Tm7RSDAY, 1~!C. 1Mb. ~958 W~ CA!~AtflAN S'! ATESMAN BOWMANVTLLE. ON'! PAGE NINETEEN. Announce Dairy Course At Kemptville School JAPE Second Remembrance C ýBook Nears Completion The three mnonth course in the instructors are biliingual dairy manufacturing given and give special assistance Io each year at th# Dairy Division, students who ordinarily speak Kemptvillie Agricultural School, French. is scheduled to begin on Mon- The Dairv DivLsion lias re- day, January 7th, and will run cently acquired a number of until Thursday, March 28th. items of new equipment t' Applications for enrolment a1-e help in the teaching of dairy- now bemng received and offî- ing. These include a stainless cdais cf the School urge that steel churn, a homogenizer, a those planning to attend apply, separator-clarifier and special. before the end of December. cheese packaging equipment. The course is particularly de- In viexv of the continuing signed to give training to dairy shortage of trained dairy plant plant workers in Eastern and workers, more helpers in th.- Central Ontario who have had industry should avail thern- at least a season's experience selves of this opportunity 'for in dairy work. It provides dairy education. Further in- practical and theoretical in- formation may be secured by struction ini butter and cheebýe writing to the Dairy Division, manufacture, milk and crea'n K.A.S.. Kemptville, Ontario, or testing, milk pasteurizatjo.î, from fieldmen of the Milk Pro- dairy mechanics and other re- ducts; Board of Ontario. ]ated subjects. Students wbo , M. Purx'is, complete the course and paýs for' the final examinations receive r A. M. Barr. the Dairy Sehool Diploma,PrniaXAS ^Wie~c is recognized by dairyPrnpa,.AS nt operators and Depart- it¶nt of Agriculture fieidmen Not every one who dischar- as evidence of this standing. ges bis debts of gratitude can The instruction is given ir. plume himself on being grate- English, although several of tul.-La Rochefoucauld. Give. 1Samsonite Luggcige for Men and Women f rom $22 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. 111. Phone MA -5941 Fleece-lined SLIPPERS For men or women Nimm only $4.9 5 pr. FOAN TREAD- SLIPPERS The best wearing slipper money can buy Men's $3.95 pr. - Women's $3.95 - Childrcn's $2.95 Women's Packard Wedge Heci SLIPPERSx in Black or Wiuic $495 pr. l__ WOMEN'S MOCCASIN SLIPPERS wvith fur trim. Sizes 4 to 9 $ 1.59 Io $3.95 pr. MEN'S OPERA SLIPPERS ~~ 'alf uppers xith leather soles $ 595 pr. MEN'S ROMEO SLIPPERS EEE Width with Neolite Soles . Witlh Caif Uppers and Leather Sole3 $ 4.45 Pr. $5.95 Pr* Lloyd Ellîs Shoes 49 King St. W. MA 3-5941 High into the sky rea Minister George Prudh: Snow-capped and cloud- from the gigantic Colum the range. bIset map indi some 40 miles south of Need Io Cc Past Econoi Bcank Presic canada lias 1reaclicd a phase1 1 in ifs mecoric ccononiic dec l- opinent wbien prudenice anid w'is- fdom indicatetlîeneed forac- solidation of past gainis, dainesl IStewart, C.B.E., President of Thec Canadian Bank of Comn-ierce,l I sfafcd rcceîîfly _in lUs anîîual address bto-harebioldeî's. 1 The time lias arrivcd xlien a imore modesf rate of capital ex- pai-sion seenis necessary, lie added' One of the mosf urgeîîf clialletîges to-day was fo deter- mine liow best to govern that expansion wifbouf drying9 up the forces respansible for ifs exist- ence. Growth Creates Problems JMr. Stewart warned that 'wbile confinued growf h was de- sirable and necessary, "if creates of itself problems xvich xve must face . . . for casîs as well as