T *1 ~V. .?RVfRSDAY, DEC. 2th, 1956 ?WUI<~AWflA rnq*w.,,i rtu"lYvu& I ONTARIO Cox; Corresponding Sec., Mrs, R. Hetherington; Treasurer, Mrs. S. MeAllister; Chris. Steward- shîp, Mrs. D. Armistead: Com- munity Friendship, Mrs. E. Diii. ing; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. C. Lunney; Literature, Mms. W. H. Carruthers; Supply, Mrs. S. McAllister, Mrs. E. Dilling, Mrs. G. E. Burham; Program Cam., Miss E. Orchard; Missionary Christmas in India Subject at W.M.S. St. PauI's Meeting St. auls W..S.Chritma to ivecometo eceiev ontnîy, Mms. j. Bowman, Mis- ~t. auls W..S.Chmitma tagivecam ta eceve.sion Band, Mrs. Kenneth Werry, Candlelight Service was held in Mms. W. H. Carruthers in well Mrs. C. Purdy: Baby Band, Mrs. the lecture room Dec. 17. The chosen womds thanked Miss K. A. Wight, Mrs. F. Blunt. mieeting was opened by Mrs. Allyn for ber splendid address. __________ Otto Bragg with reading o! Mrs. S. Payne cantributed a, Scripture, assisted by members. musical selection which was B TA PV TOCK Christmas camaIs were led. by much enjayed. The Mission Mrs. Kenneth Wery, Mrs. S. Band gave two Christmas num- Payne, accampanist, canclud- bers, "Christmas Gift" and Last Monday's nomination Ing with prayer by Mrs. Harold "Little Lord Jesus". The meet- resulted in Mm. Arthur Hyland Ferguson. ing was dismnissed by the Presi- being elected by acclamation ta Mrs. Kenneth Wery intro- dent Mms. Harold Ferguson. thvantcuilo' e. duced the guest speaker, Miss The report o! the nominati ngtevantcuilr'sa. 4aura Allyn, a returned mission- cammittee xvas submitted by Tuesd ay afternoan the Home s?1y from India, who spoke on Mms. H. G. Shaw and was adopt- Ecancmics class a! Grades 7 "Christmas in India", descrihing ed. and 8 entertained their moth- the celebrations in the homes, Bey. H. A. Turner conducted ers and Mrs. McArthur, the and in the hospital where Miss the service o! installation o! lady trustee a! the public scbool Allyn was stationed. They sang officers for the coming year and board. Camal Kazub and Nicole carols and distibuted littie gifts led in the service o! dedication. Fomest were bostesses. A and cards with Seriptume quota- St. Paul's W.M.S. officers for dainty afternoon tea was serv- tions on eacb. The highlights o! 1957 are: President Mrs. H. G. 1 cd, alI the girls performing an India Christmas is "Giving". Shaw; lst Vice, Mrs. K. Werry;j their duties admirably. Ater "We receive, we must alsa give". 2nd Vice, Mrs. H. Galbraitb;I sehoal they invited the teach- nybiggfsohr o able Bec. Sec. and Press, Mrs. J. A. ers in ta their roam and served v r/epl,- E D H ITE IFOO STOR i'- e-,dý Grade "A" - Oven Ready or Regular Dressed Al TU RKEYS Weights Plump and Tender ATTRACTIVELY PRICED COMPLETE LINE 0F CHRISTMAS POULTRY Swift's Premium - FulIy Cooked - Either End DONELESS SMOKED HANS Lb. 79c Swift's Preniium - Fully Cooked - Fi PORE SHIOULDERS Swift's Brookfield Pure 1-' PORK SAUSAGE MEAT Dutch Lunch0 SALAMI CHUBS Swift's BRAUNSCHWEIGER CHURS '$esBuys Stokely'. Honey Pod Fancy Peas 15-oz. tin 2 For 35c LIBBY'S Fruit Cocktail Imported - 28-oz. tin 39c ALLEN'S Apple Juice 48-oz. tin 27c Birds Eye Frozen Orange Juice 6-oz. tin 2 For 33c Features Red & White Orange Pekne Tea Bags 65 bags - 10e off 69c SUTPREME SWEET Mixed Pickles 16-oz. jar 21c AYLMER Sweet Gherkins 16-oz. jar 35c AYLMER Stuffed Manzanilla Olives ifi-oz. Jar 59C 2 Lbs. 55C GOLDEN HOL'R Assorted Chocolates 1-1b. box 2-lb, box 89C $1.75 BIRDS EVE ITEMS Lemonade, 6-o. tin,- 2 fer 39e Green Peas, 12-oz. pkg. 2 45e Strawberries, 15-oz. pkg., 39e THERE'S A RED & BQWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO - F. 7ruite l1b. b~ CHRISTMAS Mixed Nuis BRAZILS - PECANS WALNUTS - FILBERTS ALMONDS Lb. 49C Brazil Nuis Extra Meaty Lb. 49c Christmas Candies Chocolate Drops, Cut Rock, French Creams, Hard Mix, Creams and Jells Cello pkg. Ea.133c Creams and Jell. 2-lb. cello pkg. Ea. 59C Jelly Wreaths 2-lb. cello pkg. Fa. 59C Lb .63C iag Ea. 45C, Lb. 65C Ea. 33c Xmas Fruits & Vegetables Christmas Sunkist - Seedless Large Jumbo O ran ges doz. 3 7c doz. 47c Cape Cod - Deep Red ýCran bernies 1 lb. pkg. i19c Fancy, Crisp, Rosebud . 