PAeE ffoe ¶'WF~ CM!ADTAN STATESMAIi. ~OWMANVffLE~ ONTABTO THURSDAY, MARC!! Stli, 1058 nus Bol DU TZC ;I(inel Cnwr Wmoik V w u cw b 111cum r i u mw m u. i r ueav nu rn lCE P resident of !Rotary1 TUE TUING WE LIKE ABOUT )WEPE INTEPESTrED PiN IT'S NOT EVEPY STATION lAt Pý Vice-president Rex 'Walters1 A minute of silence conclud- DIIGIN WP 16 TWE )6EEIG WA VOUeT 'TW«r rVS CMProi was elected by acclamation as! ed by a prayer by Rotarian Art CAQE SOU GIVE OUP CAQR! ONLV COMAE BACK IBUT SATISF'Y/N SER VICE r C lesdent of the Bowmanvîlle Morgan was offered by the WUY ANVBODY'D TIINk IT TI4AT VOU FEEL EVEPV- LIKE YOU BOYS DO SALEM RoavClub for the coming: club in respect ta, the passing BELN ' T %AAItT4 G15 IPTOIEEINaenac year at the regular luncheon of Dave Morrison, a charter BEFOPE VOý TIG sTI-OU DQIINVEtndnC meeting Friday. He %vill suc- member and past president of! .E O PIEsppro ceed Dr. Keith Siemon. the Bowmanville Rotary Club. BOW&' "'LE 're s.o Guest speaker for Friday'si The hockey draw was won bv O MAVL ee sh25 meeting was Maurice Rector. a Pete NewelI and Ted Mann. ceeds $2 former District Governor and Birthday celebrants at the Salemn a member of Leaside Rotary meeting were Tom Palmer and Club. He la vice-president and Ross Gilbart. Visitors were general saiesmanager of Grif- I Lance Beath and Ted Chreve, fith Laboratory Limnited of T j both o saa M.Rector gave a highly in- ofshw.IEai :'. teresting illustrated classifica- COURTICE tion talk on his occupation . which is classffied in otay as COYjRTICE - Fire destroyed food chemnist. The speaker show- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fra- ed colourful slides of the var- ser on Hancock Road north at iou herba and spices which arej noon on Sunday. The Fire De- refined by Griffith Laborator- partment fromn Bowmanville I les for retail concernis. answered the cal] for help and RV "Practicall-,I every food 6 pro- the homes of Mr. and Mrs.W cess," he pointed out, con- Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- LP l tains one or more o! our pro- sell. neighbours on bath sidesR ducts,' Meat packers, canners, were saved. The Frasers with and bakers are among the main a familv of five, lost ail their users of spices anîd herba. friueadblnig n s Digressing somewhat from farnoturevang beiongîns sand his subject Mr. Rector spoke of aenwlvn ihhssse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- -:r T the opportunity of the freedom i. F of individual action and ex- M Lre N pression which has becomea Mran s. oneP - part of life in North America. found. doni and dJerry, spent He went on to point out that Friday, at the home of Mr. and __________________________________________________lar the raie of the business and Mrs. Jack Foster, Whitby. professional man in everydav Svmpath v is extended tO aturaI L Inng ih th life is often misunderstood by Miss Ann Hait. in the loss of Evans' family, Bowmanvilie, Sp cial " o-Pee ll'< rFOl the majority. He feit that they her sister, Ruth, Mrs. Arthur1jwhile Bob and Ruth went ta should continuallv promate Nourse. iCobaurg to, watch their son buinssan po-ad is MrjryAn at CG..T mtatth curh alo sale ti n yT their contributions' ta societv. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gatcheil Chre._Myhokythr. O fessional men are misunder- cheil attended the Oshawa Dis-; on Thursday evening. Work on Ottawa: On election dav Cari- years ta prevent checating. stood." he statt-d. "We should trict Leaders'g Appreciation the different phases o! the Mis-adsvoes ilbeuig a- Teblot astre as: YA do what we can to tell aur Dinner at KngSt. United sinproject an Japan was con- aal ots it aspwl e i n pcb"al- Theb aa ote lrfoilarth-,yf story." Church Centennial Hall on Sat- lt ihaseil-opuýasuana urefiec o Thegustspake ws n-urdy igt.tinued. The