- ~ ~ <a. ' 4<' SI ~'t 5~-S flSt* <- V ~ ... *. t!AWAIWAW rn'PA'PU!rnIIA W U7iWIlA1.?Y~VV V V ~ A w~ a e e. - -- -- - - Newtonville Institute Enoyed Travel TaIk By Mrs. S. Lancaster Newtonville Women's Institute time spent with the Van Allens met Jan. 15 in Mrs. Rednap's at Hagerstown, farmerly of beautiful new home in New- Newtonville. Here they saw castle with an attendance ai 21 George Washingtan's first manu- mnembers and two visitons, ment, and the home ai the John President Mrs. Milligan was Brnown whose name is well in her place In spite af her brok- known in sang. It is now a en arm. Treasurer Mrs. Samis Negro school. reported a balance af $45.75. At Shenandoah they visited Tickets are to be sold for a the cavenns, with their intenest- lovely wool blanket. Plans were ing rock formations. At Marine made for a card party. Land they saw the display oi Mns. Rednap, convener ai the about 5,000 different kinds af group, welcomed ail ta her fish. Here, tao, they watched home, and called an Mrs. W. the trained porpoises perform- Farrow for a reading «'A Gard- ing. At Silven Springs, with its en.,)beautiful clear water, they en- Mrs. S. Lancaster gave an in. joyed the glass-bottomed boats. teresting account af the Christ- In Washington, planned tours mas vacation which she, her made it easier ta see the most husband and daughten spent in interesting things, among them the U.S.A., where they found the Lincoln and Jefferson Mem- the decorations of the season orials. Here, too, is the cerne- 'very beautiful. Among the tery containing the body ai the highlights of their trip was the unknown soldier, always guard- ed, the "'changing af the guards"' taking place every hour. At do Alexandria is the George Wash- ~t ington Masonic Temple. Here the doctor cut the cord in the a cdock when Washington died, so that it neyer went again. Christmas Day was spent at Daytona Beach wîth Florida hie scenery, but a Canadian style turkey dinner. e a ~ Mrs. Lancaster feels that her holiday wvas ail too short, and wants ta see more ai the "far I away places". J* Mrs. Rednap and the group .imLi~JIserved a delicious lunch. Mrs. ~W1E,~WIC. Brown received the "lucky 0 cup" prize, and Mrs. W. Reid ~ 4 the "lucky chair" prize. 1) Weekly Report . ........For the week of Jan. 13 - 19 IAdmissions ______57 Births-8 male, 3 female il Dischanges 72 Major operations 8 a ~Minon operations -____17 - Emergency treatments ~ 121 I Visiting hours: 2:30-4:30 p.m. and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. HAYDON Golden peach halves, tree-ripened to lusclous perfection I vvU3 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and Eleanor,, Bunketon, wene Sunday evening visitons at Mr. and Mns. J. Potts. Mr. and Mrs. John Fanget, Ajax, Miss Claudette Beauche- min, Mn. Scott McWhiter, Osh- awa, - at Mn. and Mns. Clem Rams. Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Mel Bertrim's wene, Mn. and Mrs. Chivens and family, Toronto; Mn. George Bentrim, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifiord Tnewin, Bowmanviile, at Mn. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge's and Mns. Wm. Tnewin's. Mn. and Mns. Mel bertrim visited his parents, Mn. and Mrs. George Bentrim, Crow Lake. Mn. and Mns. Alfred Garrard, I ,TYRONE MILL Is Ready for Business UNDER THE NEW PROPRIETOR MR. JOHN THiORNBECK Mr. Thornbeck has completely re-modelled and ire- fitted the milI and is ready to serve you with: a OLLING To Your Satisfaction m MING PHONE MA 3-5316 WE PICK UP AND DELIVER We hope to enjoy the patronage the former owners, Luther Goodman and Harvey Partner, shared ini the past.I ICE CREAMI SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME WE AREý OFFERING CENTRAL SMITH ICE CREAM AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES a a u a a * * a a a $144 79c 41 c Bowman ville Frigid Locker System King St. W. Phone MA 3-5578 Evolution of Bowmanville Hiigh School 1890 - 1957 Sixty-seven yeans have passed since the first Bowmanville High School building, pictured top left, was erected. The fine Victorian edifice was opened with pride, pomp and ceremony on Dec. 12, 1890, by the Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister ai Education. The building cost anound $15,O00 and had four classrooms, an assembly hall, cloak and ne- ceptian