U4nb14U e t4tt~m~1~ therhcm County's rcat Family Journal » VOLUME 102 BOWMÂNVUML, ONTARIO, THIJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1956 10e PER COPYNMBR4 Lions Ladies Hold Fourth jeteCT j viAnnaisl D onc ~ I DEE~~ E~ Eighty-four couples enjoyed Friday night is the time forj elected by wards, two from ig thies on Shauay eien- 211 citizens of the town of' Bow- each, and they run for stagger- LisatDtheefiurthena Lions mions onemunicpalaffirsopin ed two year terras. This year, Community Centre. ionsIIang cnidala fhir ytwo standing members have xioinaingcanidaes f teirindicated that tniey will 'ot .Ti party, which has become cholce for the coundcil, school run again. Howard Jeffrey 1ncreasingly popular since its board and Public Utilities com- from the West Ward and Bob inception, was originally plan- mission. The nominations open Mutton from the North Ward ned* as a get-together social1 t7.0p.m. and close at 8. 30 have definitely stated that they ean rin frLonT tee wives in 1~.in the Coundil Chambers. willont seek another term. Inadfres.Te iesoLon Ain other years, it will be the S o uth W a rd, Norm members plan the detals of. riecessary for candidates to bel 0'Rourke has said that he wil the event, seIl the tickets, pre- present along with those who: seek re-election. As thîs elec-I pare the lunch, and are gen- xnove and second the nogu*na- tion is iby wards electors are eal ncag fteetr tien. If a candidate is going te only entitled to vote for the evening. Surplus funds will be be absent, he may obtain al candidates from their ow used to purchase equipment for the centre. ferra from the Town Clerk's ward. Ti office and sigri one signifying At the meeting Friday, nom- 1Ti year, Mrs. Normn his intention of standing. Fol- inations will also be called for 10'Rourke, wife of the presi- lowing the nominaLions, the one Bowmanville Public Utili- Oent, was responsible for the 'various candidates wîll be cail- ties Commissioner. There are overali planning, assisted by ed on ta either report on their two commissioners on this bodv Mrs. S. R. James, who arrang- activities during the past year who are also elected for two ed the lunch and Mrs.. Robert in office or, i the case of new year staggered termis. This year Kent, in charge of tickets. members, what they intend do- Milton J. Elliott is the retiring Maniy other L ions wives assist- ing if. elected. member and it is expected that ed with the serving and other This year, there have been he will run for office again. details. mnany rumeurs concerning whù Ail nominees ti order to run Music was excellent, provid- is going ta stand and who 15 for office, must have their1 ed by Ron Tomilinson's arches- going ta drop out of the Town taxes paid up-to-date and must tra of Ajax, and featuring a Council. As we go ta Press, sign the qualification papers in wide variety of selections and nione of the members have the town clerk's office prier tempos to suit every taste. committed themnselves sa we ta 8.30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov- At intervals throughout, By- wll have ta wait until Friday ember 24th. ron Vanstone drew special door to see.. Nominations will be. Regardless of the outcome prizes which were awarded ta called for the positions of May- of the nomination meeting there 'appreciative recipients. f or, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and will be an election thiq ear The dancing concluded at « six councillors. These members Ratepayers are being asked ta midnight when a delicious are elected by the town as a ;vote on the question oi,, lunch wag served. whole. Ail persans who own or' ther they wish ta have a Town! rent property are entitled teo Manager