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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1958, p. 11

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THT.TRMAY, .ltLY 8!st, 190 TME CANADXIM STATESMAN.BOWWAWYEZZ ONTAR1O SA i'I ~%SV~U Aiyual Basebali Games .Chief Holiday Attractioni NEWCASTLE: Citizens here will celebrate Civic Holiday with an aftennoon of basebal tollowed by an evening carni- 'val and dance just as in the past 30 odd years wnen some of the fînest and most exciting games of the season have been recor- ded, with large crowds af tans In attendance and everyone in a holiday mood. Next Monday will 6e no ex- ception when two top notch baseball games wil be played wlth the clorful Max Scheffe af Toronto as umpire-in-chief. keeping the boys on their toes. la the tirai Rame. the up and coming Newcastle Merchants Juveniles will be at home ta the Bowmanvillq Lions Juven- iles. while the second game il see the league leading, and twice county champions, Newtonville Royals Intenmed- iates meeting the Newcastle Menchants Intermediates. A double attracton is plan- ned for Monday evening, start- ing at 7:30 with the club's arual carnival with bingo and other games of skill and chance on the grounds af the Newcastle Community Hall while dancing will also be go- ing on inside the hall with a .iuke box supplying all the latest in dance music. The lucky draw is scheduled for 10:30 p.m. when threel bonds with a total value af $100 will be dnawn for. Not being weathen prophets we cannot assure you that the basebaîl games wili be played, but rdin or shine, the carnivai and dance wvill go on as sched- uled with the carnival moving into the basement of the cam- munity hall in case of nain. Sa, ail in ail, it loaks like a most interesting day is in store for those residents who decided to spend the holiday at home in Newcastle or for vîsitors to the village. Mns. Thomas Kiddoo and son and daughter of Flossmore, Il- linois, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth last week. Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mns. Albert Pearce and Mrs. H. R. Pearce wyere, Mr. and- Mrs. Orval Stinson and family of Chesley, Capt. and Mrs. W. J. Hockin and family of Fort Henry Heights, 1%&. Ken- neth Pearce, Peter and Claire et Brighton, Mn. and Mrs. Frank MeMullen and family of Scarborough, Miss Peggy Pearce, Miss Peggy Adams, xMr. d aney and Mn. Don gokal al Toronto. Weekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard ahd Eric were Mr. Bernard's son Angus 13emrard B.A., M.A. and Mrs. Bennard of Westxnount. Quebec. Rev. M. C. Fisher, Mns. Fish- er and Wendell left on Monday for Laurel, Virginia, for a tour week vacation. During the va- cation period the Rev. R. P. Sharp of Laurel wifl be taking the services here exchanging with Mr. Fisher. Mr. and Mrsr. 18harp and their son and daugh- ter will be livipg ini the New- eastle Parsonap. Urns. A. HIàlbher of Belle- irille visited With her sisters, Mns. H. Allun and Mrs. E. H. #o11 and attended the Rickard làamily pienie on Sunday. *Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew and daughters Carol and Kathy of Port Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. fhn aleston of Toronto, and lhe Misses Jean Hunter and Sandra Suipson of Peterbor- Mfr. and Mrn. Lorne Johnson and faxnily and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peance and Elizabeth, V1s1ted with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. XimbaUl at Wasaga Beach last Wednesday. Master David Hockin of Fort ]!enrY Heights spent a tew days visiting with his grandmiother, Mrs.- W. J. Hockin and cousins, Larry, Ricky and Wayne Pearce. Mrs. N. E. Bellyou and grand- Son Maxwell of Trenton, spent lut week visiting wsth Mr. and AVAILABLE FOR NGEBTGAGES Ealph S. Joues Darrister and Solicitor 45 Simeos St. S. Oshawa 3:15 - Mrs. George Waltan. Mn. *and Mns. H. C. Bonathan spent the weekend at their cot- tage at Cabocank. Masters Bob and Donnie Mc- Mulien af Scorborough are spending this week visiting wîth Larry Ricky and Wayne Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Luxton andi Miss Marlene Falls ai Bow- manville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch and family, Monday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Jin and Mary, spent a weeks holiday in Lansing, Michigan, vstlng with ber aunt, Mrs. James F. Anderton and fain- ily. The Sigma-C Beys Graup ai the, United Church are holding their regular monthly paper drive an Monday evening, des- pite the holiday. We are infonm- ed the boys will be covering the