gains are enfailcd." Credit Restraints People affecfcd by ci'edit re- straints feîîdcd fa find reasons for abjecfing fa f hem, be said but mosf Canadians xvould agreeJ fthaf Canada's capital spendîng had been pî'oceediiig af a rate wbich could not bc sustaincd on fbc basis of cxisfiîîg manpower and other resources. This course could nof have continued xifh- ouf unpleasant consequence a i some future period., The Winston Churchill Range ach the greatest peaks of Jasper National Park, part of the vast range which Mines arn bas announced will forever commernorate thie name of Winston Churchill. decked, the mountains stand in rugged array in the glacier country spreading out aMia Icefield. Seen in this aerial view are some of the imposing peaks that make up lcates loczLÙon o f the ranvge, flanKin-th~e westside of jtbeÇo inb-ia. Icefield highwýay J asper. (CNR Photo) nsolidate mic Gains lent Stfates fuser! Nw'uitl-i thforumer'. . . C0ni- fortiin ug Ogif nma 'v bc. 1 amn coîî'pelied.f0 to -ider', hoNvcver, at Ilie rate cf increase in activ- iy duriuig Ibis past lcvlve-unoiitli and f0 raise flic query as f0 fihe best way te goverrî our expan- siorxary forces." Not IVise to Sit Back "It is not the wise course. iii mîy opinion, fo sit back and ob- serve xvitli a kind cf uneasy ad- mniration flic exparîding horizons of cr complex industrial econ- oi-ny.' Pressure "If would st ticri that imb erîferprise.capil of -discoiitinûdoi a coîîfinuous pJ broken inf o d cssary for coins ini capacity ai-i ing stock of fi *'Consideratic groxvlli," Mr. S eall for re-asseý titudes toxvar, position of prii ary industries economy. Aloi and fiscal poliý xvard tariff pi dustrial concei importai-if oa 1em of secuirii of inve'sfmenf scahe in line wx I - ionai capitai "We are at a time wben wis- eeomn. dom advocates some consolida- Industrial Stion of past gains . . . a period "There is not ahead during whicb a more mod- coritinued, "tba SIest rate of capital expansion iss here to stý seems indicated," be said. "To 1 might have beE Acontinue tl creation of capital somne years ag Aworks at Xiie pace of the past scem to bc mu few monti-is could bave placed tbe undoubted i uindue burdens on the national our primary J %vorking capital." ovcr-all nationï, I Regenerating Expansion ertbeless ma nul increasing in IThe Bank's President recalled at the present that "only two years ago we for about a thi were concerned with flhc ques- net domestic pi Îtion of how best t0 regenerate set ourselves 1 our lagging rate of expansion. indlustrial naic To-day we consider ourselx'es faced with the problem of re- Structure C. Iconciling the diverse aspects of "It is perhap economie growth with the desire seî'ving, hove,ý SIto maintaîn a measure of stabîl- ity." I 'Assuming tibat ,ve want ccon- mile gowt. i seinstome that wve should ask ourselves if v Clcan contain fhrough appropriate policy mieasures tbe distortions that necessarilv acco mn p a nl y changing economic relation- 'hpcr"lias e sboldpu.m Costs cf Expansion SJemphasis than we biave up f0 thie present on creating a xider a- wareness of tbe fact tbat tiiere are cosf.s as well as gains ini this ei conomie plienomnenon, and tbat .,one of tbe cosfs is reflectcd in î'elatively higher incoîne levels. iIf, on the other hand, Oui' sîglîts Abecome focussed on ecoîîomic VL in f0. ,Ksahilit y . . biowc'\'er t1his inas' important ti J% be interpreted. . . arc e we insurance po Sdanîger, in apîîlv n- variou- prodcîy brakes. of danîpenin,- out ort eidcly 1di-ving up the forces responîsibic and inirove for our prescrnt economic .