PAE PIGT V. L A. Officiais Discuss Prodàuction Line Plans At Blackstock Meeting A grassland farming program utilizinigbgod pasture, loase hausing and grass silage stored in self feedingý bunker silos was discussed at a xvell attended meeting held in Blackstock ne- centby wben vete-an farmers and their wives indicated keen interest in malenial presented. The Chairman of the meet- ing was E. W. Bradley the lo- cal Vetera n's Land Act Settie- mient Officen for Durhamn Coun- ty who outlined the purpose and objectives af these meet- ings and intnoduced the other speakers who inchuded V.L.A. fildmen froni adjoining Coun- ties. Mn. Summers the local Agricultural Representative was present and spoke briefly. The faut that farmers arp riaw involved in a cost-price squeeze in which they are ne- ceivmng less for products that are costing more ta produce was discussed by Mn. H. C. Con- ray from Victoria County wbo declaned that the only satisfac- Pitù»P&eGt T-V SERVICE itory way ta combat this squeeze was ta emulate the examnple Of business and industry and adapt Production Line Methods. He 1funther explained that this meant specialization in the pro- duction of livestock and crops iand full efficiency in the use of labour, machineny and build- ings. Mr. W. E. Ring, -a fieidmon fram York County, spoke 011 soils, forage crops and mech- anizatian stating that when the rigbt type af grass legume mix- tures is grown almost exclu- sively, cut early, and in good volume that ahl the necessany feed for ruminant animais can be produced, stored and fed at a reduced cost on the average Canadian farm today. This speaker also discussed types of soul, drainage, fertiliza- tion and land use as well as re- commended adaptable compli- mentary grass legume hay pas- ture mixtures ta be sown. A delineascape with cards Because we handie oniy hlgh quality TV repair parts, you get top value resuits wheu you Mal! us for service! WORK and -PARTS GUARANTEED IMYLES TV Radio Service 1 3 LSilver St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3482 This Year ... for FR fEND S - NEIG RELA TIVE.< Give a Christmi DON'T' PUT OFF TV REPAIRS- CALL US. was used to portray tables, and Mr. A. C. Lloyd from New H ai Newmarket summnarixed the points brought out in th is A thaught pnovoking meetingAiviemoiric which established beyand a doubt that the Veterans Land Act is still intenested in their The meing s on de w Memanial Hospital Board de- Thesusio meei oncv lu ncwihcided at their inonthly meet- a dscusio peio ovr, Dec. 12, ta instaîl a heat- 1ng;s-îem -. n r%ým ofg.LIUL School Resuits COWANVILLE S. S. Na. 16 SCHOOL REPORT Names in order of menit: Grade 7-Canal Hicks, Ste- phen Simnpson, Mary Reid. Grade 6-Mary Lee Simpson. Grade 5 - Harry Wagenaar, Leo De Mooy. Grade 3 - Tommy Perrin, Bert Reid, Andy Wagenaar. Grade 2-Bobby Simpson. Grade 1 - John Simpson, Bobby Hicks. Teacher, Mrs. Theresa Martin. MMà Seaforth, Dec. 10, 1956 Canadian Statesman: You will find enclosed a cheque for Four Dollars being amount of renewal subscrip- tion for The Statesman. Stili look forward for The Statesman week after week as cost ai $4,000 which wouid use the surplus steam fram the hos- pital ta heat -the nurses resi- dence. Althaugh the cost is cansiderable, the board feit that wîth the savings in fuel for the residence the system would pay for itselfi n a few years. Work ini the nurses' residence is progressing, the property committee reparted, with some af the painting being complet- ed. Arrangements have been made ta replace the drap lights with fixtures. Annual Meeting The annual meeting ai the Hospital Board is scheduled for January 16, 1957 and the regu- lar monthiy meeting wiil be heid the follawing Wednesday. In business arising frani the minutes, it was found that the repairing af the hospital noof would bave ta be leit until warmer weather. The new fil- ing cabinet and obstetnical ta- rig System ai Hospital F ue! Cost s ble have been ardered but have not as yet arrived. A water saitener will be considened pending on the amnount of funds available. Two Annual Inspections The Board feit that a tho- roughi inspection of the grounds and building twice a year would aliow the Board to cut down on major expenditunes. Miss I. Shaw, Hospital Super- intendent, neported that there were 1001 patient days and 1 indigent day. The matten af new equip- ment for the office will be beit in the bands ai the finance committee ta investigate and repart back. The gencral account af $7,- 548.94 and the speciai funds af $1,823.50 are ta be paid. Those prescnt at the meet- ing were H. V. Cryderman, chairman, Miss I. Shaw, Su- penintendent, Mrs. Bruce