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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1958, p. 2

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*A f!vt'UTI 'Pif UI'AVAIÀTAN b3L ÔWAVIL.OTAI IWSA, WT31t Douglas W. Fraser Writes From N. Hollywood, Calif. 0f His Boyhood Days Here NOTE-The Centennial Cele- bration bas been the means o! atirring up many old memenies as weil as interesting lettens from former residents o! Bow- manville. Among the latter is one ne- ceived last week froin Douglas W. Fraser o! Nerth Hollyweod, Calif., wbo is a son o! the late Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, be- leved iinister o! St. Paul's Presbytenian Churcb, Bowman- ville, frein 1873 te 1898. The Manse at that time was the home now ewned and occupied by Dr. and Mns. E. W. Sissen on Liberty St. The writer of this note well remembers the families o! that particular neighbonhood whicb as we look back inciuded the Frasers, Higginbothams, Edsails, Couches, McDewells, Jameses and others. Oniy tbree members o! those original families still live in town, Mrs. Beryl Edsali Oliver, Miss Anna Edsali and the wri- ter, Geo. W. James. These coin- mnents by way o! introduction, sheuld make the !ollewing let- ter frein Mn. Fraser, whe has net lived here in 60 years, o! interest te many o! our read- ers as he revels in reminiscing o! his youtbful, happy days here. 4130 Whitsett, Ave., North Hollywood, Cali!. July 20, 1958. Dear George, It was nice getting your let- See. hm smilingl Bis education is gueranteed by un educational policy ini the Gomuut he Crown Lifr Mua George JA. Brown 192 King St. East Box 194 Bowmanville MA 3-5136 MAI ter and the papers that you so man and have seme idea e! the kindly sent me. They have stir- vast ameount o! research that red up a lot o! very pleasant miust have taken nionths o! do- memonies of the turnes when ing. A very large part of it un- you and I were veny young. I der yeur direction and by you can bardly realize that it is personally. about 60 years since I left Bow- You say that you haven't a manville, about the time yOU hobby. I wouid be inclined te started te learn type settirig. I tbink that Bowmanville is youn must have been in the press hobby. I doubt if anyone has roin with you lots e! turnes anytbing like the knowledge o! and have a recellection ef car- it and tha citizens that have liv- rying bits o! type in iny pock- ed there and passed thnough in ets. the last hal! century. So I would The back roin o! the Hig- suggest that notbing could give ginbothamn Drug Store with its you more interest in passing aromatic sineils and Creighton's the time than in writing te some father giving us some licenice o! them as yeu have te me. I root te chew, theugh we reaily1 have lots o! questions that I] preferred the black licenice couid ask you about what bas plugs, when we feit we were happened te the kids 1 knew, really chewing tobacce. iSebyler Edsall, Dick Jones, The sineli of the celluloid Norma "Babe" Couch. Tom clippings that we used te col- Gill, etc., etc. And now that you lect outside the Dominion Or- have turne on your hands you gan and Piano Factory-wbatinight keep quite a lot o! cen- did we do with them once we respondence going if you cane had thein? I suppose that they te. were the waste frein the piano I have neyer had any trou- keys. ble finding intenesting things te These and hundreds o! other do. I use the libraries a great memonies of times that we deal and can't remember a time shaned tegether seem te be filed when I haven't been getting away in my mind and your let- through a book or se a day. ter and the papers seem te Several years after my wi!e's have released a flood of thein. death my daughter gave me a Leeking back it seems that I 'record player, and witbin a must bave had an exceptional- shortturne, without intention, ly happy childhood-thougb I became a record collecter and expect that I was full o! coin- now have a garage ful e! re- plaints at the time. I know that cordsi-al kinds, classical, pop- thene isn't any similar period ular, jazz etc., witb exception o! time in my life that seems e! rock and roll. Collecting àny- te have made such a vivid imn- thing grows on you and