~**1~"~~ * __________________________________ PA=E FOICTW Hon or Retiring 0f ficer Capt. George'Hacking At Millbrook Banquet Captain George Hacking CD, and Mrs. Hacking, were the guests of honour at a dinner held in the Millbrook Armoury, Friday, Feb. 28. Mr. Hacking is manager of the Bowman..vile Branch of the Bank of Com- mnerce. th n Some 82 members of C and D Coys of te Hastingsan Prince Edward Regiment wene present ta pay their tribute tai Captain Hacking who retired Eeb. 1, as Commander of No. 7 Platoon, which has its head- quarters at Millbnook. captaincy in 1944 and was trans- ferred to Headquarters at Port Hope. He was appointed Com- manding Officer of the Mortar Platoon of the 2nd Midlands witb Platoon Headquarters in Millbrook. Captain Hackîng re- tained command of this unit until September 1954 wben the Midland Regiment was disband- ed and ýÊcame part of the Hast-. ings ancr Prince Edward Regi- mn.Given New Command He was then made Comrnand- ing Officer of No. 7 Platoon C - ~ ~....nii uzi.xS ATIS A. WLqzWVJ.LLXN.011TrAlUD7 -TUSAMA.lf,1 ~Along Memory'ils Lane! By Editor Geo. W. James As the time draws nearer to celebrating Bowmanville's Old Home Week (June 28 - July 6), many people at home and afar are becoming enthusiastic over this great event., To prove this fact, we are reproducing some local snap- shots that will recail pleasant memories. The first two were sent to us by Preston L. Tait, 2553 Aima Rd., Vancouver 8,. B.C., who is a son of the late H.. C. Tait, photographer here before the turn of the century. The comments below the photos were written on the backs of the snaps by Pr- - The guest speaker at the din- Coy, whose he adqua r tenrs w er e ner was Lt-Col Angus Duffy, in Port Hope and Platoon head............. who was recently appointed CO quanters in Mîllbrook. No. 71I of the Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regîment. The subjeet of Col. Duffy's address xvas "The Raie of the Militia in Peace T' me." - Major G. C. Snowden. detach-j ment commander of C and D . - Coys spoke on behaif of the .. regiment, expressing the ap- preciation of aIl for the splendid wonk donc by Captain Hacking during his many voars associa- tion with the unit. Sgt. J. H. Raper presented e'--V. Captain Hacking ,vith an en-i: .:ç graved "pewter stein" an Mrs. Hacking with a lazy susan. Guests at the dinner ncluded: Lt-Col J. G. Leut, former Commanding Officer of the Mid- land Regiment, and Mrns. Leuty; Lt-Col P. J. Bîgelow, No. 3, Harry Tait, bis brother Archie Tait and Preston Tait Military Group I-Iadcuarters, George Hacking viewing the beautiful scenery from the west side of Vanstone's Port Hope; Major H. K. Long Platoon became a rifle Coy in pond withi the mill in the distance. Taken in 1912. and Major H. S. Ryan, former 1956 when the mortar Coy was f officers of the 1\Iidlaind Regi1- men. aciîg asmoved to Trenton. He trainedi> ment. his platoon in general trainingý Captain H igsaid lie -- xhc icue -mpredn retining ta "make way" f or wh dquane-traingamaîl younger officers. Lt. Faxvcett, hasdniland fotr i,. . 2 i/c of the platoon and chair- am rl n otdil mnan of the dinner, xiii succeed Captain Hacking attcndcd, Captain Hacking as CO of the summer camp every year with! unit. Captain Hacking bas been bis platoon. One humorous in- placed on suppîementary re- cident necalled by Captain Hack- ,serve by the Army. ing during bis 13 years as CO Joincd in 1942 in Millbrook happened duringi He irs jonedthemiltaina weekend scbeme. "A Col. wasi He fîrt joîed themutin igving us a lecture in anc of the ..*- Manch 1942, as a 2nd Lt and buts when a mari droppeda was assigned ta the 2nd Mid- teargas capsule into the fire. land Regment. He received bis Nex er bave I seen a but cleared in se short a time," be said. Fight Fire patc 'Another timc wbile patc ing mortar fire at the Ganaras- O PE IN G ka Peserve, we started a four - bour fine in the brush wberi anc of the shelîs landed away from SO O N the firîng area. Our men fought the blaze, but we were OWNANVILLE farced ta caîl for assistance BOWMA VILLE from Ed Youngman's crew ta, H MEextinguisb the fine. This photo- was taken from the lawn of William Sbaw's 13ME"Tbe Militia offers a fine op1 -- portunity for any opngma," ome wbich bondered on the shore of Lake Ontario. In the InPR0VEMEman," IMPR VEM NTS says Capt. Hacking. "The Civil distance is the lîghtbouse and barbon of Port Darlirigton. Defence training, summer camp Preston was unable to gîve the names cf the men in the photo Proprietor, MIKE JURKO witb active fonces and advarice- which was also taken in 1912. Specializing In ment are a few of the appealing Canad's Fncstthings about militia. One ex Canad's Fnestample of epportunity for ad- ALUMINUM DOORS varicement is tbe case cf Col. WINDOWS - AWNINGS Duffy, present Commander cfI PREFBRICTEDthe Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regiments. Col. Duffy ,HOMES - COTTAGES joined tbe reserve as a pnivate -.