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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 3

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'TNURSDA, MAT Mt, 1058 ay Bride Is the:office staff of Fittings Lim. ED I( M ay Bride Ils itedthe presentation being E DN md yMr. Steve De Brck eleer, Oshawa, of the Pay Roll, WESTERHOF - VANSCHËPEN Feted at Division. Buut fsrn lwr Following the rehearsal last Boqeso spm lwr Fiday evening, the bridai prý decorated Ebenezer Christian M an Ev nts wee eteraind t te hmeReformed Church,Trnols of the bride's parents, Mr. and Saturday afternoon for tewd Miss Donna MareJef Mrs. John Gordon Jeffrey indngo Grace Vanschepen, dau- Inrrag tr1rey Port Perry. g- JronMr nd frs. Gert t on b 9formerly of! I oh etehfofBw ]Bowmanvilîle, k lace i h Tt 1TflTTTt manville, son cf Mr. and Mrs. United Chu NEoWTeryOÂNi V .V JILLE Jacob Westerhof of H4Ellier. Ontario, on S ~day afternoon, 1 Rev. C. Witt conducted the May 3rd, hasb'e feted at sev- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant and'cerernony and the wedding eral pr---nuptial events. Mr. Norman Dickinson of Bow - music was played by Mr. John The irl ofthe nvocimaneville with Mr. and Mrs. De Vries. Thegils ! he nvicig e-Fred Nesbitt on Sunday. j The bride was lovely in her partmnent of Fittings Limited, Oshawa, entertained at a din- Master Robert Elliott, son of; full-length white wedding gown. ner at the Coelac Hotel, Osha- «Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott had jThe skirt was of nylon lace over waandpreentd teirhistonsils removed at Port hooped underskirt of nylon Wa ad reenedthirformer hi satin, and the bodice was made co-worker with a set of sheets Hope hospital on Monday. of1 iefoerdnlnoe and pillow cases with yellow ac- Mrs. R. S. Johnston is spend-stin, with a matching bolero., cens M Oi y Sinclair made ing a couple of weeks witii She 'wore a waist-length veil the resentation on beha].! o! the friends et Gravenhurst.adhefoerwrepnad gra~~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmerl>whîte carnations. Mrs Frank Waller and Mrs. were Sunday visîtors with Mr.1 The bride and groom's only James Irvine of Port Perry, and Mrg. Raymond Gilmer o! attendants were Kathleen Teer- held a miscellaneous shower at Toronto. tstra and Henry Westerhof, the the former's home. Miss Leola Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pethick of' ring bearers. Richards entertained at a miscel1- Toronto, spent Sunday with his The ushers were Mr. Gille laneous shower at her home in aunt, Mrs. Gilmer-Smith. i Vanschepen and Mrý. Leo Wes- Port Perry. Mrs. William Leask DaiImah owsù-I terhof, brothers of the bride o! Bmianve as hote ss at id at the time of the Orono and groom. aulincellaneou shower Missa schooî bus accident and who More than 125 guests attend- Pauin Bacck*an MssMa- has been in Memorial Hospitalý ed the reception in the church ree Dnnllyo!UtcaOn.,Bowmanville, since returned hall, end the bride's mother re- co-hostesses at a miscellaneoushoen audy ceiv ed guests wearing a tur- shower at Miss Beacock's homehm oStra. quoise satin-finish suit with 1Mrs. John Gordon Jeffrey, Visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs. white accessories and a corsage Port Perry, entertained at a tea Andrew Reichrath on Sunday1 of white carnations. She was for her daughter, when the wed- were Mr. Gerald Adams, Mr. assisted by the groom's mother ding and shower gifts were on and Mrs. D. Smith and Mrs. who wore a printed navy bitte display. The guests were form- Irma Selway of Toronto, and dress with white accessories er co-workers from Fittings Mr. and Mrs. Clark and daugh- and a corsage o! white -carna- Limited, Oshawa, and other ter of Morrisburg.I tions. friends. Lunch was served by Mrs. Florence McGee of To- For the wedding trip to Bow- the hostess, Mrs. Jeffrey, assist- ronto, spent a few days with manville, the bride chose a e Y Mrs. Leola Rider. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. light grey wool suit with red rJohn Edson Abrams, the e Miss Jean Rowsell o! Ban- accessories and a corsage of pink eg eoft has been staying w*than witcraios br Idegroom, was guest of honor Miss Gloria Lane for the pastj and MtecrsatiWeste. fw t a stag at eetya h week. They were teaching et1 live in Bowmanville. GnsaHotel, Oshawa. The Crooked Creek school.Ou--on gess wr party was arranged by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Felgate of prsetofrtom BellvllTorn guStv e DeBrcoke f r . teKingston are spending a few to, Stirling, Whitby, Bowman- guess wre o-woker ofMixdays with her parents, Mr. and vilCahm1n rn a Abratns from Fittings Limited, Mrs Wilfred Wood before leav- pidse, MChigaman rn a Oshawa. The highlight was the nfoLaheQ .pisMcig. presentation of a dlock radio. A ing fo CrlLachine, Que. Following a wedding supper pMrs. Zena Carlawrsister o!for the immediate familles of sta paty as lsoarrnge ~ Mrs. Willis Jones, who under- the bride and groom, more than Mt4r. Murray Winacott, at the went a major operation in Osh- red rpe na h home of his parents, Mr. and -7 red rpe ne h Mrs. Everett Winacott in Bow- awa hospital is progressing fa- Vncee oedrn h manville, when a monetary gift vorably. Vasen n hm urngh wa rshe.Mr. and Mrs, Paul Vaneyk of ______________ was reseted.Tyrone, have purchased the The groom was presented late Victor Maulson property with an upholstered chair from and m-oved in recently. B A K T C Nothing costly . . . yet each one thoughtfully chosen wilh an eye to making Mlother's Day - May 1 11h a memorable one. Corne in and see our selection SLIPS In French cr:epe, nylon, cottoi $2.95 - $3.95 - $4.95 DUSTER HOUSE COATS Cotton and nylon $4.95 - $5.95 each GOWNS AND PYJAMAS $2.98 - $3.98 - $4.95 NYLON HOSE 89e - $1.00 - $1.25 - $1.50 pair HANDBAGS--- $1.49 to $5.95 31ouses eCardigans 4illinery eScarves ne Jewellery tively Priced REZ Finishes for New Woodwork PIK (the new Plastic Paint) PITTSBURGH PAINTS Interior and Exterior KEM TONE - KEM GLO - SUPER KEM TONE SPRED Satin -- SPRED Lustre__ THIX Fiat -----__ __ _ THIX Seni-Gloss___ LUXOR Enamel __ Gold Cross Paint --- ----------- (Interior and Exterior) GoId Cross Enaniel Gold Cross Varnish ___ Vaîspar Varnish -- -- ---------- PARALAC Paints------- - STEP-LADDERS, 21"-- $2.65 $2.95 $2.50 $2.75 $3.25 $1.95 $1.95 $1.95 $2.75 $1.25 $2.25 -CLEARING Reg. G$2. (al75lrsex-p w it) 16 9IQUID TILE$10 R eg. $2.39 - Q t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 6 Roller Coaters- Paste Powder - Wallpaper Reinover Resistane (niakes wallpaper washable) Many other Odds and Ends of Paint and 1 Wallpaper Remnants AB4/NETHY'S p & WALLPAPER 33 Kin , BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5431 $ I Monday school was dismissed at 2 p.m. and the teachers o! Cartwright and Manvens held their negular meeting. Mr. Young o!' the Department o! Education gave a demonstra- tion o! Physical Education. jBlackstock school supplied the demonstration class for P.T, with which Mr. Young appearcd Iwell pleascd. The Couples Club met at the church Wednesday evening then went to Bowmanville and, bowled, after which they -e- turned to the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Howard Fonder for ne- freshments. jSharon Sturrock of Bow- manville, spent the weekcnd as guest o! Brenda Fonder. Mn. and Mrs. Ellis Malard, South Hamp.ton; Mn. and Mns. Sam Anderson, Powles Corners; Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Colo, and IMiss Olive Beacock, Oshawa, were necent guests o! Mrs. Wes- ley Beacock and family. Master Gordie Malcolm spent last week with his gnandmoth- or, Mrs. Cook, Bnooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Swain vis;- 'ited Mn. and Mrs. Bill Conding- ly and family, Toronto, Sunday. Mns. Swain remained for a few days. Mn. and Mrs. Jerry Warne, jWinnipeg, are visiting hon par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mn. Roy Ferguson attended the wedding o! his nepbew Garny Ferguson and Miss Mar- garet Fraser in Oshawa, Satur- day. Miss Ruth Manlow, Toronto-, Mn. and Mns. Ewant Leask, So- lina; Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. Ivani Thompson attended the wed- ding o! their niece and cousin, Miss Joan Marlow and Mn. Bob Rivington in Ottawa Satunday. Mn. and Mrz. Dalton Dornol and girls visited friends in Gaît Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Willowdale, spent the weekend with hen daughter, Mns. Frank Staniland and family. jMn. and Mrs. W. L. Hammeil, Ralph and Dianne, Montreal, spont the* weekend with hon parents, Mr. and Mns. Geo. Staniland. & Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron- to, spent the weekend at home. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Ford and Roberta, Toronto, spont the weekend with bis mother, Mrs. g Robt. Ford. Mn. Russel Spinks, Oshawa, spent Sunday with bis sisters, Mrs. E. Darcy and Mrs. I. Argue. Mn. and Mrs. Everard San- derson, Hespelen, called on Mn. and Mns. Chas. Venning Satun- day evoning. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, were Sunday guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Harold McLaugh- lin. THE CANAflIAN SrATESMAN, EOWMA7TJMW. OT Wedding in Trenton Mr. and Mrs. John Westerhof of Bowmanville were married last Saturday af ternoon at Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church in Trenton. Mrs. Westerhof is the former Grace Vanschepen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gert Vansehepen of Trenton, and Mr. Westerhof is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Westerhof of Hilier, Ontario. -Photo by LaRocque Studios, Trenton It's a Lovely World .That's what littie Dale Elizabeth Piper seems to ho saying -in this charming photograph. Dale is the six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Piper, 107 Ontario St., Bowmanville. -Photo by Fitzgerald, Agincount weekend at thein cottage, Co Hill. Mr. and Mns. Joe Flett and Donna, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham Satunday evoning. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Hanris, Mn. and Mrs. Carl McLaughlin and Neil, took Miss Lorna Harris to London Sunday where she will spend a month continuing hon training as cetified nursing assistant. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and girls, Solîna, visited hon parents, Mn. and Mrs. Er- nest Larmer Saturday ex'ening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer visited Mn. and Mrs. Neil Ram- ey, Orono, Sunday. Miss Valena Copping, Orolo, Mn. Jim Bannes, Newcastle,Mn and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and !amily, Solina, were Sunday guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer. PAGE TNRU~ ter Mr. JhnTavonor from1 MAPLE GROVE Belleville, visted.EdJnis Mr. and Mrs. dJnic Mr. William Smith, Oshawa,! and Jimmy, Acton, wvere wcek- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, end guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- Whitby, were Sunday visitons' i 1 îs n ndMs ennings ci> r.adil il.M.adM Mrs. Clifford1 visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.1 Swallow Laird and Susie on Saturday Miss Mildred Snowden spent eeîg the weekend with Mr. and Mi-s. vn.-1 Herb Parker and Mr. and Mrs. M.adMs eî îi n Jack Kerr, Belleville.1 family accompanied by Mr. an.di Mr. and Mrs. Samn Castie,ý Mrs. Ed Jennings and Jim werei Paul and Rodger, Peterborough, Sunday supper guosts of Mrs. were Sunday visitors with Mrs. H. Milîs, Enniskillen.î L. C. Snowden and Bob. 1 Mrs. C. Barr and family aret The Maple Grove frionds o!f visiting Mr. and Mns. Maurice1 Mn. Sam Castle will be pieasedI Thuillard, Valcartier Camp,1 to learn that he won highostj Que. award in the baritone solo class. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gilbner and at the Peterborough Muia ir. Roy Traski, Oshawa, visit- Festival last week, this giving ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pla- him his, l2th award over thel zek. past four yeans, wvith all marks Congratulations to Judy Fie over 80.1 and Larry Flint, who celebrat-i Mr. A. Booth, Toronto, callel ed their bîrthdays last wveek. on Mrs. T. McGuirk on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perfect,1 day. Barbara and Robbie, Cobourg;5 Binthday congratulations to visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flint. littlo Jeffery Doyle and Ivan Mr. and Mrs. Albert Both- Milîs this week. well, Allan, Linda and Johnny,i Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryant, Osh- Bowmanville, were Sunday awa, with Mr. and Mns. Cecil visitors with his parents, Mr.1 Jeffcry on Sunday. and-Mrs. Dave Bothwell. Mrs. T. McGuirk Sr., Toron- On Sunday cvening Mr. and( to, visited her son. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cullin and Mn. andc Mrs. Tom McGuink on Sunday. Mrs. Jim Laverty, attended az On Saturday evening an open party at the Lions Centre, P'w-r bouse will be held at the Unl- manville, sponsored by the Holyt ited Church parsonage at Cour-[ Name Society at St. Joseph'sc tice. The hours will be from 71 Church, Bowmanville.1 to 10 p.m. and an invitation is Sunday guests o! Mr. and« extended to evenyone. Early Monday morning the large chicken bouse on the farm0 o! Harvey Brooks burned. The Cub Pack o! Maple Grove will hold a bottle drive on Saturday morning. This new pack has 26 boys with Bort Snowden as leader, assistant leader. Bob Barnabaîl and the helpers a-e Charlie Hesten and Pat Bartels. Rcv. and Mrs. Dridges and family, Coe Hill, visited on Tues- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. E. Neil attended -the funenal o! ber aunt, Mrs. McPherson at Bancroft. The service was conducted by Rev. Stanley Snowden. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Jones and Larny, Fnankford, visited his mother, Mn. and Mrs. Hart, Give a Di for the weekend. Congratulations to Laird Wii- from our wi ton wvho won the Best Cadet Award at Cadet Inspection in Bte Bowmanville on Thursday evening. ARNSI Many from the district at-DCRN ...S tended the inspection. Misses Carol Plazek, Sandra Snowden, RPDY...l Janice Beech, Vella Jane Mac- DI R Lean, and others, took part in BtemkP the gymnastics. BteikP Mn. and Mrs. Roy Collis and sons, Minden, were weekend visitons with his brother, Ernest Collis. They also called on thein sister, Mrs. James Geddes and Thursday dinner guests with Mn. and Mns. Jack Whiteman were her brother and family. 28 King St. W. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bucklcr and children who necently arnived Phone from Nova Scotia. Also her sis- Mn. Jim Collisa were ber par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Moore, Oshawa. Mrs. Cecil Jeffery visited her cousin. Miss May Mitchell who is confincd to Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday afternoon. Sunday visitors. with Mr. 'and Mrs. D. C. Laverty, were* Mr., and Mrs. Michael Heenan, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Payne and The- resa, Hamp~ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Howell and Mrs. Wilfred McLean at- tended their bowling league banquet at the Oshawa Airport Hall on Saturday evening. Mrs. McLean accepted two trophies won by her late husband last wintc r, Mel and Ed Holmes made a business trip to Huntsville on Saturday. They visited in Whil- ney and Haliburton. Mr. Alfred Leetooze is home from Memorial Hospital, but is still on the sîck list. The Courtice Circuit Couples Club held their annual bowlingc night at the Motor City Alîcys., Oshawa, on Saturday night. The large crowd returned to Eben- ezer church where: the lunch committee served pie and ce. cream and coffee. Prizes we awarded to Sam Mann, high' man, with a score of 331 and to Christine Tully with a score of 215. Low prizes went to Leona Milis with a large 652 and Brooks Pierce. Jo0r I/llotî4ers Who sew ress Length 7ide selection of MAateriaIs LKS . .. PIQUES and >MPERED COTTONS atterns in Stock 914a4ffl Bowmanville MA 3-5551 (~f?~e~k without fihlling T iRim moderns thrive on light food Land drink. And today's Pepsi, neyer heavy, neyer too sweet, keeps right along with this trend. Pepsi reineshes without filling. Remeniber to pick up a supply today. J5uy it in the handy 6-bottle carton -SMITH hEVERAGE~S L-.L >., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. main. mmmii m~e~ arn a---:eammzse:~ 4 >4. /4. >44 4.. 4. 4.- Mn. and Mrs. Weir Swain , Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Mrs. W. Archer spent Thurs- , day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer! 4 Archer, Whitby. 4 Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hil call- ed on her uncle, Mr. A. W. day. Carol Rahm spent the woek- end with Brenda Malcolm, Nes- tleton. Elizabeth and Bill Thompson spent the weekend with the Harold Kytes; Dennis Romoril with Dennis McLaughlin, andr Susan Thompson with Mr. an dI Mrs. Jim Manlow. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorno Bradburn t4 and Jimmy, Toronto, spent Sat- 1. urday with Mrs. J. W. Brad- l burn, Mr. and Mrs. L. Henrv and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn. , Mr. and Mrs. Merril Henry À and !amîly, Bowmanville, visit- ed bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. L. Henry, and grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Bnadburn, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turne.r,j Lori and Janet. apent the f.4 Special for Mother's Day CUPS AND ROYAL VALE ENGLISH CHINA a 0 0 SAUCERS C 12 Ic DIFFERENT I PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN AND LOOK AROUND .. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO BUY! MA RR 'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville MOONRAY - A beautiful jewelry set exquisitely designed. In lovely sof t blring and Sumnmer colors. Pieces as above $2.00O MANY OTHER GIFT ITEMS TO PLEASE MOTHER! 4 4 4 4 4 '# 4 /4. 4.4. e. 4.4v 4 '4. 4.~ /4. /4. /4. 4 /4. ~> /4. /4. I 4.4. I 4 /4. 4 4 4 9 WEDEMAN'4S LADIE4S' WEAR 4King St. E. Bowmanville Dresses Gloves -I Costui Attrac Brushes -Putty Knives Crystal Lacquer L-ýl V A.A..AJM, "£'Ç A PAC-2 THRM ilý 7

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