becomes pression. more and more o! a habit as it The Centennial must have gees along. Lots o! people as been a great success and I bave you perbaps know even collect an idea that thougb you said buttons. you spent most o! the turne on I thougbt you looked pretty the side lines - yeur careful well in your picture in the pa- planning and suggestions had a per despite the faulty heart, s0 great deal te do with its suc- take cane o! younself and get cess. real pleasure eut o! your retire- In many ways it must have ment. I understand that worry been bard te give up the paper, is the worst thing that any o! but it lu geed te know that it us can do, se 'let the younger stili is in James hands. Is it people do the worrying frein my imagin~ation or dees John now on. M. have seme sligbt resein- I'd certainly enjey having a blance te his J. J. Mason grand- copy cf the Centennial book and fathen? And speaklng e! grand- if there are any other books in fathers, I have been tbinking pint on Bowmanville would it was rathen a coincidence that be glad te have their tities, your father and mine and My etc. wi!e's father ail started e!! by With kind regards and besti teacbing uchool. ihs Father aiways contended thatwihs the one-noin uchool bouse with Douglas W. Fraser rigbt sert o! teacher was the ideal place for a smnart cbild. He could listen and leann what BURKETON the older kids wene studylng. What a centrast te where 1 Mrs. E. Gallagher, McReary, live now?-whene there are oven Maniteba, and Mrs. Jessie Dan- a million boys and girls in cy Oshawa, wene afternoon cal- schools in Les Angeles County lers at the home o! Mr. and Mns. and where they keep the child- B. Hubbard on Wednesday o! ren in classes by age, rather last week. than abiiity. It appals me te tbink o! ail the brigbt talent Mrs. Ethel Wilson., Mn. and geing te waste, or la that just Mrs. Robt. Bell, Oshawa, were a sign o! oid age? Sunday visiters o! Mns. Pearl It must have been great see- Avery, and Mn. and Mrs. Geo- ing Creighten Higginbotbam. rge Allison. I've only had a brie! glimpue o!f Sunday guests o! Mn. and hum and that when we were Mrs. A. J. Tunnbull were Mn. both about 16 at a party at and Mrs. Harvie o! Oshawa. Ontario Ladies' Coliege Whitby, Mn. and Mrs. H. A. Trick, since leaving Bowmanville. I Lindsay, called on friends in can't remember having any the village one day last week. quarrels with him-theugb we Plans bave been made for a were constantiy !euding wîth wiener roast, barbeque style, te Hubert. be beld at the home o! Mn. and I thought that the Centennial Mrs. Merle Hubbard on Thurs- 1was very thoroughiy and inter- dyeeig uy3.Tewe estingly cevered in the States- ner roast i s sonsored bv Bur- keton United Church, and a cordial welceme is extended to ail who care to attend. Miss Audrey Carnochan is en- joying some holidays ini Tor- ente this week. Misses Jtrne Turnbull, and Alice Taylor are enjoying a week at Camp Pretoria. There wiii be church service next Sunday, Aug. 3, but the church will be closed on the Sundays of Aug. 10, 17, 24 ne- spectively while Mn. Logan will be on holidays. Church services wiil recommence on Sunday, Aug. 31. Mrs. M. Gothard, St. Cath- arines, is visiting with Mrs. Florence Carghifl for a few days. Mr. Eric Marchantl is confin- ed to Sunnybneok Hospital where he underwent surgery on his knee. His many friends wish humi a swif t recovery. Mrs. Georgina Johnston, and Mn. M. Schacter, Mentreai, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mns. R. Bone this week. iMr. and Mrs. Bone accompan- led them on a very pleasant motor trip on Saturday which included a brie! visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown, Orillia, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dun- lop, Coldwater. They cflove thnough vaieus places of pan- ticular intenest to them, somne of the places being, Midland, Victoria Harbour and Holland banding where they visited with Mn. and Mrs. M. Lahay. On Sunday, they visited with Mn. and Mrs. George Lawson, at Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. V. Vi- ckers, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Cyrus Ashton were Sunday visitons or Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. Misses Cheryl Lowan, and Marilyn Yellowlees, Hampton have been visiting Mrs. John Carter for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adamns, visited for a few days at thei home of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. E. Goodman, Richmond Hill. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Tor- onto, with her daughten, Mrs. Murray Archibaid on Tuesday of last week. On ber return, bier mothen Mns. Albert Hughes accompanied hen and is spend- ing a week or so in Toronto. Mrs. John Carter an.d Fred attended the baptismal service in St. John's Anglican Church. Bowmnanville, on Sundav when the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, neceived the naine of Judith Elizabeth. Rev. A. C. Hierbert off îciated. I I Freel Free!.1 BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase ofga .at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION CORNER OF MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTRF CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts Complete Lubricatiofi at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS Counties' Health Unit Names New Nurse For Bowmanville Office A fourth public health nurse, Mrs. Beverley Mclntyre, has been named te the staff of the Nerthumnberland-Durham Health Unit office at Bowmanville, an- nounced Miss Louise Steele, senior nurse at the health unit, yesterday. Miss Steele said that the ap- pointinent o! a feurth nurse to the Bowmanville office was re- quired te supplement the three already working there. She said this was indicative o! the growth of the town and the sur- rounding townships. The new nurse was appointed at a recent meeting of the Northumber- land-Durham Board o! Health. She will take office on Sept. 1. Mrs. Mclntyre, wbo lu a re- sident of Port Hope. received her degree o! Bachelor e! Sci- ence in Nursing at the Univer- sity o! Toronto in 1955. Since then she has had experience on the staff o! the Victorian Order o! Nurses in Toronto and has aise worked as the assistant di- rector o! nursing at the Port Ar- thur General Hospital. Miss Steele aise announced the appointinent of a second nurse te the Campbellfond of- fice o! the health unit. The new appointee, Miss Barbara Thomp- son, of Cobourg, wil take up her new duties July 28, replac- ing Miss Ruth Henry. The More 1 See of It The Better I Like t By Ronald More The more I see e! Canada, the better I like it. There lu still se mucb te see for, a!ter ail, Canada is an immense coun- try full o! the most delightfui scenery se that-apant frein the Prairies - there is something new at aimost every turn and it becomes better the furthen one travels West. Last Apnil, I travelled by Canadian National Raiiways frein Torento to Prince George, B.C. and was fortunate eneugh te be able te watch nature turning frein Winten into Spring. It was an amazing sight. The trees were thrusting their buds eut te the sun, mil- lions e! vanious types o! ducks sported on the many sloughs, hundreds of Canada Geese leoked Up froin thein feeding, with a look o! disdain, at the throbbîng menster which haul- ed our train te the West. Knowing there were certain stonies te be wnitten within a few months, one was able te cencentrate on thein and begin te outline the genenal trend but had the train seats net been ceinfortable and the atinos- phere one o! "complete personal service", this would net have been possible. I was able te leave the train with a perfect- ly pressed flannel suit, though how the "presser" manager it I shahl neyer be able te gueus. And se on to Jasper, Alta., and those inagnificent Rockies. Now, for anyene travelling te Prince George there is a wait of several heurs, there, but-in BLACKSTOCK such a city as Jasper what does that matter? There la far too much to seeven if the usual Summer hetels and vanlous tourlst traps were stili closed and the day sunny though chil- ly-and a walk along the high- way, with practicaliy ne traf- fic, produced a close-up of a group e! mountain goats net more than fl!ty feet fremn the road. They even posed for the in- evitable photograph looking at the camera as though to say, "Oh, oh, here is the first of those tourist pests with bis little black box. Heads