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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1956, p. 11

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?HURDAY~DC. th. 950 'WE9 AW A %YA ~A AA V*PziA --.. W V M J~~a.u.wv. ans.., vua. a n ALIN E.ÔKV The Vimy Ridge Memorial - BOwmcunv lie 0 as only OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE a miles to the "Autobahn" or four lane cernent freeway on which Edf! or's Wif e Describes etaledhru Ben whetraveFestdthruheBader- Her Recent European Trip Traffic, particularly on the freeway, was very heavy. It being Sunday, the roads were Mmu. Geo. W. James Belgium village of Pioegsteest. we say a man wearing the jammed with passenger cars of (Instalment No. 4) Ini Belgium wooden shoes. We asked aur ail sizes, many of thern being We left Londan at 6.15 arn. Passed through Flanders, and guide if many wore thema and much smaller than the smallest forDovr adisanc o 67mils. ts iels f pppis (oppshe told us a great many wore cars generally seen in Canada. It was after leaving the citv were in evidence everywhere ahr seilyi h itr aypol oemtryls that we had the experience of throughout France and Bel- as they keep their feet much a common sight being a couple running into a fog which pre- gium). Saw where Col. Mc- warmer than leather shoes. We riding tandem, and in many vaied or bou hafwa ofCra, ote fo hi "I Fln-were greatiy taken with Brus- cases children were taken along ouvauldfr aouey.fayodCe'sFied"fom as uIedFan sels and would have liked to in side cars. Others rode bicy- vurjoune. dr'sFilds pom as urid.have visited here longer. cles. There daés flot appear t Upari approaching Dover the Ypres was the next city af Brussels to Bad Godesberg be any great number of people farnous Dover Castie, founded importance. Here was the beau- duririg the ancient Roman oc- tiful restored church of St. Sept. 21. Leaving Brussels on in West Germany who do no' cuptio aiBriain cold e arU. Tis it" alhouh cm-a beautiful warm sunny clay own an automobile or a motor- seen. \Ve could see a section ol pletely cevatatcd cluring the %%e were on our way agam yl.Poseiyhgeirl n the Cliff.s but it was rtiot untill ast war. has bectn rebuilt with through Leige where wve stop- ihe standard of living appears wc were crosring the Straits oi (tie welI-knawn Cloth Hall as pcd for a mioringi. cofice brea't to be higli. We lefi. West Ger- «IJover on the ferry thai. we had pari. of the mjain square. pab.5ed ai. a sidecwalk cafr. "ien on many ai. thé. fronticr town of a gocrd view of these inagnifi- through the Menin Gate, an- ag-ain acroe-s tlîe Belgiulm--Ge:.- NcUhaLîs anid entered Switzer~ cent white liffs. ther'impressive memorial to man -border a fev miles frorn landl near Schaffliauzehi. We had a cairn delightfui trip Canadian and British war dead. Aachen (farmerly Aix-la-Cha- In Switzerland vue f ook a crorsing to Boulogne. I believe Menin was the British head- pelle), where we had our lunch short side trip ta lRheinfall, or on this crassing the sea is us- quarters in World War I, and at one of the large Spa hotels. the Rhine Falls, but to do so if iially rough and violent storms was held by them from 1914-18. There are many of these health was advisable to save mileage, are frequent. Arv tAtn minerai water resarts in this ta pass through a short section At Boulogne we were wel- Arv tAtn region and this one had a bieau- of Germany, not more than comed by the President af the Arriving at Ostend at 8.15 tiful park compiete with an ar- three miles wide. Each time Chamber af Commerce and the p.m. Our party had headquar- tificiai lake, *black swanîs and we lef t one count.ry, we ha:d Deputy Mayor at a reception ters at the George V hotel. Our fiamingos. ta be checked out and as we w1th luncheon afterwards. hatel was very comfortable b~ut After lunch It was only 43 entered the ather, we had to be Leaving Boulogne for Vimy was the first that did not sup- miles ta Cologne an the Rhîne checked in, at their immigra- ]Ridge we passed through a ply soap. An invitation was ex- River where we stopped for an tion offices, forcing four stops numnber oi tawns, inciuding itn b ty si the famste cas- haur ta visit the Cathedrai andeah ay liezdin, with its narrow, wind- onr yth ugmatr(Ays do a bit ai shopping. Then an Rheinfial Ing streets, near which, in 1415, o) and