*.J..~j.. ~----,--....-.-. -.~...............-.............. TRTYRDAY, .:ANq. 23rd, 1958 ~ANAfl!AN UA¶~MAK NOWMANVff.LE OWAWIT~ 'p Ç1~.'k& reec/i (9w1 By Verna Foran and Charlie Trim *iysHouse League baski ~ snow underway withI ganeis being ed at no hour. Each fd Ma"s a team a: tome forms lie two tear Grade nine make up the j,. ior league while grade ten ma Up the intermediate sectic Grades eleven, twelve and thi teen make up the senior di sion. Y On Friday;- January 17 a ve aucces-eful dance was beld raise money to help the St dents' Council put on the Home" which is on Feb. which is on a Friday night. V hope to see everyone there it's up tb you fellows to a JAPPINESS FOR SALE ... 'lie happinew that cornes fromi ýa wel-ordercd life, with wfe anîd children provided for, and the prospect of eventual retire- mient on incomp sijficient for the enjoyrnent of yoîîr Iisuire, can be yoiirs through the assur- ance policies of thie Sun Life .Asurance Comnpany of Canada. Let me seIl you a share in hap- pineaa today. Banner Passant Representative MIA 3-3258 53 Brown S Bowmanviile :et- your favorite girl now before he someone else does. Hurry up on now! ind On Friday evening of last ms- week the Bowmanville basket- in- baIl teams played three games .ke with Oshawa's O.C.V.I. teams. qn, The Bantams gave their coach tir- Mr. Sheridan another big sur ývi prise, this being a 35 to 32 vie tory o,'er the Oshawa tearnE r c i ry The high scorers were John~ to James with 10 points, and Gre Ijy ~ fw u- Cooper with 10 points. ix d Bo l 'At In the junior game B.H.S. 14 lost by a score of 52 to 9. Dan Team Standings Ve Cattran and Gary MCullough Team ..- .w - pt.s s0 were the Bowmanville stars. Ece sk The high scorers were Cattran pcer 2 1 7 with 6 and McCullough with 3. Stringer 2 1 4 The seniors also lost by a Mitchell ____ 1 2 3 large score of 84 to 17 in which Rhds1 2 1 IHartley Lewis scored 8 pcarsts .-.-k 01 32 0 adCharlie Trim score points. 1Averages On Monday, January 20, Gamnes Ave. grade nine and ten heard and E. Brock ___ 3 226' saw our senior band in action. E, Stringer- 3 2 iThe band is practicing for the C. Oke -- ---- - 3 217 festival in Peterborough and, R. Mutton- 3 212 also for the Talent Exchange O. Etcher 3 206 Nîgbt to be held in Ajax on M. Etcher-- - 3 20r6 January 31. Tickets are now H. Brock --------- 3 203 available. $1.00 for the tickets L. Eldridge 3 191 which includes bus fare. A. Hickling 3 189 X There was a dramatic meet- P. Gould -----_ 3 134 ing held at seven o'clock Tues- G. Strînger - -- 3 183 day night of January 21 at the1 R. Mitchell --- 3 180 school. Results of the meeting, J. Richards -- ------- - 3 179, were flot available at press time. Also on Tuesday night B.H.S. junior and bantam boy's bas- ketball tearns travelled to r- Whitby for an exhibition game. J\ c ea o week's paper. Tlaere was a largeByDu crowd out to support the tearns B og l ast Friday night but this week IBowrnanville will play in Co- bourg at 6:30 and their next Minor Hockey borne game will be on Feb. 7 This coming Saturday, Jan- at 6:00 when Cobourg play a' uary 25th, will mark the end return game. i of the Pee Wee and Bantam re- Tht Art Club met last week gular schedules. The league and' they are arranging and playoffs in the t.wo leagues will working on plans for the "Atý Home". get underway on February lst. Home". The smi-finals will be in the Mr. Sheridan who is baving 1 form of a round-robin series - nl the luck at coacbing the wbere each teamn will play every wit tha e.moThe jt a _____________________ MI_ ter wtam e ot on nhetwo the end of the round-robin will advance to Minor Hockey Night to play for the league cham- Ipionsbip. The remainlng four teams wilI playoff for "The Mug"l. The Atom League playoffs Jwill begin on Saturday, Feb- ruary 8th, witb all six teams in the semi-finals. The Atom teams will be using the same playoff system as the Pee Wee and Bantam leagues. Bantam League In the first Bantam league game played last Saturday morning the Braves defeated the Huskies 2-0 to move into sole Possession of first place in the league standings. Ross Turner, Alan Cole (Grant Flin- toff) accounted for the Braves' goals. Monty Emmerson of the Huskies collected the onhr