! ~'KT3R8DAY, OCT. Srd. 1957 h - r <1/le /Vewcca4tle Y:i4eprnw4erd Social an ~'~ler friends wiIl be pleased te learu that Mira. Chas. Finhey returned te ber home on Mon- day following treatment at the Toronto Western HospitaL Mrs. Margaret Toplif! o! Peterborough spent the week- end vlsiting with Mr. and Min. Percy Hare. Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Bern- ard and daugbter, Mrs. Marie Jenkini, of Summerside, P.E.I., spent a couple o! days last week visiting with bis brother, Mr. D. M. Bernard and family. Mi'. and Mirs. A. R. Randaîl, Lynda and Eau of Stouffvilie Visited with !riends In 'the vii- lage on Sunday. Mrs. Allan Spencer bas re- turned home following a two ~veeks' visit with ber daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett, at Mayrose Faim, ~. Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard i:~nd Sharon spent Sunday visit- ,, xng with fricnds in Toronto. #~. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osborne ~ ~if Toronto visited with Mr. and - Mia. P. F. Hareon Sunday. Mu. W. W. Cullen o! New York visited with his mother 'recently at Mirs. Parker's Rest Home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Alldread ~ cf Carmen, Man., are visiting ~- with relatives in the village. Mi'. and Mrs. Gordon Batch- elor o! Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mu. and Mrs. [I4~*~. -- ~ ~ -~~- il C. 1. GOULD Warm Air Heating a Specially EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 3686 STHE CA1~ADIA1~ STAT~SMAN'. EOWMAIqV!LL!. O~<TAMOj~,~ Phono 3621 I Personal Stanley Brown and family. Mire. Farncomb LeGre~1ey bas taken over the position cf leader o! the local Cub Pack, vacated by Mi. Alf. Perrin, and the Cubs are îe-organized and ready for the season's activities. The first paper drive by the group will be held on Satur- day, October l2th, at 1 p.m. £0 citizens are asked to save and gather their ohd papers and magazines in readiness. That's a week from thi, Saturday. H. J. Toms' Ready-to-Wea r Expands Store ?iewcastle: Newcastle's busi- ners section is continuing te expand with the addition of an- other store te Howard Toms' ready-to-wear and drygoods de- pautment. The store, recentlv vacated by Lorne Johnson when he moved into bis new drug store bas been completely renovated and is ueady to open as the Ladies' Ready-to-wear and drygoods shop. The former Ladies' ready-to- wear shop bas now been con- verted into a new men's cloth- ing shop where a complete eut- fit o! men's and boys' clothing may be purchased to outfit one from head te tee, inchuding tailored to measure clothing. The renovating o! these shops, the latest cf which is opening this week, bas donc much to add to the appearance o! the local business section as welh as rounding out the local shop- ping facilities. St. George's Evening W.A. Holds Meeting Newcaatle: The regular meet- ing cf the Evenîng Branch o! St. George's Woman's Auxiliary was held in the Parîsh Hall on Wednesday evening, September 2Sth, with twenty-six members in attendance. The Opening Prayers were conducted by President Mus. Dewdney and were followed by reports from the Treasurer, Dorcas and Flower Secretary. A letter o! thanks was read from the Sisters cf St. John at Bracebridge for the seven car- tons o! clothing sent by the Branch last f ail and a com- munication from the Spode or- ganization informed the Branch that it would not be possible to give lectures this faîl, but it was hoped they would be able to come next spring. Final arrangements w e r e made for the card party to be sponsored by the Branch in the Parish Hall on October 9th and initial plans were discussed for the group's annual Christmas Announcing the OPENIN of an ADDITION Annuol Deanery Meeting HeId at Harwood Church Newcastle: The 35th Annual Conference of the Woman's Auxiliary o! the Anglican Church in the Deanery o! Dur- ham and Northumberland was held on Septemter 26th iii St. John'~ Church, Harwood. Nine members from Newcastle at- tended and with the contingent from Bowmanville enjoyed the delightful drive by bus around the shore of Rice Lake. The service o! Holy Commun- ion in the Harwood Church te- gan with the celebrant being the Wins Awards - "- ~'~'~i' Donna Youngblut age 18. daughter e! Mi'. ar-id Mrs. A. A. Younghlut, St. Catharines, and granddaughter o! Mu. and Mus. H. C. Pedwehl, Ncwcastle, has won a number