2 poly bags !Radishes 15C i A Christmas Treat ýsweet Pofatoes 3 Ibs. 25c Also-Crisp Celery, Lettuce, Green Beans, Toniatoes, Turnips, Dates, Red Grapes - Attractively priced to grace your Christmas table. IOcean Spray l5-oz. tin JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE 23c lO-oz. tin 8-oz. pkg. 16-oz. bottle Castor Castor 34c 22c 39c lOc 12c Carton of 200's - Attractively gift wrappe!. Popular Brands of CIGARETTES 2.89 F'LA T 50's - - - ----------- ---------- --- 82c Dixie Brand - 15 gauge, 51 denier - Pair M YLO0N S 89C Golden Ilotir POPPING CORN L.b. Pkg. 17c Planter's Party Time DLANCHED PEANUTS Pkg. 43c Libby's 25-oz. tin M 1N C EMqE AT 39c Red and White - 7 Flavours JELLY POWDERS 3 For25C lVelch's 24-oz. bottie GRAPE JUICE 39c White Swan - Whbite - 70's SERVIETTES 2 Fr33c WHITE STORE NEAR YOU - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria Cornish Ma rletcria urday night.-*'_--"F0u Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte attended the funeral of a friend in Smithville Sunday. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn on the passing of bis step-father in Suinderland Sunday. Sorry to report Mr. Will Por- i der is in Port Perry bospifal. We hope for a speedy recovery. Glad to say Mrs. K. Gilbanks and Mrs. G. Marlow were able to corne to lheir respective homes at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong vîsited ber mother, Mrs. Robt. 1Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia, Sunday. M.and Mrs. J. A. Johnston (are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston and farnily, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. H. De La Matler, Mr. and MrUs. Hitchman and Billy, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Norman Tay- lor, Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. Byers, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers, Sunday. Mr. Merlin Bailey, Winnipeg, spent a few days at home. On Sunday, Mrs. Mark Waldon. Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr, Miss Eva Parr, Mr. tlar- ence Parc, Bowmanville, join- ed the Bailey family for a tur- key dinner at the borne of Mrs. Velva Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharpe, Enniskillen, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl McLaugh- lin and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- son, Ian and Mary, Toronto, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with the Roy Fergu- s on 's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed Darcy. Congratulations ta Mrs. Jas Ginn who cele4brated ber 85th birthday Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn,. Orono, spent the evening with ber and the Glen Tennants. The Explorers met in the Sunday School roomn Thursday with Chief Explorer Donna MeLaughlin in charge. Lynda Kyte, Keeper of the Log, read the minutes and called the roll. Janice Byers, Keeper of the Treasury, gave the financial re- port. After games the girls put on a splendid program, each af the 13 girls giving a number. The Christmas devotion, "The First Gift" \vasogiven by Mrs. W. Archier. Chie! Councillor1 Mrs. Roy, McLaughlin, assisted ! by Mrs. Clarence Marlow at thei piano led in Christmas carols. 