~AY, MARC!! Otk. 1000 TEE ~AKAD!A1I UTATESMAN, EO'WMANV!LLE. OUTARTO PAGE T~TEEW Ckuss.fied Cards of Thankcsj Coming Events I would like te say "thank1 Dance in Kendai Community rou sincerely" to ail my friends,' Hall, Saturday, March 8, te the eighbours and customers for music et the Homesteaders. Eer ki.ndness. Helen Corden.101 10-î. Plan te attend dance at Var- ______ coe's Hall every Saturday. Feat- Iweuld like te say/(kyu uring Cy McLean with Peggy ouStevens, vocalist. Admission everyone for their ~.arýd $2.50 per couple. 9-2' rds during my recent Êtay in ______________ e hospital. Special thanks te Euchre party at Tyrone Hall, )r. Rundle and nurses. Tuesday, March 11, 8 p.m. Door Georgina Woolner. prizes. Admission .50c, every- 10-1 onc welcome. Sponsored by We would like te 'take thisOnai rms'Uo.10* Ipportunity te thank auir many A hot turikey supper will be riends and relatives 'for the served in the Recreation Centre, evely gitts which we received Blackstock, March 19, by the t Ncwtonville Hall. United Church W.A. Tickets Winnie and Mike Kube, available tram members. 10-1* (nec Stacey). Liens Club Bingo, Manday, SMarch 17, 8 p.m., at Liens Centre. Two jackpots $50 each. We wish te thank ah aour Nine numbers. 20 games $8.00. telatives and triends for the Two special games. Admission ovely table lamp, flowcrs and $1.()0. 10-2 aras we received on aur 35th fedding anniversary and Mr. 3abcock's birthday. Maude and Herb Babcock. 10-1' My sincere appreciation ta ricnds, neighbors and relatives ýor cards, calîs and fruit receiv- d during my recent illness. Special thanks te Dr. Ferguson nd the Evening Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church for flawers. H. A. Galbraith. Reserve March 26th for the Durham County Shorthorn Club apnnual banquet, to be held at Solina Hall. Tickets may be purchased fromn members of Club. 10-1* Tyrone Young People are holding a variety concert, featur- ing a one-act play "Hillbilly Sue" in Tyrone Community Hall March 7 at 8 o'clock. Admission -Aduits 50c, children 25c. 9-2 10-1 Bingo, sponsored by Darling- 'We wuld lke tetake thiotn Vlunteer Fire Brigade at et ol iet aeti Avalon Hall, Oshawa, Wednes- Srtunity te thank everyane day, March l2th, 8 p.m. sharp. heur sympathy and kind- Twenty games $5 and $7; share extended ta us during the the wealth; five $40 jackpots. osa ef aur dear husband and 10-1 ather, with a special thaught or our friends and neighbours. Bowmanville Women's Insti- Mrs. E. Bird and family. tute Kapper Karnival, March 10-1' 13 at Lions Centre. Four quilts, aver fifty prizes. 25 tickets 25c. We wish to express our Home haking. Afternoon tea, eartfclt thanks ta aur friends, 25c. Draw at 8 p.m. Five lucky eighbours and relatives for draws. 10-1 lowers, words of sympathy and__ ther kindnesses extended te Old Tyme "Irish" dance, Sat- s during aur recent bereave- urday, March 15th, Coldsprings, cnt of a loving father. Ontario. Jim Fisher and orch- Mrs. J. Taylor, Part Hope; estra. "Saints preserve us" Mrs. Wm. Bryan, Oshawa, shîllelaghs checked at door. and Bensen Nichols, Bowman- Faveurs and retreshmcnts. 9:00 ville. 10-1' p.m. sharp. 10-2' To ac ad every one et aur Weodview Cemmunity Centre kieah n rednihas-Monster Bingo. Twenty games any idfins egbr -twcnty dollars; tive games- nd relatives, who have been thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and aod through the years, and twe jackpots at $250. Door rough these days etfdsorreo prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., nd bereavement, with deedsof Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf finite kindness, wards et i _____________ ympathy and with such beauti- The annual Birthday Party et 1 flawers, please acccpt mY the Memorial Hospital, Bow- ncerc thanks. manville, will be hcld in the Mrs. Theron Mountjoy. ,Cemmunity Centre. Bcech Ave., 10-i Thursday, March 27 tram 3 te 5 p.m. The public is cordially My sincere thanks te rel- invited. 