P A G T O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ £ A J ~ ~ ZLI> 1IM E I A ILAN A D I A N SfT A TA E S Y * - J- - - Oshawa visited Mrs. James Sam- eUls and Norman. Return Pink Envelope eeSnaviloswhMr Mr. and Mrs. Alexin oe And ive om e opeand girls, Toronto, visited his À&nd Gîve Some Hopemother, Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist were' at Laing ta visit the Francis To Locail Crippled Chi*ldrenl Mesrs. anus adHry This month marks the evcnt1 ricd eut its big'cst programme iail proportion ta the moncy Van Ryswyck are eagerly await- When thausands of Rotarians,1 in Ilil fs historv. This year, the spent in the work. rng a visit tram their parents in Lions, Kiwanians, Kinsmren, and iorc than125) youflgsters This work takes several May. Mr. and Mrs. Vander Heul ather service club members go who are listecd on the Society's forms. There is a nursing ser- Sr. et Holland will -oe celebrat- ta bat for crippled childrein hi ruEs ns quot 0 -active" caseS, vice made up ef twenty-two nthi45hnnvray Ontario. 1will hiauc incrcascd .bacause graduate nurses, each of whonx. Mrs. John Watson is spend- The 12,560 cripplcd in the Ou1tarie's swîfIly groWinIg POP- has taken a specia] past-grad- ing a holiday with her sister, province, living on farms or liulation ireans hundreds of flOW uate course in orthopaedics and Mrs. Joseph Fordcr. They tele- city homes or in remote north- ae cdi vcar. rThe provincîial is authorized by special act of phoned last night ta their broth- ern hamiets, know that the 19338 objective of this years Eas*.er the Ontario legisiature te er and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. sale of Easter Seals nmns ScalCmpi. March th te vear the title Orthopaedic Con- Elisha Pellen of Rathwell, Man., hope. To them the Elstcr St-ais April Gth. is $730,00L). sultant. Theze nurses visit the who celebrated their 66th wed- bring treatment and training. "li or,, i:io thnt cares homes et handicapped children, ding anniversary on Mar. 9. Con- a possibility et independciiîco for this iminier of children is teach the parents how ta ad- gratulatiens te the honoured and relief from the phvsical m.xt~vS111.11. A igtl- inister therapy treatment or couple from their many Cart- handicaps that birth, illncss ci- kiii ofiict, staff at liez1dcitiarters direct the child ta medical at- Wright friends. accident have lcft theni. in'Toronto. a si-orecof highl * - tention. Last year, the Onta7io Socie- tLainil nur1scs, a corps of vol- The nurses funiction In spe- ty for Crippled Childrcni. wIhose cluteer 1doclors zaud an army o f cific divisions et the province N w M n r l only appeal for funds is imach iuhc: cct1 ti.îs wh\\'11( 9Veranging tram the Lakehead ta'e onra in the annual Easter Scal Cwii- frrciv of tl1r :n'. The n-soilt Eastern Ontarie. Available for paign by 220 service clubs, czar- is -nvlm fsrioetOf thcir tuse. are qualified thera- I - . pists xvhosc value is indicated Fiote I peniIIl by the fact that the Ontario Goermet eqesedthe as- D t e sistance et two during a polio D t sS e epidemic seme years aga and aad' lret oIl h which assistance wvas provided Cadas agethtte by the Society nt no cest ta the new 21-storey Queen Elizabeth province or patients. in downtown Montreal, 15 :a- Clinics for the examination pidly nearing campletion and et children in areas far tram is expected te v;elcame is first major hospital centres are also gucsts early in March. erganizcd and attended by top April 15 rnd 16 have been medical specialists trom Toron- cenfirmcd the dates for the te, Hamilton, Ottawa, and else- official opening. Canadian Na- where giving their experiene- tional Railways, builders and ,81O fied advice. If children need hos- powners cf the hotel, and Hil- A' pializaionthis is provided on ton ef Canada Ltd., the f irm a sPciaists adiceandlocal which will eperate it, have sign- doctors co-eperate in providing ed up name orchestras and en- treatment et home. te-tainers and arranged lunch-1 In many ather programmes cons, dinner dances, and othc'r thsEstANUisprvie h social events te mark the open- tha intheuniue arity il-woringdayand night te put~ AND EW a1g, wichis peraed y te fnisingtouches te the first SocetyfortheVaretyClu offew floors, and rush completion WORK Torotowher criple chid-cf the smartly designed Le ren learn trades. Ahl these pro- Cate, the main floor coffee Al ur okI grammes add up ta a chance for shop, the Grand Salon, and the g ua ra nt e ed Youngsters whose future other- Salle Bonaventure, the supper addone h fast Wise looks dark. club. wa~ Le u nid- With the epening of thee Completien et the remaindai' ernize your kitchen iwlt ana EseoSa f the 1216 roems, the roof-top an1ahro o Campaign today, there will be Le Panorama lounge, and Les theusandset servic club menVoyageurs, the lounge off the SERVCE nd earviof. leas and women going ta " bat" for main lobby, will follow the et andserice Tems. Tîmmy. Your contribution.ta the fluail opening. E Easter Seal Campaign is re- The two-day apening willl quested. The