o! scholar-. ships. Writing 10 papeus for college entuance, Miss Young- blut received an average o! 90.3 peu cent. She won the Mrs. Walter Brown Scholarship at Victoria College, University cf Toronto, te the value o! $400 and four years' free tuition. She aIse îeceived the $200 scholar- ship o! the University Womcn's Club o! St. Cathaumes, given annually by the club te the district girl with the highest aggregate cf eight papers in university entrance exams. and was awarded the Edward Blake Scholarship for highest marks in French and Latin, ucceiving $100 cash and $400 toward ber four years' tuition. Miss Youngblut attcnded St. Catharines Col- legiate Institute. Banquet te be held on Decem- ber l8th. Mus. Wilda Simpson volun- teered te notify members on duty fer refîeshmcnts, replac- ing Mus. Audrey Gogerty for the remainder o! the year. il was announced that a Littie Helpers' meeting is bcing plan- ncd for the third Tuesday in October. The remainder o! the meet- ing was spent la sewing, after which the members enicyci dehicieus refrcshments before adj curament. G to Toms' Ready-to-Wear and Drygoods Deparîment Prices Effective October 3 b 12 FRIE GIFT ONE PAIR ~ Ladies' Nylons FREE WITH EACH $10 PURCHASE BLANKETS, Ring-Col and Ibex 70 x 90 - Special $5095 Rayon and Nylon - Pastel Colours ~i575 U~dUAI8~~A~ Satin Round - 72 x 84 Leather $395 b $5.50 LADIES' EI&LA~UDAU~ Assorted Colour BATH TOWELS, Extra Pastel coio~s~i:joPair -_______ $ 1.65 KITCHEN TOWELS 20 x 40 - Pair $1.65 TEA TOWELSI Linen - - - - - - - La. 50c LIED JEANS WITH SHIRT TO MATCH ~ to6yrs. $4.25 SPECIAL BOYS' SET - Plaid Shirt and Corduroy Pants Sizes 2-4-6 Years, Set ___________ _________------- WINTER CLOTHING AND FOOT WEAR FOR ALL 0F THE FAMILY Please Cati and Look H. J. TOMS NEWCASTLE PHONE 2451 Rector. the Rev. David Stiles, assisted by several other chergy in the Deanery. After the ser- vice ail delegates preceeded te the Town Hall where they en- joyed a friendhy gathcring and box luncheon together. The business session began at 1:15 p.m. with the singîng (f the National Anthem and tae W.A. Prayer. Mrs. H. Sirett o! Brighton, acting for the President, Mirs. Keating who was unavojdably absent, wel- comed the dehegates and cx- pressed the hope that the meet- ing wouhd prove helpful and inspiring. A wehcome te the conference on behaif o! St. John's Buanch, was also given by Mrs. Jebnson who said that the meeting together cf ail the Branches in the Deanery at one o! the more iselatcd Bran- ches was a very happy evcnt, giving to them ahi the reahiza- tien o! their union in Christ. The Missionauy address o! the afternoon, illustrated by coloured shides, was given by Miss Doris Tobias cf Chol-Chol, Chue, a representative o! an English Society doing evangel- istic work amengst the South American Indians. The speak- er abhy pertuayed the change brought into the lives o! these neglected peophe by the mis- sion 's work in the schools. They have established for boys and girIs~ and hespital and evan- gehistic work. Mrs. M. P. Wilkinson, Offic- er-at-harge, gave a most stim- uhating and inspiring talk on the work o! "Wcmen in the Church," which cahis fou cxci'- cise cf Christian Love in ahi its fcrms. The secretary reportcd that there were 23 Afternoon and Evening Branches in the Dean- cry with a combined member- ship cf 503 and 200 subscuibers te the Living Message. The collection, which amounted te $92.55 was voted te be divided equahhy between the twe ap- peals - furnishings fer the Nurses Quarters at Maple Leaf Hospital, Kangra: and blankets for the Cburch Army. The incomîng Deaneuy Pues!- dent, Mrs. Fahlis cf St. Thomas W.A., Millbrook, was intreduc- cd te the conference and an in- vitation was ueceivcd from St. Geouge's W.A. Branches te hold the 36th Conference in New- castle iiext year. The meeting closed with the Benedfction proneunccd by th~ Rural Dean, Canon H. M. Bcd- ford-Joncs cf Cebouug and tea was scrved by ladies cf the bosters branch and a very happy and profitable day brought to a close. W.A. Delegates At Conference I n Cannington The semi-annual meeting o! the Bay cf Quinte Conferenc'~ o! the Woman's Association cf the United Church was beld in Cannington on Sept. 23 with about 200 delegates attending. Mus. W. C. Ives, Bewmanville, president, presided at the ses- sions. Rev. Jane Bewcn o! Five Oaks addressed the meeting en the theme 'The God