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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1958, p. 6

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PAVA~AW EA~WA RAWRAWVW.U. lIM~ ?URSDAY, SAN. 2"MI 11M Durham County Federation Conducts. Important Business XAt WeiI. Attended Meeting9 Bi Harvey Maleolm., Presa Correspondent r Durbam County Federatian of Agriculture met at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alun of Newcastle, witb some 30 di- rectors and membens in attend- ance. Presîdent Bruce Taylor presided at the meeting.* Treasurer Bob Hendry re- ported on the success o! the ederation banquet beld in Blackstock. Fildman Jack Arnott re- ported on wbeat vote held on Jan. 17. Two meetings were held on Jan. 14 at Orona and et Cavan with Dick Stewart af Peterborougb, as speaker, who explained the proposed plan. Mr. H. Staples reported an the Ganaraska Camp-site ar- rangement and volunteered ta answer queries fnam Boy Scout graups as ta camping facilitieý. On motion of Mel Staples and R. Bowles $20.00 will be con- tributed towards expenses of one delegate ta a Rural Lead- ership Forum. -' A motion by Russel Earle and Seymour that Jack Arnott contact Durham County Farmn U-nion seeking thein co-apera- tian In making the Wbeat Vote a success. 1FROYAL THURS. TO SAM If permitted ta klbitz we feel that in these variaus votes ta be taken in future it is a splen- did opportunity for Farm Un- ion and Federation ta work in close harrnony with one objec- tive-the betterment of econ- amie conditions for the farmer. Perhaps they don't suit us 100 percent but it is generally re- cognized ta be a step in the rigbt direction. There is natb- ing ta prevent certain adjust- ments being mnade once they be- corne established-no need ta tear the bouse down just be- cause we don't agree with a certain carpenter wha belped build it. On motion of R. Bowles and Dalton Dorreli tbat Muriel Van Camp, Harvey Malcolm, Rus- sel Earle and Art Stewart be a conmlIttee ta arrange for an open meeting of Beef Produ- cars of Durham Caunty. (It bas long been felt ,that we who produce bec! have long been deriving sustenance from the posterior m.-mmary as regards marketing aur bec!. It was felt that bec! praducers shouid be given an opportunity ta find out any alternatives available and provide a modicum of self1 help in interests o! greater f i-1 BOWMANVILLE 6 DIA 3-5589 ,T. - JAN. 23 -25 1h Dli - a lva'nkmi"i8lbi I wllhaunt Yeu TIRECRETUR CRETERIY ME WARNERCOORE [TH£ M'NlmMm iIfrom WfRER VOSI MID FORCOOTN UY NATUR E (Acult) ALSO nancial returns.) A motion ta endorse the at- tendance cf aur fieldman ati Hog Producers' meetings cur- rently being held in Toronto so as ta be ready ta assist aur bog producers at the vote when that time cames, was provided by R. Larmer and Malcolm. A motion by Motfatt and Dorreil, and unanimously ac- cepted, that Clarence Allin bav- ing completed bis terma as Pre-. sident, assume the secretarial duties. A vote o! thanks was tender- ed retiring officers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowles, past sect., and Bob Hendry, Treas.; for the efficient and tireless man- ner in which they had conduet- ed Federation business during.a their ternu af office. Auditors appointed for 1957 are Mcl and Donald' Staples. Don Staples was chosen as, Treasurer. Auditors for 1958' are Bob Moffat and M. Staples. Directars at large ta be aug- mented by Jack Preston, Pe- terboro, R. R. 3; Richard Bowles, Blackstock; Robt. Hendry, Bow-1 manville; Elmore Scott, Camp- belîcrof t. Press correspondent is Har- vey Malcolm, Yelverton, who got right ta work and sent in this report (for which be bas, the thanks af thie editor). An open discussion was bield re a suitable and enduring mcmn- anial ta the late beloved Agr. Rep. E. A. Summers. Gerald Morton gave -an ac- count of bis attendance at O A.C. Short Course duning Christmas bolidays. He stated that the Farm Mechanics course: he took ta be most helpf'u'i., The Secretary was authonied ta write an informative letter ta the editor of The Statesfan regarding what had been douie by way af co-operation with the Farmer's Union. (The letter appeared in last week's issue.) Carmen Seymour, Cavan Township, proferred a vote of tbanks ta Mn. and Mrs. Clar- ence Allun for their hospitality and offered bis borne for a f u- ture meeting. On motion 