10-2 itives, tricnds and neighbours for gifts, flowers and laveý.'rY Regulaxr wcckly bingo hcld rards that I receivcd. Spec<Ili Thursdays exccpt third wcck hanks te the doctors etof i the month which will be Brooklin Medical Centre, held on Tucsdays in the Union ~cial nurses and all those who Hall. 20 regular games and wcre se kind te me on 4B dur- twe $25 jackpot games. Na Ti.~uecent stay in Oshawa Igame under $3 .00. Admission i1nera1 Hospital. 50c. 52-tf Noreen Malcolm. 101 A public meeting will bc held ________by the Durham Liberal Associa- To m man frinds andtien in the Blacksteck Hall on seighbours I extend my sincer-,IWdcdyecig ac 2 stthanks and appreciation forî Russell C. Honey, Part Hope he many acta et kindncss, mes-! lawyer and Liberal candidate ages et consolation and sym-'in the ceming federal electian, %thy and floral tributes inmy will be the principal speaker. me,.bereavement in the less of0- . beloved husband and tather, Hampton Wemen's Institute omas Oattes. will present their annual St. Marge Oattes. Patrick's concert in the S. S. 04room on Monday, March l7th at 8:15 p.m. A 2-act play "Bachelor I wish te sincercly thank Bride" will be prèsented, also iends, ncighbours and relatives! many variety numbers et home Aho sent flowers, cards, and and local talent. Admission -ame te visit me while a patient aut 0,cide 0.1- nthe haspital and atter I came aut 0,cide 0. 1- orne. I especially say thanks Goodyear Factory Girls' Re- , Dr. Kcith Slemon and Dr.1 union, Friday, April lSth, 1958, tundie, the nurses and staff for Legion Hall, 84 Qucen St., Bow- ,heir care and kindness. AIse manville. Turkey dinner 6:30 to Mrs. Prout and the kitchen p.m.; entertaiximent. If plan- taft for the vcry excellent ning ta attend please send $2.00 neals. To yau nîl, my hcart- ta Mrs. Nell Wilson, 70 Liberty felt thanks and appreciation. St. South, Bowmanvillc. Maney Mrs. Alice Rabbins. must be received not later than 10-1 Wcdnesday, April 9th. 10-1 EcurIy Spring SPECIALS Buy NOW and SAVE! DRAKE RELINING G.M. Bonded Shoes on al Pontiac - Chev. - Ford, etc. -__$1 9.35 (Drum Turning Extra if Needed) ALIGNNENT . . .- -$6.00 Wheels Balanced ________- $1.00 per wheel (Including weights with every aligrnment) WNEEL DEARINGS PACKED With Every Lubrication and Oil Change $1.00_ '58 PONTIAC OR CHEV. GI«IDIOS and AERIALS Imstalled $83,50 Robson Motors Lirnited MUC][ - POPMUC - G.M.C. TRUCK DECALER \6Kig St. ýw vill* MA 3-3321 ti ti kl Ads, 1 Orono Choson (Cantinucd frem page one) but a great many et these stu dents go te Oshawa high schoals lIn addition Bawmanville wil be able te handle Darlingtoi quite easily as sean as th( Clarke and Newcastle student are transterred froni the Bow manvîlle school. It wvas the turther feeling o: the Board that -the. congestiax sheuld be relieved ait Bow. manviille and the presen Orono High School replaced The Orono High School is par et the Oreno Public Schoo Board and the Public Schoo Board has indicated that the) will require the space that i: new bcing rcntcd te the Higl School Board. lIn prescnting thc Orono briet Roy Forrester, chairman et thE Orono Police Trustees, peint, cd eut that village is central. ly located in the County anc mast et thc roads lead into thi! centre. The estimated numbci of students who could attenc strongly supported the proposa'. et a high school at Orono. The students In north Dar. ington could mare casily reacli and be accammodated at Orenc as weuld the students in south Clarke and Newcastle naw at- tending Bowmanvillc Higli School. Orone has a number ni sites fer school and watcr i5 readily available at each. A goed high school is already lin eper- ation at Orono Mr,. Forrester concluded. Brenton Riekard, NewcastlE Councillor, gave that village's vicws. Newcastle he tclt was the most densely populated area and has the greatest potential grawth. It is strategically la- cated and is near the intersec- tion et Highway 401, 15, and 2. A desirable advantage ta Newcastle Mr. Rickard pointed eut was the full size Commun- ity Hall auditorium which could be uscd by the schaol if ne school auditorium were bult. As