TRSAV,. 1ULY iOth, 1958 THE CNADIN ~TA1!~IfAiT~ IA~71T .%IN 1 illi Afuv MIrs. A. N. Fraser, Toronto, ,ystor witIh Mrs. C. H. Mas( Wffiss ,ieq~ Bounsali, Os) 'r, as j~ visiting friends town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Telfoi Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W G. James. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creepi Chatham, with her sister, M ï. P. Ah. Fitcbett, Montreý Is visiting her sisters Elizabe and Carrne Painton. Miss Audrey Kitson is vis: Ixig ber sister Miss Shirley K son, Winnipeg, Man. Rev. Charles Jeffcry, Willoi dale, is with his son, Mr. Ea Mrs. Howard Jeffery. Lieut. Col. Elton Hugb( Toronto, with bis sister, Mn. a: Mrs. H. G. Shaw, Scugog. St. Mrs. R. Quinn and Donn Simcoe, spent Old Home Wet with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berr Mrs. J. T. Middup and Mi Joy Dale, Toronto, were recei visitons witb Mrs. W. 0. LaBell * Mrs. Ian McTavish (Rhq Manning), Toronto, renewi acquaintances durmng Old Hon Week. ,~Mr. and Mrs. Donald Masc -and family, Toronto, are visitîî ln town with relatives ar. friends. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Mayi were Centennial visitars at t] home of Mr. and Mrs. M.1 Rocnigk. Mr. and Mrs. Russell William Niagara Falls, N.Y., with h~ brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fran Williams. Mn. R. I. Cox, Tononto, sper the Centennial Old Home Wee guests of his sister, Mns. Gi Bounsaîl. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompsoi Lakewood, Ohio, are visiting h: brother, Archie Thompson, Mar, vers Road. Lorne Stacey, David Wcnî and Donald Rickard have rE turned fromn Quin-Mo-Lac boyý camp on Moira Lake. Mrs. Esmond Ross and fam Ily, Toronto, spent Centennia week with her parents, Mr. aný Mrs. S. B. Leggott, Elgin St. Mrs. Bertha Bailey, Victoniz B.C., and Mrs. R. McCread3 Ingensoll, are visîting Mr. ani Mrs. Leslie Jackson and friend. Guests with Mr. and Mr, Frank Bottreil were Mrs. San Brooks, West Hill, Mrs. Lei Wilson, Larny and Louise, Osli awa. Mn. Mansell 5tcey is attend Ing a 10-day re her~c course fa: Upper coo Rhers, Sciencg section, a lorCollegiate Toronto. Mn. R. M. Stephens drove th( t4est priArateiy owned car i parade, a 1914 Ford belong. g~ to Mn. E. Pointen, Bow. mranvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Knigbt ané son John, Detroit, Mich.; Mn. ané Mns. Dick Metcalf, Toronto have been visiting their mothe. Mrs. J. W. Knight. Miss Mildred Wilmott, Mrs L. A. MacDougal and Gary arE holidayin.g with Mrs. MacDou- gal's sisten, Mr. and Mns. Geo Hendry, at Chippawa. Mrs. E. Bennett, who spcni Old Home Week visiting hen son and daughter-in-iaw, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Bennett, Elgin St., has returned to her home ir Oshawa. * Mn. and Mrs. V. R. Greenfield, Stratford, have been holidaying with Mrs. J. Elmo Andersor and have enjoyed meeting many old friends durin.g 0k *Home Week. Vîsitors for Centennial weeli with Mr. and Mrs. George Al.- chin were Mns. John E. Urqu- hart, Stoufivilie, and Mrs. Al.- chin's sister, Miss Gladys Miller of Weston. Band Sgt. Don J. Wright and Mns. Wright, Camp Petawawa, F TDINITY UINITED CHURCH il A.". - Rev. Stanley Osborne of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby Organist: Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.RS.M. làlsýT. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Sixth Trinity ROLY1 COMMUNION Evenint Service Withdrawn during Juir In creaseés lOc M onthi y For 2 Part y Residence PrnnnçclrI IvwRpit <% , is visited her mother, Mrs. Char- ilE W8 16 ýon. lotte Fonder and other relatives Increases of 10 cents pe ha- and friends in Bowmanvilie andtephnsrv in Newcastle during Centennial teehn evce in Bowmanvi celebrations. residence lines are proposed ir Sd, Mr. Joseph Osborne, Wigan, revised rates filed in Ottawam 1m Lancashire, England, is enjoy- missianers for Canada, accordin summer holidays in Canada, manager bere. a guest of his nieces Mrs. 0. )e, Richmond and Miss Martha The proposed increasef Ers Goudy. He is also visiting rela- service is 45c montbly and for mtives in Peterborough. 25e monthly. ai, Mr. and Mrs. Al Kenshaw, A comparison of present thToronto, were weekcnd guests classes of service in Bowmanvil t:of her sisters, Mrs. W. J. Bag- Residec nell and Mns. W. . Edger, Mrs. ec â M. Warren and Mrs. Jim Mc- 1..Party line Qucen, Toronto, wene Centen- 2-Party line- ýw- nial Visitors. Extension telephone nd Mr. and Mns. David W. Pcth- Business ick, St. Clair Shores, Mich., 1 at n ________ es, werc Centennial guests of their -Party l_______ ýnd grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 2-Party line_______ C. Pethick. Mn. Charles (Bud> P.B.X. tnunk na, Pethick, Toronto, was aiso home Extension telephone ýek for Old Horne Week celebra- ry. tion. ýis Mr. and Mrs. Hanold Weekes. nt Rochester, N.Y., called on Miss- Th e Last P s le. es Editb and Ida WeekeWg on ca June 25 but wenc unable ta stay ,d aven for the Centenniai parade .ne next day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wcekes, Toronto, were v.lsitors last Friday. n Mr. Jerry Rice and friend, nd Dick Sadleir af Riverside, Ont., were in town on Wednesday visiting Mr. Rice's grandmotb- ,er er, Mrs. Charles Rice. He was ri ust 2 ½, years aid when he ici t with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rice. as Miss Ruth Martyn, Los Ange- lis les, Caiif., arrived on June 27 ik for the Centennial celebratians and leaves today ta return nit borne. She stayed with heri ek mother, Mrs. Fred Mantyn, and us5 visited relatives and enjoyed meeting aid friends. J nWith bis nephew Howard> is Corbctt of Toronto, Mn. Perey' n- Corbett left last week on a two- wcek trip ta the West Coast. y They flew ta Calgary ta sec the e- Stampede and will go on by î rs, train ta Vancouver and Victoria, returning by way af Edmontoh-. r-'Mrs. Douglas Rigg was open- al atcd on last Thursday night in------ d Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville, and ber appendix removed aafter being taken suddenly iii Yon Thursday afternoan. She ne-' id turned home on Tuesday and is s. pnagnessing favourably. '. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Gi!- Trumpeter Jim'Rogers of the more, Mr. And Mrs. Earle Gil- Ontario Regiment Band is sbown n more, Susan and Douglas, Le-(blowing The Last Post and n froy, Ont. spent the weekend jReX'eille during the Legion with Mns. W. A. Edger. On Drumhead service here, Sunday. July15 t wll e 1 yers Inc Immediately beyand bim, Parade Mr. Gilmore was the barberMrhlRos eKit D , )r wbere Mr. Pat Palmer is now. is saiuting. ,, After a month's holidays, e, Christmna Lamb left Sunday for week period July 2-15. Among the Toronto Western Hospital, those attending fromn Bowman- ýe ta enter ber second year of ville are Judy Jeffery, Sharon anursing. Keitb Lamb, Larry Lucas, Canolyn Stacey, Lillian -Lamnb and Eddie ,Blake also leit Mller and Muriel de Boa. -Sunday for a two-week vacation1 Mrs. Ralph Rea (nec Florence in British Columbia and Cali- Marris) af Partage La Prairie, d1 fornia. Man., bas been visiting ber aunt, d Miss Joyce Bragg, R.N., Pemn- Miss Care Martyn, and