PAGE FOtTETEEN ~RE CANAD!AI~ STATISMAN, OWMAKVULE. ONTARTO ?RT~qflAY IDAUfW ~h 1. - - , --e--a SF~, *Wfl~ <1k. eweca4e 9«c4" Newcastle Editorial Majority of Residents Not Given Consideration Un High School Decision S Feeling is running high locally because of the4 decision made by the Durham County District High School Area Board to build a new High School on a proposed site north west of Orono by an 8 to 7 vote with one absentee with members from far outside the area concemn- ed over-riding the votes of the members representing the area which the school will serve. In the voting, Darlington and Bowmnanvîlle voted 2 to 1 for a Newcastle site, the two Clarke members voted for Orono and the County Council representative, .a resi- dent of Clarke, voted for Newcastle; the two Millbrook representatives split, giving one for each while Port Hope and Hope Township with f ive members voted three for Orono. The chairman did not vote and the f ifth member of this eastern group was absent. Thus, taking the votes of the members repesenting the area which will be affected by the proposed new school, Darlington, Bowmanville, Clarke and Newcastle where members voted upon the advantages offered by the two locations the vote was six. to four in Newcastle's favour. Port Hope and Hope Township members, whose constituents are in no way affected by the proposed sehool, reversed the wish of the majority of those whose con- stituents are vitally affected by the final site chosen. Tt is not expected parents in Newcastle and other parts of the lakeshore amea wilI take this kind of outside interference in a matter affecting the future education of their children without a fight. NOW-3 TO 4 PLOW DIESEL POWER AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN HISTORY lew opero5ing csts- as bw ae 12J per a=e of powing-live P.T.O. and Uive Hydraufics, Tvaction Contrai and 3 ta 4 plow powu--you get MIl the a nd mony more feartures witli a new David Brown LIVEDRIVE 900 Diesel. Let us "hw you how a David Brown 900 Diesel coni save you real money-can do your work fastei', ond easier. Phone NOW for a DEMONSTRATION W. H. MORRISON R.R. 1, ORONO PHONE ORONO 18 r: Elect Leaders For Patrols Girl Guides NEWCASTLE - The regular weekly meeting of the lst New- castle Girl Guides was held in the Lions room of the commun- ity hall opening with Guide Promise repeated in unison fol- lowed by the roll cail and col- lection of fees. During a short session of marching it was found that some of the recruits were hav- ing trouble distinguishing rîght from left. During Patrol Corners each of the four Patrols elected a IPatrol leader as follows: Daf- fodil Patrol-Judy Brown; Or- chid Patrol - Sandra Cobble- dick: Rose Patrol -Jacqueline Garrod, and the Tillium Pa- trol-Nancv Darroch. In the Instruction perlod Mrs. Quinney taught the girls Traîl Signs after which their know- ledge was tested as they were required to follow trails laid by the Lieutenant. Memnbers of the Rose Patrol led the company in a game of "Wha Has It" and members of the Trillium Patrol had charge o! a game of "Pass the Object". The meeting was brought to a close with Campfire followed by Frayer and Taps. At a Court of Honour held following the meeting it was decided by the court that the rcompany would wear yellow as the colour of their ties. C'CGOULD WamAir He ating EAVESTROUGHING FreEstimates Phone N'ewcastle 43,31 Last year artificially sired cattie produced 24 pounds more butter. fat than their stable mates sired through natural service. That represents $24.00 more income to you, each yeàr, for each cow! For information or service cali . . - UIAN CGUNTY -KEIH WOOD ____ ___ Orono 17110 J" TAAVET___ ___ _ Welcome 2231 iJICK WOOD Bownianville MArket 3-3405 fo ur o! the new ligh ts on IKixîg Social and Mrs. P. F. LeGresley has re- turned home following an ex- tended visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mickié in Montreal and Ar- chdeacon C. W. and Mrs. Bal- four in Peterborough. Mess;rs. Stanley Graham and H. S. Britton have been attend- ing the Sessions of the