~DAT, Al. It, issT CANADXn" STATESMAN. DOWMANÇVffM .O!AIO- PAGE SZVENTEfl O ut standing Photo graphe r Stresses Need for a Hobby" ,Shows Beautiful Color Slides Postmaster %jà'ge Vice was *Iected by accla Wion as vice- president of the Bowmanville P.Qtary Club for the coming, ý ear durlng the regular club luncheon meeting et the Bal-' moral Friday. George Hacking. manager of' the Bank of Commerce, wes &iso nominated but declined in favour of Mr.Vie Guest speaker for the meet- ing wes amiable Vince DeVita, a merjier of the Toronto Ro- tary, ?.Mb who spoke on the subject, "The importance of a hobby in old age." Having been retired for a number of years Mr. DeVita is able to speak from personal experience. It is reelly important to have something to do after you have retired from business life, Mr. flevita pointed out, and the best solution is to have a hobby. "Old age cen be a tragic period in a person's life," he warned, and now is the time to pre- pare for it."' Mr. DeVita's main hobby is photograpby and be pursues this interest avidly. Having the faculty of sharp perception, Mr. DeVita is able to see the unusual, peculiar and ;,ten overlooked features of life. Hiis pictures, he explains, should flot be viewed as good photo-,I > raphyý but as what he sees ana u-eels in life. The speaker concluded bih short address with a sbowing of several coourful miniature alides which he has taken over the years and which vividly il- lustrated the themne of his talk. He was introduced bv Rick Rickaby and thanked by Art Ribey. Winners of the hockey draw were Ab Darch and' George Vice. Only Rotarian to cele- brate a birthday at the meet- ing was Art Morgan. Visitors were John Kyle, To- ronto, John Vickers. Ajax, Geo. Shreve, Ted Shreve and Doug Langmaid all of Oshawa. te ...o~est o phoo funi. Stop_ soon ut t Kodak eqUipment h uarters dc -~ tf BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA,TMaýt/1.9 Regular movies, tele photo shots, wide-angle views Now - big-time movie effects with a turret-model movie cam- era thts as simple to use as a Brownie snapshooterl Just click the turret for the vieyW you want, set the lens accorclJng to the expert recommendation of the built-in exposure guide . .. and then just aimn and shoot. Fast f/1.9 lens performance .ý uses inexpensive 8mm film. Compltely lens equippet' 9950 Jury and Loveli Vince De Vita BTS Staff Member Has Poem Printed The poem reprinted here appeared in the Winter issue of the quarterly, Canadian Poetry MVagazine, and is by F. E. Farley of Bowmanviiie. Mr. Fariey who camne to Canada from Eng- land in November, 1956, is on the farm staff of the Ontario Training School for boys. This poem, "The Loneiy Lake", is one of a collection whicb Mr. F~arley bas written. The collec- tion is as yet unpubiisbed. Mr. Farley had intended to try for a career in political journalism, but his education vas interrupted by the war. During the war whîle serving n the Royal Air Force as a fit- ter, he received some injuries n a bombing attack which ied doctors to advise that he do out- door work after his discharge for the sake of his health. He herefore went into farming, but studied as an extra-murai student of London (England) University towards an Honours Philosophy degree and received bis Inter B.A. This left haîf the course to be completed, but pressure of work forced him to give it up. He has written verse andi articles, a number of wbicb have been publisbed in English magazines. Tbese were prin- cipally on his observations of Australia where he spent a year.' He also did a broadcast for the BBC on the same subject. Mr. Farley is marrîed and1 they have two littie girls. Ill- ness in the family bas taken Mrs. Fariey and the children, home, and the future is a little uncertain at present, but Mr. Farley likes Canada and hopes they may be able to settie here. The Lonely Lake Still lovely lake of loneliness, grey pool 0f limpid mountain waters deep and cool, Lapping the shores of his that tower above; This hour, as youth and maid refleet their love And every mood in sympatbetic eyes, So your clear waters give to bilîs and skies A mirrored loveiiness, an imagery 0f every rock and shadowed crag and tree. Ail this we see and flot a passing phase, New uine, nor