THURsDAY, DEC. 2th, 1958 CripledChidre Enertine byRotry lubNEWTONVILLE Pkespke ew worsM ~ KN o VN Criple Chldr n Ente taied y R tar Clb M. ad Ms.Wilbert Han thaflks and voiced their regret ~Ir. an Mrs. at îeaving this community and iayLxnrtre cock, Peterhorough, were Sun- tant ipain0reuVntohm frmCi Hsiae- day guests of Mr. and MrL:.seeeeyn.Avre r Frank Gilmer. fseegremeryonoe A varied pro- Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Pike letgrmeoloecsstn roouhmuhirodo o Wenda foterne shrimpromptu speeches, rc Stra tls ek e chargeda nndaga.r ei evýtations and piano selections b: rnduheMr.OvleZa jMr. and Mrs. Walter Whit- the litnie olk and estoryon angi sbi, ihhe o AMtaker. Kenneth, Caroll and'Christmsi tr n ogb Lynne, Toronto, spent the week- a number of members of W.A.fedas end with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Weaeoigtmis r.nd rsEdeCuox Pearce. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4rs. Pike in our midst and our n aiyaesaigi h M r. Bih C la k e ro d f re m n, p ra ye rs fo llo w th e m in th e i r o e 0 r n r . W . M r suffered a stroke while at work jwork in another part of the e hl hyaesedn h on Saturday. He wvas taken to :vÎneyard. wne nFoia Mvemorial Hospital, Bowman-Th cmunt reeste v. Mr. Lorne Johnston, Weston, Lake Shore, Clarke datofrsT.alshoie spent the weekend with Mrs. OnDcR.teana his-fptyt e aiv S. JOhnston and familv. O e.1 h nulCrs Mr. and Mrs. Hàrry Wade left'mas concert of the Lake Sliore h edlPulcSho on Friday to spend three weeks, Seh'ool was held. preseMnt nth rag Hlla bp3.o t Miami. Florida. the pupils and their teach er.Mr. YýMr. Bill Lane of the Navx Kerr of BowmanviIlle. After the( hrdvofti ek arrived at Malton Sunday morn- entertainment, Santa Claus ap- vroexa ga oseta ing. The family went up to; peared and distributcd gifts and:Mschrexa eleog meet bhi Saturday night when candy. after wvhichi lunch . was oatn h hieGf evc his 'plane was supposed to served.onSdaadhpettse arrive and had to remain over.: Mr. and Mrs. Bey Javnes spent ai ocaannx udy Billils home on a mionth's leave. Sunday with Mi'. and Mrs. E ---. __- jAbout 60 attended the congre- Tonkin., Oshawa.I gational pot luck supper in 'the Miss Blanche Taylor. Oshawva. TeH gainwholms Sunday School hall on Tuesday* spent the wveekend with Mr. and wnfedm a'hv ae evening last. After a bountifui Mrs. Arthur Bedwin.asterbtlcr'teici- feast, Mr. S. J. Lanca3ýter. as Mr. and Mrs. W. Adanis and lO nte\a enra Itwa a eciig vein frtw dze cilrn as Wdnsmaster of ceremonies, called the Ross attended the funeral of Mrs uae4 n*csty Edr It ws anexciing venig fo tw dozn chldre las Wedes-personal visit fromn Santa Claus who did his usual superb job in distribut- group to order. Rev. S. J. Pike Thonias Falls of Kendal on Mon- ecyhn:sro.pasf day at the Bowmanville Rotary Club's annual Christmas party. The 'ing the presents. Nurses of the Durham-Northumberland Health Ui dMs.Pkwrepsntd day at the Morris Funeral Home, îrn n ct:btd u youngsters Who are ail under the care of the Crippled Children's Society can be seen in the upper right hand corner. Un it altbelm and a Bomanille toe-ae o thnr1 he ish enjoyèd a deliclous supper and sparkling entertainment along with aPhobvehe personal gift of a hymn nbook to 1Mern'VChristmnas to al o hcI pol Head _Table Guesis ai Memorial Hospital Christrnas Pa rty d5- ~UfIBRE-SLIN'S Wib forxjour ' Members of the Hospital Board, Ladies' Auxiliary and Medical Dippeli, Mrs. V. H. Storey Mr. Cryderman, chairman of the board; Mrs. Association mixed with nurses, supervisors and staff during the annual Dippeli president of the Ladies' Auxiliary; Dr. Storey, president of the IzS Chitmale tat Mmra optlhr atFia.Sm of the 1tenden isAssociationnemade upof local dcorMrs. H. B. Rundie, Superin-j- e.the privihege of usine Recrea- on Relief up ta $175.00 per fr5 otsbfr oigt Cartw ights Cou cil ion all fr P.. theschol tomonth. This includes food, milk, Cartwright in May ti er supphy the wood and pay Mrs. ltig fuel and rent. 50% As to Hospitalization 50 per- rool s F nal eet ngsShortridge $1,00 per time for will bc paid by Dept. of Wel- cent is paid by Durham County lighting firc. fnrc and 50) percent from Town- and 50 percent Township of Çouncil met on Dec. 3rd at Cottagers Association agreeing Moved by Councillors Wriht sh-- f ______e ielie Cartwright. 