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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1958, p. 2

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PAG TWO CANADIAN STATMMI. DOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THTmSDAY, 3AN. 2Srd, 1958 Olci To 17 Senior at the Li on Tuesd Mtter bers, Un sident af welcome mneeting glary on auto accident. Whatevcr your insurance ,seeds, whatever the time of day or night, caîl on us. That's what we're hans for. STUART B. JANERS IENSURANCE REAL ESTATE Resîdence MA 3-5493 Bowmnanville MNNE Y AVAlLABLE FOR NGETGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 1 IGOR OIL CO,, LTD. PRI CES REDUCED ON PREMIUM QUAL1TY STOVE QIL IOc FUEL QIL 1l7C FOR DELIVERY Phone Oshawa RA per gai. per gal. 5-1109 M Mi 1 Timers Contribute Monthly Prograim Senior Citizens five membens wene Elliott, a member a! Senior' d to the negulan month- Citizens, who capably took over rCitizans' meeting held as Master of Caremonies for the ons Community Centre program. Finst Mr. Eiliott ex- day, Jan. 14th. pressed the thanks of the gnoup registration of mem- ta, membens of Club 15 for their s. Elmer Banting, pre. thoughtfulness in arranging fClub 15, gave a brie! these meetings. He alsa ne- and then turned the cjuestad that Club 15 pass along over ta #Mr. Milton J. Senior Citizens' appreciation to Mr. and Mr.. GIlaf the Royal Theatre for pnoviding enter- talnment in the past. The pnogram this month was almost entirely supplied by members o! the Senior Citi- -#zens group ltself. First ta be '/called on was Howard Foley ~(.~wbo amused his audience great- :> ly with two humorous recita- tion: entitled "Basebali" and "Those Crazy Foodu We Eat". Neta oentertain aMr Edward Witheidge with twa enjoyable selections on the mouth organ-"The 4irdies' Bail" and "Whene is My Wan- dering Boy". Miss Margaret Allin delight- jed the audience with several unl you flOG sangs "Christophen Robin is Saying His Prayars" and "One more than Day When We Wer Youn." * Mrs. Rose Hallowell. A short rnoatny ... sing song led by Mn. Eiliott followed witb Mrs, James Cnom- bie accampanying.-t yau buy insurance An announcemqnt was madal is, yau get mare than by Club 15's president of a spe- cy. And more than cial matinee performance of thy when you need "The Ten Commandments" be- ractical halp. Yau ing planned at special rates for ways count on us in Senior Citizens and Shut-ins by ,f aishap-fire. bur- Mn. and Mrs. Gill, proprietors Junior Farmers Hope Township Elect Off icers Hope Township Junior Farn- ans met Jan. 14th in Camipbell- croft W.I. hall wlth approxi- rnately 25 members present. Outgoing president, Gardon Wilson, expressed hlm thanks for the ca-operation whlch the members bad given hlmi durlng the past yean, making the club the success whlch it bas been. Ha introduced the new Agricul- tural Representative, Mn. A. O. Daîrymple, who supenvised the alection o!fai ficens for 1958. They ar~e: Past President, Gordon Wilson; President, Roy McHoim; Vice-president, June Watkins;- Secnetary, Bannie Wilson; Treasuner, Elmer El- liott, Publlcity Director, Mary McHolm; Directons, Barbare Gray, Betty McHolm, Dorothy Woadley, Gemald Cantreli, Al- lin Osbone, Clifford Brlstow. A skating party was planned fan the !ollowing Satumday night. Bey. Gray showcd three films, antitlad: The Oul Pipeline; Aus- tralia's Watcr Wandenland; and Eskimo Summen. A very successful meeting ciosad wlth re!neshments and the singing af "The Queen". OBITUÀRY PERCY A. LANGMAID The Memorial Service fer Perey A. Langmald, 71 Ritson Road South, Oshawa, who pass- ed away at the