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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAT Sth, 1958 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARTO ~AU mw~ M.andl&s. Robert Kent anq family spe,ifjhe weekend wit] Mr. John Ottawa. * Scout Mrtiers meet toniglh (Thursday) in the Green Roon nt the Lions Centre at 8 p.m There wiil be a special speaker Mrs. Frank Thompson an( daughter. end Mrs. Murwii Dickinson , 1shawa, were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W F. Quick. Mrs. Thomas Wright, Ms Joan Wright, Leominster, Mass. are-guests of Mrs. S. G. Char tran and Mrs. Jack Roughley this week. Mr. Douglas Riggs, Recrea tion Director, attended the con. vention of the Ontario Recrea tion Association held in Norti Bay last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. -. A. MacDougal Lowell and Gary, and Miss Mil. dred Wiimott spent Sunda: with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buck. ley and Ann, Toronto. Members of Club 15 enjoyeÈ a social time to close their sea, son by having dinner at thE Guild Inn recently and goinî on to a movie in Toronto. Pentecastal Church 21 Ontario Street Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor Revival - Healing Campaign REV. C. BENN, Napanee commencing Sunday with MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES 10 a.m. - Il a.m. - 7 p.m. TUES. to FR. - 8 p.m. Rev. Benn Preaching . Singing and Prayer for Sick at each service A SPECIAL WELCOME CHUINH (Anglican) RogatioR Sunday 8- NROLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL MORNING PRAYER AND THE LITANY 7 - EVENING FRAYER ST, PAUL' Minister - Organist - Mrs. 9:50 a.m. - S 11:00 - FANIL SACR. (Parents m pleas, 7:00 p.m. - IsUN Rev. H.j Reta Di Sunday LY DA ýAMENT vith child se notif y1 utàn~iinff .LJ Y elAAAuf A Hearty Wel Busy Week Features Chri Fliviit: IV Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11 A. M.- Christian Family À Sunday and the Sacrameni of Infant Baptism 7 P.M. - REV. HENRY MOORE We welcome Jerusalem Lodge A.F. & A.M. ponur evening serice Organst-lUr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.RS.M. 'Reçeives Award Far Rescue Miss Canal Chant, 19, daugb- ter of Mn. and Mrs. T.M. Chant of Hampton, wili neccixe an awand fnom the Royal Canadian Humane Association for rescu- Sing two-year-old Faith Little fnom drowning. The incident occurred a yean ago this month when Canal was visiting the littie giri's grand- jmother, Mrs. Grace Bartindale, at Oakhill Lake, near Stirling. Canal with a six-yean-oid sisten of Faith happened ta go down ta look &t the lake (it was much too cold for swimming) and noticed something an the bat- tam in about two feet of wa- ten. In a moment they realized it was Faith, and Canal waded in and plucked the child, wha was fullv clothed, from the bat-ý tom. Fortunatel.v, she had lcarn- cd bow ta applv artificial es- piration in Gin] Guide, St. John's Ambulance, and swim- ming classes at University of1 fToronto. She wonked aven the little girl and revived ber. A doctor was called, and the child had necovered the next day. Canal, who xiii graduate tbis year in Dental Hygiene from University of Toronto. wili have a position in the office of Dr. Douglas Langmaid and Dr. I., J. Metcaife in Oshawa. as deni 'taI hygienist. She is a graduate of Bowmanvîlle High Schooi. S~ocI & £ersonai jI The addresses and discuss- _______________________Iions on the problems of mnar- niage and family held earlier Ld Friends who called on Miss this week in Trinity United h Mabel Lyttie on Sunday at the Church were part of the Na- Tamblin Rest Home, 23 Russe] tional Evangelistic Mission of it St., Lindsay, were Mrs. Seward the United Church. They were m Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin' scheduled here ta coincide witb n. Dowson.; Christian Family Week, and out r. Mrs. T. Wright bas returned >Of them has corne much of in- ,d from Ottawa after spending six terest and assistance ta parents, nweeks with ber daughter Doris! Rev. T. A. Morgan felt. and family. She also spent four On Sunday evening, Rev. Vdays during Easter week in Harry Mellow of No rthminster Watertown, N.Y. United Church, Oshawa, spoke ss M. an Mr. Huh Mcon-on "The Christian Faith and the aid attended the Maclean-Hunt- Fml"addatwt h er Night Staff Bowling Banquet1 significance of Christian mar- at he Tam0' haner"Gol, nage and the sacrament of in-, atu ton "Ta OanteMr."Me- 1ftant baptism. The service was Conlub oneivSatheay. Mr.igc-;foilowed by a fireside discus- D-tonhad cjvthe hîg sinlsion and tea served by the la- t1p- nithrprzs dies of the W.A. 1- Barber Pat Palmer and -Mrs:- Rev. Crossley Krug, Proba- 'Palmer celebrated their 45th tion Officer of the Toronto wedding anniversary yestcrday. Family Court, who has bad No special plans we re made for many ycars of experience in 1the event. except that Mr. Pal- that position, spake on mar- [_mer took a holiday frorn bis ina ge. He pointcd out that na y' sbop. mnatter how good a marriage is, Mrs. Gea. Mason and Miss M. there are bound ta be a num- Hutchison of Toronto, formerly ber of frustrations, and fr)m dof Bowmanville, were in town bis experience he outlined the o n Monday and called on friendsi methods that people use ta meet ýe including Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- these problems, most of which g Allister, Miss Olga Tod and Mrs. fail. Then he told how these J. H. H. Jury. probiems or frustrations might Recent visitons with Coi. and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin were Dr. nursing staff after ncarly four and Mrs. Keith Reynolds, Ayl- years, was given an hors mer. Dr. Reynolds is with the d'oeuvre tray and a gift of Department of Lands and For money. Mr. and Mrs. Grant are ests. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mc- presently enjoying a trip ta Kinley, Cold Springs, were Sun- Schenectady, N.Y. day guests of the McLaughlins. An executive meeting of the Mr. Harvey Lunney caught, local branch of the Upper Cana- same fine big traut last week- 1 da Bible Society was held at the end. Two brown traut in bis1 home of the President, Mn. Gar- catch were 15" and 19". He also 1 don Elliott. Rev. C. Budd, got a rainbow trout whicb District Secretary of the Sa- measured 19" from the Good- j ciety, was'present, and conduct- year dam, and another rainbow ed the meeting. Plans for this measuring 23" from Vanstone's. j yeans canvass were discussed Mrs. Norman Alliin, Centrel and it was decided the local St., bas returned from a veny canvass would be Monday, June pleasant six weeks spent in2. Califonnia where she visited Miss Margaret Goheen who ber brother, Mr. Walten Thomp- placecd well in thnee piano class- son in Concord, and sister, Mrs. es at the Peterborough Kiwanis Howard Feltman in Taf t. Mrs. Music Festival, will be beard in Allin travelled by plane bath a recital by pupils of Earle ways. 1Mass in the Consenvatory Con- A benefit variety show bei cert Hall tbis Satunday evening. in Toronto recently ta help Mrs. 1 Miss Goheen, who is a daugbter Bertha (Mam) Wbyte finance, of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gobeen, expansion of lier borne for cbi!