-m wowt*4âo "V urham County's Gireat Fa»ily Journal" VOLUME 102- BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2O-th, 1956 10e PER COPYNUBR5 PI% -j ~ ~4[ -Santa Visits Hospital.-Party Following a delicious turkey dinner on Friday êveni *ng, well over 100 members of the Memorial Hospital staff and guests saw this chubby and jovial Santa corne tripping into their presence. They were even more delighted to learn that it wasn't the r-eal Santa, but one çf his many helpers, in this case one of the nurses, Mrs. Florence Fowler who had borrowed a beautiful new outfit from the Jack & Jili Club. Mrs. Santa distributed gifts, assisted by several of her colleagues. Hospital - Staff Holds Annual Yuletide Part y Complet e With Santa Approximately 125 staff inembers, nurses, doctors, off j- cials and guests sat down on Friday night ta a deliciaus tur- key dinner prepared under tbe direction of dietitian Mrs. Jessie Prout at Memorial Hospitai here. It was the annual staff Christmnas party and, for the first time, was served in a large storage room at the south end of tbe basement wvhich bad been converted with consider- able decorating effort into an excellent dining and rccreation hall. Wben ail had been served, there was a brief programn with Superintendent Miss Irene Shaw acting as master of ceremonies. She welcomed the guests and sctid how happy they were ta have been able ta invite mare of their friends than usual by using the large storeroom. A special word of greeting went to Dr. C. W. Siemon, who due to an illness some time ago had been a less frequent visitar ta the hospital than formerly. _.ther speakers included Mr. Il rry Cryderman, chairman of ý,.e Hospital Board wbo paid *±Ibute ta the fine work done by the nurses and other staff to make thîs an efficient organ- ization for the care of the sick. Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, head of the Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary con- mcnted on the pleasure it was for bier group ta work in co)- operatian with the present staff for the gaod of the hospital. Dr. V. H. Storey, representing the dactors in the Medical Associa- tion commended the nurses and staff for their liard work in n1nintaining a bigb standard througbout the hospital. Miss Marion Vanstane led the party in several rausing Christ- mas carols with Mrs. J. Albert Cale accampanying, at the piano. Expressions of thanks ta the3 kitchen belp, to Mr.s. Cale and ta any others who bad jo;ncd ta make the party a succes wvere offered by Mvrs. Nclsooi Wilkins, Mrs. Joseph Childs, Jr. and Miss Velma Gay. Suddenly, the doors opened and Mrs. Florence Fawler dress- cd in a beautiful Santa Claus outfit came in with a joillv -ha- ha" ta wish the party a Merry Christmas. Several of the nurs- ing staff assisted bier in distri- buting the manv gifis which surroundcd and filled the bran- chès of the attractive Christ- mas; trce. The cvenîng xvas concluded with a program of maving pic- tures presented by Dr. H. B. Rundle. Legion Pipe Bond Draw Raises Needed Funds Members of the Bowmanvillc Legion Pipe Band bcld their Christmas draw at tbc Legion Christmas dance on Saturday, *bec. 15. Piper Bob Lockliart was in charge of bbc draw and tickets were drawn by bbc officers' wives and visiting la- dlies. The draw proved very suc- eessful and will aid the band freauly ini its work and with bbc buigof needed equipment in the comîng year. Bcing the only band in Bowmanville, they are called on ta pcrform at many variaus affairs apart fr.r their regular schedule and pu*= e xceLlenUy each ime thcy appear. One example of bbc fine display tbcv are cap- able of was seen at the Remcm- brance Day service held at Bowrîianvillc and Orono an November il. Prize winners %vere as fol- ]ows: Jim Anderson. Oshawa-, Elwood Newman, Oshawa. Bill Dunn, Oshawa, J. B. Morgan, Oshawa; Ray Phavre, R. R. No. 1. Burkcton: Ray Swan, Bow- manville; W. Pettit, Oshawa: P. Cowlc, Bawmanville, G. Dilling, Bowmanville; Dorc Mutton, Bowmianville; F. Watson, Osh- awa; W. G. Hagerman, Port --j rrom irie Firth Again I Staff and Correspondents- Heads -Legion m Second Term ,atmn -- 1---------------- Bowmanville Branch Num- ber 178 of the Canadian Legion held its annual election of Offi- cers December 16, with Presi- dent Jim Firth retaining office for a second term.' Comrade Alick Lyle was re- turning officer and Comrades, D. Wright, C. McDonald, C. Sty- er and R. Abernethy, scrutin- eers. Elected ta office for the 1957 termn were: President, Jim Firth; lst Vice President, Ed Rundle; 2nd Vice President, Ab Mavin; Sergeant-at-Arms, Jack Knight; Secretary, Ron Richards; Treas- e.rer, Jack Rice; Executive 0f- ficers; F. Burns, W. Bates, A. Mairs, M. Goslett, J. Fair, G. Graham, P. Bathgate