~ . ~'ULY Slut, 1958 T~!RCANADIAN STATESMA!i. EOWMANW~ OWrARR~ PAGE FTV~ McGill Famil Eighth AnnL On Saturday, July 26th 68 descendants and relatives of the late Elizabeth Pritchard and Joseph McGilI, gathered for their eighth annual picnic ini Jackson Park, Peterborough. After a pleasant interval of (;grFeetings vjiig a del!- CIOus'nonILMiswas enjoyed by ail. -Wue During thfiZernoon the vice- president, Mr. Harvey MaGili in the absence of the President, Mr. Gordon Might, took charge "Pu a brie! business session. The niiutes' of the previous year's :meeting were read by the se- cretary, Mrs. Muriel Brownlee, and Mrs. Harold Tait, the treas- urer, presented the financial report. Appreciation was ex- tended to Mrs. James Turnbull for her work in bringing the "family tree up-to-date. It was decided to hold the pienie next year on the fourth Saturday in July, àt Jacksoni Park, Peterborough. The executive for next year is as follows: Go By Train to the OTTAWA EXHIBITION AUG. 22 TO 30 Low Rail Fares $11.80 $14.05 Coach Sleeping and Parlour Cars* *Parlour Car or Berth Fare Extra. Good going Thurs., Aug. 21 to Sat., Aug. 30 inclusive. Eeturn Limt-Sept. 1 Full information from any agent. y Holds ual Reunion Past president, Cecil McGill; President, Gordon Might; Vice- President, Harvey McGill: Se- cretary, Muriel Brownleez Trea- surer, Ella Tait-, Press Report- er, Muriel Brownlee; Reception committee, Minnie and Jack Clarkson, Myrtie and Frank McGill; Parks Com-mittee - Alice and Jim Turnbuil, Robina and Allan Dawson. Nominating Committee-Reva McGill, Jean McGi1l. Sports Committee -1 Jean and Ross Ashton, Ruth and Keith McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGil and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton pr,esented a program of sports j which was enjoyed by ail. Mr. William Pritchard at the age of 85 received the prize for the oldest member present and Lynda Marie Sharp was award- ed the prize fpr being the youngest at six months old. A few newcomners and many old acciuaintances were present for this happy event and each one lef t anticipating the picnic in 1959., LONG SAULT Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- 1 to, enjoyed two weeks' holiday j with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. The ever popular ki5 Gordon Fletcher. Fi rsne ytedf Mrs. Bessie Vass, Hamilton Fi rsne ytedf spent several days with Mrs. lucky young fellow is show~ Sophie Kovacs. pretty proprietor of the bc Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Baker and family, Mrs. May Johns, H Y O Wendy and Kenneth Baker, e-H Y O joyed a picnic in Orono park 1 Sunday afternoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Rowlandi, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vandam, Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. John and daughter from Ida, Mr. Toth, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Vanstone, Whi- Alex Farkas, Brantford, were tby, called on Mr. and Mrs. recent visitors of Mrs. Kovacs Richard McNeil on Sunday. and Gabriel. Mr. Bruce Garrard and fam- Mrs. Gardon Fletcher and ily Keswicle, were Sunday di- Mr. Stanley Fletcher spent the nner guests at Mr. and Mrs. weekend with relatives in Aly- Charlie Garrard's. Patsy Garr- mer.i ard remained with hier grand- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and parents for a holiday. baby, Master Bruce Turner, To- Mr. and Mrs. H. Staînton, ronto, spent the weekend with Hampto n, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mr. and Mrs. E. Harper, Bruce Fontaine, and Neil, Mrs. Fon- remaining for a holiday with taine Sr,, at Mrs. A. McNeil's. his grandparents. Mrs. W. Brownlee, Leaside, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. rand Mrs. Jim Graham an fMr. ,Bowinanville, were ýM E R Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham's. Mr.and Mrs. Donald Thomp- son and family Jennie and Tra- cey Osmond, Bowmanville, vis- ANC E ie r.W hms day evening callers at Mr. and 1Mrs. C. Garrard's. L E1 Mr. Norman Avery and fam- ýL E i'ily, Salem, at Mr. and Mrs. Trewin's reinsMr. pand s John Virtue, Mr. ohnsonl, ar- anisto, Mr.Hoan rs.Atvens 0 ALF nnsllenatMr.Tnd. ProuWtl Mer.Lvri and Mrs. aTrWina. Trwnsr.Mr. and Mrs.ArbrRa istn LynneHoardPeteverou, HALF ~Mr. and Mrs. lffrd Asbton, Mrttendd the Edg eonfamnd P E R 'S Jiudicatrono P ar Sundy Mr.wasdheld on rth rRa land Lynne atatteereoroThe Bowmaville Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, _____________________ ad myatten.ded the detnfMGill PEfaSniThepcmni which was held o atutrorouh onstry.l * f M Mr. J Pottsde . ehLyrnda. Toy. * Il j Debbier.and Ma Mrs. BerdAstn RMIAon BraRey, M Eddie aron- ev r.and Mrs. RF.sJAson A htBreyi Eddb e andr if.re'liaig o awe Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Clemens, Hamptont t tend a wedding receptn for Mr. and Mrs. Panasiuk (nee Lois Jeffery, R.N.) at'Port Per- ry, who were married recently in Calgary, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- 'ton and Clarence, Miss La- 'verne Orchard, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickev, Bowmanvihle. Miss Betty Wright, accora- panied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry of Roches'te'r, N.Y., ta Huntsville and Manitoulin Is- l ands. Sorrv we didn't mention in iast week's news of Mrs. M. IHeaid and Mrs. Ed Cax being in Memorial Hosffital, Bowman- ville. Bath wiil be home when news is printed. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Deban. Morden. Man., Mr. Charlie Shortridge. Saina, were at Mr. and Mrs. Boy McGill's. Sytheat vta many friends of th aeEdgar Staples who has Ipassed wv IMr. a.nd Mrs. Stanley Turner, IMiss Helen Turner, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland were witb Miss Elsie Oke. wba is holidaying at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Virtue, and daughter, Mrs. Sam Johnson. 1 Alliston. former resident of Enniskillen, visited their cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and Gardon and calied on other relatives and friends. Mr. Bert Norman, Bowman- ville., isited witb Mr. and Mrs. jEd Cox. IMiss Clara Page, Toronto, Iwîth ber mother, Mrs. E. Page. IMr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Dale, visited with friends ,at Coîborne. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Fergu- son, Mo unt Forest, Garry and -~Wayne, Ferguson, Conn., Mr.1 Penny Fair Kissing Booth issing booth attracted many eager youngsters at the Penny 'frent playground children and their supervisors. This un pointing the lipstick out to the photographer as the ,oth looks on, while the other boys wait their turn. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cad- mus, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and boys, Oshawa, were visitors at Walter Ferguson's. Misses Ann Dorland. Lapeer, Michigan, and Elenor Leighton, Bowmanville, Mr. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Clark, Grant, Bert and Betty Jane, were visitors with Miss Winnifred Cole, Toronto. Mr. 0. Beckett, and Arvilla, Miss Maxine Alldread, Tyrone, Miss Joanne Beckett, Strat- ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. D. Steward (nee Elenor Stainton) David, and Barbara, Three Rivers', Que., called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Messrs. Harold and Glen Spry, Rochester, N.Y., Miss Linda Yeo, were with Edgar Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Fergu- son, Mount Forest, Wayne and Garry Ferguson, *Conn., were visitors at Albert Oke's and Carl Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Boy McGill and Reva, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc- Gîli and Dale attended the Mc- Gili picnic at Peterborough on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Johnson and family of Highland Creek. were recent tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mrs, D. Cole and familv, Bowman-ville, Mr. and M, s. Raipli Hill, Nancy and Joey, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Veale, and family, Murdoc'Kville, Que., Miss Winnifred Cole, Mr. Ward Gilbert, Willowdale, Mr. ana Mrs. Roy Werry, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin and family, Burketon, were recent cahiers at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry 's. F/L and Mrs. S. R. Kersey and Rickey, Toronto, were vîsitors at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- ton's. RB'ickev remained for a few days' visit. Mr. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke. Congratulations ta Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Beghey who were married on Saturday at Maphe Grove. Mrs. Allan Werry, assisted by Miss Helen Cole, was hostess ta a shower in honour of Miss Ann Dorland, Lapeer, Michi-, gan an Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Dahe, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mc- Gihi and Reva, Mr. Jim Kins- man, of Courtice, were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilhett at their cottage at Chan- dos Lake.* Dr. and Mrs. John Davies and Susan. Whitby. were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI- Tan Werry. YeI Iowlees Have Reunion At Waltona The annual reunion of thc Yeilowlees family was an en- joyable event at Waltona Park, Newcastle, on Sunday. Forty- four sat down ta a delicious noon meal which included a treat of watermelon. Wes Yelhowlees, presiden!, conducted a short business per- iod folhowing dinner when the secretary, G]advs Yellowlees, read the siate of officers for 1959. They are: President. Ivan Ellicott: Vice-president, Harvey Yelowlees; Secretary, Jeail Glaspeli; Treasurer, Norma Hockaday; Sports Committee- Art Thompson, Vernon Powell, Gladys White, Isobel Davis. The executive will arrange the date and place for the picnic in 19359 Jessie and Ivan Ellicott of Peterborough, had' charge of sports. The resuits were as fol- Tows: Races .9 years and under- Brenda Yellowlees, 6 ta 8 yrs. - -uzane Graham, Edîth Thompson. Girls 9 ta 12 years-Donna Yellowlees, Beverhey Wright. Bons-9.t-12- e-Dona_1 HAMPTON 1Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William- son and Miss Mary Kéith, To- ronto, spent Saturday with Sam and Percy Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Debarr, Morden, Man., Mr. Charles Shprtridge, Solina, Peter Prit- chard, Monotick, Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mildred. Maple Grave, visited at Sam Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smahes, David, Laura Lee and Martha, Oshawa, Mrs. George David- son and Mrs. Milton Sleep, Dun- barton, visited ut Mr. Jas. Sm aies. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hart, Palnmerston, and other friends in the vhinity last week. Mrs. H. Stevens from B. C. who bas also been visiting at Palmerston, returned with Mr. and Mrs. Stevens for a visit with her sister here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallant left on Friday evening for Moncton, N.B., where they will visit re- latives. Tbey were accampan- ied by her sister and aunt who have been up from New Brun- swick for a visit here. Mr. Gal- lant Wihl also visit his father on Prince' Edward' Island. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bal- son, accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson of Bichtmond Hill on a trip ta West Virginia last week. Mrs. J. W. Balson has been, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ansori Balson, Richmond HMil, and1 with Mr. and Mrn. Leslie Hos- kin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Bownianville. Master Phillip Balson spent a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Gay at Lake Scugog. Mrs. *K. Caverly spent a few days with the Albert Cole's at their cottage, Little Hawk Lake, Haliburton, last week. Mr. Don Whit, Oakville, and Mr. Mark Bu ., Burlington, visited his mother, Mrs. W. White at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mel MeCune, Cheryl and Kathy. Mrs. Bea MeCune, Mr. and Mrs. K. Pool- er, Larry, Randy and Janet, Miss Grace Kersev, Oshawa, Rev. T. Kersey, Jimmie. Su- san and Donnie, Scarborough. were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mr. Bruce Ferguson bas re- turned from several weeks' visit with relatives in western Canada. Having, disposed of their store, business. and premises here, Mr. and Mrs. J. Warrack moved their household effects to, Toronto last week where he is manager of one of the 'Pow- er" stores. Hampton people are sorry indeed to lose such fine and useful citizens, they being active in church and com- munity affairs. Tbey were pre- sented with a lovely step table and lamp on behaif of the com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smales (Jr.) were also presented with sim- ilar gifts on their mioving fropi our community some time ago. A, nice littie congregation ga- thered for the Sunday evening church service and our pastor presented a fine message. There will be no church service through the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Reed will be on holidays. Sorry to learn of the sudden passing in Toronto of Mr. How- ard Price, busband of Laura Virtue, and nephew of Mr. T. Salter. He had a friendly dis- position and was highly res- pected by bis manv Hampton friends who regret bis passing. Sympathy is extended to, his wife and son. Visitors at Mrs. Joe Chap- man's were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pascoe, Mr. Frank Pascoe and Miss Iris Pascoe, Saskatoon, Sask., Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Credit, Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Sanders and Lyall, Toronto. Mrs. Gladys Brooking, Port Credit, visited ber mother, Mrs. Cecil Siemon, last week Miss Thelma Willis, Toron- to, was a weekend guest o! Mrs. W. White and Miss Nancy Johns. Miss Anne Balson is visiting with Miss Lorraine Cook for a few days. Freddie Shackleton, Salem, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shackleton, last week. In the past year the federal government's i*niversal old age pension fund suffered a deficit o! more than $100,000,000. Every lime a driver leaves Wleu Eae Dairy wilh his Ioad ai rich, dairy fresh Glen Rae milk and cream his cases are iced la make sure yaur milk is kept ice cald and in perfect canditian. This is jusi anather slep Gb.n Rae Dairy has laken la make sure that yau gel the very besl in dairy produc 1:. For Daily -Delivery Phone MA., 3m5444 GLEN 98RNG ST. WEST RAE DAI RY. BO WNAN VLLE ZION Mr. and Mrs. John Monaban, Jobnny, Marion and Michael are holidaying in New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook and Bobby, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don Filmore and Donald, Whitby, visited at George Day- idson's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton and Clarke have gone to a cottage on Lake Pepineau for two weeks. Mrs. Russell Stainton spent a few days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, and Kimberley at Sc arborough. Mrs. Ace Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abbott. Oshawa, visited at Perey Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glas- pell, Allan and Marilyn, Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs .Alexc McMas- ter, Joan and Ross attended a Glaspeli gathering at George Hilts cottage at William's Point. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and Davy spent a few days with the other Staintori fam- ilies at Lake Papineau. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Halliday and family are holidaying at Crowe Lake. Mr.' and Mrs. Wes Cameron accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff, Oshawa, ta the bal] game at Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George David- son anid Patti visited et Ted Button's, Oshawa. Mr. and'Mrs. Aubré)y Hircock and Brian, Oshawa, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fred Cameron went on a- picnic to Stephenson's Point un Sunday. The Statesmnan Sold At FolIowing Stores Reg. Edmund's Store. Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Browvn, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonville C. Pethick. Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Bvam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4. Oshawa -Bowmanville- R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Loveli The Statesman Office U.L BUKK, Manager, Bowmanvile Brandi I i - I -1 3MY lie 1958 TLM.CANADIAN STATEMAN. BOV;BLALýý tOWAItIb- PAGE rTV7