCIETY membership certificate and pin TÈeacher Adviser, Mrs. R. W. Sheridan; President. Jerri Ross; in recognition of her years of VicePreidens, uzane Tompon, artey Lwis Secetay, ervice to the missionary cause. Vîerlese Dns, SuzaeThompson, Haly Lewis; ereetay, nmtte cmosdofM Marene9A MrcaD; rasurernedCant;owB, ormeprseona, C0.lmipene, comsedTJons Muvs:ra atri C DavseryLne, Cht;9BCoie Os9odBarbSaecerMrr.H Cis. T.dJacson,. Murraysaeser9,er;,lynLaneEthel Dupui s; 9D, Barbara teoS. H. Cppoin ad Mrs M HurgheJesse Bryan9EhesyndAackha, BiardSteve; 9FA Prts was lland to vsint Hw lOB 113 HeatherM bhn o Chant; 10C, John Graham,; them to her, Marion Muir: laD, Barbara Vermeulen, Terry Joyce; IIA, Nancy Plans were made to entertain Wood, Ted Cornish; 1llB, Carol Plummer, Robert Allin 1IlC, the Baby Band and the mothers 1 Joyce l'orbes, Lance Damant: 12A, Betty Foran, Joan Allin:, at a Christmas party in 1112 12B, Lynda Miller, David McCullough: 12C, Rena Dilling, Nancy Sunday Sehool room on Decem- Brow; 13 Jaquelne osevar, eore anlo y ber 13. Mrs. Earl Weatherilt, Brow; 1, JcqueineRosvea, GergeMarow. Mrs. Ross Johnston and Mrs. G. M. Longfield were chosen GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY tE> arrange games and gifts for! Teacer dvisr, iss . G dl ~ ~the children. Teahe Adisr, is M.G.Bennett; President. Camie Smih. Mrs. Edgar Beer presented Vice-President, Margaret Harvey; Secretary-Treasurer. Josie the tirst chapter of the study Brooks; Con-eners: Volieyball, Marion Buttery; Basketball, Alicei book onl southeas: Asia, ilu,s- Oldejans, So'-.s', Barbara Bathgate, Carol Cale, Joanne Mackie;, trating her talk with pictures Form Representatives: 9A, Aileen DeWith; 9B, Connie Osmond; andi a display of some of the 9C, Iris Conway; 9D, Doris Staîker; 9E, Mary Lou Marr; 9F, Jane pro ducts exported by 1h ese Mitchell; 10A, Betty Smith; lOB, Margaret Noden; 10C, Karen, countries. She spoke also of Bragg: l01D. Linda Mutton; 11A, Myrtle Brown; 11B, Bevely the appalling conditions exîst- Wraight; 11C, Joan Smith: 12A, Joan Allin; 12B, Lynda Mliter;j ing there because of poverty 12C, Joan Mutton; 13, Eleanor Osborne. Pnd overcrowding Slie was as- sistecl by Mrs. Ross Johnston BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY d M. aueRdelwh Teacher Adviser, Mýr. J. Ross. President, Brian Jackson; Vice- .Thie olleijiîig andi than k-offcr- President. Hartle 'v Lewis: Comimittee Chairmen: Finance, Paul ing '.: rece.1%'ed and dedicat- Herbert; Basketball, Hartley Lewis: Vollevball, Fred Vanstone: ed. i'he m-1eeting wvas closed by1 Softball, David McCullough, John Mason; Minor Sports, Edward repeating the Mizpah benedie- 1 Kowal: Social, Jim Masterson, John Dippeil: Clean-up, Norman tion, followed by a social hourj James; Form Representatives: 9A, David Higgon; 9B, Richard in wli;ch the hostess served McLean; 9C, George Kennett; 9D, Michael Murphy; 9E, Brenton lunch, assisted by her daughter, Hughes; 9F, Bryan Hughes; 1OA, Garth MeGill; lOB3, Wilbert Mrs. H. Coppîns. Lemon: IOd. Frank Sobil: IOD, Robert Archer, lIA, Charles he next meeting will be held Trim: 11B. David Revnolzds: 11C. William Cole: 12A. Brian December 6'h et the home o! dackson; 1L2, Paul Herbert- 12C, Ralph Davey; 13, George Marlow. Mrs. Donald Lowes. SANTA CLAUS là rrmu 1 mu I King Street West At Stevenson Road Saturday- Nova 24-m11: 30 am. by Helicoptor F RE E Candy Canes FREE Puzzle Books t N. 4For Ail The Children 1 5HOP EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. 1 lý OSHAWA EATON'S 0F CANADA Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd. Alex's Barber Shop lgailey Foods Ltd. Bank of Montreal Bassett's (Oshawa) Ltd. Bata Shoes Ltd. Henry Birks & Sons (Ontario) Ltd. Bond Clothes Shop *Bo-Peep Restaurant The Canadian Bank of Commerce The Cavalier Gift Shops Ltd. Dover's Ltd. (Men's Wear) Edna-Ann Hets Ltd. EIna (Canada) Ltd. Fabric Town Fairweather Co. Limited Fox's Departmental Store (Oshawa) Ltd. Visite% SANTA CLAUS Un Arctic Workshop Every Day Until Christmas Make The Oshawa Shopping Centre Your One-Stop Christmas Shopping Centre Arrives A MURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 19.98 THE CANADIAN STATrsmAiq- mmT,&lpTri Franklin-Simon Ltd. (Ladies' Wear) Jack Fraser's Stores Ltd. *Holiday Hardware Store Horwich Credit*Jewellers Ltd. S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd. Laura Secord aCndy Shops Ltd. Loblaw Groceterias Co. Limited Maher Shoe Stores *Main Television Sales & Service Maternity Fashions *Millicent Hair Stylists Reitman's (Ontario) Limited *Seigneur's (Ladies' Sportswear) G. Tamblyn Limited United Cigar Stores Ltd. *Yolles Furniture Co. Ltd. Young Ages *Zeller's Limited * OPENING SOON 1 SHOPPING CENTRE