and E. Perfect. Post Office Sets Records For Business The buslest place in town this week has been the BoNvmanville Post Office. Extra staff was hired to handie the rush but the flow was so heavy that several records were brok- en. On Saturday, the f irst re- cord ivas broken when 28,- 001 letters ivent through the cancelIii1g machines. This record wvas quickly broken on Monday when 35,736 were sent out. The previous one day record before ivas made last year with 27,000 going out in dne day. Another record was brok- en with the sale of 2c. stamps this year. Betweeîi December lst and lSth over 168,100 2c. stamps had been sold. This represents more than was sold during ail December last year. The regular staff hand- ling the mails this year are Postmaster George Vice, Keith McGill, L. DeweIl, A Perrin, W. Mihowich, E. Walkey, A. CulIy and J. Cale. Extra staff assisting in- clude M. Blight, L. Rich- ards, M. Virtue, G. Hall- man, E. Kerr, M. Read, C. Ruiter, R. Barclay, C. Dunn, R. Cowan and V. Mutton. Public School Teachers HoId Seasonal Party Teachers of the threc public schools beld an enjoyable Christmîas party at Vincent Mas- sey School an Monday aftcr- faon af tee school. The room was beautifully decorated and the tea tabte bad a beautiful centre piece flanked by angel chime candles xvicli were par- ticularly attractive. Caral singing was led by Miss D, Hogaboam and Mr. Roy Turner and Miss Yvonne Chant led in games wbich caused a great deal of ton. Ted Colville impersonating Santa Clatis is rcportcd ta have excelled him- self in tbe role as he gave oui, exchange gifts. As well as bbc regular staffs, supply teachers were also present and two of the~ nurses, Miss Dora Purdon and Miss Betty Flaxman. A deliciaus lunch was servcd by Vincent Massey teachers who w~ere hostesses for thc event. Special Notice Ail Reporters Mail Early The Canadian Statesman will be published on Thurs- day morning as usuai ncxt ivcek. The offices will be open for business ail day Monday and Wednesday to take news, advertising and subscriptlons. We ivould ask correspon- dents and anyone with news if they wouid please send it In at their earlîest convenience. As thc Post Office wiil be closed al day Tuesday we wouid aise ask that rural correspond- ents In outlying areas endea- vour to send their weekiy budget ini by some other meaII. Stray Bullet Strikes Newcastle Boy in Chest A hunting accident, wbich might well have had more seri- ous consequences, had a happy ending for Jerry Barchard, 13, R. R. 2, Newcastle, Saturday afternoon. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barchard. Walking in the woods near Newcastle with bis friend, Bob Bandstra, 10, Jerry beard a shot and suddenly clutched his chest when hie suffered an acute pain. A dloser examination revealed be was bleeding from a wound near bis beart. The lad walked ta the Band- stra home where he received first aid. In the evening the boy's father took him to tb'* Bowmanville Memarial Hospi- taI where a .22 calibre bullet was removed from bis cbest. He was released from hospital on Sunday morning-.. Constable Francis Dryden of the Bowmanville detacbment of the O.P.?., wba investigated the incident, stated that the boys bad cbanged their story Mon- day evening. Apparently, tbey had beený carrying a rifle and the accident occurred wbile Bandstra was sboating at a tin can. A bullet richacbeted off a log and struck the Barchard boy in the cbest. They admitted suppressing thîs information for fear of punisbment. The rifle may &be confiscated by police, but no charges will be laid. Extra School Rooms Required Here by 1960 School Board Learns' By 1960 Bowmanville Public Schools will require the use of nine more rooms than they are now occupying. TNs was brought out at the regular meeting of the board. beld in the Vincent Massey scbool on Thursday night. These figures are based on the census figures compiled by Town Assessor Clarence Olçe. It means that the tbree vacant classrooms at the Vincent Mas- sey school will ail be in opera- tion next year and that in the next tbrce years anotber six rooms must b6 provided. These figures do flot take into account any growth in the town but are only those cbildren who are at present living in the town lim- its. A steady increase in admis- sions is noted from the 142 ad- mitted this September ta the peak in 1959 wbcn 212 will start their school training. This marked increase shows a sharp jUmp over the census figures of last year. Agree on Salaries Representatives tram the teachers groups were present at the meeting and agreement was reached on the new salary schcdule. On January lst the teachers will receive an in- crease of $300 per annutn. This brings the schedule