~~u~~~LTT ~~~~-rzwi lu~A W dAW*L 11An W unwIIA WfWv L4&r W AMO~ wmnA %A ~hlm Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, CCF Convention Unanimous 'Osawa were with Mr.an S r. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and Kathy were with M-. and Mrs. Chooses Orono's Ernest Dent r. nrMs RIWer and Deborah. Picton. were I - ~ I Ieekend guests of Mr.an Candidate in reu erai EIection; M.an rs. dMGil Mr. and Mrs.y a RoM. a cdilI, A great deal muast be accomp- how many of the social welfare aniong the workers. spent Sndy iaM. adM lished in the next four years if measures now in effect such as The C.C.F. are the only partyRoLamadSlna Canada and the worid is to be oid age pensions and famiiy ai- with a program to ensure that1 Mr. Norman Smith, Oshawa, free and prosperous, Ernest Dent Iowances, were originally draft- the benefits of automation are j as an ovcrnight guest with toid a C.C.F. gathering at Orono ed by the C.C.F. and adopted by shared by ail, he said. Keith Ellis. Friday evening in his acceptance other parties. A national heaith Professor Grube was introduc- Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Gra- address as candidate in the plan not yet iin effect was first ed by T. D. "Tommy" Thomas, harn and Joyce-, Mr. and Mrs. March 31 election. proposed in 1919 by the C.C.F. M.P.P. for Oshawa. Mrs. Chris- Wilbur Toms, Purpie Hil, r. i n te s fedaeeCo... tine Thomas, Oshawa City coun- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. IFe is aaro the Ortfeea eetono 7 ciiior, was aiso present at the Toms. He i maagerof he Oonmeeting to gîve a concise report Mr. and Mrs. Alian Werry Bydro System and has served of' the recent Women's Labour, and girls were recent cailers at for a number of years as Coun- . Convention held in Hamilton. 1Eoss Lee's, Kedron, and Tom cillor for Clarke Township ~. .Cara o h etn a Soî',Tutn Council. Roy Armstrong, Percy ,C Y P rma o h etn a oiTutn RoweandLucs Nihoi wee rcy Rowe. He feit that the An Explorer Expedition was - ~7 worid situation was verycn-held in the church basement aio noinatedcas Ncandidaes e !cal at the moment. The cn on Tuesday, March 4th. After Deut.aldcie nfvu fM ~ ~ omical depression, hie pointedithe opening ceremnony, work Detspake fr teccaio out, has been brought about by was completed on the Japanese was Proifessor George Grube, competition, duplication and booklets that Counselior, Mrs. head of the Ciassics Department, price fluctuation. "lWe must R. Virtue had made for them Univrsiy o Toonto Beout -~plan ahead scientificaiiy and in-' in the shape of a pagoda. Every- Univrsiy ofTornto.He ut-tellhgentiy, not just for Canada ane joined in the singing of the lined what he beiieved were â'k'~' -- - but the whoie worid." Japanese song "Aconns" which the fauits of the Lîberais and ___________ hsapet itn eoy Conservatives and stated that - Duaing the bus tins iwasde-. the C.C.F. offered the only truc 'ueu tha the nup twoud alternative government. . LA.U1J.L1ae at"hek.,g" op u i In accepting the nomination E NS IL Nmk cekpl opti Mn. entthaked he eope I rs lla Wer opnedthe suppîy baie. The boys were Mr. entthaned he popl Mr. Alan eri- opnedgiven battledones to cut out for who supported himi in the last ber home to the Enniskilen the girls so that they cov.ld eiection and gave bis assurance Service Club on March 3rd Al pad themi in various colored that hie would try to iivc up to membens were present, along silks. The boys' are to make the standard set by the C.C.F. with two visitors. Evening was 1 canp banners. The story of mrembers in Ottawa during the spent by the ladies doing fancy Kenji was toid by counselior ]ast session of the House of -wrontaoespiow ca- Mrs. H. Ashton, which was fol- Commons. wr ntatwlp ses, and scarf runners, for aurl lowed by the worship conduct- Brotherhood of Men Ernest Dent forthcoming bazaar. Lunch was c d by chief Counseilon. Laura The uitimate goal of the senved by Mrs. T. Robson, Mrs.i Bowman read the scripture. C.C.F., Mr. Dent expiained, is "The C.C.F. will be constant- A. Leadbeater and the hostess.' The gnoup was divided into the brotherhood of men econom- ly seeking to make the lives ofix etn ob ac 9totasadtegm Jn ically spcaking. To achieve this aIl Canadians richer and fuller," at the home of Mrs. Ralph' Ken-Po" was played, foilowed ail must work together. "We he assured. Lamb. by the very enjoyable game of can accompiish much more Canada he feit aiso bas a duty Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown,I candle-bowling. working together than being in to help less fortunate nations.Bo anie, wr Sndy heEpoesreeangt' competition. It is the logical "North Amerîca," lhe said, "re- guests Mr. and re s.dAy Tcom pîcto of ther explrin e an snsbl wyof doing presents only seven per cent of Leadbeater. on Japan and they have been things." the population but it bas 42 . . 