campaign objec- edwt hrt ali O A e O Ltive is $750,000. San. ihacait li h PLUMINGANDHEAINGby the orchestras of Guy Lamn- MA 3-3348 55 King St. IV. barda and Denny Vaughan.t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ i eslefon S fafion Entertaining will be M iss Guy- laine Guy, noted French screen Mrs. Herman Sameils is actress and chanteuse, and Los spending soi-e time with Mr. Chevales de Espana, famed and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Missj Spanish Dance greup. Eunice Wilson, Torento, was i Why go faTarant o home for the week-end. t7O O Why g Io T rontoMr. and Mrs. Walter B3ail, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and 1 1 0 1 0 Mrs. T. G. Langteld. Mrs. Balil FOR. t ~is reeovcring tram major surg- C n dan FOR ~~ery and ail wish her much im- adin praved health. BY C. J. IIlarrIs Miss Olive Beacock, Oshawa Though the exact date wil spenit the weekend with her I remain unknawn ta even the B AGISi mether, Mrs. W. E. Beacack and ms iieto ttsiino Mr. and Mrs. R. Middlcton and pass the seventeen million mark. SHOP AT family, Malton. By estimate et the Dominion!, Mrs. Wesley Campbell spent Bureau af Statistics the popula-i seme time with the Grant tien at January 1, 1958, totalled Campbell family, was at her 16,887,000, an increase of 543,000 cabin home for a short time or 3.4 per cent tramn a year B OWNAN VILLE i the Presbyterian and United 1961 decade may approach the brance of Miss May Noon who attained in the 1901-1911 period.t Fir s f nepassed away last week. In that event Canadas 19611 attended a social evening et ncighbourheod cf 18,500,000. Ballyduf f Ladies' Aid at the Such population g r o w t hi home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy brings its inevîtable changes te R EF IG E R T O RPreston on Friday evening. 1n the national econonly. Someo 9¾ ubi fet amily meved ta their new home tram the inerease et recent years Freezer Across Top in Hampton this past week and h ave been nated in a Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Je Feddema have speech bY Neil J. McKinnon,! moved ta the Hayer farmn asj president ef the Canadien Bank Cl ~ flshare croppers. lof Commerce. "On,, et the hi centage of the meat, poury dairy products, fruits an dvcge-, tables çvhieh we can produce- a marked contrast to the days when the prosperity of the mix- ed farming community rested largely on export demand. "The increase in domnestic consumption of industrial rvav materjals, while important, is in most cases obscured by the magnitude of the increase in: production. Exports as a whole,' however, now amount to about1 one-fifth of national production* as compared with almost one-: third 30 years age."1 Mr. MeKinnon sees this changing trade patterns as one' of the inevitable problemai of our future: "Despite the fact* that international trade con- tinues to be very important to our economy, it is feasible te look forward to a day when it will be of lesser relative im- portance than it is now, even though the volume of transac- tions may be considerably larg- er. One of the strategic issues ofour day is to what extent we' sh ould encourage the domestic: as against the international aspects of our economic activ-, ity."P There is a conflict of interest between those Canadians who produce for export markets and those who produce for domestic' consuimption. But the increase in population is in itself a factor that multiplies the importance of the domestic market, as the 30-year decrease in relative im-1 portance of exports - from nearly one-third to about one- fifth cf national production- clearly shows. Tot-al commercial meat out- put in Canada during 1957 amounted ta 35,000,000 poundz or five percent over 1956. Announcement.. OP ENING of SNUFFY'S AUTO BOD>Y SHOP 181 ]KING ST. W., BO WNAN VILLE (WEST 0F IHAP'S B-A STATION) MA 3m3042 or MA 3-2707 ALL WGRK GUARANTEED Now is the lime Io gel your car ready for spring. 24 Hour Towing Service I q. BwmAr VUf.M ONTARUIO'THURSDAY, MAR. ISth, 1958 H w ac * TO HEL Fo te An ELO PI Use Easter Seais Children Associated widi the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Phaf Your Money Does b. . *Entertaind 29 guests t our Annual Christmas Party for Crippled Children of the district. *Looked after the following: Speciai Braces . . -.---------------- 1 Major Operations e- M. -s--* 4 Several Children supplied with crutches and BUY EASTER SEALS AND USE THEM' PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE Return Your..0 * -e7 as - AND MAIL TO-DAY. A Rec&pt Wl1t be sent to you for Income Tax,~urposes M Easter Seal Campaig lere are a few of the things that the Rotary Club vith thc help of -your Easter Scal donations have :coniplished in the past year: Provided transportation to Merrywood Camp for 7 Cripplcd Childrcn from the district. We have 24 children on our active list and during the past ycar wc have nmace e~ niu's o 12 of them. FREE ESTINATES ýE PACM T" --- qm». eavàknrAu enqAngnbmLÀPAW 1 I I ip 1 The Bowman'ville Rotary Club PINK ENVELOPE