changing hue escapes our gaze; For here the soul responds to beauty's cali And turos towards the Maker of it all In consciousness of truth, flot asking why. Beside the lake, the willow-warbler high Upon the taliest wilhow-branch now fis Ris life with sweetest song; the greenfinch trilîs Like bubbling waterfall, the wagtil dips So musically past bis mossy stone. And softly now as in an undertone 0f beauty in disguise, there flows a strain 0f Melody untaught; the drip of rein On leaves, the hum of hornet's wings, Tbe rush of wind, the secret wbisperings 0f many iittle tbings, and sounds that stii Inaudibly, as fur caressing fur, And feet that foilow feet througb worlds of grass. MAPLE GROVE The regular meeting of the Maple Grave Expiorers was held on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Leslie's group pro- viding tbe worship service. The Explorer's motto, pur- pose and prayer were repeated foilowed by prayer. The minutes were read by Heather Burton. A chepter of "Adventure With Sboes" wes read by Mrs. Kubnke. Pract ice for the Sunday church service with Mr. Colla- I cutt et the piano followed. On Sunday, 17 girls and four leaders presented the follow- ing program. The girls repeeted their pur- pose and motto and sang the Explorer hymn and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus". Rev. Stainton asked the î girls ta sing "Tell Me the Story of Jesus". The Expiorers in their uniforms were a very ima- pressive group. We hope ta' have the girls take part again soon. Mrs. Howard Stevens, En- niskîllen: Mrs. Don Cerr and family, Bowmanville, were re- cent visitars with Mns. A. Beech. Miss Mildred Snowden spenti the weekend with Mr. end Mrs. F. Munro and family. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- 1 Yv and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mihîs <pent an enjovyable SaturdaY evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings, Acton. on the occa- sion of Ed's birthday. On Thursday evening et Ebenezer church the Brother- hood is having its annuel la- dies' night. Speaker for the evening xvill be Mr. Savage,i manager ot the Plaza Theatre. Oshawa, and Mr. Miller, wbo The Couples Club met at. show pictCurels. lis A poi t V day evening with PresidentWeeklisA p itI Keith Crago presiding. Discus sion cnirectorheofncPublic held soon et Solina Hall. La-' The worship service was conducted by Marg and Carl «<I have been fuily aware of The establishment of a Pub- Down, Ella and Allan Travail. the value and the importance lie Relations Department was Prayer was offered by Ella'-of the weekly newspaper" the main itemn of business dis- Travail. Marg Down read the Prime Minister John Diefen- cussed by the C.W.N.A. Direc- Bible reading, Allan Travailt baker told the semi-annual tors. It was unanlmously agreed read from "The Leaves of meeting of Canadian Weekly that there was a vital need for Gold'. Newspapers Association di- increased Public Relations on Ou ug speaker Rev. Nick rectors in Ottawa recentiy. The behaif of the 530 members of Sbokwas introduced by AI- Prime Minister, accompanied the association. Wm. G. James, ian Travail. Rev. Siblock, pas- byAilister Grossart, National D.S.O.. wes appointed the Direc- tor of a Pentecostal Churh nDirector of the Progressive tor of Public Relations. Oshawa, gave as the topic of1 Conservative Party, made an This new depaIrtment wil his speech "A Search for.' Hap- j informai caîl at the meetingI operate fromn C.W.N.A.'s Na- piness". He said that onîy held in the Chateau Laurier. tional Office, 34 Front St. W., through faith in God and thle Mr. Diefenbaker said that Toronto, and will be associat- practice of His word. can Nve one of his first acts on becom- ed with Wm. Telfer. Managing find true happiness and con-! ing Prime Minister of Canada Director of the group. tentment.! was to contact ail departmnents Formerly managing editor of Charles Dolly's orchestra of government to make sure The Cenadian Statesmnan, l3ow- which consisted of seven mem- the xveekly newspaper received manville, Ontario, Mr. James bers played severai very en-' a deserving place in depart- was a director of C.W.N.A. and joyable numbers. mental advertising budgets. He chairman of the Advertising Mr. Carl Down thanked the assured