'Ihe girls wrapped the Christ- mas gift hey had made for teir mothers. Cards were sign-1 ed by ai and sent to Mrs. 1Hutton, a former lead2er; and to1 JMargaret Carnaghan, a menm- ber w~ho is ill. A box of candy1 and cookies was also sent to MUar.ýaret. The leaders treated the girls to cookies and home- made candy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright, Mr. annd Mrs. Fred Trewin and1 boys were among the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trcwin, Ennskillen. Service will be held in the l United Church Sunday at 10 IR arn. followed by a Christmas b, Sunday School pragram. There xviii also be service at Nestie- Son in the afternoon. Mr. Jack Griffin, Port Perry, will be the speaker at both services. OBITUARY M RS. OLIVE DONNELLY Bethany:Mrs. Olive Donnelly 1died in Toronto General Hos- pital on Fciday, December 14 following a lingering illne-ss. She was born in Bethany, i ocget daughter of the laLe y m, nd M\rs. John Wake. Her education %vas receivcd at Beth- anvs' shool and Baker's Busi- ness College in Lindsay. Later y she ivas employed at secretar- y ial %vork in Detroit, Mich." To-V ronto and Peterborough. The funeral service -%vas held froni Th(, Elliýt unra -Hm Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman and Miss Gail Chapman, Toron- to, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mrs. Lily Prescott, Bownian- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gray and Sheila, Kinsale, visit- ed at A. W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and girls, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. Dora McKeoxvn, Mr. Wes. Ken- nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ker- sey, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune, Cheryl and Kathy, -Mr, and Mrs. K. Pooler, Larry, Randy and Janet, Miss Grace Kersey, Oshawa, at S. Kersey's. On Saturday evening a Christ- mas family gathering was held at A. W. Prescott's when the, following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Prescott, Toronto;, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wichall andj David, Scarborough; Mrs. Iel Raham, Mrs. Tuck and îr Pearce, Richmond Hill; Mr. andI Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Qshawaf Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris, Lynda and Marlene, Whîtby; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Prescott and Roger, En- f ield. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison, Port Perry, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock on Sun- day. Mrs. M. IMountjoy with Mrs. E. Strong, Bowmanville. Sunday' vSehool and Church Service were combîned on Sun- day morning for the White ift Service, and was conducted by w V V v V V W V V V V V V -v V V V V V V w V V V i Higgon EIec'tric Limited --------------- The year just coming ta a close has been a busy one for you and for us. It has had its share of pressures and doubts and wonderings about the future for you, just as it has for us. But it has been a good year, like ail the years that have gone before, and as usual at Christmas Time we relax a bit and count our blessings. You, - aur customer, are one of aur blessings, and we could flot let the year end without telling you so. Without the friendship of aur customers it would be difficuit to erijoy the humdrum of business from day to day. So this is aur xvay of letting you kraw that we appreciate ail you have done for us in 1956. - - --j ---ý--lul ,lltla - a*wpy ani u ii - ,i ,i. N 'a .., V a.r - 1 Il- Penrru Nw er Oshawa Wood -Producis J. C. FOUND Ail Good Wishes of the Season from our Staff and Management Limiled W. J. HENRY Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. Showroom and Yard. Courtice Oshawa Showroomn, 84 Simcoe St. S. MA 3-2130 RA 5.4443 S--------------------~m-- g. I -~.