village after supper on Mon- day and citizens can ossist greatly by having ail their used newspapers and magazines se- cunely tied and set at the noad- aide by six o'clock. Mn. and Mrs. P. F. Hare were In Bulingtan on Frîday where they attended the funerol of their friend the late Miss Adri- enne Breekon. Her many fniends wîfl be sorry ta learn that Mrs. Thomas Spencer is seriously ill and is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter are holidaying at a cottage on Lake St. Clair in the Detroit area. Mns. Kapuvani and son John- ny of the Clarevilla Apant- ments are spending a few days vîsîting with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Walker at their cottage at Caesarea. Mr. and Mns. Neil Bittan and family of Belleville visited with his parents, Mn. and Mns. H. S. Britton on Sunday. Mns. H. C. Dennis and her guest, Mrs. Dan Taylor ai Lon- don, spent the weekend visiting with friends in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs, Pot Case of To- ranto and Mr. Jack Howley ai Newmanket were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and family. Mn. Howard Poilard ai Baw- manville visited with bis grand- parents, Mn. and Mns. H. C. Den- nia on Manday. Mn. and Mrs. John Vaut visit- ed in Kirkfield an Thursday with Mr. and Mns. Fred Bell. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and family were Mrs. Lloyd Mcllroy, Mns. James Gable and Mrs. John Stemp af Uxbnidge and Miss Barbara Stemp and Mr. Regin- aid Phelan of Toronto. A child at human caution SAFELY. the curb is a sign. - DRIVE k Newcastle Merchanis Juveniles Newtonville Royals Iniermed. versus Newcastle Merchants Intermed. Aduits 50c CARNIVA Communlty Hall Gre Startlug at 7:30 p.i BINGO - GAMES CHANCE Lucky *Praw at 1c In CasI-1 rairi Cari Ci) e in baseme CbmmLt unity Hall. Public School Children 15e L D AN cIN G ounds .M. 8:00 P.M. te 12.00 p.M. 0 F te juke Box 0.0 IN COMMUNITY HALL * Admission 50o per person I Newcastle Man KilIed in Fali TORONTO - Michael La- combe, 27, formerly of New- castle, was kiled July 24 when a rigging upon which he was working slipped causing him ta fail six storeys. He was pro- nounced dead on arrivai at St. Joseph's Hospital. Police said Lacombe. part of a crew setting up a large steel- supported sign atap apart- ments on Queen St. W., wvas1 adjusting a lifting apparatus when the rigging sliplied and he fell.j Lacombe lived on Chisholm Ave. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lacombe live on King St.: in Newcastle. Two Health Nu rses Added to Unit Staff At the meeting an July l7th the Board of Health af the Un- ited Counties appointed two public health nurses, it is an- nounced hy Doctor C. M. Hor- ner, Medicai Officer af Health. Miss Barbara Thompson, a native af Cobourg, wiil work from the Campbellford office starting July 28th, replacing Miss Ruth Henry, who is mov- ing ta an address west ai To- nonto. Miss Thompson is a gra- duate of Toronto Western Hos- pital and bas had expenience on hospital staffs in Taronto, Vancouver and Cobourg, and with the Victanian Order of Nurses in Toronto. She has com- pleted a year's course in public health nursing at Tononto Uni- versity. Mrs. Beverley McIntyre will start work September 2 nd froni the Bowmanvile office of the Health Unit. This area has in- creased in population so much that a tou.rth public health nurse is needed. Mrs. Mclntyre ne- ceived ber degree af Bachelor of Science in Nursing f rom To- ronto University in 1955, and has had expenience on the staff of the Victonian Onder of Nur- Annual Prot Crec m of Bc nhe annual Proul.bamily pic- nie was held at th~e Creain of Barley Camp, Bowmianville, on Saturday, July 26, 1958, with an attendance of 65 in ideal weather. Alter visiting with one an- ather in the aitennoon., Aunt Sarah Pooley atfered the bless- ing for the bountiful *supper. Then President Bruce Yeo took charge of the program and ai ter welcoming the gathening, called ton two minutes of sil- ence in remembrance af aur de- parted members. The sarne officers were re- elected for next yean. President, Bruce Veo; lst Vice President, Margaret Aiken: 2nd Vice Pre- sident, Willa Norton; Secrciary- Treasu.rer, Wilma Coombes. The new sports committee elected was George Hilson, Clift Tre- win and Neil Britton.1 Ross Prout introduced his bride Margaret, as the newest adult member and the newest infant member was Tommy, son of Vivian and Neil Britton. The minutes of the last pic- nic were then nead by the se- cretary. The president called on any- BROWN'S Master Keith CoUl spent a week with the Baxter family in