THtTRSDAY. JULY 25th, 1957 TR~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAJRIO PAGE MUS 8c1 YJoungman9s Colurnn . For a hall century, or more,! son, Tennessee Hospital, at the mark of approval, because bis the song of '*Casey Jones" hasi age of 83, fifty-sevcn years fireman. Sim Webb was a ne- been going the rounds. This after the "Carinonball Express" gro, @nd at that tirne. thirty1 scribbler has whistled and had burst through a stalled years afLer the Civil War, ne- hummed the tune rnany Urnes. freigh' train on the Illinui3 groes were conside-ed te b-ý and always supposed it was Central Uine near Vaughn, Mliss.. much beiow the level of whites, just a ditty, nlot based on ac- ýand brought lasting fame to the and therefore. scarcely worth tuai '( was very surprised engineer, Casey Jones. a kind]v thought. to ref-L in the daily press, re-j Mr. Webb was the firemzn No amount of higher educa- cU1tè ,that Simeon T. Webb, on "that big eight wheeier of tion can produce this kind of -4ýMfeed of cancer in a Jack- i nightv fame." and when his courtesy. Youve either got it, e.ngncer. Casey Jones, toid or you haven't. hi, t, j ump for your life", In fact, higher formai edu- rS he did just that. and ,conse- cation often seerns ta show up H old Shower queftly lived for fifty-peven the boors who are only inter-. ,,e ear teenjoy elnth1 seinterubdnasac I n O rono For teCannnbbldlsrn profit by the latter*s efforts. But poor aid Casey, with A true gentleman will ap- Jane Bosgraaf brakes ockedc, and whistle preciate any loyal efforts af his scremin, rde he ocootie sborinaesand will nlot hesi- A mscelaneous shower wa n a ild tate ta show it on appropriaze held in honour of Miss Jane 1hThe fame of the wreck of occasions. Bosgraaf. of Oroilo, Tuesdav h Cannonbaîl grew ta such evening at *the home of Mr-. legendary proportions that the Keith McDonald. Assisting were sang about it has sold millions Mrs. A. Beauchamp. Mrs. T. of copies. and it's possible thatEN ILt Hardy and Mrs. Tolmie. ;Mr. Webb's death may touch Jan ws uheed a heoff quite a revival af this Arn- W.A. held an evening meeting Jane as uheredte Ite ecan "classic." at the home- of Mrs. L. Simnpson chair of hanaur and presented Te ean hd nthr with a fair attendance. Mrs. \vith a lvl. corsage. The Thi emnhc aohrRod Sirnpson and Mrs. Ivor chair xvas decorated with pink close brush %vith death, wheniSprackling conducted the de-1 and biue streamers, and above i egnetCnd arnne votional. Mrs. W. Bowman gave; xere bailoons and belLs flli teen years after the Cnnon- 'a reading and Mrs. G. Bowers vvih onftt whchshowered bailwrc.B this Urne, he ishowed some of their coioured the bride-to-be. had enough, and quit railro ad- slides. About thirty neighibaurs and ing beare- ay thir wrec Mrs. Bert Bentham. Oshawa, friends were present. Mastercod was a weekend visiter at theý Tommnie McDonald and Miss Any time, in the future, that Griffin homesi and with Mr. and Sharon Hardy were dreâsed as I rmay hear the Casey Jones Mrs. Fred Samiis.. bride and groom and present- tune, I wan't just be arnused Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray, Sharen ed a decorated basket filled by a catchy ditty, but xiii MacRae, Mrs. J. Parr and Mrs. with lovely gifts ta Jane. Mrs. think of a brave man, staying G. Bowa pn h vn K. Toirnie read a humoraus at his post beyond the cali of w o rnan. C sent sh awanin poern cornposedt by Miss Shirley duty, thinking enough of his on the occasion of her eighteenth Hardy. fireman's xelfare ta order him biîrthdav. After Jane had expressed her ta jump ta safety., at the rnam- r.WBomnLaaad appreciatian, games and a con- ent that he (Casev) was rid- Ers W. Bowmaen, ELaura alnd test ivere enjoyed. The ca-hast- ing ta certain death. Erd ic, saphe reenEnnklen, r esses served a delicious lunc'i Mv evaluation af a true gen- anto, enjayed a few days last an-d a sociable evening xvas en- tiernan bas always been the xeka h stnctaea joyed by ali. Guests wvere arnount of conzideration he Caesarea. present frorn Bowmanvlie and -,hows for his subordinates. Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stinson, Oshaw Aa. seY Jones carrics the hall An n ainvstdwt the Kiley's at Meritton. We are glad ta report that Mr. H. Bowers is recovering from an appendictomy in Oshawa 00* jg 09. it on..., Miss Toronto 1955, Sheila Billing, shows you how easy Sand profitable it is... .to use Plain End Pipe, Fittings and Couplings- r-----NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED, .---j sales office: 100 Ousen Sreet, Swanse, Tornto 31 Ont. I MAIL iées@ send me a trie Cpy of PE Pipe ud Fittings bookit. I THII THSMAMIE....................a....s&..I COUPON COPM....... *. ......................I y ODAY ADDRESS ......t............... ICITY .......................PROV ................ L---------------------------------' SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. 96 King Street E. Bowmanville, Ontario BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas --àob& . t VIGOR OIL Service .station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor * f 9 GAL. Standard 1OlOcudn a ÇasoIine 3 Vigor 942 A H ig h Test 41Oi cldn a Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN4 EVENINGS ANDfl. SUNDAYS Durham'S Guides Leave for Camp On Pigeon Lake The Durham Division Girl Guide camp will be held from July 22nd ta Aug. it, and will include girls from Millbrook, Coîborne, Cobourg, Newton- ville, Orona, Part Penny and Bowmanville. Those on staff fram Bowmanville wiil be Mrs. R. Patfield, Mns. H. Dunn, Mrs. H. Sturrock, Mrs. L. Allison, R.N., and Mrs. A. J. Frank, Commandant. This is a beautiful campsite on the shore af Pigeon Lake. Sunday, July 28th is Visitar's Day, and friends and relatives are always welcome. If travel- ling by car, follow Highway 36 from Bobcaygeon through Nogies' Creek antd turn at Wa- tening traugh. Wateh for Girl Guide camp signs. BETHÂNY The Omemed Band, dfreted by Ronald Williamson of Peter- borough, pnesented a very fine concert af sacred and seculan music in Bethany on Sunday afternoon. Guests with Mr. A. H. Monk during the past week were Mn. and Mrs. Edward'Howden of Radville,Sask.; Norman Steer of Windsor, and Cameran Monk af ePeterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Emunds and family visited with Mn. and Mns. Reg. McNight at Orillia on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spiers and daughter Donna of Buffalo, N.Y., spent the past week with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Neals, who also had as thein guests on Tuesday, Mn. and Mns. Clarence Endicott and farnîly af London; Mrs. Etta Rea and Miss Marian Rea af Omerne e. Mn. and Mrs. John Stubbins and sans Billy and Jahnny, who have been visiting with Mrs. Stubbins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano for the past manth. left on Wednesday for their home at Knob Lake, Que. Mrs. Ina Palrner is an vacation this week and is hoiidaying with hen brother and sister-in-law. Mn. and Mrs. George Wake at Aj ax. Mr. and Mns. H. F. Rayson of Guelph are guests this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Harold San- derson. Mr. Robent Wheelans, Toronto, spent severai days with Mn. Char-les McMuilen. Mr. and Mns. Walter Tbomp- j son, Peterborougb, were Sunday guests with Miss Lily Thompson. jMr. and Mrs. Edgar Beer and famil.v have returned from bail- days spent at High River, Alta. Dr. John Clark and familv aof Niagara Falls, N.Y., are visiting witb bis mother, Mns. J. J. Clark. Mn. and Mns. Donald Lowes, Mrs., Otto Spencer and William Sheen spent Sunday with friendb at Paudasb Lake. Randy Longfield of Flint. 'Micb., is visiting with Mn. and Mrs. Mansel Wright and other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Capatick and family af Uxbridge. were Sunday guests wîth Mn. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson. Mr. and Mrs, Margan Bigelow and their daughters, Dianne. Sharon and Patricia motored ta Niagara Falls. N.Y.. on Sunday. Miss Eleanor Rowan is in ! Harnilton fan two weeks. a rnern- ber af the Canavan Team who isj conducting a Bible Vacation IScbool la that citv. Mr. and Mns. Mansel W *gbt I [accompanied by Mr. and MIrs. Ormne Millet- af Pontypool spent Sundar witb 'Mr. and Mrs. T.. J. lNMeC leland at Six Mile Lake.