- ru... t-.,. 4~4........ PAM U ---, TM AWAflTAW MATPEAN. BOWMIVI=,ONLE. THfURSDAY, JTY1t, 1958 Durham Club Views Paraide Dines at Acres And Visits Mrs. Aked By Helen Lovekin f'or the past severai years the ,durhami County Club of To- ronta, that littie band, who ex- lied from Durham., live ini "The City af Subways", returned to make their annual summer ex- cursian touring their old home- land by chartered bus. This year they co-ordinated their tour ta arrive in time for the Bowman- ville Centennial Parade on Sat- urday, June 28th. Fully aware that accommo- dation and parking facilities in Bawmanville for such an event would be limited Miss Helen Van Dusen enlisted the good offices of Dr. and Mrs. Hendry who placed their home and grounds at King St. East, at the disposai of the Club. Here under the stately trees on the Hendry spacious lawn and shad- ed treps the group enjoyed the marnmoth parade. At the termination of the pa- rade, the caravan, composed oi the bus load plus several prî- vate cars, making a total of 70 peoffle. went on ta "The Acres" restau-ant in Happy V ailey where ail sat down to turkcY anti chieken dinners. The soectacular earlier p:ar±, of the cia v as then follow "d by genuir.e Ditrharn hospýtialitv eyc,&ù'.;iMrs. T. O. and Miss Alepe. Aked who opened their home to the Club to celebrate three anniversaries, the 100th year of the building of the house by Mr. Thomnas McLau- ghlin, the Bowmanville Center.-1 arv and Mrs. Aked' s 79th bi rthday.1 The Aked home is a lovelv1 spacious old stone bouse set among the hilîs with a fine view of many miles of Durham and is a typical early, gracious aid house which lends itself so well as a backdrop for the tal- ents of the Akeds. Miss Aked's' paintings adorn the walls amid the splendid collection of tra- ditional Canadiana, with which it is furnished. The group were asked to wander through and MG0NE Y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGACES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 enjoy ahl these pieces and many were the memaries ta each one ai aId Canadian pieces from their own homesteads. Tables were set in ahi the rooms laden in the neal country baspitable manner and climax- ed with a huge birthday cake for Mns. Aked. Before leaving Mr. James P. Lovekin, the President, tbanked the Akeds for a lovehy evenmng and presented Mrs. Aked with a small gif t as a token from the Club. Mrs. O. Henderson also presented Miss Aked and Mrs. Snell with a remembrance ai the day. Perhaps the whole vision was enbanced by the fact that ibis was a return ta Durham, and to Durbam hospitality in a ty- pical Durham home setting. The bus leit with everyone waving gaadbye ta this lovely place and ta aur charming and graciaus bostesses; as usual al] exclaiming, "Naw, what could be dore ta equal this anotherl year?. BETHANY (Intended for next weeký Mr. and Mrs. WV. Mallon and, 1children ai Long Beach, Calif. visited last xvcck with theini grandrnother, Mrs. Richard Fal- lis and aunt, Miss Launa Falhis. Miiss Lily Weatherilt, who bas3 bcen jîl at lier- home for som2 time is noxv in the Sprucelawn1 Nursin.g Home at Lindsay. Miss Flo Smith spent several days last week witb berne- exv Cecil Wand and family in 1Toronto. Mns. Roy Jarvis and Miss Mildred Sisson leit an vacation on S3*urda., motoring ta the Pacific Coast. Dins. Bistow Taylor is a pat- ient in Civic Hospital, Peter- borough. Mn. and Mns. Eugene Craig, Atlanta, Georgia, were guests last week witb Rev. R. R. Bon- steel and Mns. Bonsteel. Mn. Craig who is the libranian at Gannan Theologian Seminary is taking a tour through Canada and xiii attend the Librarians1 Convention is Boston, Mass. Lins. FRupert Wood and child- ren left on M,.onday for their new home in Cornenbroak, New- foundland. Mn. Wood, who bas been appointed as Agricultunal representative tbene, leit a mon- tb ago. Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds and cbildnen are on vacation, motoring ta Saskatoon, Sask. wbere lhey will visit with Mn. Edmund's sisten and brother-mn- law, Mr. and Mrs. George Sed- SHEET RA 5-2734 METAL 21 Church Si. Oshawa RA 5-2751 gewick, formerly of Milibrook and Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perry motored ta Smiths Falls on Fni- day remaining for the weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Finney arrived home on Friday, having spent the past t.hree weeks mo- toring through the Prairie Pro- vinces and visiting with rela- tives enroute. Victor Woods with the RLCAF at Clinton spent the weekend with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser. Mr. Howard Rowan, Scarbar- ough, is home for summer vac- ation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan. W.A. Garden Party The garden party spansored by the Wamen's Association af the United Church on Friday evenin.g was a highly success- fuit event with many attending fromn outside points to miake one af the largest crowcis on record. Follawin.g the bountiful sup- per, a ladies' soitball gamne, Lindsay vs. Bethany was a wini for the visitors, score 17-15. The program featu.red a cho-1 ral group, members ai Trinity Eaton Memorial Church Choir fromn Toronto, assisted by Mrs. Stewart Speller of Bethany. Their selections were ail old favorites "Moonlight Bay", "La- ch Lomond", "The Boat" (a ne- gro spiritual song), "Shine On H-arvest Moon" and '*Bonnie Dundee" with Mr. Bruce John- ston, piano accompanist. Mrs. Garnet Lenover sang "Somewhere a Voice is Calling"I and "*You'll Neyer Walk Alone" with Mrs. Bruce Johnston play- ing the accompanying violin obligato and Mr. Johnstan at the piano Stephen Lenover showedi two lilms "Just Imagine" giv- ing the detailed construction ai a dial telephone and the 473 intricate pieces required ta make the wnole. A second film "A Nation In Toucb" showed fur- ther development of the tele- phone and the construction of Micro-wave Towers which as- sist in transmitting telephone conversations, radio and tele- vision pragrams ail across Can- ada. l fis latter film was of particular interest locally, as one af the Towers in the Bell Telephone Buffalo - Toronto- Montreal microwave network is. erected two miles west af Be- thany. The visiting artists were in- troduced and thanked by the Rev. R.R. Bonsteel. North Nesileton Intended for last week) The church service Sunday morning was well attended witil Mn. Alman af Oshawa, giving a well delivered and i"nspiing acldress. A good number from hene attended the Induction service at Blackstock on Fniday even-1 ing wben the Rev. P. Romenil was inducted as minister ai this charge. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson ai- tended the Johnston - Knapp wedding at Waterdown on Sat- urday. irhe Edgar Emersans and boys, Dan Milis, Mervin Byrds and family, Brooklin, Frank Emnersons and girls, Peterbor- ough, Irene Emerson and Mr. Witherley, Oshawa, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Atkin- son and David, Oshawa, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. George Johns on Sunday. Mr. and Ma1rs. Ralph Sadler and girls attended the Anniver- sary service at Hampton and were supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Menvin Mountjoy on Sun- day. Haying is in full swing in this district with mowers and balers busy frorm morning tili night. A pleasant time was spent at Devitts Hall last Friday ev- ening when a former Cart- wright couple, Mr. and Mrs.1 Gerald Stinson, (now oi Colum- bus) were entertained on the rm--- AT T EN T IO N----------- ---------- -,"ý * I% I IUER m* oeo h otiuneo h naroHgPoueÉ The OtroFr" Ics aktn ordhsdrce f ote lcon e ontu inceothe nai o Poues ONAI* I RDCT AKTIG OR 0. MaPrkin laF.Jlbehe. n B.ay lS2T WAR mI h ImScetr a ol58-1e pnfrm1 aa o ..,lcl ie I Imm m m mm . . . mm m . m m m m KHHV ' UN.. * oe gha zoe a me mafly fy t. t"i foui. cMàý wm MM-mtwim, m ffaN Uck ont. the. gron. Withdrawal of Cla rke P.S. Refused by Department The Township Council ai able discussion fallowed witb no1 Clarke met on Tbursday ai last action fram Council as two dif- week with one absentee, Mn. R. ferent lines of thougbt were Savery. presented by the members. 1 A letter was received fram The Clerk, H. E. Milîsan, was the Depaniment ai Education authorized ta make tentative regarding By-law 1300 wbicb preparatian for a maney by- is a nequest for the witbdrawal law vote within tbe Scbooh ai four former school sections Area. This issue may be pre- from the Townsbip Scbaol sented in onder thal the ap- Area. The letter stated that the prapniate funds mnay be avail- Ministen was withholding the able fan the building of the twa approval of the withdnawal ai new scbools, if it sbauld pass. 1 lands fram the Township School At present, Council bas nat ap- Area ai ibis time. Those seek- proved the issuing ai deben- ing witbdnawal are Scboal sec- lunes however tbey may be tions 1, 8, 9 and 21. Consider- asked ta bave the vote on the money by-haw. Fine protection for the Town- ship was up for discussion ai Fi re Loss the meeting with no action be- ing taken. Tbe issue was labled until the July meeting.