Dimen- sien." She urgcd members te j take this new dimension into their homes and everyday work, fihling the needs cf others and listening te them. "Have we answcrs feu their questions?" she asked. She îcminded mcm- bers that they should be ready at ahi times te pro!ess their faith. She asked them te recruit members for the church and te live collected lives se that they had time for God. Mus. A. A. Crowley intuoduc- cd the speaker. Mrs. W. Ted, presideat cf Canningten W.A., welcomed delegates. Mus. Neil McPhadden presided at the organ. During the day reports were given on the varieus depaut- meats o! the Confereace and discussion greups held. Th~ report o! the Dominion Council was prcsented by Mus. Scott Brandon. 2nd vîce-puesîdent cf the Confereace. A new member o! the W.A. Conference was Mus. McKin- ney. president cf the W.M.S. Preshyterial. Fees te the Do- minion Council were raised te $10. Puevieus te noon recess, a vocal sole was given by Mrs. J. Milîs o! Littie Britain. The ment o! Communion was then administered by the Rev. C. R. Wragg, assisted by 11ev. R. J. McCartea. During luncheon greetings j weue brought from Lindsay by the Rcv. Harrison and the W. MS. Prerbyterial. Mus. A. A. Crowhuust opened the afteraeon session. The topîc xvas ~~Woîshîp," with severi j ~vomcn particîpating. Mis. T. 'I. Ehliott, pasi president, ~vas preseated with a gîfî. Oshawa delegates anaounced the open- ing cf the Soper Mission in November aad asked ail mcm- bers te be present~ Comm ittee reports were read aad a solo was sung by Mus. Milîs. A trio o! Qmemee mcm- bers aise sang. An invitation was extcnded by Qucen Streel Uaited Church in Lindsay to j hold the annual meeting cf Con- I ference there next spring. Attending !rom Bowmanvihlc heldes Presideat Mrs. W. C ~ voere Mr~. W. B. R~'- Fan Osborne and Trustees Supply Power For Lighting Memorial Study Tree Removal Oroîio: The Orono Police Trustees met on Sept. 23 with ail members present. Consider- able time was spent in discus.s- ing tirce removal as to cost and authority on such removals. The Trustees feit that they could give assistance in the removal o! trees that were not safe but that they could not bear the fuli cost o! cutting down trees. Mr. J. C. Gamey approached the Trustees, on behaîf of hîm- self and Mrs. lone Forrester, seeking an agreement to use or buy a piece o! village property ~vest of the Fire hall for the purpose o! a well. The Trustees are to view the site this week keeping in mmd that at some time in the future the fire hall may have to be extended. W'lI Llght Memorlai Mi'. Gamey, representing the Orono Memorial Committee, petitioned the Orono Police Trustees to bear the annual cost of lighting for the Memorial when completed. The Commît- tee, it was understood, wouid p~y ah capital costs in instal- ling the lighting. Mr. Dent poinIe~l out that it would cost the village $15,12 a year for power for two 150 watt spot lights. A motion by S. B. Ruth- erford and H. M. Mercer was passed assuming the cost o! lighting the monument flot to exceed a maximum wattage o! 300 watts. R. C. Forrester pointed out that the east ride cf the Tan- nery Hill had washed out with the recent rains and that some- thing should be done. It was feit that nothing permanent could be done this year, how- ever the secretary was instruc- ted to inform the Counties Road Department of the washout and have it repaired. The chairman stated that both the east sîde o! the Tannery Hili and the east side of the bih at Mrs. Ai- len's should have a roîl curb which should be a project for next year. The Trustees viewed the Up- stairs room floor which it was considered, should be refinish- cd. S. B. Rutherford was auth- orized to obtain an approximate cost o! having the floor sanded and refînished. R. C. Forrester was te contact Lloyd Taylor to have a load cf fili dumped east o! the sidewalk near the north o! the building to prevent wa- ter from drainîng into the base- ment cf the building. It was pointed eut that work on wid- ening ihe road at Mr. H. Cor- nish should be completed this week. The Orono Horticultural Society are also preparing a flower bcd in the V cf the road. Re-Draft By-Laws The secretary informed the Board that the Pedlar's and Trans Trader's By-laws had been re-drafted and that as the Trustees had requested, would [again be presented to the Town- ship Council for passing. In