5 neetdi erighw Mr. Dent went on to point out per cent of the productive ca-. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Irwin vis-. Japantesedgir l an boypa paciry. p ited Mr. and Mrs. EnetIrwin, work, studyrlsand wosplaTye pcy. ..Bobcaygeon. wErnest jnd jshi. he I Despite the continent's great havemd oooat s productivity there are millions Mn. and Mns. Jobn Stainton, vste mada okonomacetoen who are starving throughout Bowmanvilie; Mn. and Mrs. they have also made chop- the world. "We have a govern- Wilfred Bennett, Newcastle, sticks to use at their Japanese ment in Canada who can't and were Saturday evening guests Tea party which will be held won't solve the problem of want of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and during the last week of March. among pienty." family. With unemployment rising Gilbert Gnawbargcr, Res- and the thneat of a increas- toule, is visitng with his sis-HAY O ing, Mr. Dent feittt the next ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb. AY O ci. . four years would have a decisive Ken Graham, Haydon, Miss Haydon W.A. March meeting production of food and set up a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Pott's gnoup in charge. wol food bank for the equit- Ronald and Ray; Mn. and Mrs. The stewards of the Mhr. J abedsrbtino od n osAho adfmlHy-hdamein nTusa Sel e addition there must be an allo- don; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, evening at Mr. and Mrs. Wal- cation of raw materiais an the and Linda Manie, were Sunday ter Loveridge' when Plans wene basis of need. This and much guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. J. made to hold a tunkey suppen. more must be accompiished in Ormiston. L-Sgt. Bernard Houseman, A, DUIRO PUMP the next four yeans," he con- Mn. and Mns. Wifncd San- Mns. Houseman and chiidnen I éluded.derson, Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. lef t by motor on Fniday morn- Means Better Living !! Professon Grube urgcd those Earl Masters and girls, Bow- ing for their borne at Calgary. attending the meeting to fuily manville, werc with Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn (UR DURO Water Sys- support Mn. Dent and the C.C.F. Mrs. Adam Sharp. and family, and Mns. K. Cowl- ./tem gives us fresh, pure in the March 31 eicction. The waerwenan whne~ indivîduai's vote for the C.c.F. Mn. and Mns. Sandy Moore, ing attended a birthday party necd it ... adds to our con- is very important since th PurpleeHlli; Mn. and Mns. W o terut n. Cole, at veiecean cmfrtof~ major parties cancfuliy watch E. Reid, Newtonville, were ne: the home of Mn. and Mrs. Fane- Yeife theandwth of hetCof.. move-cent visitons of Mn. and Mns. well Blackburn, Salem, on Sat- ment, he explained. F. Toms. urday evening. DURC Pimps are availi- Oppose Social Reform Mn. Jack Perry, Mn. Sut- V Mr. and Mns. Clcm Rahm, ablein il szesto eet n- lif, "Prt err; Mis Cr vlsited Mn. and Mrs. Ronald dvabl n l iesta et a- "The Conservatives" lhcsaidLiff, APortPn~; MsssClanlRahm, on Sunday. diidalneda Seyour "have opposed cvery type of Lnd sbr;Msr la Mrs. K. Cowling arrived Plumber or DURO dealer social legisiation in the past 30 Wray, and Maurice Bradley, ho me on Tuesday baving spent for ull nforatin orwrit Bomanville; Mn. and M5s. M. for fRîl iforatonR re yeans. The Liberals have been Hcand, wcrc Sunday visitons of two months at Miami, Flonida. forFRE oler "ununtn compciied under C.C.F. pressure M n r.Lm ab Mrs. A. McNeil spent the Water, the. Farm Necoeuity". ta put C.C.F. platfonms into M.adMs LreLm. weckend with Mn. and Mrs. effect." Mn, and Mns. Fat Tresise, Hcrb Stainton, Hampton. The C.C.F., hie continued, Gaîl and Kathnyn, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, warncd of the unemployment wcnc with Messrs. Norman and Ronald and Ray, Mn. and Mrs. now facing Canada but the Edgar Wright's. Ross Ashton and family, visit- warning was ignoned by the Mn. and Mns. Leonard Stain- cd Mr. and Mns. Russell On- Conservative govennment. "It ton and family, wenc with Mn. miston, Enniskillcn, Sunday. is too late ta do anything about C. Milîs and Mr. and Mns. R. Mn. and Mns, Wilbur Black- the present unemploymcnt. Hope, Port Penny. burn, Carol, Dougic and Mns. Howeven to solve the pnoblem Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Yo K. Cowling, werc suppcr gucsts in the future the govennment Mary and Neil, wenc with Mn. at Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm El- must look and plan ahcad." and Mns. D. Yeo, Oshawa. i fond's, Port Penny, on Sunday. .