PAGE ELGETEEN TRI CANAD!AN STÂTESMAIi. UOWMAXVILLE. O2ITAMO W ~* F I TCD1 k the W.1. members te i.nstitute a Kenda W. 1. Huar oa drive ta keep our roadsides clear 0 of trash. We were sorry Mrs. Cecil Tebble, who bas moved to O n St. Lawrence Seaway 'onowsalt Kendl-Te Knda W.. mt - hurdayeveingtheoldmembrance gif t f0 ber, was sent Kendl--he endl W. mt. Tursax'eveing the aidby Mrs. Cathcart. The Current Wednesday evening, Nov. 14 at, woollens are being prepared for Events proved quite interesting, the home of Mrs. Jack Stapleton shipment at the home of Mrs. going from local ta international. with 18 ladies present. Mrs. E. W. Mercer. Mrs. G. Cathcart Miss Catherine Stewart gave Couroux presided with Mrs. reported for the "Good Cheer* j an interesting accaunt af the! Allen Foster assisting at the Committee and was authorized trip taken by the teachers af piano. The roll cal vas "Naine: faget a potted plant for Mr l andta Crnam land eethe Sea- a City in Canada. !John Patton who is home from ln oCrwl oseteSa Marh 2, 937 i th îew at Peterborough Hospital. Thej way and Hydra prajects, which allott2d5,for9a5r7,ous e Brighte usual penny collection was taken will allaw ocean-going ships Up Yloutd r oe ihcoor". Lt; the Great Lakes. YourHomewithColo it! It is a gigantic undertaking. was decided ta invite New ton-1 Mrs. Mr. Mercer ri-ad the The Long Sault and Iroquais5 ville W.1. ta enjoy it with us. '"Litterbug Project" which asked1 dams will inundate 35,000 acres _______________________________________________ of land and will necessitate the rehabilitation af the towns ai Iraquolir and Monisburg, asý well as building 35 miles af new highwav and 40 miles of rail- IVII-I IIiItIL.II way. Huge machines are abl qi iViEONIA L ta move the bouses ta their new sites witb furnishings intact. The project is ta be finished by '90when the scene wilI be quite different fram that ivhich A R N ýmet the eyes of Cartier andi Mr.Danchuck and Miss Stewart conducted a contest ACTIVI IES 'Your Knowledge af Canada", iwith Mrs. G. Cathcart being the winner. Mrs. Martin Manders invjted the W.I. to ber home for the Christmas meeting in the even- 1 ing, Dec. 12, with Mrs. McMack- in, Mrs. Manders and Mrs. PUBLIC SKATING Couroux in charge anth po FRIDAYI NOVE14SER 23 of gi rts an article is ta be given ifor the Mine Disaster victims. 8 Io 1 P.M.A delîciaus lunch was served 8 ~o 0 pil by aur bostesses, Mrs. Staple- Admission - - - - Aduits 40c, Students 2.5e tan, Mrs. Low and Mrs. Green- woad with the usual social hait hour. Mrs. Dean West was the lucky cup prize winner. The PUBLIC SKATING ldespresse Stear nd laies expMissedStear appria iSapeln ora very pesn WEDNESDAY, N!EL'RDR 28 evening.pesn 2 La Il t HAMPTON Mr. L. 9. Caverly, Islington, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mr. and Mns. Bryce Brown, Jean and Bobby, and Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mrs. E. H. Cale. Orona, visit- ed at A. E. Billett's . Mn. A. W. Prescott visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Enfield. Mn. and Mrs. C. F. Horn af Oshawa were at the home af Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Lorenzo Trull on Friday. Mrs. R. J. McCulloch, Mns. Sam Dewell and Mrs. J. Chap- man visited Mrs. Oliver Mc- Culloch at Columbus. Mns. Pliillip, Oshawa, visited ber daugbter, Mns. J. A. Bur- rawx, prion ta going ta Kingston ta reside with ber daughter. Mrs. J. W. Balson is a patient in Memorial Hospital. Bowman- ville, having suffered injuries in Ra RaI at ber home nonMon- day. Misses R.uth ard Marie Pres- cott attended the Pathfinders Club meeting at the Pascoe bomne, Enfield. Sunday callers at A. W. Pres- cott's were Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Prescott and Mrs. Ken.neth Hardy, Tyrane. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy were in Toronto Satunday attending the Royal Winten Fair and the Santa Claus parade. Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. K. Cavenley were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunn and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caverley, Oshawa. See the "Savingest"p Pair f rom Frigidaire nt Mason & Dale With the new Tailored Look thot fiti, biiilds ini, blendsinje - anywhere! Here's the new conbination that beats everything yoqi ever hearci M for sav'ing water', time, clothes, and electricity! The new Frigidaire Porcelain Pair With amazing Control Towers. The Cleanest W'ash v'ou'v'e ever seen-without rubibing- The Driest Load that ever left a washer - Remnoves lint and the soap-scumn that filter traps miss - Washes ecerythingr thaf's washable-automnatically - Saves up to 1400 gallons of bot water a vear-up to 21 big-size boxes of detengent. F2epç washing ever-does a complete wash in as littie as 15 minutes. Quality-Built and Backed by Genercil Motors MASO N & DALE 36 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle MA 3-5408 TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. John Hiisç spent: the weekend with Mr. and rs. Ken Acheson, Toronto, attn_ ting the Royal Winter Fair and ttook in the Santa Claus Parade. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. G. Willis, Cannington. Mr. and MIrs. J. A. Roseveari visited ber father, Mr. I. W. Larmer. Millbraak. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gar- dener, Mrs. Harry Ross and >Fred, Peterborough, Miss Mary Broomfield, Bawmanville, were guest sof Mr. and Mrs. S. E. fWhte. M.and Mrs. Frank Hather- ly and family, Lakeview, Mr. EJack Hatherly and daughteros Newtonville, with Mrs. Annie Hathenly. Mrs. C. Shaw. Ralph and IJim, Oshawa, visited Mr. and, Mns. E. A. Vintue. Mrs. 0. Virtue with Mrs. Percy Byers, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davey accompanied Mr. Robent Simns ta the Royal Winter Fair, Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Ce- cile and Douglas, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Park, Peterborough Mrs. Gertrude Stephens,Mr A. T. Stephens, Toronto, visit- ed ber sister. Mrs. R. Burges.s. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Columbus, with Mrs. Florencej Scott, Mr'. and Mrs. George All- dread visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Alldread and Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh, Bowmanville. Mr. and -Mrs. Dean Findlay and Curtis, Mrs. Mary Findlay' and Sherry Findlay, Union- vTille, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Mrs. Edith Anderson, Baw- manville, sepent a few days with Mrs. S. T. Hoan. Lynda Geisberger and Lynne Skinner, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. David Brent attended the District Public Speaking Con- test nt Havelock receiving a silver cup. Congratulations Da- vi d! Mrs. S. T. Hoar, Mrs. A. Hilis ,and Mrg. Edith Anderson were dinnen guests on Monday of Mrs. Lamne Phare. Miss Linda Stainton. 'Ennis- killen, with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp, were supper guests ofMn. and Mrs. David Pha- sey, Orono. Mrs. T. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs visited Mrs. H. Per- fect in Cobourg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davey Sharonand Mitch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConmack and family, Blackstock, were Sunday visit- ons of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Da- vey. Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Leaside. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Miss Pascoe visited Mr. and Mrx. Lary Dewell, Bow- nianville. Miss Ethel Hall. Mr. Keith Robinson, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall. PatsyV and Tommy Carter, Gardon Rundle, Bawmnanville, spent the weekend with She- lagh and Kenneth Murphy.j Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park -vis-s ited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Geis- berger, Zion. Mn. and Mr.g. C. H-. McQuinn visited at Frenchmýan's Bay ne- cent ly. Tom and Jo Anne Hoar with their gnandmother, Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. T. Carte r and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rundie, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- itars of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mur- phy. Mr. and