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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1958, p. 12

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mout - a 0 il 0 1 , 0 Qe- ý- 'SPORTOpIcS By Frank Mohun - Phone MA 3-7070 WEEK'S SPORTS ATTRACTIONS Soccer-senor- Sat., July 12-Salina at Bowmanville, Courtice at Tyrone Wed., JuIy 16-Bowmanville at Enniskillen, Tyrane at Zion Soccer-.-.unior-1 To-night--Solina at Caurtice, Maple Grave at Zion Hampton at Tyrone Baeball- î ~Intermediate-Sat., July 12-Port Hope at Bowmanvil -Juvenle-Tues., Juiy 15-Newcastle at Bowmanvilie Mdget-To-nigt-Port Hope at Bowmanviiie Bantam-To-night-Cobourg at Bowmanville HAR VESTER MANAGER For the past weeks, this column bas been attempting ta give credit ta the managers, coaches, sponsors, etc., of aur minor basebaîl program. From time ta time, the Harvesters' plans, personnel, etc., bave aiso appeared. It was wben 1 was on bolidays that,,Fred "Buck" Cowle taak aven as manager of the Harvesters. He bas bad a tough i rebuilding job, with top players such as Don Gilbooly, Maxie Yourtb, Bob Gallagber and Lloyd Hamilton nat in Bowmanvllie Intermediate uniform this year. It would be toa much ta expect that "Buck" cauid replace these four players witbout any trouble. This reporter wouid like ta say bats off ta Manager Cowie for the easy-going manner in wbicb be bas bandled these young bail players, despite bis obviaus desire ta win. With tbis kind af treatment, we may. again see Bowmanviiie an top of the heap, with fine performances from John Mason, Vince Vanstone, Don Masters and Ken Kelly. This season isn't over yet, and, don'ti farget we bave bad a very good team bere fo; years. while the1 other clubs were rebuiiding. Naw its aur turn. RELAY BY TRACK TEAM Alfie Sbrubb, world-famous long distance runner, turned ta a shorter distance wben be ran the last ieg of tbe Bowman- ville Track Ciub's relay from Oshawa. Il was a memorabie sight, as Alfie came running up ta the Town Hall, giving another running exhibition, everytbing be had. "Deac" Gaddard, armed with stop- watcb, had the arrivai of Alfie timcd perfcctiy. Also, credit must go ta Lyle Hooper wbo originated the idea of carrying Oshawa 's congratuiatory telcgram ta Bowmanvilie in true Olymnpic style. Other track club members participating in the run were: Gary Bagneli, Wayne Mavin, Alan Day,Ês, Alvin Staccy, Jim Coombes, Alan Bonk, Bob Burgess and Jimftiebards. AROUND THE TOWN Game Warden for Ibis district, Doug Powell bas been piaced in Lindsay. It is bard ta, understand bow be can look after affairs here, without living in this vicinity. This arrangement has been questianed, sa iet's hope everytbing is straightened out ***Tickets are now being sold on a Juvenhle Basebali Draw for a chaise launge. Draw ta take place on July l5th at the Vincent Massey Park, aiso an attendance prize . . . "Gil" and "H1-oop" stepped back int the sports scene ta participate in the Exhibition Softball Game. Heard severai fans wondering why they aren't playing basebaîl - golf, maybe . . . Noticed severai af the Harvesters witb law averages can reaily conneet wibb a softbali What ever bappened ta the Town Softball League? Bo\vmanville's only girls' softball team took to the fieldi this week in very fancy new uniforms of checked skirts and white blouses. They are from lef t to right, front row: Karen MclVurter, Barbara Brown, Edibh Nimigon, Marie Cooney, Barbara Hughes; back row, Coach im Richards, Virginia Brown, Ella Sprague, Pauline Labrecque, Eleanor Pickard and Myrna Peberson. Absent, Sandra Chaskovitch, Linda Stainton, Helen Panas and Archie Crossey, manager. if 1he Bowrnanville Giriz;' SofLbail Teai only had toaki four-inning gaines, bhey wvould have woan thein last thnee starts. The fifth frame