worship service foid. And whien they aie fin- which bear rnatcliing nuinbersj. For a] Trodue t ekeer and- Mr. aynd Ms. CaeneP- as conducted by the presi-i ished maiking their X, the pull and the ballot proper. Eac'h bal- ___________________________________________ and Barbara La Chapelle recei- box. When the elector -oisi ved the offering. A, skating These are twa of seveial vote, the officer bands him a party eig ianed fo steps taken at the polis to eri- folded ballot with couiterfoil V G R O L C . L D Ma1chmlsi sure secrecyý of the vote and attached. After the ballot is E V I O R O I C . TMr. Erl Gatchel. Akela ofi prevent manipulation or ballot marked, the officer checks his ' 19hScout ai-d Cub pack at' box stuffing. initiais and makes sure the! Cedardale, Oshawa, spent t lThe ballot, as harided ta the couriterfoil number tallies withi PRICES KR L>UCED ON weekend at the Trainer's Course voter, is folded twice so that. that on the stub he has retain- at Camp Samac. when he refalds it after makirig ed. Theri he tears off the coun- PREMIUM QUAL1TY Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans, his choice. the X will be in the terfoil, discards it anid poits the Charles, Douglas. Carol andi middle. This svstern was adopi- ballot in the box. Donald were Sunday supper ed a few years ago ta prevent Thus there sliould be nothina per visitors with Mr-. and Mrsý Ciar- poli officiais fromn stealîig a Ia associate the ballot with an' STOVE CIL 2O C gal. ence Penfound. peek at the mark. individual voter when the box The Sunday School weicom- And despite protests at each is opened later for counting. 1ed back Superintendent Ed election from voters wbo want There are other precautions IIIper Warhurton, aiso the assistant, ta deposit their awri ballot in the against misuse of the ballot.c FR JEL IL1 7 gal.CILr. Walter Shortt wha have box, the law says this must be Each candidate cari have two iV bothbeenill with flu. The done bv the deputy returning scrutineers at the poliing sta- 1 seripture passage was read by officer in charge of the poliing tiori. They can check on the FOR DELIVERYi Mrs. Clarence Penifound on booth. handling of ballots and. if thev Sunday. Practice started for the This is because the officiai is wish. challenge aov poten'îai aniversary, so spring must be required ta make sure the bal- voter ta prove bis identitv, or ta P h ne sha a RA~ - 109 just &round the corner, lot is the same one he issued take an oath that he is entitled H& Phon O sh wa A 5-109Mr. A. Savage from Oshawa before the elet'tor went irito the ta vote, took charge o the church ser- curtained vating com ' artrnent. Ariother check i htthe cn vice in the absence o! the min- But the voter bias the right stitilericv returning offie a -d istr. is exiwasPl te' t stav and sec that the ballot his poli deputies must be able words, "Behold the Man" His gaes inao the box: accounit afterwards fra]te BOW Alý LLI mesag wa rnstinsirig. The procedure is tied in with ballots-how manv wr sd. BOThANchoir m essa e as ost inFir-g the form of the ballot. which how mariy spoiled and ho R O Y A MA3-5580 est Lord Jesus" with Mr. Franîk has been perfected over the inanv left over.Si Walter playing the organ. Able Seaman George Black cî THIS THURS.L TO SAT. - MAR. 6 8 S lisvitn with his :xster and Archer, before ieaving for Hal- -_ ififax, Nova Scotia. SAVI "St pov r:,Tok o 1Mrs. Clarence Penfound at- ~ "Stopover:. Tokyo" te:ded the Camp Committee ~~ h ~re Deluxe Color and Cinemascope meeting o the Oshawa and 1Disrc C.G.I.T. Board at King SAV ROBERTstarring St. United Church on Monday - Gordon LîndsV Syènith- u ROETWAGNER - JOAN COLLINS evening. Mr-. Sim Penfound met with- 2n oeyfeature the lunch committee for the Wise aid John A. Macdonald same size about foot or s0 taîl. SAVE 2n