-~PAGE mm~ TRfE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1EOW1 INURSDAY, MARCR th, 1058 350 Attend 0f VegetabJ Hear Talk or *~Despite inclement weather, 5X0 people assnibled at New- castle ConnIty Hall on Fri- daY, Feb 2 cr the annual banquet of the Durham Coun- ty Vegetable Growers. A superb turkey diriner was served by Newcastle W.A., the tables at- tractive with spring flowers and St. Patrick's touch. President Austin 1rurner wel- comed those present, including guests from neighbouring coun- ties anid members of the local board froni Middlesex, Lennox and Pr*nce Edward counties. Reeà D. Cunningham extend- ed a welcome on behaif of the village of Newcastle. During intermission everyone enjov- ed a lively sing song led by Glen Allin, Orono, accompan- ied by Mrs. Hartwell Lowery. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKRTS 4~ 4 t" oI *k u& Ymd rR au-ut-.@Omo" of. OF j STAFFORD \ý.4FSJ ' PRRos. Shaving was originaîl miapr1 tective measure since lon beards were easy for oppon- ents in combat ta seize. 1 Theirs is a mission of mercy PLEAS E HELP THEM Mardi is Red Cross month i Canada. Sornetirne during this period volunteer canvassers of the Canadian Red Cross will corne ta your door. They corne to ask for your financial support-support for the work of niercy that neyer ends. So rnuch depends on your re- sponse -for only through your generosity can thîs great work go on. You who are confident, strong, secure, please help in this mission of mercy .. . please give generously. support the RED CROSS If you are not at home when the canvassers cali, please send your contribution direct to: Either BANK 0F 31ONTREAL or BANK 0F COMNMERCE Bowmianville, Ontario No. 6,wmanville, atteaded the annual Past Grands Night held at the Lodge Hall Thursday eveniag ai last week. Regular business was condue- ted by the aificers. Then the Past Grands' Third Degree Staff took the chairs ta con- fer the third degree on Bro. Dennis Gibson. Past Grand Bro. Elgin Wright presented the candidate with his membership certificate. Br.Howard Cowle, P.G. aadi acting Noble Grand, closed the meeting and exteaded an invita- tion ta all present ta remain for a social hour. Visitors werel in attendance from Orojia, Havelock and Yarkee. Fred McCon nell1 Culs HisTongue Another change was record- Business Directory WM. 3. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 MONTIETH - MONTIETH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners : J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. <Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfaot, C.A. il] '..o %.I ..,ib~I YALE, FRIEDLANDER, MORRSH -We fferourHUNTER & CO. hearty congratulations ta Mr. 64 Kin St E. d A 5-1621 and Mrs. Larry Shannon-nee 64OshaS.. A 512 Byers-who were united in mac- B.L.hawea. riage on Saturday, March lst jF. Friedlander. B. Comm., C.P.A. in Mocrishi United Church, by J. Hntr C.P.A. the Rcv. A. W. Harding. A ne -_______________ ception was held in the Sunday r ii School following the weddinig. Chiropra ctc Eighty-two guests w'ere pres- cnt. The rooni was dccarated G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. with wedding beils, streamers 1 Chirapractor and fhowers. The bride's table Off ice : was centred with a t1iiree-tered 115 Elgin St., cor. aif Horsey St. wedding cake. Silver candle- Phone MA 3-5509 sticks and taîl white tapers, aiso Office Hours: By Appointment crystal vases with ilowers. Twal long guest tables were also vcry D attractive with flowcrs, silve r D fe nfa and favours. The menu was prcpared and DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. served by mem-bers ai the W.A. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. and senior girls ai the Sunday 40 King St. W. Bowmanville School. Two baskets with bri- Office Hours: dal flowers of white and piak 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily were lef t in church until aiter Chosed Saturday and Sunday marniag service on Sunday. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 This thoughtful gesture was 1 House Phone - Ncwcastle 3551 Regular Sunday Service was DR. E. W. SIS SON, L.D.S., D.D.S. held at 10 a.ni. with a good con- Office in his home gregation, the Rev. A. W. Hard- 100 Liberty S.N omnil ing in charge. Office Hours: The selection sung by, the 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily junior choir, "0 God aifMight~ 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday aceoînpanied on piano by the Closed Sunday organist, Mrs. Helen McHolm, Phone MA 3-5604 xvas very plcasing. During the Lenten season, DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. the Rev. A. W. Harding is giv- Office ing a series ai sermons upon 23 King St. E. - Bawmnanvifle Christian Faith. The subjcct ai -Office Hours: this maraing was taken irom 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily St. John 12 and part ai verse Closed Saturday and Sunday 34, "Who is This Son ot Man" Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Hynins in kecping with thisi verse were sung. The serviceIT closed with the Benediction.L e gal Sunday School was held at Il arn. there were 49 present. STRIKE and STRIKE Tiiis was assistants' Sunday. Barristers, Solicitors Mr. George Harncss conducted Notaries Public the session. The aduit Bible W. R. Strike, Q.C. class xvas taken by Mrs. E. IA. A. H. Strike, B.A. Brimaconib. Sunday Schooh as 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville usual next Sunday. Telephone MA 3-5791 We weicome to this commun-. itv. Mr. and Mrs. Aitcheson W. KAY LYCETT, BA. and their two young childrec Barrister and Solicitor froni Port Hope who have rent- In the offices ai ed the bouse reccntly occupied R. R. Waddell, Q.C. bv the late Mr. and Mes. Wil- Main Street, Orono, Ontario liam Henderson on tlic south Friday. 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. side ai Highway No. 2. This1 Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. bouse has been nedecoeatcd l LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. throughout including a three Barrister, Solicitor piece batheoom, furnace and Notary Public mîan ' other canveniences and 's King St. W. - Bowmanville now a ve.r attractive and de- Phones: Office MA 3-5688. sirable home. eiecMA353 Congratulations ta little Miss ReincMA -53 Karen Osborne who ceebrat- MISS APHA L. HODGINS ed lier fifth birthday on Suni- Bareister, Solicitor dax' with a party. Notary Public Mrs. Edith Brimaconîb wasI Temperance St. - Bowmanville Ruest ai Mrs. William Mc-1 r Hoîni avec the ,veekenîd. E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Me. Fred MeConneli met UihL.,. B.A., LLB. an uito.tuniate accidento Box 9, Newcastle Thursdav ast in collision *ih Phone Newcastle 2246 another car. the impact causing Consu.ltation by appointxnent Fred ta bite lus tangue %vhîch o n'ly. requîred several stitches ta! close the gash. This is not a Mo tg1 ver*f pleasant place for any kiîid M oi g ages oftreatnîent and ,ve trust the pain and uncoinfortable sensa-!LEROY HAMILTON - ORONC tion will soon be gone and thi Phone 1 r 16 necessarvY actions ai eating andj First Martgage Funds taîki ng returned ta normal. Residences - Fans là Il Business Properties O pio0m e r y KEITH A. BILLETT Optornetrist 1141 King St. E. - Bowmianvilhe! Offivp ours,: Bv appointment jTelephone MAIrket :1252 Mondav ta ci ra 9 ar. t1o 5 p. m. VWecnesda5:9 in 12 Thursday evenings IBanquet BEHNYThANYd prDurham Clu (eane Gwes by the Wen's hadto Show s Impoi bbe postpone& carduertv d - L M.and Mrs. Mel McGee and l y r> I aJ! col4iDlhI famiY of Raglan visited with1 The social lufe ai the Durham Head table guests were intra- Mr. and Mrs. George Waddell Club ai Toronto takes up a large duced bv Truman Austin. Ar- M sun. Gro od n a part ai the old minutes, stated thur Pilkey, Tillsonburg, chair- fant daughter. Barbara Jean, Miss Aleen Aked in reviewing cdn o the lrocaebomad.epbyte arnîved home from Civic Hos- minutes of early club meetings. ed o th prores mad bythepital, Peterborough, on Satur- organizatian. day. In the records of the first The speaker ai the evening, ReeEr ru n r meeting held in Erskine Church, Sgt.LauKingrle, a oraity Rss Daidson uattnddMt.eToronto, June 11, 1898: "A meet- Sgt Lo KigeryHa mait Roosd Ravdsonvatenodinth- ing vas hehd tonight af residents aificer with theHaitnP-Go odCovtonnT- froni the east and west ridings ai lice department, was introduc- ronto for two days last week. uham County ta take into con- ed by Edwin