pen- alty of the game for tripping. In the second Bantam game bantam boy's basketball tean, bas now acquired another new player. The fellow arrived on Thursday, January l6th weigh- ing 7 lbs. and 12 ozs. Ris name is John Melvin Sheridan. The coach says that John isn't ready for action yet. Congratulations to you and your wife on your (Intended for hast week) As everyone probably knows by now B.H.S. students got back their long-awaited exam papers and by a lot of marked papers we can nlainly seehriw mucrh ;h Average ing"League IB. Mitchell--- 3 178 3B. Edmunstone - 3 176 7D. Edmunstone - 3 176 5A. Spicer 3 175 4D. Mutton____ 3 173 H. Bromeill____ 3 168 3 D. Reynolds 3 168 IA: Holdstock ___ 3 166 C. Mutton-_ __ 3 162 C. Evans- . 3 16o E. Bromeil 3 157 P. Bartelis 3 156 D. Charles .___ 3 152 J. Eldridge 3 150 J. Cox -------- 3 147 M. Hickling 3 135 E. Cox ----- 3 134 C. Reynolds---- 3 131 B. Charles --------- 3 133 J. Evans--- 3 123 R. Spicer 3 1 03 1High Single---O. Etcher 275 High Triple --- E. Brock 679 High Average--- E. Brock 226 n~ 5kfevteews gIas Rigg the Tigers defeated the Pirates 3-1 to keep within one point of the league leading Braves. Terry Black (2), Tom Stacey collected the Tigers' goals. Jimn Scott, Larry Pearce, Ray Crom- bie, James Rickard and Paul Gearing each picked up an as- sist on the Tigers' goals. Alex Wiseman scored the lone Pirate goal late in the final period. Ray Crombie (slashing) and Jim Scott <charging) of the Tigers each collected two minute pen- alties. Alex Wiseman (elbow- ing) picked up the only Pirate penalty of the game. In the third and final Ban- tam game of the morning the Lions came to life in the final period scoring five times to de- feat the Cubs 5-1. David Wer- ry (3). Larry Jamieson and Don Bagnéll were the goal scorers for the Lions. Don Bagneli (3), Scott Essery (2), Nelson Yeo and John Bruce picked up as- slsts on the Lions' five goals. Gord Rundie (Roger Meadows) scored the lone Cub goal. Joe Bothwell (kneeing) and Gord Rundie (tripping) of the Cubs picked up the only penalties of the game. Pee Wee League In the first Pee Wee game of the morning the Hawks and R. Wings played to a 1-1 tie. The tie for the R. Wings dropped them into third place in the league standings. David Kerr (Art Foran) scored the Hawks' goal mid-way through the final period. Gene Balson tied the score for the R. Wings with only three minutes of play left in the game. Bill Budai of the Hawks collected the only pen- alty of the game for tripping. In the second Pee Wee game of the morning the Canadians defeated the Rangers 2-1. Da- v'id Williams and Ted Brown scored the Canadians' goals. Alan Osborne (David Thomp- son) accounted for the Rangers' Atom League 11:45 a.m.-Barons vs. Bisons Midget League 3:00 p. m.-Raiders vs. Cornets 3:50 p.m.-Orphans vs. Dod- gers Games echeduled for Mon- day, January 27th are as fol- lows: Atom League 4:30 p.m.-Rams vs. Hornets 5:10 p.m.-Indians vs. Bears Junior Stamp Collectors There will be an organiza- tion meeting on Thursday, Jan- uary 3th, in tbe Green Room at the Lions Community Cen- tre at 7:00 p.m. to organize a Junior Stamp Club, elect offi- cers, and draw up a gene.rql operating plan. AUl junior collectors are in- vited to attend this meeting. The. meeting will be under the direction of Mr. D. R. Morrison, President of the Senior Starnp Club. Bring your albums, and stamps if you wish. Junior Variety Club The Junior Variety Club un. der the Direction of Mrs. Fred Cole held its first meeting last Friday afternoon at the Lions Community Centre. Mrs. Cole reported that the Variety Club intends to present a programme based on the bis- tory of Bowmanville, in keep- ing with the Centennial Cele- brations. The Variety Club holds its re- gular meetings every Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Lions Community Centre. There is no charge for this group and it is open to both boys and girls 6 to 13 years of age. E. Pickard IWins Crests l n Bowling Eleanor Piekard was present. ed with two Junior Ladies' Bowling Council of Ontario crests Saturday, for ber bigh single of 328, and high triple of 714, durîng the first haîf cf the Teen Age Bowling League Schedule. Alex Wiseman received a crest for bis