* Miýss Manie Cant - i in Toronto, for th:s wveek with Joan Ramsay. Jfamily.Tw, ih M . Port Hope -Scouts Leuave Hailman. ih r. No Offers for Skunks TeMisses Ursula Schiîr- Via Truck For Vancouver gTenseTon, i Gis ndJudiAt Junior Farm Auction The nd artHopeBoyerieftforSudurgther ~ afe Hallman The nd ortHopeBoyerleftforSudurgther frst Mr. and Mrs. P. Leddy and1 Everything except two deod- mittee that included June Wat- Scout Traap were given a rous- avernight camping place. farnily, Town, with r. ndi orized skunks was c'eared at an kins, Diane Scott, Bonny Wilsott ing farewell as they ieft tawn Their departure clinated Mr.J sale spansored by Hope and Elmer Elliott. Satrdylathircovete sx nath a pepraio f rs.J opr Township Junior Farmens at The local 4-H club suppliOd two-ton truck an the first stage the trip, in which the boys Mn.adMs uhn n Garden Hill Friday. Thcse wouid the refreshrnents. The suécess aI 6.42mil tn t th xvstnaied uns trouh n al-farnily, Mr. and Mns. W. Burk, probabîy have gone ta a bidder af the finst auction is likeiY tô coast and back. Signs an the out saivage campaign in the Hai o, iiedMsgH.uh as well had it not been for a iead ta a repeat effort latèr. sides of the truck ~'Vancouver -United Counties. Fiends as- ig faint arorna that lingered on Bev. Grav, said. This 29-year-oid or Bust"' proclaimed their des- sisted in rigging oùt the truck Mr. and Mrs. Gond Major, after they had been operated on farmer is chairman of todaY'i tnto.for a long iaurney. Town, with Mr. and Mrs. R. bv a vet. the previaus dax-. Junior F rners field day at On hn aste 13 scouterF In charge of the party is Halirnan. Bev. Grav x'ho acted as clenk Morrow Park in Peterborough ieft Cavan St. promptly at 7 Douglas Nutten, the tnoop's Mr. and Mns. J. Carlton. Mr. termed this first venture by the whene membens frarn eight coun- a.m wrethe reeve, depuly sou leader. He wilI doa al and Mrs. Pattersan and boy-, r aung Farmers a roaring suc, ties w~ill gathen for a day long reeve, cauncillors, heads af the driving with scouter Bob Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Carlton, cess. The sale went on from pragrarn. service clubs and yauth organ- Warren as standby driver i! and Bob, with Mrs. W. H. Carl- 7 p.m. ta dark and dnew a crowd -________ izations, parents and friends. need be. ton. 1 of more than 400. The original He that bath truth on bis tld* After the Rex'. Judson Coney Everv canceivabie item ta Miss Fay Pim, Mr. M. Bnad.. idea was ta dlean aid rnachinern* y %s a bool as weil ae a cowatÉd if had offered a short prayen. the niake the trip a success bas sbaw. Toronto. Mn. and Msi ues.d ntPesplyîtng sbo ut orrn be is a naidtaopn it becaus scouts clasped bands, boarded been included in the truck's D. Smith, Oakville, xith Mn.,ibue.Pol utn tt p foh' nnsoiin.Dn the býus and escorted by J.C. inventorv-nigbt dawn ta an- and Mrs. E. McCnacken. ta auctian agreed ta ive the Ïcl Defoe. Art 'Nei in he plicecrui- tiote or sake ite.Mrs.JackDunaandvoung farmens a ten per cent-- __________ Art_______inthepolce_________ ____ for______bite.Mrn. r.JkDn and commission ta support district -boys, Tawn, with -The Pick- prolects. ~ *. **.*~ '. 3 '1' ars."However Mr. Gray said that SMn. and Mrs. Ford and Bar- included in theý auction wvere $300-.00 bara, Mr. E. Cook, Toronto,i twa calves. a dog, and several. V-Ç)es ile ~with Mn. and MIrs. W. Leslie.. fowl as xvell as the atone inen- R VV R W est 1 ach lewsMrs. Blackhall. Toronto, Vis-i tioned skunks. Thene wene R WR ited with Mrs. C. Follett. pientv af farmn implements, (By The Beach Comber) Mn. and Mns. Wrn. Currie,. machinery and antiques as well.1 For information leadint té "EEEE", xisiting their claugh- ý Bidding was keen ail throughi the arrs n ovcin - ~ ~ ~ter in Mono Milîs. i MnI. Grav estiniated that $350 retadcnito'0 Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Severs. changed