Toronto. Misses Linda CaU and Nancy Simpson are spending this week at C.G.I.T. camp at Pre- toria. Tommy Simpson and Brion' Pickening are also at Boy Scout camp tis week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coul and family in Toronto on Sunday and visited Mr. Calls' mather who is in the hospitai. Last Thursday approximo- tely 45 in the neighborhood enjoyed a picnic at Cobourg beach. It was a fine day and the swimming was especioiiy good. Everyone reports a good time. Unfortunately, during the afternoon, Mrs. Simpson twisted her leg, whîch hos been giving ber some discom- fort since. The sympatby ai the com- munity is extended ta the tam- ils' ai the late Mr. Charles Bed- win, who lived in Brown's section for many yeors before maving ta Lake Shore. Mrs. Mabel Baldwin, Beard- more, and grandsons Allin and Terry Foster, Mantreal, recent- ]y spent some holidays with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Pickering. Miss Ardele Pickering spent the weekend with Miss Mary Locke, Dole. Mr. Graham Pickening is taking militia training with the Reserve Army at Oshawa. 1 Miss Wyllene Wilson spent o few davs with her cousini. Miss Elaine Caswell, Port Hope. SorrN, to report that Mrs. Lillian Bennett is stili confined ta her home. We wish ber a very speedv recovery. Master Tommy Masters ai Markham spent a week withi Tommy Simpson. Mrs. Kozub's mother has been able ta return home tram the hospital but is âtili con- fined ta her bed. ses, Toronto, and as general duty nurse and later as Assist- ant Director of Nursing, Port Arthur General Hospital. Personnel added ta the Health Unit staff eonhier this summer include: Mrs. Angus (Morion) Ran- kmn, who started ta wdrk in the Port Hope district July 2nd, filling* the vacancy left when Miss K. Terrili resigned in Feb- ruary 1958, ta be married. Mrs. Rankin, formeniy Mrs. Dickson, had been in charge ai the Vic- tonian Order of Nurses' Branch in Trenton for some years. Her basic nursing course was takcen at Toronto General Hospital, and her public health nursing course at Toronto University. Mr. Lea V. Lenahan joined the Health Unit sanitation staff on June 16th,ý following corn- pietio-n of a year's tnaining un- der the direction of the Ontanio Department of Health. He will work in the West Northumber- land area tram the Coboung of- fice. As a resuit of these appoint- ments. Doctor Horner reports that there are no vacancies on either the nursing or sanitation staffs. ut Pic nic at .rley Park one wishing ta say a few words. Sevenal spoke up including Un- cie Alex Prout who necalcd that Uncle, Will Yeo. had at- tended every pienic ever held since 1913 up until his sudden passing eanlier thîs year and stated how inuch we ail miss hlmn tram aur midat. An interesting highlight was when each family intnoduced their "offspring". The sports comniittee of Elsie and Glenn Prout and Joyce and Paul Chant then led in some enjoyable races and garnes in- cluding a tug-of-war which was very amusing. The family dispensed around 8 p.m. looking forward ta seeing evenyone again soon. Beech Family Hionor Couples' Anniversaries On Saturday evening July 26th the brothers and sisters of Rev. E. Beech and their familles held a picnie at Creamn of Barley Camp ta celebrate the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Beech of Toronto and also the 2th Anniversary ot Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Larmer, South Monaghan. The tables were well laden with delicious food and centred by a two-Iayer wedding cake suitably decorated. After supp- er a presentation of an Irish Li- nen tablecloth, serviettes and a relish dish was made by Mr. Gordon Beech to Mr. and Mrs. Larmer and then an address was read by Mrs. Ross Richards and Mr. Everett Beech present- ed a silver dish and a gift of money to Rev. and Mrs. Beech. Both couples replied with thanks and a social evening was spent. Brothers and sistens of thei honoured couples are Mn. and Mrs. E. N. Beech«, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, Mrs. A. Beech, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Larmer and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards, Town. YOUR NEWSPAPER - Phono KA 3-3303 8 Jump for The ir Lives As Diesel Hits Rail Car <1k/ve 82 Gordon kgnw. EdÎloe phone m hauled by a tour.