# ur pastor. Mrs. A. E. Billett message. The church was beauti- Mrs. Doug. White on the gift of read the poem "How Far is it to fully decarated which added ta a son. ,'-' hristm as C ustom s of Bethlehem", and Mrs. B.Killen the worship service. A portion The Hampton Correspondent Topi prsened lovly hritma of he lowrs erefrom Mrs. extends the Season's greetings UWUMan Lands W w.A . story. Our choir provided pleas- Freda Ferry in memnory of ber to the Editor and. Staff Of The ing Christmas music. Mr. J. hushand. Service next Sunday Canadian Statesman and ta al %Morih:Thereulr mntlyDawonBebeWarrack was at the piano, and at the usual hour, 10:45 and readers of the ppreey ~Morih:Th reulr onhlyDaso Bebegae helatest N.Horn the organ, Mr. Reed Sunday School at 2 p.m. Christ- where. Friends are glad to meeting of the W.A. was held on report of the annual bazaar, presented a brie! sermon Con- mas music and carols. know the Editor is împroved in Wednesday, Dec. 12 at the home $180.65. There are a few aprons taining an inspiring Christmas Congratulations ta Mr. and health. of Mrs. Dawson Beebe with 16 and small articles to be sald. ________ members present, President Mrs. These may be seen at the home -:--. .*.i~.------ Harry Beckett in the chair. of Mrs. M. J. Osborne. The two The rail was called by Secre- regular c6llections were taken tary Mrs. Harold Osborne wha up which finished up the bus- also read the minutes. The iness session. usual Christmas donations ta slo9wsra yMs varjous missions and organiza- PaMoon Henderoad bLeso tions amaunting ta $120, also $10 Touts and roar y Ms M. to Albert College, .Belleville,J. ousornd hr pro raM were reparted sen, hadObeornge d byhrtM rDaw- A missianary meeting with h Beebe ras follows sloDaw colored sldes shown by Mr. and so 50falolos sl.b iMrs. Cale, missianaries, will be Mrs. Harry Beckett, "Away in ay h eld some evening in January a Manger" accompanied by Mrs. the churcb. Mrs. Win. McHolrn Helen McHolm. Mrs. Morton I reported twa bales of clathing Henderson gave a paper '±Christ- ready for shipping ta the Fred mas Customs of Other Lands". y Victor Mission. A new air heat- Piano, selection, Mrs. Helen Mc- V er for the church had been fixed Hiolm. The meeting closed with and ready for setting tIp. hymn and a poem, "No Room in A committee ta see ta and de- the Inn", as a prayer by Mrs. y liver Christmas cheer baskets Wm. McHolm. was chosen, Mrs. Harold Os- The social hal! boum was then borne, Mrs. May Bebee and Mrs. enjayed during whîch a dainty [Morton Henderson. Chmstmas lunch wvas semved hy the hostess greetings ta the sick and shut- and cammittee, Mrs. E. Brima- W mns ta be sent as usual by Mrs. comh and Mrs. Milton Brima-. Wm. McHolm. comb. Grace xvas said by Mms V Mms. Harrm» Beckett kindlylD. Haines. A vote of thanks ta i lof f eed ber ho he for the thury1ese ladies, also hs helping meeting, roll cail ta he answered on the pogram, xvas proposed by ~ ~by fees for the New Year. Mrs. Mrs. Helen McHolm.- refeshments ta them also. A 1T I Mr. Gardon Paisley enter- HAMPTON LiLUL tained the staff of the Highi School with their wives and Mrs. S. Kersey spent the hiusbands at a turkey dinner weekend with Mr. and Mms. %il and social evening at the home Lloyd Kersey, Toronto.j Rceve's SLICED NUSHROOMIS Christie's RITZ BISCUITS Nia zola SALAD OIL Gold Medal S AGCE Gold Medal POULTRY DRESSING i m là TRE CANADUW STATV-qV,&w #%vmaoTt% ipArlip "-VVIM. cll nern,