opul Mâ. %A V m"a ~ V~IfDAt~ ~ Alm? THURSDAY, DEC. lmt, 1TEE .dI.'<Z.LILfL TA1 E LMUJ. 1 * Wb VV&NAZLAj.Jr% IN I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Banting spent last weekend ini Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. B. Menzies, Clinton, were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippeil. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames were Mrs. J. T. Wilkinson, Allan and Linda, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carru- thers spent last Saturday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, Gaît. Mrs. M. L. Roenigk is visit- Ing- her sarn, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Mayberry, and grandson John, at Moorestown, N.J. Mrs. Florence Steeves, To- ronto, spent the weekend with ,,(ier sister, Miss Ruby Aldworth, tehom e of Mr. J. Bird. M.and Mrs. Charles Pap- ineau, James and Lori, Stur- geon Falls, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Papineau. Winners of the Lions Club hockey draw for Dec. 15 are Mrs. Agnes Lewis, Larry How- ey; for Dec. 22, Mel Burgess, George Wright.j Mr. Bill Thiesburger of the Margwill Fur Farm, as a resuit of his trip to Europe ast year, recently shipped 20 live mink by air to Belgium for breed- ing purposes. Mrs. Forbes Heyland is spend- lng a few days this week with her son, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Moir, Ottawa. She will also at- tend the Conservative conven- tion as one of the officiai dele- gates from Durham County. Subscriptions are really roll- ing in these days as Christmas and the year's end corne ever closer. If you haven't already looked after your renewal to The Statesman or gift subscrip- toi, don't delay. Our staff is ready and happy to serve you. Editor Geo. W. James who is i Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, is much improved this week we are happy to re- port. To speed his convalescence, however, he is stili on the "No Visitors"' list. The many en- quiries received from frieids are greatly appreciated by ge Senior Editor. The Statesman staff are en- Joying the beautiful Christmas window i the office, decorated by Mrs. John James. We're sure our customers and pass- ers-by are admiring it too. The beautiful angels seem to be a show-stopper for the very young who gaze at themn with the wonder appropriate to Christmas. ] St. PauI's United Church I Minister jRev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Il &.-. White Gifi Service C.G.I.T. Candleu Lighting Service Organist Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. ST, JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) 0 Third Sunday in Advent 8 and 11 &.m. - BOL! COMMUNION 10 and il oirn. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7p.m. - EVENSONG ~J. Attending a recent reception in the Royal York Hotel, To- ronto, in honor o! Commission- ers o! the Hydro-Electric Pow- er Commission o! Ontario and their wives, were Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Stnike and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Bowmanvihle. Mn. Strike is first vice-chair- map o! the Onttario Commnis- sion. Mr. Sam Leggatt while re- newing his subscription ne- manked that he will have been a subscriber for 44 years corne this June, having corne to Bow- manville from England i May, 1913. He forwards his copy to bis daughter in Toron- to who in turn sends it on to relatives in England who spent a year and a haîf here with the Leggatts, returning home hast October. To quote Mr. Leg- gatt, "This paper realhy gets around.", Among those from this dis- trict w'ho attended the Quin- ney - Fenton wedding in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa, recently were Mrs. C. Quinney, Newcastle, Mr. and *Mrs. Harvey Partrier, Tyrone; Mrs. Joseph N. Guest, Hamp- ton; and from Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. William Sel1ers, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Cynil Quinney, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Quinney, Mn. Bernard Quinney, Mr. and Mrs. James Nickenson. Mr. K. F. Nickenson, Bowmanville, was best man. Chorcal Concert (Continued from page oe ience into the picture and wvas thoroughly enjoyed. The young- er people in the audience didI very well with the carols they were sehected to sing apant from the audience. Two Noel Cowand favorites were sung with an appealing zest which the audience enjoy- ed, the songs were "Someday II Find You" and '11 Follow My Secret Heart". Tis was followed by the C h a rle s Vale composition, "Everyone Sang", which the choir will present at the forth- comirig Kiwanis Festival. The chosing gnoup o! songs included many which were ap- propriate ta the seasori, such as John Cozens' "O'er Bethlehem's Pasture" and "Praise The Saviour". As is customary, the audience stood for the singing of the "Hallelujah Chorus" fnom Han- del's Messîah which concluded the concert. The choir is ta be corigratulated on a very fine rendition of this magnificent work. The lighted Christmas trees in the front of the auditorium lent a festive air to the room. Acting as ushers the girls of No. Two Girl Guide Company did splendid work and aided the audience in many ways. Duririg the Saturday night concert the choir's pianist was pnesented with a bouquet of flowens by little Cindy Ayne. Following the concert the group were guests of Hampton Ladies' Service Club at a social evening held at the Lions Centre. Director Huigh Martin was presented with a gift by Beverley Frank. The guest artist Mr. Geoghegan was also presented with a gift by Mel MCoy. Senior Ciizens (Continued from rage crie) tnactively gift wrapped. Befone turning the prognam overto Mns. Werny, Mrs. Mr- Intyre introduced aIl the club members who came ta the front so the guests could be- corne acquainted with their hostesses. Their names arc given at the conclusion cf this