?1!RSDYM"I. 2fth, 19 58 TNE CAAD!ANSTATEMA!i.EOWMAYILLE.OZ~TÂ!O. - SA ft W4£Izbbn -a . 'targe Protest Meeting Plans to Send Delegation Hi*gh School Bd. Meeting NEWCASTLE-More than 75 It was also revealed that two pear before the Board at its citizens a! the Township of members o! the cammittee had meeting and a good nuniber Clare an Dalingon ad te dicussd te mater ith t ram ail sections o! the area Clake ndDanintonan th dscuse th mtte wth hesignified thein intention o! 'village o! Newcastle, gathened chairman o! the High Schooi jainingz the delegatian. Con'- la.',the Newcastle Com.unty Board and had neceived his munities in Clarke represented ]Hall on Satundav eveningr last' promise that he would bringi at the meeting inciuded to join la the protest o! the site the matter befone the negulan Brown's, Newtonvilie, Pont enosen by the Durham District meeting o! the Board in the Granby, Kendal and Lakeshore. High Scbooi Board for the pro- Bowmanville High School on Anothen open meeting o! the posed aew High Sehool in this Wednesday (iast) eveaing. It comnittee a! citizens wili be anea, and ta plan future action. was necammended that the called foliowingc the meeting A complete report of actianf "Open Letten" published in iast o! the Higb Sebool Board ta takea by the Citizens Commit- week's Statesman bc answened report the nesults o! the Board tee, ta date, was given and tho- and ail municipalities noti!ied. meeting and ta decide what roughly discussed by the meet- It was dccided a deiegation furthen action, if any, should ing , chaired by R. B. Riekard. tramn this meeting shouid ap-- bc taken by the cammittee. Former Newcastle Man .Has R emarka b!e Record In St. Thbornas Hospiftal NEWCASTLE-According to a report appearing in the %~t. Thomas Times-Journal of Feb- ruary 28th an enviable recordi has been set in the St. Thomas Hospital where Dr. J. H. (Jack) Rare is the Chief of Obstet- ries. Dr. Hare is the son of Mr. end Mrs. P. F. Hare of New- castle and received his early schooling here. He is a grad- uate of the Newcastle High School where on graduation lie was awarded the Montague Scholarship for highest stand- ing in his class. The St. Thomas paper re- ports as follows: "An excellent and enviable record has been Guides Plan Trefoil Tea NEWCASTLE - The weekly meeting o! the lst Newcastle Girl Guide Camp~ openedi wvith the repeatin of their Guide Laws tolaoe by the Rail Cali Drill and the callice- tion of fees. The Tilîum Patrol demon- strated their knowiedge la lay- Ing a trahi wbîch was very wel clone and the marching is lm- r roving cach week. During the 4htruction pcliod, Lieutenant Whincop taught the girls the definition and the uses o! the foflowing knots: nec!, sheet- bend and clove-bitch. Du-ing a recreation pcniod the Guides enjoyed games ledi by the Orchid and Daffodil Pa- trois and fellowing Campfire the meeting closcd with prayer and taps. The first money raising pro- Jeet o! tbe eompany. the Tre-I foi Tea and Bake Sale being 2ieid in tbe Lions noam on Sat- inday attemnoon was discussedc at some lengtb with final plans being arranged by the girls and thein leaders. IS YOUR EAVESTRGUGH Ready for SPRING CALL IOULD HEATING NEWCASTLE 4331 set at the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital where iast year and the yean befone, no mothens have died in giving binth. "Alsa duning bath 1956-57, the Genenal Hospital hene has maintaincd the Iowest infant mortality rate or any o! the 16 lange bospitals in Southwest- cmn Ontario between Hamilton and Windsor and south o! the line Stratford and Kitchener. A complete statistical report delivered jointly by Dn. J. H. Hane, chie! et obstetrics at the St. Thomas Elgin General Hos- pital and Dr. G. H. Valentine, chiet o! pediatnics, ta the As- sociation of Western Ontario Obstetnicians and Gynaccoio- gists