Oshawa General Hospital on January 5th in his 71st year, was held at the Arm- strong Funeral Chapel Jan. 7th. Rev. Mervin A. Bury, Min- ister of King St. United Church, conducted the services. Inter- ment was in Zion Cemeter. Palibearers were, Peter Good- child, John Horky, Dr. Doug- las Langmaid, Dr. S. George Werry, Dr. Jack Langmaid, and Wesley Werry. Service was largely attended and the many floral tributes indicated the esteem in which the deceased was held. Let these help you to Planned Savin_ Use our Personal Chequing Account and our Regular Savings Account toge: her. i Pay ail bills by cheque on a Personal Chequlng Account. A L quartcrly statement will hclp you keep your records stnaight. The Iow seriçe charges are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques arc on filic if you need them. 2 Ke;p your Savings Accoun: for saving. Add to it fro i cvery Plieuli Sadat bmkiet oUnef end lu - with coloned chart - this Il psfolder 81798 Yeu valcubls pointers en Plonned Sevlng. AUk O ur Asaneat bruich for your copy of the "2-Account plan". $tort Plonned Savin et Our nourest hranch new. THE CANADIAN B3ANK 0F COMMERCE 770 BRANCHIES ACROsS CANADA READY TO SERVI YOIÙ BOWMANVILE BRANCH - Ji. G. RACKING, Manager of the Royal Theatre, during the waek of Febmuary 10-15. A letten was nead from the United Senior Citizens Associa- tion of Ontario asking if the Bawmanville Club would like ta bacome associated with this langer group. Its abject is ta funther the interasts and pro- mate the bappiness and wei- fare af Senior Citizen. in On- tario in evary way possible. This wculd ba done tbrough an annual provincial canference whare thene would b. an op- portunity ta exchange ideas and investigate poblems aof any members. Those who did not jain in the variaus games enjoyed a raading group conductedi by Mrs. Mantha Burgess sa that evenyone participated in smre farm af ententalnmnent. Mns. Moore's nrnie was dnaw.n as the lucky doon prize win- ner, and the, evçning closed with a sociable time over lunch. Residence 1-Party lune ____ 2-Party line Extension telephone Multi-party Business 1-Party line _____ 2-Party lune . P.B.X, trunk ______ Extension telephone Multi-party - Who Syl When from m a pali( sympat fast, p can alv case ol Present 2.95 2.85 6.50 5.40 9.75 1.25 2.85 New 3.85 3.05 1-00 2.95 6.90 5.65 10.35 1.25 2.95 Increase .20 .10 nil .10 Douglas Love and Mrs. J. Fran- cis; Vislting Convenor, Mrs. J. Glaver: Manse Coni., Mrs. Wm. Wenry, Mrs. L. Tregunna. Mrs. Tregrunna, the new pre- sident,- then took the chair. Chief items ýware a dacision ta have a spring bazaar, and ap- gitet of Mrs. H, Pascoe and Irs. R. Lee as a committea ta purchase new stage curtains in the Lower Hall. Mrs. Wm. Wanry kindly in- vited the W.A. to meet at ber home in February. Hostesses with Mrs. Travail wene, Mrs. F. Snowden, Mrs. C. Werry and Mrs. W. Warry. At th1 conclusion a! the CommunAn service on Sunclay aiternoon, conducted by Rev. R. H. Rickard, a brief congre- gatianal meeting was held to appoint a nominating commit- tee ta name possible candidates ta f111 vacant offices at the an- nual congragatianai meeting on! Jan. 23. Mns. E. Mountjoy narrated! the film on "Racial Relation-. ships" in the Sunday Schooli houm. The C. K. Doubles Club bad an evaning af bowling, with aven 40 in attendance, on Sa t- urday, foliowed by a pleasant i social tume in Kedron Lower t Hall. Eleven Kadron mambars o! I Jr. Farmen Association attend- ed the Satunday Provincial Conference in Taronto. Asý parti of the County chair the local yaung folk toak part in the chair festival. One of the Ke- dron graup