attend a reception. Asta Bonn, capital of West Ger- The Rheinfall presents a pie- the battie ai Agincourt was i a alI n ewr ie many where we had a bnief turesque sight, with two rocks tauglht; Himeroule, St. Pal and we didn't wish ta accept. Haw- look araund the town which is meeting in the centre ta forni .Arras, the latter being a civy ever, we were persuaded as famaus for its universities. We an arch. The water rushes by that had its start in the 17th Canadiens that we should res- saw the house where Beetho- an each side, and under tho century. pect the invitation and see the yen was barn and also the place arcb, falling ta the rocks below, The Vimy Memorial building and take in the re- where Chancelaor Adenaur lives and foliows down aven the Ennut alngth "Wstrnceptian which a graup of us did. and the Parliament Buildings, rocks ta form the rapids. Frot ald teW estiere The Casino, a civic building, A few mare miles and we We were overtaken by dark- FrntveWraiiketmiianyI cern- fronts the beach on the North reached aur destination for the ness sbartly after leaving the seteil eslge nd milin hacen- Sea. It is a large spaciaus struc- night -Bad Godesberg -where falis s w Icud nat see the ouerie arte arnds ai ture whicb besides its gambling we stayed at the Dreesen Hotel, interesting and picturesque diffenent Allied cauntnies. Ap- ram bossater, nudight on the Rhine River. From country thraugh which we pass- pnochng hegre îin-yin-hall, nigbt club, and reception the dining roorn and launge ed. ried memorial atap Hill 145 un ros we could see the full moan on The li.ghts ai Zurich, reflect- the Vimy Ridge-both sides of The next marning we were the river and watch the barges ing in the lake, presented a pan- the roadway were iined with up early for a walk on the sea and boats gao'by. ticularly beautiful and colan- sta.ely trees on land so dearly shore. The tide was oui. and We had a iovely bed-naomn fui night. j. id far with Canadian lives. .si a oeywr an and we were quite interested Trafflc Again Here was a shrine ta those great ing we thoroughly enjayed in aur bed caverings. Instead Canadian soldiers who did not waiking over the sand picking ai a single sheet over us the Cars returning ta the city return ta their homeland, and up shelîs. sheet was made double lîke a after the day's outing delayed who believed they were figbt- We left Ostend for Brussel.3, bag with a comfarter or feath- us in passing tbrougb, and fram 1ni a war ta end wars. a distance af 78 miles, et 10 er mattress inside. Then at the there ta Lucerne we met tbem ~lie Party was met by Col, a.m. travelling over a modern bottom was a balf comforter in hundreds, travelling as clase Allan Chambers, Director af dual bigbway wbicb put me in with a linen cavering with tagether as safety would per- the Canadien War Graves Cam- mind of 401 from Bowmanville embraideny shirred around th, mit. Fortunately for us, traffic mission, at the base of Ibis mag- ta Toronto. edge. Square pillows had the going in aur direction was nat nificent and stately Memor- Brussels, A Beautiful City saine covering and embroidery. neanly sa heavy, 50 we were ili erected by the Canadian Arrived ai. the Hotel Plaza, We bad Ibis same kind ai cov- able ta make fasten time. mornetn bonour aaiatherussels, at 11.45 arn. This City enîng tbrough Germany and Arriving at Lucerne mor tan60000 Caadanis considered one af the most S witzenland. Lucerne is a quaint tawn ln1 sold -iers wbo paid the suprenle' beautiful and modemn cities in It was at the Deesen Hotel Switzerland on the banks of sacrifice for liberty and free- Belgium, and as well as being that Hitler and Britain's Prime Lake Lucerne. The tawn is di- donm. The 11,000 names inscrib- the capital is te cuntry's art Minse Chm rli ldve nttw pas b te ec orn the monument were those centre. A sigbtseeing tou heir "peace' ' canfer»ce i -l River Reuss, the modern sec- killcd in the region, biut were the afternoon included the '939 just pnion ta thug-tart of tian witb broad streets and ne' er faund, as approximatelv Grand Palace (1830) surroundi- Wonld War Il. Hitler had a great hotels on the west, the oniN' anc ai four killed lied been ed by beautiful flower zardens, suite af roams in the Dreesen, medievel town ai craoked nar- ic"hnficd. The magnitude ofandonte uidngweenewbile Chamberlain staycd in raw streets and