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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1956, p. 7

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THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 105S - - Jm. w -. sZ3M1. O W LAN Y LI& ONJ~ TA RI3PA E SE cSocia1 j Phone M Mrs. Erwin Stlllwell, Guelph, wvas a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt, Guelph, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly attended the Thissen- Stafford %wedding n Whitby on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMil- lan and Douglas. Guelph, were 'weekend guests with ber par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Nxcholson. Mrs. H. L. Goddard, Town, ad Mrs. F. E. Crone, Vancou- ver, B.C., visited their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Brockville.1 ,Mrs. H. Humphries and Mrs.1 %0"1 m CHURCH Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Organist-Mr. Arthur Callisan, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. *Missionary and Maintenance Sun day il A.M. - Rev. Daniel Pa illa, B.A., B.D. of India. 7 P.M. - Mr. Robert Gay, B.A., a sumnier ililssion-fjeld student. There wilI be a Ffreside Fellowship following the evening service. HeIp Your Ch lldren Learn See our new up-to-date WORLD GLOBES An excellent Christmas present for the school-age children. * * *t New "Canadian made"t WOODENWARE pieces that will be a' joy to any household. Christmas Greeting Cardst Decorations and Gifts, a t] An excellent choice of newly arnived books for ail ages. t Corne in and browse around. a You are always welcorne at *BIG 20'y concern andt sympathy from bis iniends. Fnank Jamieson, represent- ing the Bowmianville - Orano Hockey Combines, was among the special guests who appear- ed recentiy on a sports inter- view aiginating. from the lPeterbarough Television Station CHEX-TV ta discuss the Lake- shore Intermediate "'A" hockey prospects for the dam îng sea- son. Spartscaster Lloyd Mc-N IGuigan actad as moderatar of tbe panel which cansisted of representatives from each club t in the icague excapt Part Hope . who were unable ta attend. V John M. James, M.P. for Dur- Vi hamn receivad a teiagramn on a Tuesday irom the Clerk ai the House af Cammons advising him a that Parliament bas bean sum- h manad ta meat an Monday, Nov, c, 26th, at 2:30 P.m. for the dispatch E of business. The spacial session wiil deal with the sending afiri Canadian troops ta the Suez area si as part ai the United Nations nr Emnergency Police Force. It is t] expected the session will last for e( about a week, althaugh if the v~ situation ramains as tanse as it appears ta be, Mn. James be- 1 K lieves it may be extcndcd. A jJack Morton, Maple Grave, and Earie Osborne, Chunch St., report good rasuits from their dean bunting expedition south ai Apsley. They brought down anc apiace and said the fleet- iooted animnaIs wcra cjuite plenti- fui, but thene wenen't too many young anas ta ba sean. Dr. Howard B. Rundie also spent last week in the nanth and1 bagged anc dean Saturday. Leray Miles nettîmned ta bis TV shop thîs week and reported his gnoup shot a couple ai deen, but bis iuck wasn't with hlm. We have had no word from Wilf Kitson ai Bowmanville Frigid Lockers who is still away bunting. School Pviae (Cantinued from page one) 1 school in spite ai construction difficulties. Choir and Orchestra A feature ai the evening was the musical selections ai the High Scbool orchestra pnior ta the actual program and the singing ai the mixed chair dur- ing the program. Bath were under the direction ai D.C. Peters who bas accomplished a great deal in dcveloping the talent ai the pupils. The mnixad choir pontnayedi a noticeable feeling ai zest in; thein singing ai "Mcmv Lue', 'Barcarolle." and 'Aliauctte" while the boys' sala number 'Home On The Range" was manked by a fine barmonjous tauch. A complete 11st ai the awards and ather presentations will be aound on page 13. Initiate Two New Mem bers At Kinsmen Twa new members Arnold Sleep and Roy MMullcn, were ofiicially instalied in the Bawmanvilie Kinsmen Club ruesday evening ta bring the total mam-bership ta thirty-six. Bath men raccived a warmi Aelcomc from the club and were pnesentad with their diii- îer badges, pins and the mules and ethics oi K insmenship. It was vice-presidcnt's night and vice-presidant John Gra- hamn capabiy handled the pro- cecdings in Place ai