Mrs. George Rabm, Saintfield, were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm j and also called an Mn. O. Beck- ett. Mrs, S. Gable held a demon- stration at her home Tuesday evening. MAPLE GROVE and Mvis. £L. 1-. Loates, Brant-. jMn. and Mrs. C. H. Snawden, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, Rev. and Mrs. H. Stainton,i Mimico, were Friday supperý guests with Mrs. Sam Snowden,; Oshawa.1 Mn. and Mrs. Charles Green- ham, Miss Carole Greenhami were Sundav supper guests with Mn. and Mrs. BurrisonGr Bay. Miss Carmon B1nnisan, who spent the weekend with, Miss Carole Greenham, returned ta her home with them. Evening AuxiliarY will meet Thursday evening (to-nigýht) at the home of Mrs. Cecil ( Leona) Mills. Mr'. and Mrs. Don Carr and family, East Beach, Town; Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Beech and fam- *îly~, Bunketan; Mn. and Mns. Bob Barrabali and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Maple Grave, were Monday supper guests with Mrs. A. Beech. Lt was a binthday party, for Mrs. Barrabail, Mns. C. H. Snowden1 and Mrs. A. Beech whose birth- 1 davs ail corne within the week.1 Maple Grave Home and Schaol Association met Nov. l4th with Mns. Wm. O'Neil presiding. Mrs. Robt. Bothwell, Treas., re- ported that the returns from the Christmas card sales had been very good. Mrs. R. Wiggans, canvener, called on Diane Martin, Janice Beech and Michael Dickens ta give the speeches they had pre - pared for the public speaking cantest. They were much en-' joyed by the parents present. A film 'From Sociable Six ta Naisy Nine" was shawn and lively discussion af it was car- r ied an by four gnaups. Mrs. Down 's room won the parents' cou nt. Bazaar will be held Dec. 8th. A social half-houn was enjoyed while lunch was being served. 0f ail Canadians who paid incarne tax in 1945, 66 per centi had annual incames af less than $2.000. In 1953, niost recent year of record, anly 22 per cent were. ini the under ;2.000 class. I FIVE YEARS TO PAY For the Famous Lenox Hea ting Gas Equipinn FIVE YEAR PAYMENT PLAN - ON ANY NATURAL GAS FURNACE, NATURAL CAS CONVERSION BURNER, NATURAL CAS WATER HEATER, WITH EASY PAT- MENTS ON YOUR CAS BILL OVER THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. NO NONTELY, PAYMENTS UNTIL APRIL. 1957. Hi-Boy Here are the benefits Natural Gas offers you! Forced Air Unit $314 $16.60 per month plus ingteRat4o« (1) Economy! (2) Effici.ncy (3) Silent Comfort!1 (4) Perfect Safety 1 (5) Free Annual Cleaning by Consumer:' Cas Co.!1 (6) Fret Annual Service by Consumer:' Cas Co..!* (7) Freedom from Maintenance Coul:! (8) No Heating Interruption Through Hydre Failca',! (9) Fret Air Filter Change hy C.uuumers' Cas Co.!1 tbwpus.aue âsmi qm. . & Pm Md lun Lnm "Lo-Doyv'¶ el m"m , , « me.-yt- P ommplowCotemm oeiia &to 1 , -* w" ba~beh-g mo"... esi.Menow-Wm6 - éub b"F mmpmemwo ',ei-C *W*rpw it Frorm $170 WHEN YOU BUY CONVERSION BURNERS $250 M8 per mont&i M"per' nmoth ultu instalatioom LENNOX Heating Equipment Lennox Noor:, Transformers, Electric ContraIs, Heat Exchangers and Gaz Burners are ail GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Ail items advertised payable are on your monthly gas HOT WATER BOl LER ' $549 Itnstalied Complete with Ru rter $18 per month Buy from bill. your authorized Consumers' Gas local HOT WATER TANKS $129 installee« $3-00 per month Dealer Pu m Pmm VISIT BOWMANVILLE'S. FINEST HEATING SHOWROOM 55 King St. W. Phone MA -3-3348 0 IVle Au .II. Admission - - - Aduits 40c, Students 25e S PE CI AL! Children's Skcating 3:30 - 5:30 p.m,. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 12 years and under only -- _25e Aduits acompanying eidren 25e Intermediate "A' Hockey, Game ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, NOVENDER 24 Lakefield Lumbermen VIS. Bowmanville - Orono Combines Admision - - - - - - Aduhts 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children-----------50e ON DISPLAY ALSO A FULL LUNE 0F CLARE JEWEL GAS RANGES TM eA*ADL« BTATEUL4». BOWL41CVff..M e"AMO PAGE EIGHTMM qqmmleàlw, ifflv- mn& ý» v