?HURSDAY, MARCH 6th. 195fl THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO fAGE TITREN .(Speclal to The Statesman by Wm. G.. mes) Ottawa: «' EucXýn is in a 0 race with world wide catastro- * phd" and "money xill cureý mnuch of Canada's educational ailments" were two of the op- ening remarks that pervaded znuch of the thinking at the first Canadian Confereiace on Edu- cation held in Otba,;wa recently. These rernarks were coupled with delegates in-the-corridor quips of what will premier Duplessis think of ail this". "Edu,"ýation is aur ofliy hope, o)ur chIllenge, in the peaceful competition of the future" said Dr. Wilder Penfie!d world fam- Our Montreal nc'n"1ostir.eon and chairman of the conference. Dr. Penfied in b rer-nari:s continued with "But il war should cone. aur v:its mighit well save us. We \vofld be vieil advised ta spend cn the Ù- vation of those w:'s a u comparable xvith vat wc are spenclinc e n e':' 1IîvC e c' 800 D~;isAttend The confeirciice attcndecd b-.' 800 deIeyiatcs iudi the larg- est gathcring of the cointr',s "brafans" ever Itu :. thcer in one group. Yxvwalk of life was rýrý,ýh J .'Olar'ge attendance f-,11 CanadianI Charnber of Co--ir'ercc, Mvanu- ,Lfacturers' A ca>,Labour -IWCongres.3, F ort f Agri- culture, Hon uid School As- sociations, rcIii-,'o:'s organiza- tions of every faith, teachers' groups from exe:y categýory the / C1'rcl1e L ;ght diamond plus many other highly inter- ested Canadians from various organizations and associations. Leading educators from Bn- tain, Russia, United States and Canada speaking on "The Pur- pose of Education" were among the 74 speakers. Every aspect a! education was thoroughly in- vestigated and discussed by ex- perts'on every subject.' Concrete suggestions and re- solutions were hammered out by the delegates through their eight workshop discussion groups. Delegates attended groups of their own choice ta discuss, in the two-day period devoted ta workshops, Build- ing and Equipment, Education for Leisure, Financing Educa- tion, Higher Education, Organ- ization and Curricula, Role of the Home in Education, Special NeLeds in Education and Teach- ers-Quantity and Quality. Delegates through their work- shops put fonward many resolu- tions and suggestions. Some of t1iese are- Advocate Second Language Provincial educational auth- orities should introduce the study of a second language at the grade III or IV level. This would mean the study of French in English schools and the study o! English in French language schools. The tax load on neal proper- ty in support of education reached a point beyond which further taxation of this nature would be unneasonable and, therefone, other sources o! re- with the efxclusve,? completely polis9hed ;Adae T here's a troth ta be pligbted, a new life ta begîn. And there's a Circle of Light diamand waiting only your choice ta take ifs place - third finger . . . left bond. Only CIRCLE of LIGHT has the completely polished edge (sa offen duil and lifeless in other diomonds) .. . the edge that gwves the diamond added brilliance, greater glow. 'hen yau gain her bond. give her bond . .. the, CIIICLE of 11GHW diamond, with the exclusive, completely pollshed edge. Kinq St. W. Bowmanville venue for education must be found. Candidates for entrance ta the teaching profession should be required to have complete senior matriculation or equiva- lent, and that the reauired pro- fessional preparation should beu established immediately at a minimum of two additional years, with a view to the adop- tion in the near future of a minimum of four years of ac- ademie and professional study, and that permanent teaching certificates or diplomas be grant- ed only ta pe'-sons who have met these standards. Hlh Minimum Standards In this same vein it was pass- ed that qualified teachers es- tablish themseives more firmly as a true profession with a high minimum standard for admis- sion ta the profession and them- selves establish and enforce re- gulations concerning admission and certification. It was felt by the delegates that children in rural areas should be provided with the saine standard of education as children in urban areas and that provision be made ta sup- ply qualified teachers in rural areas, possibly by the payment of a bonus or other form o! ex- tra compensation. Due ta increased leisure time for Canadians the Conference urged that maximum use be made of school buildings out- side of scho-ol hours. Importance of Television Television in the future will undoubtedly become an impor- tant instrument in the class- roomn and it was resolved that extensive experimentation in educational television program- ming be undertaken at the lo- cal, provincial and national le- vels. Delegates also pointed out that television should be con- sidered ini future designs of school rooms. A TV set and one good teacher may be able to look