high triple of 660 in the Boy's League. The pres- entations were made by League Supervisor Jack Munday. Barbara Brown took botb the bigh single ý2l6) and bigb tri- ple (525) at the alîeys on Sat- urday. In the Boys' League John Rundle had 268 for the high single and Lowell High- field liad the higb triple with bis three game score of 645. Tcam Standing-Girls C. Oke ----- l 6233 V. Brown 12 6201 B. Brown __- 10 5864 E. Pickard------__ 4 5651 Teani Standing-Boys L. Highfield 15 7922 K. Park ___12 '7879 L. Piper ----- _ ill 7864 A. Masterson 1 7700 Whitby Down Legionnaires study'ýingylwel baveltow dolbyIisslued inlthis gaine. lin 9-3 Score next exams. In the third and final Pee Volleyball bas almost been Wee game of the rnorningr the Whitby Juveniles tbumpedi completed now. Fiftb form won B'-uins and Leafs played'to a Bowmanville Legionnaires 9-3, over 12B to capture the senior 2-2 tie. The tie Ieft the Leafs at Memorial Arena Wednes- titie. The score was 19-15 for in first place one point ahead day of hast week, to move into 13. of the second place Bruins. Rae a first place tie with Lindsay Talent Night Pickell (Gary Down, Bob Sleep) in the Lakeshore J u v e n il1 e Arrngeent hae benand Gary Down <Rae Pickell) Hockey League. Aad goreTent Nht"ee accounted for the Bruins' goals.. BiH Lundmark and Len Bob- madefor"Talnt ight, o Graydon Colville scored both bie scored first period taies Friday evening, Jan. 31. This the Leafs' goals with Larry as tbey put the visitors ahead is a competition between scho- Hatelv and Wayne Wray get- 2-h in the opening stanza. Ross ols for a suitable ,award. It will ting: an aszist. David Allison of Williamns counted the hone be held at Ajax High School. th' Bruins picked up the only Bowmanville goal of the per- Admission is 50c and is restrîc - enalt3' of the game for trip- ld. ted to students of B.H.S. The. ig Lundmark continued to pace trophy for the best school per- ig forrnance will be presented by Atom League Whitby in the second as be f , notched a bat trick to boost the judges and a prize for the In the Atoîn League gaine their lead to 5-2. Gary Bagneli Ibest individual performer wil I played last Saturdlay mornîng s c o r e d the only Legionnare be provided by Ajax High!1 the Ranis defeated the Bisons jSchool.c 5-0. John Hughes (4) and Jef f goal of the period. Announcernents will be made Gilhooly were the goal getters in tersecon d as e sor at B.H.S. in the near future re- for the Rains. Terry Devitt, in h eoda esoe H arding tickets, performe-s. etc. John Hughes and Henry Kooy prairWhedPa inl an. obrd1 1 This "Talent Night" will be collected assists for the RainsLueriaddo ed sinl.olMar bandled by the Literary Soc- The win moved the Rains ntc ersngtth ia olfr iety. a third place tie with the In- the hornesters. Basketball News dians. Results of Frciv' bsktbl In the first Atom League gmsare a olos;I tegaine played last MonCom bines Take bantarn garne the boys lost by nnthe estganeofctme useason mbies N a score o! 35-33 in overtime. to ef es at the the pa n - I Tis as vey brilin ganedians 8-0. Ricky Gay led the a a e in which Brenton Hughes was Hornets' attack by scorîng 1 the star even thougb be didn't eegolan sitnonhe1Bw nvl -On Cm score a single point.'Ale-x Wise- teen goas andelassisting n theineBoman vîle - Orno Cond man was bigb sco-cer with 10a oaer.nWrandel ickeforuphe bines t se five thîrd eriod pitan JonJmshd8'agaan anaisfoth goltoustNpneItre points.adJonJmea Hornets. Dan Wilkins of the diates 10-5, in an exhibition Ion thejno gm h ig Hornets picked up the onlv pen- hockey match at Napanee Tues- In he jusNiormag ameshe highaty of the game for elbowing. day evening. scorerpoins.niornJ s w de In the second game of the. Junior West and Gerry Rob- feated by 53-25. afternoon the Bears defeated inson gave Combines an early On Jan. 13, B.H.S. phayed the Barons 1-0 to move into 2-0 lead in the opening minutes aganstPor Hoe i al thee olepossession o! second place of the first period. Njapanee diviionsofHope in aiktl thre oe points bebind the league bounced back to tie the score t~5o0it By'sbasetbilleadîn g Hornets. Brian Forsey in the final minutes of the league. B.H.S. bantams defeat- 1 1 ed Port Hope 68 to23. G. Coop scored early in the final per- frame. er ws hgh corr wth 0 id for the Bears. Chris Quin- Second period goals by Max! pts e d Josihnscareswh 207.ton <hooking. Brian Forsev Yourth, ,Junior West and Ax j pint ad JhnJams ad 7.