brotb- '~broke. spent the weekend with en and sister, Mn. Ted Morris and r er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mrs. Ross Stevens. She is now Bragg. Miss Jean Bragg wba spcnding a few days with her b. as been with ber parents for sister, Mrs. W. J. Langmaid ai e a week's bolidays is now in To- Osbawa, at Dr. and Mrs. Lang- r onto attending a fivc-week maid's cottage near Coboconk. course in Intermediate Auxili- Dr. M. E. J. and Mrs. Stalk- ary Education. en and Miss Mary Galbraith, To- Lt Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, ronto, wene Centennial guests n Sandra and Donald, Peter- af Miss F. M. Galbraitb, King d borough; Mn. and Mrs. E. Hocka- St. E. Mn. and Mns. H. T. .day and girls, Solîna, vîsited Mr. Humby, Burlington, visited a and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant Miss Galbraith while in tawn; and Bey, King St., Sunday even-Mn. Victor Greenfieid and Mn. 1ing, ta weicome their motben,. Lloyd Oke were also callens on 9Mrs. N. C. Yeliowlces home from j thein former teacher, Miss Gai- Edmonton, Alta. braith. Visitons last week at Mn. and Word bas been received bene 1 Mrs. Harold Lake's wene: Mr. that Mns. Arthun Hait ai 73 and Mrs. Hugh Sutherland, Reva Rd.. Liverpool, Engiand, Gait; Mr. A. Blue and Miss fonmenly ai Bowmanvillc, pass- Mary Blue, Toronto; Mrs. Doug cd away at ber borne an June Johnson and family, Bradford; 20 folîowing an aperation. Mr. Mn. and Mns. Percy Lake ai-d Hait was an employec witb the rfamily, Sharbot Lake; Miss Gil- Goodyear plant wben they iived d'a Perrin, Ottawa. hene, and Mn. and Mrs. Hait i Centennial visitons with Mrs. Hait wene membens of St. Jobn's C. J. Smale: Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Anglican Cburch. McMillan oi Kelwood, Man.; Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Peacock cr.iadaiGan Mrs. A.zi Wth and Gary, Pont Hope; Mn. and Balsrdof Judy and D.AidW. Mns. Jack Crago, Mns. Gant- Kinson; Mn. and MDsviH.oR sbore, Newcastle; Mn. and Mns. Kston;Shilaica rd an111 Calvin Crago, Teresa and Paul, Micae a, i chOttawa. 'tawn; Mn. and Mns. Sargent, Michel o Ottwa.Larny, David and Bnian, Toron- Mns. Maitland Gauld (nec mnes; Mrs. Stephens and girls i Dorotby Bonnycastie), Nonthiare rernaining ion the week. I Bay. was in town on Fnidav Centennial visitors at Mn. I visiting iniends. She bad been and Mrs. Earl Oeorne's, Chuncha attending a conienence ai Wom- St., were: Mn. and Mrs. R. L. i en's Canadian Clubs in Que-I Osborne, Toronto: Mn. and Mns.V bec and much regretted not be- L. H. Guy, Oshawa; Mrs. Cari 1 ing bene for the Centennial' Selby and Miss Dareen Selby, e celeratonsearierin he eek Newcastle; Mn. Harold and Miss-G cheebaias canie in th ekles Hazel and Merle Power,'a She dahs.cmaidb e Oshawa: Mn. E. J. Knight, Ot- i twodauhtes.tawa, Mr. Genald Bonisteel, fi We werc pieased ta see Canon Belleville; Mrs. M'es Candier, E R. J. and Mrs. Sbires ai Toron- Ernfold, Saqk.: Mrs. Arthur IV ta bere ta attend the opening Banett, Oshawa.v ceremonies ion the Centennial Ms L1a .Gaean isI Oid Home Wcek on June 28th. Sar . LBowanaieadMyra. They took time off ta mcclaaA B,ýmnofTlya friends and negisten at the Bad- Penn.: Miss Mary Lampe, Phila- ti minton Club and with regrets deiphia, Penn., and Mn. and Mrs. Ii were obligcd ta leave again for Percy Elford, Toronto, were X' the city. Centennial holiday guests of Mn.T Mrs. Thomas Butterny, Divi - many friends were giad ta see L sion Commissioner of G.:nliMrs. Gale who a numiber afi i Guides has taken 29 girls fnom vears ago aperated a fiover ja Bowmanville. Part