seems ta be jinxcd as fan as the Eowmani- ville outfit is ccr cerncd, and hast Thursday nigbt at the Cen- trai Public Sebool was no cx- épin. Fou rth Consecutive W in Tei local nine saw a 6-4 lead at the end of four, disappear, @ iJ Dj..,.as Betbany seoned tbre limes Reg îstered bv B fl-Lt ITs in the top of the f if lb an-d add- ed four runs in eacb of the -last lwo stanzas. Bowmanvilc was' In M llbook ctuday held ta a pair of markens in Saturday night I Millbroak, 1 Pickard, MeManus, Foran, Ste- Two walks, an cranr, an.d bits the Banbam Legiannaines did yvens and Wiseman. by Marie Cooney and Eleanon ail their bitting in two innings, Aften tallying a brace of ruas Piekard, plated four Bowman- as they marched ta their fourtb in the fourtb. on Millbnook e- ville runs in the o'oening inning_ý consecubive win, after a sbaky rors, bbc locals combined more after Betbany had scorcd tbree- start Ibis season. With Twist, errons by the home tcam with i imes in tbe top of the frame, Crombie and Wiseman supply- Wiscman's double and Twist's ing most of tbe power, the club single fan tbnce mankers in btce formance fromn Piekard. of their eight hits in the finalO n a oI Millbrook jumped int a 3-0. stanza for two runs,in the dark- first inning lead on bwo Bow- ncss-halted game. I tis.Thirleddiapeaedinws witwfo riplemanille arves fers tbe second session, as bbc Le- twa singles. Piekard fanned ten gionnaires bangcd out nîne of1 batters, while alawing only In a holiday nigbt game Ini thein Il bit total, good for nine anc bit betwecn bbc first and Port Hope Tucsday, July 1, the1 ruins. John Twist with a triple last innings. Hanvesters wcrc shut out ta tiiei and a single, and Ray Crombie The game was callcd aI the lune af 10-0. Kani Lenaban wibb a double and a single led end of bbc sixth inning because scatered four bits, aliowing no tbc barrage. Singles went ta bf darkness. more than anc safeby in any in- i AND HAVE FREE CHANCE TO WIN A 1958 Vauxhail Victor on purchase of New or Used Unit -Plus 30,000 MILE NEW CAR GUARANTEE FREE LIFETINE LUDRICATION COKE IN AND INQUIRE ABOUT TRIS OFFER! Used Car Bargains 1954 Plymouth Custom Sedan 1953 GNC '/-Ion PICKUP Cutmradio.1095Cmlty 695 Very good l re-eonditioned. condition- New paint job 1956 METEOR COACH one owner car, 2-toac paint, A-1 condition. 1855 CHEV. COACHf 1'ery dlean car. Locaily owned. Custom radio. 1&MI6 CHEVI Deluxe COACH 1955 PONTIAC 4-Dr. SEDAN 2-tone pant. One owner car. Locally owned. Automatie. Radio. Exceptionaily gond car. Nany Other Quality Used Cars Irom which bo Choose Robson Motors Lirn*ted PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 on 'no bits, as the local gi-1, committeci two errors. Vrî Brown struck out the side. Barbara Brown*s double, cou- pied wh Cooney's second 1-it gave Bowmanville a single run in the second, with Beihany also picking up a singleton on two bits in the third. Af ter giv- ing the home team a gift run in th e fourtb, Bethany took over, garnering a pair of bits in each of the iast th-ee innings, cou- pied with four Bowmanville errors, to counit11 runs. A single, a walk, and tbree err othe Beithanï ethird the locais their final two tai- lies. Marie Cooney with threp sing923s led the B.owmanville team, whiie Bethany's hest was dlean-up bitter Mulliglan with a home run and.two singles. r hitewash on JuIy 1sf niag. Only four other Harvest- en batsmen reached base, on two walks and twiee wben hit by a Lenaban pitcb. Ted Dad- son's single and triple were best for the Harvesters, as 10 would-be hiters wenb down on strikes. Bowmanviiie sbarting pitcher, Russ Lane, permittcd a single rua in bbc opcning inning and settled away for the next two stanzas until bbc roof feil in, in bbc fourtb. Manager "Buck" Cowle made bis mound debut in the same inning ta put