President )on MacGregan. Guest speaker for the even- ig, Murray Maidlow, a district supervisar ion Mutual Invcst- rients ai Canada, wha spoke an the benefits that may be deriv- d from caneful, planned, in- 'estmcnt pragnam. Re was introduced by Kin Ken Nicks and tbanked by Kin &rt Hooper. Accompanying Mr. iaidlaw was Owen Nicholas, 3owmanville. Sale birtbday celebr-ant at îe meeting was Kin Murray armer. Tickets arc naw on sale forJ he Kinsmcn's annual Christ- ias Train Dnaw. rHAIR COLOURING Phone 14à%3-3408 200 King Street East Bowmanville SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK erly winds af almast gale pro- Leading Students IhereolinwiBowmaanvilleHigi portions aeblowing sretsignsA llnPorter, tetop 'Sholwi laves etc U- e s n l and telvision aerials out of ps- fromn the grade 13 graduating D O OÇ equipped to face that ftr 0 ition, but no serious damage hasclass a, presented with fv n ocp ihalisifn t. :!I.cra enreparted.Th winds fl special awards including the A ite possibilities. Iawe a adi needed ramn storm, Goodyear Tire and Rubber LA 3-3303 which farmers wclcomed. r Company Prize of $75 for gen- (Continued fromn page one) Recent visitors with Dr. and eral proficiency; the Lions Cu ever forget aur school arches- Rw Mrs. C. W. Slemon wcre: Mr. Prize for highest sading injtra? ,W. H. Densemn were in Toronto and Mrs. F. C. Virtue, Burling- Upper School Mathemnatics; I suppose that the particular las weken whn teirsiserton; Miss Pat Slcmon and Miss, the Rotary Club Prize f or high- ycar af aur high school careers Mrawend r.W.he. the sitr Donalda Parkes. Whitby Lad- t est standing in Upper Schoal. which we will remember the Mor. WianKMrss. L ow, iees' Coflege; Dr. and Mrs. H. along with having won a schaol. mast wvas aur last year here. fo Wcit, asa.V. Slemon, Toronto; C. B. Sic- crest; the Hoskini Prize for DÙring that year. wc feit that 7eert Miss Hazel Webber af the mon, Niagara Falls, and Mrs. highest standing in Upper Iw c werc îoaked up ta by the Peterborough Civîc Hospital, F. 0. McIlvcen, Oshawa. School examinatians; the UIv.. other students af the school. AZ spent the weekend with her A very succcssful dance per Sehoal Chcmistry and Phy. Perhaps this is-why we came L sister, Diana Webber, at Mc. sponsorcd by the Legion Dart s'cs prize donated by L. W-'to feel that we knew a lot, g o Wfz Master University, Hamilton. League members was hcld on Dippell. sometimes even more than the / Mrs. Alfred Adair and De- Saturday cvening in the Can- Anather autstanding student teachers. Howevcr. the depart- borab attended the Santa Claus adian Legion Hall whcre the was Marie Ferguson wbo was mental exams soon cured us aif I parade in Toronto an Saturday large crowd enjoyed a pleasant prcsented with the fallowing: that feeling. Although the acad- and visited their aunt, Mrs. R. evening ai dancing ta the music the Harold F. Longworth Mcm- emic load became heavier we G. Wright. for the weeken d. oaf Ted Taylor and his or- anial Scholarship ai $75 for still taak an increasingly great- Dr G rd n ro n nd sa chestra from Ajax. general proficincy with French er part in the different activi- Dougls andStepen, Iline-W Satesanwofientad sign- c1isite; the Jolliffe prize for bers af aur class were presi- tan. and Mrs. Elcanor Perry, cd it "A Mother" please send h îghcst standing in Upper dents af the Students' Cauncîl Toronto, were Sunday guests her correct namne. It is a policy Schaol History: the Squair and aif the literai-v Society, Eveti ai Mr. and Mrs. Manscîl Staccy. ai this paper not ta publish pri'ze for the highest standing though busier, we did not regret By Connie Osnsdond Messrs. Geô. Hacking and anonymous letters unless we in Upper School French. the time spent on these activi- Once again as the hall door Tom Palmer were deer buanting know the name ai the author ai partlng Gift tics. Actually, I believe that it closes, and the last gucst is aver the wcekend in the arr sanie, flot necessanily for publi- In kceping with the customn was through participating in gone, wc the executive sit Sound district. Unfartunatclyj cation, but ta know it is bona af aIl Grade 13 classes af pre- theni, be it playirig in sports down ta plan aur next dance. they came home epyhan- 1 fide. scnting a partîng gift ta thc or heiping ta publish aur sehoal Thus, we planned, that there cd. Mn. Leland Edger, Toronto, schooal, last Year's class will