the presîdent and mem- Committee and is a past pre- speaker and orchestra for a bers of the board of his con- sidént of the Ontario Weekiy very fine programn. $ tinued interest in the welfare Newspapers Aswociation. The monthly meeting of the of Canada's weekly press. Mr. M. Schneckenburger, Maple Grove Evening Auxil- The Prime Minister was wel- President of the Canadian Ad- iary was held Feb. 27 at the comed by C.W.N.A. President vertising Advisory Board out- home of Mrs. T. Foley. The Cecil Day who briefly outlin- lined to the directors the rea- meeting opened with a hymn ed the function of the weekly sons for the establishment of foliowed by prayer. Scripture newspaper in Canada. Presi- C.A.A.B. and the nature of the reading was taken from Phil- dent Day pointed out that the work it wiil undertake. An in- ippians -3:1-16. Mrs. T. Foley combined paid circulation of vitation was extended to C.W. gave a reading. A solo by Mrs, association niembers is now 1,- N.A. to appoint a representa- T. Hcar was enjoyed by ail 762,000 with close to 8 million tive to the Management Board present. readers. of C.A.A.B. The directors ap-, A Bible discussion period followed. Mrs. H. Bradley and T1Rm-~ r.SmKae saa Mrs. M. Flintoff presented a Sam AjYjjfshawa chapter fromnour StuMr and. Mrs. D. C.uceCaverlyon Fw n oey er grlo y enjotyd LnMr Mr. and Mrs. . ae ,trip to Saginaw, Michigan, lest Fole wee gratl enjyed Lida ad Mrk, nd rs.week, where the latter visited Mrs. A. Burgess gave two hu- Sudds, Bowmanville, Mr. and her parents. She arrived home morous readings. Mrs. Bruce Caverly, Oshawa; on Sunday night after spend- A short business period fol-Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown,. ing severai days at Saginaw. apoed. Mnte roi eaiand Saginaw, Michigan, were re- Mrs. Glenn Williams and answred.byThe 17opresent. as cent vi sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Gallant visited friends The March meeting will be i .Caery chare ofMrs.L. Wite.The;Mr. Malcolm Reed, TorontoinMBowanvill.E oriday.llps chage f rs.L. hie. hespent the weekend with îhis r n r.Ei hlis meeting closed with the Ben- paetRe.ad .Re. Paul and Anita, with Mr. and' editio. Sveri cntets cr j aretsRcv an Mr. Red Mrs J. A. Burrows. enjoyed. A ovely lntt c Fr, Officei Gary Chant,i " enjyed A ovey lnchwasMaltoti: M\'iss Carol Chant and: Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant served by the hostess. girl friend, Toronto, spent the visited a17 the home of ber weekend with their pa&elnt, brother Chris at Milliken on L ONG SAULT roi, her friend, and brother! Mr. A. W. Prescott is a pa- IVern, attended the Pop Concert tient in Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Vivian Lince, Port Per- at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Bowmanvilc. During his ab- ry, spent Sundlay with ber par- Sundav afternoon. sence bis cousin, Mrs. Ralph ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johoston. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanch- JQhnston, Raglan, ie staying Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron en- ard visited Mr. and Mrs. R. with Mrs. Prescott. tertained Mr. and Mrs. H. Cam-'i Morris Lindsay, on Suniday. 1 Among those who attended eron and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dan- I Mr. W. Harrison, Sr., Mr. the Ontario Junior Farmers' ielson, Friday night for supper1 and Mrs. Bihl Harrison and Choir concert at Brooklin, in honor of Mr. H. Cameron's 1 baby, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Merwin 83rd birtbday. Mr. and iWrs. Tom Peters. Oshawa, were Mnuntjoy. They also attended C. Brown and Linda were Sat-1 Sunday visitors at G. Adcock's. the sbower for Mr. and Mrs. urday evening guests at the1 Mrs. R. J. MeKessock, Mrs. Howard Black of Lindsay. Cameron home. Everett Elliott, and Mrs. Bryce Mrs. T. M. Chant, accom- j Brown, Oshawa; Mrs. H. E. panied by Miss Carol Chant Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and child-; Tink, Solina, and Mrs. Percy and several girl friends fromn ren were Tbursday afternoon:1 Dewell, were dinner guests 0 .f Toronto, were recent vistor gues ts of Mrs. A. J. McLaggan.' Mrs. Joe Chapman on Tuesday. with f riends at Niagara F1ailis Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron and, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and and Buffalo. Raymond were Sunday supper Miss Norab Horn were Sun-j Recent visitors et A. L. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp.! day supper guests of Mr. and Blanchard's were Mr. and Messrs Maniey, Maurice and Pali Timnoil, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.! Baker.1" Sympathy of the communityý is extended to Mrs. Edith Mur- ther Sammy in Ireiand. Homne and School Club meetsi 19 Friday nigbt wben a good pro- gram has been prepared. Club 50 ladies served lunch at the Liberal meeting held in Tyrone Hall iast Monday night.: Bowmanvilie, were Sunday sup- per guests of Mrs. Kovacs and Gabriel.11 OE BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. Percy Men-. roy, Osbawa, have moved into Len Gatcbell's bouse. Many happy returns of the day to Mr. James Curran who ceiebrated his 78tb, birthday on Tuesday, Marcb 4. The Hi C class will meet on Tuesday evening, March llth, in the churcb hall. The W.A. meeting was Post- ponedt until Tbursday, March 27, and will flot be held as a regular meeting but will pack wooilens to be sent for new blankets. May we remind ail those wbo wish to send wooi-1 lens ta kindly bring them to the church hall by 2 p.m. as the wooilens bave to be ready for sbipping and taken ta the station by 4 p.m. Otherwise, they will not go out until Monday, March 31, which will be too late for sale prices. Mrs. Florence Caughill and Mr. John Sinclair were in To- 1 ronto an Friday. Mr. Gerald Ward, R.C.A.F., spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pederson. Sorrv to report Mrs. Pederson is on, the sick list. Ail wish her a speedy recovery. Saturday visitors at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mr. M. Chacter and Mr. I. Bell, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Grec-r and girls, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors of Mrs. W. Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, En-, niskillen, have moved into the' bouse formeriy occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDon- ald, wbo have purchased a bouse in Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant, Oshawa, spent Sunday witb' Mrs. Davey.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Law- son, Gayie and Patty, Mark-' hem, were Sunday visitors of' ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard and Janice, Trenton, were Sun- day visitors of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephen- son and Jirn, visited friends in Oshawa on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams, Bowmanville: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke. Oshawa, v'isited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. NI. Adams. Mr.# and Mrs. Frank Alison. Oshawa, visited with Mrs. Pearl Averv and Mr. and Mrs. George Allison on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Gatcheil, Bowmanville, visited witb Mrs. J. Gatchell and Mr. and Mrs. H~oward Abbott on Sunda. The Personage Board coin- rnittee will meet at thie Par- sonagp. Enniskîilen, on Thurs- day, March 13. -Amw WMO-"'maÀ KELVI NATOR AUTOMATIC DRYER Jm. James Relations pointed Wm. Telfer, C.W.N.A.'s Managing Director to .repres- ent the association on this board. Other speakers at the board meeting included General R. H. Keefler, Vice-President, Bell Telephone Co. of Canada and Vice-Chairman of the Execu- tive Council, The Canadien Chamber of Commerce whoi spoke on the co-operation of the weeklies with the Chamber. Mr. Harvey W. Adams of the Department of National Health and Welfare spoke on Civil De- fence. John Pinckney of The Rose- town Saskatchewan Eagle was appointed Liaison 0f ficer with the Civil Defence organization. At the directors' Annuel din-1 ner held in the Chateau Lau- rier, the Honourabie Wm. Hanm- ilton, Postmaster General of Canada was the guest speaker He briefly outlined the need, for bringing the Second Class Mail regulations up-to-date and then spoke on the history of the printed word in Canada. The Canadien Weekly News- papers Association Annual Con- vention will be held in the King Edvard Hotel, Toronto, on Sep- Mrs. H. Symons, Rochester, N.Y., and Mr. Jack Blanchard, Oshawa. Mr. Ross Williams visited Mr. Joe Balson on Monday. Recent callers at A. W. Prescotts were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa; Mr. Oliver Hubbard. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Prescutt and Roger, Mr. Edgar Pres- cott, Mrs. Donald Prescott and Marion, Enfield; Mrs. Kenneth Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Eari Prescott, Tyrone. Birthday greetings, though a hittle belated, are extended to Mr. J. W, Balson who on Thursday last reached his 79th birthday annîversary. Her many friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Sarah Allin, who suffered a broken hip some months ago and con- valescîng favorably for a time, had a set back a while ago which necessitated her return- ing again to the Oshawa Hos- pital for two weeks for treat- ment. She has since been cared for at the home of Mrs. Luther Allin where she is confined to bed, having been put in a cast which it is feared will mean prolonged rest for several weeks. Friends wish for her the best. G -u t >3 v w w w 'w '0 Use Easter Seals SAZL' 58 KELVINATOR AUTOMATIC WASHER r I Featuring.. Wrinkle Free Drying. Economical Operation. New Concealed Lint Trap. Plus ... Super Speed and Triple Safety. RE.$289.00 ~2 9 0 Spring Sale *2 90 Featuring:** 2 Autoniatic Washing Cycles- Choice of Wash and Rinse Temperatures. 60 Seconds of Automatie Pre-scrubhing in double rich suds to cut grease and grime before the regular wash begins. REG. $359.95 $ 7 0 Spring Sale$2 90 I1 I KELVINATOR KEL VINAAIR KELVINATOR WASHER ELECTRIC RANGE REFRIGERATOR Automatie Timer and Pump1 Fully Automati c/2 u. ft. - 50 1b. Top Freezer Reg. $209.00 Reg. $315.00 Reg. $339.00 $1400SPRING $ 39 0SPRING $ 10 Cowan 134 King St. E. Equ ipment Bowmanville Co* Phone MA 3-5689 ARE YOU SEWING THIS SPRING LOOK AT THESE TERRIFIC VALUES SINGER SEWING MACHINES - Ail Like New 1 SINGER ELECTRIC PORTABLE.---- $44.50 $5.50 down 1 REVERSE STITCH PORTABLE ELECTRIC Reg. Price $119-9. Now only $9.90 down or $99.90 1 REVERSE STIAH PORTABLE ELECTRIC Reg. Price $119.95. Now only $10.50 or $104.50 1 REVERSE STITCH CONSOLE, Regular $167.95 Now only $13.50 down or $129.50 full price 1 REVERSE STITCH CONSOLE. Reg. Price $252.50 Now only $15.50 down or $149.50 full price ALL FULLY GUARANTEED PHONE OR WRITE FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION OR CALL IN AT YOUR Singerf Sewing Center 14 ONTARf O ST., OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-5443 ZION W.A. met at Sunday Sehool with a real good attendance. Scripture was read by Mrs. Ed. Hoskin and the devotional read- Ing by Mrs. Russell Stainton. The usual business was dis- pensed with and the following program was given. Piano solo and encore by Mrs. Charles Naylor, reading by Mrs. Rus- sell Stainton; vocal duet and encore by Mrs. Hans Geissberg. er and Mrs. Herman Haass. Several ladies quilted %vhile the meeting was going on. The group, Mrs. Ed. Hoskin, Mrs. August Geissberger, Jr., Mrs. Russell Perkins and Mrs. Rus- sell Stainton served refresh- ments and everyone enjoyed the social time. Several ladies re- mained alter the meeting and finished the quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry, Enniskillen; Mr. Brian Lee and Miss Lyn Farrow, Guelph, vis- ited at Tom Sobil's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killeti were at Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie visited at Ted Col- lis', Oshawa. Mr. Ailan Gerry and daugh- ter, Toronto, visited Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli. Miss Patsy Fisher won first prize at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto for 14 years and under. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell and sons, Columbus, visited Mrs. Donald Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Sprackling. Enniskillen, visited her brother Norman at Mrs. Alex McMas- ter's. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil visited her brother, John Gerry, Toronto, who is still on the sick list. Miss Joan McMaster had her tonsils rcmoved on Thursday. Mrs. Kcith Stainton and Clarke visited at James Moore's, Scarborough. Keith Staintori went tg Lake Simcoe and brouglit his fish- ing hut home. .CRIPPLED CHILOREN ý W,,«M,*Yo MA& lm, leu Phone MA 3-5689