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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 12

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PAGjE TWELVE I U . -' -P $ ~ SPORTOpIcs e F By Frank Mohun Phone MA 3-2943 BOWMANVILLE TENNIS CLUB Anyone interested in playrng -tennis? The officiai opening of the local club will take place on Wednesday night at thc Lions Centre. Slated to take place is a round robin tournament and a social evening. In case of inclement weather, the social part of the programme wiUl stifl carry on. New members are more than welcame. Just drop around on opening night or any night afterwards at the courts. The club is well-equipped with a good set of lights, so there is adequate ie to play tennis any evening. t. i.t . t i. FLORIDA BOUND This reporter is departing to-day for sunny Florida. Next week's colunin will be written somewherc en route and the follow- ing week's will be from Florida. Hope to clean up onl the horses at Hialeah Racetrack and niaybc catch a bail game somewhere along the way. t t t t t LAKESHORE LEAGUE It is certainly ta be hoped that an adequate replacemnent will be found for the Cobourg bel club, which withdrew from the league last week. The Cobourg teami has been an entry in the Lakeshore circuit for many years. It has been noticeable in recent seasons, that Cobourg didn't have the strong teamns they once had. Most of the reason was because many players turned to softball. With the loss of more players to softball and also a financiel deficit over the past seasons, Cobourg has fallen by the wayside, leaving Orono, Port Hope and Bowmanville to carry on. It has been mentioned that the Whitby Larrys are interested in playing an interlocking schedule with the Lakeshore League. The Whitby club should definitely be interesting ta watch. The hoped-for Peterborough entry did not materialize, but that city] is building its baseball programme, and an entry is anticipated next season. Let us hope the Cobourg basebail teamn will also return next year. t t t t t SOCCER Jack Baker, and sports-mlnded citizen Art Hooper, have combined to form, the foundation of a soccer tearn in Bowman- ville. Jack will be playing manager and "Hoop" will sponsor the club. Anyone interested in playing soccer, report to the Memorial Park at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday for the st practice. Many local soccerites have been playing for other aeams in the' league, and it is ta be hoped that same of these players will try out for the Bowmanville outfit. Officers of the Darlington Soccer League are: President- R. Clemenqs, Hampton; Vice-President-A. Thompson, Courtice; Sec'y-Treas.-Harold Balson, Hampton. The 1958 schedule is being drawn up and will be published next week. i. t t t i. AROUND THE TOWN - Congratulations to Don Childs, Most sportsmanlike player; Dan Girardi, most valuable player, and Don Masters, top scarer; all of the Goodyear Hockey League .... After watching a fat Arehle Moore in action on Friday's TV fight, It makes you wonder just how poor the other Uight-weights are . . .. The. glrl's softball teamn which has been practising at Central Public School played an exhibition tilt last night at Blackstock. The returu game la here next Wednesday. The teartn still needs a sponsor .... The Juvenilebail team is also looking for financial1 assistance. If yau can help, sec Bob Williams . . .. Don't forget the meet the Bail Club Dinner, a week fromn tonight at the Legion Hall. By coming out, you can assist the Intermediate Harvesters and have a crack at the big $200.00 prize .... It was pretty hard ta see how SilkY Sullivan could have won the Kentucky Derby. The horse had ta corne' from lastplace on a churned-up muddy field. . . . The local lawn bowlers will play hast ta a Centennial Lawn Bowling TourneY this summer. Watch* this column for the' date . ... Judging by thc many people who have spoken ta me, there is a lot~ of Interest in townq in a golf course. Soccer Team this Year Long-timc star player for J5olina, and a resident of Bow- manville for the past few years, Jack Baker has announced that a senior league soccer teani wifl be formed in tawn. Jack has puýt a lot of work into the organ- izing of an executive body and he has entered the teani in an 8-team league. President of the Bowmanville club is John Grahami. Larry Dewell will serve as secretary- treasurer; Jack Baker will be playing manager, and George Jones will be the playing coach and also team captain. Local_ jeweller, Art Hooper will be the sponsor. The first practice and general meeting la slated for the Me- marial Park at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Anyone interested lu, playig soccer is invited ta corne out and try for a place on the team. Teams are entered in the league -froni Courtice, Maple Grave, Zion, Sauina, Hampton, Enniskillen, Tyrone and Bow- manville. After an absence of too many ycars, it is gratifying ta see soccer returning ta town. Any team with Jack Baker on it, should be able ta put up quite a battle. The executive of the Darling- ton Soccer League: President- R. Clemens, Hampton; Vice- President-A. Thonipson, Court- ice; Sec'y-Treas.