an incorporated vil- lage Newcastle has police pro- tection and watcr sewcrs. A to- tal et 126 students pass through Newcastle daily te go ta high school at cither Orono or Bow- manville. Following the briefs a motion was placed betore the Board that the location question be de- termincd by a secret ballot but this was turned down eight ta seven. However the motion for arècorded vote was approved with six ta three in faveur. Reeve James Brown et Clarke and Reeve Deug Cun- ninghanm et Newcastle were both present fer the meeting. On learning et the Beard's decision te build the schoal at Orono Reeve Brown gave assurance that the Board wiil reccive ful co-operation tram Clarke Town- ship. Nabody ever gets anything for nathing, but a lot et people keep trying. Noah Webster began writing the dictionary li 1807 and fin- (Continued tram page one) tiring atter six ycars et serviec were John Halmes, Ernest Bry- san and Glen Pickell. Unsuc- ccssful nominces for the post el director werc Robert Chater and Arthur Bedwin. Guest speaker fer the banquel -was Julian Smith, local divisiat manager of the United Co-op- 1erative et Ontario. n Mr. Smith gave a highly en- le lightening address on the valUE -Ioperative working for the tarm- crs. It protects the intercsts loi fits members and secs that they n receive a fair and reasanablE -price for their products. tBorn in Texas, the speaker was raised in Kentucky and -t started working for the Ca- ,l aperative mavement in Virginia, ,He is a firm supporter and be- V iever in the work he is dei s and was able ta convey much et his enthusîasm ta the audi- ence. Mr. Smith stili retains much et his southern drawl atter twc years in Canada. His many -hunforous staries and ancedotes were aîllcxiioycd by the listen- ers. Bruce Tink introduccd the sguest speaker. r Another cntcrtaining feature et tlq atternoon was a brother and b£iSter accordien duet knowr as the "Gay Accordions'. Thc3 -wcrc tram Oshawa. tTurkcy was the main course 3 et the banquet which was pre- 1 pared and servcd by the Kirby - ladies. 1 Full Support of Co-op f During the business meeting, sErnie Spry, Manager et the 1Orono Co-op Mill, thanked the -members for their wholehearted r support during the past year. Now that the Co-op has moved into the ncw mill Mr. Spry gave his personal assurance et better service and tecd. The staff at the Ca-op Mill, 1Gardon Simpson, Don Mercer, Angus Loucks and William Hoy were ail introduced by Mr. Spry. Bruce Taylor, president, and on behaîf af the Durham Fed- eration et Agriculture, extended congratulations to the Co-op for their new mili and the succcss- tul aperatiens during 1957. Alfred Perrin, et thc Co-op Credit Union, eutlincd the values and advantages et be- langing te the Credit Union. Members receive the tullest benefit tram their investment in the Union and are able te berrow money at the lowcst cast. The Union aise effers free lite insurance benefits. An interesting draw was held during the course et the atter- noon with the lucky wînncrs bcing Wellington Farrow, Arth- ur Thompson, Hartwell Lowcry and Robert Morton. An enjayable sing sang was led by Don Staples. Head Table Among the hcad table guests were Tom Kenny, feed special- ist; Lloyd Ackart, area super- visai,; Ernie Spry, Co-op man- ager; Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Falls, Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes, Mr,. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blewett, Mr,. and Mrs. John Stone, Mr. and Mns. Glen Pickell, and Mnr. and Mrs. Car- las Tamblyn. John Stone, President et the Durham Co-op presided at the ameting. s~4F TVI av'DKL SYRSTRA'j L lSERVICE . Your Decorating Headquarters We Can Supply You Wlth .... WALLPAPERS PAINTS BRUSHES TURPENTINE VARNISHES CLEANERS, ETC. PRE-PASTED PAPERS and BORDERS for your convenlence Paints Mixed to Customers' Choice SPECIAL BORDERS for Painted Wallu Corne in and visit our store for information on re-decorating. No obligation ABERN ETHY'S Paint & WaIIpaýer 85 King St. W., Bowmanville