rooms. Mr. M. M. Fen- wick was principal. A. A. Post was the architect and J. Jewel and R. Worth the contractors. By 1929 an addition was necessary. The aid towen and teachers' entrance were remov- ed and an addition erected in front ai the 1890 building. Buit by the Herod Construction Ca. ai Mimico, it cost $100,000 and con- tained classrooms, science rooms, assembly and gymnasium. This is the building pictured second fnom the top. In 1951 B.H.S. became a part oi Durham District High Schçol Area and increased attendance and introduction ai shop work made more space necessary. An addition was begun in 1954 with a furthen addition in 1955, con- taining classrooms, home econo- mics and shop roomis and large gymnasium. These are at the east side and back of the original building. Total cost for build- ing and furnishings was around $530,000; architects were John I B. Pankin Associates, Toronto, and contractons Bradford-Hosh- RI Associates, Port Hope. Officiai apening ai these ad- ditions, pîctured bottom left, %vas held Nov. 28, Dr. C. F. Can- non, Chief Dinector ai Education tor Ontania, in attendance. L. W. Dippeil was principal in 1929 and is still the capable principal of the greatly enlarged school. 'with hen parents, Mr. and Mns. Lamne Gniffin, Blackstock, Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mns. Leslie Graham visited Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gra- ham Tuesday evening. Jim and his fathen attended the hockey match at the Bowmanville Anena. Mn. and Mns. Ronald Rahm spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Angus MacDermid, Strat- fond. Kathy, Judy and Kevin Rahm with their grandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Orono, aven the weekend. W.A. ladies are quilting sev- enal quilts for the Fred Victor lssian, Toronto. The public school teacher and pupils are planning a social evening at the school house on Friday evening, Jan. 31. A Sunday Schaol meeting wlil be held in the Church on Tuesday evening, Jan. 28. S TARK VILLE' Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark and iamily were dinner guests at Mn. John Stark's, Saturday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Farrow visited hem sister, Mns. Widdus, in a Peterborough hospital last Thunsday. Mr. and Mns. Walter Simpson, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mms. Bert Trim, Sunday. Congregational meeting was held at Mn. Morley Robinson's, Monday evening, when ahl thé church reports were presented and business discussed. The ladies served lunch. Mn. and Mns. John Stark and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Logan, Manvers Station. Last Friday evening about 50 gathered at the home ai Mn. and Mns. Len Falls where the young people enjoyed skating and their parents played cards. A de- liciaus lunch was senved ater the skating. Miss Norma Hallowell, New- castle, is spefiding a few days at home. Weekend visitons at Mn. Llew Hallowell's wene Mn. Maurice Halloweil and Miss Coleen Falls, Tononto; Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Caswell and Leslie, Mn. }lugh Westheuser and Miss Gwen Stark. The ladies ai Shiloh W.A. met at the home ai Mrs. Percy Far, row, Wednesday evening last week with the President, Mrs. Carl Todd in charge. The scipture lesscpn was read by Mrs. Gardon Tnim with the cam- mentary by the president; Mns. Brenton Farrow gave the trea- suer's repart for the past year, and giving aven ta the present treasurer, Mrs. Gardon Trim. Aften the Mizpah Benediction a cantest was conducted by Mrs. Todd followed by lunch. The next is pending and will bc announced Jater. Haydon Hears Reports 0f Church & S. School Haydon: The Annuai Congre- Beryl Read, Mrs. W. Lovenidge, gational meeting was held in Mrs. L. Slemon; Pastonial ne- the chunch an Thursday even- latians, Mrs. H. Crossman; Com- ing, Jan. 16, Rev. F. Jackson mittee ta fix church doons, pnesiding. Mrs. Lloyd Slemoni Kenneth (1raham, Wilbur Black- was appointed secretany fan the burn, John Potts. meeting. Reports were given At the close af the Congrega- by the Sunday School tneasur- tional meeting the Sunday er, Mrs. J. Potts. Secrètary Schoal meeting and election ai treasurer ai Stewards, Mns. A. officers for 1958 followed. 