-row- Malte SJth" valuable. In reviewing the ox'er-all bus- Inmess acfivity of the past year, And today. p 1Mr. Stewart said if had been are rising as ;more tlîan sustained. and that A' conservw tixe "stiniates sug'gesf Dont dclay.1 d!an iîîcreàse of froni one-hlaf to 1o'ewI jtbree-quiartcr.s of a billion <loi- A lars in tlir estiinatrs on '.lii 2tbe hLîdgc? 'aspr'parcd dl'îrîng ,i th(, first qUarteî' of !i~e ar. The Formula for Érolperfty STUAR "To omc _flw ir tuat1on a i RT AIflcied in national aggregates niight furtiier reinforce the view INSURAINCE lIthat we now have the formula Ofc A for perpetual prosperity." he addedi. "To my mind th' ,i MA 3-5681 indeed far from the situation.,King Street F. Awlii' is. ini point of filet.a dJ grovth phase andi noLto be con- I for Growth suggest for reflec- erent, inprivafe tal ism is a process )S expansion... )ressure for growtl distinct steps nec- iolidaf ion cf gains id periods for talc le situationî." ions of economie Stewart said, "aIso essmeiit of aur at- 'ds flic relative imary ai-d second- ;in fthe Canadiai ng with monetar' icies, altitudes te- rotection' and in- nîrafiori have ai ring on our prob- i-ig dixversification ai-d economnies cf 'li future market tI Nationhood ft much doubt," he ut indu sfrial izatioî ay. While theî' .en roomn for doubt go fheî'e does nat ,ch îiox. Despite d. significance tb industries te thb ia w'ell-being, rfox' ifacfuring lias becu importance ujtil f inie if accounts ird cf flic nation's roducf. Wc have on the road fi )iohood." hliang-es SIo-wiy ps xvorthwhile oh- w'er, tbaf a coun- rmnai times. it's te have your )Ii('ies c'hecked New additions ,ments always propcrty more property values never before! Make sure that protertrd TO- R. JAMESi REAL ESIATE Residence MA 3-5493 PRo%%manvllle ;s -i s y' fry's industrial structure nec- essarily changes rafiier slowly even in periods of relatively rapid developmenf and fliaf colourful ventures are liat ai- xvays as significant as their ncws value would suggest. One sfil- ing fact is tbat siîîce 1939 manu- facturing and construction have - increased nearly 20 per cent in imnpor'tance relative to othai' sources of our earniiigss." Surpass 30 Million G.N.P. "On flic basjs cf flic presejif evidenice," Mrli. Stewarf said, "if w'ould be wvifbin the bound's cf possibility that uve shall, next '>car, break fhî'ougb flic $30 billion Gross National Produef barrici'. . . a lovel whvli soi-ne felt a short lime ago was pos- sible of affainnient only wifhin a decade." Important Factors Ahead Notin-g flic uîsettled interna- tional situation and the possibLe continuation of f ighf money and ifs concomiftai-i, highi interesf rates, as u-nfavourable factors f0 be weighed in flic year ahead, M r. Stewart said. "more impor- tant favouî'able factors" are: 1. The contiîîuing desire fa inl- crease standards of livinig, wifh a resultant high con- suiner spendin-g potenfial. 2. The ccnfinuing pressure for capital speiiding xvhicii isi par't cf our -rowth pafenfial. "I anficipate," lie concluded, "Ilaf policies wiil be developed during flic comiîig year f0 main- tain an almosphere conducive f0 ocde -'v economie gi'owfb." HAMPTON )f M\r. an-d Mrs. W. L. Power. >t acconipanied by Mr. and Mi':. i Ellswartli Davcy and grand- dauglifcr Cheryl, cf Lindsay,I cwei'c recent visitors with Mr. n ai-d Mrs. Garnet Johnston and .e farnily. )t Mr.'and Mrs. 'W. B. Cuiîiing- )t iianii, Fei-ilon FaIls, werc xve&&- cn eoc uc: f Mr'. and Mrs. J)Haî'land Trill. Mr. Pcd Mrs. Ueo. Fai- ecomrbe, Oshawa, visited Mi'. W. W. Horru at tie weekzend. 