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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 5

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LY, MAT lot,1958 T1 CKDA~SAEMKBWAVLE NAI PA~ rTvm A. Ex'ecutive 0f ficer Oeaks on High Fidelity Presbytery Meeting Mrs. Ciayton H. Searle, exe- Cutie ofr of the Doràinion Counc i1 iean's Association, waste speaker during the af rn ~ess ion of the annual meeting of the Oshawa Presby ery W.A. annual meet- ing h Id in Brooklin UnÀted Churc recently. Mrs. Searle said she had been asked o talk on the unification Of W en',s work within 'the chureb For' this most important diseus ion she chose the titie "The orking of His Power In Us Through High Fidelity". l i-Fi is the method used ta sm*t tonies with a minimum fPric ion. The wamen of the church must transmit the Spir- it of J sus into dailv living in the sa e way-,with a mini- mum ao friction. They must sdy t e entire work of the women f the church and have an uend standing of the whole situation before caming ta any decisions regarding the change. The fe eration wiil be a new organizatjan, she said, which will constrve the value in bath the W.M.S. and W.A. graups. It is necessàry ta make a greater effort ta la*ave a program af in- teres tot ~Il the wamen of the church. Mrs. S~ arle saici she was pleasantl <surprised ta find that the devotfanal canducted by two memliers of the Northmin- trUnitéd Church earlier ini e afterrqoon had been so inl keeping with the subject about which shEl* was talking. Mrs. George Jewell and Mrs. R. B. G,2braith had chosen "My respaps ibility as a Chris- tian" as t e theme of the da- votional. Mrs. Galbraith said she had put it in three parts, my responsibility ta God, ta my fellewmen and ta myseif. My responsibility ta God is ta be unremitting in my practise of his worship and bis praise. My responsibility ta my feliowmen is tar follow the comrnandment "Go ye into ail the world and preach the gospel" and my res- ponsibility ta myseif is ta keep a close watch on mv spiritual, life and make good use of al the means of grace. During the morning about 200 heard Mrs. J. C. Naylor, recarding secretary, read thel highlights of the last annual meeting and the executive meeting. Reports were read by variaus members of the execu- tive and chairmen of commit- tees. After the story of the year i read by the secretary there was a question and qnswer period condcted by MrsflA. Crawle btur E By J111 Aines 'The Thursday before Easter we left Bowmanvilie at 12.30 noon on a trip ta Montreal and Quebec City. We passed through Newcas- tle, Newtonville and then -Ilort Hope. We saw lots of sn)i. ,v in some places and in oth lýs we saw real green grasm. ln Ca- bourg I found we had been tra- velling beside Lake Ontario from Bowmanville on. Also at Cobourg we saw the Ontario Training Schooi for Boys. They live in beautiful homes that were the homes of- many rich American people. At quarter ta two we were in Trenton. We went over a big bridge that crossed the Trent river. Next we came ta the Air- Air, Rail or Steamship TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanville CIO you 1cnloi Check your lnowledge by identifying this bay However well you know Ontario, youll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its loveiy lakes and vacationing at one of it.s modern reort areas ..-. like the Bay of Quinte showxm aboya. Take th first step nou', by fiUing out and mail- ing the coupon below. SKNOW ONTARIO BETTER ----- -- -- -- -- - - S ONETARIO TflAvm- ki auPARLlmiAME DOS.. TORONTO, ONTARIO S«WfrEE ltLiSt«aadRoad Map. î Onerie O.pon.mmeî f Tmv.I & Pbtcy and Mrs. C. H. Searle. Mrs. John Broome, Mrs. A. Hamilton and Mrs. Donald Stainton, o! Tyrone W.A. led in a remembrance service dur- ing which names of 88 mem- bers who had' passed away since the last annual meeting were read and white carnations were placed in vases by the kCommunion table in their mem- ory. Soft music pIayed by Mrs. Sydney Lockyear accampanied this