old-iashioned tbc Memorial is difficuit ta n o hebidigwee e Ptrbr otlwhi oue nteest ntelt statues or emblems, represent- ePeesugHtl hibiboesnteeatInhea- re2lize. Miny steps lead bo the ing the nine provinces in thp on top ai a small mauntain ter part is the Hoikirche, a main pylan. country. acrass the Rbine. church af 1506, the sixteentn Placîng of Wreath Included in the tour was the Rhine River Trip century tawn hall with it3 A solemn part ai the visit Cthedral Ste. Gudule, the We bit the peak ai transpor- famous collection af art and was the placing ai a wreath at Court House, rebuilt in 1863, and tation on the Rhine River antiques, and the famaus "Lion the foot af "Mother ai Canada" considered the second longest eiongside af which we travel- Of Lucerne" a buge lion carved sorrowîng for ber missing sans, building in the world. A vis1t led tbis morning when hun- in solid rock. 'r1le wreath had been donat- 'vas maide ta tbe oldest bouse dreds aifibarges, generally in The Bulava Watcb Company ed by the wcll-knawn Ontario in the city, whene lace is stil twos, travelied up and down in Lucerne presented cach florist firm, Dales oi Brampton, hand made. The country is nat- this well known river. Thene is nmember ai the party wii.h a whdô had Mn. C. V. Carters, for- ed for its lace, a highway and a railwey on silver spoan, wbich had canved nerlv ai the Brampton Con- The Golden Square was the eacb side. Wc werc told that in the bowl the famous "Lion Eerv?,tor, and a pasi. Managing1 ornate centre ai the civ. It aven a period ai 24 boums for ai Lucerne". Dîrector ai the Canaden Week- 1cantaîned the city bail, and tbe 365 deys a year there is a train (Continued Next Week) lv Nrcwsrapers Association, Maison du Roi. The latter is a or boat goini by any given spot rnaii, the presentation. The square ai buildings itcrally eveny minute. ~ cerCnilonv wa-, nerforined by rrated w'b gold leaf and the We boarded a steamer at Bop- Mveetiný h Public 1dm. F. W Beattie, of the Anna- Gorrnrnt owns the fronts ai pard for a twa-haur trip up polis iN.S. Spectalor. xln b ad ,all the b4iuldiings in tbe square. the Rhine. Fan miles and miles For 87 years the chain ai stores' a son killed ini the la.zt 'an. F'lowrr vendors were every- tbe maunitain sides were cav- af the T. Eaton Company basi At the conclusion ai the wvbere, and ane could buy bou- ered with grape vines and held ta the tradition ai nîghtlyi cèrtrnofly, the inspection ai tbe quets ai violets, carnations. every iew miles a castîe wauîd closing. But there must have xianius carved on the Memorial, rases, and ather flowers 1 was appear an tap ai a mounitain. been impressive evidence ai a and the sîgning ai the negiste-, veny fartunate in having lovely Add a numben ai villages along public wili for anothen sont ai Mn. Hugh McConmick, ai the corsages ai violets and their the banks and yau have sight- treatment, an a poiicy ai such I Montreai Monitor, expnessed arama was exatic. seeing that neyer cen be fan- standing wauld flot have been sinceme appreciatian ta Col. Entertalned By Belglum Press gatten. reversed. Chambers ior bis courtcsy and Following the tour, members We landed at Bocharoch and The policy, as it aperated, was the pivilege given the Press ai aur paty were guests ai The drave five miles ta Bingen resulting in a graduai decentral- Party ta visit tbe Memorial and Union ai the Pcriodic Press ai where we had lunch on a ver- ization, because it was casier ion the battle gnaund of tbe First Belgium at wbicb we met the endah ovenlaoking the thaer theibra r csoers ane tihe World War. Canadien ambassador ta Bel- the vineyards and the maun- opati unit ta sa etnihe A short distance from the gium. tains. Fpor teurnit toes, p tere wa Memonial and trenches is the In Brussels we were quite Then on egain travelling over aorchîe ra ctopestin oerm ws Zivy Crater, wbicb had been taken with tbc side welk es- the famous Autobabn duel t 1-#utb hd n iha mi annsa bs wr h is iha a liebnacl tth ulcfvrd nsc .h n, ie it tg stI -t £ - Ie Visi SANTA CLAUS' in his arc'tic workshop every day untfl -L.CHRISTMAS IFRE E w candy canes FREE! puzzle books I I SHOP UNTIL 9 EVERY NIGHT DEC. 12 TO DEC. 22 MM v Follow the GIANT searchlights 0 10 minutes from m . IMMAT, Dw. lm leu ilm CAMAMAN RqAq9pquAw ftMýýL e""Amm ma Am M 1

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