'if Ralph Larmeri and H. Morton that lettens o!' protest from the Federation be sent ta the powers that be stat- ing that this organizatian is not in full agreement witb the man- ner the Government Hospitali- zation plan is being carried out with respect ta rural people. Anather resalution of protest ta be forwarded ta, the Ontario Gove-nment re Marketing Leg- isation-That Dinectons o! the Durham County F. of A. that the Farmo Produce Marketing Legislation is essential ta the well-being af Ontanio agricul-1 ture, and wbereas some indi- cation bas been given that changes are ta be made in the administration af aforemen- tioned act, therefore be it re- solved that the Directors o! Durham Caunty Federation of Agriculture go on record in voicing their unanimous opin- ion that thev would register strong abjection ta any chan- ges wbich would weaken in, any way, the stnengtb of the Farmn Products Marketing Leg-1 islation. Mrs. Allun served refnesh- ments ta the tbrong wbich pro- vided goad nepresentation fromi every township o! the County, m Bowmanville 1BETHÀNY jToits On Friday evening Mn~. Ina, Palmner entertained with a pro- grssveeuhr prt, Qntig o the proceeds ta the Woman's Auxiiary of St. Paul's Angli - can Church. There were twelve i., tables. Prizes for high scores s y went ta Mrs. Percy Mantle and Clarke Pomeroy; consolation awards ta Mrs. Byron Davis If tolîs are and Ronald Jackson. Mrs -passing throu ICharles Smith was winner oï Canal, theirc the lucky door prize. Members every industr3 of the W.A. served lunch, art Armour. Alex H. Monk, who bas been The Steel Cor in Sarnia and Peterborough tary Club tod bas returned Clubmou Mr. and Mrs. Hally M rM-10. ail Car ban. Peterborough, with Mrg. terwýays bad 1 Ina Palmer. present Welli Robert Ryley, wbo bas been completed in in Civie Hospital, Peterborough-, had tolîs lev returned borne Friday. passing throu Beth Bonsteel and brother The great IRicky, wbo bave been in Stir- Of Ontario, tl ling, returned borne Tbursday. bas centred c Mrs. Ross Hall, Miss Lynda "It is axiomai Hall, Mr. and Mrs. William El- flot bave hea'% lison, Whitby, with Mr. andi you have a b; Mrs. Carl Smitb. land it is no Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee and i idustrial gr( family, Raglan, witb Mr. and and the progr Mrs. George Waddell. have both bei Unite Chuch WM.S. made in tbis Unite Chuch WM.S. "Ontario ta4 Women's Missionary Society than three-qu of United Church met Tuesday adian steel,a evening at the home of the consumed wit President, Mrs. Otto Spencer. Hence virtual jMrs. Clarence Rowan led the, s produced 1 worshi'p service witb its the-ne1an rwgj "The S,ýecond Mile". eitr is affected b3 wvas given by Mrs. Merv3'n the quality Porteous, followed by a discus- steel made in sion period. Mrs. Spencer dis- Anytbing thai played a number of knitted ar- ces directly ticles sent in by the members, industry in C which will be forwarded to long run ndi Korea. Mrs. Edgar Beer led the price of virtu study period, showing a num- rde i1 ber af changes in the lives of rdu~i the Japanese people and the Mr. Arrnaw progress wbich has taken place three integrai since World War Two, especial- Ontario. whii ly as it effects the fernale popu- duce more t] lation. Education is taking on of the countr: a new importance and saine! cated on the women have been ordained as vigation sysi, Ministers." and Sault SI ________________ Ioa the avaiL Nestiefon Sfation Mrs. Ceci] Wilson was in To-' ronto with Miss Eunice Wilson and Mrs. Herman Samelis vis- ited Mr. Wilson. Mr. and Mns. T. G. Langfeld have retunned from Toronto, whene she bas been caning for, Mrs. Walter Bail following ber operatian. Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Peffer- law, Is visiting the Grant Thompsons. Mr. Gilbert Marlow visited bis mother Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams. Clarke, Ron- ald and Arnold enjoyed a fish- ing trip ta Lake Simcoe. Ralpb Bowers visited bis cou- sin Merrili Elford at Port Per- Syçnpathy Is extended ta Mrs. Perce. Philp and boys af West Hill and other members of the family in Perce's passing an Thursday. Interment was ipýade in Resthaven Cemetery on Sat- urday. Friends are pleased ta knowl Wayne Weston is home tram Port Perry Hospital following an appendix operation. Also Miss Shirley Gilbank is able ta be around again since ber