the correspondence an enquiry o! certain information regarding the village and area was requested by a young phy- sician who was considering Or- cao a possible area in which te practice. The Trustees authoriz- ed the secretary to reply to the letter. Tîce Removal Problem R. C. Ferrester stated that a number o! requests had been receivcd seeking the village te remeve certain trees in Orono J which were consideued uasound I and dangereus. He aise pointed eut that the 'I~rustees were net in the position te carry the fuît fmnancîal burden o! cutting down sucb trees nor did he feel that it was entirely their res- ponsibihity. H. M. Mercer was o! a similar opinion but stated that the Trustees shouhd look after it. on which ail agreed. It was pointed out that the Municipal Act prevides, that in the month o! February, local Road Superintendents, Tele- phone Companies and Hydre Commissions o! an area shouhd view the trees and agree on re- moval o! those considered ne- cessary. On this information S. B. Rutherford, seconded by H. M. Mercer, moved that the Orono Police Trustees offer assistance in îemoval cf condemned trees and assistance be sought also from the Counties Couacil, Township Council, Hydre Com- mission and Telephone Com- pany as in many cases ail aie involved. The chairman was o! the opinion that a programme o! rephacing seme bard maple trees should be started. Hydro Commission Meets Fohhowing the village meet- ing the Orone Hydre Commis- sien met, passing accounts in the amount o! $3,430.35 which leaves a bank balance o! $1,- 589.46. Included in tbe accounts was the single payment o! over S 1,400 for the pensica plan for the manager. This paymeat in- cluded past service adjustments and puemiums from the month o! April when the pension went inte force. Monthly payments hy the Commission for the plan will be approximately $3000. Eleven New Service, The manager reported eleven new services in the village, completion o! extending the primarv une down Centre Street except for a few hours' work and the nearing of thc completion cf the new une on the south o! Cob Hill. He also reported on a convention hcld in Peterborough witbin the past xnonth.-Times. MORRISH Sunday School was held et il a.m. There were very !ew present, only twenty-eigbt, wbich is the smallest number for a very long time. There is stii some sickness amcng the junior classes which we trust wil clear up before too long. The session was conducted by I the Superintendent, Mrs. Fred I McConnell. The aduit Bible Chars has also fallen down in number. We really need a Rahhy Day te stir us Up. Next Sunday, October 6tb, is World Wide Communion Ser- vice and the Welccme charge wihl observe this service at Zion Church at il a.m. Sunday Scbool wihl again commence at 9.45 a.m., being the first Sun- day in the month ail assistants are asked to be present if pos- sible. Friday, September 27th the United Sunday School o! Hope Township hehd their annual Rai- ly Day Service In Canton Church. There was a very large number present. Every schoel was well uepresented. The win- ning cf the Banner was anx- ioushy awaited, although Mer- uish would have liked te kecp pessession o! it for another year but Canton Sunday School had been quietly and peîsistently working with that aim in view and SO became the preud pos- sesors o! the Banner. We cer- tainly congratulate tbis large Sunday Scheol and wish them every success. J We are soury te report the sericus motor accident in which Mi'. Donald Bebee, son o! Mu. and Mrs. Ira Bebee, was very seriously lnjured. He was taken I te Peteîborough where be is doing as wehl as expected. Don is one o! our promising young men and we sincerely wish bîm a complete uccovcry lii the net toc distant future. Mrs. M. J. Oshorne, Mrs. D. Haines, Mu. and Mis. Harold Osborne and daughter Karen attended a birtbday party at the home o! Mu. and Mus. Harry Orboune, Welcome, for their son Alhin who celebuatcd his 2lst birtbday on Satuuday, Sept. 28th. We offer Alun oui biuthday congratulations aise though somewbat late. HAYDON A variety concert will be held in Haydon Church on Friday evening, Oct. 4. For parcticu- lars see Coming Events. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, Mr. Ray Ashton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Enniskil- len, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black- burn and family were tea guest.