Hope, Blc-shap in the Jury Jubilee Build-a stock anea ta Doc Lake Camp. ing and no\v manages a giit a]~ Sprucedale, Ont.., £or a two shop ini Talmyra. fi LOIF m# O ,er month for two-party residence ville and of 20 cents for one-party in Bell Telephone's application for with the Board of Transport Com- ing to J. W. Lowry, the company's for one-party flat rate business r two-party business service it is nt and proposed rates for typical ile follows: Present Proposed Increase 3.65 3.85 .20 2.9-1 3.05 .10 1.00 1.00 - 6.50 6.95 .45 5.G 5.65 .25 9.75 10.45 .70 1.25 1.35 .10 Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Higgin- botham, Calgary, Alta., wbo wenc bene for the Centennial celebration spent a week with bis brother, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Higginbotham at their summ-ýej cottage at Harwood, Rice La", before retunning ta the West. It is aven 35 years since Creigh- ton was last in bis native town and be was pleasantly sunprised at the many improvements and growth in population. Recent visitons with Mn. and Mns. Clarence Yeo and family on Sunday were; Mn. and Mns. Ed. Smith, Betty and Gail, Brockport, N.Y.;, Mrs. Cana Ai- lin, Mn. and Mns. Ken Palmer, Gregory and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark, Bowmanville; Mn. Ai. Eiliott, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Sharpe, Laura and Bruce, Ida; Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke and Phyllis; Mn. and Mns. Bruce Clarke and Gien, Hamp- ton. Centennial visitons witb Miss- es Mac and Edna Battreil wene: Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Joncs, Bracebridge; Mn. Jimmie Bat- treli, London; Mn. and Mns. E. J. Dopp and Michael, Mn. and Mns. Norman Bottreil, John and Harvey, Tononto; Mn. and Mrs. Bernard Jones, Cathy and Col- leen, Mn. and Mns. Lea Mc- Cantby, Frank, Michael and Elizabeth, Oshawa; Mn. * and Mns. Robent Joncs, Michael and Susan, North Bay. ACi Len Kennedy and ACi Ray LaPlume ai Camp Borden wenc weekend guests ai Mr. and Mns. Harold Bennett during Old Home Week. As tbey both,re- ccntiy compieted thein trades courses successiuiiy they bave been given leave and are spend- ing it at their bornes in Winni- peg. Afterwards ACl LaPlume will be stationed at Cold Lake, Alberta, and AC1 Kennedy wil return ta Ontario ta take up bis duties at Uplands, near Ottawa. The Rev. and Mns. George A. Bell, Toranto, were guests ai their son, Mn. and Mrs. Al- fred Bell, 18 Concession St. West. Mn. Alfred Bell is paston ai the Bowmanviiic Baptist Cburcb. Rev. Gea. A. Bell was a missianary in nonth-west Chi- na, wonking amongst Chinese, Moslems and Tibetans ion 30 yeans. He returned ta Canada seven yeans ago and is now Di- nectar ai Religiaus Education at Runnymede Baptist Chunch in Toronto. Adventising Manager Gea.1 W. Graham ai The Canadian1 Stalesman bas been hors de combat Ibis wcek. He was play- ing soccen last weck and rcceiv- cd a kick above the knce. Think- ing, it was oniy a bruise, he walked in the Legian parade Sunday and was in agany most ai the way. At the moment, bis right ieg is in a cast fnom hip ta ankle. Apparently, be suf- fercd bunst bload vessels. Il is expected be will be back in circulation in the nean future. Mn. Wilbur Bnitton, Isham, Sask., and Mn. Loftus Bnitton, Eston, Sask., carne ta thein aid home tawn ta belp celebrate ils Centenniai and anc visiting relatives and iniends in Bow- manville and vicinity, Port Penny and Oshawa. This is the finst time Mn. Loitus 4ritton has been back since be went ta Saskatchewan with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brit- ton, in 