Hydro Convention in the Royal York1 Hotel in Toronto this week. I Mrs. Britton visited with Dr.! and Mrs. McDonald.1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waines and family and Mrs. Johnz Stemp of Uxbridge were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.1 John Voutt and family. c Word bas been received by Miss Ruth Hancock of the pass- ing of hem uncle the Rev. Willis1 George Hancock in Calgary lasts Saturday. The late Mr. Hancockc was in his 94th year.f Mr. and Mrs. Don Willia'rns lighting 1uin birtnuay on Snriay. lighingsystrn.Mr,. and Mrs. Eric Law, Osh- awa, Margaret Everett, and Stney Kcuci orno I-ersonal r.E re and family. o! Bowmanville visited witb 1Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Agnewi and son, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. on Sunday. 1 Glen Barnes and !amnily, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craw- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sutchiffe. ford and children o! Blackstockc Road conditions are improv- visited with Mr. and Mrs. lfl ing in these rural parts, al- my.Bowen and Darlene onr un thou gh- plenty of snow is still day. piled at side of roads. We arm Signs of Spring indebted to the new road boss, We were informed on Tues- Mr. Charles Stapleton, for the day aftemnoon that Miss Olivejal wvh irceitera Thomne has Snowdrops bloomi- work during the recent bad ing on the south side o! the! weather. bouse. The Plants are only 1 i'rE yes ititDp about 14i2 *inches above the 1I sterEFyest. .D.istrD* ground but about one dzn Patterson, Pres. of Reb. Assei- blossoms were lifting their bly, Ont.; Brother C. Martin, cheery heads to herald spring. Dist. Dep. Grand Master, Dist. His many !riends will be 42, visited Heather Reb. Lodge pleased to leamn that the Rev. No.334, Orono. when the du- M. C. Fisher has recovered ties of th~e everling were abix' sufficiently followîng bis recent cridotb h ol rn operation to return to his hom castriou eobl Gan irom iiemorii iiopitaI, 3Uw'- Elect Bren ton Rickard Chairman Lions Zone 10 NEWCASTLE - A delegation o! thirteen members o! the Newcastle Lions club motored te Port Ferry on Monday even.. ing te lend moral support to one o! their number, Lion Bren- ton Rickamd who was elected chairman o! Zone 10 by accla- mation. Zone 10 comprises all Lions Clubs in the'ares bounded on the east by Cobourg and west to Ajax and extending nortb to include Lindsay. A good sized, delegation !rom the local club attended the meeting wbich was represented by ail clubs in the Zone, with the exception o! Ajax, expecting te see an election battle and ready toi support their candidate. How- ever no campaign was neces- sar.y as ne other candidates were nominated. Lion Brenton, immediate past president o! the local club is the first Newcastle member in a number o! years, te ad- vance in office beyond the home The Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chals noon on Tuesday in Township visited Mr. John Patton and Hall, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van- Saturday evening. Homne, Whitby, ]VLs. Fred Mr. John Patton, Mr. and Tamblyn, Mrs. Cecil Jobnes,I Mrs. Roy Patton were visiting Mrs. Chas. E. Miller and sons Mr. Allun Cathcart, Sixth Line, Larry and Wayne, attended The on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Barbershop Quartette concert Cathcart celebrated his 92nd in Massey Hall, Toronto, on bîthday on Monday and is en- Saturday evening. joying fairly good health. Weekend visitors wîth Mr, * Mm. Cecil Beebe is visiting and Mrs. Egerton Hancock were *relatives in the Western Prov- Miss Mildred Holdaway, Pe- *inces and on the Pacific coast. terborough, Mr. and Mrs. Glen * Mr. and Mrs. Norman Win- Hancock, Linda and Mary, ter and Larry. Oshawa, spent Warkworth; Mr. anid Mrs. Mai,- S. E. Allin.WanNwste Mrs. Frank Ardron, Mrs. Ai-Wan, ecst. bert Gibbs and Mr. Amos Brit- Mr. Donald Goode is em- ton, Toronto, visited Mr. and 'ployed full time by village O r- i Mrs. Madison Hall. ono Hydro as an assistant toi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks Mr. E. Dent. and Chris, Oshawa, were Sun- Mms. Gordon Cotter is assist- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ing at the Post Office during Chas. Wood. Mr. J. C. Ganmey's absence. Rev. Willis G. Hancock, the only surviving brother of Mr. ed away peacefully at Rundie O rono W M S Lodge, Calgary, Alberta, Sat- urday, Mamch lst. He celebrat- ed his 93rd birthday FebruaryPo u kS p e 26, 1958. Mr. Ccil Jones has b It B rtda at his home. 1h Br da Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn spent Sunday with Mrs. James On Febru.ary 2th, the Even- Ginn, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ten- ing Auxiliary of the W.M.S. nant and family, Blackstock. oelebmated their llth birthday Mrs. Harry Mercer was sup- by holding a pot-luck suppemi per guest o! Mms. Chas. Shaw in the Sunday School oom o! and sons, Jim and Ralph, Osh-f the United Church. awa, on Monday. Guests were members of the, Cnrtltoste Mm. and Afternoon Auxiliary, ladies from mrs. Madison Hall who will be St. Saviour's Anglican Cburch, tmarried 54 vears on March 1Oth. leaders o! the Baby Band, C. Mm. and Mrs. Bob Hornér, G.I.T. and Explorers. Around! Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. one hundred sat down to a very Roy BarTabail on. Sunday. enjoyable supperw after Rev. The Orono Public School Long had repeated the grace.1 held their annual Education Mr. John Ford led in a very Week Open lieuse on Wednes- stu»Tig sing-song. day aftçrnoon. A silver collec- Olive Milison was in the tion was taken in aid of the chair in the absence of presi- fund for a new rink. dent Dorothy Watt. She wel-I Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, comed members and guestsf Tomonto, spending a few weeks then called on Margaret Arnott, wit.h hem brother, Mr. Wmn. who intiýoduced Miss Ethel Me.- Robinson. Kague o! Bowmanville, whof A.C.2 Neil Barrabail has showed pictures and spoke very moved from St. John's, Quebec enthusiastically on the United' te Camp Borden. Church Camp "«Five Oaks", jMrs. Chas. Harris and son, which Is situated near Paris, Mr. Frank Harris, Toronto, at- Ontario. Miss McKague stated 1 tended the wedding on Satur- that the Five Oaks Camp com- day of hem grandson, Mr. John Prised 25 acres of very pictur- fT. Fowler, Bowmanville, te esque land and that a great deal Miss Shirley Cormack in Whit- o! the work done on the build fby Baptist Church and recep-f ings and surrounding3 had been tion in Wih Legion Hall. done bv xork camperF. The Durham, Countv. Farm-. exp]ajned that the campwa ers' Co.operative held theirl open af] vear and told o! uas il amub buuet d meâm a ine& Hu " ikwu mou 100K * FAST RELIEF FOR' COMMON SORE ITHlýIoAT à, » B "RIRE OF RUN" POST OFFICE OWMAN VILLE FRIDAY 7 Mar., '58 11 a.m. - 6 P.m. SUPER -RIGHT AMAT SPECIAL1S SAL1E! RIB END 3 to 31/a-lb average TENDERLOIN END b49c 1fl 31/2-lb averace lb3 9c (UTS or CHOPS lb 69C PRODUCE SPECIAL '/ery bout for pies and sauce, packed in aur own plant under aur own label and supeMrvo6 APPLES RICE LONG GRA4IN RAISIN PIE PEACHES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Northerr, Spy, Ontario Grown, Fancy Quality Sunnyfield Reg. 33c-8SAVE 20 Jane Parker Reg. 49c-8AVE 10o A&P Choies Quatity Reg. tin, 33o-8SAVE 74 A&P Sweetened Reg. tin 3lc-SAVE 7o 3-lb bag 3 9 2-lb pkg 31C tacl 39C 2 28-oz tis59c 2 48-oz tins c~ Prices effective until Saturday, Mardi' 8rh, 1958 -the District Deputy President. hrîteresting and many present' 0 Members fromn the Bowmanville will be pay ing a visit te Five %orono y r n il g adPort Hope Rebekah Lodges Oaks Canïfp.oHy r a dV lag ~d u djGined with Heather Rebekah' Mr. Ford rendered two love- L Lodge, Orôno. ly numbers, "There's a Gold " r -ulT meE po e The Assembly President, Mrs. te Me Only With Thine Eyes".1 Orono Police Trustees and Township te have North Churcà Ptterson o! Ripley, spoke to the, Ph.. 6Vgathering, mainly on the Odd'l Edith Sherwin moved a vote'Orono Hydro Commission met Street continued past Oront Peaw Hm t are.Mso! thanks to Miss McKague and: Monday evening