- Professor Grube feit that more Mn. Oliver Hubbard, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon sbould be spent on helping less awa, visitcd with Mn. and Mns. vîsited bier parents, Mn. and 1 fortunate nations. One per cent Walter Oke. Mns. Fred Toms, Enniskilien. of the govcnnment's spendings Mn. and Mrs. Bob Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garnard towands this cause would be a Linda and Jim, Niagara Falls; wcrc suPper gucsts of Mn. and good start. "This may not be Mn. and Mns. Floyd Pethick and Mns. C. Garrard, Sunday. j very much but it would nepre- Robin, Toronto, were with Mn. Mn. and Mns. J. Joncs and sent 100 times the amount now and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. fa.mily at the Degeer borne. P umrd SOVTENEDÇ being spent," be pointed out. Mn. andlrs. _A. edcac, Mn.ray - AshTon 1ai ANDj and famiiy, Toronto, wcrc Sun- day supper gucsts at Mn. and Hart Ho use Orchestra 1n.Atu eds IN I SPRJNG TRINITY UNITED CHURCH hîow do iknwta Sn I herd arobin singing in the BQWMANVI LLE i gren an n found a Patch of snowdrops, Thursday, M arc h 20 iHOWeday.o tR 8:30 p.m. Tickets May Be Oimed From . Tyrrell's Drut Sto» NEWCASTLE johnson'a Drug Store NEITONV1LIX Inez lirmeus BOWMAN VILLE Rlckaby's "Big 20" MeGregor Drugs COURTICE Mrs. R. Pearce Ais. from Members of Bowmanvil P¶CKM .$1.00 HAMPTON Mrs. Ken Caverly Walter Rundie ENNISKILLEN Slemon's Store TYRONE Mrs. G. Brent ilie Lions Club SEATS NOT RESERVED L. A ) here again?-- Iwandcred down a country lane, And there against the wood's dark hue, A carpet stretched, of violets How do I know that Spning is here again7 My heant responds with joy, anci then Just as the bud upon the tree, It bursts in perfect ecstasy. Necsl.Manjonie Cunningham New officers for the Darlington Liberal Association were elected last week at an organizational meeting In Solina Community Hall attended by about 100 citizens. From left to night, W. H. Brown and Roy W. Nichols, vice- presidents, Russell C. Honey, the Liberal candidate; Bruce Tink, president, Mrs. Thomas Baker, secretary-treasurer WALL WALL COVERING SRegular .45 f t. L Special 2.9c ft. Rexwàll-Tile Pattera Wall Covering, 54"1 wide. Easy to apply. Black Border and feature trim. Colons Grey, Ycllow, Blue, Pink Special .29 per fi. and Wm. Bragg, vice-president. During the evening, Mr'. Honey stressed bis intention, if elected, of being a frequent visitor ta the county areas, in- order to discuss personally the many individual problèms citizens encounter in their day-to-day dealings with the fedenal govennment. Conservatives HoId Tea in Park Clubhouse ~~~ '- w - -~ ~~~~~~~ ~-... ........____________________- Monday evening, a large gr oup of citizens from Vivian as the I-ronored guests. This photo shows the Bowmanville gathered for a social evening at Memorial Conservative candidate, Dr. Vivian, and from lef t to right, Park Clubhouse. The event was sponsored by the Pro- Mrs. E. Mabel Thickson, Mrs. Charles Mutton, Mrs. Harry gressive-Conservative Association, with Dr. an-d Mrs. Percy Dadson and Mrs. Vivian. -Photo by Rehder on TILE COVERINGS FLOOR COVERING ACCESSORIES ¾j" Poplar Underlay 4' x 4' -- . - 1.50 each 5/16" Fir Underlay, heavy 4' x 8'1 -- 3.50 each Special Underlay Nails --43 lb. Linoleum Cernent 1.25 gai. Linoleum Cenent c -- - - W.P. Lino Cernent 3.75 gai. Cernent Spreaders .25 eachi REGULAR FLOOR TILES Vinyl, Asbestos Tile .17 ea. Asphait Tiles, f rom .08 up "A" Gauge Marb. Tiles -- - .18 ea. Rubber Tiles - .23 ea. Deluxe Viîxyl Tiles .35 ea. McGregor Hardware Lim it di MA 3-3386 95 King St.,Ws FLOOR and FLOOR Jaspe Floor Tule (CANADIAN MADE) $- Here is an opportunity in cover Sthose old f loors at a very reas- onable price. .~Standard Gauge Jaspe Tiles 9"ex 9" N Regular .11 each SpecialS8/2C each (This sale subject to extent of our stock, 8,000 tiles, 4 colors only) REXOLEUN FLOOR COVERINGS "For Beauty: Care and Easy Wear" Flower Patterns - 6 fit. wide Regular .49 running foot Special 39c per ft. *"SUN-FELT"l ENANEL SURFACE COVERING Thrift-priced, top-rated for value 6 ft. wide 3 colors only - Reg. 35c fit. Special 29C per ft. Do. q ý»s W. &ý.l , -l' n"F LuAlcAnTAM qvrAmw-qvAv- itrWUAMV".T.P. MmorAinTelb -TRITIMAY. VAIR- leu m