was also a mem- ban of the mixad quartette awarded first pnize in the inter- - Increuse Un Telephone Rotes* Increases of 10c per month for two-party residence telephone service in Bowmanville and of 20c for one-party residence lines wiil g o into effect on January 31, 1958, according to Frank WilliaM's, Bell Teleplione Manager here.1 The new rates were authorized in an order issued by the Board of Transport -Commissioners. The increase for_ 1-party fiat rate business service is 40c monthly and for 2 party business service 25c monthly. A comparison of the present rates andi the new rates for tyRical classes of service ln Bowmanville follows: OBITUÀRY MRS. GEO. H. RICHARDS In failing health fan several yeans Caroline Mary Cox, i clow of George H. Richards, wa well-known market gardener for many years, 19 Bradshaw, streat, Bowmanville, died at the Cobban Rest Home, Bow- manville, Jan. l4th. She was in bier 82nd year. A daughtar of the late Mn. and Mrs. David Cox, the de- ceased was a memban o! a f an- iiy of 13 cbildnan. She was born at Hambrow, Oxfardshire, Eng- land, on Feb. 22, 1875. She had iivad in Bowmanviiia for 80 yeans since caming to Canada. Mrs. Richards is a sister of Albert F. Cox, of Oshawa, and aunt of Mrs. Fred Smith (Fla- rance). Frank, Arthur, Clan- ence and Gardon Cox, Mns. John A. Coleman (Carrne), Mn.. Gardon Pinia (Mary), Wil- liam, Albert, Harold and Jack Hambiy, Mrs. Chralas Biltoni <Evelyn), ail af Oshawa and Mrs. Kennath Gilde (Miidnad), af Fionida; Harold Cox of Or- illa and Mrs. Sarah Clayton, of Toronto. The funeral service was baid at the Morris Funaral foilowad by interment in Bow- 1manville Cematery. The palibearers wera Fred Smith. Frank, Arthur, Clarence, Harold and Gardon Cox. Thera Is too much animal courage in society and flot su!- ficiant moral courage - Mary Baker Eddy. A "tight nut" at the end of a steering wheel isn't a safety de- vice.-DRIVE SAFELY. Reh abilita fion county competiton. The quar- tette included Jeanette Dobson,j Jeanne Pearson, Walter Karry and Ron Werry.. Kedron membens o! Ontario, CoÙnty Hoistein Breeders' Club attended the annual meeting of the Association in Manches- ter Hall on Thurs., when Dr. H. L. Pattarson, Director, Farm Economîcu Branch, Toronto, ad- dressed the gathering. Robert Flett and Harold Werry were re-appointad as diractors fro this area. The new Assistant c Agri. Rep. for the County, Al- t vin Blades, was introduced. Featured at the regular Jr. Farmers' meeting heid ini Bnoaklîn an Thursday evening, for the young ladies prasent.t was a chocolate-making dem- onstration by Mrs. Lamne Tre- gunna. Followlng this the boys enjoyed. sampling the nesults,t and a box o! the chocolatest «ras pnesented to Kiwaniant George, Jackson of Oshawa,t who attended the meeting. f pe aonJe wiVLt* aaeute rC u,,u., Mr. Whitaker stated that dur- ing the past t'vo years, a total a! 598 disabled citizens of Ori- tania had been nebabiiitatad with Mancb a! Dîmes funds. Before correction of their dis- abillties, a total of $321,734.00 was paid out each year in pub- lic weifane grants ta this group. Following rehabilftation proce- dures cannied out with Manch o! Dimas funds, the annual earn- Get Cash To-day for OId Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-330â KEDRON (Intended for next week) Mr. and Mrs. Grant Glovelc Ann, Donna and Mary Eller with Mr. and efrs. Thos. An. derson, Uxbridge. Miss Norma Woodward with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilling, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wray, Oshawa, and Mr. Fred Taber, Brooklin, were dinner guests of Mrs. Arthur