Élands. The voung Iarni- any Person trespassing ON. A very pleasant afternoon holiand x'ery abiy presented Mr. and Mns. Chas. Severs and ers w'ere tortunate ta have the or stcaling from was spent on Friday, July i9 a bouquet of swect-peas ta Mrs. Wayne. Oshawa, at Gary's services aI a mnember with a whenMrs Wi. CurîewasLowe. The iemnainder of thciParadise. poesoa utoerslcne' BOKAF-IGW I whn rs W.Cuni WSev;ening was spent in dancing. iMn. and Mrs. Art Hitche-n,, pffrofessional auctîon er's ine, B RDAEYPKpriNGs. hostess at an altennoon' tea in XVe xvould like at this tirne ta Susan and Michael, Toronto, Cliefoiad Brit ordan i- 1IREI'Poete honour af ber mothen, Mrs. F7. dnaw tbe attention of beachers 1 with Mrs. W. Wonnacott, and soli. assistecd b'ail activ e corn-, Petbick, who celebnated bier and town peopie ta please stop Joan at "The Homstead."- ___________________ 841h binthday. The guests 111- taking aur Lifeguard's boat ta Miss Joan Wonnacatt is home cluded great gnandmothei-s, cross the river. Wbether he is after spending twa weeks witb cbiidre, l f ends and M n y o not the boat is very Mn. and Mrs. Sbewchuk, Win-Th grandrenothe rs, mer fs.a-i n dutay an case af an acci- ana.Th Pehik' i-rnth eah.w dent. Mn. and Mrs. Norm Green aetik' wisb M-.thbiray Vstr A h otgs and Iarniy. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ý"re es m n more ihav bînthys on ow- iton rs.tR.hNChtaiso-Murchinson and famiiy, al af moehppy. Idyso o- Mr n rs .Ncol, -1Mimico, with Miss Edith Rab- manvilie Beach. r onto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. isn Our- weekly euchre was beid Hutchinson and family. i Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Fart at Mrs. Darney's cottage, X. Btian Stephenson, Brookla, Saskatchewan, Alta., with Mr. C., on Tucsday evening. The wvitb Mr. and Mrs. S. Babicb. and Mns. Tom Woodlock. next one wili be held in the Mrq. R. Cunnywonth and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Kay, To. saine cottage witb Mrs. Mush- familv. Toronto, visited with1 rrnto. Mns. Ross; Bankhiam, and ing as hostess. Evenyanie is Mns. P. Conaghan. ji, Bart, Delhi, with Mn. and Mrs. welcorne at these weekly card jMn. and Mrs. A. Lowe and Len Ryder. partes.Bob, *Mn. and Mrs. R. Redman, On Saturday evening Juiy 6 Joan, Daug and Anne, Mn. and a very enjoyabie time was Mns. F. Martin, al af Toronto, .[lUWINS spent ia the dance hall wben Mns. I. Findlay and Carolyn. St. ail the cattagers gatbered for Catharines, with Mrs. Fowler Mn. and Mrs. W. Bennett en- aur Pnesident's Bal. When and Shirley. joyed a ten* day trip. They P p o Cl arrived everyone ioined in a ta, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. But- west ta Niagara Falls stapping 9I &r and march. At eleven P.m. ler and Susan at the store. ta sec the Welland Canal at Fred Cale called on Bob Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Ab Culiy and Thorold, also stopped at Burling- Leisb ta administer the oath farniîy, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. ton Beach and many other places af office, this of course was a Ci (ully and Iamiiy. Town, alang the wav. hmru aeoff very well witb Mn. and Mns. Jack Culiy, Eileen Flunsey, Toronto, spentit Be er g s L n t d done. Gary Cale as page boy "Rendezx-ous". aMrks. W. Benne tt S m t er g s Lit d earried in the symbols of office MsW ent eety for Len Ryder who pnesented Mr-. and Mns. Tam Adair, Mnr. and Mrs. James Ourson them (a chain of office com- Mn. and Mns. John Adair and and famiiy visîted in Toronto o m n il plete with bubbie gum medals family, Oshawa, with Mr. and last Sunday, also Mrs. J. CursonAITO ZE DST BU R and the keys, about 200, af the .Mrs. R. Hailman. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartwick, AT OIE ITIUO beach). Little Miss Karen Mul- Mn. and Mrs. R. Oke and Toronto. GOODYEAR- SETS THE PACffE 3 GO. MORE PEOPLE-RIDE ON_ _-YAR, TIRESTHAN ON ANY-OTHER KINP Freel Free!1 TRURSDAY. JULY 25th, 1057 PAGt Nm THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN. BOWMAXMLE. ONTARIO 4_, ý.i 'w 1