2 p.m. membe'-s ahi present to extend the Road Improve- and Green thatReeve and Dep. ex~o Coucillr Bhck. ment Tax Of $6.64 per assess- Reeve see the MacDonaldb n lnutes read and adopted ono ment for 1 year for piping w4. find out how much relief is rnD ion of Councillors Green ter Io ake through Mrs. Casci s needed. i and Wright. îiroperts- oe y onilrsGcni On moiion of Dep. Reeve Tner pe - for operator Mvdb onilr re Tenders ORESLIN'SR .Ashton and Councillor Green of rink for 1956-57 as folhows: and Wright that Council in Jan- SISJ Clerk ta write Clarence Savig- Jeffrey Gihes $400, Chas. Clark* uary discuss with the Road flac ta the effect that the Mun- 40 h edrche o Supt. paying for clerical assist ' icipality v;ilî mainlain t'wel'slr n stee2ance. Y u h i t a ditch that was put through his moen were unknown to most of Movd b Conciior rigt a- - Move by ouncllorWrigt i field as long as rc-quired but if Council. A committee of Dep. and Dep. Reeve Ashton thaý ,~~I I unsatisfactory for any reason Roove A s hto n. Councillor culvert be installed at Redfordý Sh~oppIinga Cent the land will be rcstored to its Wriglht w-as appointed ta ar- and Road Supt. bring in a re- r iatural statc. r ange for an operator. port of Road Expenditures a, <r Letter fromi St. Christophcer The High Sohool wvas granted meeting on Dec. 15 h. O tr countsr bepi sfhos:K~~-~~~- -- Moved by Councilior Green, sec. by D)ep. Reeve Ashton ac- 11 971 Lamne Doreen, repairs ta am- i t yorUd'se.n plifier, $16.80; Reg. Office, lRe- ~ ' .. - I. cords, ~$6.33; Harry Deymani, fraltega Certifying 7 voters lists, $7.00;A~.~i jKR. Wall, journeys re Schooh at- patesAa r tendance, $5.00: Pedlar Peopl'i. ,~2 screens for cuhverts, $29775: -Ii~ hwn ilwn okallnt SMunicipal World, Supplies, $11.- oing 08; Duff Ehectric, Work at Rec' Ats#i" Centre, $5.19; Couinty Treas M.foras. SHospitahization, $42.13;DuffEhc i~Isabel Casci and W. G. Bowle.:Awdeasrtin read. asopnin A Max cd by Councillors Wright Nylon Tricot Petticuats of Crinolines frai n oi AM j~and Green tbat resolution re SI $.98 to $5.98 $1.98 to $9.95 G reet ng s cý1 A Roads, be approvod and for- warded ta Dept. of Higilways iý Maved by Councilors Greer, î Aî appointed aperator of Rink and U j- a Movcd 'by Couincillors Grreen iAT Be e eN josof Unis Holida y and Wright that accouts bc V, paid as folovs; you can choose y our fav ourite style A Hydro, $2833; Tlc,. NcFbiî' -. from Canada's best known inakers Season be youris! spraving, $16.00; M.Tbornpson. .4~~-Id c easrdo tl AjPostage for 1956. $71.72: fi *- A...and you can ea * fsye Thompson, Long- Dislance Telle- quality and value. Aphonte. $1000: Reesors. iOoal for M \cDonalds, $26.00:e. Unl' Oversize Rayon Briefs Fancy Rayon and i W Rent for McDonalds, 2 06 White only Nylon Briefs BUY NOW/ AND A Ha raid Marty-n, Supplies for A M 09e 9:o 19 AMcDonald's, $19.32: Couintx ,9c 9 o 19 A; Treas.. Hospitalization. Roy McNET EA A îonads,$6300; Reg. Office. ÀiRecords, S4.05: O'ît. Dopt aIo Hiealth, Insuhin, 1$907: Road I R S I " Vouherko.xp2,$485d89. i ..r BW hitbyB RL N S \'ucc N.12 48Y9.A BOWMANVILLI' 'îTTITBY eSG 20'i rangements lie hiad macle r Bowvranville ~BG 0"A M Donalds. ,e l'ad the Dis-- A *-cýreprezenati' e lcD et)~.1 M.Mq 0£Welfare uu and lie ut thei ~jAAjî1,II'HIAh.IIAI, If j 'i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIO ]RAmile trywm