service. Seated at the head table with the president, Mrs. Ewart Cornish, were Mrs. C. H. Searle. Rev. S. J. Hillier and Mrs. Hiler of Brooklin, Mrs. Clayton Lee, Honorarv Presi- dent, Mrs. J1. H. McKinney,. Mrs. W. C. Ives, President of the Bay of Quinte W.A., Rev. H. H. Lackey, President of the Oshawa Presbytery. Mrs. Wn. Medland, President of the Broaklin W.A., Mrs. M. C. Fisher, President of the Oshawa Presbyterial W.M.S., Mrs. F. Dunnet, President of the Ca-: bourg Presbyter.v W. A. and, others. Many of the head table guests brought greetings from their organizations. The deliciaus lunch was serv- ed by memnbers of the Brooklin W.A. Tawards the end of the meeting Mrs. W. C. Ives in-î stalled the officers for the comn-t ing yèar, there being just two new officers with ail the others continuing another year. T:ie executive is: Honorary Presi- dents, Mrs. Clayton Lee and ,Mrs. A. A. Crawle: Past Pre-' sident, Mrs. M. J. Tamblvn: President. Mrs. Ewart Cornish: vice presidents, Mrs. L. F. Rich- ardson and Mrs. Charles Nay- lor: Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank Black, Chairmen of Committees-Christian Citi- zenship, Mrs. W. Jackson, De- votions, Mrs. Rex Harper: Ca-* operation with Christian Edu- cation, Mrs. C. M. Penfound:. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Wilbert Teeple; Leadership Education, Mrs. A. A. Crawle; Literature Secretary, Mrs. Man- selI Stacey: Nominations, Miss E. Penfound: Organization, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Press. Mrs. H E. Grose: Parsonage, Mrs. A. N. Alves; Visiting, Mrs. R. Hut- chinson; Bursary, Mrs. A. A. Drummond: Mrs. W. C. Ives, and Mrs. Harold Werry. Mrs. Ewart Cornish. Pres- dent, announced that the Fall raily wouid be in the Whitby United Church and that an in-. vitation from Tyrone had been received for the next annual meeting. :aster force Base. We saw many, many big planes and the hangers where the planes are stored and the contrai tower where airmen direct the planes. Across the road from the station was the Bay of Quinte. At Belleville we saw a very large schooi for deaf box's ar.1 girls. It was called the Ontario Schooi for the Deaf. We passed a lot o! one room. country schoois. They seemed ta be let out at 2:30. It was interestîng ta kniw that in Napanee their show was closed as no one xvent arlv more. They either stayed homne and watched TV or xvent ta their new arena. Bowmanviiie was playing hockev that night in Then ,ve came ta Kingston where the population is 45,000 We saw hugýe boats here doc%- ed for the winter. We passed the Royai Military Colie.e. Then we came ta Old Fort Henry. Soon we came ta the St. Law- rence River which stili had ice on it, and the Thousand Islands. Next wve passcd Brockvi]ie and Prescott. Just outside of Pres. catt wxe saw a prettv church ail painted blue. It was calied "The Little Blue Church". We came ta the St. Lawrence Seaway Project. We saw villa-es where ail the houses. churches, schools, everything had been moved s0 the land could be flooded and became very deep water for big boats ta go through. We had dinner in Cornwall and d-ove ta Montreai where we staye vrnight. The next mornin-g about 10.30 we left Montreal. I watched the signs and found out Arret means Stop Pont means Biidge, Rue means Street in French. We' drove aver the "Jack Cartey" Bridge and faiiowed the south shore of the St. Lawrence Ri- ver ta Quebec Citv. The Qup- bec license plates are siiver with black letters. We saw snow' banks higher than the cars and the snow plows were stî1l working. In Quebec City ive saw the Shadow Frontenac, and Mr. St. Lerone's house-I sat in a *"Culiosh" which is a horse and carniage. Alsao I saw the bouse I lived in for five years. I visited Louise Roay who onlv speaks French. 