after a much larger num- ber of students per classroom than at present. Universities, if they are toi discharge their national obliga- tions, must have greatly in- creased financial support for basic scientific support and re- lated post-graduate training. The Provinces are urged ta ex-. pand facilities for technological education. Ail handicapped children should be provided with the opportunity ta develop their capacities ta the maximum. To achieve this the provinces are urged ta provide adequate fa- cilities for research, education, employment training and place- ment services for those in this category. Take More Active Part Home and School and Par- ent-Teacher organizations were urged ta take a more active in- terest in the curriculum and the quality o! teachers in their respective schools. These are only a few of the many recommendations that were discussed at this busy con- ference. In a few weeks' time abook cavering the complete proceedings WiIl be published Ail individuals and groups in:. terested in education would be advised ta obtain a copy and ta read it carefully. It may be ob- tained from The Canadian Con- ference on Education, 444 Mac- Laren St., Ottawa, Ontario. Miss Cormack Entertained lAt Showers Miss Shirley Cormack o: Whitby whose marriage to Mr John T. Fowler of Bowman ville took place on Saturday March 1, at Whitby Baptis Church, was entertaîned ati number of showers. Miss Carolyn Cormack, Mrs Ted Cormack and Miss Marilyr Armstrong were co-hostesse. at a miscellaneous and persoa]s shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cormack, Whitby, Mrs. T. Masterson of Bowman- ville entertained at an evening party when the bride was show- ered with miscellaneous gifts. Miss Irenie Harvey of Osh- awa was hostess at a personal and linen shower. Â rRv modemrs keep in om with light food and drink. And today's Pepsi-Cola swings right along. Neyer heavy, neyer ,too sweet, Pepsi refreshes witbout filling. Put several car tons on your shopping list! '-~ 'r l3uy it in. the handy 6-bottle carton S311., H BEVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. c. a ,n Il ýd 1g Recent Winter Wedding Pictured signing the register following their mar- riage in Trinity United Church parsonage, Bowmanville, on Jan. 25 are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kube. The bride was Winnifred I. Stacey, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Stacey of Newtanville. Her7husband is th e son of Mr.ý and Mrs. Dan Kube of Maple Grove. They will reside in Oshawa. Kopper Karnival Plans Complete for March 13 Bowmanville Women's Insti- tute annual Koppe-r Karnival wilI be hcld Thursday, March 13 at the Lions Centre. This is the Institute's only way o! rais- ing moncy and piýoceeds frorn this are used in community wonk. Ticket convenor is Mrs. M. Wiseman. Tickets are now on sale and may be bought from members or at the Lions Cen- tre on the day o! the Kopper Karnival. Gift convenor is Mrs. T. But- tery. Four qulits have been made by the members, three large and anc crib. Over 50 gif ts are expected which in- clude flanelette sheets, pillow cases, linen cloth, tea set, gro- cecies and many more articles. Home baking convenors are Mrs. L. Rundle and Mrs. W. Carden. One of the main inter- Norlh Nestielon The day o! prayer service for Cartwright was held in the Pýresbyterian Church, with a good attendance. Miss Inene Emerson, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. an-d Mrs. M. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Vie Malcolm Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson called on Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Mackic Sunday evening. Our sincere sympathy ta Mr. Fred Johns and !riends in the passing o! Miss Louise Johns o! Cacsarea, after a prolongcd illness. Mr. Ross Beattie, Tweed, called on his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Vie Malcolm, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Preston, Lifford, called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns, on Thucsday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson of Peterbor- ough on Saturday. We have just ncceived word that Miss May Noon, formerly o! Nestieton, bas passcd away in Toronto. Our sympathy ta hec family and friends. BURKETON Mrs. H. Trick, Lindsay, at- -tended the wedding o! Miss îJoan McCoy on Satucday, Feb. 22 in Bowmanville United -Chunch, and nemained in the village far several days visiting fricnds, and retucned ta Lind- say on Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. Walter McDon- aid and !amiiy, who have only been here foc a few months, are moving ta Brighton as soon as the Easten examinations are avec. Mns. Ira Argue bas neturned home from Oshawa wherc she has been attcnding hec sister- in-law, Mrs. Russell Spinks, who is I Soncy ta report that Mcs. Spinks has been confined ta hospital again. The com- munity xihes hec a speedy cetucu to hcalth. Confi-atu]ations ta Mc. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, tnee Joyce Irons) on the birth o! a son on 1Nondas', Fei). 24 in Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Strong, Jorda.n, who bas been a guest o! Mrs. Flo'rence Caughill, foc several weeks, returned home on Wednesday o! last week. Mrs. John Carter attended the funecal o! hec cousin in To- ronto last week. Mrs. Murray Archibald spent a day in Toronto last week, visitin - lec mother, Mrs. Ril- da Stevenson and grandmotli,,r, I I~.A. Iu h, lhr a.s beci', quPo , ,1 ai the hjome ,Cfn dat' !nter. The box social which wai held at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Banc on Frida 'v, Feb. 28, xvas greatlx' enijoyed b'. quite a numibei- o! people. Ti-'e boxes %wcre xcrx' at!racti%,el-,, Lrimnined and ail sold cl *Euchre, crokinole and a varie. ests in the Institute is Home Economics and in the home baking booth will be found evidence o! this in the form of the goodies there. Tea noomn convenors are Mrs. J. Meachin and Mrs. C. Johns. When you came ta put youc tickets on stop and have a cup o! tea xith us and enjoy a so- cial hal! hour. At 8 o'clock the main part o! the Kopper Karnival begins with the stact of the draw for the prizes. Mayor Nelson Os- borne will officiate at this. To complete the day there will be five lucky dnaws but the own- er o! the ticket drawn must be present at this time. Corne out and malce this Cen- tennial Kopper Karnival the best one the Women's Institute has ever held. ty o! children's games were en.ioyed. The winnens were as !ollows: Euchne, Mr-s. Esther Carnochan, Mrs. B. Dean, Mr. B1. Dean, Mr. B. Hubbaacd; cro- linoie, Miss Locaine Stephen- son and Lawrence Carnochan; child'-en's bingo, Gaye Hub- bard, rinzg toss, Margaret Ar- gue. The boxes produced boun- tiful lunches and extra lunch iwas pcovided and secved ta the childnen. It was decided ta hoid a St. Patrick's pacty on March 14th. A cordial invita- tion is extcnded toalal who care ta attend. There is just one restriction. Everyone attendir must wear some token repres- enting St. Patcick's Day. Mr. Burt Dean, Mr. Leslie Argue, and Mr. Roy Bone mo- toced ta Peffeclaw and Sutton on Saturday. Miss Ona Marchand and Mr,. Jack Marchand were weekend visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marchand. Sunday visitors at the home o! Mc. and Mcs. R. Bone were Mc. and Mcs. E. R. White, Col- umbus, Mc. and Mrs. George Waiien and Nancy, Mackham. Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. Thos. Trick and Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Mc. and Mrs. Stan McCul- lough and family visited with Mc. and Mrs. Dan Knapp, Bow- manville, on Satucday a!ter- noon. Mc. and Mcs. Murray Abbott Canadian Con ference of Educa flan Has Stirred Up a Challenge 0f Peace fui Competition chairs, a large miro: n purse of money. Dancing and lunch finished off the evening. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Ken Ware, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Ovens on Monday. The sympathy o! the com- munity is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Atchison on the passing o! his mother, Mns. Mi- chael Atchison at Bowmanville. Mr. Wm. Hallowell is with his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gar- net Hallowell, Toronto, for a time. We were al an hand ta see aur own Adoiphus Payne on "Front Page Challenge" last Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Watters and son Bruce, Blind River, spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Mr. Arnold Wade was ln London oven the weekend. Mr. Stanley Cox o! Markhani and Mr. and Mns. Ronald Cox and family of Pickering were visitors with Mr. and Mns. Wil- fred Cox. Word has been received o! the passing at Toronto on Fnl- day, Feb. 28, o! Mns. Alfred Graham. We extend aur syni- pathy ta Alfred, a former New- tonville boy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coch- cane, Toronto, on Sunday. Arthur Godfney does his ex- ercises indoors, but Mn. Stanley Rowe keeps fit by walking. He goes north ta Lord's Creek once a day. Mrs. H. Wade '58 President Woman's Assn. NEWTONVILLE-The Worn- an's Associatian met in the Sun- day school noom on Feb. 26, 8.00 p.m., with 23 ladies present. President Mcs. H. Wade op- ened the meeting with theme hymn and Lond's Prayen in un- ison.