0f- Read, gave Stewards' repart. ficers are: Supenintendent, Wil- Report ai M. & M. Fund, Mrs. bert Blackburn; Assistant, Ken- Leslie Graham, Mrs. C. Garnard neth Graham; Secretary, Mns. the W.A. report. Ail reports -H. Cnossman; Treasurer, Mrs. were very gratiiying. J. Potts; Pianists, Ina Benyl Rev. F. Jackson gave a report Read, Lynda Potts; Fiower ai the Haydon Session ai mem- Committee, Mrs. K. Cowling, bership, marriages, baptisms Mrs. W. Martin; Cradie Rail, and bunials. Mrs. K. Cawiing. Rev. F. Jackson extended Teachers - Beginners Class, thanks toalal the anganizations Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. J. Potts; for the splendid work accom- Primary Class, Mrs. A. Read, plished during 1957 and for Mrs. C. Garnard; Junior Class, their loyal support ta the W. Bla£kburn, Mrs. C. Garnard; church. Intermediate Class, K. Gnaham, Rev. Jackson expressed his C. Avery. thanks ta Mr. Milton Slemon Sunday School vated $35 for for bis faithiulness as teacher M. & M. Fund. It was voted ta ai Bible Class. Mrs. Leslie Gra-- give pnizes for regulan attend- ham extended a vote ai thanks ance at Sunday School, Mrs. J. ta Mrs. Arthur Read as argan- Patts ta get pnizes. It was vot- ist. ed that Mrs. Read have ten Stewards are, L. Graham, A. minutes for sangs aiter the ap- Trewin, H. Ashton, W. Lover- ening ai the Sunday School. idge; Sec'y-Treas., Mns. A. It was decided ta hold Sun- Read; EIders, L. Sleman, C. day School Anniversary Ser- Avery, W. Blackburn; M. & M. vice in June and supper fol- Treasurer, Mrs. L. Graham; lowing. Further plans wil be Ushers, Kenneth Graham, made at the Sunday School Wayne Blackburn; Pianist, meeting on Tuesday evening, Mrs. A. Read; Assistants, Ina Jan. 28.1( Tyrone United Church Reports Successful Year Tyroine: About 35 members ai the Tyrone United Chunch congregatian met Saturday, Jan. 18 in the Sunday School noom whene they sat down ta a delicious pot luck dinner. This was followed by the an- nual business meeting with the ministen, Rev. Fred J. Jackson acting as chairman and Mns. David Cnaig as secretany. The session repart was read by the ministen showing a ta- tal membership ai 150. There were four baptisms, five mar- niages and one bunial in 1957. The Tyro Boys' report show- ed a balance ai $83.30 with which ta begin the new year. The Young People raised $60.- 36 in 1957. The Mission Band sent $34.- 93 ta the W.M.S. Presbyterial, and the Baby Band $17. The W.M.S. with a membershîp of 19, raised $203.67 ai which $172.93 was nemitted to the Preshyterial, treasurer. The thnee units ai Tyrone W.A. have a combined mem- bership ai 40, raised $593.87 in 1957. and aiter expenses in- cluding a generous grant ta the Sunday School Building Fund, have $"&83& with Wh" hto 1 ;stant 1958. The Tyrone Sunday iSchaol givings amounted ta $495.50 for the year and made a donation ai $280 towards building the new Sunday School room which was dedicated at the anniversary services May 19. Givings ta the Missionary and Maintenance Fund from ail sources came ta $436.67. Mr. Leon Moore read the! statement ai the Board ai Stew- ards, reporting a balance ai $316.70. The Bethesda Cemetery Board, after paying expenses, have a credit ai $616.66 at the end ai 1957. A well-attended decoration day service was held at the cemeteny last September. Mrs. Howard Philp gave an1 oral account ai the n'èwlv-form-! ed Explorers' Group which has: a membership ai about 20> The following report was brought in by the Nominating' Committee: Session: Fred Smith' ta serve 1 year, Walter Vaneyk 2 years; Albert His 3 years; Frank Werry 4 years; and How- ard Brent 5 years; Stewards: Arthur Hamilton, Ralph Glas- pell, Howard Philp. PercY Wer- ry, Riaymonïd Clapp. Clarcii-e1 'Woodley. Leon Moore, Franc Johnston, J. C. Cook. Trustees: J. D. Broome, H. Skinner, J. His, L. Moore, R. Virtue, D. Stainton, R. Sim, W. Jewell, J. C. Cook; Ushers: J. C. Cook, L. Phare, A. Hamilton, L. Moore, Pastoral Relations: Albent Hiîls; Prepanation ai Elements: Mrs. John Hilîs, Miss Jean Philp; Nominating Com- mittee: E. S. White, Mns. Don- ald Stainton, Tom Pleasance, Mrs. Lamne Annis. Missionary and Maintenance: E. S. White, Mrs. Ralph Glàs- pell, Mrs. J. D. Broome; Beth- esda Cemetery Board: Frank Werry, Fred Smith, Russell Vin- tue, Ross Pooley, E. S. White (treasunen); Auditors: Percy Werny, J. D. Broome; Choir Leader: Mrs. Gordyn