ta better co-ordinale vote at the election on ody the work of Town Council.nn The Bowman ville Public Nomination Night and anyonej ScolBad mmesare cari attend. r .I «r1 tn ý% %Ti, J V Da vid William s Wins Eastern Ontario Finals At Havelock on Friday, Frîc Nor ship held start lnat 1]p cand 4- - %'r the first time. a Bow- Musical selections were given terrn nianville Public school pupil, by the children of Havelock TI David Williams, won the Wom- Public schooi, grades 2, 7 and wîIl en's Institute aratarical chamn- 8. Miniature cups were pres. fion pionship«'for eastern Ontario at ented toal'al contestants by Mr. Reel the finals in Havclock Friday H. Carleton, public schools in- lors. eùght. He will now compete in spector, Cobourg, and Mt. T. men ,~eProvincial finals in Toron- McEwen, public schools inspec- whel Yfdurng 'the Teachers' Con- tor, Bowmanville. 1o ventioftti Easter. Other finalists in the regional At Son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald cantest were: Sharon McDon- oi H. Wiliams, 12-year-olci David aId, S. S. 2, Sidney,.iThe Sen- nom 6poke on "The Olympic Gamnes'.' tinel That Neyer Slà"- Mary $out Hi- qomplete address appears Ellen David, S S. 4,jti>don, Scho on page eight of this issue. He "Pauline Johnson:" David the1 was coached by his grade 8 Brent, S. S. 10, Darlington, oe teacher, Roy Turner, and was "Early Days In My Commun- or awarded the Northumberland ity;" Mârsha Dovey, S. S. 2, Challenge Trophy by Mr. K. M. Ame]iasburg, "A Modern Mi- i~ Bird, chaitm'an of the Belle- racle; Richard Dunham, S. S. 4, sr ville District Trustees and Seymour, "A Trip In Search Monq Itatepayers' Association. 0f A Perfect Place;" Helen Mc-- Placed second was Faye Rob- Pherson, S. S. 3, Mayo, "Our ertson, of Madoc, who spoke Community - Hermon;" Leon-Si en "Canada's Newest Citizens." ard Goodkey, Bancroft publicsi She was presented with the W. schooi, 'The Master Woods- H. Fraser Trophv by Mrs. F. men," Stanley Page, Norwooi McKenzie. presiderit of Have- public school, "The Red Cross;" Ifl lock W.I. Margot Publom,, Queen Eliza- Third xvas Victor Aiyea, of beth School, Pictori. 'Giving U S.S. 8, Hillier, who spoke on Television;" Gloria Tessier,INe "The Victoria Cross." The 4. Burnham piblic school, Ca- N. Carr Trophy was presented bourg, "Clothes;" Paye Sharp, Six to him by Mr. K. Ross of Brigh- S.S. 4, Smith, "Getting A Liv-.ieceive ton. ing From The Sli." Sunday A llan Porter Gives Valedîctorv Adndràoc occrr ntf Cou. gers Ëo by Gec Bowm r taken1 by Rov iui ioIUi I day Noon mina.tions for the. Town- i of Darlington wll be dthus Friday aîternoon tig at 12 noon. Nom- 'ions wlI b. open until P.m. alter which the. iidates will b. allowed speak or report on their M of office. 'his year rominationx 1be calledl for the. posi- Sof Reeve, Deputy Ive anid three Council- -None of the present aibers have indicated ether they wilI stand re-election again. lthis same meeting amations wili be ealled two members for the th -Darington Area >ol Board. At 3.30 p.m. meeting will b. turned rto the. Area School xd for their reports. an election ls flecefi- it will be heid on day, December 3rd. Injured Accident lar Courtice Bowmanville mesidonts ed minor injuries early iy in, an accident which ed on Highway 2 east irtice. AUl were passon- in an automobile drivený )rge White. 