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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1958, p. 7

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TBMA VA I ' WfWATWTA MIMOMN~LU OTM Mns. Frank Hunnlsett, Toron- tn-, ùavisiting with her friend .~T. W. Cawkcr this week. a~.nd Mrs. C. W. Slemon S n d Mr .Mrs. A. T. Stain- ton erên holidaying at h Daytone Peech, Florida. Mr. Fritz Marti returned Thursdey by plane from a rnonth'u visit in Jamaica. Mrs. Marti wil return home eariy In Februery. - Mr. and Mrs. Dougli.s Nich- ols. Kingston, were In Bownian- ville with Mr. L. B. Nichais and attended the funeral af his uncle. Mr. Leslie Nichais. Miss Pet Conway returned lest wee1k ta the School of Nurs- ing et itie Ottawa Civic Hospi- tel aiter spending three weeks haiidaya with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Conway. Mrs. Russell Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay and Jayne,1 Courtice; Misses Florence and Leta Jackson, Town, spent Sun- day wjth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brende Jean et Marmora. Mrs. M. E. Leask who is bol- idaying et Miami Beach, Flani- de, writes: The weather is sunny and beautiful here. Wc are gaing about in sleeveless dresses in the sun. Had a gaod trip down. In the accaunt oi the instal- lation of off icers af the Wom- ~nts Aternoon Auxiliary af ~inity United Church eppeer- in The Statesman lest week, pame af the treasurer ap- peared as Mrs. Rex Walters. This should have been Mrs. H. D. Waters. We regret this error. Five Goodyear employees cashed In on suggestion eward prizes during the past month. Tey were Charles Nesbitt, ma- chine shop; Elgin Bromeil, Dept. 273C; Harold Patter, Dept. 275; Sam Dewell, Dept. 275; and Peter Stacey, Dept. 232. Mns. W. H. Webb, 671 Srd Ave. East, *Owen Sound, in re- newing her subscription ta The. Stetesman wites: I laok for- ward ta receiving the paper on Seturdey ta kecp me informed on whet la going on down in Durham Caunty. I particularly enjay the editarlals as well as Ed Yaungman's chats. Bowrnanville's yaung yen- triioquist, Rad Taylor, wil be one af six seml-.inalists ta ap- ipear on Ken Soble's pragram on TrV, Channel il thia Sunday et 6 p.m. Rod was chosen a win- ner on the progrem an which he appearcd in the Fali. From this Sunday's performance, twa wili be chosen who will cam- pete with ather rongram win- nens frfrtp the end af March. Rod ila son af M r. andMrs. J. C. ïjr, Duke St. Best ai luck, Rod. Only twa photos have corne Ini as yt in reapanse ta the CentenmnalCommittce's eppeal for aid thnie photographa. The Vg azm teewante kts af these hto a mke a gaad display lor Old Home Week. and the Hlstorical Committee ia laoking for suiteble pictures for the bookiet on the town's histary. For the latter purpose the pic- turcs will be necded shartly, an ipleese bring or send In your old time photos ta The States- mnan. Here's a chance for you ta help ur Centenniel. TRINITY UNITED CHUICH Minister: Rev. T. Athur Margan, BA. il A.M. - "Joy and Life's Crosses" 7 P.M. - LAYNAN'"S SERVICE tondueted by the Session. Organlat: Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. ST. JOHN'S CHIRON (Anlican) Tlmfrd Snday lier Epiphazy HOLY COMMUNIèN 10 a4d Il - CEUICE ICHOOL MORNING FMATER X VENING FRAYER The Annual 'Vniy Nwilag Winbehel1vfl te Parlsh. on Maday, Jeu. 2~- :6.m Amang those ettending the convention ai thc Ontario Fruit & Vegetabie Growers' Associa- tion in Toronto this week are Mn. Irwin Caiwill, Herb Gib- son, Newcastie; Harold Watson, Howard Gibsan, Wilfrid Cen- ruthers, Douglas Kemp, Farbes Heyland, Clare AllUn ai Bow-. manvile. Mn. Colwill and Mn. Carnuthers are directons ai theý Association from this aeca andl Mr. Carruthens ila lsoae mm ber ai the executive. There are no doubt others who attended from this district and we would be very pleased if they would advise us s0 we may give