meeting in London a few days ago, s4owed a total of 12 neonatal deaths and eight A, Wade 1 -,g 2 - stillbirths at the hospital hiere last yean. "Taking both stillbirths and neonatai deatbs together, the infant montality rate per 1,000 Ibinths here in 1957 was only 19. Neonatal deaths are those cf newbonn infants ini hospit-:1I. The other 15 hospitais in Cie district reported infant montaI- ity rates ranging upwards ta 34.9 deaths per 1,000 births. The numben o! delivenies at the general hospital hene last year was 1,043. "Though the percentage of Caesariaa sections per!ormed here was reiatively high, Dr. Hare obscnved that the number of stiilbinths and neonatal deaths 'at St. Thomas hospital was stili nemankably low in comparison with correspond- ing figures neponted by the athen bospitals."1 'YELVERTON t Ie ted to 1 Sarny ta repart that Mis. jEle ted o DoaldJohnson is in Port Pen- ny bospital. A sp,,d, necaveny C ta Noreen. IB A Execa Mm. and Mrs. Raloh Malcom and !amiiy, Mn. and Mrs. Ray NEWCASTLE-At the annuai Robinson and tamily werc Sa t- convention o! the Ontario Base-1 urday and Sundayv ustsre- bail Association held in Wel' land last Friday and Saturday Arnold W. Wade of Newtonville president of the Lakeshore Min. or Basebail League, was electeé one of the three members of th£ executive from. Eastern Ontario The others are AI. Walker ci Oshawa, vice-president and Jack Carson of Belleville. As the resuit of the report cl a committee appointed last October ta study the OBA constitution and make recom- niendations for amendments,a number of resolutions were presented and accepted by the convention. These includeda new ruling to allow any player in B, C or D groupings to move from Pee Wee to Junior and back as long as he is signed up in the lowest category in which he can play; a ruling that no player may be a convenor ir an OBA series in which his tcam is playing, and a decisior to set aside one of the two weeks after June 22 as OBA Basebail Appreciation week. It is expected the annual meet- ing of the Lakeshore Minor League will be held in the near future at which time Mr. Wade wvill give a complete report of the convention. Y, e, 1- ýd le :k a .e pectiveiy a! the ordon Hen- dersons a! Tarante. Mrs. Hank Beon is spending a few days with ber daugbter 1here at Malconia. FOR VOUR ENTEZTAINMENT. REFRESHMENTS ..MOVIES Truesday, March I5th 8 p.m. MAPLE GROVE at the shop of S.S.Morton & Son AdmissionL4 Everybody welcome! HAYDON Mn. and Mns. Kenneth Wal er and tamily, Bowmanville; N~ and Mrs. E. Waiker, Toroni wene Sunday visitons at Mn. Walken's. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fo Laine and Neil, Tarante. we Sunday visitons at the McNg home. Mn. and Mrs. Ne: Stainton wene Monday visitc at Mrs. A. McNeii's. Mn., Ronald Potts and IThomas Potts, Collingwoc spent the weekend witb Mn. ar Mrs. J. Potts and family. Mn. and Mns. Farewell Blac] bun and Bnian, Mn. and Mi Gerald Shackletoa and tami] Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salem, wei Satunday evening visitons at M~ and Mrs. Wilbun Blackbun% Mn. and Mns. Fred'Cowlin Bhackstock; Mr. Herb Staintoi Hampton, visited Mr. and Mr Richard McNeil. Mn. and Mns. Ivan Sharp ar Lynda, Enniskillen, at Mn. ar Mns. Lloyd Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. David Morrov Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. iii Mantyn and famil)r. Bowmar, ville, visîted Mrs. Wm. Trewi and Mn. and Mrs. Walter Love ridge. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemno visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomý Enniskilien. Mn. and Mrs. Clen, Rahr wene Sunday visitons at Mn. an Mrs. Rss Sharp's, Enniskillen. Mna. Lloyd Slemon and Mn. Alfred Ganrard attended tih funenai service o! Mrs. Russe] Spinks at Oshawa on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts ani Mary wenc suppen guests at M, and Mrs. Arthur Tnewin's oi Sunday. W.A. Meeting WV.A. Mar'ch meeting was bel( at the home of Mrs. Lesli, Grahan on Thursday afteroor with a tain attendance. Presi dent Mns. Lloyd Siemon opene( the meeting. The Dcvotiona wvas pnesented by Mrs. K. Cowi ing. Mns. Jack Potts had Lbg following pnagram: Mrs. W Martia gave a talk; reading Mrs. J. Joncs; instrumentai, Mmc Lloyd Siemon. At the close o the meeting lunch was servec by Mns. Potts and gnoUp anc hostess. Mn. and Mns. Ross Asbtor visited Mr. Harold Wright at th( Oshawa Hospital on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Garrarc spent Satunday evening with Mr and Mns. Clifford Reid, Stark. ville. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ash tor and Ronald visited Mn. and Mrs Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, Sunday. Mrs. Bernard Houseman Lele. pboned ber parents Mn. and Mns, C. Garnard saying tbey had a fine trip, and arrived at Cal- gary on Tuesday monning. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ganmard were supper guests ot ber pan- ents, Mn. and Mns. L. Gniffin, Biackstock, Sunday. la a decade British Colum- bia's population bas incneased nearly 40 percent. InstailNew 0f ficers Including Mrs. 0. Megit As Incoming Presidenf _r NEWCASTLE-The regular Officers Installed ,e meeting of the Newcastle Lion- Following is the list of officers dettes Club was held in the din- installed and committees ap- ) hing-room of the Queen's Hotel pointed for the next 12 months: Immediate Past President, Mrs. * on Monday evening with live I Jean Rickard; President, Mrs. *members of the Cobourg Lion- Orena Megit; Vice-President, s ettes Club as guests. Mrs. Dora Kelsey; Secretary, Fonwn eiiu inr Mrs. Aresta Williams, Treasurer, the guests from Cobourg were Mrs. Grace Toms; Social Host- fwelcomed by the president and ess, Mrs. Gertrude Walker; Nase Mrs. Marion Hart, past president Twister, Mrs. Elsie Korapatwa, of the Cobourg Club was called and Directors, Mrs. Pauline rupon to instaîl the newîy eîect- Storks and Mrs. Jean Lewis. red members of the local club. Welfare Committee - Mrs. Ic Jean Rickard and Mrs. Kay f During the meeting the regu- tpesn lwradVst lar onthy drw wa riide ng Committee, Mrs. Dunreath wihprizes going to Mrs. Aresta Walton and Mrs. Jean Lewis; Williams and one o! the guests Carnival Committee-Mrs. Mar- from Cobourg. It was decided ion Knox, Mrs. Pauline Storks the club should take, as one o! and Mrs. Irene Cunningham; its projects for the year, that of Property, Mrs. Gertrude Walk. assisting the newly organized er; Membership, Mrs. Dora Kel- Girl Guide Company and an, sey; Publicity, Mrs. Marion initial grant of $15.00 was voted Gilkes; Program, Mrs. Elsie to be given to the Guide leader K<ordpatwa and Mrs. Helen Car- for use in any way needed. veth; Salvation Army, Mrs. Following adjournment of Charlotte Riekard; Ice Field the meeting a social game of Day, Mrs. Aresta Williams, and cards was enjoyed and prizes! Ways and Means Cornmittee, awarded ta the winners, two of Mrs. Grace Toms and Mrs. the guests from Cobourg. 'Marjorie Dickinson. n ewcc scia!i andc istie £I5ersona/ jMn. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn days with Mn. and Mns. P. spent Friday in Cambnay wbere Tamblyn and aIl are taking ln tbey joined la celebnating the the Sportsman's Show la To- 4th weddcng anniversamy et ronto. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Tamblyn. Mn. and Mns. Stan Corden,' Mr. Frank Weinhold and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Luxton Joan Gable o! Uxbridge, were and Mn. and Mrs. William LuXI Sunday visitons with Mn. and ton a! Bowmanville. wcne Sun-1 Mns. John Voutt and family. da " visitons xith Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. R. B. Rickard Harold Couch and faniilv. and famil *v and M"s. Garnet Mrs. M. C. Fisher, who is Rickard and famiiv spent Sun- President of the Og-hawa Pn,'s- day visiting with Mr. and Mns. bytenial of the W.M.S. \vas ini Ted Buxtan and !amilv, Beth- Smith Falls Tuesdav and Xed- any. nesdax' attendiog an executive Mn. and Mnsi. Percy Tamblyn meeting o! the Conference spent Saturdav with Mn. anci Branch of the \V.M.S. Mrs. Ken Withens in Peterbon- Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Witzel oughi. and son Bob a! Toronto, spent Mr. and Mns. William Waik- the iveekend visiting with ber er have ie!t for a holiday in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Florida. Callans. Mrs. H. C. Rundiee!fBrigb- Be sure ta attend the Girl ton spent a few days visiting Guide's Tea and Bake Sale S31-c with Mr. and Mrs. Peney HRare. unda.Marc'h 22, from 3 in .5( Mn. and Mns. A. E. Tanibl n [in the Lions Room. I ot Cambray are spending a tew 1 12-1 1 Gordon Âgnew, Ediior Phono 3621 Mn. aýd-_Mns. Roms Lee and' e.~dr BraKdo,ýeeSnalPRODUE JrELIJILJ. Betty Crocker Reu. pkg 35c-SAVE 5c guests ait Mn. and Mrs. Alian CAKE MIXES 3 20-oz pkgs 1 .00 Wenry's. OtroGonFnIGae eyFns Mr. and Mrs. Joe Switzer, ortriGon, -FancyGde O r cn t Super Reg. 2 tins 35c-SAVE 4c Gates Milis, Ohio; Mn. and Mns. J1 o acn ake nOr1w ln AJAX 3 1 4-oz tins 49c Floyd Pethick and Robin, To- cNOHRDSirf'Rg.3ps29-AE3 ronto, were Sunday visitonsMcNOHRDSrrWR..3pg29-AE3 with Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Peth- A BUD PUDDINGS 3 pkgs 26e ick.- Cooka in 7 minutes Reg. 2 pkgs 31c-SAVE 4c Sympathy ta the tamiiy of ÀE -- RATDINR P L/-ESks 7 the late Mrs. Russell Spinks, KAFT DCho,..2ft 2 - AVE 427 Oshawa. hoesQuality Reg. 2utns c-AE4 Mn. and Mrs. E. A. 'Wenry JWXBAS32-1tn 9 and Betty Jane, were Sunday I3-bcmiWbgAXPsB EgtrANS32oztn49 evening dinner guests a! Mn. 3l el o n o*Vctro and Mns. Ted Werrx 3 9 BAKED BEANS 2 15-oz tins 25c Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Ave.'v, A&P Fancy Quelity Reg. 2 tins 31c-SAVE go and famiiy were Sunday even- ing visitons ot Mr. and Mrs. AI- Now At Their Best, Swoot, Full 0f .iuice, APPLE SAUCE 4 I 5-oz tins 53c be-t 01cr. Mr. and Mri. John Frazer ard 'Sie 113, Californie Naval Chasse $prend Reg. 33c-SAVE 4c Tati Mns. Gertrude Roberts, DEE-LISH 13-oz tumbler 29c .Ànda and Suzanne, Baltimor-2: Mqr. and Mrs. J. R. Kncox,ý O N Toronto, with Mn. and M A !upr ake-' Joba Siemon. L f SIAfMi1~~NAc.~v&5 Caniada's textile Industny 1 dozen 7 c Prio.. Effective Untit Smturday, 'urrently holds only' 52 perc;ýnt!6 Marck 22nd, 193&. of the domestic m*ar'k.et nor.- 1 pared with 72 percent prior W j the Second World War.= à ENNISKLLEN I the receipta colu.mn. first iN ea ly 0 A t endservices at $5 totalled $162.420; March Sth Senior Choir. other services at $1 cantributed held their foudih card party ine$ 1,982, and non-member ser- the hall when &round 50 en- ie . r i o vices $17,805. Sales of semen joyed a pleasant evcning and Fe er t o i è oé brought in $3,886. Miscellan- delicious lunch. Your support eous receipts wvere $1,273.11. ta aur organ fund will be au-f~ , J ,. Expenditures were: salarics, preciated Saturday, Mardh9i Me22.. 45 Y lve t wages, etc. $129,338.39. admin- .P Sec Corning Events for further istrative expense $16,334.99» Matcrs. ihMGl rud3 ee rsn thm u h laboratory and barn $25,793.49; patiulr. a as-1h iroun 0rsmetiîig of teliant ounty hagmen, bttere miscellaneous $15,524.39. rss o th WMS. on th afther- durm tounty Feetigonhel j Cilavanong way to go! Details of salaries were: trea- k-noon. March 11, Mrs. L. Ash- recently at Yelverton in Man-, $0.0 Faarm forumhewon te s urrmngescear hrs ilk ton presaward forlthe bestaessn- man, etc. $19,009.39;colmmis- Mr. prsdn.Ri alwsa- ers Township a# the Harveyontesjeto 8aeDing.inst tchcas swered by Easter