Ruthven, direc- tor, zone six. The sympathy ai the cani- sideration the formation ai an munitv is extended ta Mrs. H. organisation with a view af be- Speaks on "Narcoties" A. McMaster in the sudden caming better acquainted and Sgt. Kingerley was welh qual- death ai her sister, Mrs. Mar- renewing former associations. It ified ta speak on "Narcotics", guerite Cutts. Mr. and Mes. Mc. was resolved that we proceed ta having been associated with Master were in Toronto for sev- organisation and that all former this b'-anch ai the service far eral days hast wveek and attend- residents ai the counties be several years and having seen ed the funeral service for Mrs. eligible for membership and the its effect on society. Intertwin- Cutts on Thursday. membeeship fee be 25 cents per cd with ready wit, he held the Miss Marie Cair spent the annuni". rapt attention af the audience weekend in Peterborough with Sixteen gentlemen were pres- as he related personal experi- MisAyAie.nt Five meetings were held ences on this timely subject. Ms PeyA tewart Pe er-ta summer, the second ane at Alf Dobson expressed ta Sgt. borough, is visiting with Mrs. the office oi Crown Attorney Kingerley, the gratiture aith John White. Currey. Executive meetings gathering for his entertaining 1 were held in the homes ai the and informative address. Miss Blanche Racicot, Toron- Secretary, Thomas Yellowhees or The president ai Newcastle ta. is with Mr. and Mrs. H.A. President James L. Hughes. W.A.. Mrs. Clarence Allia, was McMaster for this week. Regular meetings were held in calhed iorward ta receive the the Y.M.C.A. parlors. able Growers and their guestshefrtmninoaldes expressed by Hans Geisburger 114 P ast Grands corm:ttee is Oct. 10, 1903: "It large aumber ai prizes had i was also suggested that a cm been generoushy donated, and miteo ais eapitdt Bob Stephenson and Hartwell O f/IO O N . 6 assist in making arrangements Lowey t(ok cargeof teirfor the at home or banquet, Lostribto. chre i 1hir1whichever was decided on." The evening concludeci with!A te d Lo g On June 5, 1903, «'on motion a dance. music provided by ai Mr. W. Scott, seconded by the Minaifie's, Harwood. Fourteen Past Grands ai Flor- secretary, the name ai the or- ence Nightingale Lodge I.O.O.F. ganization was changed ta "Ohd current events. Mes. P. Brown gave a very humarous reading, "Dominic". Mes. J. Ca.sweil, ac- companied at the piano by Mrs.I F. Gilmer. sang the lovehy, ~Galway Bay". 1ýIrs Joncs called on Mes. F. Gilmer ta introduce the guest speakers. here son, Mr-. Jini Gilmer (who really needed no introduction ta a Newtonville audience) and Mr. A. Nichol- son, manager ai the Ontario branch of the Excelsior Lufe In- surance Company. The subject ai Mr. Gilmer's talk was "~The Miracle ai Insur- ance". He told ai the arigin ai insu-rance in England, whcre graups ai people, or guilds, banded theniselves together ta assist families beref t ai the wage e ara er. Insurance encourages us tai save regularhy, by offering a, savings accounit, whcre aur money is out ai eeach ai pettyI temptations, whilc the company carnies the financiai risk. Me. Nicholson's part was ta answer ail questions about in-1 surance matters. Aiter a vote of appeeciation ta the speakers, the hostsan her graup served adeiisI lunch. Mes. Pearce won the lucky number prize. Kitchen Security A fanm kitchen is the liesrt ai home and a gathcriag place for the famihy. Millions af men and women naw living in bec- hives ai population remember the kitchen on the farm with its big sh'ning range and the tea kettie singing above a ceackling fiee. They remember the big table with its red and white checked choth, the Lazy' Susan, and the brass-bowlcd! laînp an a chain above the table. Arouîid such tables, boys and girls did their homework, whihe mother sat in a Boston rocker, working at the never-quite- caught-up mending and damn- ing and answering questions a bout the capital ai Uruuay and how ta spell Mlississippi. Shep. the tarin rallie, lay be- hiîîd the stave, nîakiîîg little wluimpei'ing noises as he dreani- ed ai the woodclîuck la the garden walh. The cats saoozed an the sofa by the sauth win- dow~, purng a sait responsel when anc ai the sisters went' avec and patted them. Father 5sat before the open