-Harold Bal- son, Hampton. The schedule will be published next week. <,There's One Hereý For You m Toc,! Reconditioned Sewing Machines - Galore TO BE SOLD AT COST - SOME LESS ALL RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED TREADLE MACHINES - $10 - $15 - $19.50 - $24.50 ELECTRIC PORTABLES CONVERSION MODELS $25 » $34.50 - $39.50 REVERSE STITCH HAMILTON, new case, Only $6.50 down or $59.50 1 ELNA - Complete wlth case - Excellent condition, Only $8.50 down or $84.50 1 SINGER ZIG-ZAG, (Price new $267.50), selling for only $99.75 - Only $.9.75 down 1 SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT, a real bargain (Price new $159.75) Only $9.50 down or $99.50 1 IGER FEATHERWEIGHT, like new, Only $12.50 down or $119.50 full price iS CONSOLES AND DESKS 1 SINGER CABINET, reverse stitch machine. gear drive, (price new $242.50) Now only $800 down or . _ $84.t0 1 CONTINENTAL DESK MODEL, beautiful cabinet, Only $9.50 down or $99.50 full price Phone RA 5-544 for Free Demonstration SINGER SEWING MACHINE Co* Il Ontario Street Oshawa AFiherman's Dream Corne True This 17-inch speckled beauty came f rom somewhere in Durham County and was caught by the bewhiskered gentleman holding ItL For those who f ail ta recognize him behind that brush, he is Jack, Miller who managed ta see this one around his centennial beard. "Somewhere in Durham" was the clasest he would came ta reveal- ing his favorite fishing spot. N icest Catch of the Season Jack Dunn New President Tennis Club The Tennis season is iust around the corner. The elected directors met last week ta or- ganize their comniittees and elect this season's president. Former president AI Strike de- clined to run for office again. Jack Dunn is the new Tennis Club president, with Lew Run- die, vice-president; Norah AI- lin, secretary, and Bud Moses, treasurer. Cliff Trewin will head up the grounds commit- tee. On the social committee are Aura Trewin and Helene Run- die. Arranging the tournaments for the coming season, will be Arnold Lobb and Colin Birt- wistle. Again this year, the club in- tends ta have Tuesday nights for junior action and possible instruction for beginners. New members are welcomed at fees of $8.00 for a single member- ship, $12.00 for a married cou- ple, $15.00 for a family, $3.00O for juniors. The Bowmanville Tennis Club will participate in a league, with one or two tournament matches to be held each week. A round robin and social even- ing will start the bail bounè- ing on Wednesday, May l4th. .HoId Banquet In Honor of Ken Tolmie Ken Tolmie. Conservation Officer ln the Lindsay Forest District and stationed at Orono, is being transferred ta, Port Ar- thur with promotion ta Assist- ant Senior Conservation Offi- cer. He intends to move with his wife and family very short- Ken Tolmie has successfully conducted ail fish and wlldlif e business and taken care of game and fish law enforcement in Durham County since joining the Department in 1951. He holds a Full Scaler's Li- cense, is a qualified instructor of St. John's Ambulance first aid, a graduate of the Forest Ranger School, and has several other outstanding qualifica- tions which especially apply to his line of work. He took spe- cial interest ini pheasant pro- pagation, and the release of pheasants, in order ta assure the success of pheasant hunts held each fail in his patrol area. Present Gifts 7he Game Commission of the townships of Clarke and Dar- i lington held a,banquet and pre- sented Ken with a travelling bag as a token of their appre- ciation for his efforts in their townships. The Lindsay Dis- trict staff of the Department of Lands and Forests held a farewell dinner at Lindsay on April 23rd, at which tinie Ken and his wife were the recipi- ents of gifts of appreciation and best wishes for their future. MINlC REMAINS Winnipeg Tribune "Mink coats are still popu- lar", says a fashion item. This. is a blow toa ah husbands who had thought that if they ignor- cd theni they'd go away. Fishermen from Bown chap, Earl McQuaid, R.R. 1 right out f rom under local n reported this year, a rainbc Scaught at the Goodye ar da] SI was hooked ta the back er Keith Bickell, who caught ti ~~Cobourg Th DropsOut o Bicires Finc In a Lakeshore Leaglue meet- in.- -~ held Thursday night in Port Hope, the Cobourg bal teamn threw quite a bombshell ia the proceedings, when they announced that there would be no Intermediate tearn in Ca- bourg this year. A large finan- cial loss over the past several seasons, along with the loss ~#of their plaYers to softbaîl, wvas Sblamed for the action. SDespite the driving efforts of Bill Dadson. there will be no entrv fromn Peterborougch in the 4Lakezhore locp thli;;scaeson. NIr. IDadŽson waz pres;ent atýip Smeeting, and expaied that Lie nanville go far afield for their catches, but this happy 1, Bethany,- came here ta take this array of huge ones nimrods' nases. Included in the lot was the bîggest f ish ow trout, 27" long and weighing six pounds. It was rn and put up a terrific battle. As Earl said, "I thought rxd of a car about ta take