'si and r.,Deug ai-d Jim,, Tor- e'I-itO, xerc wcekend guesîs and'. Mc II. and Mî's. Keithi Billetf and' ~aiy, Bovnianville, xvere Sunday supper guests of Mi:.! and Mrs. A. E. Billetf.J Mr. and Mils. Austin Barron xvcrc Stndax' evening gucsts cf Mr. ai-d Mrs. Sam Keanc', M:'s. S. Kerscy wilhh ieý' (lauglitr-, Mr ' s. I'Je1. McCuliî. Osiîawa, 0on Saturday. Mrlî. and !S\. Serviu-i _Maui > - Jîoy xisitcd Sr.EllIid Cote âa: Oî'ono, el-i Soîdax'. 1\1. and Mrs. A. L. Blaînch- ard viÀited at Me. Earl Dulh- i'es, IVa-aga Beach. Mr.. and M 'rs. C. J. Wray andi girils Lind Me. ai-d 'Mrs. S. Kezne, Oshaw.a, at T. Wray*. Little John Payne was a ptetini Memorial Hospital, Ewianiiie, lbaving lbis ton- sils i'cnioved on Fridax'. 'vl'i Randal ha> also ibcen i hi :Monuorual l-loszpi:al for' lic JJa"L xxcek for Baappendix A niiibci froni hrre attend- vd tL;le Ciio'-ah Sociefy concert iin Ea'.manville which xvas Iiîîhenjoyeti and provided a deligtfful evening's euîferfaîn- nient. The guest organist added much te ','e phea-sure of the ex'ering ,alho. W'Cv'i1on.elaont'village, 1 MNr. andi Mr.- Art Sack11ariik. x.'lo are tio\% -Jd mgi iitu - 1onP'. ïcatrd b.- Mr. ant Mr'- J Ice Capades. in Toronto. S' ioalhy is n:': Vnrided fa Mr* Wt]Wiibur auid Mrs. J. Hev.:- son mii the sudden passiig cf' tbeir brother, Ray Wilbur of Toronto. Among fhe relatives from bere who attendeti the Liunc'ral on Friciav at the A. W. Miles Fuin(i al IHone weee c \I anti Mrs. W'ilbur, Mrs. 1Ie\výoîx Mcs. G. Adcock and Mrs. S. K ersey. A combincd Sunday Suhool anid Cliurcli Service x.ill be hield next Suîîday îinoî'nii"' at 10:45, if being "Whife Gift" Sunday. iVrs. J. W. Balý'oii is noxv home froni flic Hospital aind Iriends arc glad lu kîîow sihc is sfcadily iî-iproviîig. "ie C.G.1.T. bad a Clirii- tia s paî'ty Moiiday eciiî, wliîi skating uvas enjoycd, alLec xvlicli fliy xxcre enter- tained at fl i ome of tlh'h leader', Mrs. A. L. Blai-chard, ai-id Chrîistmas gcifts xvere ex- chanîg cd. Vic C.G.I.T. and Explcî'ccs groups and tlîciî' leaders at- fended flic Vesper Service in Trinity Churcn on Sunday nighf wiîen Miss Lois Boaýt, Girl.s' Work Secrear', W a' flic guest speaker. Highest caciiers in Canada iin 1933 w'erc medical doctors ai-d surgeons, xifh ai- avcragc in- came for flie ycar of $11,258 In ancient limes a body of water know'n fa scientîsts as' Lake Agassiz covered three- quarfers of Manitoba ai-d cx- tended info Ontario a nd flic United Stafes. (orne cet }{«Iues 4olenty... You'Il AMuke Liptori, Chjcken Reg. Price, 2 for 23c-SAVE 20 NOODLE SOUP kgs21 A&P Reg. Price, 2 for 39c-SAVE ' KETCHUP Jane Park<er RAISIN PIE Jane Parker Large ANGEL FOOD Popular Brands CIGARETTES Yukvn Cluib <contents Onlyl GINGER ALE A&P, 2 li-oz llds 37C Reg. Price@49e-SAVE Be Pieaclî 434 Reg. rc 59e-SAVE 10o CAKE each 49C etn of 200 2.89 230-oz btls 25( SAVE un to 40e INSTANT COFFEE 6a~r1.-47 SUPER-RIGIIT ME£IA TS PORK LOIN ROASIS P4 t 1.1b Aera-j. RIS END l145 ;,, ; tn 31b. Avei.mgrq FILLET END b 55C Chops«orCentre (utslb 65C Poamealed, Lean, Meaty COTTAGE ROULS 149't (HOICE SMELTS 1427c Prices Effeetive Until Saturdoy, Doc. 15th, 19H8. HIATS, LIORNS, ETC. $8.50 per couple Dancing 9 to ?? Tickets on sale now - For reservations PHONE OSHAW~A RA 5-1870 Varcoe's Pavilion a Nom ail . TE=SDAY, DEC. 13th, 1056 rAGE NlNiETEEN- rAmo IM C".&ý.DIAN SI ATESM,," BOMLAXý. ONT The Second Pool: of 1ienienî.. able andci nknown. br,5ncxx ro'1' earig ciamp.'1- Ini addition there \vill bc s,,ev- sclîczuled fer publici eral commeniorative opcnî iîi.