in line with salaries being paid in tbc sur- raunding municipalities. Mr. Narm O'Rourke, Chair- man of the building cammittee revealed that the new Kalam- ein doors ordered for Ontario St. scbool had came but had to be returned for alterations. It is hoped that they will be back in time ta be cbanged during the Christmas .bolidays. Bill James, reporting on the New Building Committee, sta- ted that the architects were pleaged with the progress being made on the addition but they were not ready ta recommend final paymer.. A number of small items are stili ta be cam- pleted before this can take place. The Board autborized Super- vising Principal A. M. Tbomp- son ta purcbase needed equip- ment and supplies for ail three schools. Attractive Appearance 0f Shopping Section Prom otes Compliments By now you bave likcly na- ticed the colorful array of de- corations that ligbt the main street of Bowmanville. Over- head ligbts shine tram above the main intersections, ligbtcd Christmas trees stand at the corner of Temperance and Kin- Streets and in front of the Post Office. Besides add- ing much ta the appearance of aur town these decorations leave with us a feeling of good- xill and Christmas spirit. Citi- zens tram the surrounding area, are invited ta sec aur at- tractive tuwn. This is a result of thbcoc- operative efforts of downtown merchants, wba have added an extra toucb by gayly lighting and decorating their shQp win- dlo% s. One window in particular bas stopped many a passerby. It is not brightly ligbted nor does it display a huge selectiori of possible gift items or merchan- dise. Likely ýdue ta its small size man,, persan have walked past it witbout sa mucb as a glance. Yet, for thc people wbo bave Etapped ta behold the scene it depicts, it presents a sincere message of bbc real reasan we celebrate Christmas. In the myindaw is tbc scene of thdc Birbh of Christ and of the Wise Men and Shepherds who came ta thc manger in order ta sec their new King. The window mentioned is that of L. A. Parker and Son on King Street East and the scene was constructed by bbe firm's secretary, Mis. Elaine Hornigold. In regard ta bbe diagonal guide wires that have been in- stalled ta hold the street light- in'-, there will be permanent tixtures for use on any future occasions such as the Town's forthcoming Centennial. The Chamber of Commerce bas ex- pressed its thanks ta tbe per- sans ta wbose praperty the wires were installed for their co-ap- cration. Intended ta be bbc first phase (Continued on Page seven) SPECIAL CLASSIFIED SECTION- HoUlp Wcnted IIELP WANTED - Desperately needed by the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, popula- tion over 6,600, ONE man or woman to f iii vacancy on town counci]. Two nomination meetings have failed to produce necessary volunteer. Good working cQlutions but Iow pay. Should have tele- phone. Excelent opportunilty for promotion. First big job as chairman of cemetery committ,.-e. Experience or references unnecessary. Local taxes must be paid in full. Any citizen interested should apply at the Clerk's office, in the Town Hall, at 7:30 p.m. to-morrow, Friday, December 2lst. Nominators supplied on requcst. This space con- tributed by the publishcrs of The Canadian States- man i.n the interests of good governmnent. Receive Needed Washers Babies Make ReaI Impression jWhen TV Stars Visit Whyte's George Murray and Shirley Harmer with two Whyte babies Bert and Bertha Whyte's home for youngsters, west of Bowman- ville, once again took on an un- usual.appearance Tuesday faon, Dec. 18, when the formai pre- sentation of two General Elec- tric washing machines took place. It will be recalled that wben Mrs. Wbyte and a large number of ber charges appear- ed recently an Garry Moore's television show in New York, the General Electric Company off er- ed ta provide wasbing facilities for the home. As usual, there were children scamperinýg hîther and yon while camera crews set up their bauntiful equipment ta record the event. But, as tbis was in the main house, rather than the dormitories, most of the children were very young and safeiy con- fined in cribs, a factor wbîch was helpful in bath entertaining those present and permitting the crews ta do their work without too much interruption. U') Cornes The Food G.E.'s "Sbowtime" star, charm- ing Shirley Harmer made the actual presentation, while berî( husband, George Murray con- assume their essential raie of fined bis efforts ta bottle feed- washing some 500 diapers a day, ing one of the youngest babies, plus the many other items of After same trouble figuring tbe clotbing. proper angle for the job, George Continue With Feeding stuck ta it until the contents of Througbout it ail,*Mrs. Whyte the battie