(hooking), Peter McCullough Rennick ,.ave the Combines a~ The juniors lost by a score (tripping) and Brian Forsey i 5-4 edge-going loto the final o! 28 to 23 in overtime.* The(hligtepc)ote arsan. high scorer \vas G. McCullouRh(hligtepk>othBasstn. witheigt pints Jae at-accounted for aIl of the pena!- Dean West clicked for the J tran and Twist each had 4 ties mn the gaine. i \vinning goal eariv in the third points.Garnes scheduled for thk' period and Rave West, Svd Ar- peornteaiwsdlae vcmn auds.r sfol%,.: od hc rsrn n r Senor ear ws dfeaedhy omîg atudavar asfolow: Rnl, ck Arrd nsrgand Arn-c 38 to 20 and H. Lewis was high Pee Wee League 1Rgenns. de nrrnesn ma vt sxpit. 7:t0 a.r.-Leafsvs aàin' Co bourg goalie Clarke Soin- Girls are practiýing basket- 7:45 a .m.-R. Wings vs. Bruîîý. merville gave a workrnanlike bail and there are t Wo age (Clean Ice> performance in the net3 for .roups. junior and senior h :0am-Rnesv.B Corbinee in the absence of ne- first re-ular tou'rnarnent -wil ak ua oleRs ae be in iiowrnanvi1le on Jan.31.Has gurgoleRsHwe On Jan. 17, o C.V.î. %vill Bantam League on- c . t:and ou- teirm' 9.20 a.n.-Pira'cs v,7. Lions The cow fhougl-d l'or a uhile 1'e ~ ~ S A -ý cIcn :eand Fa ci gent lv....ui t's he,- md 'iv a -ce:kra]1 zeasoîî as 10.>2 ()arn. ('tbs vs. Bravcs cau e ,ve give while we're sîfl zood aa the football ont. à -1;105 a.m.-Tîgers va. Huskies. living". MAPLE GROVE Evening Auxiliary will meet at Mrs. Stephen Dayle's home k Thursday (tonight). Mrs. Dan Holmes was at Day- idson, Mich*, attending the fun- eral of ber aunt, Mrs. Jean Brown. Mrs. Myles Stoughton, Osha- wa, visited her brother Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke. ziffl Very glad to know Mrs. D. Laverty and little Randy Hall are home from their stay in the. hospital. Mr. Cecil Milis spent Sunday with bis father Mr. Charles Legionnaires iMills, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and family were Friday eeigdn W in11- 9 O e ner guests of Mr. adMs ap Virtue,, Enniskillen. Sorry to hear that W. Ht. Port P rry «Mick" Brown is in bed with the Po t eryflu. Hope be'll be u on The Bowmanville Legionnaires Couples Club ended their tbree-game losing The Couples Club held the s lump Monday nigbt as they de- first meeting of 1958 on Jan. 8 feated their hosts 11-9, in a wide at Maple Grove Church. Mr. open Juvenile hockey game at Ho;ward Bradley, retiring presi- Port Perry. dent, opened the meeting. A Port Perry gained a slim 3-2 short business perîod followed. first period lead, but Legion- Jack Hurrie read the 's1ate of naires came back strong in the officers and they are as follows: middle frame to take an 8-5 Presidents-Keith and Shirley edge, and they neyer looked Crago; Vice-President-Howard back. and Florence Cryderman; Sec'yi le hs-Jim and Betty MacGregor; Captain Archie Crossey ehi Treas.-Doug and Dorothy Oke; squad to the victory as lie count- Welcoming Com.-Howard and ed a hat trick. Rot Pollard and Myrtle Bradley, Marg and Carl Gary McCullough shared a four Down, Sim and Martha Pen- goal effort, while Ross Williamns, found. Irving Gui, Alex Alexander and Howard Bradley spoke a few Bob Marjerrison added singles. words of appreciation for the co-operation given to hlm and his wife in the past year, and then called on Keith and Shir- T hird Period ley Crago, the noigpe- Outbursi Gves duhdbyService was con-I O utb rst ives ductd byMr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie and Ruth MacMillan. Lindsay'W'/n Jc Paul Raby scored four third period goals to give Lindsay Night Raiders a 7-3 win over Bowrnanvîlle Legionnaires in Lakeshore Juvenile Hockey League action at Memorial Arena Tuesday night. Forward Bob Mari errison of the Legionnaires went out of the game early in the final per- iod with a severe nose bleed, the resuit of a stiff body check which occurred as he was lead- ing an attack in over the blue- ine. May Have Broken Nase He was treated by Dr. I. Rundle and was back in the dressing-room at tbe end of tbe game. The