-Orano High inTimes. !Clarke Twp. kEDRON Fine lasses in the Township (neddfrls ek ai Clarke acconding ta the Fire (neddfrls ek Marsball's report, totalled in Rev. R. H. Rickard, B.A., 1957 ta an amaunt ai $18,219. M.R.E., preached bis farewel This amaunt was the resuit ai sermon on Sunday morning ai nine fines. The acreage îass from Kedron, the theme "Farward". 1953 ta 1957 is $22,544.00. Deepest gratitude wvas express- Clarke Township fine lasses ed by Mn. Rickard, personal.ly, with a population ai 3566 e- and on bebaîf ai Mrs. Rickard, ceeds Bowmanville which a Alistair and Patsy for the loy- a poulaion n 157 a 6,06.ah co-operation and great kind- a ppultio in195 of6,96. ness extended tbem during thej The fine lass in Bowmanville in ministry ai Kedron. The reg-1 1957 totalled $1.778 in ten fines. lrcoronibtdseal Port Hope in 1957 had 19 fines musrichirectn butedsp REa for a loss of $16.633. The five muLeei. cedby n. * year average loss in Bowman-Lee.Do weyacndat ville 1953-57 was $8,884, wbile fo th LowesryofathcaniteI in Pont Hope il was $22,804. Cburch inistry ait the Uieda In 1956 the report shows that marning services an July 13 and the lass in Clarke Township for the summer manths. was again greater per capita The supervision ai the Junior than eitben that ai Bowman- Congregation will be undentak- ville or Part Hope. Tbe per en by Mrs. Wm. Werry, follow- capita fine loss in Clarke was ing the deparlure ai Mrs. Rîck- $1.52 whihe in Bowmanville 16 ard. cents and Port Hope 34 cents. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- The Clarke Township figures man attended Decaration Serv- linclude the Village ai Orano. ices ai Lindsay Cemetery, and -Orono Times. were supper guests ai Mn. and Mns. Donald Drury, ai Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smillie, j Nesflefon Siatio)n Mn. and r.RbtHack and Rabert Jr. ai Toronto, and Miss Ferne Ledgetl, Oshawa, (Intended for lasi week) were Sunday dinner guests ai Douglas Robrer lef t ibis week tbe Harold Wenry hame. for a two-week holiday ai the Mn. and Mrs. Albert Wood, Crippled Chihdren's camp a. Marlene and Sylvia were Sun- Coiingwood. day guests ai Mrs. John Cum- Miss Ida Campbell ai Regina mings, Toronto. is visiting ber sister Mrs. Wes- Kedron male quartette rend- ley Beacock and family. ered musical numbers at tbe Mn. and Mns. George Bowens recent program and social even- and Ralpb went ta North Bay ing ai the Eastenn Star Lodge, for the holidlay. Mrs. Lannie Wbitby. Chapman Paul and Jimmie are Mrs. J. Dyck bas returned returning with them fon a vis- home following ber illness in h.Oshawa General Hsitl Mn. and Mrs. Harold Martin wbo obtained first class hon- and boys were Sunday visitons ours in the Canservatary Theony wihRev. and Mrs. R. Camp- Grade I examination, held in bell.Osbawa ibis month. Mn. and Mns. PhUllp Langfeld Jeanine Wenny has leit ta and four daugbtens ai Toronto spend the montb ai July with are visiting bis parents and Dr. and Mns. Gardon Hare and Mrs. Colley and girls. family on Lake Rousseau. Mn. and Mrs. Ceci Wilson, Miss D. M. Van Luven, Miss Misses Gwen and Eunice Wil- E. Hall and Miss J. Thomas ai son and Mns. Herman Sameils the O.C.V.I. staff, and Miss attended 'decaration services ai HaUl's aunt, Mrs. Duncan from Verulam Cemetery on Sunday. Scotland, w e n e Wednesday Mn. and Mrs. Ehi Mains spent guests at the Harold Werny the weekend in Bowmanville home. with Mr. and Mrs. Sellers and Andy Bohaker has leit ta family. spend tbe summgr montbs in Muskaka. Mr. and Mns. Oliver Robren Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry and and Warren spent the weekend family spent Sunday witb the in Mitchell wilh Mn. and Mxs. Art Rowan fa.mily at Yelverton. Morley Long and Mn. and Mns. Pereman's Scbaol, S.S. No. 5, Orland Robrer, Tilsonburg. The East Whitby, promotion report. Ivan Robrer family joined in Names are in alpbabetical order; the family picnic an July ist Grade VIII ta Grade IX- but due ta munips the Norman B e a t b, Kathleen; Pereman Robren family wene unable ta Lloyd. attend. Grade VII ta Grade VIII- Mrs. R. Davison represented Beath, Wayne, (han.); Scott, Nestleton W.I. on the West Sharon (han.); Wright, Fred Durbam iloat and Surrey exhi- (recommended). bit