Wray. Mr. and Mrs. James Pengel. ly and three chlldrex have re- turned to, Timmins. Mrs. Harold Werry attended the funeral in Toronto on Fni day of her great aunt, Mrs. G, Mitchell. Guests at the home of Mrs. Arthur Wray were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts, Carol, Carl, anc Dorothy, Whitby, grandson Ter- ry Fice, Mr. and Mns. Stanley Dennis, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stain- ton wlth Dr. and Mrs. Siemon, of Bowmanville, have left by motor for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Moffatt, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beaton and Ian, Oshawa, Mrs. H. L. Pascoe and Mrs. Wallace Scott, Colum- bus. were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pas- coe. In honour of a special birth- day of . Mn. W. Frank Batty, Brooklin; Mrs. Fletcher Wenry, Miss Wilma Wenny, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werny, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, were guests at a family dinner par- ty at the W. F. Batty home, Bnooklin, on Saturday evening, arranged by Mr. and Mrs. John Batty, Miss Doris Batty, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Nichol, Osh- awa. Kedron is home territo-y for Mr. Batty and many friends here add their congratulations and warm good wishes on his 80th birthday. Many Kedron friands attend- ed the memorial service for the late Percy Langmaid in Osh- awa. Sympathy is extended to his wife whose summer home has been at Kedron for many years, and ta other members af his family. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs. P. Phillips, teacher at Coronation School, whose only sisten, Mrs. Dennis Payne, pass- ed suddenly to rest In Antwerp, Europe, on Jan. 4th. Mns. W. Spry, teacher at Pereman's School, bas had stu- dent teachens from Teacher's College, with han the past weak. Woman's Association Mrs. Ganfiald Travail was graclous hostass for January meeting of Kedron Woman's Association on Thursday, et- tended by some 20 members and many friands. It was a pleasune tb have prasent two golden-age ladies, fonmerly af Kedron, Mrs. S. Conlin and Mns. F. Thompson. Mrs. Wm. Wenry openad the meeting with a neading on "The New Yean,"1 whlch was the worship theme. Devotions were led by Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, assisted by Mrs. L. Tregunna who read the Scrlpture. Mns. Starr was pi- anist. Mns. Arthur Smith, Col- umbus, was guast speaker, in- traduced by Mrs. Percy Mount- joy. Mns. Smith's travelogue, recountlng descriptions of ber visit last summar to Great Bri- tain and the continent, was il- lustrated with maps, pictures and souvenirs. Mrs. Ross Lae played a piano solo. Mrs. Clifford Hopkins read the secretary's report. Nine meetings were held with an average attendance of 19 mem- bers. The following ladies had a perfect attendance for 1957: ýMrs. E. Mauntjoy, Mrs. P. Mountjoy, Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. A. Spencer, W. Werry, M!rs. H. Crassman, Mns. R. Lee, M1rs. W. Mountjoy, Mrs. C. Hopkins, Mrs. F. Snowden. Mrs. E. Mountjoy repantad as rnisslonany convenor, that $60 had been sent to, the W. M. S. and $8.75 from the Day of HANDIESTI, HAND$OME$T, THRIFTI EST PICKUP$ tat everhustled c, oudI Her.'s new hustie, new muscle anid new style tcilored to cut costs cm no other liqht-duty trucks ever did bef ore 1 Chevrolet'. '58 pickup fleet brinqs you a new high lni hard-workinq efflcency wlth more powerfulx hiqh-comprousion V8 oand 6-cylinder enqlnee under the hoodi Bring on the tough jobs! Chevrolet's hustling i958 pickup fleet can handie them fast and at Iower-than-ever costs. Under new con- toured hoods you'l find improved fuel-saving 145-h.p. Thriftmaster 6's, or 283-cu.