out the fine, but bbc Port Hopers gave bim a rough f ifbh inning. John Mason took aven bbc pitch- ing chore for bbc final bwo frames, making an auspiciaus debut in giving up anc bib, and fanning bwa, as no Port Hope baters couid gel bbe bail out of bbc inficld. The biil-top crew broke the 1-0 game wide open in bbc fourth with bwo ruas on a icad- off double, two consecutive sin- gles and a Bowmanville ernar. Aflen two wenc out, anotber singlé and a double plabed three more mankers, befone VVeL.. lIU .A Ii n- 4-- e-1 Ban tams ,Win Fifth lin A Row In a darkness-shortened con- test at the Memorial Park on Monday night, the Bowmanville Bantams swept by a previously tough Port Hope outfit. Wbiie the Legionnaires were banging out 13 hits off tbree Port Hope pitchers, Bill Brown on the mound for the homesters was rationing out a total of six hits, as Bowmanville won 10-2. Pitcher-catcher Haskill figur- ed. prominently in bath Port Hoecarig efforts.-He smash- ed out a home run in the third and tripled in the other marker in the fiftb. For the Legion- naires, it was again the com- bination of good pitcbing and the hitting of Alex Wiseman, John TIwist and Ray Crombie that paved the way to the team's fifth straight triumph. Cnetive singles by Terry Black, Wiseman and Twist gave the lacals a two-run apen- ing inning lead. The mnargi widened by three more in the third, as Stevens, Wiseman, Twist, Crombie and McManus ail banged out singles. In the fourtb, after bases were loaded on an error, Ste- yens bit and a batter bit by a pitcheci bail, the locals wrapped it up wvith a barrage of safetie3, again. The first run scored on a ficlder's choice, with singlz-s by Twist and MeManus, and Crombie's double batting in four more tallies before the frame ended. Sad Bail Exhibition Won by Whi In Erroe--Fiii i The femiiiine pulebritude pre- sent at the Vincent Massev Park, 1\ondav' nigbt, wasn't! ,good for the bail players. Thaý fans wcre giad to sec the Cen-i tennial Qu cen and ber four princesses before the garne got underway, but it must be re- rnembered that tbe spectators don't have to concentrate on the game. Introducing tbe beau- tiful young ladies to the crowd is okay witb us, but the effect! of the girls on the players was a different story. Wbitby Seniors claimed a 13-1I 6 win over tbe Bowmanville Harvester Club, in a game which was a-ranged ta take the place of tbe House of David exhibition tilt. Practically al 19 runs were unearned in the error-fiiled game. Tbe officiai scorer was more than gener- ous. .givinà Whitby tbree er- rors, and Bowmanville four. Most of tbe fans counted a total of nearly a dozen miscues. As f ar as batting went, the Harvesters, perbaps trying to impress tbe Centennial Beau- ties, blasted some of tbe long-1 est drives ever seen at tbe bal park. Maybe the pitcbing in our Intermediate league is bet- ter. John Mason belted a long double in the first frame, but Kelly was robbed wben Bra- bin bauled in bis long left-field drive. Aitbough be struck out, Dan Girardi drilled a long foui off the sereen in left field. Whitby loaded the bases In the first on an error, a walk and an infield single off pitch- er Gord Seller's band. Only one run scored as the next three batters went down in order. The locals nearly tied it in the bottom half of the inning, but1 "Butch-" Cole was tbrown out, attempting ta score on Mason's double. A double and a single plated two second stanza, Whitby markers, after ieft-fielder Gi- rardi dropped a two-out fly bail. The Harvesters garnered a single run in the third on singles by Sellers and pincb- swinger "Buck" Cowle. Wbitby got into the en-or act in the fourtb, when after two were the upsurge.I Cobourg as Ted Kelly Lane won Four consecutive singles, two a 4 ta 2 victory in the first errors by