report. Christmas canal singirig, led by Mrs. L. VanDniel with Mns. Russell Oke at the piano, was entered into with enthusiasm. Young Rager Taylor at il years o! age gave a ventnilo- quist act which showed consid- erable skill ini this di!ficult art. A vocal trio composed of Mrs. Russell Oke, Mrs. S. Black and Mrs. L. Van Dniel, accompan- ied by Mns. John James, gave two most enjoyable numbers, "Shortnin' Bread" and -'White Christmas". Mr. Howanad Fa- ley entertained with a couple of humorous readings, and Miss Lilian Manlow with two piano numbers. Colored movies taken anid shown by Mr. and Mrs. Georga Thrasher transported everyone on a trip to Washington and Flonida, with the beautiful flowers, waten sports, bird and marine shats looking particu- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, %ffiî. R;ih.. L.R.S.M. **'.. An Evprlasiinci Kingdom" t P. . - Christm as Carols ----------------- larly attractive ln this wirtry weather. Before the gathering broke up into sociable circles to enjoy the delicious lunch served by the girls, Mrs. Mcntyre ex- pressed the hope that ail had enjoyed this get-together. She told how 85 groups throughout Ontario, meeting monthly, have a wonderful time playing cards, enjoying games, square danc- ing and hobby crafts. A senior club in Exeter this year put on a Christmas play and enter- tairiment with a lady 86 years old singing a 'solo part. Most groups were started by a sponsoring organization, such as Club 15, in conjunction with the Recreation Department, and gradually carried on pretty much on their owri. "'We hope anyway that you will alI came back on Tuesday, Evening, Jan. 15, and bring as many friends with you as possible," Mrs. McIntyre said. Program for the January evening is already being plan- ned and will likely include var- ious games and other activities. Club members are Mrs. Ralph Mcntyre, Pres.; Mrs. Don Marsden, Sect.; Mrs. George White, Treas.; Mrs. Ralph Ames, Press Reporter; Mrs. Paul Chant, Social Convenar; Mrs. Lionel Parker, Mrs. Jim Crom- hie, Mrs. Elmer Banting, Mrs. Jack Durin, Mrs. Ted Marin, Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Mrs. Geo. Vinish, Mrs. Russell Oke, Mrs. John Werry, Mrs. L. Van Driel. Convenons for Tuesday even- ing were Mrs. Paul Chant, Mrs. N. Osborne, Mrs. John Werry. Mr. Miltoni Elliott an behal! o! all present, expressed appre- ciation to members o! Club 1à. Lions Club (Continued from page one) and Ronald Brooks, winners of the Seed Trophy. Other guests included: Wesley Werry, James T. Brown, Ralph Glaspell, Er- nest Swain, Bruce Taylor, John Rickard, Lloyd Kellogg, Harvey Graham, Glenn Lar- mer, Donald Green, Charles Osborne, Harold Moffatt, Neil Malcolm, Kenneth Buttery, Dalton Dorreil, Forbes Hey- land, Carlos Tamblyn, Harvey Brooks and Fred Trewin. Mr. Summers also introduced the guest speaker to the mem- 1bers and guests. In his speech Mr. Banbury told the members of his recent trip to England and Scotland, including attendance at the World Plowing Match, which was hehd in England this year. He is Secretary Treasurer of the Northumberland Durham Plowîng Association. He outlined some of the agri- cultural problems faced by farmers i England and Scot- land and told o! the fine live- stock he had seen while tra- velling through the countries. In concluding, the speaker told of the excellent farm management shown by Farm- ens in the two countries. The speaker wvas thanked by Lion Glen Lander on behaîf of the club and was presented with a gift.1 Forbes Heyland thanked the club on behaîf of the Senior and Junior Farmers, for the in- vitation to attend the meeting. The Bible Today Hunigary, which is currently passing through one o! the worst blood-baths in history, has been preparing itself spir- itually for the struggle for free- dom for many years. Christian people have been rising at 5:OU) and 6:00 a.m. for group Bible Study before going out to their daily work in an increas- ingly hostile atmosphere. Interest in Bible reading bas resulted in increased înterest in Bible distribution. The Hun- garian Bible Council, now a member o! the United Bible Societies, took over from the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety seven years ago. Th-- British and Foreign Bible Sa- ciety had worked in the coun- try smnce 1811. Since the Hungarian Society assumed direction o! Bible printing and distribution a year- ly gift of 50 tons of Bible pa- per bas been given by the British Foreign Bible Society and the American Bible Socie- ty jointly. This year the quan- tity was increased to 82 tons- a contribution of about $35,000. Since money to pay for this paper could not leave the coun- try the Hungarian Bible coun- cil this year offered ta print Bibles in the Hunganian Ian- guage for the contributing So- ceis for distribution in Cari- adAustralia, New Zealand, Iand the U.S.A. So it is that Bi- bles printed on Communist Ipresses there have been circu- lated ini Canada during the past few months. It is reported that few Pro- testant homes in Hungary are without a Bible. Suggested readings for the week: Sunday-Luke 6:20-49 Monday-John 1:1-28 Tuesday-John 1:29-51 Wednesday-John 3:1-38 Thursday-Johri 4:1-38 Friday-John 15:1-27 Saturday-John 17:1-26. IntrmditeCombines Rounding Into Good Shape The BRowmanville-Ororio Combines are shown here following their Rae "Gusty" West, Dean West, Jack Marshall, "Ticker" Crombie, coach; 6-2 victory over the Lindsay Regents Saturday night. Players are f rom Ross Hawe, goalie; Frank Hooper, Lowell Dykstra, Ev Edwards and Frank lef tta right, front raw: Max Yourth, Don Mercer, Keith West, Bun Welsh, Jamiesan, ca-manager. Team members nat in the picture include Bob Mike Murphy, stick boy; Gerry Robinson, Chuck Durno, Junior West, Ward, Chuck Armstrong and Bill Burkart. Mickey Walker. Standing in the rear are: Hesper Dean, ca-manager; -ý * ;4 PAGE szmm