seriousness of bis injury was at that time unde- termined. However he may have suffered a broken nose. Ken Anderson scored the opening goal of the game at 8.57 to give Raiders an early edge. Ten, minutes later Ron Pollard clicked on a pass from Marjerrison and Archie Cros- sey to tie the count. - Lead See-sawu Paul McCullough tallied the first goal of the middle frame to put Bowrnanville ahead 2-1. Bert Brumwell knotted the score again at the midway mark and Alvin Tully regained the lead for Lindsay at 14.08 on a pass from Brumwell. Erie Carleton tied the score just 21 seconds later. He blast- ed a sizzling long shot that found a hole in the corner. Has Outburst Raby started his scoring spree at 2.13 of the third period. His first goal wvas a rebound that he banged in from in front. At 9.01 he slapped Grozelle's shot from the blueline past Curt Vanstone for his second. His bat trick was completed at 15.49 when be caught a small opening in the lower left corner and sank the rubber into the nets. Just 23 seconds later lie took a pass in front and tipped the puck into the right corner to give Raiders the vîctory. Charles Anderson, Plant Safetyý Inspector at the General Motors¶ He told of many ways to pre- vent accidents and not to forget the simple home remedies that are very effective, such as milk in case of poison, or puils being taken; saît and soda to heal wounds and burns. To end his talk Mr. Anderson demonstrated artificial respiration with the help of his daughter. Mr. Wally McKnight, accom- panied by Eileen Dowvn and Mr. Somerscales, p]ayed several very enjoyable selections. Lunch wai served by the group in charge. Next meeting at Ebenezer Church on Feb. 6. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weeke% Toronto, withi Mr. and Mrs. Cie. land Lane. M.and Mrs. Len Green, Highand Creek, with Mr. and IMrs. Sid Brown. Miss Carol Reichrath with Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Cobourg. Mrs. Sadie Moffat, Toronto, with Mrs. Ralph Boughen. Congratulations to Mrs. Chas. Reid who wvas 84 on Jan. 2lst. Mrs. Reid is at present living with her daughter, Mrs. Ken- neth Smnith, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cox, lwho spent the past month wvith relatives in California, returned lbore on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son Michael and Mrs. Ken Ware, Toronto, with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mrs. Albert Donoghue held a miscellaneous shower Thursday evening for Miss Winnie Stacey who is scon to be rnarried. Visitors wi.th Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Selway and daught- er Patsy, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Greenfield, Bowmanvilleq and Mrs. Howard Bellamy, Orono. R MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville FREE.. Brake Adjusfmenl with every Lubrication or Oil Change 7- SPECIAL COMPLUTE SIMONIZE * (Any znake of car) Special 0.00 This Week $1 PROTECT YOUR CAR FINISH FOR WINTER DRIVING MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville' PUBLIC SKATING - Friday, January 24 8 - 10 p.m. Aduits 40c Children 25c Saturday, January 25 INTERMEDIATE "A" 8:30 p.m. Port Hope VS. Bowma nville Orono Combines ADMISSION------------Aduits 75c for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children - 0 Tuesday, January 28 HOME AND HOME SERIES HOCKEY 8:30 P.m. U.S. National (Olympic) Hockey Team vs. Bowmanville Orono Combines ADMISSION ----------Aduits $1.00 for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children---------50C Tickets must be picked up by Saturday_ Wednesday, January 29? Children's Skati'ng 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Aduits accompanying cildren - - - 25e~ Wednesday, January 29 JUVENILE 7:00 p.-. Port Perry VS. Legionnaires JUNIOR d"C"o HO0CKE Y 8:30* p.n. Newma rket" vs. Rob$p n PQntiacs (Ticket Seil NN. 9 Valid for This Game) ADMISSION ..........AdvIlts 50e Students and Children - - - - - - 35c Robson Motors Lim.tedi BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.CTRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA ý3-3321 * . £ *.T ;. f COMPLEUE NOTOR TURE-UP COMMLEE ALIGNNERT 'AND WHEEL BALANCING i - Pi PACM "M eANAI)L« 9TATMM". DOIrStAlMnl.& ONTAPUO