- will play "Rhapsody in F. Sharp dren wcst of Bowmanville, had Minor" by Dobnanyi. Miss total receipts of $2.115, arganiz- Goheen chose ta play tbis piece ers neponted. A second show;, in one of the Festival classes, is planned for suburban Lea- when the adjudicator comment- side in June. 1 cd that it was a very difficuit Friends here will be sarry ta piece ta tackle and cammended leann of the death in Belleville the pianist for ber interpretatian of Mns. W. J. Morrison an Mon- and success with it. Miss Ga- day, May 5. Mr. Monrison is a heen wili be trying ber A.R.C.T. former well known and highiy examinations in June. nespected principal of Bowman- Rt. Ex. Camp. Rev. Harold W. ville High Schoal. Sympathy is Pointen, Grand Chaplain, and extended ta Mn. Monison and!f Mrs. Pointen, Rt. Ex. Camp. Dr. family in tbeir bereavement.j H. Fenguson and Mrs. Ferguson, Attending a negianal meeting 1 lu Ex. C.C a n n M of the Business and Profession- li, E.Cm. A. L. Blanch- ai Women's Club in Port Hope ard and Mns. Blanchard, Ex.' last weekend were Miss VioltCamp. E. F. R. Osborne, Ex. olet Camp . Browvn, Ex. Comp. MeFeeters,,- Miss Lena Taylor, Bruce Tink and Mrs. Tink, Ve. Mrs. Mabel Bagneil, Mns. Elsie Ex. Camp. L. W. Dippell, Ve. Hoistock, Mrs. Florence 'Tom- Ex. Camp. N. A. Wilkins, Ex. linson, Miss Donathy Vintue, Camp. A. W. G. Nothcutt and ail of Bowmanvîlle, and Mrs. Mrs. Northcutt, Ex. Camp. J. H. Pauline Stonks, Newcastle. Jase, Ex. Camp. W. H. Gibson Miss Muriel Stevens, R. N. and Mns. Gibson, Ex. Camp. spent a week with ber parents, John Baker, Camp. C. L. Wan- Mn. and Mns. Rass Stevens, 'cu Warren and Mrs. Warren. Camp. gag St.En-E befone leaving for Scu- C.E. Aluin and Mrs. Allun, Rt. land witb Miss Gwen Chatter- Mr.s amp. H. G. Freeman and ton, R.N., daughten of Mr. and Ms Freeman, attended the Mrs. M. Chatterton, of Onono. Grand Chapter Royal Arcb f They will tra-vel in Europe for Masons of Canada held a t the thnee months, and then Muriel Royal York 1-otel, Toronto, will take a year's course in a Apnil 26th - 29th. hospital in London, Eng. Seven members of the Lions Club and their wives attended Tvts. Murray Grant was hon- the Zone Rally beld Friday,j ouned with a presentatian from May 2, at tbe Pines Pavilion, the nurses and staff of Memorialf Lake Chemong, near Peterbor- Hospital on Wednesday, April og.Temeig inn n 30.Mrs Grnttheforerdance' was ta have been held Ruth Stevens, wha is leaving the at t.he Empness Hatel which ________________________recentiy burned. Main purpase of the Rallyv was the election of a Deputy District Governon. He is Dr. Robert aisnoC- ÙTE CR RCH boconk. A highligbt of the A. Trner B.., BD. evening the visit of Inter- A. TunerB.A.,B.D.national Directon Herbent L.1 udley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. Binum of Trenton. N. J., who1 was the guest speaker, Thet District Governar xiii be elect-S cd at a District Convention ta r Schoolbe held at Hull, Que. Those at-c S holtending the Rally from Bo7-1 Goand, pwre set-eict GvRlph fi t th te se cc ar th in hî t'i. fil n ne fil nc a'n i n fi b. th g.i wl ch tc ai an sp Wi du wa #o 794on ASPIRIN ?NAGC MARIK WEO. tompared f. buying ASPIRIN In fins of 12 Tablets Family Size79 100 TABLETS 79 12 TABLETS 19< 24 TABLETS 29C FAST RELIEF FR0M IIEADACHE, DISCOMFORTS 0IF COLDS, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, AND EHEUMATISM lCw arnd softest ever Nç"~îex Burnedi (Continucd fram page one) and pîgs. The anc sow he had been tending creatcd quite a problem by trying ta retun inside ta finish ber "pigging" chore. Ten new-bonn pigs wene taken ta the bouse ta be kept. as wanm as possible. After the fire. the saw gave binth ta two more, anc dead and anc alive, Another s0w also in the finej gave birth to eleven the nexti da.Too Solid a Foothold For a while firemen wene hopeful of squelching the blaze, but it bad too solid a footbold and they were unable ta pour an enough water, using the auxiliany tanks on the tnuck and nefiliing from weiis. When it became obviaus that the