Mut- tan, Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs. T. W. Cawkcn, Mrs. L. W. Dip- pell, Dr. E. D. Hubband, I, Hobbs, George Hacking, and J. O'Neil. Ban k of Commerce Sets New Record for Assets it proviUes s mu iiU reSLI 1g Total assets ai The Canadian neading. This is a birthday Bako omrehvIn present fnom Greta but 1 am rn ak ai omre thave in34- flot telling my age.crae tamethn$,4- Wishing yau ail a Merry 000,000 ta a new high record, Christmas 'and Happy New Vice-President and Genenal Year and abso hope tbe Editan Manager Neil J. MeKinnon re- (George) wlbl sopn h homne panted in his review ai the frmhospital. Bank's financial statement for fromasevr the year ended October 31, Your as ver,1956. During tbe year, he said, Mrs. Bertha Pollard depasits had incneased by $68,- 000,000 and assets by $78,000,- It is estimated that Immigra- 000. tioni ta Canada wiil total 135,000 Reviewing business condi- in the cunrent year, 60,000 lower tions since theBank's bast An- than in the post-wan peak year nual Meeting, Mr. MeKinnon of 1951. said: "There has been full utiliza- tian ai facilities and labour and ahi ubysical resaunces ai the nation bave been under strain ta meet ail the demands espe- cially in the capital expendi- tune field. These have been reflected in the financial mara- kets with a growing demancl for finance ai ail kinds against a diminishing avaliable supply. Athough the increase in interest yields an bond and ~H OS then investments bas been ef*H BO RS manked during the past year, these levels are nat historicaily high. Sa many people became uised ta the idea ai abnormally cheap maney aven the past f~:s4NESTLETON '~IIL I that wiIl be Appreciated '52 weeks a year More and more people are using gift subseriptions to The Canadian Statesman for friends, neighbors and relatives. This Is a popular gift that is appreciate& by ail resi- dents of this district and those who have mnoved away. A gift subscription Is the answer to many of the names on your gif t list, check them off now, and see bow hapipy they will be with your selection. Subseription rates are: One year $4.00, Six months $2.00, ln U.S.A., one year $5.00 Use the handy coupon below. CHRISTMAS IFT CARD IS SENT WITR EACH GIFT SUISCRIPTION! THE CANADIAN STATESNAN. DRAIVER "B" BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Please find enclased S__________rs easGitt Sub.eripion te The Canadian Statesgmai. Send Git Subscriutlon and GM1 Capa 1W Please vut mv namne on the eard sa donor Nanie Address. 1Subscrilption Rates: Vear S4.06 - Six inejths 52.0 - In U.S.A.. Year S5.00 The dance hebd Qn Friday night and sponsared by the Catwright Farmer's Union was a success from standpoint af enjoyment. A smali cnowd, a good western style orchestra with door receipts just enough ta caver expenses. Mare and more ane realizes how farmn in- corne bas dropped, that the only things farmers will spend money on are ai no direct bene- fit ta farmens - wbich speaks for itself with respect ta thein backing ai any af their awn arganizations. No wonder the pnizes aimast ahi went out af tbe community! Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson ai Yelverton were on the spot for the spot dance. Mr. and Mrs. Carl El. liatt held the lucky door ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cox ai Ux- bridge, won bath the anniver- sary prize and the elimination dancc. In the lucky draw Jim Taylor, ai Port Perry, taok the dlock radia, John Ballard alsa af Part Perry, the tri-light larnp and Mrs. Irwin ai Dunsford dis- trict the electric wali dlock. We appreciated the attendance ai non Union members and hope tbey enjoyed themselves. Santa Claus came ta tawn on Saturday and the cold and crowd toak same ai the plea- sure away from what other- wise should have been a gay event, but the bags of candies, etc. and the sigbt ai aid Santa Claus consoled the little ane's sarnaws. Several busheis ai gro- ceries came Cartwright's way. Two Malcolm ladies were lucky. Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm attended a reception fol- lawing the Gibsan-Smalley wed- ding in Gneenbank Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson visited the Birds ai Bnooklin and on Sunday evening callel on Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Ciern- mence ai Oshawa. Mn. Stanley Malcolm stayed a few days at Malcolm Fanm. The John Veales were week- end guests at Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. Mn. Ron Addison ai Toronta at the Wm. Steeles. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson and girls helped Mn. Wilson Sr. celebrate bis 7bst birthday at Brooklin Sunday. Wilbun McCay and famiy visited in Toronto during the weekend. Miss Canai Rahm ai Blackstock Iwith Miss Brenda Malcolm. A special invitation ta any and ail, amateurs, etc., ta at- tend the amateur concert ta be beld in Nestleton Hall on Fni- day, Decemben 14. Get in touch witb Mary Wilson. United Church service for Sunday, Dec. l6th wvill be at Cad mus il a.m. and Caesanea at 2 p.m. The folawing, Christ- mnas Sunday-Blackstock at 10 arn. and a speciai Christmnas service in Nestîcton at 2 p.m. with Caesarea choir, Jack Grif- f in, speaker for bath Sundays. Wednesday night, December 19 the United Cbunch Sunday School concert at the church. With Christmas just around the corner, what nicer gift than The Statesman ta keep yau; friends in touch. We would be ionly ta lhappy ta assist i any twenty years that they came ta regard bis state as normal. An examinatian of interest rate levels over the past 100 years shows quite a different condi- tion. At the same time investors are much more discriminating than they were, not only as ta the rate a.f-return and ,the qual- ity of investments but also as ta the- tenms. A number of se- curity offerings have had ta be made mare attractive and those that have hlot been tail- ored ta suit these changing conditions have not fared well in the markets." rPrincipal changes in the bal- ance sheet, Mr. McKinnon said, are reflected in an increase of $173,000,000 in c om m e rc ial1 and other loans and a reductian in investment holdings ai $220,- 000,000, principally in Govern- ment ai Canada bonds. Cfish and casch items increased by $42,- 000,000 and cal bans by $39,- 000,000, he saîd. Mr. MeKinnon sald that the total ai Canadian dollar depo- sits in -banking system had shown little grawth during the past six months and is about the same as in November af last year. "There have been, however, changes in the composition ai TIM CANqAIA i TATESMA._BROWMANVILLr._ONTAIXO Port Hope spent a day witbil Misses Donna Ruth and Gwen Mercen last week. Sunday Scbool was in the marning. We held aur white gift service. No church service as Rev Trumpoun is ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler at- tended the wedding in Oshawa af their nephew, Mr. Ronald Yarrow and Miss Francis Brow- ehl on Saturday. Miss June Thickson, R.N., Toronto, was home on Satur- day. The W. A. meeting is ta be held at Mrs. C. Mercer's on Wednesday. depasits." he cantinued. "In aur case, the principal increase duning the year was in pensonal savings deposits and thene was same increase in government and bank deposits with a mod- est decrease in the aggnegat.e of other deposits." Loans under the National Housing Act showed an increase af $40,272,000, largely due ta the completian of commitmets made earlien, Mr. McKinnon Other highlights af Mr. Mc- Kinnan's report included: increased by $3,703,000; Increase in profits, ater tax- es, $632,000-. $3,000,000 tnansferned to rest accounit, which was funther in- creased by transfer of $6,000,000 fnom tax-paid and other re- serves. Mr. McKinnon concluded by paying high tribute ta the loyal and devoted service oi the staff. ELIZABETH VILLE The Women's Institute met on Dec. 5 at the home af Mr. and Mrs. William Lewlco. Il was the Christmas meeting. About twenty-five members attended. The meeting was opened by singing carols." The minutes were nead and approved. The[ rail caîl was: "'What I would lîke for Christmas". It was decîded ta make n distnibute Christmas boxes ta the elderly people of the coni- munity. Mrs. Harvey Muldnew and Mrs. H. Thickson were a commîttce ta make the boxes and decide an the number. Other members volunteered ta supplv the items with which we f iii thern. Mrs. Harry Trew took aver the meeting for the program. Prizes Were Given Mrs. Vernon Peacock and Mrs. G. Beebe won the cantest prizes. Mrs. H. Thickson won the one for the lucky chair and Mrs. D. Powell for the lucky cup af tea. Mrs. Howard white read an interesting stary. Mrs. Howard Quantrill gave a report of the W. I. Convention held in To- ronta. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Miss Brenda McCutching of 1qO0NEY <AVAILABLE FOR NqORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Rarrîster and Solicitor 65 Slmncoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 DAY WEDN ESDAY December 2.6th 1 hereby proclaim that Wednesday, Deceniber 26th be designated as Boxing Day in the Town of Bowmanville and requcst ail citizens to observe the same. Nel son E. Osborne Mayor Town of Bowinanville. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN THURSDAY, DEC. 2Mt, 1058 New Year's Eve DANCE VARCOE'S present Cy McLean and His Orchestra HATS, HORNS, ETC. $8.50 per couple - Dancing 9 to ?? Tickets on sale now - For reservations PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1870 Varcoe's Pavilion la - MI- 1 iv PROCLAMATION BOXING