Up, boys!" Their supercillous atti- tude was truly laughable. From Jasper to Prince George, the run is through some of the most magnificent scenery in Canada. One meets ail manner of men. Officiais o! the railway, such as a travelling auditor on his way to visit station agents, a colonel of a Canadian regiment stationed in Germany on bis way home on leave. And se, as the trip progresses, se the types of travellers change. Frein Toronto te Winnipeg there are the inevitableta velling, salesmen full o! the talk of their kind and frein there, ail across the Prairies, the general trend seems te be either farmers or salesmen on their way te induce said farn-, ers ta buy their products or[I most de!initely go eut o! busi- ness. Later on one ineets lumber- inen or ininers frein eut o! the fan North, on their way back- through Edmonton - te such! places as Uranium City, Eldo- rado or Flin Flon and other settiements with such roman- tic naines and the generai con- versations range frein the type or amount of work being car- ried eut in their areas, to hew the last night was spent 'n the "big city", which might have been anywhere frein Montreal to Winnipeg-or Chicago. The lumberinen really beginI te show Up at Jasper and unfiTi it is time te go te bed, the Clarence Marlow vWsted Rev. and Mn. Milton Sanderson at their cottage, Stoney Lake. Mx's. Nauanit.h Henry, Janati ville, lu visiting her mother, Mns. Fred Balley. Mns. Lewis Fltze spent sev. cra1 days with relatives in Mid- land. Mns. Osmond Wright ,Mns. Russel Steele &RâMiss Aleta Steele spent days lust week with frWim.l Midland. Mrs. Gilbert M'rlow spent a couple o! days with ber sister, Mrs. Ivan Shoek, Toronto, en- route home !rom Guelph. - Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shookan- Manjorie Anne; Toronto, visit.. ed Mrs. Gertrude Manbow and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nornman Mal- colin, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. Merrili Van Camp. Jane Faint had the painful expenience o! baving her band an darmn caught in a wringer but appears to have ne serieus results. KOHANGE yonr 3%wartime FOR -THE NEW 25 YEAR. CANADA CONVERSION ý BONDS ALSO AVAl LABLE: See yourbank, investment 41/% 14 YEAR BONDS 3¾% /o l7 YEAR BONDS 3% 34 YIEAR BONDS' *dealer, trust or lon com-ý peny or other finoncial odviser TO DAYý I I. a I I -, I I I I I I I I g, 1~' I I. I I.. I I I. t a, B, TAXI Phone MA 3-5822 STE VINS'TAXI "Safe, Satisfying Service ALL PASSENGERS JNSURED 100 sing nt. .E.wmauVil1 Canada's Fastest Sélling, Top Quality. . . MERCURY ONE INCH COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS Complete with wind check chain Pneumatic door dloser and easy worklng, trouble-free latchi with positive action. For Free Dernonstration and Price - CALL - DO WAN VILLE HOME IMPROVEMENT 22 Division St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-2753 cash adjustment Hers an exampte of th. cash adjustment on a $1000" bond cnOi.0 oh la proporllo.L vlCTOftYOS 4%% 5nTImA44% Y*s'% TIA8% 31/4 y" 6. w.I 959 Mm us» Nam Oum d- . . . 19610 f u 1 wmre* y0 bkmet 0* V£)> 3% 92.10 92.5 2.MW MW 4fft I,1968 bc Ag II~o ,4id h ,e#O bW sM f%. vii>3% SUM US. à-. S-op. 11964 rw,. 1 .1 #m ...1 uCf .d.d à ------ ---- ------ --- - w. w. - W0 w. W Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, spent the weekend at home prior to leaving on a holiday trip to Cape Cod and other pointé. on East Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto, an.d Mr. and Mrs. general conversation among them in the parleur car, is ofle of timber prices, the shenani- gans of governinents, the char- ges for stumpage or the chan- ces of forest fires. This latter with a hint of dread ini their voices for such a f ire can ruin a kunber operator overnight and se on, until someone re- mihds the rest that this train will arrive in Prince George at the grissly hour of 5:15 and there is a general exodus te the sleeping cars. Ail in ail, it was a grand trip and although I have cçoss- ed Cnadathree times by road, it was the first turne by rail- way and quite frankly I en- joyed it. im- MDAT, JVLT -ME CANADUN STATZSMM.nowumffvným omTApm pAr.r TWM a 1

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