aven door, î'eading the weekly pîîper and f arm journals and dozing a bit frnni time to tinie inthe relax- i ng warnith. Not 'er~ \cICg eri.in * eî'nIý of t 0cia,".. radio- aand t oIýN-1 ion. Bilt hiel 'a a fenirg orf frniiý oî,itv. ofnimep j peace andi c oniiîirtcnizecîl When it zot late. about egit. Let these help you to Planned Saving Use our Personal Chequing Account and our Regular Savings Account together. SPay ail bis by cheque on a Personal Chequiag Account. A L quarterly statemeat will help yoù keep ,our records straight. The low service charges are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques are on file if ý ou need theni. 2 Keep your Savings Account for .aving. Add to it fromi every pay. As your balance grows, you'II gain peace of mind. Plonnmd Savlng Bookiet Unief andclair - wth colored chats - this 12 page folden gveî YOU voluabl pointteaon \ Planned Savini. Ask aur meanest bnanch for youn COPY of the "12-Account Plan". $tort Planneti Savino at aur nearest branch »w. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 770 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY 70 SERVI YOU Nfoi BUOW.MA4N VILLE J3RA.NCiR - Ji. G. HACRIM.G, Manager duihid Dealer Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone whitby SlOhawk 8-3552 319 Dandas St. E., Wlitby à HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue YJacc1ue/tne C'or. Athol & Celinx. Oshawa %TAIVMLLP. ONTARIO 1 tirt ornin, ad alabd th MiUtes hs adlm adel la)d'oo' C operation & Publicity ýb M in slairs ta his room, P-1 the world rtant wParturnaldcue-Ot Is Most Important Thing d y M er ber CG T T Be(Feigus News Record) 9 o' dock Friday nights and no- TheFeguMRea m\e'cans body thinks about it any rmore. ed Jan. 14. 1910: "On the sug- St Association held a meetn, i acnga heehoght ovrnte topers gestion of Mrs. Stark, it was r r taacfc eek. It was a peacefiil and ~lgacn vrteppr agred t chngethecha Actr r1SiI a u cquiet affair. eca'ng nmaill'frorn other towns. At present of tee ti hngead te adatea with advertising. "L:e Fcrgusi t S Durhamn. Last sunmmer the s u p rligt rfre-hmntsmerchants have becorne sold on inerchants ini that town split uli should be served." 1 Hampt> on M the value of newspaper adver-! badiv. About hall of thern The custom of having five' tising in the local 1)aper-. The changed to Friday opening and groups to serve refreshments be-"lHrampton - Wornan's Mission- on! * vaebate -as about w lat the rest hung on ta, Saturday gan Oct. 23, 1941, at the Club ary Society meeting was held in weeks ta put on the co-oper'a- i,igit. During the f aîl they Roonis. 439 Sherbourne St. "ýThei the Sunday School roomn Feb. 25 tive advertising.1 gr2dually dnifted back to Sat- meeting was in charge of Groupi with Mrs. F. J. Reed, president, A couple of years ago. fit men, .Tthtrha was h losig No. 1 which xvas the first ofifs; in charge. Many items of bus-i wasn't that x\av. In those ""'s. business to Hanover and Owen~ kind to take place under the' mess were discussed, a list of there were bitter dcbates over on onStdasNwte ne1re. articles for supply work was closing on Friday or Satu,-dZa%' iatter is up again. A secret In the Secretary's report for, presented. It was decided ta nights, and about s'ore houir". blo soe 1 uhaimr the 1941-42 season he says: "The'entertain the C.G.I.T. and Ex- Fegsstrsha en bpncanlt shown1ngDrdam ier- seaon i 141-2 hs ben eryplaersat he pri metin, asoon Saturdav nights for as far; and eight in favour of Saturday. satisfactory in every way. There to entertain the twa Mission 1 back as anyane' could remell- A recent ad in the Durhaïn was a new innovation introduc- Bands, Baby Band and mothers ber. It was "Farrner's night" in Chronicle had the names of 25 ed for a try-out. The members at another date. Some reports tw h rpslt pno hc ilsa pno n were divided into five groups, iwere given af the Presbytenial FridaN nights and close Satur- day and another ad had onlv each group ta be responsible f or at Oshawa-.a ihshda pilsrg ee o audvngt the social hour and it has work- Mrs. J. Smales had charge ao dyf iht la a uhi)stug ed ln for S aturda naht ed out very well. It is the in- the worship with scripture read- ge cag okpae n oDuhmmrhns ooe tention ai the Club ta carry on