paper or singing in an operetta will be a dance on Nov. 30, Mrs. E. Burtcb went ta spent the weekend with his award $10 for the ncxt five that wc lcarned a mast impor- starting at 8:30 at the Lions Halifax ta stay with ber bus- sister. Mrs. Eber Craga, and vcars ta the winning interformn tant lesson, the ability ta co-op- Centre, and the details will be band for a few days. It is cx- renewed acquaintances with debating team, Mrs. E. J. Sher- erate with others. In aur future in ncxt week's article. pected A/B R. P. Burtcb wii11 same af bis boyhood friends. idan arînounced this warth- occupations, whatever they may Our dance last weck was anc sail on the Magnificent short- Leland carnies his age wander- while affer and said that pre- be, this ability' wilI play an es- af the best this vear and wve ly.î fully weil for havýing servedi liminary debates have been sential part anid it nay speiil were very plep-seàto sa e ou Messrs. A. H. Sturrock and overseas in two Wo1 dWasheid but the final winner will th e difference between succesi and your friends there. Through Leslie Smales werc deer bunt- ~anid is stili a value( epîyenat be known uintil aiter and failur-. watching and talking taourù ing at, Caribou, Lodgc, north af with the Bell Telephone -Ca., Christmas. If we have succeeded in any gucsts we feit that most af Gravenhurst. Bath men proud- and is due for retirement. buj Two awards not mTentioned wavý during aur short stay in you enjayed yourseives n ly neturned with a good sized dlaims he is too bealthv taro on tbe printed pragrami arc b igh sebool it is not due ta aur- that is wrhat we like. deer. join the rich and rétired those of the Business and Pro-i selves alone. Credit must be Our next dance is dress-up, Mr.andMrs Canls ,cegentry. fessional Wamen's Club which given -ta those xvho worked sa hc en ha h enn Mr. nd rs.Chares ý2ewerc won by Rager Mcadows bard ta funther aur weîîare- of slacks and jeans is flot al- Bunketan, and Mr. and Mrs. Atog the weather these lwd efe htwe Walter VnyTroe eepast fw eeuha eha and Douglas James for obtain- a ur parents who encouraged usoe.W ee htwe wen fw wek bs benan- ing the highcst marks in Grade onward, aur teachers wý,ho guidi- girl come- 7to a dance sh should a nd ay s upH rl guests ea d M r t ig b Ch ima sîie ,mpr- 8 M athcmatics ast yea. 1 d us along 'the way, and ur wear a dr or skirt,therefore fandl Mr.chantcilc an r si ave bawmnvlie mer A total ai 56 graduation dip- principal, Mr. Dippell who spar-- al dances will be dress-up îamîîy. ~ ~ ~ ~hca n b ae b en looing t at lamas were presented by Mr. ed no effort ta see that w f15 bthr ic;tae. ~ MiFses Ingrid Canway, Ptthcaedrndeainghat Dippeli including 14 Secondary rearbed the goal. hp htv, ilntb Arnold and Aengela Hare, ail thene ail toO feu, shopping d ays 1colHnu rdainDp Teftr issra eoeoffcnded by *this and we hope Nr-lait until Christmas. As a re- Solaas, 3 Secoday o i us.Thn fatfre isspamitbasai a c yuatau ex an of St. Michael's School oai u suit, store windowyShol o Ddrnfawfir a for thrs, oseyutorn dc. ing, Toronto, spent the weekend eu't'sor idw aeno Graduation Diplamas and l8ed begun wiefrohr with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice mn u ihvr t Commercial Diplomas. it wili begin after furtbcnedu Canada's fjnst national park, Conway. tractive decoratians. Some ai Those seated on the stage cation. But no mattpr where an anea of about 10 square mi1t-,s Co. nd ay. a G Jrnsur window decoators are eal 1wo made presentations werc 'ur paths may lead the cQm- aound the hot minerai sprin- r. ind Mnrs. Wm. G.ames'a rtnd utthe r medwthan dasndb as faîîows: Miss M. G. Bennett, mon grounding and training at Banff, Alberta, was crealed wetr nMna nday andndn thcm, c se ornre donton J.d Ross, L. A. Swatridge, that ail af us have racaivad in 1885. co tnv aen ti n dingthe au a ec fr y usl.Father F. K. M alane, M s. E.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Division ai the Canadian Weekly Mr. Lamne Stevens, ai Stevens J- Sheridan, James Firtb, W. Newspapers Association. Taxi, bad a sanies ai strokes re- M. Stacey, R. W. Sheridan, This wcekend, Rotarians and cently which bave lait him par- Alan Stnike, Miss E. M. Lay- hein wives wiil welcome aver- tially incapacitated. Ha wauld cock, G. R. Elliott, L. Lucas, COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL cas studants at the University like bis mnanyv friands and cus- i. Cooper, Charles Cattran, if Toronto. This international tomners ta know that Mns. Stev- Miss E. M. McKague, Miss j. gaadwill effort was begun last ens bas been laoking aitar asl A. McInnas, G. N. Strong and Ycar when the visit was a tre- many calis as sha can bandle, L. W. Dippaîl. 