21, King St., iriville, wich was over- by a second auto driven gland Wellman, Oshawa, A il ci h V E YI Canadian Club Past Presidenis Presented With Corsages - ___ ____ _____ __ , Four past presidents of the Women's Canadian Club have died and Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Mrs. L. T four others were unable to be present ta receive their corsages made by McLaughlin, Mrs. D. R. Morrison, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli. Mrs. Wight Vrs. Wilbert Teeple on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the club announced that Mrs. Morrison, although flot a past president, was being on Monday. Those who were at the meeting included the above, front recognized for her exceptional service throughout the club's existence. roW, left to right: Mrs. L. Goddard, Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs. F. S. Phillips, She has been a member of the executive many times and for the entire Mfrs. Maitland Gould, representing her mother-in-law, Mrs. M. G. V. period acted as the group's pianist. Gould; Mrs. H. Leyman, Mrs. W. A. Shane; back row: Mrs. 0. W. Rolph,I Population Grows 254 Total Number is 6&f634 According ta the 1956 census figures released by A.ssessor Clarence Oke Bowmanville's population has increased by 254 which. now brings the. total ta 6,634 as compared ta 6,380 in 1955 and 6,081 in 1954. The South Ward is stili the most populous section iaving 2,491 while the North Ward stands at 2,052 and the West Ward at 1,924. The number at the Bowmanville Beach has decreased and stands at 167. There are 2,330 under the age of 17 which Is pproximately 35 per cent of the overali population, while ,271 are ini the 20 ta 59 age groupîng and 349 are over 70 ears. Commencement' Brin gs Young and'Old Io BJ-Ibs. For Annual Ex-eémises An overflow crowd of par- e nts and students was present for the annua]. Bowmanville High School Commencementi heid Friday evening in the B.H.S. auditorium where dip- lomas, academic awards and athletic prizes were present- ed ta the student. and last June's graduates. As chairman of the ev'ening, L. W. Dippeli welcomed the large turnout and commended thon. for their interest in edu- cation. He went on ta point out how the increasing- world tur- moil has led governments and industries ta realize the im- portance of a sound education and as a resuit they are offer- ing more bursaries and schol- District High School Board in appreciation of the great amount of time and effort they spent in making Bowmanville High School one of the best in the district. Building Troubleg G. N. Strong, chairman of the District High School Board, told the audience that the Board has run irito many dif- ficulties but most of these haàve been settled and he hoped that the final resuits would meet with everyone's satisfaction. The cost of this school does sound enormous, stated Mr. Strong, but after the Depart- ment of Education pays seven- ty-five percent of the cost and %wu r P 1 %4 %4 %.0e eand rolled into the ditch. M r. Dippell p i rbue h The actual cost to each rate- i l b 1 l n omr Tc B ><1 las (om m enc m ent eDamae ta the White car is the students and teachers wlio payer is only .52 milîs and cit-C ie Pa y fo vehiclted $20w untuh-etae d fcistes o the ih rng an assessment of $10,000 as ~ B .H .S C o me n c ee n t W llma velicle as u touc - pleed f ciliies o the HJgh an example, Mm. Strang stated u e P r y f o den frn J '-c jed. Schooi. The janitors ýb that it would cost only $5.20 Inspirin c c r ss a ALlan Porter, t~~~~op ..s - in- hic i e e arsat Bow aboiut Olive Stubbart. King Street, worked under such dishearten- annualfoa20yr eid detr c laswotaiunegdae- HgShosvya adthe wmas thatBowmanville, suffered multi- ing conditions while the schoo Inally or a 20 e ariod.Senior .itiz n -* iab l ark hoo se nen-sts, a schaol adprea hlmadpie injuries but the ather five was being built îast year alsoincsig hepaed M second and a third, delivere other studerits for the future. wee rlesd imeitlyrciedseiTheton ipeifrth1ainr9 C lub s 3 5 t, the valedictory address at the 1 fram the Oshawa General Hos- Finally, hoe offered h is wihh a raie h'Tergua etn fCu . III1, annual Bawmanville High Valediction Address pital after being treated for thanks ta the Durham Cointy' (Continued n page seven) 15 was held at the home of the Alian Porter lacerations and bruises. Thye eco rday, NovebonMrlsdeh. -e Mr. Dippel, e bers of the w re George W hite, Js p 1Mscr ary, MrsI n Ma rsden, itri. er î I<i d e io nhs s gî cr cedt fi he d . 