Phono MA 3-5431 .ivrs. Ni. Collacott, newman-i ville, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Phare. Mrs. Florence Scott was tea guest an Sunday with Miss Eli- zabeth Knox, Bowinanville. jMisses Anne Marchand and Jean Robertson, spent the weekend with relatives lni To- rente. Mr. Len Philips, Essex, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cellacutt and Joanne, Bowmanville, were tea guests et Mr,. and Mrs. L. Phare, Sunday. A birthday party ot twin fsisters, Mrs. Horace Hall and Mrs. Chas. Terry, was held at fthe home ef Horace Hall's on Sunday whcn Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Terry, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiessen and family, Hamp- ton; Mr. John Maynard, Sandra and Beverley Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Rahmn and taxnuly were present. There was a good attendance Sunday morning at Mission Band. Atter thc usuai openlng with Pres. Robert Hanilton lin chair, Diane Blobodian and Patty Partner rend the scrîp- turc. John Hoar led in prayer. A di 'scussion on Palm Sunday, i-st chapter et Study Book on Japan, was given by Mrs. Paul' Vaneyk.t Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary and Frankie spent the weekend I wîth Mr. and Mr&. Ciare Col- bary, Tarante. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Leaside, spent a couple et daysi fwith Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. H. Woodceokf and children, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davey and children, Blackstock, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey. Mrs. D. C. Peters and tam- ily, Bewmanvillc, were Sun- day callers et Mr. and Mrs. A.; Hamilton. Mrs. H. Hall accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiessen et Hampton and attended the' 1tuneral et their uncle and great uncle, Mr. George Drew, Osh- awa, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. R.ahm and children, Blackstock, with M, and Mrs. A. Rahm. Tyrone L.O.L. 764 was pre- scnted with a suit-case by Mrs. James Delaney, in laving mcm- ory et ber husband, James E. Delaney, who was County mas-' ter tram 195h6-57. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ranm spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger and Mr. and, Mrs. M. Smiley and familles,ý Hamilton.1 The West Group et W.A. are' having a quilting bee at the home et Mrs. A. Hilîs. Mr. Len Phîllips. Essex, eall- cd an several relatives on Sun- day. 1If veu find lite is empty, try putting sormething ino it. L:ghting t',ýe %way ef men to' betterment is the finest pro- je"bai FOR MEN .... Dack and Scoft-McHale Shoes Sisman Work Boots and Scampers FOR CHILDREN.... FOR WOMEN ... Savage Shoes Naturalizers FOR TEENAGERS .. New Line of Ivy League - Bubhle - Pixie - Oxfords White, Red, Beige, Black, Grey Make This Your Headquarters for Spring Styles and Fashions Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MASON & DALE announce the well known Une of Simp Iicity Washing Machines for 1958 Exclusive..1 Insul-Aire Tub Touch-A-Matle Start Dlual Purnp-Tirncr Controi Instinctive Super-Safe Wrlnger Large il-lb. Tub Plus a ..1 the exclusive Two-Year FREE SERVICE Guarante. line of quality appliance. Mason & Dale Hardware Limited NIA 3-5408 Bow anvllle 36 King St & Coming Events Ray Dudley Centenntal Con- cert with Hart House Orchestra, March 20 in Trinity United Church at 8:30 p.m. Tickets $1, from Lions Club members, also at Rickaby's "Big 20" and Mc- Gregor's Drug Store. 