'nndous succcss. but that, for the meantime, until Following the Com.mence-. ws-Mr. Stevens bas recavened coni- ment Exerciss dlihtftîî Aswcg t pesstog as-pietely, bis taxi aperation wiîî lunch was enjoyed in the ~haveato continue on a restnictad sooal cafeteria and this was basis. He bas appreciatd h followed bY a dance in the Il ~u ITE ~ many friendly expressiosa auditorium. To the People of Bowmanvri11e and District If you are considering buying Real Estate in Oshawa whéther it be a home, business property or com- mercial property and if you feel I can be of service to you please call BILL ?NcFEETERS Collect at Business Phone Oshawa RA 3-2265 Residence Phone Oshawa RA 5-1726 F e. YE VE TO of getting a prize hntim YELVERTONprove their culinary skiil, we 1- Last Sunday- Mr. and Mrs.. Ernie Maher, Susan and Cindy,' - Toronto, called on the John u . 8 Wrights while visiting at the Içifn vV Su Rob. Wrights of Janetville. H s a d !W v- On Tuesday Wednesda:ý and Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger jThursday evenings a numnber o Thousands of couples are weak, m-ora-aut, ws- Yelverton ladies were present at hausted just because body lacks iron. For »%v the ookig Scal a Blak - ounger feeling aftet 4b, fry Ostrex TanMi the ookng cho atBlak -Tablets. Cosstain itou for pep; supplement stock sponsored by the O.N.O. doses vitamnin Bi. "Get-acquainted" size coite Une man tells another... "Borrow with confidence from HFC The word gets around as anc friend tells anaîher about HFC-"~They help you solve your'money prablems!" Whether you need expert counsel about your finances from aur highly trained staf .. . or a cash loan af up ta $1,000 . . . you can have camplete con- fidence in l4FC.-Canada's first and most (&OU SEHOLD FINANCE 1 11/2 Slmcoe St. South, second floor, phone RA 5-il139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE BRANCHs 71 Wa!ton St., 2nd floor, phono TU 5-5050 ST. JOHN'S CHURCH <Anglican) Sunday Nexi gel ore Advent HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL E il a.m. MOivRNING PRAYER Dedication of Memorlal Flags Freacher:- Venerable W. J. Glig M.B.E. t EVE NINO PRAYER 9 yr Coodenssd V.<sbo of fcwm&a $595 boo SBOTH FOR $129' . FOR T4E KIDNEYS REG. SIZE 590 ECONomly 980 I2m0 tissu.s " x 10#1 20c 35c 20 for 1.00, 18 for 49c, 50 for 1.98, 12 for 98c I.D.A. Pleasantlys Reg 2 or 25c Reg. 12 for 1.49 2 r 23c 12 For 1.29' EVELYN HOWARD Cold Cream Soap Theatnical style ilb. Jar, reg. 89e _________ 69C ICeep Fit This Winter With VITAMINS Ayerst Alphamettes Capsules 1.00, 1.85, 3,50, 8.00, 15.(00 Alphaniette Aqueous -- 1.45, 2.65, 4.85 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver 011 ______-1.0)0, 2.25q Allenburyu Raliborange - 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Frosst NCF Liquld- 1.85, 3.95, 6.85 Geritol - Llouid or Tablets - 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 * Mead'@ Cod Liver Oil 79c, 1.89 10-D Cod Liver Ou __________-- 1.0, 2.25 Oleum Percemorphum 1.10, 3.00, 4.75 POIY-VI-SOI ____ - - 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 Tri-Vi-Sol 1.55, 2.80, 4.00 SPECIALS on I.D.A. Brands COD LIVER OIL BP. - 16 oz. reg. 89e 69e COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100's, reg. 1.19 89c $1.40 $250s s3.95 IDAMALT Extraet of Malt and 2-lb. reg. 1.29 1-lb. reg. 75e C/, ris tma s Ç/t Suggestio ns Your I.DA. Druggist has a fine choice af "gifts" for Himn, Her, Baby and most ex'eryone. Shop early whilc the selection la good. ~: ~5O010ChrsÎmas Cards S ]Bo o 50CoourulCarda Additlonal Auaortmnents at 4-lb. reg. 2.29 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 10' 250's 500's reg. 1.15 reg. 2.29 rer. 4.29 A lex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store 'w i 'p Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 e i 4 SERVICE TRINITY1 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. Oshawa 841- m 1 - - - - - P p p il h é 1 - TffMMAI?. NOV. 22nd, 1938 Tm CMADIAM "Alpr-QUAU 8 1 CLIO lý scott's Emulgion-1.00, 2.00 capsules-1.65, VDO $1.40 PRESCRIPTIONS SPECIALTY

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