1906. His brother, Mn. Wiibun Bnitton, bas visited Bowmanville and vicinity sev- enai times during the years since leaving with bis parents. Mn. and Mns. W. J. Hender- son celebnated bis binthday last Sunday, July 6th, by baving a family reunion at the farmn at East Beach. Thene was a good turnout ai relatives and friends ai tbe family. AIl five daught- ens and two sons and thein fam- ilies wenc there. There are 27 grandchildnen and six great- gnandcbildnen. Ail enjoyed the picnic suppen an the ]awn in the evening. Mn. and Mns. Jack Lenhard and five childncn, Non- wich wenc visiting bis uncie, Mn. W. J. Henderson on Sunday, also Mn. and Mrs. John Utten ai Harmony. Mrs. J. Elmo Anderson enter- tained members ai the Fletchen family on Sunday aitennoon. Those present wene Mn. and Mris. Ken Fletcher, Oshawa: Dr. and Mns. Jim Campbell (Mci- issa Fletcher), Toronto; Mrs. Walter Vice (Maggýe Fletcher), Mrn. and Mns. Howard Vice and chiidren, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. George Vice, Bowmanvilie; Mn. and Mns. V. R. Grecniield, Sîrat- frd; Mn. .and Mns. Cccil Green- field, Wbilby; Mn. and Mrs. Hiarold Caswcil and Mn. and Vins. Elswonth Caswell, NewtoPi- ville: Mn. 'A. T. Fletcher, Bow- ma nville. Among those wl-la attendcd the wedd:ng aof Miss Miidrcd rene MacGilc-hrist, daughten ai Mrn. and Mns. J. A. MacGilcbnist, roronýo, and Donald Leslie Plummen, son ai Mn. and Mrs. ..orne N. Plummen, Port Hope, n Tronto-on June 21 were Mn. and Mrs. OwenL Nicholas, Mn. and 'Ms. Ceciu Monnison, Mr. and Mns. Oriand Plummen and famïùy, Mr. and Mns. Stephen Jefiery and Gary, Bawmanville; Mns. Carl Clark, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. Lamne Plummer, Mn. and Mns. Jack Mccking, Mn. and Mns. Peter Bulkowski and daughten, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Highfiild, Port Hope, and Miss Margaret Highfield ai Oshawa. A number fnom Bowmanvilie and Part Hope, also attendcd a sbower for the bride given by Mrs.. Gardon MacGilchrist ini Tononto. Lamne Doneen leaves this Sunday for Chaik River wbere he bas accepted a position as "Radiation Surveyar" witb Atomic Energy ai Canada Ltd. Mns. Doreen and 10 year aid daughten Lynn will move later aften their household effects have been disposed ai or nead- ied for moving. Mn. Dorcen came ta Bowmanvilie in 194.5 aiter a distinguisbed and fas- cinating cancer as a ferry pilot during the wan. He and Jack Elston opened The Radio Shop in the store now occupied by Higgon Eiectric. Later, they broke up the partncnship and Mn. Doreen continued in the TV and radia repair business an King Street East-a business which wiil now be turned aven lo George Samenscales wbo wîli carry an. Mn. Doneen plans ta keep in contact withhbis Bowmanvile iniends v'ia b is amateur radio station frorn Deep River whenc their home will be. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Black, 22 Liberty Place, bave been amaz- cd and intercsted in findîdg wbite and ycliow and red tea roses and climbers blooming among thein multiflora -rose bedge. The multifiora itseif bas smail white clusters ai bioomn. The bedgc was there when the Blacks moved in five ycars aga; tbey think il was planted about 1949 or 50. Four yeans, ago a brancb bad yellow tea rases and each yean since the diffenent colours and kinds ai rases bave kept appearing. On consuiting Mn. Norinan .. Scott, proprietor ai Brookdale- IKingsway Nurseries, we iind that tbe expianation is pnobab- ly as ioflows: Ail roses are bud- ded ta produce difierent varie- tics and same ai the lame mul- tiflona buds used in