en- tire structure was doomed. the second fine truck was sent outj fnom Bowmanville ta proterti nearbv buildings. Fontunateiy, the wind was from tbe nonth- east, blowing the sparks ta an anea where no bouses or fainm buildings were endangened.j 1-lad it been directly from the east or west at least anc othen building would bave been des-i tnoyed.1 Smoke fnom the blaze caused a considenabie delay' in traffic along highway No. 2. Visibility, was so pon at anc tirme that O.P.P. Constable R. Diamond ondened ail cars cleared from the 19oulevard ta prevent acci- dents. A Seven Hour Blaze Within two bouns the roof had fallen in and the building had been completely gutted. Due ta the large amaunt of fertilizen, 1 shavings 'and feed in the struc- turc, the blaze continued to be dlangerous for several bouns. F'iremen did not leave the scene .întil aimost seven o'clock in the monning. Bath Fine Chief Lucius H-oopen and Deputy Zhief Walter Hacknev led the firemnen in the valiant but las- 1 ing battie.1 Two Tractors Saved Twa tractons saved from the burning two-staney barn wene, kept busy by Mn. Brooksý, son Ronald and employees Glen Elliot and Art Litsten. An at- .empt was made ta haut a feed nixer, half-ioaded fnom the east end implement shed wbile 'lames wcrc aimost licking around the cars of the men. In hein bunry, anc corner of the fixer jammcd against a heavy post and they had ta abandon the attempt due ta the intenst> Leat. The othen tractor was used o haul away the detenmined, sow an a stone boat before she could rush back into the flames nd be destnoyed. Mn. Brooks stated later that the building contained bis iay- rîg pens xvhiie the bnoodens and hatcbing eggs wene in the east building. Thene was same sa- tisfaction that bis breedin g lnes wene pnesenved, ôtherwise, the ire wauid bave been even; more disastrous. He expects ta rebui]d a more modern, more. neproof structure, although when this will take place has at been decided. Ail dav and night Mondav ind Tuesdav a watchful eye xvas eing kept on the still smolder- nig nuins ta prevent spanks !rom being fanned inta flame :>. the wind. Mn. Brooks stated that the oss xvas partially insuned ai-' ýhaugh noaam ou n ts were ,iven. The burned building was ,rnstnucted some 20 veans ago 'bien he began operating a ,icken hatcherv. In addition. oraising chickens, he bas a"n )rchand, about 50 hcad of cattle )n bis 150-acre fanm. A modemn prayer filled ta the bnim with ater was used to advantaç,ý liring the fine ta provide more vaten to the fine trucks. YOUR CHOICE 0F 3 SIZES' Regular (BlIue Panel) junior (Green Panel) Super (Rose Panel) KOTEX WMon derform* BE LT at Trinity High istian Family Promms. be successfully handled. The (Continued from Page onie) evening conciuded with the bugle band for one number consideration of four case his- wvhich inciuded very smart tories of marriage with the counter-marching and other in- group making suggestions on, tricate routines. how their situation could be Inspection party led by Coi. improved, and Mr. Krug tell- L. T. McLaughlin, C.M.G., D. ing what had actually take'i S.0., V.D., Major J. R. War- place. This meeting was span- nica and Lt. Gutsolle of the On- sored by the Arnica Club, and tario Regiment. Oshawa, Capt. members served tea. F. Evans and Staff Sgt. Lang, Tuesday evening the Jack Kingston, conducted their tho- and Jill Club held an open rough tour of the ranks in two meeting when the speaker was parties at the start of the in- Mr. Douglas Nutter of tnie spection. This, of course. was Children's Aid Society, Port? preceded by a general saiute, Hope. His subject was "Child- with Cadet Lt. Col. Brian .Trim- ren in the Home" and his main bie gieing the orders, ably as- theme was centred on "know