wben the School to the pmoposed Duncani Fikes, District Deputy Fresîdenitet Clifford Long for operating boards finalized a plan to hir Rodpoericinadgm- o! District No. 8, East from Osha- the projector, also to Mr. Ford. * a full time man to womk for both elling o! Rowe Avenue, propet 1%f .wa, also spoke. District Deputy Olive Milîson was called to'the village and Orono Hydro. planning o! South Church Street, To rie s Grand Master Clame Martin o! the front while Stella Carson This scheme has been under between Victoria Street aeý Top ffiers the Orono Odd Fellows Lodge, read a short message when E- consideration for some time and Station Street se that a sdea was present for this most fruit- leenBlllings presenoed Olive with the resignation o! Mrs. ma be c ucted indethiae fui meeting. with a Life Memnbership pin Norton as secretary of Omono It was a 'ommenddta Vist U onoMms. Patterson was given a and Kay Rainey presented the Hydro, was brought into force. shdl chi -stoning be agaix presentation from the gather- certificate. Olive thanked the Donald Goode wvas hired by carried out thii yesm where it îng wic ws mesntd y rsAuxiliary and said she feit very Orono- Hydro, who will in turn was, needed to keep the streets R ebeka hs Mary Bmoh, abrented Port op humble but did appreciate th'e bill the village for time allotted in a Class A condition. Tuesay venngFeMa25 rynFolo nt f Prti Hoape:,f. for work. Salary was set at $50. It was pointed out by the the Odd Fellows Hall, Omono, 150 licious lunch was served. i evotional was taken bv m od ild h okchimno h oieTute D gaetAmnott, Verna Hooey work for Orono Hydro and keep that they had sold their first Rebekah members took part in a Two, car loads o! Orono arg arE as.yth e office open five a!ternoons Fedlar's Lîcense last weekend vemy successful meeting. The Heather Rebekah members at- dAi vn.o! the week. Hîs duties also in- to one engàged in the selling of occasion was the visit o! the Re- tended a joint meeting held in iMms. A. A. Dmummond gave clude working with Mr. Dent on aluminum doors and windows. beksh Assembly President and Oshawa on Wednesday nigbt. birthday greetings from the Af- the uines, caretaking the hall, en- temnoon Auxiliary and also pre- forcing of village by4laws and dieo seneda eryinerstng ndotervillage dte Last ya di 4 etelovlr i h M erc ry ýV ap o Lig ts ian tewadshi. btween $2100 and $2200 for part papers.1. Drummond for ber verýv fine expected to provide a better t410 1 B e ng I stal eclremarks. She also thanked Mai,- service for both organîzations. W A N TE D N ow eing Inst liedgaret Arnott and Ethel Tyr- The two local by-laws now in reil and their group for a very force are the contmolling o! dogs Dead, OId and Crlppled As the result o! a decision street east o! Beaver- Isat week, enjoyable evening. and the pedlam's by-law. FARM STOCK andareawatin deivey o jA esolution was passed re- Picked Up Free o! Charge m4de by the village counicil adaeaatn eieyo usng htteTwsip- '____ latNvme eisa e-the remainmng ten lights order- qousti n ha the Twn shipgee 24 Hour Service latNoebe eintl e-ed wbich require a diffement LESKARD moncil rein the n al grea-olec cury Vapor lights on the King type o! standardmewnthbp raeucng the vigealour CoF2-37t st-eet usinetownshipnofrate honlathe(ovillage PeteborughFRI2-208 stret usnes sctin ! te Te arg (lde tpe) lights Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins assessment by 3.5 milîs. village to brigbten up the main now in use on King street will adPtroog I228 tboroughfare, installation O! be moved te adjoining streetsan Gail, Toronto, visited with A discussion followed on road NICK PECONI the new lights began last week. in the central part o! the vil Mr, and Mrs. Art Robbins for' projeets for the year and a Peterborough - Ont. resolution was addressed to the_______________ Workman o! the Newcastle lage and should make a desir- the' weekend. Gail celebrated Hydro- -Commission erected able improvement. tenthes~ treet i-, 1 -.,-i+'-- THU MAT. MARCK M. lm PACM TOTJRTnw - TM CAMADM STATESMM, BOWILU;Vnl& MMAM