ý slîov;ng imd-uim 19.,!referring to outstandiîîgcaiin- i'. v. as Plii-.o,.iiiced td~ by the tDai'ne and battles inii wbici De~rmeitof Na'2io:a D'tî~in ook part. Thiee lencc. vli carry messages or iniscrin- The Eoock rccords for' posler- ti 0113 iniboth English and itvUicnams o Caadin er- Fre-'.eiî applicable to the occa- v'ce men and wor.îen who died -ion. On the anniversary or dav between the start of flic Second set aside for fbe rememnbranice Wori.l War i;l Seîafembcr ff tiff tbcsc historie events, tho and Septembcr 30, 1947. w1hen Book v* 'fll '0c opeiied at the ap- the conilict ofcal endezd. propriafte place. The ne'.',',Book Of 1iî:- L'~tai :e.con oi brance con1teins 614 pages. Six of Reinembrance Nvill be plac- liuncîrcd page--- record '11c cd in the iiCw National ïMcm- .a. e of 44.910 Canlacliýiauîs w orial Surine ta be erected t dEed nnu-d flc remaiixî.,er cin Nepean Point Park in Ottawa, prite fitle prce but until this is ready tbe Book .Narcs re wi1ci Lialpa-vill be kepf ini a suitable pro- Nawsar w'iIe 11 lpa-visional repository in tile befi-cal ordecr by ye3r of deatb. \,el -Ilorial Clianber in th* and appeax' in two coluins xitl Pee Tower at 01tava. pane -xe'aeof7 nIes1 a is planîîed that, like itbt The ntie Nvrk ias eenfirst Bo k of Remiembrance. a The ntie wi'k as eenpage wvi l be turiîed each da\' eceuted by exper't designers ýo th entire volume may tOs ,witb each page illuininafed inèmleeycov'ered wifhin 3 rich colours,. Tbe pag-es are ap- tfwelve nontb poriod. proxiinîately 13 by 15 inches ln size made of caîf skin veiluin. .In connîection wvith tbe turni- The Engýlisii tille toaflic Book ing of the pages a cîclcidar fli toloxng tan xvllbe publislîed to s1how flie incorporatpsteflo;g s day on \'luich n iein .l zas by. thce well-nov',iCano- b nxiw ufi xayb i dian pool Duncan Camnpbell b nve.Iiti, --.,b l Scott; îng flhe yoar of dealli, flicfui! nlamle. î'ank anid corps Ol' unit "La.%- bern i xîli al] that is of fli deccascl, it wili bc pus - 11OSL livinig sible for' aiyonc ta leaî'n c-- "iii liglif transecndcilf. actly on xvhat day a pdi'ticula, "bI he 'ageless aisies of sil- naine ma.y be secii in Itue Book Cfi1ce. of Tleîiembrance. ",Witlî flic Iinioi'tals fbat It is proposed thal rcproduc- saved tle World". cd copies offlihe Scconîd Book l'le Frcncbi-laiîguagýie tille in- or liiibaîex'i epo scriptionî has flot yet beeii de- x'ded for public reteelec iii teiniied. itbe legisialive buildinîgs crt Tho book wxill diSfflay soie1 provincial capiýals, togectheýr «'300 0ot-o- 1nî tPlaces: w'itb a calendat, for ftic turii- xxit lbhvich Caniadian froops iing of flie pages. Thiis xxiil en- had a-ssociationi duriîîg the Pble tiiose wisliîi to visit tolp cours.-e of the Second World Nationial Memorial Shriîîe ta War. know v xv hefi naine in xvhic;i Apart froni the titie pagtes,1 tbc are interested will appear in Engýlisl andclFr'ench,. flîre and the date on whicli the Book will be a "Page Wi bout will lic openzd at thaf place. iNani2ez" dedicafcd to flic mcm- I________________ ory of fliose who as a resuit of Ibleir \Var- service hîave died T 1 C K E T S siîîce Septeîuîber 30, 1947. Tis TO EVERYIWHERU page will also commeioi'atc Air. Rail or Steamship any Canadians wvlo died whvlui. Consult ,servinig witli the armcdr foi-ces 3J U R V, & L 0 V E LÉ L of oflier nationîs lnflic Con-i Bowmanville monwcaldh or xifh aur Allies, 15 Ki~ng St. W. MA 3-5778 and \vbose naines are unavai _____________________ A New Year's Eve DANCE VARCOE'S Cy McLean and His Orchestra r