- Mrs. Arnold Wade, Mns. Wm. Reid and H. Wade, gave the de- votional program. Mrs. C. M. Jones favouned with a much; enjoyed solo.1 Five dollars was donated ta the Red Cross. Choir music tai be purchased by Mrs. F. Gilmen' and W.A. pay for same. Mca. S. J. Lancaster and Mns. Jack Eliiott were appointed ta' contact a minister for the May 24th Anniversany service. New afficeýrs and groupings foc 1958: past president, Mrs. E. Walkey; president, Mcs. H.1 Wade; lst vice pres., Mrs. WT. Wood, 2nd vice pres., Mcs. A. I Wade; secretary, Mrs. Wnm. Reid, assistant secretany, Miss Inez Gardon; press secretary, Mrs. C. Farrow; treasurer, Mrs. Don Vinkie; pianist. Mcs. F. Gilmer. January-Mrs. F. Hendersen, Mns. M. Porter, Mrs. J. T. and Cathy, Bowrnanville, visit- Pearce, Miss Inez Gordon, Miss ed his parents, Mr. and Ms B. Milligan. Howard Abbott on Sunday.1 February-Mrs. A. Wade, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lapp, Wm. Reid, Mrs. J. Elliott, Mrs. Lotus, were Sunday supper R. Farrow, Mrs H. Wade, Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan1 McCulough M. Uglow. McCuloug. 1March-Mrs. Jack Elliott. Sunday visitors at the home, Mrs. T. Hendersot.. Mrs. Ed- of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gatcheli, gerton, Mrs. D. Vinkie, Mrs. C. were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Park- Robinson. er and Lynne, Mr. and Mrs. Apri]-Mrs S. Lancaster, Russell White, ail of Toronto. Mrs. White, Mrs. G. McCul- Mr. Allan Larmer. Toronto, lough, Mrs. Nesbitt, Mrs. D. El- spent the weekend with his liott. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold May-Mrs. J. Caswell, Mrs. Larmer. W. Farrow, Mrs. S. Stacey, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli M. Samis, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. and Beverley, Oshawa, visited G. W. Jones. relatives and friends in the vil- June-Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. E. lage on Sunday. Walkey, Mrs. S. Brown, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor M. Kimbail, Mrs. G. Stapleton. and famîly spent'Sunday with September-Mrs. Harold Bur- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cy- ley, MVrs. F. Gilmer, Mrs. E. rus Ashton. Johnston, Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotton, Wm. Wade. Purple Hill, were Sunday visit- October-Mrs. Wma. Skelding, ors of Mr. and Mrs. John Wot- Mrs. G. Henderson, Mrs. W. J. ton. Jones, Mrs. J. Kimbail, Mrs. W. The W.A. will meet in, the Cox. church Hall on Thursday, December-Mrs. C. Farrow, March 13. In place of a regau- Mrs. R. Shaw, Mrs. Wm. Milli- lar meeting, old waollens will gan, Mrs. D. Stapleton, Mrs. L. be packed and made ready for Clysdale, Mrs. C. Burley. shippihg for new blankets. The church service on Sun- day morning was very well at- Hon took part in the service, Rev.or C u l and Mr. R. B. Green deliveredI i prepared expressly for Young e tn il People. Those taking part, in NEWTONVILLE - The Com- the service were Audrey Car- munity Hall was well filled Sat- nochan, Ken Larmer, Tommy urday evening when the voung Dean and Joe Stephenson. people gathered ta honor the Little Allan Arqgue, son of newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue Is Kube (nee Winnie Stacey). MVr. suffering with an attack of Lloyd Clysdale acted as chair- chieken-pox. man. The young couffle wr (NSUlRA NCE Office K~ing Street E. REAL ESTATlE Plesidence MIA 3-5493 Dowmanville New! Elizabeth Ardeni Holds hair in place witli .a gossamer touch 1 To make every wave behave-day after day after day-Elizabeth Arden creates a new super-fine, nan-sticky hair spray that combines gassamer lightness with splendid holding qualities. Just a gentie tap of the pressurized containerr and the finest, lightest spray holds every stnand in place! 'Your bain stays set, soft and lovely for days on end. And, Elizabeth Arden Hair - Spray bas the delightful fragrance of Blue Grass, halo.ing youir O hair every momen t's on.2 JURY &L VIELL MA 3-5778 Bowmùativilip -this business of aviation ! Il HAS PLENTY 0F OPPORTUN ITI ES ~ FOR YOUNG WOMEN Toé the alent young woman, life in the RCAF is an exciting experience. There are many types of important and unusual aviation work in which women excel, open ta you. You wiII earn while you learn. The pay is excellent (the same as the men) and housing and food is providcd. You -. quickly make friends in new and intcresting jsurroundings and win for yourself a place i I.keeping with your modern aims and ambitions. You too can serve as an Airwomaai In Conad*'s Air Force I One mishap we can't insure you against! If you're caught vioiating the rules of the road, we can't pay your fines or restore your lost dignity. But we pravide insurance protection against practi. caily ail other driving risks. If you're not sure you have ail the car insur- ance you need - and the right kind -bring yot'r policy in to us. We'll gladiy,ý review it for you. Without obligation, of cour-se. STUART R. JMMES 144AR RS IT'SEXCITING., A SPECIAL RCAF WOMIAN COUNSELLOR wiiI be here in DO WNAN VILLE at thle Town Hall Il a.m. - 5 p.m. FRIDAYI NARCH 71h, 1958 Sec her and let her tell you-abouüt the-specia$ qppOrtuncs kwfor xWmgwomen in tRCS 1 IMMI)AY, MARCH 6th, 19.98 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IROWMANVffýLE. ONTAMO SPI '?AGIR TFMLM Lvirith thmis ring..,