off". He was visiting a friend, the twa little ones at the end of this string. irows Bomb~ )f Lakeshore un ciaI Loss city had decided ta forego league activity in order ta bui]d up their basebail leagues xvith- in the city, itself. It is a pas- sibility that Peterborough will enter a teani in the Lakeshore league, next year. It is just about certain that the Whitby Larrys will play an interlocking schedule with the Lakeshore clubs, if arrange- ments can be ýworked out. ïThe Whitby team is sending a dele- gate ta the next meeting when a schediule xviii be drawn an. No zýchedolie v-as arranged a, this meetingý. because it %\asi,'t definitely known what teanis would participate in the league. Lakeshore president Jim Crom- bic and treasurer of the local intermediate team, Howard Cowle, were present at the meeting. The next meeting is carded for Tuesday, May 13. We were not surprised that the wife won a slogan contest. But what did amaze us was that she saîd anything in 25 words or ]ess. WANTED Dead, OId and Crippied FARM STOCK Picked Up Free f Charge 24 Hour SeÏrvie Phone Coileet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough -Ont. US YOUR CAR SAFE? Get Our Safety Check for CAREFREE SUMMER DRIVING HIADUSHIS VISUAL WHIEL WIESTOLON r - 1 aW--L-CHECK SOA IH "L _ SioILI The Cost Is Greater When You Do It Later! Robson Motors Lumited BUICK 166 King Award Fine Trophies Goodyear Hockey Dinner Saturday night at Newcas-,1 tle's Elmhurst Hotel, the Good-0 year Hockey League held its1 annual closing banquet. At thec head table was personnel man-È ager Jini Presson, Don Kemp,1 president of local 189, leaguer president George Sellers, vice- president Jim Coyle, and treas- urer Frank Mohun. Mfter the meal, Jim Presson presented the winning Mat tearn with' individual trophies.1 Members of the team were: goalie, John Fowler, defence-c men, George Heath, Irv Brooks, Bill Cale and Terry Masters; and forwards, Don Childs, Bill Lyle, Lloyd Hamilton, Frank Mohun, Gerry Marjerrison, Jack Large and Gord Sellers. The championship Local 189 trophy was presented by Don Kemp to Mat Rooni captain Frank Mohun. The winner of the high scoring trophy was Don Masters. Jini Coyie made the presentation on behaif of the factory union. Winners of the next twa individual trophies were closely guarded secrets, untîl they were announced at the banquet. George Sellers stated that the committee had chosen Dan Girardi as the most valuable player in the league. Girardý wasn't present ta accept his tro- phy, but none of the players disagreed with the choice. Another popular pick was, Don Childs, as the league's most sportsmanlike player. Bud Oke made the presentation on behaîf of the Goodyear Recrea- tion Club. In lieu of a tropliy donation, the office union, local 397, made a cash gift ta the league. Next an the agenda. was the election of officers, which was conducted by Don Kemp. Al offices were filled by acclama- tion, as ahl candidates declined in favour of a single. choice. The new president for the corn- ing season will be Don Masters. Also nominated were Jack Ba- ker, George Sellers, Frank Mo- hun, Don Childs and Terry Masters. Incoming vice presi- dent is Larry Chant. Declining in Chant's favour, were Jîi Coyle, Jack Baker, Gerry Mar- jerrison, Fred Cowling, Don Childs and Gary Lane. Ten candidates were nominated for the secretary-treasurer post, but Gord Sellers was the only one ta stand fer office. After a discussion, it was decided that the president would be empovpered ta choose his own executive board. President Don Masters ixnmediatelyv picked Jini Coyle, Don Childs, Jack Baker and Bruce Cale. A draw was held faj vprizes'4 donated by several W~erchants. Following is a list the win- ners: 1 basket of f~ donated by Fairway Food Ji aket-J. Coyle, 1 fishing tacklc box don- ated by Osborne Sport Store- G. Cox; 1 shaving set donated by Jury & Lovell-O. Presson: 1 carton of cigarettesdonated by Jack's Shop-L. Adams, 1 boxc of chocolates donated by Yco'm Grocery-A Marjerrison. *Air, Rail or Steamshil4 TI1CK ET S Consuit iER TO EERYul R i U RY & LO0V EL L 15 Kint St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanvilio ASC BOuT D.ubl-Duty T1LLR/MOWUS featuring the new SA 4JJ alR àaD MOWIR ATTACHMENTS Enjoy extra leisure bours wben you ZIP through garden work with tiller. Switch ta mowver in 30 seconds for safe mnowing or leaf pulverizing. Ask for a de.monsratio,, Lander Hardware 7 King St. E., Bowmanviile Nason & Dais Hardware Lid. 36 King Si. E., Bowmanviile St. E. III 111111 I.~ . ~ - - *- - , -*,- wEEA on NEW GENERALS Arrange for Senior '-j, 'J SAVE S $ GET LONGER, SAFER TIRE LIFE USED TIRES $350 a s lo w as ................................... A-i RETREADS Generous Trade-in Allowane Jamieson Tire Shop King and Silver StrctsI il ~BOWMANVILLE1 - PONTIAC -G.M.C. TRUCK ~ LER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 1 1 THUMDAY, MAY Sth. 1958 q'Trr. rAvAinTAw.qTATrsmAN. BOWMANVIIM. ONTARIO 9b à à"w vvm . 1 . -1 .. 1 " - - - ý Ir il -4ý le > , ý .ýe, ým 10 ý. ý, , , - --rz -ý- 4, - -'t 9" r- -1, 4r - ,

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