op- enation during the school holi- day. ' Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and nei- ghbours served lunch ta the famîly and frlends a!ter the funcral service in Nestleton cemetery when Mr. Hugh Tay- lor of Lindsay was intered there on Tuesday. ENNISKILLEN A pleasant evening o! cards 1w as enjayed by 60 at the ball, January lltb. It was announc- cd a similar "Party wauld be 1 heid Jan. 25th, plans ta be Prizes were won by-High eu- t ch re ladies, Mrs. E. McNair; high gentleman, Mr. Charlie Ganrard; low ladies, Mrs. O.»C. Ashton and low gentleman, Mr. J. R. Ormiston. Higb lost hein ~prize won by Mrs. A. Yellow- lees; high gentleman, Mr. Bert Ashton and Mr. Wayne Becke tt. Symath isextended to Mrs. Thos. Bowman and family on the Passing of Mr. Bawman. IELIZABETH VILLE Tucsday evening the Home! and Sehool met in Pine Grave! \týSehool. The meeting was con- butd y Mrs. Peck, lst Vice- Pesident. A euchre wili be lld in February. Mr. Alex Carnuthers bad a filmn strip and brought bis tape recorder and explained tIe use and value o! samne. Miss Elizabeth Waodiey gave ber winning speech. Lunch was served. The young folk had play :practice three tîmes tbis week and will be giving the play on Tuesday at Canton Hall. W.A. met at the oe!MrI and Mrs. Russel White with President Mrs. Trew in charge. Scripture was read by Mrs. Quantrill. The theme for the comtng year was "Abundant the chaptens. Sick Committee will do the work cannected with buying and delivering saine for Stthe sick, especially the members. A numben of ladies went ta the parsonage ta belp duringte ilîn ess o! Rev. and Mrs. Bryson an d heiped witb the work and nursing and helping with thet new baby. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Allen Mercer, Taranto, was home for the weekend. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Beatty called an Mrs. W. W. Trew who is irt, the baspital, Port Hope. She is about the same, aiso Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Trew. SelI-denial is practical, and is flot oniv Polite toalal but Is pleasant to those who practise it <.-Mary Baker Eddy. - b-orne coal a iran are, w. through the, per Lakes Tý toîl-free ever When the I agreed to jai, the constructii rence Seawaý the understan said, that tal on Welland Canal larm Ont. Industry Econom'ic A dviser charged for ships ugb the Welland cost will affect ry in Ontario, Stu- economie adviser, )mpany of Canada, ithe Windsor Ro- Iay. r said that,-sincel nadian inlandt wa- been toll-free. The land Sbip Canal,l 1932, bas neyer vied upan cargoes îgb. it. industrial growth th speaker said, on heavy indiistry. atic that you can- kvy industry unless )asic steel industry; Saccident that the awtb of Ontario, ýess of ail Canada, een based on steel sprovince. iay praduces mare uarters of ail Can- and most af it i ihin this province. ly everything that by Ontario's great industriaI camplex )y the availability, and the price of .this province... at raises steel pri- affects ail heavy Dntaria, and in the irectly affects the ,ally every article this. province." Lr also said that tbe ted steel milîs in ich tagether pro- ,an three-quarters ry's steel, were la- SUpper Lakes na- tem. at Hamilton ;e. Marie, because Jability of water- and limestane and rhich bave passed whole af the Up- Navigation System *r since 1902.- ýe United States n with Canada in aon af the St. Law- ay, she did s0 on iding, Mr. Armour Ils should be col- lected to caver construction, maintenance coos and opera-I tion of the Seaway proper, the! section of the St. Lawrence tram Iroquais, Ont., ta Mon- treal. There was neyer in Wasb- ington's mind any idea that the Welland Canal,. always toîl- free, would be included in the Seaway for toîl purposes. The Welland Canal, at its present depth, Mr. Armaur said, is suitable for the indus- tries now using it, wbose sbips bave been designed for that depth. Deepening af the canal for the use of ocean-going traf- tic would bring no advantag e ta present users, and At seemedI unfair ta saddle tbem with the cost cf the deepenmng. Anather danger ta industry tbat Mr. Armour saw in the praposal ta callect Wellandj Canal tolls lav in the fact that the Ontario Hydro had recent- ly announced the building of twa new steam electric plants, which wauld depend on coal. Thus tolîs an coal traffic would be passed an ta users of