thein names next week. David Breslin, nine-year-ald son ai Mn. and Mns. Maurice Ercîlin. was quite thilced ta appean on Cross Canadha Hit Panade on TV lest Saturday night. This is David's second televisian engagement. With a group ai other boys, David ap- peared in dance sequences an Dec. 25th in the "Home for Christmas" show on CBLT. An- other television perfarmer con- nected with Bowmecyîlle is Barry Lavender, 22 year ald nephew ai Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Hayes. Barry appeared in a drametic noie on Geenel Ma- tons Theatre Monday evcning in the play "No Raom For Teers" and turnnd in an excel- lent performance. WNillson Wfoc;ds*mde (Coctinued fnom page one) ccd up playing the East agaicst the West. Howcver ta implement such an agreement the suggestion has been made that ail foreign troops be rcmoved from Genmany, Soviet satellite states, and east- cmn and central Europe. Once the traaps have been nemoved it is probable that the cold wer would ccd. In such e move the West would Jase Germany in the NATO deiece. In addition tnoops would have ta be nemov- cd and the whoic ai NATO ne- onganized. Reasonable Gains On thc other hand the West could expect some neasoneble gins such as the removal ai the pawcnful Soviet tnoops fnomn the satellite countnies. B es id es thneatenlng the Western coun- tries, these troaps ane the prison gates fan the satellite states, Mn. Woodside commented. Once fréeeai Russiàn domina- tion the satellites would prob- ebly ally themselves with the West. Howevcn Uic gneatest gain fan the West would be that Russie would lose its argument that there anc Amenican bases circling the U.S-:S.R.J . 9 a quite -ture thia 4e--the area whenc we'1l have ta wonk. It has remaincd unsettleci since World Wan II. It is an area wheze Soviet troops are still in occupation and ours anc still stationed - by agreement." "It is time to start ccgatieting while wc stili have thc bengain- ing power," lhe. said. Mn. Woodside was ictroduced by Walter Reynolds and thanked by Dave Morison. Visitars et the meeting wene Lau Wimple, Whitby; Reg Geen and George -Chelton, Oshawa. The hockey draw was won by Ross Gilbart and Gannet Rick- ard. Amazi§ng Contveusts CContinued fromn page onel countnies whenc people have nothing," she seid. Wealth and Poverty Peru la a land af greet con- trasta. There is the mast fabu- lous wcalth and the dircst pov- erty. 1I wes ententained in anc home where the food was senv- cd an golden plates. And these were not fan best, but used cvcny day!" Mrs. Jenkins said. On the othen hand, anc finds beggans cverywhere. There are fia social wellfe ~services what- sacven. "I have neyer been any- where cisc where I found wei- fane organizitions totally lack- ing. I tried ta explain ta, the women thene that in Canada, fia metter how much moncy you hed, if yau did not meke same' contribution ta social wel- fane, yau would not be weli ne- ganded. They iound this impos- sible ta undenstand." It scems that a wcalthy wamn- an once started such an or- ganizetian in Peru and ecciv- cd quite e numben ai doations. She disappeaned iram the country with the money. This convinced everyanc thet the idea was a paoron aend natli- ing more wes ever donc. A beautiful new hospital in Lima la totally empty-no equipmcnt, fia staff, fia patients-because there are no services to pro- vide thcmn. Dengerous Raid The most shattering experi- once Mns. Jenkins even had wes in Penu. This was an ail day trip, scheduled as short, ta the fabulous Inca city ai Cuzco, 18,000 feet above sea level. The government aranged the trip and supplied a driver. The maad was thc moat hein-reising thet the speaker had even travelied. "Iî had nightmancs about it ai- terwands," she said. -When I suggcsted thet it was danger- ous, the driver celmly egrecd and aaid that 200 ta 250 people wene killcd on it every yeer. Thene are no gas stations, no