sisted by Second in Comnmand your child". Parents usuaiiy Cdt. Major Donna Akey. take for granted that they knowv Following the customary their own children, he said, but March Past and other dril in many cases this proves not movements, the cadets march- ta be sa. Parents need to be ed out of the arena and the in- constantly aware of their ch,*'- teresting displays were pres- dren's developing needs, he em- ented. phasized. Outstanding Displays The whole programn of the - The signailers, trained by Lt. Evangelistie Mission calis for Vince Mathewson and directed study of family relationship, v0- by Major L. W. Dippeil gave a cational reiationship, commun- demonstration of flag and morse ity relationship and the world work. The girls' gymnasti'c social order. It is hoped to deal> group led by Beverley McRob- with some of the other subjects hie produced exercises to rhy- at a later date. thm provided by the orchestra. Christian Family Day will be There was a Bren gun dispiay, observed this Sunday, May Il. using blank-but very noisy- Taylor in charge, Duncan Brad- ammu ition wreithi. Gsq ath Cancer Drive dley' magirls' ada os Sprecision squad trained by Ma- B rngsin .~5J/ jor AI Witherspoon, a Brinâ in $ ,378 gymnastic display in charge of Marvin Johnson, ail gave evid- MoA re ta Came andceiI Maurice Stephens, chair- Town Should be Proud man for the recent cancer At the conclusion of the dis- campaigil, reports that up plays the Corps formed a hol- to Tuesday $3,378.83 had low square for the remarks by been received. This in- i nspecting officers. Coi. Mc- cludes the amount received L aughiin paid tribute ta the fromn Bowmanville in the high calibre of training shown "blitz" on Tuesday evening, by the corps and stated that April 29th, of $2,208 and the town should be proud of donations from the tolîow- the boys and girls who had ing communities: Zion, Eh- participated. He presented Mi»ss enezer, Enfieid, Kendai, Jamieson with ber award. Kirby, Browns Sehool Dist- Major Warnica, a former re- rict in Clarke, and Stark- sident of Bowmanvilie in 1937 ville. and a member of B.H.S. cadet corps at that time was highly complimentary of those taking mUpart in the inspection and their H cutcneVOy instructars. He md h rs GUERLAIN 1ioz. 3.00 Shalimar Cologne and ýi oz. 4.00 Shalimar Perfume '7.00 value for ---- 5.00 FRIENDSHIP'S GARDEN by Shuiton 1.75 Dusting Powder and ¾oz. Toilet Water 1.75 I.D.A. MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS l00's reg. 39e _____29e 300'% reg. 89e _____59c Dee-Tee A.S.A. TABLETS 100's -___19C 300's -____49c BRYLCREEM With purchase of each 69e tube you get a HIGH QI'ALITY COMB absolutely FREE entation to cadet Laird Wilton. Capt. Evans commented that the inspection was excellent, as always. with the displays far better than average. He con- gratulated the parents for their interest in the proceedings. J. F. Heyland representing the District High School Board paid special tribute ta those who had trained and perform- ed with the bugle band and or- chestra. He passed along the welcome information that the board has approved a haîf holi- day ta be given at Principal Dippell's discretion. Corps Ofticers Among others who were In charge of the Corps were Ad- jutant Capt. Graham Pickering, Bn. Sgt. Major Garry Bagnel], "A" Coy. Capt. Crndr. Peter Belsey, 2 i/c Lieut. Jim Cryder- man and Sgt. Major Bob Rich- ards. "B" Coy Cmdr. Capt Ruth Goheen, C.S.M. Myrtie Brown. Platoon officers were Lts. Roy Atkinson, Eric Barr, Wil- liam Hooper, Richard Strik- werda, Gary Cox, Gwen Stark, Mary Anne Heavysege, Marilyn Allin. Pat Pingle, Mary Mitchell and Margaret Harvey. Platoon and Flag Sgts. were Ben Smidstra, Don Welsh, Pe- ter Schaafsma, Ted Cornish, David