~ at Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn's Sunday, and attended the Thank-offering service. Mr. Bert Ashton and Eddie, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Ty- rone, were Sunday visitors at Mr, and Mrs. IRoy Graham's. Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and family and Messrs Harry and Ray Degeer and Miss Cora Degeer. Mr. Thomas Potts, Miss Francis Potts, Jimmie McDon- aid and Sharon Kennedy, Col- lingwood, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and family. Mr. Thomas Potts is spending the week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trew~r1 and William, Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim and family, Taunton, were Friday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Suas Trewin and Ju- dith, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riddell, Orono, visit- cd Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Mr* and Mrs. Russeil Ander- son and family, Port Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewîns. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtonj I HIGHLY STYLED I MODERATELY PRICED I LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa and Mi'. Ronald Ashton, visited Mrs. Milton Werry, Oshawa, on ber birthday. Mrs. W. Thompsor. visited Mi'. and Mrs. Frank Osmond and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mira. Don MacKen- zie and family and Mrs. A. Mc- Neil, Toronto, at the McNeil home on Saturday. Mirs. W. Martin is visiting Mirs. George Ferguson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mirs. M. Bertrim and family, were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison, Oshawa. Tbank-offering service Sun- day evening was well attended. Rev. F. Jackson took part in on Thursday, Oct. lOth. REDUCE! Helena Rubinsteîn's revolutionary new way to permanent weîght control! Helena Rubinstein'. "Reduce.AId Plan" je the new, exciting, easy way 'to a younger.looking beautiful figure. e Medically tested Reduco. Aid Tableta, thathelpeto cu~h vour cravu Appe.Curb~ ingredient THE "REDUCE-AID PLAN" le based on flelena Rubrnstern's medically-tested 4-Plan Diet Book (above) alone worth 1.00. See the Sunday brunches, bedtime snacks, cake desserts-with no calorie counting! And you'li shed those extra pounda 80 easily that you'il neyer return to over-catingl Special introductory gift purse kit to carry day'e supply, with purchase of ~Reduce-Aid." *T~.J~ (4.week auppîy) 140 tablets 350 Jury & Loveil MA 3-5778 Bowmanvllle - PA0~ TK~TEE?~ the service. Rev. H. A. Turner, St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manvîlle. was guest minister. The Tyrone choir rendered sev- eral selections and Mi'. Gordon Brent ~vas soloist. Baskets o! Fail f lowers and vegetables, etc., were the decorations. Mir. David Malcotrn came home on Friday from Sunny- brook hospital. Sunday School Sunday after- noon at 2 p.m. Churcb Service at 3 p.m. Sacrament will be ad- ministered. W.A. October meeting will be held at the Manse, Tyrone, at Rev. and Mirs. F. Jackson's, 9 There's extra co~fo~... for working .-n or for relaxation~ after a day's work is doue,.. ashes are just a meniory in~ a home that's ou heated. Every noek and corner can b., kext "hospita1'~ dean. 'Se if you want ta b&a flappy Pappy gel your~ue1 ~ ~filled well ahead of time.' ___ BUY ESSO Furnace and Stove Ojis Automatic Metered Delivery Service For the BEST . . Buy your ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS Locally FOR THE BEST IN SERVICE Get ______ ALL-ALUMINUM STORM*SCREEN Wl N DOWS 1h. inoit advanced d.u9 -- - - at a price to fit .very bud. ~get. Insiail 'cm ... forget - 41 emi * Tnp-I-Trac has no chaf~. ing or stouing problem Changes instaniîly (rom storm to screen window * Extruded aluminum (rame gives lafe-time service y - * Interlocking sash gives weather-tight protection * Anodizeci t~eck assures smooth operation ES.. tii. 'Trip-L.Trec' windows NOW Buy locally for beet service CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Cowan Equipment Company 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689 fr1. >~uw. flUor. PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Sepilo Tanks - - Sidewalk Slabs - - Coloured Patio Slabs - - Porches, Sieps - - Curbing - Brooklin Concret. Pvoducts PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collèct Cails Accepted Bowmanville