-in. 160-b.p. Trademaster V8's (optional at extra cost). }Iere's extra power when you need it - with maximum economy and trouble-free performance. Rugged Chevrolet pickups have built-in muscle with new extra- rigid front end sheet metal and hefty frames that shrug off rough punishment. And you can be proud of Chevy's bandsome new cabs and bodies. New style fenders, new grille, modern cab interiors com- bine good looks with can-take-it durability. There are plenty of other Chevrolet advantages - new dual headlights, concealed Safety Steps, High-Level ventilation, panoramic windshield, 12-volt electrical sys- tem and dozeris more. Your Chevrolet dealer can show you the right pickup for. your job. Visit him soon. NEW HUSTLE .i.NEW MUSCLE.i. NEW 8STYLE Re.dy fticdélistotough chores with c il tise. work-whlpping fecturesl I PICKUP BOXES UP TO 9 FEIT IN LENOTM. TAkO yaur choice o! 78", 98" or 108" pickup I boxes. Each offers a full-width grain-tight tailgate, more load space (no laboard whccl- hausings), Iaw Ioading height. There's extra strength for long life and greater load pro- I 4 tection. IWARDWOOD FLOORS, FLUSH TYPE SKID STRIPS* Sturdy pickup floors arc canstructed of re- silient scasoned hardwaod Skid strips, ne. * cessed nearly flush in tho Çardwaod, absorb * much af wear from loads, give platformi I longer lif., fadilitate sliding of cargo. CT-5sse CH .EVROLETUNrW"TRUCKS RoY Chevrolet w. a Oldsmohile Cars NICHOLS m Chevrolet COURTICE DOWNi . t Challenge tb Citizen s "In the light of advances' .ng capacity af the group be- made by the medical profession came $1,344,304.00. "That sort in the correction of physicai o! arithmetic makas e lot of handicaps during the past 20 years, the provision of thase sanse ta a lot of people," procedures becomes a vary real stated. "We've a long way N*4 challenge ta every Ontario ci go yet before ê4,&re doing a tizen," Mn. W. Denis Whitaker, complete job, 'Mý 'vo got the president af the Ontario Manch mechanics set up, and we're o! Dmes said in an interview pepared ta take on a langer in Hamilton today. casa load just as fast as March Mn. Whiteker stated that' o! Dimes !unds-\panmit". there ana approximately 235,- March o! Dumes clinics are 000 disabled pensons in Can- pnesenty operated in Il loca- ada, and a! this graup, not over tions in,;Ontario, ha stated. Pa- 35 percent are emnplayed. O! tients aite bmought ta the clin!a the remainder, a large percen- closest ta their homes et March tage cauld have their disabili- o1 Dumes expense, wheme they tics corected ta enable them are examincd and their needs ta support themselves and their assessed. Treatmant Is pnovided, familles. . i together witb spacial applian. "Th alerntiv isto on.ces and equipment; azU evcry. "thne oPyotwlaeao- thing is donc that wiW correct tinue ta psy uottweaedthe physical dlsability. Doctors aes tandsport the dielemake no change for their ser. phersan andphi. amily , Whn vices when financial nccd ex. aree cpaeof an won, wan ista, Mn. Wbitaken explalncd: thnccbl o! wmkl cnwer In durlng the six yeans ince the the Mrch a! Dîtmaes efcnie Manch of Dimes was Iormcd earpiilegta mapssebeff ectvein Ontario. hundreds of thous- ehaiiaio asbe, osa ands worth af skillad sungeryr As an example o! what a a been donated by leadinlg ted.nn xii nrpiit ilcn omtpaedic surgeons. (Y Is Major Corne. ~ Office MIA --0811 Klux Street E. VILLE PACM "M THUPMAT, JAN. ffl, loge Tm CAiqADL« STATEBJ". BOIVBL&IqVELLr, ONTAMO

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