verses. Let- Malcolms.; Mr. Reg. Fallis of anThe subecto! "SHoafDrivial-g sosa tecnicans 110313 ta, erso! pprciaionwer red Millbrook reported on the meet- Teslcino oadMl aullbr$6 te trmothe Fred itowreMsin n f haePouer hldr-colm and Dick Bowles ta repre- Allowance for. depreciation and United Church Overseas cently in Toronto. Reg. and setDra Cony tth cfbidn.eupetan on- Rlief.panel discussion at Part Perry livestock amounted ta $13.376. ' e ie . Tom McCamus cf Cavan wvere on March 7 (which they did In the miscellaneous expendi- e Coming meetings will bit in appointed County delegates un- -admirably), sparked a discussion tures were such items as: pen- erbth evening. Committee in tiI such time as a County Wheat on "Marketing" cf coasiderable sien and life Insurance $3,866.- ;rs charge cf next week's quilticg Organization is formed. itrs oal 5 rih n xrs 308 will be Mrs. A. Brunt, Mns. E. Mr. Oliver "Dal" Daîrymple, ntrttail75feita n xre$.58; Wright and Mrs. E. Page. Pro-éAgri. Re.,. reported on forth- We regret the inabiiity of purchase of semen$,175 M< ed r Secretary Clarence Allia ta at- George Clemnons, secretary- ced ram baking sale to be coming tirucellosis campaigfl - tend, having recently been re- manager cf the Canadian Hol- id, placed in allocation. Mns. M. an attempt ta bring~ Durham iae ri optl peysen-Fisa soitcn idStainton rcported an Steward- first into a Brucellosis Central convalescence ta our secretary Brantfard, was the guest spek-- k-ship a $25 raise in our allaca- Area and eventuaily a certîfied whose post was temporanily fi- er Friday. ction. Mrs. R. Virtue pre$ented arca. Twa meetings were held, dbgeilJc rotOfcrsfQunent le- rrs. the devotional. on the theme o! anc in Bethany and Orono on ed bygna akAat.Ofocrs1958-Quinte unitsheleot- ly, Easter, Mrs. A. Brunt Xiving Monday, March 10 where it was ld on r 1585idncluade the fol- re the Scripture rcading. Mrs. O. decidcd ta petition the county lwn rsdntsadvc-r 4r.C.Astrn aveth P hr e- Cnal carn ad cochairen adsQUiflepetvly arod S.port f gav te Pe a werhime n c-hie e - Q ite ..attie Earl Drope and Jack Webb; Co- 1,meeting. lected. Show Pro Lwreceft bourg, J. S. Macklin and D. C. n, Mrs. R. J. Ormiston had . Staples and Earl Argue were I, Hoskin; Campbellfond, Aylrncr' îs charge o! the foliowing pro- picked with canvassers ia every Sh w etPr I Petherick and Alex Merrili; nd gram, Sudy, "Women o! the school section. r Tweed-Madoc. John Caskeyan idNews". Mrs. J. Semon, Unit- Past President f Hog Pro- tor Ketch eso aStirling, udotn ed N-,ation's Literature review, ducers, Don Staples, reported IomnilWse erN iw Mrs. R. Sharp and reading bylfor that body, stating that Dur- Bomavile esey Wcr ir Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Lunch waslhain County had received a As many Durham, ouVt and Russell Osbornc. .~ served by group three.1 $50.00 prize for being tied for farmers are niembers or usýe rn Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peth- third position fon the highcst the services o! the Quinte Dis- iY u rc r-ick with Mrn. Mrs. J lm percentage increase o! Grade A trict Cattle Breeding Associa- CetY u rc ings, Unionville. hogs - a 2.4 increase during the tion at Belleville, thcy wili b e on Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, visît- year. Congratulations ta Dur -intenested in the report of the For Your LivCstocIC 5, e ivrs. . M Si mon n S ri-annual meeting held on Frida . da.Total 1957 revenye lo $187- througli dayM. John Griffin. ini corn- f ~ e 436 xas reported aT thce meie- STATESMA N nd pany h Mr andMrs.Alvi coqExpenditure amounted to CLASSIFIEDSI r.Boyd and Martha, and Mîq $186,991, leaving the net profit. Phone MA 3-33Q3 I Howard Pye at Whitby Hospi- GodolMLan vsie wth V uchat$4ascm rdwih$ - d Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett:] aîitdypry oI r S i n Oliver Beckett, which was held or S i at Mr. and Mrs. John Beck-1 Due to the recent intrs n Y uae nvidb ee ... ett', Sugo lsand peat, awakened by a discove'y' id 11ev. and Mrs. R. B. Green o! this valuable matcrial on e entertained the members of tiie j Jack Baker's fai-m in Solini.a, iparsonage board Thursday. lhe following inorimation shouidI ;-Marchl 3th, for the aninual be of interest. 