ai the Centennial and sev- Grade V ta Grade VI-Ellins, eral local folk wene on band ta Billy; Pereman, Barba.ra (hon.); watcb the most interesting pa- Scott, Lynda (hon.). ' rade. Grade IV ta Grade V-Beath, Eari B.owers leaves an Wed- Grant, (hon.); Dniscoil, Susan, nesday for a motor tnip ta Mex- (bon.); McMunray, Sharon; Scott, ico and intervening points. Bobby, (hon.); Stewart, Robent, Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Samn- (hon.); W r i g h t, Catherine, elîs and Sharon, Pelerboro, were (hon.). visitons with ber parents Mn. Grade III ta Grade IX-Dnis- and Mns. L. Hyland. coîl, Michael, (han.); McMurnay, Mrs. John Dickey is again Linda; Pereman, Gary; Watson, at ber home in the village aiten Dale, (ban.); Wright, Peter, spending some lime with Mns. (nec.). AAet IWight and fiamily, ha-1 Grrde TT Mta Grade l-'Flet, Beath; Grade IV girls, Reta Reid, Katherine Wright Susan Driscoil; Grade V girls, barbara Pereman, Linda Scott; Grade V boys, Billy Ellmns, Donald Reid; Grade VII and VIII girls, Kath- leen Beath, Sharon Scott; Grade VII and VIII boys, Lloyel Pere- mari, Fred Wright, Wayn@ Beath. Standing jump (Srs.), Lloyd Pereman, Fred Wright; Stand-. ing jump (Jrs.), Bobby Scott,i Robert Stewart; boys' wheelbar- row, Donald Reid with Fred Wright; girls' wheelbarrowv, Linda Scott with Barbara Pere- man; boys' three-legged race, Fred Wright and Donald Reid; girls' three-legged race, Linda Scott and Barbara Pereman; boys' shoe scramble, Michael Driscoîl, Dale Watson; girls' shoe scramble, L i n d a MeMurray, Janie Flett; needle and thread, Sharon Scott with Fred Wright; shoe-kicking, Lloyd Pereman (boys); Linda MeMurray (girls). Skîpping contest, boys, Fred iWright; girls, Barbara Pereman; ~traw race, Dale Watson and xUrant Beath; sack race, Billy [Ellins, Linda Scott; whistling contest, Sharon Scott, Bill Ellins. KENDAL (Intended for last week) Mrs. Hatcher Foster returned last Monday from spen ding a couple ai weeks with ber par- ents and relatives in Virginia.1 Mrs. A. Swarbnick and Mrs. M. E. Foster looked aiten the farn- ily while she was away. A wedding ai lacal interest took place in Newtonville Sat- urday, June 21, when Rev. Robent Gey and Miss Evelyn Reid were united in marriage. Thursday evening tbey were presented with a purse ai maney The young cauple are leaving ta take up bis charge at Kip- ling, Sask. We were veny pleased ta se Milton Robinson returned home from Oshawa Hospital Saturdey after being there for aven five weeks. Congratulations ta John Gar- don, Sixth Line and Doreen AI- bin ai Crooked Creek who were mannied June 21 at the Salva- tion Army Citadel witb the ne- ception being beid in the Legian Hall, Bowmanville. A beautiful broach and ear- rings were pnesented ta Mns. Westhausen by Kendal chair and Sunday Seboal in appreciation ai the assistance she bas given them. Mns. Mary Luxan, Mr. andi Mns. Ray Hughes and Gloria and Mr. and Mns. Wm. Mencen suent mosi ai the week ai Lake Kusbhog. Mns. Alva Swarbnick is hol- idaying in Toranto witb ber daughter. Mrs. Edith Fergruson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roach and family, Lakeview, visitedl ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer. Saturday. Kendal iniends were sorny t.a learn Mrs. Neil McKay is in hospital ta bave one ai ber eyes removed. Mr. and Mrs. George McDan- aid and family spent the long weekend with her mother in Omiemee. Miss Kay b1each has resumed ber work with the Compen- sation Board, Toronto, this sum- [mer. Mn. and Mrs. George Clark are ai their summer home for the weekend. Miss Mary Taylor at Blake Alexander's from Toronta. Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little and family, Markham, visited his mother Sunday. HAMPTON (Iritended for last week) Congratulations to Mr. John D. McReelis and bride Miss Florence Searles, whose marr- lage took place in Mark Street Church,- Peterborough çn Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed attended a picnic recently at Highland Creek where a number of re- turned Missionaries fromn China and other friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clem- ens attended the funeral of Mr. Fred Clemens Oshawa, on Sat- urday. Grandmothers meeting of the Women's Institute this Thurs- day- Program in charge of West Group- ail ladies wel- come. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cav- erly and family, Bowmanville. Bell Telephone Applies For Increased Rates An application seeking ap- proval ta increase telephone rates was filed June 25 with the Board ai Transport Commission- ens for Canada by The Bell Tele- phone Company ai Canada. The pnoposed increases for residence telephone rates tange from 10 ta 45 cents per month, and for business service from 15 cents ta $ 1.65 per month. Ini- creases in same long distance charges are also requested. The propased revisions in Bell Telephone's rates would affect the users af the company's tele- phone services througbout On- tario and Quebec. The company requests the board ta make the new rates effective "at the earliest passible date". The bearing ai the company's application will open in Ottawa on Tuesday morning, September In a letten ta Bell Telephone shareholders, wbich is being mailed under the signature af Thomas W. Eadie, the company's president, it is stated thata grass increase in operating rev-_ enues ai $16 million is being sought. In explaining why the com-' pany is again applying for re- vised rates, fallowing the fed- eral cabinet's order ai April 29 rescinding the January 10 judg- ment of the Board ai Transport Commissioners which awarded the company higher rates, Mr. Eadie's letter says: "This company has an obliga- tion ta serve the public. To do so, we must retain the confi- dence ai investors through al sound approacb ta financial as well as other management prob- lems. Early rate relief is essen- tial if we are ta preserve this confidence, and ta aperate and develop aur services in a way that will satisfy the needs ai aur customers. "To achieve the level ai earn- ings ai $2.43 per share, wbicb had been approved by the Board ai Transport Commissioners, an increase in net incame ai some $8 million is required. Because ai the effect ai taxes, this neces- sitates a grass increase in operat- ing revenues ai $16 million."~ The proposed increases in long distance rates - within Ontario and Quebec only - are largely in persan-ta-persan calling. Ad- justments are proposed in initial period rates for persan-to-per- san calîs wbich would result in maximum increases ai five cents ai most mileage steps between points up ta 35 miles apart. For langer distances, the increases are somewhat higher i most cases. Bell Telephone's present gen- eral level of rates became ef- fective on March 1, 1952. Th opanM- ~applicatio states that, udT-ls r¶. i rate structure, PQgp ,ncome, pr 1958 is estimated at $1.98 a share. The proposed revisions ta its t-If-* ,4 aé ffective for a ful year, would increase net incarne ta the level approved by the board in its judgment of January 10, 1958. In that judgmejit the board noted that the c*panyr maintained an average, earnng of $2.42 a share during the six- year period 1952 through 1957. Followîng collective bargain. ing, wage rates have been in. creased, on the average, by 31/2 per cent effective at the begin- ning of June. The application provides for revenues ta caver this increased employee expense. In addition, the company is stiil faced with the increased caste that led it to apply for higher rates last August. The proposed rates for local service include increases in aUl Igroups into which the exchangeu are classified. W ANT ED Dcad. Old and Crixppled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Freeo 1 Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Colleet Cabourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NIfJK *PECONI Peterborough -ont. MONUMENTS AND FINE QrJALITY MARKERS (~~ 4 te* focw neO.&1v p euw0mfl ef pOmmwutOO STAFFORD BROS. e dulAwti Deaifr Stafford Bras. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-355Z VIGOR OIL CO, NEW 10W PRICES NOW IN PREMIUM QUAL1TY STOVE CIL 2Oc FUEL CIL 1162c Phone eOshawa RA 5-1109 ) For Satisfactory Hecting Installations SEE MOSIE AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR Imperial 011 Heating Unils Car Wood Oil and Cas Units BEST AVAILABLE FINANCING Phone Collect FOR DELIVERY PRE-CAST CONCRETE -Sepiic Tanks Sidewalk Slabs- - Coloured Paio Slabs - - Unit Steps - Rallings - -Barb-B-Q's- -Curbing- Bvooklin Concrete Produets LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Service Is available from bulis of ail the common breeds of dairy and beef cattle, Each day you have a choice of several bull. Lait year artificially sired cattie produced 24 pounds more butter- ' fat than their stable mates sired through natural service. annmra & .......... W-r"-