cmeyMens Brotherhoad at Mr-. El- once renîarked that mari cauid Toda.v, one cari get sucb a range IlQ ton Werry's home, where thcy neyer lbe sure how two things n p ie s lan wiiolegar eo-? Mir 'Cra z" O v r orses planned for the Annuai Ladies' I unot neeto rpepatwoegreso Ver Night ta be held March 2th. wouldtr na lcino them alone. There are gat SV (BOWERY BOYS) The regular monthly mieet- a horse race. If Canada's first types three ta six inches or ____________________________________________ ing o! Courtice W.A. was held1 prime ministeî- were livin1g iri more acrass iri flamirig colours D.eli at the church an Wednesday these modern times probably he and cxqiîisite petals, on plants M O . O ED - AR 1 -12 evening with the president, would bave added a third un- tbl'ee feet higb. There are ai-, MON.TO W D. MAR 10 12 Mrs. R. Simmons i charge anid knowo, the arrivaI o? Spririg littie chaps with tia vcrs I îkc ALIR MsR.Cook, secretary, record- Not the officiaI ar-rivai iVarch gleamirig buttons that make c-x ig the minutes and reading 1 or March 21, however. but the celient ecdging mateî iii And - iNo D o w P a m en jladiesid their year- ther really tomns definitelv othier an-as. There lias been DII¶. Aduit film starring ly membership tee. The theme warmn and we cari gel out irn astounding inprovemcnt. TONY RANDALL - JOANNE WOODWARD sang, "Let the Beauty of Jesus1 the garden and dig. But one Not Too Soon FR0 BeSeen in Me" was. sung af ter1 thing we cari be sure of Spril 19 Starting anrnal flowe r and which the president read a wiil arrive before a lot o? lis vegetable secd in sbaliow boxesj plus eomedy short poem. lare readv unless wc staît ta indoors too soor illii not gain1 TF The worship period was con- make some plans 'ight now. arvitiLs ng. in-ot parts of Can- Vleks Buckley's Caps. __ 45c, 89e ldstiu- A Lot of Changes fiBuckleY's Mixture 59c, 85c Absorbine trate she taid the &tonry o! what Whiie browsing through the Vaporub Pinex SYrup- 60c, 1.00 Jr. camp means in the life o! the! seed catalogue orie should re- girls. The pictures shown re- membei- that there have been 59 - 1.09 Roberts Syrup 75e 1.19 -2.39 present.ed ail aie groups and! a lot of changes and impraxe- 1 were taken at Five Oakes, ments in fiowers, vegetables Quin Mo Lac and Camp Pi-e- anid garden practices. New and tori. Mny ictreswere o! improved varieties are added Kold Ease For Headaches the 1957 summ~er camnpail in i evervy ear. What were stand- colour and showed the many! bys ten or even five vears ago Cold Treatments Nyai A.S.A. 500 phases of camp pi-ogram which may be second ciass naw. Once Capsules 1.25 Bayer Aspirin 19e, 29e, 79o enrich the lives o! the girls we' would bai-div dare grow an-d create memaries and cor-n or melons or petunias and Syrup 1.25 Anacin Tablets 25c, 47c, 79e friendships which one cari'ies a lot o? other semi-tender Thrat osege1.2 10 AS, ablti 90 Ithrough life.I things in many parts of Cari- Throat Loenge 1.25 100 ______________--_-_--- Mrs. Donald Thompson ex- ada. But with bardier and short- : pressed the thanks of the meet- er season types we cari grow ing and said how vei-v much thein almast anywhei-e tadav. reo osall had enuoyed the pictures. In size and quality there bas The lunch eomxittee. Mrs. been immense pragress, fleshier fer eeughs and colds Large bottle Fred Baison, Mrs. Earl Ship-î and far more tender vegetabls man., Mrs. Percy Daiby and iaâ-d big single and double fiow- IMri. Jim bbuGregor, servedi i ers that are as different from * the lunch and a social time was thei- ancestor o? 2.5 vears ago enjoyed. as are- today's super-dooper cars fromn the models of 1933. An ncen la o Idia eaul- Mothers Wouldn't Know Them ed for the widow ta cremate Just look at what they have C O W LI N G 'S hrAl n te f:awr:n pyre of! done with zinnias! Not