were completely and ber capable staff continued downed. Then, be was faced with the noon teeding pragram, with an unburped child, in an event which amazed the mare tancicd or real agony, sa there than a dozen visitors. Tbe pro- was nothing else for it, George cedure for those who can sit up decided ta do that job for a fol- for spoon feeding attracted the low through. Unfortunately for mast attention. Four or tive at Mr. Murray, the food came up a time were lined up an top of faster than it went dlown - ail the kitchen counter and the food over bis nîce blue coat. Mom went up anad clwn the line, each Wbyte carne ta the rescue with a cbild paticntly waiting until bis clamp cloth which removed same turn came once again. There of the most obviaus stains but was no confusion, although at left plenty ta recaîl the even t. tbe same time, four or five others Requisition Young Actors were being fed in highchairs nearby and, in the nursery, the Finally, everyone was in place. littlest ones were cbomping away Six or seven aider cbildren bad an their botties. been requisitioned from the oth- Lt was another of a series of er bouse and tbe camera started wonderful experiences for the ta grind. After two takes, dur- Whyte home, but there is littie îng whicb the entire cast played doubt that bath telev>'sion stars their parts with case and naad the other guests were more mistakes, the event was over impressed with the babies than and the preciaus wasbing ma- the babies were with tbem. chines transported ta the cellar George Murray will neyer forget where they will immediately ane of tbc'm. Sa nta Visits Hydro Workers Receive Kinsmen Party Increase of lc an Hour Blowmanvile Public Utilities'?> On Tuesday Cmison veld a meeting aa Thurdayeveingwith an im- Th lca Knsenhed herportant item of business beingCao Vesper Christmas party at the Badmin- th on vcrsinefrom the Cost ton Club on Tuesday evcning, iues rc Idxfral hy- A t Trint playing hast ta several guestssue'PieIn xfo a " t fn nihiirn 1i-dro workers.y J irom niguij, UUIg clubUs. A higblight of the night was tbe appearance of Santa Claus (Don Stutt4 and an eîf (Ken Nicks) who was along ta aid in distributing the gif ts. The presents included many variausj oddities. Every'ane bad a very enon A letter frbmn the Internation- al Brotherhaod of Electricai Workers explaincd that the conversion figure of .9 points in the rise of the Consumers' Price LIndex now means a anc-cent incr2ase per hour according ta the 195V. Cost of Living agree- ment. able evenîng and ioiiowing the This -- e is retroactive ta fetvles a luncheon was serv- October 1 and was included on cd. the December 14 payroll. An- other anc-cent per haur is pay- able from January 1 providing Zhere is no change on the In- Extra Skating dex for th bbco Dcm ber. Irn e n order a lcdwt Trne r ne Bipco-Canada Ltd. for an ot door switcbbouse includîrig connecbing bus work and bous- O ver Christmnas 11 ihtettlcs en To ensure that recipients ot 1Christmas turkeys Wîil again ice skates wilI have ample op- be ipîcrented to each member portunitv ta give the blades a cf hebydro staff and commis- trial run and ta allow other s1 iof. some pleasant exercise ta settle I, was dccided that $10,000 the Cbristmas dinner, bbc Bow- of tbc Electrical Dcpartment's manville Memorial Arena are funds be invested in Ontario holding tbrec special Public Government bonds. skating sessions over the boli- Accounts presented ta bbc ("&Y. Electrical Departmcent for Oc- day. tober amaunted ta $22,196 and Christmas Eve (Manday) the for November $23,837. Ac- arena wiîl be available for skat- counts prescnted ta bbc Watcr ing 8-10 p.m. whilc on Christ- Department came ta $4,688 for mas Day bbc arena îs open framn October and $4,154 for Novem- 2-4 p.m. and 8-10 p. m. ber.,N Sunday at 3:30 For the third ycar, 'lrinity United Churcb will hold a carat vesper- service on Chr11istimas Sunday at 3.30 p.m. in place of the usýual evening secrvice at 7 p.m. This beautiful ýcj-vjc a sang in whicb the Seniior, In. will take part, i.s this Sunday, Dcc. 23 at 3.30. Choirs are un- der the direction of Mr. Ar- thur Collison, orgarist ant choirm aster. Congregations of other Bow- manville churches and those in this comrnunity, and ail indivi- duais who wish ta join witti Trinity in this Ferviceý wili be very weicomne. In addition la: choir numbers, d ue't.s, ti-ios, quartets and quintets have been prcpared, ail an the Christmas theme. The congregation wjl take part in tbc singin'g of ca- rois and the service wilI con- clude with tbc "Haîielujah Chorus" sung by the Senior Choir.1 Rcv. T. A. Morgan will con- duct the service but there will be no sermon. This is entirely a Service uofw.îng. r 1 ý4 be enna .,Otan C m. & La.