this case failed ta catcb. The original, and varîcd, stock on wbicb the budding was done remained Her head d~ess was in sceded per cent. dormant for a tinie, then came out in original fonni-tea, clumb- en, or wbatever stock had been used. The Rev. Melville Bailey and Mns. Baiiey ai Southgate Pres- bytenian Chuncb, Hamilton, wcne intencsted Centennial wcek visitons ta towmanville and stayed with Mns. W. L. Pa- terson, Concession St. Histoni- cal research is thein hobby and thcy vere favourably impness- ed with the Statesman Centen- nial edition and the booklet, "Bowmanville - A Retrospeet". Mn. Bailcy is placing a copy of each in the main branch ai the Hamilton Public Libnany. He aiso pncsented a copy ai bis bookiet, "The Histary ai Dun- durn Castie and Sir Allan Mac- Nab" ta the Bowmanville Pub- lic Lîbrary, and ta Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mornison ai Dundurn. Bowmanvilie. The Morrisons kindly took the Baileys through their beautiful old bouse and lovely grounds on Concession St., making another link in Mr. Bailey's seanch ion matenial on the MacNabs and Dundunn. Mn. Bailey was born in Hamilton witbin sight ai Dundurn Castie, and Mns. Bailcy lived as a child in Castie Dean, which is on*the Dundunn Estate. The Baîlcys wouid wclcome any informa- tion on anecdotes about the MacNab famiiy or Dundunn, of Bowmanviile or Hamilton. WEDDING Blackstock United Cburch, bcautiiully decanated wîtb sum- mer flawers, was the scene, an June 2lst, of the manniage ai IBeverley Phyllis Strong, daugb- ter ai Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong, and Donald William Sin- clair, son ai Mr. and Mns. John Sinclair ai Cambray." The oficiating minister was Rev. Philip Romeril. The bride, given in marriage by ber fathen, wore a full length gowvn oi nylon Tulle and Chamt- illy race, flowing out with four tiers ai nylon and lace into a chapel train. The fitted bodice was styled in a sabrina neckline, tnîmmed witb sequins and pearîs, and had long painted sîceves. 1 pearl crown with a finden tip veil. She carried a cascade ai white carnations, baby' mums and stephanotis. The bride's attendants wcre: Mns. Harvey Grahamn, Matron ai honou; Miss Beth Strong, niaid ai hoiur; Mns. Chas. Lown and Miss Eleanon Jewcl, bnidesmaids. They wone identical waltz iength gowns ai shnimp nylon chiffon aven taffeta, shrimp met hcad bows, and white gloves. Their flawens were noscgays of blue and white carnations. The flower girl, Miss Ruth Ann Sinclair, wonc a dress andr headdress similan ta the other attendants exccpt in white, and she carried a basket ai yellow and white sunimer flowcns. Mn. Alex. Sinclair Camrbay was gnaomsnien fan his brother and the ushers were Mn. Tom Humpries, Lindsay, and Messrs. Ralph and Robent Strang. Wedding music was played by Miss Catherine Oliver ai Can- nington and the soloist was Mn. Bruce Curtis ai Richmnond Hi)l, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and "The Lard's Prayer" befone the ceremony and "The Wedding Prayer" during the signing ai the register. The wedding reception was held in the Sunday School room. The bnide's mother wone a dness ai pale blue lace aven taffeta with pink picture bat, pink ac- cessonies and corsage ai pink roses. The grQam's mothen was in paie blue bnacaded crystalette with white accessonies and a cor- sage ai pink carnations. For travelling ta Manitoba and other points enraute, the bride chose a pale blue brocaded cry- stalette dness witb matching duster and navy and white acces- sanies. Her corsage was ai pink nases and white stephanotis. The couple will neside