- unit diesel locomotive appeared ini view running at about 50 miles per hour. With no time ta remove the car from the train's path, the men jumped clear, tour ta one side and four to the other, and nolled down the embankment. The train left the car a total wreck an the south side af the embankment and carried one axle on ta the viaduct befone at pulled ta a stop. ]Driver of the car was Reg McEwen af Newtanville, fore- man ai the work party. Ail the men were tram Poart Hope and vicinity. Wise aind Otherwise Anaconda "Spearhead" pitality, she asked, "Are you Teenage'is the period when i red? children begmn to question an- To which the yout4g man re- plied reassuringly, "Oh, no, swers. we're married." Between 1947 aiid 1958 aver-j age production per employee ini Canadian manufacturing in- creased by 1.9 percent per an- num compound; in the same period average annual earnings per employee increased by 7.8 percent per annum compouncd. To the Friends Hostel at Jor- dan, England, came very late one night a couple asking for accommodations. The caretaker first reproved them for dis- turbing the repose of her house- hold. Then, remembering her responsibi]ity for Quaker hos- Advice ta public speakers: To be seen, -stand up: ta be heard, speak up; ta be aippre- ciated, shut up. Alimony has been dèfined as the high cost ai leaving. A youthful figure is some- thing you get when yau ask a woman her age. In 1949 Canadian labour in- carne totolled $7.7 billion. The estimate for the year 1957 was $15 billion. What Others Say ACCIDENT PRONE Saint John Telegraph-Journal la there any truth in the be- lief that some people are more accident prone than others? Acrding ta Dr. D. Russel Davis of Cambridge University, a leading British psychologist, there la. In ftact Dr. Davis. after a special study, has listed four types of particularly accident- prane persons. At the' top of his lit h the restless and tense man. An ex- ample, the eminent scientist. Second is the social misfi i Subconsciously he hasn't the inclination to avaid accidents. Next is the juvenile delin. quent, the youth who. steals a car, strikes sameane with it and finally wrecks the vehicle in a ditch. This type lacks the bal- ance to take elementary precau- tions. Foui-th is the indisposed mal who remains active at home or at wark while his efflciency and judgment are reduced. Aunt Sally's With Pectin 24-oz. Jar ý.UUKtNL> MIA 1IZ) -Strawberry Jam 47c 6-oz. vacuum pkg. Pantry Shelf1 7-or. Tin* MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF pg Boneless Chicken 39c CHICKEN LOAF - DUTCH LOAFpk Adds Zest To Salads! PICKLE & PlMENTO LOAF 77i Richmello Creamy 27cAN LVELA aw a a ETADOIELA For Salads or Cooking - 16-oz. Bottie SPECIAL Fresh PROQDUCE IViaolaCnt39< California Vine Ripened - Yellow Flesh Jumbo Size 4r$. Spreads Evenly - Easily! SPECIAL Cantaloupes 2 fo 3 Ingersoli 8-oz. Jar For cool sunimer drinks - juicy Cheese Spread 29c Florida Limes doz. 49c', Real Value! SPECIAL Sunkiat - Sire 138's Kounty Kist Std. 15-ot Tin Cut Green Beans 3 for 35c 9 agsdz 9. Adds Zest ta Any Meal' SPECIAL Ontario - 10-lb. Bag Aylmer Brand il-or. Bottie New Potatoes 33c Tomato Catsup 2 for 3,5c Ontario's Best - Marsh Grown Large Bunches Sweet Treat SPECIAL N w r rn c3fr c Fancy Crushed à 15-or. Tin New C rrts 3 or2 Otro's Best - Marsh Grown Pin appie2 or 7< Crnchy and Crisp -Green Pascal Large Stalks eicisin andwice, foala7cPlate Paramount Fancy Red Sockeye Salmoi Fresh Packed! Haniburg and Hot Dog Dyson 's Relish Biscuit Feature! Windsor - Assorted Waffle Creams Candy Feature! Ca rousel JeIIly Rings 1/'s T i n C r Sa n 47c F'i Green ed SPCILNew Cabbage 16-oz Jar Ontario's Best - Marsh Grown 25c Head Lettuce k 2Zfor 23C Large Size each 10C Large Heads 2Zfor 19C Bis ~ Sliced WMite 24.oL. Loaf 25c Richmello Bread 18c Cello Bag 39c Ail merchandise sold at your DomL-il'1On Store Llled is unconditionally guaranteed t. give 100% satisfaction. Values effective in Bownianville until clouing tipi Saturday, August 2nd, 1958& Eight mnen narrowly escaped death July 23,when they jumnp- ed ta safety from a mator rail car seconds before it was smash- ed to bits by a west-bound thr- ough freight just west of the Canad.ian Pacific Railway sta- tion platform in Port Hope. A tew seconds eanlier the. car was on the viaduct and a leap to saiety would have taken the men 50 feet ta the street below. Returning to the station tram their place af work about two miles west of town, the party had just crossed the single- track viaduct which spans the river valley when a freight train . - -ý.1- Ilewcas t/e cSocial and 'e~rsona/' 1 PHONE NA 3-3136 Boum for 1 Il F BE E BASEBALL CIVIÇ HOLIDAY Mon., August 4th Newcasile's Anuai Dasebali Day NEWCASTLE BALL PARK 1:15 - Bowmanville Lions Juveniles versus CUT FOOD COSTS AT--iDOMINION 1 a pAar ELZIPM

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