7 staff and board, feilow students White, Francis Stubbart, and C ,. MsRlhMlnyepei en itretogatherd atate LonsCndir lbswsctcc D e ia e M errorial F o s frtebsns etn.Am mark an historic occasion, the and ladies and gentlemen. Shirley White al aof Kingg tion was passed ta serid a don- 35th Ariniversary of the forma- Duigfsfrterofpea Tonight, we of the graduat-. tet ad e hbd * I'C tion ta the TB Christmas Soal ino!a WmnsC aia lthlclcubhdams ing class of 1956 gathertoehrC rc Stet 1 i0 fl 0 1 U l a Fund. Cu ee 0 ebr rdmr eety for perhaps the last time with- E A letter was received from President Mrs. C. A. Wightitmebrhphdgon a in ýhe confines o! Bowmanvile tePloFudto xed Principal Menmory of 'Bud' LivinanthnvPolio ondtothexCutenigwsiicag f h etn vr1 when we came hore until now, sn99rpr ettiestaa e included hier welcomingteclbhseeiadeedb t.hae tieofaye d parythre fie On Sunday momnîng two! The Venerable Walter J. gional meeting in Osharmrswaasoyoftecu minustnigseaes n have enjyed probbly the ive flag wilawb de byaMrsandLame T.lMcLaughlinforcluding universityone Trofessghrs. happiest years of aur lives. ifaswl e ddctdadGilling, M.B.E., o! Torontawî rprtin fr Mtesa n address by Miss Elsie ighjpoietcucmna oh ___________________ placed i t onsAgia March On Polio". Mrs. Elmer fre ihsho ece ee rOttnigntoa n a _____have___________of__________ c in St on's nglicanfcarry ouf the dedîcation ser- Banting will be among Bla nd fomehg cgitoofpeastciais e mntinl iurs Teloa growth for us and yet years oa!aCdurcchninionovîng memory o!sj carfre plasue. hey hav The flags are beig pac- G ilng eîlisted in the Royal manville chairman. 'Nbeen years o! great growth for Mrîndg v aicy PlerationradRweordassgned scak ~ B..S. ee fr sice w entreded in the church bv ry n Canadan Armv hpany lnyr well under w eod islcdbr 0 h aaia ibLd Bhre ofov er snago. itehas Mrs J. A. Living. the parents Corp in 1939 and was attached for a new Club 15 venture, in Mrs. McLaughlin's task ofos uteewr eea .e gow1 from a small rural high o! the above soldier. jta the Hastings and Prince Ed- the form o! a Christma s Party jcomnpiling an accurate historycmlctosadti ebr ta a larg and mareThe flags being presented ward Regîment arrîving in, for Il e Senior Cîtizens of Bow- had been made more difficuit si a rpe n h u modemn school o! nearly double are the Anglican Chumch O! England before the end o! that manv, le. On December 11th, because the records from 1921 forgnzto icehsotie ifs former size. Canada Flag, namely. the crossya.He aswtth Cn- a warm wolcomne and the prom- 13 a enmslcd h f w paes J Ie can remember back ta o! St. George with four Maple dian Brigade in North Africa, ise Of a friendly got-tagether îssued n apea f0 ayone o aur first form days when if wa.sLeaves in each corner and th~ Sicily and Italy ministerigta wl e~atna h in'koigteweebuso eonz atPeiet the dubiaus custom ta dunk the officiai. arms o! the Diocese o! the men of the 5th Canadiai omnt ete o imtos e te o thebookst ofave tc tth ocuso fth i .................................... ..........Toronto, and the Canadian En- Armoured Division, lst. Cana- wîshing te attend. Commitee retr ed a th presnt oficrs toMr. cLuhn kd shy newcamers la the showers. ign dian Infantry Division and lst. convenors foi' this party