1 D . P ic i o o ad election of officers and busi- If souls are ta be productive aness. Mns. O. C. Ashton ex-I ,-pressed appreciation of t he cir- 1 . ey should contain humus. Or-LO SR M e cuit to the family for their iginally ou- soil did contain suï-INS RO pV splendid care o! the lasnge1fcent humnus ta support nor- 91duin Rv.Grens asorte1mal plant growth, but cîcajin NEWC~ASTLE COMNUNITY HALL n re v.Gea' atoa and tillage have impovet sshed Hm-them ta such an extent that now of Ms. Theron Mountjoy,Hap it is usuaîîy necessary teora- ,d ton, and Mns. Thea Slemnon,, place this important substance. i1 wene Sunday callers at Mn. and Mrs. Howard Steven's.1 Humus aniginates tram the H R 5 , MC 2 )n M vr. adMs oadBw organs and tissues o! plants and ie ins, Osaand Mrs. Honard.Bondanimais, and is the product ne- Oshaa, aiid anMr.andsuiting fram the decomposition .dMrs. Clifford Pethick and Mrs. o! such organic matter. 1 7 p. a Io9 nm. n . and rs. 11Animal manues are the best 1 Tr.nton sn Norman Moore, matenials for this replacement Refreshrnents Served Treton spntthe week-endi but as they are scance and c- ý vîth Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Ho\ve-1 pensive we turn for aur supplv ,'ells. Mrs. Moore remained wh.le, o! arganic matter ta peat, which EEY N ECM Mr. Moore wvent ta the hospi- jis abundant and inexpensive.i tal at Leaside. J Certain types o! peat will _________________________ Mr. and Mns. Les Cochrane,lhold ten times their weigcht of s.antamily, Burketon; Mr. and water, while most o! aur ioam March 31 - Vole Vivian X aMrs. Ivan Cochrane and Judy, hoi.ds only about ane-half its - ~vvus £ l-Nestleton, were with Mn. and.Iweight. Sou ta which peat has MrsI.van~ Sharp. been added is, therefore, morel d Mrs. Reg Weavîng, Thorn- retentive of moisture. bill, spent Sunday with liiI t must be understood that Published by parents, Mr. and Mns. W. H. veat is a sal conditioner. not a Moore. Mns. Moore is an the fertilizen. It does net contaiin Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association sick list. We wish her ai speedy sufficient tood ta support plant necavery. n.Jh life adequately, therefone fenti- Mn. and r.Jh Oke and lizen must be added. famiy, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with his parents, Mn.. _______________________________________________ and Mrs. Walter Oke. C Tfl..-m'r&v 9 -, CIS~cU Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Gettins r-'1 H P & E U ARY N .. and Patti, Caesanea. wene Sun- ,.jý 1 ii OIsE.I day visitons with Mn. and Mns. ASH â%.àwidk' j"TM P. Ellis. A. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lamb ___!ý Lamb. thMn. and Mrs. Raiph OI1 CUSUYU Mn. and Mns. Milton Stain- i 0MSk.. GUSV4A"FlCAS 1AVINOS ARE»M UT SAVdGSl C. M~Ei5a. VWfi ASloilu ci. ton and Clarence were visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Jan* Parker (Dei.cious Plain or Toastitd) Peterborough. Mrs. Ralph Sadien and Mr.I Wiltred Williams, Nestieton, I HOT CROSS BUNS pkg of 629C girls wene visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms.1 Mns. Lloyd Siemon. Haydon, SUPER-RIGHqT QYALITY MEA T SPIÀ4ALS iMrs. Earl Tnewia and Mns.J M-- Fre Tos1atnd1th9u Masse y-H arris Fer guson Farmers' Open House featuring "The Power Line" with tomorrow's design and new machincry deveiopments 1 Tm CANAVIAN STATES?&«. BOWMAlqvnjx OlqTAIUO - A»ý pAaLm .0 "-Flmtf j r i: f a ti ti v E ir L fi m ti