Reynolds, Evelyn Lux- ton, Anne Wilson, Verna For- an, Peggie Simpson, Joanne Mackie, Ruth Pascoe, Heather Webb, Sandra Candler and Nancy Wood. Following the inspection, the Corps marcbed through tawn ta the High School where they were dismissed. Two cases (Continued from page one) is essential that you contact a veterinarian as quickly as pos- sible. If a buman is attacked, the family doctor, or the Health Unit should be brought in quickly Chiidren Chiase Fox Ini Town Recently, in Bowmanville, a group of chi]dren chased a fox near Simpson Avenue. Fortun- ateiy for them, the disease which so far has appeared in this area has flot been of the type which makes its victims especially violent and eager to attack ànything living.-This fox MAX FACTOR 1.95 Primitif Perfume 3.50 Spray Mist Cologne 3.95 .Jeanette BATH SALTS, 98c value 79e DESERT FLOWER by Shulton 2.00 Dusting Powder and /4oz. Toilet Water ý.00 Evelyn Howard COLD CREAM 1 Pound reg. 89c -- 69e1 Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO 1.25 size- 98C Helen Curtis STOPETTE SPRAY DEODORANT Reg. 1.25 suze 98c FREE BALL POINT PEN with purchase of GIANT SIZE COLGATE DENTAL CREAM __- 63e Shoots Fox appeared dazed and did not at- tempt to bite the youngsters. Fox Terrorizes Tyrone In Tyrone Thursday, a more active fox fiflowed a tractor driven by Roy Maynard on the McLaughlin farm, took a bite at Arthur Richard's plow while he was working the fields and snapped and chased his herd of cattle in the barn yard. Later, it came into the village and at- tacked Clifford Traviss who stunned it with a cernent block. It also attempted ta attack two boys, Douglas Park and Leslie Goble, but was engaged in a fight with Skipper the Park's family dog. Later the fox was shot by Arohie Vîrtue, the ga- rage owner. The Richards' herd of cattle and the Park's dog have been placed under quarantine by the Health of Animais branch of the Canada Dept. of Agricul- ture. Ail health authorities in the area are on the lookout for fur- ther outbreaks of the disease and urge citizens ta report any suspected cases because time is essential in dealing with them. Stuns Fax With Cernent Block Clifford Traviss of Enniskillen who was helpîng his father, Leanard, lay a faundation in the village of Tyrone, was attacked by a fox, believed mad, but stunned it witli a cernent block which he threw. Archie Virtue finished it with a rifle bullet. h m i MOTHER'S DAY CHOCOLATES Special Box by MOIRS -- $2.50 Other Moirs Chocolates $1.00 - $1.25 - $1.65 - $1.75 $2.00 - $2.50 - $3.30 NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES $1.00 to $3.00 ROWNTREE'S CHOCOLATES Black Magic 85e $1.60 $ 3.25 Dairy Box 80e $1.50 $2.50 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 5c - 10c-15e Gillette ~e e/: Blue Blades t,20 for $1.00 10 for5So à,. n hafldy DISPENSER for used biades. j hgulîri kt , ble2g ~$mAN SIZE ~rae <u '-ýMLONDED FPS SUPER STRENGTH DRY-R WEI,3 ter# BOX -3-PLY,,i PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Your Locol I.D.A. Drug.Store, MA 3-5792 Archie Virtue Tynane service station and garage aperator who shot the mad fox after it had terrorized villagers for over an hour. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Çt/ts /for.. MOTHER'S DAY CHOCOLATES Cadbury Nilk Tray . . . 80c, 1.50 Delicious fresh assortrnents by other well-known candy makers also available. Money-Saving Specials! e~~~~ -cc - - - - - - - - - - - - -e.. .-e-c- - I.D.A. COLD CREAM SOAP with Lanolin Pleasantiy scent- ed - Creamy lather Reg. 2 for 29e 2 for 27e Reg. 6 for 85e 6 for 79e DRUG STO]Rýjuc TH'URSDA'Y, MAY M, ign THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACM azvm with Wondersoft* covering

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