police, and the most fantastic truck drivera." No anc stops ta help in case ai an accident, since the Indien drivers are enmcd. The driver on the other hand did not car- EV &,1W. besu.m&a cue 91a, Social &' £Personal Phone MA 3-3303 wa whene the presentation will be made ta the Government. Officers for 1958 are: Past President, Forbes Heyland; President, Lcighton Rundie, Brigliton; Vice President, Han- ry Jase, Newcastle; Sec. Treas., Morley Webster, Brighton. Di- rectors irom this erea are Har- ny Jase, Russell Osborne, Sel- don Parker, Clae Allin, Han- vey Brooks. Prize Presented An intenesting feature ai the banquet was the presentatian ai thc gold watch fan the best nine trays ai apples exhibited et the Royal Winter Fain. Mn. Nor- mec Irwin rcceived the wetch fan Red Wing Onchards, Whitby. The presentatian was made by Mr. Irwin Phelep, Buriington. representing the Niegara Brand Spray Ca. This is the third ycar in successian that the han- aur has been won in this erea: Those who ettended from this district includcd: Bob Cale, Kyle Squair, Lawrence Squein, W. T. Cox, Clae Allie, Charles Allie, Harold WatsQn, Fred Stevens, Harvey Brooks, Sam Butteny, Doug Kemp. Clarence Allun, Ir- win Coiwill. Heald Gibsan, Howard Gibson, Henb Gibsan, La rry Chant Joins Staff Robson Motors Robson Matons Ltd.., has an- nounccd Uic appointment ai Lenry Chant who w111 *Work unden Sales Manager Eeni Mc- Queen on the new and used cars staff. Lerry waborninhiHampton and ettendcd public and hlgh revalution those found with guns are thrown into jil "may- be for yeens". So the driver carricd a iength ai hcavy pipe for protection. Howcven, Uic trip was made without mishap. in spite ai wheels hanging over an ebysa ta let other vehicles pesand aUl other dangers.. Tragedy of the Incas The ruina whcn reached, wene amnazing. The buildings wcrc made af tone siabs. four ta seven icet across with no evidence ai anythimg holding them together. The people ta- day speak af the traecdy af ther Incas, in which they wene trick- cd by the Spanish inta gather- ing their gald and ilver by thc promise that thein noXal fam- ily would be saved, as if it had happened yesterday. The entine royal family was siaughtered. Anather amazing contrast which the speaker faunid in Peru was that the weaithiest, iashionably dressed people were aiten lousy. Lice are ap- parently regerded as we do masquitoes, a nuisance, but no- thing more. "To see weil dress- ed wamcn in a fashionable ho- tel in Lima scnatching quite un- concernediy was shattering," Mrs. Jenkins nelatcd. "I had visitetians," she added. She also had a bad experience ai fiee bites which fcstencd and had to be apencd. Food Good In Lima she visited anc ai the most eiegant cauntry clubs in the warld whcre the food was magnificent. "Spanish food is hot, spicy and very gaod," she said. Few people speak English and when Mrs. Jenkins attcmptcd to get the recipe ai a dish she had just enjaycd, the resuit was another arder ai the same thing. Mrs. Jenkins showed mecm- bers a pair ai Ilama slippers, which she brought back with her. She concluded her address by emphasizing what a tremen- dous opportunity Canadians have in their contact with New Canadiens. Many ai the people coming ta us have backgrounds> s0 difienent from what they find here that it is herd fan thcm ta understand aur way af life. "Through aur friend- ship and help ta these people, we cen do samething so great thet it could change the whole course ai histary," she asscrt- cd. Next Speaker Mns. Jenkins was introduccd by Mrs. W. C. Ives and thank- cd by Mrs. Laurence Gaddard. President Mrs. E. G. Withcr- spoon presidcd and announced that Miss Vida Peene, anly woman member oi the Canada Council, and prorninent in or- ganizetions connected with bai- let, drame and art, wili be the speaker in Fcbruary. Mrs. Reta Dudlcy presidcd et the piano for opening and clasing exer- ciscs, and