elec- ticity. A further danger lay in the fact that, if Canada impos- ed tolîs for the Welland Can- ai, the United States might consider putting tolls an the canal at Sault Ste. Marie. Thus FINE QLJALITY MONUMENTS AND) MARKERS (~ 4 bL àfS Me @ML les "wy gf.neet 0pume (F<STAFFORD BROS. jutA orùd Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby -rm.0uE r4 every industry' in the Great Lakes area of Canada and the United States bas an interest in the matter. Mr. Armour closed bis ad- dress by urging the business men of bis audience to studv the question and inform and arouse public opinion about what he termed a real peril to the national economy. Clearasil Olntment 69e - 1.19 PHONE MA 3-5695 Cutex Llpstlek 39e - 750 Whien'e dieselization of loco. motives is completed in 1961, At is estimated that the saving in unnecessary vage costa train elimination of firemen in freigàt and yard service will be $1 1.5 million per year an the Cana- dian Pacific alone, an amount equal to about one-third ci the railway's revenue from grain traffic in Western Canada. Bobby Nives Pins ieam 10e - 25e 03e - 1.10 WE FIT TRUSSES 111* &~ Uat,è ~ 11 i SWIFT'S PREMIUM BRAND BEEF SIRLOIN STEAKtSPORKERHOULb79C - - -lb..5 9C * - - u Lb.Pkg. 47c - - 1-t-. Lb31c m m a * 2 Lbs. 33c1 m m 8-or. cello pkg. » 2 For 25c l1ta-lb. pkg.1 --1kc 3-lb. bag SAVE 2c QUAKER NUFFETS 2. pkgs. 3 3 c SAVE 3c LIBBY'S FANCY- 48-oz. tin TOMATO JUICE - . . . 31c SAVE 9c GOLD SEAL FANCY RED - 'z's fin SGCKEYE SALMON -2. for 89C SAVE 14e 8c OFF PACK - Free Silverware - Gt. pkg. BLUE SURF - - U 69C SAVE 2e BLUE BONNET - Yellow Quik Bag - 1 lb. MARGARBINE ----33c SAVE 4c - BETTY CROCKER White, Devil's Food, Peanut Delight- pkg. CAE MIXES--31c THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE -__-_----- Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO --- - ---- - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK Blyth's Marketerla 19 1c - - - - - - - - -[SA- -E 5e ROSE BRAND 12-oz. jar Strawberry or Raspberry Jam2Ifor 73 c SAVE - 2-oz. fin HEREFORD CORNED BEEF SAVE 4c YORK SWEET 16-oz. jar ]PICKLED GHERKINS*- SAVE 6e KINGSDALE MIDGET CHOCOLATE NALLOW BISCUITS - - -37c *35c -30 per pkg. -33c IRED & WHITE INSTANT COFFEE 2'.-.435 c z 5 BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS STRAWBERRTES, 15-oz. pkg.39 LEMONADE, 6-oz. tin--- 2 for 27c BABYLIM BENS,12-o. pg. . - 31c M_______________ Specials Deodorants Noxzema Shave Bomb 59e flan A______ 1.25 75c Noxzema Lather - 59c Rolit _______ 98e Colgate's Tooth Paste 2/89e Arid- 530 - 15e Brylcreem and Comb - 69e 1.00 size Odo-ro-no - 69o Geitl For Coughs - Colds Cleari1 Liq. or Tab. for Piniples 1.85-3.29-5.49 Bromo Quinine - 49e 79c 69e - 1.19 Buckley's Capsules 45e- 89o Chase's Coldene -___ 1.10 Noxzema Nerve Food Vlcks Rub -____59e- 1.09 Cream 89e - 2.23 Pinex 6e9e12 Cough Syrup 60e 1.00 6c9c12 Vicks Nasal Spray ---- 98e Phosphoplex Buckley's Mixture 59ce 85e Vacuum Liq. or Tab, Bufferin -39c-79c-1.23-1.98 Botties 2.50 Coricidin -____ 75c - 1.15 79e One-A-Day Multiple Haliborangç 1.00-1.75-3.25 Vitamins 1.40-2.50-3.95-7.95 Seott's Emulsion 1.00 - 2.00 Nyal Multiple Vitamin 3.00 Wampoie's Extract 1.50-2.75 Vi-Cal Fir Caps 1.95 - 4.95 Aiphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 Lunch Thermos Creophos Absorbine Kits Bottles for Coughs Jr. 1.29 1.89 - 1.98 1.50 1.19 - 2.39 COWLING'S DRUG STORE "Shoot-Ouf at Medicine Bend" Western, with Randolph Scott Frankenstein at 7 and 10. Western at 8:30 at. Matinee: Western, Stooge Comedy, 2 and color cartoon NEIT MON. TO WED. - JAN. 27 - 29 "3:10 to Yuma"P with GLENN FORD and VAN HEFLIN ALSO "Death in SmaII Doses" Aduit entertainment Starring PETER GRAVES and MALA POWERS MEATY, FRESH, PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS Swift's Brookfield, Skinless SAUSAGE -- Swift's Premium BOLOGNA - Crisp, Stimulating RED GRAPES e Plump, Select Quality DANAINAS Healthful, Refresbing COLE SLAW Mild, Flavourful, No. 1 PARSNIPS Select, No. 1 Yellow COOKING ONIONS m- m - L.17c1 February 7th -to February l5th Orn@ show nightly ai 7:30 p.m. legular malinees Sa! urdays and Wed., Feb. 12 ai 1:30 p.m. Tickets available beginning Monday, January 27ih Phone MA 3-5589 or cail ai the ROYAL THEATRE 1 1 PAM am porter. FRUIT & VEGETABLES MM CAWADIffl STATP-9%LAN. BOWICAMMUL C"AM mAý àý» 1

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