Brent. Votes ai thanks wene tender- ed the two retiring arganists, Miss Grace Smith, and Mns. Donald Davey for their faithful senvices.In addition the congre- gation expressed its thanks ta Mn. Leon Moore fan his dili- gence and efficiency as treasun- er ai the Board 0f Stewards; Mr. E. S. White and Tom Pleas- ance for their splendid leader- ship in the Sunday School which. has shown an encounag- ing increase in attendance in the. past manths, the W.A. for their successiul supper canvass an behali ai the Board ai Stew- ards. Mn. Jackson expressed his appreciation ta officiaIs and cangregation who had support- ed him, and thanked those who had voluntarily contributed thein labour in the construction ai the new Sunday School room. TYRONE The West group af W.A. met at the home of Mrs. K. Colbary with ten ladies and six child- ren present. Mrs. Otto Virtue is visiting Mns. T. Findlay, Thornhiil. Mn. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott and Ross, Tononto, recently were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford All, dread, Bownianville. vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Sympathy ta Mrs. John His on the passing aof her father, Mr. A .E. Beilman, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Annie Hatherly visited with friends ln Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Law, Sherry and Shannon, Whitby, were Saturday suppen guests af Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent. The East gnoup of W.A. held a quiltlng at the home af Mrs. Fred Jackson this week and the West gnoup held a quit- ing bee at the home af Mrs. Albert His. A speedy necoveny toalal the people who are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton English and Paul, Bridgenonth, visited Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue were dinner guests af Mr. auj Mrs. Murray Tabb, Bowinan. ville. Mrs. C. Shaw, Oshawa, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. E A. Virtue. Mr and Mrs. Albert Hooper and children, Frenchman's Bay. spent last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mns. C. H. ]k Quinn. We see eyeUIey and know as we are 4no,Rreciprocate kindness and work wisely, in proportion as we love.-Mary Baker Eddy. I. M ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F The Municipal Franchises Act, Chapter 249, R.S.0. 1950, Section 9, as amended, and IN THE MATTER 0F Applications by The Consum- ers' Gas Company for approval of proposed By-Laws and Franchise Agreements of the under-mentioned municipalities between the respective municipalities and the Applicant, granting to the Applicant the right to extend its works and pipes into the said municipalities. AND IN THE MATTER 0F Application by The Consumers' Gas Company for an Order declaring and directing that the assent of the Municipal electors of the respective municipalities is not necessary to such By-Laws. Corporation of the Village of Merrickville Corporation of the Village of Tottenham Corporation of the Township of Tiny Corporation of the Township of Manveri NOTICE 0F HEARING The Ontario Fuel Board li eby appoints Friday, the 31st day of January, 1958, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard Time, at the offices of, the Board, Suite 311, 4 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Ontario, for the hearing of the above Applications and ail person interested therein. Copies of the Applications, By-Laws and Franchise Agreements may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the offices of the Clerks of each municipality, the Applicant, the Solicitors for the Applicant, Messrs. Zimmerman, Haywood & Turville, 111 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, or this Board. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO. DISPENSE WITH VOTE 0F MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE that at the above public hear- ing the Board will be asked to issue an Order declar- ing and directing that the assent of the respective municipal electors to the passing of said By-Laws is not necessary. 1958. DATED at Toronto this lSth day of Janubry, ONTARIO FUEL BOARD BA . Crozier" Chairman ""W. R. Howard"" Commissioner rs - GRINDING 1 GALLON % GALLON TV EOLLS f - j t,. j m Tm CANADL4x STATrAmAie- lgtnwvAwvqT.T.r nwm,&wireb VAýW &&-A gamm, tAPE FOURTEM