the usuel social half- hour prcceded the meeting. Apple Growevs (boitinued fnom page one) Ottawa, addrcssed the meeting o"The Market Outlook for Canadian Apples". He alsa brought the growcrs up ta date an tenufs as they exist et pres- cnt. Mn. Eardlcy pointed out that wc could expcct incrcased campetitian fnom bath Quebec and U.S. epples from New York State and Michigan. - A pael discussion on "Tar-. i ifis, Inspectian and Marketing" took place for whîch Morley Webster actcd as chairman. Pan- el membens werc Wilfrid Car- ruthers, Bowmanvîlle; Eric Eerdlcy, Ottawa; D. E. Wil- liams, fruit inspection, Ontario; J. Pensai sky, Colbright On- chards. A. W. Oughtred who was ta have taken part was nat present. Mr. Ceruthers was esked ta bring the meeting up ta date an what action was being taken Maple Grove South Darlicgton Teachers' Association met on Jan. 16 et the west Maple Grave school, with 28 teechens, Mn. M. Hobbs and Inspector McEwen, pres- cnt. Mrs. Cale lntraduced Uic guest speaker, Rev. R. B. Green ai Enniskillen, whase topic was "The Tenth Province"~. He told1 about the population -mast people live near capital; caun- tny-daes not have much agri- culture; climate-winter about the same as ours, summer is coolen; people-one-third Irish and two-thinds English; educa- tion-each church has its awn school supported by the prov- incial government, bigger cen- ters now have public schools. Rev. Green was thenked by Mn. Belezard. Mr. McEwcn spoke an what he would be looking for when visiting the schools. He would like ta sec mare geagraphy taught and an increase in the amount ai gaad litenature taught in Grade 8. Mn. Hobbs suggcsted that a meeting be used toaeppraise i and discuss written composi- tions. J--een 'flews râà rI fly Donna Akey This Friday night in the Lions~ Centre there will be a Teen Town dance bcginning et 8:30. The dress is ordinany and ad-; mission is 25 cents for members: and 50 cents for con-members. We hope ta sec a bigger crowd out ta this dance-. The Mistres ai Ceremonies will be Monica Schlingensiepen. Unless there is more Interest' shown in Wcdnesdey night bad- mnintan it will be cancclled. You will be able ta obtain memben-, ships et the hall. Our, next dance wiIl be on ENNISKILLEN Sa Mn, aryand DMn.e Or-OBITUÀRY illia, were with Mn. and Mns. A. Rnniskillen W.MS. heid thefr Brunit. LESLIE .L NICHOLS firat meeting ai thc yean Jan. Mr. and Mns. C. Fenguson, The sudden death ai Leslie 14, etthe chaome ai Mns. L_ Boy and Bernice, wene wîth John Nichols from a heart ettack W.eann, Mns. L. Ashton, Presi- Mr. and Mns. R. Bottreil, New- on Janury 3th et his residence, dent, presiding. Mra. F. Toms castie. 45 Prospect Street, Bowman- presented a Devotionel with Mn. and Ms. -Howard Oke ville, came as a shack ta his tany gaod thoughts ta carry and faxnily. Mr. and Mns. John iamiiy and friends. Mr. Nich- int the New Yean. Bible ,nead- Oke end femily, Oshawa, were 'ais was 6s. ing was given by Mns. Ralph Sundey ivisitons ai Mr. and Mns. Mn. Nichais had been an ejn- Lamb. Annuel reports showedWatrOe le othBwaniepat a yean af worthwhile effort MW.anter Ok . pi p.oytee aiodhearo T ie plante with aur allocation met. M.M&nohstr . a YM. F r. SndCoai nyic foodyarsre& uHera E. Wright took charge af theMRcs Egr NWYrith Mn endCampny fort43'yeeps. 7He 189s programme: United Nations Mrs.aEd ersWi.- oniii au r tice, o S aae th, 892 1,itnaasala by Mrs. M. Staintan, hem and iamily, Oshawa, wcnc Trinity United Churoh and pano asoelspcie reaMs. F. .aito. Sunday visitons ai Mn. and Mns. Jenusalem Lodge. In leisune Reed Hamton gav a ery n- M. ad Mr. Lrne rifiafllowing sports events. teresting and huinonaus decnp- Blackstock. wcrc Thunsday Lcft ta mourn his passing arc lionai Roes e M desa evening callen eat Russell Grif- his wife, Ida May Walton, Tnavei", in China, past and fin's. daughtcr Dorothy <Mns. L. W. present, from her personel ex- Mr. and Mns. E. A. Wcnry penence there. Committee for and Betty Jane, wenc with Mr. World Day ai Prayer Service and Mrs. Meredith Mofiet, Osh- ta be Mrs. T. Slemon, Mrs. F. awa. Toms, and Mrs. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mns. John Grif fin Lunch was served by Uic group were Sunday callens et Mr. and in charge. Mns. Lamne Griffin's. Black- Mr. and Mns. Elanl Tnewin, stock. Sonny ta report Larne is Dorceen and Donald, were iliIwith a slight heant attack. with Mn. and Mrs. Larne Lamb. Mr. and Mns. Wallace Griffin Mn. and Mns. J. Borrowdalc, and famliy were Saturday even- Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. H. Mc- ing visitons et Mn. and Mns. Gili and Joe. were Sunday vis- Bruce Reid's, Haydon. Itors wlth Mn. J. A. Wcnry. Sarry to repart meny falks Misses Viola Williams aend i the village and out have the Ruby Virtue, Toronto; Mn. and flu; hopinàg ion speedy recav- Mns. Eanl Masters and girls, ery. Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. Ce- Dr. and Mns. Clark Dorland, cil Mills, nd iamily, Maple Lapeer, Mich., Mn. and Mrs. Grave; Mn. and Mns. H. Mc- Frank Dorl&md, wene recenti Gi and Garth, werc visitons guests ai Mn. and Mrs. E. A. af Mn. and Mns. Ralph Virtue. Werry. aDil an nec Mre Mr. and Mns. S. R.' Pethick .Mr. and Mns. R. J. OrmistonVnDil n ic ai ettended the funeral ai the late were with Mr. and Mrs. Ross (Mns. Don Fenguson), Ancaster; Mn. Larne Knapp, Oshawa. Ashton and family, Haydon. also brothers William Nichols A senies ai famýmers' meetings1 and Luther Nichols and sister, Mn. and Mns. Tom Bell, Cnaig wcr held i Durham County, Mns. Ile Spny, al ai Bowman- and Elaine, Toronto, were with iosrdb h nai am ville. He also leaves grand- Mr. and Mns. A. L. Weann. ers' Union. The speaker for ail childncn Leslie and Scott Van Mns. E. C. Ashton, Maple five ai the meetings was Le DelLara PulennGe Grave, spent the weekend with Verne Morley, Dinector fan Mid- Fenuso n satne h Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, and dlesex County. The meetings fMeany felns rattn Jdath accompanied Mn. and Mns. (O. were well attended. The îenm- funcra heorThusdey Jan. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles on ens seeing a need for a grass- lt tte Mri uea Sunday who visited Mr. and roots onganizatian established Chapel. The service wes con- Mns. S. Rodman, Scugog Is- another local in theEatr ducted by Rev. T. A. Morgan land. part ai Durham Easnten. and Mrs. Albert Cale presided et Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Haass, Sympethy ai this community the argan. Friends and relatives Bowmanville, wene with Mn. is extended ta Mns. Larne Knapp wene present from Toronto, Hes- and Mrs. Keith McGill. adflOhw. peler, Oakville. Cobourg, Kings- Miss Binthe Knudscn spentan miyOsw. ton, Lindsay, Newcastle, Orono, the weekernd with Miss Phyl- Stouifville and Ancester as well lis -Howells. Most pensons would succeed as Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Onn Jeffery, 1 in smell things if thcy were noti Among the many beautiful Port Penny; Mn. and Mrs. How-1 traubled wîth great ambitions. !fiowers wenc tnibutes iram ard Carnochan and Noneen, -Longfellow. Local 199, Beehive Rebekah COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Ieeo IRU SIUI jTRESl Larry Chant achool in Bawmanvillc. He has neceived considerable recogni- tion ion his ethletic ebility, par- ticulanly in baseball and hoc- key. - Fan the past 8 'h yeens Larry worked in the office ai the Bowmanville Goodyear Tire and Rubben Company. Larny is married and currently resides in Oshawa. His twa brathers, Paul and Gond, arc well known iocally. WEDDING, CATOR - RISEBROUGH The menniage ai Ruth Anne Risebrough, daughten of Mr. and Mns. Mervin Risebrough, ta Ralph Fuller Catar, son aiMn and Mrs. John Cator, Toranto, grandsan ai Mrs. F. Cator, Bow- manville, took place in the Chunch