catcher "Butcb" Cale game and Eric Carleton won a and a wild pitcb gave Port 7 to 3 victory in the secoflq. The Hope an additional four runs jn Newcastle team as of Jury 4th the fifth, after the locais had have five victaries, tbree lasses loaded the bases but failed tG with one game tied, wbich isn't capitalize on their only threat, bad against bigger towns. in the top haîf of the inning. The person or people who P.S. John Ford made bis in- write the news in the Statesman tial appearance in Harvester about the Bowmanville Juven- unform, striking out twice and iles seem to write their victanies flying ta lef t. 'Dan Girardi had but not their defeats at the a rough night, whiffing tbree hands of the Newcastle team. A times. Tim Cox, John Mason number of weeks ago the New- and Ken Kelly were the only castle team defeated Bowman- Bowmanviile players who with- ville il ta 3 in wbich Dave and stood Lenahan's strikeout cf- Gary McCullough and Trim hit forts. Third-sacker Rich Brown four for five and Carleton and led the Port Hope attack witb Lane hit twa for four. Carie- tbree singles. ton, the Newcastle pitcher, struck out 14 batters which is fair for any league yet we failed ta see any mention about this in the Juveniles- paper. The Newcastle batters such as Lane, Carleton, Trim andth Look O ut!McCullough brothers* aýe wait- The o-cllc suer tar ofing until Bowmanvihle's Magic The Eonanvile suenlsarslOfSpeli pitcher Osborne and their 'hae Btwanle n teios fromnumber one pitcher Bates came !hav tobe o thir tes romta town. I wonder if Bates re- now on as the Newcastle Juven- members the iast time be came.f iles bave defeated Cobourg in Some of the Bowmanville their Ip.ft three gaines. In New;- Çn emt e iiganm casie h~ oca Jvenies\VO a of the Ne\wca.stie boysý who at- 4 to 3 veor Gar MCl-tndBHi.Tes oy 1a i lougbh pitchced a great gaine andtedBHS hq boca he also bad five ýfor five at the: take gnod natured joking but plate. Let's se- any of the Bow- ilet's fl ot get toa rouigh witb this rnanville pitchers do that. because in can work two wvays. On July lst the NewcastleI A Basebaîl Fan teamn won a double-header in1 fromn Newcastle. PAGE T. WI.aV Thicase. ksvrlpaeswr tr, u h tro The Week d inerlof therBwm savlSrlus heStroe award is pitcher George "General" Jones. Girls Drop Two Gomes To Oshawa and Orono Tuesday nigbb in Osbawa, the Oshawa Merchant Maids ne- vensed an earlien ioss at tbc bands of the Bowmanviile Girl's team, wben they banded tbemn a 21-7 pasting. Bath leams scor- cd four times in the openin% inning, but it was ail Oshawa fnomn then on. Nine runs in the second and three more in bbe tbird stanza, were enougb ta rout Bowmanville's stanbîng piteber, Helen Panas. Big bit- ter for the Menchant Maids was Thomas, whilc Virginia Bnown and Eleanor Piekard cach pick- cd up a pair of safeties for the locals. Bowrnanvilc - B. Brown c, Pickard cf, E. Nimigon ss, La- brecjue ss-5th, V. Brown lf-p- 4tb, Cooncy lb, Kube lb-7bb, Hughes 2b, Peterson 3h, Ches- kovitch nf, Sprague'nf-5th Pan- as p, P. Nirnigon lf-4th. Osbawa-De 'Lacs. Planets, Aluin, Tbomas, Rowden, Park- er, Hailiday, Gibbons, Maynes. l u i C Orona subjectcd the Bow-I itby S nîors manville softballers ta their se- cond bad beating, in tbree nigbts, by running up a 25-10 e ~ L aIT1ewin at tbc Central Public îe sebool, last Thursday nigbt. The home tearn took a- 3-2 lead in out, Kelly singlcd and Sellers the finst inning, with the teams and Dad son walked ta f iii thc trading single nuns in bbc next bases. Right"ficlder Jeffs drop- frame. The score went ta 3-4 pedTimCoxs bist alowin- for Bowmanvillc in the third, ped im ox'shoit, a. -witb Orong scoring bwice in ail bbree runs ta cross bbc plate. the fountb. After Cox stole second, he seor- Witb the local squad fallînci cd when