-- GARAGES in 1937," bie peinted eut. and Joined Bank 35 VYears Ago FLOOR and WALL TILES Mr. Hacking began bis bank- ing cancer shortly aften graduat-4 Specal re-aleing from High Scoo.He join- FULL INCH HEAVY DUTY May 1923, becoming a clerk in tbe Aunera Brancb. He was~ ALUMINUM DOOR born and raised in Aunera. j $44.5 Duingthe extfour years $4495he was transferred todbranchesi installed atUxbridge, Ornond LeFroy. No Extra Charges In 1927 be was tnansferred te Regular $59.50 Toronto wbene lbe senved at vanieus branches until 1941 CALL NOW when bie vas transfened ta Ca- bour3-2753 kethe position cf Mn. Hacking was tnansferred Dowmanville to Bowmanvilîe ti 1950 ta as-j The above phato which was supplied ta us by Fred C. sume the duties o manager. He, Vanstone was taken around the turn cf the century. It sho~ws Horne Improvements was manried in Aunera on Oct. the sme otgso h atsd erc n ec tPr 9, 1939. His wife is the ferm- sme otgso h atsd erc n ec tPr On Display at er Audrey Gieves, Aunera. Bewmanville on a Civic Holiday when the annual lawn secial 22 Diisio St.They have twe children, Cyn- was a populan event ini that era. Cottages were gaily decenated 22 iviionSt.thia, 11, and John, 51/. Mn. with buntirig and flags. ~~~~ ~~~Hacking's mother, Mns. R. A. _________________________________ H a c k î n g , s t i l l r e s i d e s i n A u n o r a . - - é n , n r t - r / . ' p 1 M p l r m e n n i f n A i z z Sure and it wiIl be a HAPPY ST, PATRICK'S DAY if you remember to send a COUTTS HALLMARK or a RUST CRAFT CARD to your friends and Ioved ones. They are as bright and gay as spring. We have enlarged the store so corne in and look around and enjoy the displays of fine china and gifts. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ... Bone Chine Cups and Saucers 1.00 rie flia '0onVe 51 '0LJIV, rt iJio .LLiJL V. Hacking, who is pnesently stationed at R.C.A.F. Head- quartens, Ottawa. In advisirig a young mari on a sound cancer, Mn. Hacking says banking offers excellent op- portunity. "Promotion is faster and remunenatien higher thari when I began in 1923," he said. "An ambitieus young mari could became a manager in just 10 yeans." TYRONE A variety concert sponsoned by Tyrene Junior Young Peo- pie last Friday night was a success. Program consisted of magie by ev. Fred Jackson, choruses by the yeung people and soles jby Jim Coombes. jA fashiori show by Doug Stainton, Kenneth Rasevean, Bruce Stainton, John Virtue, Keith Geble, Robert Thiesbun- 1 ger, Deug Delaney, Jerry Tay- l on, and John Cook, modelling the latcst in ladies' fashions with Margaret Harvey coin- imentating, was a big bit. The feature of the evening a anc act play "Hillbilly Sue" jwas enjoyed by ail with the cast as follows : Sue Sînde, a typîcal mountain girl, Betty Philiips. Maw Blackman, wi- dawed mountain womari, Kay Davey. Dec Lolly Miller, a fe- male veterinary, Barbara Tay- ler. Bonita Blackburn, who felt she was tee goad for the mountain people, Joyce Davey. INewt Plummer, a well tan- ncd mountain boy, John Van- jBik Plummer, Newt's un- cloe a powerfullv built moun- taineen, Ralph Davey. jShirley Dawson, a travelling salesman, . Barbara Phillips; Vaughn Alcott ,a fine laoking city youth, Jerry Taylor. 1Ralpb Davey on behalf of the young people prescntedi IMns. J. A. Rosevear, direct6n of p;ilà" witlî a gif L. issAnne1 ±VJU11e1dJ1U was pjid11ist aci iU vL1s Lorraine Rosevear, chairman. Twenty-one ladies and four children attended the March meeting cf the W.M.S. at the home af Mns. W. Rahm. Presi- dent Mns. R. Glaspeli opened the meeting with a prayer and conductcd the business period. Mrs. H. C. McQuinn, gnoup leader, had change of meeting. Mrs. John Broome gave the devotional "In Evenything by Prayen". Mrs. K. Colbary play- cd "Just Fan Today" on ber re- cord playen. Mrs. A. Hamilton gave a reading on stewandship. Mns. H. C. McQuinn gave the chapten of Study Book "The Chunch takes Root in Society". A dainty lunch of cookies ad tea were senved by group. The cuchre party Saturday evening was quite a success 1 when $ 16.60 was nealized. Plans anc being made for an- othen in two weeks' time. Work j is ta be stanted on the new floon within the next two weeks. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Pbilp, Miss Jean Philp wcre guests an Sunday of Mn. and Mrs. G. S. Phiip, Morganston. Mr. and Mrs. David Pbasey and Wayne, wenc Sunday vis- itons of Mr. ad Mrs. Grenville Byam, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. George AIl- dnead with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wclsh, Bowmanviile. Mrs. Florence Scott and Mrs. W. Rahm were Saturday even- ing callens of Mn. and Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bawmanviile. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahm visited Mn. and Mrs. George Rahm, Saint ild. and Mn. and Mrs. Lamne G niffin, B Iackstock. Mrs. Edith Murphy- vneceived a cablegram on Mendav of the passing of ber brother Sami Acheson oif Bangor. Ireland.1 Sympathy is extended te Mrs. Murphy and family. Mn. F. L. Byam, MnvIs. Anthur Richard, Mrs. W. Park, attend- ed the funenal of their cousin,j Mr. Stanley Jardine, Taronto, on Mondas-. Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue were tea guests of Mr. andi Mis. Biî11 Town Recreation 61 Cents Per Cc For Total of $12 Actual cost to the Town of Bowmanville for its 1957 recrea- tion programme was 61 cents per capita - according ta figures released by the Recreation De- partment at their March meet- ing held in the Lions Centre, Thursday of last week. The 1957 Town Grant for the year was $4,552-84. This amount, together with the annual Pro-, vincial Grant, donations and program receipts, provided an extensive recreation program for local citizens. A total of $13,175.99 was spent for recrea- tion during the year. Toronto Paper Interested Recreation Director Douglas Rigg told the committee that the Toronto Daily Star was inter- ested in writing an article about the local Teen Town Badminton Club. The club was formed a year ago and bas provided train- Cochrane, Kirby. fMn. and Mns. J. Holdstock, Bawmanville; Mn. John Beck- ett, Scugog Island-, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Page, Valenie and Steven, Enniskillen, visited Mn. O. Beckett and Arvilla. jMn. and Mns. S. Goble and Bruce vîsited ber parents, Mn.1 tand Mns. Fred Pantner, Long Sauît. siMrs. L. Alldnead and Max- ine visited Mn. L. Braaley and IMn. and Mns. B. Page, Ennis- killen. Lanny Resevear. Walkerton; Miss Jacqueline Resevear, Pe-1 terbarough, spent the weekend Iat their home. j Mr-. Evenett Wilson and Bryan, Oshawa, visitcd Mn. and Mas . Wilson on Satunday MisFlorence Wenny spent' a few days with Mn. and Mrs. A. His. Mn. and Mrs. J. Hilîs visited Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Belîman and Miss Marien Beliman, Bow- 1manville. jMn. and Mrs. J. Wilson and ing for local teenagers. Mn. Rigg said Minor Hockey Night would be held Saturday, March 29. Four teams will be participating: Atoms, Pee-Wees, Bantams and Midgets. Minon Hockey Trophy Nigbt will be beld in April. The committee suggested planning some type of wîntter activity for girls next year. Two new boxes are needed for playgrounds this summer, Mn. Rigg informed the commit- tee. He suggested operating Atomn basebail teams during the week - instead of Saturdays, this season. Plans for the Little N.H.L. Ontario Hockey Tourna- ment were completed at a meet- ing of the local committee Mon- day evening. Andy Tbompson was appointed publicity man for the event. A letter was received fnomn the Choral Society showing Allan, Mns. W. Henry visited Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Faw- cett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elweod Fawcctt, Sz. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend with Mn. O. Beckett and Mn. and Mns. D. Beckett. Barbara Beck- ett neturncd home after spend- ing a holiday at St. Catharines. Mn. and Mrs. S. Gable, Leslie and Bruce, visited Mn. and Mrs. Genald Keboe, Enniskillen. Mns. F. L. Byamn is in the Oshawa Hospital and Mrs. Editb Murphy in Bowmari- ville Hospital. STARIKVILLE Mn. and Mrc. Russell Saveny and Mr. and Mns. Jahn Mur- pby wene recent visitons with Mn. and Mns. Jim Stark, Hamp- ton. Mrs. Etwell, 'Toronto, visit- ed at Mr. Bcrt Trim's. Miss Celleen Falls, Toronto, was a wcekend guest witb Mi. Provincial Grant $ 3,%47.18 Cost own Grant -_ 4,552.84 Donations 2,281.37 lp * C]Pro,,amme Receipls 3,424,73 Ban k Balance, Jan. 1, 1957 43.91 pita Total _- ___$13,750-01 ý#i 7 #5 09 9 Administration ------ 1,634.10 Programme -9,417.00. ther 157 inncil rpot. The Operation and Canad17 iannilrongCoun- Maintenance 2,124.8i C a n a i a n u ni o B o w i n gB a n k B a la n c e cil sent a letter informing the Dec. 31, 195 ~.S 574-02 committee of the forthcoming _____ finst annual mailographic handi- Ttl-------------$3700 cap team tournament being Ttl$3700 held Saturday, April 12. Present at the meeting were: Jack Landen, Miss Dora Purdon, Ralph Melntyre, Andy Thomp- son, Claude' Kilmer, Douglas . . Rigg and A. H. Stunrock. Following is a summary of ..... the Recreationi Department's..... anîd Mrs. Orme Falls. ., Miss Flossie Graliam, New- 1 castle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid last week. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Howard Farrow on the passing of lier mother, Mrs. Harry Tebble, Newcastle. Ser- vice was Monday afternoon at N ewc as t e. Mr. and Mrs. H. Forrester, Toronto, at Mr. A. Dobsoil's, Sunday. Quite a number attended the Durham Farmers' Co-operative banquet in Orono, last week. Miss Sylvia Westheuser, To- ronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Johin Stone, Orono, visited his mother, Mrs. F. Stone, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Leslie and Mr. Maurice Hallowell, Toronto, had d'n- ner at Mr. Llew Hallowell's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnes and family, Hampton, spent a few days with Mrs. Victor Far- row. Farm experts estimate a 45,- 000,000-bushel loss ta Canada in wheat sales in the current crop year as a resuit of Ameni- can wheat "dumping" in export markets where Canada hereto- fore has sold. s Would a fire in your' home "burn out" your bank account? Could yen replace your present heme witb a ncw one just as geod ..-. with- out touch ing leur 8avings? If net, yen necd mare in- surance - eneugb to cever the f uil value of youn prop- cnty in terms of today'sq pnices. Sec us fer a prop- enty insurance check-up ..nowl STUARTTIR. JAMES (NS URANCE REAL ESTA VB Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. Bowmanvilli, Residence MA 3-549J3 Durham County Progressive Conservative ÀAssociation Proudly presents to the Electors,1 represented, since lune lOth, this Member of the DIEFENBAKER March 3lst, the man who has ably Riding in the House cf Common*s a TEAM 1 Dr. Percy Vivian, 33 King St., Port Hope Re bas achieved notable success in both elected and appointed positions which include among many others, *a former Minister of Health and Public Welfare of Ontario *a Past President of Canadian Red Cross Society, Province of Quebec Division *Professor and Chairman of the Department of Health and Social Medicine, McGill University - now on leave of absence. Dr. P. Viviau Since his election last lune lOth he has concentrated his attention oh the needs of the people of Durham Counity in matters connected with the Government of Canada. 0 The lncrease ta $55.00 per month cf Old Age Security, Old Age Assistance, Blind and Disabled Persons Allowances. *Increases in War Veteran's' Pension-s and Allowances *Lowýered Income Taxes :'k- " Policy and Legisiation for the improvement of Agriculture " Increasing opportunities for the 'Sale cf locally mnanufactured products. " Extension cf the National Housing prograrn with lower down-payrnents .0 Extension cf Unemployment Insurance Benefits " The development cf a vast Public Works program " The Hospital Insurance Plan to corne into force lu~ Ontario this July. In particular, ho was a Canadian Dele gale Io the NATO Parliame»ary Con. ference, Paris, November 1957 and the Canadian representative onîhe NATO Scientilic and Techuical Commitlee. Here is an Important Member of the Diefenbaker Team. Diefenbaker asks for a majority in the House of Commons Durham County Needs Percy Vivian Durham Couniy Progressive Conservalive Association ALEX CARRUMJRS A - - - - ----T - qww OWAWA"Vlw IVPAMN"Mzaw mýA b it 1 s