ing by Mrs. H. Trull. Prograni Tecag okpaeadtaDra ecat.C-pm the next season in the sanie way was the fourth chapter af the gradually everybody feli in line. ation and advertisingz are more with the improvements of this Study Baak on Japan, wîth Mrs. Now the stores are open until important than closing hours. year's experience . . . The first Caverly assisting Mrs. Smnales. one was held in October, the Mrs. Reed invited the W.M.S. ta social hour in charge ai Graup the Parsonage for March meet- No. 1 under the leadership ofi îng with Mrs. H. Salter in charge I Mrs. Maas. The November ane af pragrani. was in charge ai Group Na. 2 The World's Day of Prayer ~ under the leadership af Dr. and was held in the church with a Mrs. L. B. Williams. The gaod attendance, and a goadly January social hour in charge of number oi ladies from Zion and Group No. 3 under Dr. and Mrs. Eldad, sanie assisting with the D. D. MacDonald. The Febtuary program. social hour in charge ai Graup....... No. 4 with Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Henderson as leaders. The.LIZ.ET..ILL March meeting in charge of...ai...... ... Group No. 5 with Mr. and Mrs. ELIZABETHVILLE-Me5ss,.N, Rabbins as leaders." V. Peacock and Clarence Beat- We stillcotnetigrp ty attended the Orange Ladge systern with a hostess in charge, bnutfrEs Durham hield *~'* at each meeting. I wauld like at Millbrook recent.ly.-Xk ta mention twa af these original O Wednesday evening we hostesses in connectian with had aur pot luck supper and February meetings; in thet crokinole party. Aiter supper minutes Feb. 28, 1942: "Congrat-' was served the tables were set uhations ta Mrs. L. B. Williams, up for crakinole. The winners it being her birthday." This is were: gentlemnens' high, Mr.~ Feb. 27 but 1 wauld like ta wish1 Howard Quantrill; ladies' high, Mrs. Williams "Many Happy Re- 1 Miss Ruth Mercer, Gents' low turns" fromn the Durham Club prize weat ta Jimmy Muldrew one again. I would also like ta and ladies' law ta Joan Trew . point out that the original lead-,About $20 dollars were realiZ- er ai Group No. 4 for February, ed.. .... Mrs. O. J. Headerson, is still on On Tuesday evening, Mr. and "' the job and our hostess for to- Mrs. H. Thickson visited with night. Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, Gar- 0 The ladies have been members den Hill, Mr. Lockwood cele-~ W ho do you thinlc ai the Club for many years con- brating his birthday. tributing ta the social lufe and Sorry ta hear ai the passing ge s $4 1/2 million, each weekç? as the aId man saîd: (quite off ofa Mr. M. Fallis, Millbrook. Mr.t these records) "Yau can't live Leo Fallis who stays with M. with thern - you can't live with- and Mrs. Wilbert Beatty, la a The answer las: Living policyowners of the Lit* out thern God bless them" I grandson ai Mr-. Fallis. Insurance Companies in Canada. _________________Little Diana Beatty had her tonsils removed Satu-day' and For, in addition to every dollar paid ta beneficiaries, hopes ta be home again soon. Two peakers Mrs. W. W. Trew is improv- one dollar and seventy-five cents is paid ini benefits to ing but her daughter, Mrs. C. living paîicyawners.* Beatty, has been il in bed for T ak nsura ce anedayMrs. .Whtehaerern They receive these benefits in variaus formns: au g helping out. rtrretceus dctoa udmtrdedw At WV I M eetinG i Sor-y ta hear that Mrs. Fow- rereethqeseuctoa 1er has been in the hospital for ments, disability payments, palicy dividends, and in cash NEWTONVILLE - Womens Ila c'heck up. Hope she is soon for emnergencies, froni The Lufe Insurance Coap.aniesinl Institute met Tuesday after- well again. noon, Feb. 25, at the home ai Mr. Fred Wheeler visited Mr. Canada. Mrs. M. Jones, with 23 present. 1 A. Holdaway and Mr-. Gea. oes amet ge hw Mrs. Miligan was in charge'oij Hamilton who have undergone*LesGormetfgessw the business part ai the meet- operations in Peterborough total annual benefits pald out es foIIowst ing. Plans were conpleted for!j hospital. To beneficlaries: $135,000,000; tickets ta be sold for a wool Mr. and Mes. Vernon Peacack I i"plconr:$3,0,0 blanket. attended the funeral ai the late T iigplconr:$3,0,0 1Mrs. M. Joncs, graup conven- Margo Harcourt, Port Hope, S7 er took charge, and called on Sunday.