bbc sbortstop beaved completely apant in the fifth, Cowle's ground ball into the Onono pusbed across ten big stands. Eigbb unearned runs in mankers, and aftcr trading sin- the top of the fiftb wnapped the gletons in the next frame, the game up for Wbitby as Bow- Orono crew made sure of the manville committed several er- wîn with eight more taillies in rors and Oldfield was credited the seventh. Shortstop-pibchcr with a borne run. Wbitby Out- Tennant was Orono's best, scored the locals 2-1 in bbe sev- wbilc Hughes and Cooney were enth and final inning. the best of a back-iustre Bow- Mason led the Harvester at- manville outfit. tack witb a double and a sin- Onono--Knox 2b, Baskcnviile gle, while Cox pulled off a If, Cooper p, ss-5th, Tennant ss, sparkling grab in rigbt field.- p-5tb, Reid c, Wood 3b, Ail- 5th, Vagg rf. Bowmanville - B. Brown c, Hughes 3b, ss-2nd, Panas if, p- 5th, lf-7th, Cooney lb, Stamn- ton rf, Pickard rf-5th Peter- son ss, 3b-2rd, E. Nimigon, 2b, Kube 2b-5th, Cheskovitch, cf, P. Nimigon cf-5th, V. Brown p. lf-5th, p-7th. A minute for safety beats a month for repairs. - DRIVE SAFELY. L25-DAY SPECIAL LOW R OUND-TRIP RAIL FARES 1 TIO1 the MARITIMES Enjay a refrelng suw-fIled va- cation "DoVwýý V't" Iis year. m1y farea give you a 25-'Ê9Tfint with stop. overs permitted.' Jun. i 6th to Soptemb.r lst Consult amy Canadion Pucfffc Raflwey agent TO SERVE? sUa okuS ie VAR!tWY 0F DWctOUS FOODS1 ~?::;: CASH SAVINGSI ~ DEEP-LIT SPECIALS! PRODÛCE SPECIALS! California, Sweet Juicy, Fanay Valencia Oranges 3-fb cello bag 7 m5c Carolina, Fresh Luscious, Na. i Grade, YeIIow Freestane Peaches 21b29C Outdoor Grown, No. 1 Gradé, Long Thin Slicera CUCUMBERS 2fo19c Large Size, "Charleston Grey" No. 1 Grade Watermelons « 89C Rayal (Assorted Flavours) INSTANT PUDDINGS Chicken-'N-Turkey CLARK'S STEM A&P ORANGE JUICE Fancy Red Sockeye A&P SALMON Yukon Club (Contents Only) GINGER ALE Monarch MARGARINE Jane Parker CHERRY PIE Jane Parker Orange CHIFFON CAKE 4 pkg45 C Reg. tin, 35o-8SAVE 10@ 3 15-ai tins 95<c Reg. tini 37o-SAVE 110 3 48-oz tins 1.00 Reg. tin 47o- BAVE 50 2 'i3'stin.89C Reg. 33>BAVE 40 ctn of 6 btis 2 9c Reg. 2 for 55o-SAVE 10o 4 i-lb pkgs 1.00 Reg. 55o-SAVE Oo each 49c Reg. Sgo-BSAVE 100 * each49C SLIPER-RICHT A 1' TSPECULIS BEEF ROASI SALE B lae Bone Removed or Shoulder Full u Buper Righit, Extra Lean.- MINCEDBEEF Boneicas Brisket POT ROAST Prime, Short Cut RIB ROAST Lean Boiiing Cuits MIEATY BRISKET This Ah Gtarantced Tiiroutgh Sa .u rday, JuIy l2th, 1958. 17çgj lb 39c ib39c b619<1 m-mut ASAM a P*o lu oe.,ii &M g kboM "A nw-lm 1 Local Girl Soffballers Bow fo Befhciny Crew . 4 MO .-. ,~ ~-. 4-. - -.--.'- --- - -. . -- . - THE CANADIANi STATIESMA!N, EOWMANVfLLE, ONTARIO yag IOT V'dd THURS 4 DAY, JTJY loth, imS Reg. 2 pkgs 25*-SAVE 50 Harvestet Star of the Wee4',, GEORGE «GENERAL" JONES J The H-arvester's 10-1 win aver Orono was produced- by the best game the team bas piayed th is season. *iit wbole Ibail club played well, but as Irving Taube didn't h&ý shirt big enough for everyone, one player had ta be chosen, and that was the first repeater as the Star of tbe Week, and aiso the very first winner - iefthanded pitcher George Jones. Afield, Vince Vanstone and John Mason iooked sharp. Timn Cox claimed a pair of singles and pilfered two bases, 'n Keiy b ad tbree bits, and Don Masters bit safely twic« ~ut ."Generai's"> fine performance overshadowed these other ffIJ ones scattered five singles, allowing two in only ne jnning. He set dawn six Orono batters via the strikeout route, tut it was in the contrai dept. where be shone, not giving up a single base on balis. As the team's leading biter, George Jencs batted in two runs on a single and a double ta aid his a a 8 &IRW 0

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