are Fo ed oloig ar jV H.Sry ought ta know because I wasCp.Ahu ud Liig aninCos.Bton14 Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Mrs. J. ar1Ms .R L/pl Athr"Bd"Liig andinCops Btee 145iThe idea o! a Canadian Club,,Mrio ogvercgîint put in three times myseif. There was barri and aised in Baw- and 1946 hoe was the Assistant Werry and Mrs. P. Chant, jaccording to Mrs. McLaughlin, toewohdace spoi wore other things ta remember manville. Ho was baptized and Principal Chaplain overseas. At the conclusion o! the meet- grow followjng the wam whcn entso h lb h i thon such as the different ex- canfirmed in St. Johnî's Church Archdeacon Gilling was men- ing lunch was served by the Bowmanville wamen foît thepesdnMsMraetAl. tracurricular activities i which I and was an active member o! tianed in despatches as weîî as hosfoss. need of some organization in BahAeBwavie a we foak a part. I cari recali the the Sunday School and A.Y. receiving the Member of the; which they might bocome in-unbetbepsntdet i Allan Porter operettas and cadets for which P.A. Ho was also interestod in British Empire and had the MJ1 terested. They wanted somte-heth Tefuthpsie, we practised months ahead bai,-- boys' work being an assistant distinction ta ho the langest Me i al Hi ospitai thiiig rot irivolvirig too much' r.M .V Gudas a 19hool Commencement held Fmi- 1 ing ilhat the final presentafion Scout inaster. Prior ta his on- sorving chapiain ovorseas, from work bec!ausc they had worked fo rsn u t'i elh u day evenng. would ho perfection. There were iistment in 1940. ho was erft- December 1939 ta November e ky R p r hard during the war and wemewsrpeetdb é ag. Allan is the 18 xeai aid son the athletic events with all \.VeekThly Renor196.t ryoforanze ffort.Thev ofM. n Arge S. andeis o t- Anîher ectity wnasd he pub-rM. Ju . rw ttsaasa prnieIFrom 1947 until 1955 Arch- The following includes de- chose a Canadian Club, because, NrhBy oro h is i Arye t.an sno t Aohr ciit a tepb-11 printer. Ho enlisted with the deacon Gilling was rector of tails o! Memorial Hospital's op-jtinless you were on teeect.psinshaeddM.A.S tending Universitv of Toronto! lication of aur school magazi!ne Sarah. Mississippi, fmrmerly Midiand Regiment but served1 St. Luke's Church, Peterbor- eration from Nov. llth ta No,. ive, the only effort necd. wst ily ms .B ipoMs ,where ho intends tu major in the "Screech Owl'- into whichi Ruby Hobbs, a sister of Mrs. C. aversoas with the West Nova' ough, and Archdeacon of Pe- l7th inclusive: ýattend meetings and listen te; E .Snlra r.J lr engineering- physics. went the litorary taleni o! the Raby, bas been made Principal Scotia Regiment. H-e was kil- fcrborough from 1953 util his Admissions, 36; Births 3, oîi informative speakers,. el orohe atpeiet Followirig is a vembatin L-- schaol. And thon there1 was the o! Crensha-y Grammar Sehool ed* in action at the Moro River appointment as Director Of male and 2 females; Discharges. ebrhpo 3 scoogochstaWo could since receivîng hier B.Ai. degree in Italy on Nevember 23rd, Church Extension in the Dia- 53- Operations, Major 5,m- Col. Chemlershî oR. 0, wment rsetMr eog tur.neut o! parents an~d studentsi (Continueci on page seven) last September. 1943. me ofa Toronto a year azo. nom, h1; Emergencies, 12.- former Bowmanville boy. who.(otne npaesvnen Club Marks 35th,,Anniversary ,At the conclusion of a most interesting 35th hirthday party. M.onday, th4o members of the Women's Canadian Club saw Past President Mrs. A. R. Virgin cul, the cake ta mark the event. She is flanked by guest speaker and former high school teacher here, Miss Elsie Tghe, at lef t, and this year's President Mrs. C. A. Wight. j ~ t, Citizens Should Attend Nominations on Friday