1 onlv speak English sa I taught lier the daN-s of the week in Enpglish and she taught me themn in French- Monda -v. Lundi: Tuesdav. Mar- di; Wednesdav. Mecredi: Thurs- day. Jeudi: Fridav. Vendredi: Satiîrday, Samedi; Sunday, Di- manche. We %vent back Ia Montres] on Saturday afternaon and left Sundav for home. We drove ta Ottawa and saw the parliament Buildings. We ran inta a reai snow storm. It seemed like more snow than we had had ail winter. There wvas sa much snow wve could riat see the street signs and D adcldv got stuck on one hli iii (.ttava. We drove on and on and ar- rived home about 9.00 o'clack after having gane 1,(100 miles.' This aur Easten holidiay. Popular Vertical Stripe p Rayon Panties WALKER'S TARGET SALE White only Small, medium or large " Fine slimming seams " Neat panel! heels WALKING SHEERS 45 Gouge 30 Denier *Medium shade- Blush Beige *Sizes 9V2 ta il WALKER'S TARGET SALE PAIR ai55 3for 1.00 DREGSS 15 eer .00 EACH .39 eMedium shoeER 2pi eSiZeS 9V/2 ta i One of the most popular regular nùmbers... sale priced to bring you extra savings. . cool and comfortable for Spring and Summer wear . . white only . . . sizes-SmaII, Medium, or Large. Walker's Target SaIe-Each .39 or 3 .for 1.00. Flan nelette BLANKET.S Double Bcd Size 70 x 90 Pink and Blue Stripes 3.99 pair Famous "Texmade" Washfast QUALITY DRESS COTTONS Fine quality Nylons cil firsts - you'il wear with pride, ail day- at home or'ta business, or for' evening. . note the fea- tures and the exceptional price. Walker's Target Sale - Pair .55 or 2 Pair 1.00. The Teens Favorite Special Purchase! Triple Roli Bobby Socks " Soft heuvy knit combed colton " Nylon reinforced heel an.d toes " White - sizeài 8 vi ta 1 WALKER'S TARGET SA LE 3for99 Thick bulky knit socks. . favorites of the teens for everydoy wear ...fancy stretch cuffs thot keep their shape. . . Nylon reinforced heels and toes for longer wear . . . White only - Sizes 82 'O 11. Walker's Target Sale - 3 for 1.00. 36" wide .39 yd. Reg. 59e to 79c yard Sanforized "Texma&E' BROADCLOTH Ail Washfast Colors 36" ide .39 yd. Qualities usually 49c and Iiigher Special Purchaise! Low Priced iEiddies' Polo damas *Twa-piece set *Machine washoblo Interlock col.-On *Sizes 2 ta 6 WALKER'S TARGET SALE Sel 099 Polojomaos for girls or bovs speciolly pur- chased for the qocd Ouo!ity at such a low PrnCe . . . there's snuq comnfort in everv sct . . . full boxer waist, cotton knit cuffs and ankles, button ihoulders . . . Blue, Conory or Pink . . . order several Wolker's Targes Sale - Set .99 Motber's Favorite Terry Training Panties Kiddies' Denim Longs Regular .29 " Cool, absorbent Cotton ferr " White and colors " Sixes 2 ta 6 Usually .98 WALKER'S 0 Boxer Stye Wle' ogrSl TARGET SALE * Sixes 2 ta 6x P air08 4 for1.01-- 1 . A most populor traîninq panty - mothers buy more 'cf thcrm . . . soit, absorbent and non-ciafing . .Ccol becouse terry breothes . . nd sO washoble . . . Pink, Blue, Moize or White . . . stock Up flow and save- Reg. .29 - Walker's Target Sale- 4 for 1.00 Girls or boys wilîlke the style.. and mothers their good looks and washoble guarantee . . . buy sever- ai pair for quick changes. .. choosé from Faded Blue, Pink, Tan or Cerise. Usualiy 98c - Wolker's Target Sale - Pair .89 Cool Looking Daytime Bed Beau t>' Low, Low Pricedl! Solid Color Chenille Bedspreads Omo-. *Big double bed size *Fringed on three sidcs for extra richness IA LK ER'S TARGET SAL E EAcH 3.e99 Big double bed Chenille Bedspreads . .. woven with tiny tufts of soft Chenille on firm cotton bocking. . in plain colors and . ~ " Y'weaves that adds a new brightness to any bedroom... one of our regular most popular numbers specially low priced for this event. . choose yours f rom Dusty Rose, Aqua, Med. Green, Yellow or White . . . Double Bed Size-Waker's Target Sale- Eack 3.99. WALKER STORES LIMITED Extra. Value Days New! First Time Advertised t Last minute money saving values.. for you, the children,, your home.. Hurr y-Sale ends Saturday, May 3rd! '1~ Ail first quality! Excoptional Value! Fui!>' Fashioned Nylfons, Si <-I 1 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVWý"MLE, ONTARIO PAM FIV* rÀ Guoronfeed Woshoble 1

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