sa mari he hsan.yer aoths flowers were DRUG TORE FITCarnival. dierived from the' small and stif? anid limîted ta! MA 35*5TRUSSES Latin '*carne vale", means a few shades a! red and vellow, '1areweu Mt," u&ad the planté came ail inth u %10 % IV )ot Luck; aeds $25 1- There was a good ,e at the pot luckj n Fridav night. Films r .v-n after supper. Pro- for the Sunday school H{ome and School club' çutritions IOCCO!J ,Tdoz. rge beads i Grden Select No. MATOES meeting was held last Wednes-I evening visitars with Mr. and day, The members- were shown Mrs. E. Twist. the Horne and Sehool Club Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Mr. crest and the attendance ban- and Mrs. E. Savery. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and ner. These were made by Mrs. family, were Saturday evening Bail, Mrs. Brimacombe and visitors with Mr. and Mrs. . Mrs. McMahon and were very Welsh. attractive. We were pleased to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig held have as guest speaker, Dr.i a birthday party on Sunday Hubbard. Bowmanville. who. for several members of their spoke on Public Health- fol- families who celebrated'birth. lowed by an interesting discus- days recentl-. sion. A social time followed M4r. and Mrs. E. TwistF# the meeting. familv were Sundàay Vj5jttaqýw Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laird, with 'Mr, and Mrs. Fred Twist, Maple Grove. w9re Saturday Whitby. -4v% 5-lb. baig 49C 1 - cello pk ' . Mild, Tastv . . 29c PARSNIPS en . . Z Lbý.29c ni unusual treat - Fresh DCOGfluts ZEST BUYS SAVE 13e Aylrncr Fancv TONATO JUICE 48 oz. tin 2 For 55c SAVE 6c :LARKE'S BEANS with Pork in Chili Sauce 20-oz. tin 2 For 33c SAVE 6c French Canadian Style BITANT PEA SOUP 28 oz. tin 2 iFor 29c SAVE 4c Catellis facaroni or Spaghetti 1 lb. pkgs. 2 For 31c 6 for 33c 11,2-lb. bag 19C Luscious, Rcfreshing, B.C. - 1.35 size ANJOU PEARS 5 For 29c, au m m ea. 19C IeAIY, -MA-T Fresh, Shankless, Pienic Style PORK SHOULDERS Fresh. Lean PORK BUTT ROAST Fresh, Meaty BUTT PORK CHOPS Fresh, Meaty PORK BOCKS Meaty, Flavourful LOIN SPARE RIRS L49C Lb. 53c a Lb. 31c Lb. 79c Swift's Premium, Tfockless, smoked FulIy Cooked PlCNI3& Lb. 53c Swift's Swe'et ike PealLaled COTTAGE ROLLS Lb. .53c E7c ly Crockcr LAYER CAKE MIXES Ooz s.2 for6 3 c éE DILL PICKLES Polski Ogorki 32 oz. jar 31 c E 6c ac!e Vl1hip SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. jar 41c E 4c Monte TONATO CATCHUP Il oz. bottie 2 for 3 7c Sinall Large KA-SELTZER Size 34c Size 6 8c )SEEBirds Eye Strawberries ---- -- 15joz. pkg: 39e )ZEN FOODS Birds Eye Baby Lima Beans 12-oz. pkg. 31Uc Birds Eye Perch Fillets----- 12-oz. pkg. 29c IERE'S A RED AND BOWMANVILLE MAAPLE GROVE - ORONO - BLACKSTOCK WHITE STORE NEAR YOU - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove G ro ceteria Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market I Money every month... provided by the disability benefi- tchi ch, fortunatcly, he-had incorporated in his lije insu rance When earnings are stopped by a long spei of iliness-income must be provided from sorne source, ta belp meet home expenses and the cost of inedical care. The incarne disahility provision, available with life insurance polie ies issued by the London Life, provides môney every month-and also keeps the life ilsurance in force ,Aithbout cost to the poliri holdet---as long as disabietnent lais. Ask a representativeq ef the London Life bnw you can make mure of the inoomp yon would nced if such an emergency ever interrupted your caraingu. London Life Insurance Comnpany HEAD OFFICE e LON DON. CANADA W" a"Or 0 .,omillion and a quat., Canadia.- ore insured wish the London Lqu Uflhli ulflIT TUOT TMMDAY, MARCH fth, IDU ME CANADLAN STATTMWAN. ROWMANVMLe 019TARTO PAM BM Doir ujoq1fdà.e r.IM.4.mA .j9jýs Colde L il s