at 26 Gibbon St., Oshawa. The bride is a graduate ai Blackstock High Schooi and Peterboro Teachers' College, and is engaged ta teach in Oshawa when schooi opens in September. The groom attended Lindsay Collegiate, bis occupation is at a tool and die maker with Generai Motoi's. He is vice-pre- sident ai Bay ai Quinte Y.P.U. Since 1946 inflation bas re- duced the buying power ai the Canadian dollar by about 371/2 %mm HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Jacque/ine Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK with TAN-EASL -U! Nlr 4 $1.0N À4Divisio o HENRY K. WAMO. O.L PETOTARIO~'.,, HERE'S HOW to heip volev. discomfort affer you "ot, drink, smoke f00 muchi ENO'SSfLT HOT WEATHERý NEEDS BATHING CAPS Variotis designs and styles 59c and up SUN GLASSES Men's, Women's 69C and up Children's 19e and up FOR SUNTAN Coppertone Acrosol Spray 2.25 Cream or Cil _ ____ 1.50 Noxzema Suntan Lotion 55c, 1.00, 1.50 Suntan 011 -- 45c, 75e Skol -- 60c, 1.00, 1.25 FOR SUNBURN Noxzema Skmn Cream 65c, 98c, 1.69 Acriflex Cream -__ 85e Nivea Cream-- 35c, 63c, 1.10, 3.00 Tan Gel _________85e VLY AND INSECT KILLERS Green Cross Inseet Bomb ------- - --_89c, 1.39 Fly-Tox Insect Bomb - -- 89e, 1.39 Spray - 45c. 65e, 98e INSECT REPELLENTSf 6-12 Liquid or Stick __69e I Bomb ____1.19 Tantoo Cream -____65e Liquid ________89e Bomb________.1 DEODORANTS Arriji Cream ___53c, 75e 10 Spray -m_____7e Ban Rol-On _____1.25 PHOTO SUPPLIESe Make your I.D.A. Drug Storee youn headquarters for photo 1 supplies, excellent photo- flnishing, and enlargement service. Cooling! Refreshing! *ENO "FRUIT SALT" For Inner Fitness * 69c - 1.09 I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS *Cooling, Refreshing *Invigorating! 1 pound tin _ _- 59e SPECIALS e I.D.A. MILK OP * MAGNESIA 16l, 32 oz., reg. 35c, 60c, * 29c * 49c SI.D.A. *SHAVING CREAM oRegular 49c ___--,.39c * Evelyn Howard ICOLD CREAM 1 lb. reg. 89c ----------69C ANDREWS h LIVER SALTP 45e size2 for 69e Summer Special BAN DEODORANT iounce-- -89 ODO-RO-NO CREAM DEODORANT, 1.25 size - --- ------79C 10c OFF REGULAR PRICE LYSOL 79c size69 Richard Hudnut New 2.00 size QUICK HOME PERMANENT PLUS 75c aize Egg Creme Shampoo 2.75 value -,2 -00 oWF,, r, F~~ /i 12 TABLETS 25c 75< 4'nstantine T"MR ~MaI 5. GIN PILLS Quick Relief from Acid Indigestion anywhere anytimel 200 TABLETS 994 Always carr PHI [LIPS' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. 'McGregor, Drugs IWe Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 DR-U'G STORES THE CANADIAN STATF.IDL«. BOV;LL&NVMILZ. ONTARYn 15arqv_ _cvýirrm School Resu Its HAYDON SCHOOL S. S. NO. 21 NOTE-P.-Promoted. N.P.- Not Promoted. Promoted f rom Grade 8 to Grade 9-Lipty Catharmne, P.. ,McQuinn Allison P.; Tabb Rus- sell, N.P. Grade 7 to Grade 8-Bertrini John, P.; Blackburn Carol, P.; Coibary Frank, P.; Eflis Patri- cia P.; Jones John P; Piggott Jean P. Grade 6 to Grade 7-Bertrim Birdie P., Graham Rena P.; Mc- Quinn Bonita P.; Nastoff Ste- phen N.P.; Swerdfiger Richard P. Grade 5 ta Grade 6-Grahani Ian P; Joncs Jimmie N.P.; Lip- tay Stevens P.; McQeinn Brian P.; Piggott Clark P; Tabb James P.; Thompson Gail P. Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Potts Tommy P.; Read Lynne P.; Trewin Doreen P. Grade 3 to Grade 4-Jones rRobert P.; Piggott Wayne P. Grade 2 ta Grade 3-Ashton Cheryl P.; Avery Vernon P.; Blackburn Douglas P.; Jones Alice P.: Potts Dcbbie P.; Swerdfiger Daroey P. Grade 1 to Grade 2-Piggott Nancy P.; Swverdliger Kenneth P. Miss Joan Litt]e, teacher. Turn ONd Furnilure inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303