10-2 The Business and Profession- ai Women's Club is sponsoring a Moffat Cooking School on Tuesday, March llth and Wed- nesday, March l2th at 8:15 p.m. in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. Admission 50c. There will bc numerous door prizes including an electric pop-up toaster and an electric coffee maker. Tick- ets from B. & P. members or at the door. 9-2 DAÀNC E Solina Hall Saiurday, March 8th Music by Doug Dasti and his Northern Ramblers Solina Football Club Gents, 75o Ladies, 50c 10-1*, D AN CE to the mnusic of GARY De LORME and his Country Boys Friday, March 7ih Corne One - Corne All - to the Orono Town Hall Dancing 9-12 Admission 75e Teen Town members accepted 50e Stars of Radio and Stage 10-1l Old Time Methodisi Awakening Meetings continue to be held In Burkefon School House each Sunday ai 3 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME REV. E. E. MAGEE 10-1 qItUMDA'T. MAPM @th, IM PACM TEMTZW JL CMADUN BTATESMM, BOWMANMI& ONTAWO Auxiliary B Listing Pasi The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion held a meet- ing on Monday evening at the Legion Hall. Comrade Ann Piper, the president, presided. Three new members, Comrade Gwen Gibson, Comrade Gladys Belsey, and Comrade Evciyane 'Bonathan, ail of Newcastle, were initiated in an impressive cere- miony. Comrade Edythe Rundle, the Sergeant-at-Arms, and Com- rade Jean Firth, the Standard Bearer, escorted the three candidates to the front of the hall where the president con- ducted the initiation. Comrade Rose Bate was tres- cnt on her officiai visit as Zone Commander. She gave an, in- interesting address on the re- sponsibilities and duties of her office and told of her official visits; te the other seven Ladies' Auxiliaries et the Canadian Legion in the Zone at Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Duxibarton, Clare- mont, Wunderland, and Ux- bridge. Comnrade Audrey Bate was installed as secretary. It was decided te order a plaque te bear the names et past presi- dents ef the auxiliary. The plaque will be made et wood, Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Gilmer, Port Hope. With Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stephenson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred spent Sunday afternoon and evening with. Mr,. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Bowmanville. Miss Blanche Wotten and Mrs. James McGregor, Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak and Gary, Toronto and Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs, W. Halmes. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and farnily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred , Or- ena. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mitchell and family, Lotus, weré Satur- day visiters with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bedwin. With Mr. and Mrs. Bc'dwin on Monday were Mrs. Earl Gilbank and Keith, Pan- typool. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther- tord, Orano, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Durham Co-Wop ftake part on the progrmi'TTCVTT~ Pl que Anoyone desiring to send ENNISL)U.J-La1NHÀYDON uys P , oollens away is setola' them with Pearl Leach not la- 1Mr. and Mms Orr Jeffery, Miss Anne White, Hamnpton, 71I ter than March 21.1 Port Perry, spent Sunday with spent the weekend with Miss Mrsrie S sid dith Maroweand r..Mr. and Mm A. Brunt. Lynda Pot t 4 ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank west-; family, Maple Grove, were with zie, Beth, Susan and Mary. sinillar to the presidents' plaque lake Jr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells. Toronto, were Sunday visitors recèntly obtained by Branch 178, of the Canadian Legion. The Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart, Mrs. A. Sharp and; Mrs. A. L. at Mrs. ,A. McNeil's. auxiliary's plaque wiîl also be Doris and Arnold, Zion; Mr. Wearn were recent calleso Mrs. C. Soper, Mr. and Mrs. hung in the Legion Hall. It was, and Mrs. Tom Westlake, Mill- Howard Pye at Whitby os A. J. Hicks, Oshawa. called on announced that the auxilîary brovstd M.ad r.Ptl Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeil will cater for the Kinsmen's Frank Westlake Sr. Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Oke and Mrs. H. Crossman, Sunday. Ladies' Night, March 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox en- were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and A highlight of the meeting tertained relatives at a party eMrs. Bruce Ashton's, Purpie Lynda, Enniskillen, were Sun- was the presentation of a 25-; in honor of their son Boyd's Hill. day visitors at Mr,. anld Mrs. year-pin to Comrade Elsie Bur- second birthday anmiversary. Mis s Carol Cox, Bowmanville , Ross Ashton's. ton. Zone Commander Bate! Those present were Mr. and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard pinned the emblem denoting* Mrs. Hilton Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Mrg. Ed. Cox and family. Houseman and Wayne were 25 years membership in the Walter nPnk and Brianr, Mr. Mr. Leonard Phillips, Essex; supper guests of Mr. and Mr&. Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canad- Ken Tink, Ebenezer, Miss Mai,- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt Alfred Garrard, Sunday. ian Legion on Comrade Burton. garet MacGregor, Courtice, and and Joanne, Bowmanville; Miss Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Wal- President Piper presented her Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shackle- Doris Wright, were recent vis- ter Loveridge's were Mr,. and with a corsage of beautiful pînk ton, Bowmanvîlle. itors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs. David Morrow, Toronto, roses. Comrade Burton is the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Yeo. Mr,. and Mrs. Bernard House- first member of the Bowman- entertained several neighlors Miss Ruby Vîrtue, Toronto; man and Wayne, Mr. and Mrm ville Auxiliary of the Canadian at a party Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and Alfred Garrard. Legion to receive a 25-year-pin. KnSie pn h ek children, .Bowmanville, were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mich- She joined the Ladies' Auxil- KnSprspehewk- visitors of Mr,. and Mrs. Ralph ael and family, Oshawa, at Mr. iary of the Legion in Kyle, ent with Brian Brady li Osh- Virtue's. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm's. Saskatchewan, in 1933. awa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Meer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Following the meeting a de-j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, and Randy, Providence, with visited Mr. and Mrs. Fréd licieus lunch was served b y Brougham, were Saturday vis.- Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Toms, Enniskillen. Comrade Grace Murdoch and itrs at Harry Knox's.- Mr,. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and National Film Board pictures Comrade Rita Hayes. A featurei, Mrs. Wes His, Carol, Anne I Linda, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross will be shown in the church of the lunch was a large con- and Howard are vfsiting Mr,. Ashton,- Haydon. on Tuesday night. March i lth. gratulation cake in honor of and Mrs. M. McCarrell at Ome- Mrs. Howard Bradley, Maple W.A. March meeting will be Comrade Burton. mee. Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- held at Mrs. Leslie Graham's on jMr,. and Mrs. E. Spires Gill, Miss Clara Page, Mr. and Thursday, March l3th, ait 2.30. and Sharon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coombs and Charlene, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahmn Mrs. Ray Bemis, Oshawa, on Toronto, with Mrs. E. Page. visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard SuLINA Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and Wilson, Lakefield, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry and family, Port Perry, were with Congratulations to Mr. Rich- The Explorers held their sons were Saturday visitors at Mvr. and.Mrs. L. Stainton. ard McNeil on his 8lst birth- meeting on Saturday afterneoon Sam Van Camp's, Base Line. day, February 28th. in the church basement. The Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox Mr. and Mrs. Bernard House- meeting opened with theE. and sons, visited at Hilton 7f) man visited friends at Lindsay' plorer Purpose, hymn an Tink's, Ebenezer, on Sunday. "MON" and Toronto last week. prayer. Mrs. J. Knox readf Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. from the study book "Keni i". George Bittner, Mr. and Mrs. Mrt. Wes Cameren atténdéd Mrs. Bruce Tink led in the wor-î J. Leger and children, Oshawa, a postponed birthday party for ship service, "The Theme of visited at Mr. and Mrs. E. Cry- her sisters, Mrs. Ivan Cochrane DURHAM COUNTY Life". The scripture passage derman's. and Mrs. William Preston, at SHORTHORN CLUB was read by -Doreen Hamer. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDon- Mrs. Stanley Coveriy's, Ebene- The program prepared by Phyl- nid, Paul and Kathy, Belleville: zer. 37t]h Annual lis-Ann Westlake and Lois Mr. and Mrs. Larry DewelI. Mr. and Mrs. James Killen, Ashton included poems read Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Janice and Brenda, Mr. and SHORTHORN by Joan Westlake and Sharon Mrs L. Broome and sons. Mrs. John Killen, attended a Spires and a story read by A M r. and Mrs. E. CRTylor v is-insto celeratRthe brthday lene Westlake. Jean Baker and Mr. and Mrs. E.Rydrm, i estday paryat Roebert Kil-SALE Doreen 'Hamer led in games., ited Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, of James and John. The pragram committee for next' Blackstock. Master Robert Powell, Col- Being held at meeting is Sharon Spires andI umbus, spent a few days with ACSOK ON RI Wendy Nesbitt. Roll cal-An * his graxidmother, Mrs. Donald BACSOK OTRO Irish ToCL Yellowlees. TUSAMRH1t The C.G.I.T. group met on! n Sfl .~isiers Mrs. F. B. Glaspell visitcd Saturdav afternoon. A chapterl hber brother. John Gerry, To- at 1:30 p.m. from the study book was given t-i~~o e ronto, who is on the sick list. by Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Pat I8 no d la Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dart, 8 Buils, eligible for the Davis conducted the worship Judy and Jay, Woodville, vis- Governrnent Bonus and service. The roll caîl was an-r ited at Henry Dart's. 24 Bred Fernales. swered with an article made Birthday Pr ty Mattend th OddFellCeo t Icue aeoePl in Japan. The girls joined the aH aedthBrOk lo F t nlue aeon dle Explorer group for the remain- TYRON-Miss May Wright, Home ai rono riday Bl n ing program. Their contribu- Oshawa, spent the. weekend night. four Polled Females. tions was a piano solo by Di- with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank, anne Tink and a vocal triio by Mrs. Helen Jewell, Mr. and Orillia, spent the weekend at Accredlted, Vaecinated and Pat Davis, Gail Baker and Pat Mrs. Arthur Pogson, O .shawa, Robert Killen's. Inoculated Knox. were tea guests Saturday of Mr,. and Mrs. Donald May- The Three M's were pleas- Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell. bury and Linda, Scarborough, «'The Sale of antly entertained by the Black- Mr. Luther Stainton return- visited at Henry Dart's. Satisfied Buyers" stok oules Ccbon Wd dfo th TrnoGeal Mr. and Mrs. August Geiss- nsocaCues' lui on We- c fomithe Td s oonGeals egraeleaving on Wednes- Dinner Avallable at Sale nesday evtningome Hospital and is nowor a visit te their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmnaid cn ttehm thsduh in Switzerland. For catalogues write visited on Sunday with Mr. and ter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sar- M.adMs et Stain-JONRCADSerty Mrs. 0. Lunn and children at tn ton entertained some of their NEWCASTLE, ONT. Peterborough. Mrs. L. Fawcett, Meaford, friends at a party on 'Saturday spen theweekend with, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- and Mrs. Dawson Beckett.. niglit. maid and children, were Sun- Several people from here at- day visitars with Mr. and Mrs. tended the Ontario Vegetable Bill Ashton and children, Growers' dinner and dance on Bradley's. Friday evening at Newcastle. Mr,. and Mrs. R. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Sr., and sons. Whitby, vîsited on visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Geis- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John berger, Zion. Knox and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murney l The Womcn's Institute wiîl and children, Peterborough, 14. The 4-H Club girls will Jr._ m 1