oX St. Michael and Al Angels, Toronto. Rev. Canon F. J. Nicholson officiated et the ceremony. The bride, given i marriage by her fathen, wore e gowc ai Chantilly lace and nylon net aven tafieta. Her finger-tip il- lusion veil was caught toaa coranet ai secd peanîs and she carried a white Bible cnestcd with yellow onchids. Miss Bcth Risebnough was maid ai honor for hen sisten and wore a cocktail-length gawn ai tangernce iridescent tafiete. The bridesmaids, Miss Diane Caton, Miss Evelyn Bagworth and Miss1 Marilyn Brown were simniiarly drcssed in champagne taifeta and thcy all wore matching! feather hats and canied rings aif yellow and bronze 'munis and gladioli.& Donald Habbs was grooms- man fan his cousin and Knncy Shatilla, Donald Campbell and Alvin Hennis ushered. ý Thex.,eception wes heid et 'he Pickfain. Teachers HoId Meeting At BA,ï,S PE CIAlLS! rpET FAST RELIEF wIhfý rONL T KEENE MAS TH SERV.A.TISSUE 20 Vol0.- With Wondersofi* covring .NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE 12's 45c M m .f Cocoanut 011 Sharnpoo I.DA. Brand - Regular 49e---------39c' I.D.A. Cod Liver 011 BP. Standard, 16-os. - Regular 89e 69__SC I.D.À. Milk of Magnesia 16 oz. - Reg. 35e 32 oz. - Reg. 60e 29c, 49c "'Safe-Heai" Heaiing Pad 4.95 velue--___ __ 3.99 Hinds Honey & Almond Cream Regular 65e ýsize ~2 For 98C 3-Way Instant Shave 98c size Aerosol Bomb 59C Noxzema Skin Cream Large 10-oz. size jar 1.251 FREE COMB with purchase of 69c size Brylcreem COUGH &COL D REMEDIES Boots Meloida s -35e Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules 45e, 89e Mixture -- -----59e, 85c Coldene - Liquid -- 1.10 Tablets -- 1.25 Dr. Chase Brand Tableta ______-59c, 1.49 Bromo-Quinine Teblets ________ 49e, 79e Pertussin 69-,1.19 Pinex Concentrete __________ 85e Cough Syrup 60c, 1.00 Super Anahist Tablets 65e, 1.00 Vieks VapoRub 59c', 1,09 Va-Tro-Nol ______________59e Medi-Mist Nasal Spray 98e I.DA. Bronchida Cough Syrup 75e Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray 95c Drops 6"e w PEROX DE TOOTH PASTE' ---4- - f 1:1 ~ ~ 11 m~:. I FUGHT WINTER OLDS wlth WA MPOLE EXTRACT ý of Cod Uiver Compound ft'T.nlctlme.Wlnta's coughs and <olds ar* luit around the corn«r. HoIp your famlly te beti this wlnter, build up their reiitance te colds... give Shem Wampole Ixtroct rogularly... stan tedoyl -1S. OUNCES - $1.50 34 OUNCES .$2d75 SAVES YOU 4/J, Ge AMP xrut üAY PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Delivée' McGreg Your L"a. IDA~O D J X7~ ~ r~. SPECLAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK Ladge,22 8 # 274; Z2;" 23 the Goodyear; Pallbearers wr D uglsaNichaois, NichaisStouffi le;li ton, Necstie; Oronoad IKen Lxo J. Oriston, Bowmnanv.lle. Ontario-Giê$< $1,200 000 Auto Licens Ontario switched on J. an automobile license 0 b ulc designed to- estabilahi equal rates for usini r ciel highways. Deputy T rt Mi Donald J. CinaUanaù the schedule, whichrne $3 ta $25. The present a ranges from $3 to $49. He said the new rlte~ flot designed to obaiio revenue but that an addio $ 1,200,000 i td . year the provincé recét e t 600,000 from 1,00,000. "Fundamcnitaily we as cl*ose, a flat feej- sible for p~egrc said. Mr. Collins sald up theory the fee for foi' cars, which include' the new small modi creased, and that f' 12-and l6-cylinderAjg ly old models, de "cHowever, ;e new rate for eig1>4, between 35 and 45 which includes the today's cars, nd pui alty rate for thoseX horsepower." The new rates, wit brackets: Four-cylindçr, built 1933: $3 (à); four-O buit aiter 1933: $10 ' torcycle: $5 3(3); six- up to 28 horsepower: $1 six-cylinder more th horsepower $15 (14) ,el (14); eight-çylinder,3 horsepower; $20r. <21); 12 der $25 (31); .16-cyUind~ (49); station' wagon, ùp ti tons: $15 (10.50); st«tion ii more than, twa tons: f20( - TM eMAWM BTATZSMM. BOWKANVT= CMTAM 1 , ..,i ýýAqr -T&W IMPA iý

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